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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Rodericke perceyuing it was no boote to ſtriue againſte the ſtreame,The agree|mente betwixt Roderike and Dermote. reſolued to growe vnto ſome agreemente, whiche at length was concluded, with theſe conditions. Firſte, that Dermote Macmourche, receyuing a newe othe of allegeance to the Monarchie, ſhould qui|etly repoſſeſſe thoſe partes of the Kingdome of Leyniſter, whyche Rodericke withhelde by ſuſ|penſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Secondly, that for aſſuraunce thereof, hee ſhoulde pledge hys deereſt baſe begotten ſonne Conthurus, to whome Rodericke promiſed hys daughter if this peace continued effectuall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thirdlye, that beeyng eſtabliſhed in hys Kingdome, hee ſhoulde diſcharge the Welchs Armye, and from thencefoorthe, ſhoulde at EEBO page image 24 no time call them ouer againe in his defence. A|bout the ſame time, the King of Arglas founded the Abbey of Melleſunt, the eldeſt that is recor|ded ſince the arriuall of the Danes, excepte Sainte Mary Abbey beſyde Dublin erected. Anno .948.

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