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Compare 1587 edition: 1 When all the couenauntes and agreementes were concluded vpon in order, whyche were ne|ceſſary to paſſe betwixte them, Dermote depar|ted from Briſtowe, and wente into the parties of South Wales towardes Sainte Dauies, that hee myght bee the neerer vnto hys Coun|trey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame tyme, there were planted in Wales two Gentlemen,

  • Robert Fitz Stephans and
  • Maurice Fitz Geralde.
  • Rice ap Grif|fin Prince of Wales.
  • The Lady Ve|ſta mother to Fitz Stephans and Fitz Ge|ralde.
  • Aberteiui.
the one named Roberte Fitz Stephens, and Maurice Fitz Geralde, brethren of one Mother, alied to Riſe ap Griffin then Prince of Wales, whoſe Grandfather was ſur|named Riſe the greate, whoſe daughter named Veſta, was Mother to the ſayd Fitz Stephans, and Fitz Gerald.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Fitz Stephãs dwelled at Aberteiui in South|wales, and had bin high Conneſtable there vnder the King of England, and for his rigorous dea|ling againſt the Prince of Wales his ſeruantes, hee was layde for, and through treaſon of hys owne menne taken, and kepte in priſon three yeeres by the Prince,Fitz Stephans taken and committed to priſon and woulde neyther raun|ſome nor accept libertie promiſed him, but with ſuche conditions as ſtoode with his honor, and ſo as his loyaltie to the Crowne myghte in each behalfe remayne vnſpotted. At length, by the me|diation of Dauid Biſhop of Sainte Dauid (that was brother vnto the ſaid Fitz Stephans) and of his other brother Fitz Gerald, and alſo at the in|ſtante ſuite of Dermote (whome the Prince of Wales fauored in his enterpriſe for recouerie of his Kingdome,Fitz Stephans deliuered.) Fitz Stephans was conditio|nally deliuered, that hee and his brother Maurice ſhould the next Spring (while the Earle of Pen|broke prouided his army) aſſiſt Dermote to make entrie into his countrey, who in conſideration thereof, aſſured them of an eſtate for euer in the towne of Wexforde,Promiſe of reward to Fitz Stephans and Fitz Geralde. with two cantredes adioy|ning. Thus muche firmely concluded on eache ſide, King Dormote came to the towne of Saint Dauid about the Kalendes of Auguſt, and wat|ching till a fauorable winde blewe, when the ſame came once about, hee ſtale ouer into Ire|lande and at Fernes wintered in ſecrete wiſe a|mongſt the Cleargie there, that receyued hym with as muche fauour as coulde bee deuiſed, kee|ping hym cloſe withoute making any greate bruite of his there being, till the next ſpring, that Robert Fitz Stephans with thirtie Knightes of his bloud,Fitz Stephans paſſeth ouer into Irelande. threeſcore Eſquires or men at armes (as wee may tearme them) and three hundred archers footemen, according to couenaunte, em|barqued in three Shippes, paſſed ouer, and lan|ded at Banman aboute the kalendes of May.

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