Henry King of Englande,The tenor of King Henries letters with the whiche Dermote re|turneth into England. Duke of Nor|mandy, and Aquitaine, and Earle of Anion,
to all our faithfull ſubiects Engliſhmen, Normãs, Welchmen, and Scottes, and to all other nati|ons whatſoeuer ſubiecte to our Dominion, ſen|deth greeting.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 When theſe letters ſhall come to your handes EEBO page image 22 know ye that we haue receyued Dermot, Prince of Leyniſter, into ye boſome of our grace and be|neuolence. Wherefore, whiche of you ſoeuer oure louing ſubiects within the limits of our domini|ons, will imploy your aids to help him foreward, and reſtore him as our liege man and faithfull ſubiect, be you aſſured by theſe preſentes, to haue not only in that behalfe our licence, but alſo fa|uour and thankes at our handes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 With theſe let|ters and many further promiſes, hee arriued at Briſtow,He commeth to Briſtowe. where he remayned for a time, that by ſuche as came forthe of Irelande by Sea and landed there, hee mighte learne and vnder|ſtande in what ſtate thyngs ſtoode in hys coun|trey.
Compare 1587 edition:
1 While he continued thus at
Briſtowe, pro|curing by all meanes to get ſome ayde, it chan|ced, that vppon
conference hadde with Richarde Strangbowe Earle of Penbroke,
Richard Strangbowe Earle of Pen|broke. Dermucius or Dermotes co|uenants with him.