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Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to the matter as we fynde it recor|ded of an infinite number of Giants ſlayne and made away in maner afore reherſed, certain there were that got them into ſome lurking dennes or caues, and there kepte them till lacke of victuals enforced them to come foorth, and make ſhift: for ſuſtenaunce, and perceyuing no reſiſtance by|cauſe the lande was in maner lefte deſolate, they waxed bolder, and when they vnderſtoode howe things had paſſed, they ſettled them ſelues in the beſt part of the countrey, eaſily ſubduing the poore ſillie ſoules that remayned, and ſo reuiuing theyr lignage, they became lordes of the whole Iland, keping the ſame in ſubiection for the ſpace of three ſcore yeares together.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gene. 10.Among Iaphets ſonnes we reade in Geneſis, that Magog was one, who planted his people in Scythia neere Tanais,Anno mundi .2317. Nemodus [...] his foure le [...]ies. from whence aboute the yeere of the world .2317. Neniodus with his .iiij. ſonnes Starius, Garbaneles, Anuinus, Fergu|ſius capitaynes ouer a faire companye of people, were ſent into Ireland, who paſſing by Grecia, and taking there ſuche as were deſirous to ſeeke aduentures with them, at length they landed in Irelande inhabited the countrey,Irelande eftſo|nes inhabited by the ofſpring of Iaphet. and multiplyed therein, although not without continuall warre, which they helde with the Giantes, for the ſpace of two hundred and ſixteene yeeres, in the ende of whiche terme the Giauntes preuayling,The Giaunts preuayle. chaſed them thẽce again, ſo that they retired into Syria.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This was aboute the yeere after the creation (as by their accoumpte it ſhoulde ſeeme) 2533.2533. from whiche tyme the Giauntes kepte poſſeſ|ſion of the lande without forrain inuaſion till the yeare .2714. but yet in all that ſpace they were not able to frame a common welth: for falling at va|riaunce among them ſelues, and meaſuring all things by might, ſeditiouſly they vexed ech other. Whiche thyng comming to the knowledge of the Grecians, moued fiue brethren, ſonnes to one Dela,The ſonnes of Dela a Grecian skilfull in the arte of ſayling. being notable ſea men and ſkilfull Pilots to rigge a nauie, and to attempte the conqueſt of this Ilande. Theſe were of the poſteritie of Ne|modus, and named Gandius, Genandius, Sa|gandus, Rutheranius, and Slauius. When all things were readye and their companies aſſem|bled, they tooke the ſea,They paſſe in|to Ireland, and deſtroyed the Giaunts. They deuide the countrey into four parts. and finally arriuing here in Irelande, founde the puiſſance of the Giants ſore weakened throughe their owne ciuill diſſen|tion, ſo that with more eaſe they atchieued theyr purpoſe, and wanne the whole countreye, vtter|ly deſtroying and rootyng out that wicked gene|ration, enimies to mankinde, and after deuided the Ilande into fyue partes, and in eche of them they ſeuerally reigned.

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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And hereby lieth a vaine tale among the Irish|men, that one of the giants named Ruanus, chan|cing Ruanus how long he liued. to be preserued from this mortalitie, liued for|sooth two thousand and one and fortie yeares, which is more than twise the age of Methusalem. By this man (saie they) saint Patrike was informed of all the estate of the countrie: and after that vpon request he had receiued baptisme of the said Patrike, he de|ceassed in the yeare after the birth of our sauior foure hundred and thirtie, as in the Irish histories hath bin vnaduisedlie registred. But such foolish tales and vaine narrations may warne the aduised reader how to beware of yéelding credit vnto the like idle fantasies and forged tales, when they hap to light vp|on such blind legends. For where some of the poets Forged tales and tables wi [...] credit in time, to passe among the vn|skilfull people for [...] hi|stories. vsed for inuention sake to faine such dreaming ta|bles for exercise of their stiles and wits: afterwards through error and lacke of knowledge, they haue béene taken with the ignorant for verie true and most assured histories. But now to the matter, as we find it recorded of an infinit number of giants slaine and made awaie in manner afore rehearsed, certeine there were that got them into some lurking dens or caues, and there kept them till lacke of vit|tels inforced them to come foorth, and make shift for sustenance; and perceiuing no resistance because the land was in manner left desolat, they waxed bolder; and when they vnderstood how things had passed, they settled themselues in the best part of the countrie, ea|silie subduing the poore séelie soules that remained, and so reuiuing their linage, they became lords of the whole Iland, kéeping the same in subiection for the space of three score yeares togither.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Among Iaphets sons we read in Genesis that Ma|gog was one, who planted his people in Seythia nere Gen. 20. Tanais, from whense about the yeare of the world two thousand thrée hundred & seuenteene. Nemodus Anno [...]. 2317 Nemodus with his foure sonnes. with his foure sonnes, Starius, Garbaeles, A [...]i|nus, Fergu [...]us, capteins ouer a faire companie of people, were sent into Ireland, who passing by Gre|cia, and taking there such as were desirous to seeke aduentures with them, at length they landed in Ire|land, inhabited the countrie, and multiplied therein, Ireland [...]|soones inhabi|ted by the of|spring of Ia|phet. The giants preuaile. 2533 although not without continuall warre, which they held wih the giants for the space of two hundred and sixteene yeares, in the end of which terme the giants preuailing chased them thense againe, so that they re|tired into Syria. This was about the yeare after the creation (as by their account it should séeme) two thousand fiue hundred thirtie and thrée, from which time the giants kept possession of the land without forren inuasion, till the yeare two thousand seauen hundred and fouretéene; but yet in all that space they were not able to frame a common-welth: for falling at variance among themselues, and measuring all things by might, seditiouslie they vexed ech other. Which thing comming to the knowledge of the Gre|cians The sonnes of Dela a Grecian skil|full in the art of sailing. mooued fiue brethren, sonnes to one Dela, be|ing notable seamen and skilfull pilots to rig a nauie, and to attempt the conquest of this Iland. These were of the posteritie of Nemodus, and named Gandius, Genandius, Sagandus, Rutheranius, & Slanius. When all things were readie, and their They passe into Ireland, and destroied the giants. companies assembled, they tooke the sea, and finallie arriuing here in Ireland, found the puissance of the giants sore weakened through their owne ciuill dis|sention: so that with more ease they atchiued their purpose, and wan the whole countrie, vtterlie destroi|eng and rooting out that wicked generation enimies to mankind; and after diuided the Iland into fiue parts, and in each of them they seuerallie reigned. They diuide the countrie into foure parts. Furthermore, to satisfie all sides, and auoid con|tention, they concluded to fix a mere-stone in the middle poi [...]t of Ireland, to the which ech of their kingdoms should reach, so as they might be equallie partakers of the commodities found within that countrie soile.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 These are also supposed to haue inuented the dis|tribution A cantred. of shires into cantreds, euerie cantred or baronie conteining one hundred towneships. At Desire of so|uereingtie cause of vari|ance. length desire of souereigntie set the fiue brethren at variance, & greatlie hindred their growing wealths. But Slanius getting the vpper hand, and bringing his foure brethren to a [...]owed, tooke on him as [...]heefs aboue his other brethren, incroching roun [...] about the midle stone for the space of certeine miles, which plot in time obteined the priuilege & name of one en|tier part, & now maketh vp the number of fiue parts (into the which Ireland is said to be diuided) and is called Meth, and in Latine Media, taking that [...] (as some haue gessed) for that in respect of the other, it conteined but the moitie of cantreds, that is, six|téene (where ech of the other comprehended two and thirtie a péece) or else for that it [...]th in the middest of the land. This part Slanius ioined as a surplusage ouer and aboue his inheritance, [...] the monarchie: which part notwithstanding grew in a seuerall king|dome. Thirtie yeares the monarchie yet continued in this order, but finallie Slanius departed this life, Slanius de|parted this life. and was buried in a mounteine of Meth, that bea|reth hitherto (as they saie) the name after him. Then the princes subiect to him, beg [...] stomach the matter, and denied their obeisance [...]o his successor: wherevpon insued continuall war [...] betwixt [...], falling still at debat for the land of Meth, which [...]ife A new [...] of Scythia [...] land in Ire|land. Parta|kings. of long time might: [...] appeased. In the necke of these troubles also there arriued in Ireland a new armie of Scythia [...]s, who made cla [...]e to the land by a title of right which they pretended from EEBO page image 49 their forefather Nemodus: and so taking & making parts, they set all in an vprore, that hauocke was made on each side with fire and sword in most mise|rable maner.