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1: A Table of the principall matters touched in the Hiſtorie of Scotland, where
note that the firſt number ſignifieth the page, the ſecond the line, not
accounting aboue 58. line in the firſt Colume at the moſt.
Snippet: 18 of 22 (1577, Volume 2, p. 569) S.
- SAba chiefe citie of Meroe. 126
- Sadler Raufe Knight, ſent Am|baſſador from Henrye the eyght Kyng of Englande, into Scotland. 458.30
- Saint Colme or Colomb runneth forth of Ireland into Scotlande. 136. 67
- Saint Colme conuerteth Brudeus King of Pictes from Pelagius hereſie. 137.13
- EEBO page image 569Saint Colme & Kentigerne teach and preach at Dounkeld. 137.40
- Sainte Colme returneth into Ire|land. 137.57
- Saint Colme commeth againe into Scotlande, bringing vvith hym Aydan ſonne to King Conran. [...]7. 66
- Saint Colmes exhortation at the Coronation of Aydan, to the Prince and the people. 138.35
- Sainte Colme maketh agreemente betvveene the Scottish and Pic|tish Kings. 139.60
- Saint Colme indevved vvith the ſpirite of ſecrete knovvledge, prayeth for the good ſucceſſe of the Scottes in battayle. 141.74
- Saint Colme dyeth. 141.114
- Saint Colmes prophecie of Euge|nus the fourth. 143.16
- Saint Cutbert by deuout prayers, preſerueth Northumberlande from deſtruction. 151.83
- Saint Cutberts banner. 260.71
- Saint Iohns Tovvne, hovv in old time called. 281.4
- Saint Germane Bishop of Auxer. 124. 38
- Sainte Germane preacheth vnto the British army. 124.50
- Saint Germane and hys Prieſtes leade the forevvarde of the British army. 124.58
- Sainte German beareth the Kyngs ſtandard. 65
- Saint Ebbes head. 233.56
- Sainte Ebbars head, vvhereof it tooke that name. 143.94
- Saint Phillanes arme. 317.25
- Saint Magnus ſpirit armed. 319.61
- Saint Andrevv the Apoſtle bones brought into Scotland. 87.30
- Saint Andrevves Croſſe. 166.36
- Sainte Andrevve patrone of the Scottishe and Pictishe nations. 166. 43
- Saint Andrevves shrine of beaten golde. 166.96
- Saint Andrevves Caſtell ſpoyled. 439. 22
- Saint Andrevves made an Arch|byshoprike, and Primate of all Scotland. 402.12
- Saint Olanus patron of Denmarke and Norvvay. 237.20
- Sainte Olanus Churche builded 237. 21
- Sainte Peters Church at Tulline, by vvhome builded. 144.30
- Saint Peters Churche at Roſten|noth by vvhome builded. 144.32
- Saint Edmonde King of the Eaſt angles. 191.48
- Sainte Ninian buried at Qhuit|terne. 154.96
- Saint Reulo commeth into Scot|land. 87.32
- Saint Sauious Church in Man, o|thervviſe called Sodorenſis ec|cleſia. 83.5
- Saladine the Souldane diſtreſſeth the Chriſtians in the holy lande. 276. 92
- Sanctuaries eſtablished. 110.30
- Saterſday after noone commaun|ded to be kept holy day. 279.91
- Satrahell choſen King of Scottes. 70. 30
- Satrahell, a deepe diſſembler. 70. line. 40
- Satrahell ſtrangled by his ovvne ſeruants. 70.60
- Sa [...]age Iohn Knight an Englishe Captaine. 479.42
- Saxons ſent for into Germany to ſerue in Britaine. 113.55
- Saxons vvith a povver of Bri|taines ſente into the Borders of the Scottes and Pictes. 113.86
- Saxons in hope of good ſucceſſe, begin the vvarres vvith bloud. 113. 94
- Saxons vvinne greate name for their high valiancie. 1 [...]4. [...]
- Saxons cuſtoms in tyme of daun|ger. 114. [...]10
- Saxons ſlay the Scottes and Picts diſordred in purſute of the Bri|taines. 115.4
- Saxons firſte inhabited Linſey af|ter their comming into Britain. 115. 89
- Saxons placed in Kent. 117.50
- Saxons the thirde time come ouer vnder Occa. 117.56
- Saxons put to flight by the Scots. 118. 63
- Saxons vanquished by Britaynes. and expulſed out of Kent. 119.7
- Saxons armye diſcomfited and ſlayne. 122.1
- Saxõs burned for Idolatrie. 122.81
- Saxons miraculouſly diſcomfited. 124. 80
- Saxons vanquishe and chaſe the Scottes and Pictes. 126.37
- Saxons vanquished, are conſtrey|ned to pay tribute to the Bri|taines. 127.6
- Saxons in the Northe, and the Pictes put to flight. 127.41
- Saxons putte to flight by the Bri|taines and Pictes. 129.114
- Saxons make offer to depart pea|ceably out of Britaine. 129. [...]3
- Saxons ſetting vpon the Britaines at vnvvares, putte them to the vvorſe. 129.108
- Saxons excuſe the rash onſette of their people vpon the Britaines, vvithout conſente of their go|uernoures. 130.15
- Saxons returne into England, and driue the Britains into VVales. 135. 92
- Schevves VVilliam conſecrated Archbishop of Saint Andrevvs. 402. 74
- Scorpions found in Scotland. 415. line. 59
- Scots originall. 1.4
- Scota Pharaos daghter, of vvhom the Scots ſo called. 1.37
- Scotia, ſo called of the Scottes dvvelling there. 1.38
- Scottes vanquish the Spanyards in battayle. 2.21. and .3. 27
- Scottish Kings ſeate of Marble ſtone. 3.42
- Scota had tvvo ſonnes. 4.11
- Scots firſt arriuall at Dundalke in Ireland. 4.18
- Scottes ſeeke nevv ſeates. 4.3. and 5. 69
- Scottes ſend an Ambaſſadour into Spayne for aide. 4.112
- Scots ſet in quiet poſſeſsiõ of their lands in Ireland. 5.13
- Scottes poſſeſſe the VVeſterne Iles called Hebrides. 5.70
- Scots inhabite the maine lande of Scotland. 5.90
- Scots reuerence their gouernors. 5. 106
- Scottes by peace grovv to a migh|tie nation. 5.111
- Scots graunt the Pictes vvines. 6. line. 47
- Scottes make a league vvyth the Pictes againſt the Britaynes. 5.52
- Scottes giuen to hunting & fovv|ling. 6.83. and .11.97. and .27. 45
- Scottes ſend for aid into Irelande. 6. 18
- Scottes carrie their vviues, chil|dren, and goodes into vvarre vvith them. 7.42
- Scottes and Pictes inuade Britaine 9. 60
- Scots call a Parliament. 10.19
- Scottes ocupyed their lande in cõ|mune. 10.32
- Scottes, greate vvorshippers of Diana. 12.94
- Scots ouerthrovven by the Bri|taynes. 16.24
- Scots beſieged, eate one another. 16. 41
- Scots Idolatrie reproued. 20.44
- Scottes and Picts aunſvvere vnto Iulius C [...]ſars Ambaſſadors. 28. line. 106
- Scottes and Picts vtterly refuſe all bondage and friendship of the Romanes. 28.116
- Scottes glory gotten by erroures. 32. 55
- Scottes aide the Britaines againſte the Romaines. 35.24
- Scottes agree to fighte vvyth the Romaines. 47.49
- Scottes diſcomfited and chaſed. 47. 61
- Scots in Annandale beate dovvne the Romaines. 49.41
- Scottes in Annandale murthered by their vviues. 49.73
- Scottes flea the Romaine Souldy|ers lying in garriſon. 51.18
- Scottes require ayd of the Danes, Norvvegians, and Irishmenne againſt the Romanes. 52.12
- Scottes and Pictes depart ſecrete|ly in the night from their Camp. 35. 72
- Scottes paſſe ouer the Riuer of Tay. 56.98
- Scottes giue battayle to the Ro|maines. 56. [...]5
- Scottes ſet vpon the Romanes. 56. line. 69
- Scottes preſcribe conditions of peace to the Romaines. 58.25
- Scottes and Picts deuide the lands beyond Tyne betvvixte them. 62. 23
- Scottes and Picts renevve vvarre againſt the Romaines. 67.66
- Scots receyue the faith of Chriſte. 73. 10
- Scottes proclaymed open enimies both to Romaines, Britaynes, and Pictes. 87.92
- Scottes endamage the Pictes by incurſions. 88.70
- Scottes hauing vanquished the Pictes, are ſlayne by the Ro|maynes. 89. [...]4
- Scottes commaunded by Procla|mation, to auoide the vvhole Iland of Britayne. 90.99
- Scottes repaire into Irelande for ſuccoure againſt the Romaynes and Pictes. 92.23
- Scottishe and Irishe confederates vtterly ouerthrovven and de|ſtroyed. 92
- Scottes make shift to liue in other Countreys. 94.37
- Scottes reſtored to theyr Coun|treys. 96.44
- Scottes vvhen firſt they obteined certayne ſeates in this Ile, as is verily ſuppoſed. 96.80
- Scottes and Pictes interrupte the making of Victorious vvall. 97. 84
- Scottes and Pictes inuade & ſpoile the Romane confines. 98
- Scottes and Pictes inuade VVeſt|merlande and Cumberlande as their ovvne. 100.42
- Scottes and Picts vvithdravve be|yond the VVall of Abircorne. 102. 37
- Scottes and Pictes outragiouſly inuade the Britaines. 103.19
- Scottes and Pictes refuſe to gyue battayle to the Romaynes. 103. 47
- Scottes and Pictes approche the vvall of Abircorne to aſſaulte it. 104.30
- Scots raſe the vvall of Abircorne to the ground. 105.44
- Scottes and Pictes inuade all be|tvveene Tvveede and Tyne. 104. 55
- Scottes make incurſions ouer all betvveene Tine and Humber. 105. 79
- Scottes and Pictes offer peace to the Britaines vppon vnreaſo|nable conditions. 106
- Scots and Pictes graunte peace to the Britaines vppon conditions ſpecified. 107.54
- Scottes and Pictes approch vvith their armies neere to the Bri|taines. 110.8 [...]
- Scottes and Pictes in diſpleaſure of Vortigerne, inuade the Bri|tish borders. 112.59
- Scottes and Pictes heartes faint a [...] ſight of the Saxons. 114.68
- Scottes ouerthrovve certain com|panies of Saxons. 140.116
- Scottes and Pictes giue a valiante charge vppon the Britaines and Saxons. 115.101
- Scottes put to flighte by the Sax|ons. 11 [...].1 [...]
- Scots and Pictes ayd the Britaines againſt the Saxons vpon condi|tions. 118.14
- Scottes and Pictes ayde Aurelius Ambroſius againſte the Saxons. 121. 53
- Scottes and Pictes readie to fle [...] from the Saxons for feare, be|fore they ſee them. 125.64
- Scottes agree to ayde the Pictes againſt the Britaines. 13 [...].46
- Scottes and Pictes agree to make peace vvith the Britains. 134. [...]
- Scottes ouercome the Pictes into foughten field. 139.37
- Scotlande free from the Peſtilen [...] vvhiche affected moſt parte of the vvorld. 149.106
- Scottes vvhy they vveare Sainte Andrevves Croſſe in vvarfare. 166. 7 [...]
- Scottishe Ambaſſadours arriue at the Pictish Courte vvyth meſ|ſage from king Dongall. 169.30
- Scottes vexe the Pictes by incur|ſions and in [...]odes. 171.16
- Scottes crueltie againſt the Pictes. 177. 67
- Scottes vanquished and ſlayne by the Englishmen. 183.55
- Scottes ſend Ambaſſadours to the Englishmen for peare. 184.7 [...]
- Scots giue onſet vpon the Danes. 189. 8
- Scottes putte the Danes to flighte 189. 25
- Scottes contende for the Danishe ſpoyle and priſoners before the Conqueſt. 189.42
- Scots put to flight by the Danes. 190. [...]
- Scottish Kings vovve to defende the liberties and priuiledges of the Church. 102.47
- Scottes recouer Fife and Louthi|an from the Danes and Pictes. 192. 7 [...]
- Scottes egerly inuade the Danes. 193. 49
- Scottes bring Northumberlande into their povver. 194.24
- Scottes graunte peace to the Bri|taynes vppon certaine conditi|ons. 105.32
- Scottes take Dublin in Irelande. 198. 35
- Scottes graunt peace to the Irish|men vpon conditions. 198.62
- Scotte Iohn, a famous Clearke. 199. 40
- Scotte Iohn ſlayne by his Schol|lers. 199.58
- Scottes breake their faith vvyth the Englishmen. 201.49
- Scottes and Danes confederate EEBO page image 570 againſt the Englishmen. 201.48
- Scottes and Danes receiue a great ouerthrovv of the Englishmen. 201. 96
- Scottish vvriters not to be credi|ted in the accompt of the yeares of the reignes of the Englishe kings. 203.115
- Scottes giue the onſet vppon the Danes. 215.66
- Scottishe Herraldes ſlayne by the Danes. 230.73
- Scottes aſtonied for feare of the Danes. 230.87
- Scots put to flight by the Danes. 231. 60
- Scottes and Danes one afrayde of another. 232.30
- Scottes vanquishe the Danes, and put them to flight. 233
- Scottish army ſueth to their Kyng for licence to fighte vvyth the Danes. 236.37
- Scottes vvinne the name of victo|rie, rather than victorie it ſelfe ouer the Danes. 236.51
- Scottes and Danes conclude a peace. 236.67
- Scotlande deuided into Baronies. 237. 70
- Scottes and Northumberlande menne ouerthrovve Roger the Norman and his armie. 255.17
- Scottes and Northumberlande men diſcomfited and ſlayne by Odo. 255.36
- Scottes diſcomfite Odo and hys army. 255.40
- Scottes auntient frugalitie in dyet. 257. 40
- Scottes make roades into Englãd. 265. 87
- Scottes proclayme open vvar a|gainſt the Englishmen. 269.75
- Scotland more endomaged by do|meſticall theeues, than by for|raine enimies. 272.77
- Scottes make irruptions into the English borders. 273.8
- Scottes diſcomfited, and conſtrey|ned to flee. 273. [...]1
- Scotland accurſed. 282.108
- Scotland abſolued. 283.13
- Scottish Cleargie cited to appeare at Rome. 283.36
- Scottish Cleargie complayneth to the Pope of Cardinall Gualo. 283. 43
- Scottishe and Norvvegians bat|tayles ioyne in fight. 291.77
- Scottish Captaynes ſent to goe a|gainſt the Sarazens. 294.107
- Scottishe nobilitie loſt by Shyp|vvracke. 2 [...]6.3
- Scottes contribute largely to a iourney into the holy land. 296. line. 42
- Scot Michael, an excellent Phi|ſicion. 297.91
- Scotland vvithout a King and go|uernour. 297.101
- Scotland ruled by ſixe gouernors. 208. 2
- Scottes diſcomfited and ſlayne at Dunbar by the Englishmenne. 301. 32
- Scottes vanquished and ſlayne by the Englishmenne at Fa [...]ke. 305. 69
- Scottes complayne to the Pope of the Englishmen. 306.39
- Scottes vanquish three battayles of the Englishmenne at Ro [...]n. 3 [...]7. 22
- Scottishmenne learned, commaun|ded to be reſident in Oxforde. 3 [...]8. 72
- Scottes diſcomfited by the En|glishmen at Meſſen. 310.41
- Scottish houſe in Andvvarp buil|ded. 31 [...]. [...]4
- Scottes enter into England vvyth an army further than euer they vvere accuſtomed. 321.40
- Scottish army ſecretely returneth home to their Countrey. 327.66
- Scottish army vanquished by king Edvvard, at Halydovvne hyll. 338. 22
- Scottes diſcomfited and ſlayne by the Englishmen at Blackborne. 346. 51
- Scottes refuſe Englishmens large offers for peace. 349.53
- Scottish army vanquished at Dur|ham, and the King taken. 351.13
- Scottes inuade England vvyth an army. 357.29
- Scottish Lordes conſpire agaynſt Iames the third. 407.42
- Scottes and Frenchmen banished foorth of England. 431.113
- Scotland vvhen at the beſt that e|uer it vvas. 432.44
- Scottes chaſed, that robbed the Englishmenne comming to Ber|vvike. 435.20
- Scotte Iohn faſteth fortie dayes, vvithout receyuing any foode. 440. 74
- Scotte Adam, called Kyng of Theeues, accuſed of theft, and beheaded. 440.56
- Scottes and Frenchmen enter the Eaſt borders of Englande, but they returne short home. 464. line. 83
- Scotland inuaded by the Earle of Hertforde, and muche ſpoyled. 465. 60
- Scottes aſſured to the Englishmen reuolte. 473.36. ouerthrovven and ſcattered by the English|mẽ at Dunfreis. 473.66. drovv|ned in the vvater of Nith in flight. 473.74
- Scottish Horſemen put to flyghte. 468.30. eyght hundred of them ſlayne. 468.32
- Scottish armye very muche endo|maged by an Englishe Galley, and tvvo pineſſes. 468.99
- Scottes deale cruelly vvith En|glishmen. 477.53
- Scottes at a pillage gayne nyne thouſand Crovvnes. 477.105
- Scottes ſpoyle the Lanſquenets of their baggage. 479.90
- Sea caſteth vp fishe in great num|ber vpon the ſands. 222.4
- Sergeant at armes ſlayne by Re|belles. 239.62
- Selby VValter, Captayne of Li|dell fort beheaded. 350.34
- Seyton Alexander and his armye ſlayne. 333.53
- Seyton Alexanders ſonnes exe|cuted. 337.74
- Sepulture of the Scottishe Kyngs appoynted at Dunſermeling. 257. 113
- Seruan Bishop of Orkeney. 108.38
- Seton Lorde appoynted to haue the cuſtody of Dauid Beaton, Byshoppe of Saint Andrevves and Cardinall. 458.32
- Seuen Gouernoures of Scotlande choſen. 398.3
- Seuerus the Emperoure commeth vvith an army into Britaine. 71. line. 80
- Seuerus refuſeth to graunte peace to the British Rebels. 71.88
- Seuerus commeth to Yorke. 72.13
- Seuerus vanquisheth the Britishe Rebels. 72.30
- Seuerus falleth ſicke at Yorke. 72. line. 70
- Seuerus dyeth. 72.87
- Sheriffe of Bute ſlayne by the Commons. 341.8
- Shyres in Scotlande called by the firſte Gouernoures names vnto this day. 10.59
- Shippes ſeene vppon Humber, as furnished foorth to the vvarres. 152. 16
- Shippe vvherein Sainte Colme [...] goodes lay, drovvned. 343.57
- Shippes and nets for fishing com|maunded. 401.74
- Shippe called the Bishops Barge, caſt avvay. 401.79
- Shippe called the Treaſourer caſt avvay. 415.7
- Shippes, money, and munitiõ, ſent out of Fraunce into Scotlande. 460.52.560. 61
- Shippes ſente avvay out of Scot|land home into Englande, laden vvith ſpoyle of Edenburgh and Leith, vvyth the Countreye thereaboutes. 461.108
- Shippes of Fraunce laden vvyth vvines, taken by the Earle of Lennox. 462.81
- Shrevvſburie field. 370.7
- S [...]jora daughter to Gethus Kyng of Pictes, married to Ederus. 26. line. 27
- Silkes forbidden to bee vvorne. 401. 76
- Silures vvhere they inhabited. 39. line. 43
- Sinell Thane of Glammis. 239.10.
- Sincler Iames, Captayne of Orke|ney, diſcomfiteth his enimies. 440. 42
- Sinclare VVilliam, Bishoppe of Dunkelke. 321.6
- Sira ſiſter to Fiacre becommeth a Nunne in Fraunce. 146.3
- Siſellius ſuccedeth his father Coile in the Kingdome of Britaine. [...] 116
- Siſinnius receyueth a mortall vvound. 56.75
- Sithrike King of Northumberlãd marrieth Beatrice daughter to King Edvvard. 201.27
- Sithrike poyſoned by hys vvife Beatrice. 201.29
- S [...]vvarde Earle of Northumber|land. 244.29
- Sixe gouernoures choſen to rule Scotland. 298.2
- Skrimgeour, vvhat it ſignifieth. 262. 55
- Slaughter of manye Nobles and Gentlemen. 25.50
- Sober face, cauſe of ſtrength, and hugineſſe of body. 257.48
- Sodorenſis eccleſia, firſte Byshops Sea in Scotland. 82.60
- Soluathius admitted King of Scot|land. 158.5
- Soluathius vvaxeth impotence of the goute. 158.20
- Soluathius dyeth. 158.94
- Somerleid Thane of Arguile go|eth aboute to make hymſelfe K. 268. 68
- Somerleid ouerthrovven, fleeth into Ireland. 268.88
- Somerleid returneth into Scotlãd vvith a povver of Irishmenne. 270. 96
- Somerleide ouerthrovven vvyth his people at Renfrovve. 270.99
- Somerleid hanged vpon a Gibet. 270. 101
- Somerleid Thane of Arguile, ſon to the aboue ſo named, rebelleth againſt the King. 286.49
- Somerleid pardoned of hys rebel|lion. 286.56
- Sovving of grayne in the earthe, not purged of vveedes forbid|den. 181.39
- Sovve eating hir Pigges, to bee ſtoned, or buryed. 181.70
- Sovvthvvell Richard cited. 325.21
- Sovvthvvall Richarde a vvriter cited. 293.32
- Souldane contrarie to a truce made, ſlayeth, the Chriſtians in Africa. [...]96.37
- Spaldeyn an Englishman, and hys treaſon. 321.32
- Sparhauke ſtrangled by an Ovvle 220. 6 [...]
- Spanyardes and Scottes become one people. 4.79
- Spencer Iohn ſlayne by Hamton. 325. 43
- Spencer Thomas Bishop of Ab [...]|dene dyeth. 40 [...]. [...]7
- Spirituall preferments vnlavvful|ly and diſorderly beſtovved. 401. 112
- Spirituall perſons not to be com|pelled to aunſvvere before temporall Iudges. 167.2
- Spirituall perſons to be compelled to aunſvvere before temporall Iudges. 167.10
- Spirituall perſons vvealth, to bee iudged caſt avvay. 167.18
- Spite of the Britaines againſt the Romanes. 68. [...]
- Spontana daughter to Garnarde King of Pictes, married to the King of Pictes. 153.23
- Statute forbidding ſtrong drinkes in officers. 65
- Sterling. 50.50
- Sterling Caſtell. 460.10
- Sterling money vvhy ſo called. 186. 3
- Sterling bridge buylded. 186.7
- Stenennes Caſtell buylded. 24. [...]
- Sterburie Adam Knight ſent com|miſsioner into England. 441.414
- Stephen Earle of March. 261.31
- Stephen vſurpeth the Crovvne of England. 265.65
- Stephen reſigneth Northumber|lande and Cumberlande to the Scottes. 265.97
- Stephan inuadeth Northumber|lande vvith an army, and van|quisheth the Scottes. 265. [...]07
- Stevvards originall in Scotlande. 247. 4 [...]
- Stevvard VValter borne. 247.17
- Stevvarde Alane goeth, into the holy land. 247.5 [...]
- Stevvard Alexander founded the Abbey of Paſley, beyng of Saint Benedictes order, ſonne to A|lane. 247.5 [...]
- Stevvarde VValter, ſonne to A|lexander. 2 [...]7.59
- Stevvarde Roberte getteth the lands of Terbovv [...]oun. 247.66
- Stevvard Iohn marrieth the heyre of Bonkill. 247.75
- Stevvard Iohn ſlayne at Falkirke. 247. 79
- Stevvard VValter marieth Mar|iorie Bruce, daughter to Kyng Robert Bruce. 247.80
- Stevvarde Iohn Duke of Albany, Gouernour of Scotland. 248.52
- Stevvard Robert borne. 321.22
- Stevvard Roberte taketh vppon him to be Gouernoure of Scot|land. 346.32
- Stevvarde Robert choſen Gouer|nour of Scotlande, after that K. Dauid vvas taken. 352.3
- Stevvarde Robert diſinherited of the Crovvne of Scotlande. 354. line. 75
- Stevvarde Roberte ordeyned a|gaine heire apparante of Scot|land. 93
- Stevvard Robert crovvned king of Scotland. 356.32
- Stevvardes firſte comming to the Crovvne of Scotland. 356.47
- Stevvarde Iohn Earle of Murrey Crovvned King of Scotlande. 365. 25
- Stevvard Duncane inuadeth An|gus vvith a povver of men. 365. line. 56
- Stevvarde Mordo Earle of Fife, EEBO page image 570 erected Gouernour of Scotland. 375. 85
- Stevvarde Mordo ouer foolish in cockering his children. 375. [...]06
- Stevvarde VValter, ſonne to D. Mordo, impriſoned. 378.1
- Stevvard Iames, third ſonne to D. Mordo, entreth Dunbrleon, and [...]eth it. 378.34
- Stevvard Iames fleeth into I [...]ela [...] and there dyeth. 378.38
- Stevvarde VVaiter beheaded. 378. 46
- Stevvarde Alexander beheaded. 378. 46
- Stevvard Mordo Duke beheaded 378. 50
- Stevvard Duncane Earle of Len|nox beheaded. 378.50
- Stevvarde Alexander Earle of Ma [...] dyeth. 382.22
- Stevvarde Alexander marrieth Iacoba Counteſſe of Hollande. 382. 33
- Stevvarde VValter Earle of A| [...]ole, conſpireth againſte King Iames the firſt. 384.3
- Stevvard Robert, one of the [...]r|therers of K. Iames the firſt. 384.8
- Stevvard VValter Erle of Athole cruelty executed for conſpiring K. Iames the firſt death. 385.20
- Stevvard Robert executed. 385.50
- Stevvard Iames marrieth Queene Dovvager. 386.80
- Stevvard Iames, and Queene Do|vvager his vvife, impriſoned and releaſſed. 386.84
- Stevvard Alane Lord of Darnely ſayne. 386.92
- Stevvarde Iames, husbande to the Queene banished the Realme. 388. 55
- Stevvard Iames dyeth. 388.59
- Stevvard Iohn, Erle of Mar, bro|ther to the King, put to deathe for VVitchcraft. 402.114
- Stevvarde Andrevve, Pronoſt of Glenlovvden, made Archby|shop of S. Andrevves. 404.51
- Stevvard Bernard Lord Dobig|ny, ſent from Levvis the french King in Ambaſſade into Scot|land. 414.50
- Stevvard VValter Abbot of Glẽ| [...]e. 429.13
- Stevvard Henry marrieth the Q. mother of Scotlande, and is made L. of Methvven. 438.16
- Stevvard VVilliam Bishop of A|berdine, ſent Commiſsioner into England. 441.113
- Stevvarde Iames of Cardonalde conductour of fiue Ships, ſente by the French King into Scot|land to ayde his friendes there. 460. 56
- Stevvarde Robert Lord Obenie, one of the foure Marshals of France. 462.53
- Stevvard Iohn, Captayn of Milke Caſtell. 469.102
- Stevvarde VVilliam, one of the Queenes ſeruants ſlayn. 476.34
- S [...] hill vvhy ſo called. 28 [...].6
- S [...]pe Gallant an vniuerſall ſick|neſſe in Scotland. 415.67
- Sra [...]o c [...]ted. 21.38
- Strange voice heard in the nighte by King Kenneth. 220.82
- Strange fights appeare in the aire 47. 19
- Strange viſions ſeene in the ayre. 50 [...] 34
- Strange accidente of the Bishops cro [...] ſtaffe at Camelon. 180.1 [...]
- Strange dealing in vvomen, and contrary to nature. 57. [...]3
- Strange miracle of Vald [...]s bo|dye. 142.61
- Strength of the place vvhere Ca|ratake vvas incamped. 39.79
- Strange ſightes ſeene. 40.71
- Strife betvveene Henrye Beau|mount, and Alexander. Movv|bray, for landes in Buchquhanc. 339. 44
- Striueling Iohn and his army diſ|comfited. 346.56
- Striueling taken by the English|ment. 301.77
- Striueling burnt by rebels. 39 [...].69
- Stratton Andrevve, burnt for Re|ligion. 44 [...].47
- Strayton VValter ſlayne. 384.42
- Strozze Leone Prior of Capoa, and knight of the order of Ma [...]|ta. 466.71
- Succeſsion in the Pictish gouerne|ment appointed. 6.50
- Stradcluyd, Kingdome of the Bri|taynes, and the boundes there|of. 195.55
- Sueno King of Danes arriueth in England vvith an army. 228.25
- Sueno conuerted to the Chriſtian faith in Scotland. 228.39
- Suenos cruell determination a|gainſt the Englishmen. 229.12
- Sueno prepareth a nevv armye to inuade Scotland. 233.42
- Sueno King of Norvvay landeth in Fife vvith a puiſſante armye. 241 6
- Sueno diſcomfiteth Duncane and his army. 242.15
- Sueno fleeth into Norvvay in one shippe. 242.100
- Sunne darkened tvvo days vvith|out Eclipſe. 276.17
- Sunne appeareth bloudy. 135.47
- Sunne nor Moone ſeene the ſpace of ſixe monethes. 209.1
- Sonnes landes to be forfait by the fathers treaſon. 246.34
- Superfluous poſſeſſions of the Church condemned. 264.74
- Superfluous rents of Abbayes are prouocations to inordinate luſts. 271.73
- Superfluous vvelth miniſtreth oc|caſion of vice. 209.72
- Supplye of Saxons commeth ouer into Britaine. 115.68
- Surfetting, cauſe of many & ſtrãge diſeaſes. 20.6
- Surnames taken frõ offices. 252.41
- Surnames taken frõ proper names. 252. 44
- Sutherland Iohn, made heyre ap|parant of the Crovvne of Scot|land. 254.76
- Sutherlande Iohn dyeth in En|gland. 354.90
- Svvearing of fealtie firſt inſtituted 23. 13
- Svvorde ſeene gliding in the aire. 385. 85
- Svvord vvith a sheath and hilles of golde, ſent to King VVilliam from the Pope. 279.83