You are here: 1577 > Volume 2 >
Back Matter: Section 1 of
1: A Table of the principall matters touched in the Hiſtorie of Scotland, where
note that the firſt number ſignifieth the page, the ſecond the line, not
accounting aboue 58. line in the firſt Colume at the moſt.
Snippet: 19 of 22 (1577, Volume 2, p. 570) T.
- TAle of a vvoman abuſed by a Spirit. 119.91
- Tale of a yong man haunted vvith a Spirit like a faire vvo|man. 120.28
- Tale of a yong Gentlevvoman, gote vvith childe by a Spirite. 120. 45
- Tale of the Chappel vvher Fiacre lyeth buried. 144.83
- Tale of Queene Guaynores graue in Angus. 135.23
- Tale of a Croſſe miraculouſly fal|ling into King Dauid the firſte hands. 264.19
- Talboyes VVilliam taken priſo|ner by the Scottes. 345. [...]
- Tantallon caſtell beſieged, and deliuered. 440.26
- Temple of Claudius and Victoria altered. 309.7
- Tenantius taken priſoner by the Romaines. 28.87
- Tent [...]s of fru [...]es appoynted to the Prieſtes. 136.48
- Tenthes giuen vnto the Cleargie. 166. 98
- Thaara King of Pictes. 13.18
- Teruan Archbishop of Pictland. 108. 49
- Thanes changed into Erles. 252.27
- Tharan King of Pictes ſlaine. 35.73
- Thametes or Thamevv, daughter to Loth King of Pictes. 137.27
- Thebes giuen to Gathelus and his people. 135
- Theefe hanged for ſtealing hys ovvne. 330
- Theefe eateth mans flesh. 397.24
- Theodoſius Emperoure of Rome. 93. 31
- Theobald ſlayne. 140.95
- Thelargus King of Pictes. 79.49
- Thereus ſonne to Re [...]er Kyng of Scottes borne. 17.13
- Thereus made King. 18.85
- Thereus neglecteth Iuſtice, and embraceth all vices. 18.92
- Thereus fleeth to the Britaines. 18. 109
- Thereus dye [...] in [...]bly in exile. 18. 114
- Thermes Monſieur a French Cap|tayne. 478.55. made generall conduct of the French armye in Scotland. 479.10
- Thomas the timer, a notable pro|pheſier. 296.74
- Thornton Patrike executed. 394. line. 79
- Thunder and lightning ſettyng Churches on fyre in Yorke|shire. 276.21
- Thurſtone Archbishop of Yorke. 265. 113
- Tinneman Archbald, name giuen to Earle Dovvglas. 370.34
- Tyrannie iuſtly revvarded. 14.44
- Title of Iohn Ballioll to the Crovvne of Scotland. 298.63
- Title of Roberte Bruce to the Crovvne of Scotland. 298.76
- Title of Iohn Haſtinges to the Crovvne of Scotland. 298.83
- Tiuidale recouered out of the En|glishmens hands. 346.35
- Toncet Chancellour of Murrey land. 131.1 [...]
- Toncet playeth the parte of a vvicked officer. 131.19
- Toncet ſlayne as he ſate in iudge|ment. 131.38
- Tovvnes and Villages drovvned by inundations of vvaters. 296. line. 44
- Tovvnes and Villages throvven dovvne vvith hayle ſtone. 297. line. 53
- Traherus a Romaine Captayne, vanquisheth Octauius. 83.25. in|uadeth the Scottes dominions. 83.38. is put to flight. 83.65 fle|eth ouer into France. 83.100. re|turneth into Britaine. 84.6. mur|thered by a conſpiracie. 84.17
- Trebellius Lieutenant of Britain. 56. 53
- Trebellianus Couſin to Agrico|la, beloued of the Romayne Souldyers. 56.55
- Trebellius not regarded of the Souldiers. 56.64
- Trebellius Publius, ſente Lieute|nant into Britaine. 67.37. gyuen to couetouſneſſe. 67.40. hated of the Britaines. 27.56. is ouer|throvvẽ. 67.74. vvriſeth to the Emperour Commodus for ayd. 68. 6
- Treatie of peace betvvixte the Scottes and Pictes. 8.35
- Treaſon pretended againſte Fe| [...]linacus. [...].108
- Treaſon duely revvarded. 205. [...]
- Tre [...]s and come burnt vvith fire, no man knovveth hovv. 259.33
- Truce concluded betvveene the Scottes and Pictes. 80.74
- Truce concluded betvveene the Englishmen and Scottes vpon condition. 265.116
- Truce taken betvveene Kyng Edvvard the firſt, and the Scots. 306. 34
- Truce concluded betvveene the Scottes and Hollanders for one hundred yeares. 382.92
- Turnebull Bishop of Glaſgevve. 394. 82
- Turne a Citie burned. 52.112
- Tumulte rayſed in the Saxons Camp. [...]16
- Turgot, Prior of Durham Abbey. 257. 202
- Turgot vvrote the lines of Mal|colme and Queene Margaret his vvife. 257.103
- Tvveedale vvhy ſo called. 178.13
- Tvvelue Gouernoures choſen to rule Scotland. 302.81
- Tvvhang caſtre vvhy ſo called 115. 83
- Tvvo Kings priſoners in Englãd at one tyme. 354.18
- Tovvnes and houſes drovvard vvith fall of rayne, and riſing of vvaters. 355.69
- Tvvo Scottish armyes inuade En|gland at once. 361.108
- Tvvo Romane Lieutenants ſente into Britaine. 93.36
- Tvvo Cometes ſeene before K. Malcolmes death. [...]1.44
- Tvvo Moones ſeene in the [...]ir|mament. [...]8 [...].56
- Tvvo Philoſophers by Shyp|vvracke arriue in Scotlande. 20. 13
- Tvvo Gouernoures choſen to rule Scotland. 332.82
- Tvvo English armyes ſente togi|ther into Scotland. 345.3
- Tvvo ſpeciall pointes in a vvo|man. 265.47
You are here: 1577 > Volume 2 >
Back Matter: Section 1 of
1: A Table of the principall matters touched in the Hiſtorie of Scotland, where
note that the firſt number ſignifieth the page, the ſecond the line, not
accounting aboue 58. line in the firſt Colume at the moſt.
Snippet: 20 of 22 (1577, Volume 2, p. 570) V.
- VAcation in the Sea of Picti|nia. 155.5
- Vagarant perſons vvithoute ſome craft or ſcience, not to be receiued into any tovvn. 350.94
- Vagabounds to be vvhipped, and burnt in the cheeke. 1 [...]1.12
- Vagabounds compelled to learne occupations. 206.47
- Valdred or Baldred, Doctor of the Pictes. 142.45
- Valentinian Emperour of Rome. 84. 40
- Valentinianus Emperour of Rome. 101.8
- Valiancie of Iames Dovvglas shevven againſte the Turkes. 330. 7
- Vengeance threatned to ſucceede vitions liuing. 124.108
- Venterous enterprice of an En|glish Knight. 258.29
- Venoſius, husband to Cartiman|dua. 42.64
- Venuſius reuolteth from the Ro|maynes. 42.72
- Verannius appointed Lieutenant of Britayne. 43
- Verannius maketh a roade into the marches of Scotland. 43.47
- Verannius dyeth. 43.54
- Veremundes time vvhen he flou|rished. 259.39
- Vertue made of neceſſietie. 54.53
- Veſpaſian arriueth in Britaine 34. line. 74
- Veſpaſian aſſayleth the Britaines EEBO page image 571 in their campe. 35.34
- Veſpaſiã ſetteth forvvard againſt the Scottes and Pictes. 36.34
- Veſpaſian punisheth rebels. 38.1
- Veſpaſiã returneth to Rome. 38.4
- Vian Iohn Admirall of Fraunce, arriueth vvith an army in Scot|land, to aide the Scottes againſt the Englishmen. 360.32
- Vian Iohn Admirall of Fraunce, returneth home vvith his army. 360. 98
- Vices repugnãt reigning in Mor|do Stevvarde Earle of Fife. 375. 92
- Vices follovving delicate fare. 380. 81
- Victories and conqueſtes aſcribed to Arthure. 132.29
- Victorinus Lieutenante of Bri|taine. 62.17
- Victorinus ſendeth letters vnto Rome, of the ſtate of Britayne. 66. 75
- Victorinus ſẽt for home to Rome. 66. 92
- Victorinus one of the Lieutenãts of Britayne. 93.39
- Victorinus ioineth battayle vvith Ferguſius. 97.26
- Victorinus inuadeth Gallovvay. 98. 31
- Victorinus accuſed vnto Hono|rius the Emperour of certaine trecherous practiſes. 98.64
- Victorinus proclaimed Emperour in Britaine. 98.78
- Victorinus is deliuered into the hands of Heraclianus. 98.88
- Villages drovvned by inundatiõs of vvaters. 297.44
- Vnbrideled luſt of Dauid Duke of Rothſay. 368.12
- Vndereske riuer. 469.2
- Vlſter taken from the Englishmẽ. 320. 40
- Vniuerſities of Paris and Pauia founded and inſtituted. 164.54
- Vniuerſitie of Sainte Andrevves firſt founded. 373.69
- Vniuerſitie of Glaſgevv founded. 394. 81
- Vnicorne, a Scottishe Ship taken. 416. 2
- Vnipanus King of Pictes. 60.51
- Vnmercifull murther. 55.30
- Vpright liuing vvell revvarded at Gods hands. 20.61
- Vnquiet nature of Scottishmen. 187. 51
- Vnſicker ſtate and glory of Prin|ces expreſſed. 318.102
- Voada vvife to Aruiragus refuſed 32. 62
- Voada empriſoned. 32.76
- Voada vvith hir children conueid into vvales. 32.78
- Voada deſireth ayde of Corbreid againſt the Romanes. 43.108
- Voada aſſembleth an army againſt Suetonius. 45.6
- Voadas armye and confederates ouerthrovven. 45.21
- Voada ſtayeth hir ſelfe. 45.27
- Vodicia, daughter to Aruiragus, renevveth vvarres vvyth the Romaines. 48.30
- Vodicia aſſayleth the Romayne Camp in the nyghte. 48.37
- Vodicia and hir povver putte to flighte. 48.51
- Vodicia taketh and burneth Ept|ake. 48.55
- Vodicia taken and ſlayne. 48.66
- Voldoſius or VValtheof, marri|eth VVilliã Conquerors neece. 255. 66
- Vortigerne made Gouernoure of Britaine, vnder Conſtantius. 112. 48
- Vortigerne cauſeth Conſtantius to be murthered. 112.54
- Vortigerne maketh himſelfe king. 112. 57
- Vortigerne doubting the hatred of his ſubiects, vvoulde flee out of his Realme. 113.42
- Vortigerne gyueth Lindſey to Hengiſt and his Saxons. 115.74
- Vortimere ſonne to Vortigerne Lieutenant of the British army. 115. 102
- Vortigerne marrieth Roxena, Hengiſts daughter. 117.68
- Vortigerne depoſed from the Crovvne. 117.86
- Vortimere ſonne to Vortigerne, made King of Britaine. 117.87
- Vortimere vſeth the vanquished Saxons vvith courteſie. 119.30
- Vortimere poyſoned, and dyeth through treaſon of his ſtepmo|ther. 119.45
- Vortigerne reſtored agayne to the Crovvne. 119.47
- Vortigerne beſieged and brente in a Caſtell. 119.76
- Vter, brother to Aurelius Am|broſius, made King of Britaine. 124. 6
- Vter begetteth Arthure the great. 124. 18
- Vter is fayne to vvithdravve into VVales. 126.61
- Vter poyſoned, by drinking vva|ter of a Fountaine. 126.74
- Vtred VVilliam Knight, kept pri|ſoner in London. 307.93
You are here: 1577 > Volume 2 >
Back Matter: Section 1 of
1: A Table of the principall matters touched in the Hiſtorie of Scotland, where
note that the firſt number ſignifieth the page, the ſecond the line, not
accounting aboue 58. line in the firſt Colume at the moſt.
Snippet: 21 of 22 (1577, Volume 2, p. 571) VV.
- WAles reuolteth from the Romaines. 57.4
- VVayfes and ſtrayfes, hovv to be diſpoſed. 181.49
- VVall and trench made betvvene the Britains and Scottes. 61.109
- VVall made to deuide the Bri|taines from the Pictes. 94.23
- VVall of Abircorne vndernuned and ouerthrovven. 104.39
- VVall of Adrian repaired by the Britaynes. 104.63
- VVall of Adrian vndermined and ouerthrovven. 105.61
- VVallace VVilliams valiancie and ſtature. 302.95
- VVallace Andrevve, father to VVilliam VVallace. 302.103
- VVallace VVilliam, made gouer|nour of the Scottishe army vn|der Iohn Ballioll. 303.11
- VVallace VVilliam inuadeth Northumberland vvith a migh|ty army. 304.32
- VVallace VVilliã entreth againe into England vvith an armye, & returneth vvith greate ſpoyles. 305. 12
- VVallace VVilliam enuied at for his fame and vvorthines. 305.23
- VVallace VVilliam and his po|vver diſcomfited at Falkirke by the Englishmen. 305.69
- VVallace VVilliam renounceth his authoritie in Scotlãd. 306.22
- VVallace VVilliam refuſeth greate landes and honor in En|gland. 307.67
- VVallace VVilliam eſchueth to haue any thing to do vvith the Englishmen. 309.28
- VVallace VVilliam put to death. 310. 108
- VVallace of Craggy knight. 390.8
- VValter ſonne to Fleance borne. 247. 17
- VValter fleeth into Scotl. 247.31
- VValter made Lord Stevvard of Scotland. 247.47
- VValter ſon of Fleãce, ſẽt againſt the Rebels in Gallovvay. 256.2
- VValter diſcomfiteth the Rebels in Gallovvay. 256.8
- VValter created high Stevvarde of Scotland. 256.12
- VVarlike ordinances. 23.43
- VVarre breedeth good ſouldiers, and peace by iuſtice riddeth thẽ out of the vvay. 58.70
- VVarre vvithout any notable en|counter betvveene the Scottes and Pictes. 152.5
- VVarres renned betvveene the Englishmẽ & the Da [...]e [...]. 202.24
- VVarres betvveene the Scottes and the Hollanders. 3 [...]2.44
- VVarre denounced by the En|glishmẽ againſt the Scots. 431.72
- VVardship of heyres graunted to the King. 237.82
- VVardlovv VValter, Cardinall and Byshop of Gla [...]gevv dyeth. 360. 112
- VVarke Caſtell beſieged, and beaten dovvne. 434.27
- VVealth of England. 214.78
- VVelchmen rebelling, broughte to their former obediẽce by the Romaynes. 67.13
- VVelchmen rebelling againſt K. Henry the fifth ſubdued. 374.27
- VVeſterne Iles recouered out of the handes of the Norvvegians. 293. 115
- VVeſtmerl. vvhy ſo called. 45.40
- VVharton Thomas Lorde ſente into Scotland vvith ayde to the Gouernoure. 459.85
- VVharton Michael Captayne of Langham Caſtell. 466.79
- VVharton Henry, made Knyght. 474.19. his valiancie in relieuing the Tovvne of Hadington a|gainſt the Scots. 474.83. takẽ pri+ſoner by the French povver. 98
- VVhere vvordes fayle, giftes pre|uayle. 90.97
- VVhite Monkes vvhen firſt inſti|tuted. 263.31
- VVhite kirke burnt. 353.48
- VVhole Realme of Scotlande in vvofull diſcomfort and lamenta|tion. 184.16
- VVidovv shodde vvith Horſe|shoes. 279.54
- VVife not to be punished for the husbands offences. 181.14
- VVild Knight. 414.95
- VVilfert K. of Gults ſlain. 201.105
- VVilliam brother to K. Achaius ſent into France. 162.109. he is in greate reputation vvith Carolus Magnus. 163.106. and made Lieutenant of Tuſcane. 163.114
- VVilliams cogniſance. 164.17
- VVilliam one of the Scotteſgyl|more. 164.36
- VVilliam buildeth Monaſteries in Germanie. 164.40
- VVilliam baſterde Duke of Nor|mandie, conquereth Englande, and is crovvned K. at London. 253.97. requireth of Malcolme to haue Edgar deliuered vnto him. 254.74. he proclaymeth opẽ vvar againſt Scotland. 255.6
- VVil. Conquerour dyeth. 257.93
- VVilliam Rufus inuadeth Nor|thumberland vvith an army. 258. 20. he ſucceedeth VVilliam Cõ|querour his father in the Kyng|dome of Englande. 258.26. hee is ſlayne by the glauncing of an ar|rovve. 261.11
- VVilliam ſurnamed the Liõ, crea|ted King of Scotland. 272.20. he ſendeth Ambaſſadors into En|glande, to require reſtitution of Northumberlande. 272.29. hee commeth to London to do ho|mage. 272.39. and vvith manye nobles of Scotlande, paſſe ouer into Normãdy vvith Henry the ſeconde of England. 272.54
- VVilliam inuadeth the confines of England vvith a mighty armye. 273.24. hee is taken prisoner by the Englishmen. 273.100
- VVilliam conueyed into Norma(n)dy to the K. of England. 273.113
- VVilhelmus Paruus cited. 274.27 and 275.16
- VVilliam raunsomed vppon conditions. 274.77. he sendeth Ambassadours to the Pope, to present his obedience to him. 276.39
- VVilliam marrieth Ermengarde, daughter to Richard vicount of Beaumount. 276.72
- VVilliams first vvife dieth 276.68 he deuiseth sharp lavves against theeues and robbers. 277.91 and miraculously healeth a childe at Yorke. 280.70
- VVilliam King of Scotland dieth 281.38 his liberalitie vnto Richard the first of England. 270.28
- VVilliam doeth homage to Kyng Iohn of England. 279.98
- VVilliam ouerthroweth the Castell, vvich K. Iohn had builded in Northumberland. 280.49
- VVine and ale sould by vveighte. 885.83
- VViues to haue the thirds of the Lorde or Baron their husbandes lands. 246.40
- VVinter, Comptroller of Kyng Henry the eight Ships. 462.63
- VVisartes, Iugglers, and Necromancers, to be burnt. 181.36
- VVitches vvords if they be credited, vvhat hapneth therby 75.56
- VVitchcraft practised by an Image of vvax. 207.36
- VVitches prophecie. 385.34
- VVitches and Sorcerers burnt in Edenburgh. 402.115
- VVolfe the heardmans foe. 27.41
- VVolfes carie avvay a Shepherd. 40.80.
- VVomen encamped. 39.87
- VVomen appointed in battayle aray among men. 40.1
- VVomen assist Queene Voadaa against the Romaines. 44.44
- VVomen vvell appointed vvyth armour and vveapon. 44.49
- VVomen as ready to battayle as men. 61.64
- VVomen in Scotland accustomed to the vvarres. 88.91
- VVomen and aged persons slaine. 90.32.
- VVomen discomfortable. 176.34
- VVomen co(n)demned to be drovvned, or buried quicke. 180.111
- VVoman marrying vvith the L. of the soyle, to leese hir heritage. 245.77
- VVoman of manlike force & stature. 342.77
- VVomen & children eaten. 347.57
- VVonderfull policie of Brundus against the Scottes. 172.22
- VVood Dauid, Co(m)ptroller to K. Iames the fifth. 445.96