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Back Matter: Section 1 of
1: A Table of the principall matters touched in the Hiſtorie of Scotland, where
note that the firſt number ſignifieth the page, the ſecond the line, not
accounting aboue 58. line in the firſt Colume at the moſt.
Snippet: 17 of 22 (1577, Volume 2, p. 568) R.
- RAineth frogges. 56.4 [...]
- Rayneth birds. [...]1. [...]03
- Rayneth bloud. 108
- Rayneth bloud. 152.26
- Raineth adders and ſnakes. 186.77
- Raineth ſtones. 222.15
- Rainolde Captayne of the Nor|vvegians. 204.79
- Raiſers of the people to leaſe life, goodes, & lands, and the people rayſed to leeſe the ſame. 246.16
- Ramſie Alexander inuadeth En|gland vvith an army. 346.17
- Ramſie Alexander impriſoned by VVilliam Dovvglas, dieth there in great miſerie. 348.41
- Randall Thomas choſen Gouer|noure of Scotlande during the minoritie of King Dauid the ſe|cond. 330.53
- Randall Thomas poyſoned by a Monke. 332.11
- Randall Thomas Gouernoure di|eth. 332.77
- Rashe bushe keepeth the Covve. 305. 77
- Raſin, generall of all the Danes in England. 194.4
- Raſin ſlayne. 194.12
- Ratcliffe Roger eſquier, ſent Am|baſſadour into Scotland. 436.53
- Rauishers of Maidens to dye for the offence. 18 [...].20
- Redde head, a point of land in An|gus. 224.6 [...]
- Rebellion of Britaines appeaſed. 4 [...]. 74
- Rebellion of the people agaynſte Natholocus the King. 75.20
- Rebellion in Kent. 88.57
- Rebelliõ moued in the Iles againſt Soluathius. 198.23
- Rebellion moued in Gath [...] a|gainſt King VVilliam. 281.7
- Rebelles of Catlmes ouerthrovvẽ and punished. 280.20
- Rebellion moued by the inhabi|tants of Murrey land. 270.49
- Rebels in Murrey lande ſtay the Kings meſſengers. 270.57
- Rebellion moued againſte Kyng Duffe. 206.106
- Rebels of Murrey land ouerthro|vven, and the people p [...]to to the ſvvorde. 270.74
- Rebellion moued in Gallovvay. 255. 75
- Rebellion moued in Murrey lãd. 256. 17
- Rebels in Murrey land pardoned vpon their ſubmiſsion. 206.63
- Riot and ſuperfluous chere brou|ght into Scotland. 257.23
- Rebellion againſte King Alexan|der. 262.34
- Rebellion againſt king VVilliam. 279. 39
- Rebels ſeuerely punished. 279.6 [...]
- Rebels at Hadington sharply pu|nished. 331.16
- Rebellion moued in Englande by Iacke Stravve. 359.2
- Rebellion moued by Donalde of the Iles, againſt the Gouernour. 373. 4
- Rebellion moued in VVales a|gainſt King Henrie the fifth 374 line. 16
- Rebellion moued againſte Kyng Iames, by Alexander Lorde of the Iles. 376.74
- Rebellion moued by Donald Bal|loche of the Iles. 378.101
- Rebellion moued by Angus Duffe of Stratherne. 379.36
- Rebellion of the Dovvglaſſes a|gainſt EEBO page image 569 the King. 392.61
- Rebellion of the Barons againſte King Iames the fourth. 408.50
- Rebellion in Cornevvall. 420.46
- Redvvalde King of Eaſt angles. 143. 67
- Recroſſe in Stainemore vvhy ſo called. 255. [...]4
- Redbrayes. 233.65
- Redshankes. 318.17
- Reginald Abbot of Arbroth. 276. line. 39
- Reginalde King of the Iles mur|thered. 293.50
- Reginald brother Harold created King of Man. 283.83
- Reginald ſlayne. 292.84
- Regulus Albatus a Greekishe Monke. 87.30
- Renfrovve. 270.99
- Reſignation of Iohn Ballioll to King Roberte of all hys title in the Crovvne of Scotlande. 325. line. 113
- Ros Makdonald, a notable rob|ber. 379.52
- Ros Makdonalde taken and exe|cuted. 379.63
- Retainers to ſuffer death. 246.20
- Rethirdaill vvhy ſo named. 17.56
- Reuther onely ſonne to Dorua|dille. 14.18
- Reuther crovvned King. 14.50
- Reuther fleeth to a Caſtell in Cathneſe. 15.60
- Reuther purſued and taken. 15.60
- Reuther pardoned. 15.62
- Reuther and Nobilitie of Scot|land flee to Beringonium. 16.33
- Reuther eſcapeth the ſiege. 16.63
- Reuther paſſeth into Irelãd. 16.71
- Reuther ſent for out of Irelande. 17. 14
- Reuther, vvhome Beda calleth Renda. 17.70
- Reuther ſuppoſed to be the firſte Prince of Scottes that ſet foote in Britaine to inhabite. 17.72
- Reuther dyeth. 18.9
- Reutha choſen King. 18.15
- Reutha calleth a Parliamẽt. 18.74
- Reutha reſigneth the gouernemẽt of the Realme. 18.84
- Revvard for killing a VVolfe. 13. line. 39
- Richard Duke of Normandy. 220. line. 4
- Richardus de Sancto Victore borne. 263.34
- Richarde Earle of Glouceſter in|uadeth Cumberlande vvith a mighty army. 255.20
- Richard the firſt crovvned Kyng of England. 278.1
- Richard the firſte goeth tovvarde the holye lande vvith an army. 278. 4
- Richard the firſte takẽ priſoner by the Emperoure of Almaine. 279 line. 19
- Richarde the firſt of England dy|eth. 279.77
- Richard the firſt crovvned Kyng of England. 358.66
- Richard inuadeth Scotland vvyth an army. 360.107
- Richarde marrieth Iſabell, daugh|ter to the French King. 366.62
- Richarde goeth into Irelande to ſubdue Rebels. 366.63
- Richard depoſed frõ the Crovvne of England. 366.69
- Richard dyeth. 366.81
- Richard Bishoppe of Sainte An|drevvs. 274.71
- Richarde the third of England, o|uerthrovven and ſlayne by Hẽ|ry Earle of Richmond. 406.73
- Richmondshire redeemed from ſpoyle of the Scottes vvith a ſumme of money. 323.85
- Righte miniſtreth hope of good ſucceſſe. 101.47
- Riotouſneſſe the mother of ſick|neſſes. 149.112
- Riuer of Cree. 88.28
- Riuer of Tine. 61.83
- Riuer of Munda. 88.100
- Riuer of Lochtee runneth vvyth bloud. 234.63
- Riuer of Caron. 29.25
- Riuer of Lochtey. 26.51
- Riuer of Lochneſſe. 26.63
- Riuer of Ovvſe. 228.49
- Riuer of Carron runneth vvyth bloud. 97.33
- Riuer of Almound. 280.88
- Riuer of Tay. 50.83
- Riuer of Clide. 51.25
- Riuer of Armound. 52.107
- Riuer of Erne. 333.70
- Riuer of Levviſſe. 151.19
- Riuer of Deir. 313.115
- Riuer of Forth. 94.11
- Riuer of Dune ran vvith bloud. 91. 100
- Riuer of Bane in Ireland. 196.20
- Riuer of Sulvvay. 358.14
- Riuer of Svvale. 321.93
- Riuer of Leuine. 177.100
- Riuer of Annan. 178.11
- Riuer of Tvvede. 178.14
- Riuer of Clud. 178.15
- Riuer of Sulvvey. 389.69
- Riuer of Annand. 389.70
- Riuer of Sare. 389.70
- Riuer of Rule. 415.80
- Riuer of Tvveede. 419.111
- Riuer of Tuyſell. 419.112
- Riuer of Tyll. 421.36
- Riuer of Eske. 432.21
- Robbers on the high vvaye to be put to the ſvvord. 181.8
- Robert ſonne to VVilliam con|queror ſent into Northumber|lande vvith a mightye povver. 255. 45
- Robert the ſeconde ſun to VVal|ter Stevvarde, and Margerye Bruce. 246.81
- Robert the ſeconde marrieth Iſa|bell Mure. 247.83
- Robert the ſecõd firſt of the Ste|vvards that vvare the crovvne of Scotland. 247.111
- Robert duke of Albanie, ſlayeth Dauid Stevvard duke of Roth|ſay. 247.116
- Robert the firſt crovvned king of Scotland. 311.28
- Robert and his armie diſcomfited at Me [...]fene by the Englishmen. 311. 41
- Robert and his armie diſcomfited by the Englishemen at Athole. 311. 57
- Roberts miſerable ſtate in the be+ginning of his reigne. 311.66
- Roberts vvife taken, and impri|ſoned in London. 312.10
- Roberts brother taken and put to death. 311.15
- Roberte goeth into the Iles, and there purchaſeth ayde of men and munition. 312.53
- Robert vanquisheth the English|men in many encoũters and skir|mishes. 313.8
- Robert inuadeth Englande vvith an armie. 314.35
- Robert cõmeth againſt King Ed|vvard vvith his armie. 315.111
- Roberte vanquisheth, and putteth to flighte the huge armye of the Englishmen. 318.84
- Roberts vvife reſtored. 319.17
- Robert paſſeth ouer into Irelande vvith an army. 320.69
- Roberts Nobles conſpire againſt him. 322.30
- Roberte entreth into Englande vvith an army. 323.67
- Robert inuadeth Englande vnto Yorke. 324.45
- Robert dyeth. 32 [...].42
- Roberts fame and commendation amongſt his enimies. 328.75
- Robertes aduice to the nobles for the gouerning of the Realme. 329. 44
- Roberts hearte carried to Ieruſa|lem, and there buried. 320.113
- Robert the ſecond Crovvned K. of Scotland. 356.31
- Robert Erle of Fife, ſecond ſonne to King Robert, choſen Gouer|noure of Scotland vnder hys fa|ther. 364.66
- Robert the ſeconde King of Scots dyeth. 364.111
- Robert the third Crovvned king of Scotland. 365.29
- Roberte commeth to knovvledge of the deathe of hys ſonne the Duke of Rothſay. 370.71
- Robert dyeth. 372.69
- Robert Duke of Albany, Gouer|nour of Scotland dyeth. 374.53
- Roxburgh called in olde tyme Marken. 265.114
- Rockeſbourgh ſacked and burne by the Earles of Marche and Murrey. 357.22
- Rockeſbourgh bridge broken dovvne, and the tovvne brente. 373. 63
- Rockeſbourgh beſieged by Iames the firſt. 381.7
- Rockeſbourgh Caſtell reedified by the Englishmen. 469.62
- Rockeſbourgh fort raſed. 480.93
- Rock Ferguſe, vvhy ſo called. 10. line. 91
- Rocha vvife to Erthus, a Lady of greate parentage in Denmarke. 94. 54
- Roderike, a famous Captayne of the Dutchmen. 44.23
- Roderike and hys armye ſlayne. 45. 25
- Roger a Norman inuadeth Nor|thumberland vvith an army. 255. line. 14
- Rogers army diſcomfited, and hee himſelfe trayterouſly ſlayne. 255. line. 17
- Roger Archbishop of Yorke de|famed for couetouſneſſe. 272.12
- Romero Iulian a Captayne ouer Spanyardes. 479.106. ſurpriſed and ſpoyled vvith hys vvhole band of men. 479.100
- Romaines repulſed by the Bri|taines. 28.60
- Romaines righte vving of the ar|my like to be diſtreſſed. 35.38
- Romaines ouerthrovve the Bri|taines. 61
- Romaine Iudges appointed in e|uery prouince. 36.25
- Romaines vanquishe the Scottes by policie. 38.18
- Romaines trayned into ambushes by the Pictes and ſlayne. 41.74
- Romanes diſcomfited by the Picts 42. 8
- Romaines flee and are ſlain. 43.94
- Romaines put to flight and ſlain. 44. 65
- Romaines ſvvimme ouer the golfe into Angleſey. 50.8
- Romaine Marriners finde out Pictland Firth. 53.109
- Romaine Shippes drovvned in Pictland Firth. 54.13
- Romaine Souldiers chooſe Sifin|nius to be their generall, vvhich he refuſeth. 56.65
- Romaines diſcomfited and cha|ſed. 56.77
- Romaines putte to flight and cha|ſed. 56.112
- Romaines ſende to Marius Kyng of Britaine for aide. 57.150
- Romaines retire from the Scottes and Picts. 57.46
- Romanes fiercely aſſaile the Scots 57. 80
- Romaines chaſed to their Camp. 57. [...]8
- Romaines require a communica|tion vvith the Scottes. 57.111
- Romaines ſubmit themſelues vnto the Scottes as vanquished. 58.4
- Romaines receiue conditions of peace of the Scots. 58.25
- Romanes departe out of Gallo|vvay. 58.43
- Romanes inuade the Scottish bor|ders. 60.25
- Romaines put to flight. 61.3 [...]
- Romanes inuade the Scottish and Picti [...]h bordures. 66.7
- Romaines encountred by the Scottes and Pictes. 66.61
- Romaines chaſed and ſlain. 67.74
- Romaines purpoſe to make a pro|uince of the Kingdome of the Britaines. 71.19
- Romacus ſeeketh meanes to de|ſtroy his Couſins. 84.65
- Romacus vanquisheth his Couſin Anguſianus. 84.81
- Romacus receyued as King. 84.89
- Romacus gouerneth tyrannically. 84. 100
- Romacus apprehended and putte to death. 85.18
- Romanes follovving the Scots in chaſe receyue damage. 88.34
- Romaine lavves enforced by ſtraight commaundement vpon the Britaines and Pictes. 93. [...]3
- Romaines driue the Scottes out of the confines of Britaine. 98.26
- Romane Empire inuaded by bar|barous nations. 98.46
- Rome ſacked. 94. [...]
- Romaine armye vanquished, and put to flight. 100.104
- Roode vvell. 264.23
- Roſey Caſtell from vvhence the Stevvardes Kings of Scotlande had their originall, taken by the Earle of Lennox. 461.77
- Roſe of Gold full of Baulme ſente to King VVilliam from the Pope. 276.44
- Roſe and Scepter ſente by the Pope to Iames the fourth. 409. line. 101
- Roſſe vvhereof ſo named. 99.64
- Rothſay ſonne to Notafilus King of Scottes. 5.61
- Rothſay the Ile, called after the Kings name. 5.75
- Rothſay returneth into Irelande. 5. 80
- Rothſay ſucceedeth his father in the Kingdome. 5.80
- Rouge Mouth, a Frenche Cap|tayne. 477.46
- Rouland and Gilchriſt ſtoutely re|ſiſt the Englishmen. 274.55
- Rovvland Couſin to King VVil|liam. 273.31
- Rovvlande an Englishe Knyghte ſlayne. 314.1
- Roxena or Rovven, daughter to Hengiſt, arriueth in Britaine. 115. 72
- Ruſſell Iohn an Englishman. 288. line. 42
- Rubrum promontorium. 233.65