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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Murrey Lorde regent was in Glaſquho, at what tyme ſhee thus eſcaped out of Lochleuin, and vpon knowledge had thereof, meant at the firſte to haue withdrawen himſelfe vnto Sterlyng, but ſuddenly chan|ging his purpoſe in that behalf, he determined to continue at Glaſquho, whiche is not paſte an eyght myles from Hamilton,The Regent [...] determination to ſtay at Glaſ|quho. bycauſe hee was perſwaded, that if ſhe ſhould ſhrynke backe neuer ſo little, he ſhoulde encourage his aduer|ſaries, and diſcourage his frendes, and ſo conſe|quently weaken his parte greatly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon the thirtenth day of May afore mencioned, the Queene with hyr power mar|ched from Hamilton, by the South ſide of Clede towarde Dunbertane, and out of Glaſ|quho on the other parte marched the Lorde Re|gent with his forces, ſo as at length bothe the armies mette at a place called the Langſide,The armies meete at the Langſide. neare to the houſe of Catcart within twoo myles of Glaſquho.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There were on the Queenes parte the Earles of Argile, Caſſilles,Lordes vpon the Queenes parte. Eglinton and Ro|thes, Claude Hamilton ſonne to the Duke of Chatellerault, the Lordes Seaton, Somer|uille, Yeſter, Borthwike, Leuingſton, Heries, Maxwell, Sauquhar, Bord and Ros, Lairdes & Knights Lochinwar, Bas, Wauchtõ, Dal|howſy, Roſſen ye Sheriffe of Air, ſir Iames Ha|milton & many other. On the regents part were theſe accõpted as principall, ye erles of Morton,Lordes on the Regents part. Mar, Glẽcarne, Menteith, the M. of Graham, the Lordes Hume, Lindſey, Ruthuen, Simpil, Ogiltree & Cathcart, of lairdes & knights, Bar+gawy, Blacquhã, Drumlanrig, Seſford, Lus, Buchannane, Tulibardin, Peteur, Grange, Lochleuin, Lethington, and ſir Iames Bal|four.They ioyne battayle. At the firſte ioyning there was a righte ſharp encoũter, for after they had beſtowed their ſhotte of Harquebuſies and arrowes, they fell to it with ſpeares and ſwoordes, but at length af|ter [figure appears here on page 508] .iij.The Queenes [...] [...]com| [...]. quarters of an houres fight, the Queenes parte was put to flight, the victory remayning with the Regent, who ſuffered none to be ſlaine but thoſe that were killed in the fighte, before they turned their backes: among the whiche were .xiiij. [...]e of Hamiltõs [...] ta| [...]. of the ſurname of the Hamiltõs kil|led. There were taken pryſoners about a three hundred, of whiche number the principall were theſe: The Lordes Seaton, & Ros, Sir Iames Hamilton, and many other of that ſurname. Of the Regents parte, the Lorde Hume was hurte in the legge and face, and the Lord Ogil|tree in the necke, by the lord Heries: the Lorde Lindſey, and the Lards of Drumlanrig, and of Grange, bare themſelues right valiantly that day, fayling not in any poynt that belonged to the duetie of hardie Capitaines. The Queenes partie was thought to be neare at the poynt of vj. thouſande men, & the Regents was reconed to be foure thouſand, ſo that there were a tenne thouſand men on the fielde that day, what vpon the one ſide and the other.

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