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Compare 1587 edition: 1 An acte for the aboliſhing of the Popes au|thoritie in Scotland.Alſo there was an Acte made for the abo|liſhyng of the Pope, and his vſurped authori|tie, and an other Acte for the annullyng of for|mer Actes made in Parliament for maynte|naunce of ſuperſtition and Idolatrie, and here|vnto was annexed a confeſſion of the fayth and doctrine receyued by the Proteſtantes of the Realme of Scotlande, authoriſed in the ſame Parliament. There was alſo an acte made for the indempnitie of thoſe that had leuied warre, and apprehended the Queene at Car|barrie hill, the fiftenth of Iuly laſt paſt, and con|cernyng the deteyning of hir in Lochleuin.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The caſtell of Dunbar, and the fortreſſe of Inchkeith to be raſed.Moreouer it was ordeyned by an acte paſſed in this Parliament that the Caſtell of Dun|bar, and the fortreſſe of Inſkeith, ſhoulde bee demoliſhed and raſed downe to the earth. To be briefe, there were one & fourtie Actes or Sta|tutes made and eſtabliſhed in this Parliament; as by the Regiſter thereof it may appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Sunday the ſeconde of May, in the yeare 1568. at ſupper tyme the Queene eſ|caped out of Lochleuyn,


The queene eſcape out of Lochleuin.

by the meanes and helpe of George Dowglas brother to the Laird of Lochleuyn. The Lorde Seaton, the Laird of Ricartou and Iames Hamilton of Oribi|ſton were ready to receyue hyr, and conueyed hyr ouer the Queenes Ferry, firſte to Nudry the Lorde Seatons houſe, and from thence to Hamilton Caſtell, where ſhe remayned till the thirtenth day of May beyng thurſday,The Queenes gathereth a power. gathe|ring in the meane time ſuch forces as ſhe might from all places.

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