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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2


MArie be the grace of God Quene of Scot|tis,

To all and ſundrie our Iudgeis and Myniſteris of lawe, liegis and ſubiectis quhome it effeiris to quhais knawlege thir our letters ſall cum, greeting.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Forſamekle as by lange irk|ſum and ſedious trauell takin by vs, in the go|uernament of this our realme & liegis thairof, we are ſa vexit and weryit, that our bodie, ſpi|rite and ſencis, are altogeddir become vnhabill langer to trauell in that towne. And thairfore we haue dimittit and renuncit the office of go|uernement of this our realme and liegis thairof, in fauoures of our onely maiſte deir Sonne, na|tiue Prince of this our realme. And becauſe of his tender youth and inhabillitie to vſe the ſaide gouernement in his awin perſoun, during his mynoritie, we haue conſtitute our deereſt bro|ther Iames Earle of Murray, Lorde Abyrne|thi [...], &c. Regent to our ſayde ſonne, realme and liegis foyrſaydis. And in reſpect that our ſaide deereſt brother is actually furthe of our realme, and cannot inſtantly be preſent to accepte the ſayde office of Regentrie vpon him, and vſe and exerce ye ſamyn during our ſaydis deereſt ſonys mynoritie: we quhill his returning within our Realme or in cais of his deceis haue maide, cõ|ſtitute, namit, appointit, and ordaynit, and by thir our letteris makis, conſtitutis, namis, ap|pointis and ordanis our traiſt conſingis and counſalouris, Iames Duke of Chatellerauit, Earle of Arrane, Lorde Hammiltoun, Matho Erle of Leuinax, Lorde Dernley, &c. Archibald Erle of Argile, Lord Campbell and Lorne, &c. Iohn Erle of Athole, Iames erle of Mortoun, Alexander Erle of Glencarne, & Iohn Erle of Mar, Regentis to our ſaid deereſt ſonne, realme and liegis, and in cais our ſaide brother Iames Erle of Murray cum within our realme, and refuſis to accept the ſayde office of Regentrie v|pon his ſingulare perſoun, we make, conſtitute, name, appoint, and ordeyne, our traiſt, conſingis and Counſallouris foyrſaydis, and our ſayd brother Regentis of our ſaide deir ſonne, realme and liegis.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Genand, grantand and comittand, to thame or ony Fiue of thame coniunctlie full power for our ſaide ſonne, and in his name to reſſaue re|ſignacyonnis of landis, make diſpoſitionnis [...] wairdis, nonentreſſis, releuis, mariageis, bene|ficis, eſchetis, officis and vtheris, caſualiteis and priuiledgeis, quhat ſumeuer concerning the ſaid office, Signatouris thayr vpon to make, ſub|ſcriue, and cauſe be paſte throuch the ſeillis. And to vſe and exerce the ſaide office of Regentrie in all thingis, priuiledgeis and comoditeis, ſiclike as freelie and with als greit libertie as ony re|gẽt or gouernor to vs or our predeceſſouris vſit the ſamin in ony tymes bygane. Promyttand EEBO page image 506 to halde firme and ſtabill in the worde and faith of ane Prince to quhatſumeuer thingis our ſaidis traiſt couſingis dois in the premiſſis. Charginge heirfore ȝow all and ſundrie our Iudgeis and myniſteris of law, lieges and ſub|iectis foyrſaydis, to anſwer & obey to our ſaidis traiſt conſingis. Regentis foyrſaidis in all and ſundry things concerning the ſayde office of re|gentrie during our ſaide deereſt ſonis minoritie, and ay and quhil he be of the age of ſeuintene ȝeiris compleit, As ȝe and ilk ane of ȝow wil de|clair ȝow luifinge ſubiectis to our ſayd maiſt deir ſone, ȝour natiue Prince, & vnder all paine, charge and offence that ȝe and ilk ane of ȝow maie commit and inrin agains his maieſtie in that pairt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4


MArie be the grace of God Quene of Scot|tis,

To all and ſundrie our Iudgeis, and Miniſteris of Law, liegis, and ſubiectis quhome it effeiris, to quhais knawlege thir our letteris ſall cum, greting.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Forſamekle, as ſen our arri|uall, & returning within our Realme, we wil|ling the commoun commoditie, welth, profeit, and quietnes thairof, lieges, and ſubiectis of the ſamin, haue employit our body, ſpirite, haill ſen|cis, and forcis to gouerne the ſamin, in ſic ſort that our royall, & honorabill eſtate mycht ſtand, and continew with vs, and our poſteritie, and our luifing, and kynde liegis mycht enioy the quietnes of trew ſubiectis. In trauelling quhairin, not onlie is our body, ſpirite, & ſencis ſa vexit, brokin, and vnquyetit, that langer we are not of habilitie be ony meane to indure ſa greit and intollerabill panis & trauellis, quhair|with we ar altogidder veryit, bot als greit com|motiounis and troublis, be ſindrie occaſiounis in the meintyme hes enſewit thairin to our greit greif. And ſeing it bes bene the pleſour of the e|ternall God, of his kyndlie lufe, mercie, & gud|nes to grant vnto vs, of our awin perſoun, ane Sone, quha in cais be the hand of God we be veſeit, will, and of rycht, and of equitie man, and aucht to ſucceid to vs and to the gouernment of our Realme. And knawing that all creaturis ar ſubiect to that immutabill decreit of the eternal, ains to rander and gif vp this lyfe temporall, (the hour and tyme quhairof is maiſt vncer|tane) and in cais be deceis we be takin fra this lyfe, during the tyme of his minoritie, it may be dowtit greitlie that reſiſtance, and troubill may be maid to our ſaid Sone, now natiue Prince of this our Realme, in his tender ȝeires (being ſwa deſtitute of vs) to ſucceid to that rowme & Kingdome quhilk maiſt iuſtlie of al Lawis ap|pertenis to him. Quhilk inconuenient be Godis help and gade prouidence, we mene to preuent, in ſic maner, that it fall not ly in the power of ony vnnaturall ſubiectis to reſiſt Godis or|dinance in that behalf. And vnderſtanding that na thing eirdlie is mair ioyous, and happy to vs, nor to ſe our ſaid derreſt Sone, in our awin lyfe time peciablie placit in that rowme, and honorabill eſtate quhairto he iuſtlie ancht & man ſucceid to. We of the motherlie affectioun we beir toward our ſaid onlie Sone, haue re|nuncit, and dimittit, and be thir our letteris, fre|lie, of our awin motiue will renuncis, and di|mittis the gouernement, gyding and gouerning of this our Realme of Scotland, liegis, and ſub|iectis thairof, and all intromiſſioun and diſpo|ſitioun of ony caſu [...]eis, pr [...]ertie, benefices, offices, and all thingis apperteining, or heirto|foir is knawin, or heirefter fall happen to apper|tene thairto, in fauouris of our ſaid derreſt ſone. To that effect, that he may be plantit, placit, and poſſeſſit thairin, vſe and exerce all thingis be|langand thairto, as natiue King, and Prince of the ſamin, and ſiclyke as we or ony our prede|ceſſouris, Kingis of Scottis, hes done in ony tymes bypaſt. Attoure, that this our dimiſſioun may tak the mair ſolempne effect, and that nane pretend ignorãce thairof, we haue geuin, gran|tit, and committit, and be thir our letters geuis grantis, and committis our commiſſioun full, frie, and plane power, generall, and ſpeciall cõ|mand, to our traiſt couſingis, Patrik Lord Lindeſay of the Byris, and Williame Lord Ruthuen, and to ilk ane of thame coniunctly & ſeuerally, to compeir before ſa mony of the No|bilitie, Clergie, Burgeſſis, & vther pepill of our Realme, as fall happin to be aſſemblit to that effect in our Burgh of Striuiling or ony vther place or placis quhair it ſalbe thocht maiſt con|uenient, at ony day or dayis, and thair publictlie in thair preſence, for vs, in our name, and vpon our behalf dimit, and renunce the gouernement, gyding, and reuling of this our Realme, liegis, and ſubiectis thairof, all intromiſſioun with the propertie, caſualitie, or vtheris thingis apperte|ning to vs thairby, and all rycht, and tytle that we had, bes, or may haue be ony maner of way thairto, in fauouris of our ſaid Sone, to that ef|fect, that he may be inaugurat, placit, and row|mit thairin, and the Crowne royall deliuerit to him, and be obeyit in all thingis concerning the ſamin, as we, or our predeceſſouris hes bene in times bypaſt. And in likewiſe be thir preſentis geuis, grantis, and committis our full, frie, and plane power, to our rycht traiſt couſingis, Iames Erle of Mortoun, Lord of Dalkeith. Iohne Erle of Athole. &c. Iohne Erle of Mar. &c. Alexãder Erle of Glencarne, William Erle of Menteith, Iohn Maiſter of Grahame, Alex|ander EEBO page image 507 Lord Hume, Adam Biſchop of Orknay, the Proueſtis of Dundie, Montrois, or ony of thame, to reſſaue the ſaid renunciatioun, and di|miſſioun in fauouris of our ſaid Sone, & thair|efter the reſſauing thairof, to plant, place, and inaugurat him in the Kingdome, and with all ceremonies requyſit to put the Crowne royall vpon his heid, in ſigne and takin of the eſtable|ſing of him thairin, and in his name to mak, and gif to the ſaidis Nobilitie, Clergy, Burgeſſis, and vtheris our liegis his Princely and King|ly aith detfully, and lauchfully as effeiris. And to reſſaue thair aithis for dew and lauchfull ho|mage to be maid be thame to him, in all tymes cuming as becumis ſubiectis to thair natiue King and Prince. And generally all and ſun|drie vther thingis to do, exerce, and vſe, that for ſure, performance and accompliſhment heirof may, or can be done, firme and ſtable haldand, and for to hald all and quhat ſumeuer thingis in our name, in the premiſſis leidis to be done, in the word and faithfull promis of ane Prince. And ordanis thit one letters (gif neid beis) to be publiſt at all places neidfull.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3


MArie be ye grace of God, Quene of Scottis,

to all and ſindrie our Iugeis, and Mini|ſteris of our Lawis, liegis, and ſubiectis quhome it efferis, to quhais knawlege thir our letteris fall cum, greting.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Forſamekle, as efter lang, greit, and intollerabill panis, & laubouris takin be vs ſen our arriuall within our Realme, for gouernement thairof, and keping of the liegis of the ſame in quyetnes, we haue not onlie bene vexit in our ſpirite, body, and ſences thairby, bot als at lenth ar altogidder ſa vexit thairof, that our habilitie, and ſtrenth of body is not habill langer to indure the ſamin.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thairfore, and becauſe nathing eirdlie can be mair confortabil and happy to vs in this eird, nor in our lyfetime to ſe our deir Sone, the na|tiue Prince of this our Realme, placit in the Kingdome thairof, and the Crowne royall ſet on his heid, we of our owin fre will, and ſpeciall motiue, haue dimittit, and renuncit the gouern|ment, gyding, & gouerning of this our Realme, of Scotland, liegis, and ſubiectis thairof, in fa|uouris of our ſayd Sone, to that effect, that in all times heirafter, he may peciablie, and quietly enioy the ſamin without troubill, and be obeyit as natiue King, and Prince of the ſamin be the liegis thairof. And vnderſtãding that be reſſoun of his tender ȝouth, he is not of habilitie in his awin perſoun to adminiſtrate in his Kinglie rowme, and gouernement, as equytie requyris, quhill that heirefter he cum to the ȝeires of diſ|cretioun. And als knawing the proximitie of blude ſtandand betuix vs, our ſaid Sone, & our derreſt brother Iames Erle of Murray, Lord Ahirnethie. &c. And hauand experience of the na|turall affectioun, and tenderly lufe he hes in all tymes borne, and preſently be [...]ris towardis vs, honour, and eſtate of our ſaide Sone. Of quhais lufe, and fauour towardis him we can not bot aſſure our ſelf. To quhome na greter honour, wy, nor felicitie in eird can cum, nor to ſe our ſaid Sone inaugurat in his King|dome, feirit, reuerencit, and obeyit be his liegis thairof. In reſpect quhairof, and of the certane|tie, and notoritie, of the honeſtie, habilitie, quali|ficatioun, and ſufficiencie of our ſaid derreſt bro|ther, to haue the cure and Regiment of our ſaid Sone, Realme, and liegis foirſaidis, during our ſaid Sonis minoritie. We haue maid, namit, appointit, conſtitute, and ordanit, and be thir our letteris namis, appointis, makis, cõſtitutis, and ordanis our ſaid derreſt brother Iames erle of Murray, Regent to our ſaid derreſt Sone, Realme, and liegis foirſaidis, during his mino|ritie and les age, and ay and quhill he be of the age of ſeuintene ȝeiris compleit. And that our ſaid brother be callit during the ſaid ſpace, Re|gent to our ſaid Sone, his Realme, and liegis. Swa that our ſaid Sone efter the completing of the ȝeiris foirſaidis, in his awin perſoun may tak vpon him the ſaid gouernement, and vſe, & exerce all and ſindrie priuilegis, honouris, and vtheris immuniteis that appertenis to the office of ane King, alſweill in gouerning his Realme & pepill, according to the Lawis, as in repreſ|ſing the violẽce of ſic as wald inuaid, or iniuſt|lie reſiſt him or thame, or his authoritie Royal. With power to our ſaid derreſt brother Iames Erle of Murray in name, authoritie, and behalf of our ſaid maiſt deir Sone, to reſſaue reſigna|tiounis of quhatſumeuer landis haldin of him, or ȝit of offices, Caſtellis, Towris, Fortalices, mylnis, fiſchingis, woddis, benefices, or perti|nentis quhatſumener the ſamin againe in our ſaid Sonis name to gif, and deliuer ſignaturis thairvpon, & vpon the giftis of wairdis, nonen|treſſis, and releues of landis, and mariageis of airis falland, or that fall happin to fall in our ſaid Sonis handis as ſuperiour thairof. And als vpon preſentatioun of landis, benefices, e|ſchetis of guids mouabil and vnmouabill, dettis and takkis, reſpittis remiſſiounis, ſuperſedereis, and vpon the diſpoſitioun of offices vacand, or quhen thay fall happin to vaik, to ſubſeriue, and cauſe be paſt the Seillis the ſaid office of Re|gentrie, to vſe & exerce in all thingis, priuilegis, and commoditeis, ſiclyke as frelie, and with als greit libertie, as ony Regent, or Gouernour to vſe, or our predeceſſouris vſit in ony tymes by|gane, EEBO page image 508 and ſiclyke as gif euerie held, priuilege and article concerning the ſaid office wer at lenth expreſſit, and amplifyit in thir our letteris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Promiſand to hald firme and ſtabill in the word and faith of ane Prince to quhatſumeuer thingis our ſaid derreſt brother in the premiſſis happinnis to do. Chargeing heirfo [...] ȝow all, and ſundrie our Ingeis, & Miniſteris of Law, liegis, and ſubiectis foirſeidis, to anſwer and o|bey to our ſaid derreſt brother, in all and findrie thingis concerning the ſaid office of Regentrie, as ȝe and ilk ane of ȝow will declair ȝow luiſing ſubiectis, to our ſaid maiſt deir Sone, and vnder all paine, charge, and offence that ȝe and ilk ane of ȝow may commit, and inrin againis his Ma|ieſtie in that pairt.

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