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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene remained at Edinburgh wyth the Nobilitie, and bycauſe ſhee was conceyued wyth childe, trauailed little abroade.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A Parliament.In the meane time a Parliament was called EEBO page image 501 to bee holden in the moneth of Marche nexte enſuing, and ſommonaunce decreed a|gaynſte the Earle of Murrey,The Lords that exiled are immoued. and the other Lordes that remayned in Englande, and al|ſo againſte the Earle of Argile, lying then in hys Countrey of Argile to heare them forfal|ted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche King ſent Monſieur Rambe|neuller into Scotlãd,The King re|turned the after of Sainte Michaell. as Ambaſſador from him to the Queene, with commiſſion, to make the King hir huſbande Knighte of the order of S. Michaell, which with great ſolemnitie and re|uerence,1566 was accompliſhed in the Chappell of Holy Roode houſe the tenth of February, beeing Sonday. After the which, the ſaid Rainbeueul|let returned into Fraunce, being hyghly rewar|ded.

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