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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The couenãts & articles are perfected.In the lente, all the Lordes of the realme of Scotlande aſſembled at Striueling, where all the couenaunts and articles of agreement, be|twixte the Queene and the Gouernour were perfected and fully concluded,1554. and therevpon a Parliament appoynted to be holden in Eden|burgh,A Parliament. the .x. of Aprill nexte enſewyng: and in the meane time ye gouernour deliuered the caſtel of Edẽburgh,Edenburgh ca|ſtell deliuered to the Lorde Erskin to kepe vnto the Lord Erſkin to keepe as it were by way of aſſuraunce for his parte, that al things at that Parliament ſhould be accõpli|ſhed accordyng to the pointes of the agreement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Lordes then aſſemblyng in Parlia|ment at Edenburgh on the ſayde twelfth day of Aprill,The queene made gouer|nour by Par|liament. all the couenants of agreement had and made betwixte the Queene Dowarier and the Gouernour, were preſented and redde, touching the dimiſſiõ and giuing ouer of the Gouernours authoritie confirmed by the Queene hir ſelfe in Fraunce, with conſent of the King of Fraunce hir huſband, the Duke of Guyſe, and the Car|dinall of Lorayne hir curators, with a gifte of the Dukedome of Chatelerault vnto the Go|uernour, vnder the greate ſeales of Fraunce,The gouer|nour made Duke. and others to whom it appertayned. After this there was redde a confirmation of the three eſtates of Scotland touching the premiſſes, in which they bound themſelues to warrant the Queenes diſ|charge made to him, & to eſtabliſh him as ſecõd perſon of the realme, with other things contey|ned in the contract, to the whiche there in open Parliament all the eſtates ſubſcribed & put ther|vnto their ſeales: whiche done, the Gouernour gaue vp his office of Tutoriſhip,The gouer|nour reſigned his office vnto the Queene. in preſence of the ſayd eſtates, the Queene mother, & Mõſieur Doyſell beyng there preſent, who receyued the ſame in the Queenes name at that time remay|ning in Fraunce: and herewith preſently was a cõmiſſion ſhewed, giuẽ by the Queene of Scot|lande in Fraunce with conſent of hir curators, making the Queene Dowarier hir mother,The Queene giueth the go|uernãce of the realme vnto the Queene mother. re|gent of hir realme, whiche office ſhe tooke vpon hir, & was thereto admitted by the eſtates of the realme. Then was the Parliament newly authorized in the Queenes name, with conſent of hir curators, & in name of the Queene regẽt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene regent ſent the Erle of Hunt|ley to ye Hie lãde, to take Iohn Mwdyeart,Therle of Hũ [...]+ley is pryſo|ner. who returned without him, whervpon Huntley was called before the Queene & Counſayle, & put in warde in the caſtell of Edenburgh, the .xj. day of October.Officers are chaunged. The Queene chaunged al the offi|cers, & made the Earle of Caſſels threſorer, and Veilmort a Frenchman cõtroller: alſo an other Frenchman called Mõſieur Rubie, keeper of the great ſeale, in place, of the Erle of Huntley, who was Chauncellour and then in warde. Theſe mens counſell and Monſieur Doyſels ſhe vſed principally in al things.The Earle of Huntley re|nounced many things. The Earle of Huntley to be deliuered out of warde, renounced his title to ye Erledome of Murrey, wherof he had a gift in heritage. Alſo he renoũced his interreſt to the fermes of Orkney & Sheitland, & to the Erle|dome to Mar, & of the queenes lãdes of Straits Die. And further was cõtented to go ouer into Fraũce, there to remaine for ye ſpace of .v. yeres. But yet afterwards ye Queene was cõtented, yt he ſhould ſtil remaine within the realme, for the which he gaue to hir .v. thouſãd poũd in money.

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