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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In ye moneth of Iuly there was a Parliamẽt holdẽ at Edẽburgh,


A Parliament

in yt which many acts and ſtatutes were made right profitable as was thẽ thought for the cõmon weale of ye realme.An ambaſſa|dour ſent. The ſame yeere there came an Ambaſſadour forth of englãd, to cõfirme ye treatie of peace before takẽ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the moneth of Iuly ye queene went north|ward to Inuernes,


The queene regẽt maketh a progreſſe.

accõpanied wt the Earles of Hũtley, Argile, Rothes Caſſils & Merſhal ye B. of Abirdene & Roſſe, M. Doyſel, Rubie & others holding iuſtice ayres (as they terme it) firſt at EEBO page image 483 Inuernes aforeſayd, & after at Elgine, Bamfe, Aberden, and Saint Iohns towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Commiſsio|ners ſent.In the meane time there were ſent commiſ|ſioners to the borders, as the Biſhop of Dum|blane, the Lard of Lethyngton, and maſter Iames Macgill, where Doctor Tunſtall Bi|ſhop of Dureſme, and certayne others for En|gland mette them, and remayned there till the Queenes cõming backe forth of the North in September following.

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