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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeere following, dyed William Hay, Earle of Errole, and Coneſtable of Scotlande. Alſo George Creichton Earle of Catneſe, and William Creichton chiefe of that family.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while, the Earle of Dowglas remaining in England, procured the Engliſhmẽ diuers times to make roades into Scotlande, whereby he loſt as ye Scottiſh writers affirme ye loue of his owne coũtreymen, whẽ they ſaw him thus ioyne with the Engliſhmen to the domage of his natiue land. At one time, Henry Earle of Northumberland, & the ſaid Earle of Dowglas inuaded the Mers, but taking little heede to thẽ|ſelues, and ſuffering their people to ride abroade to harrie the countrey without order. Dowglas Earle of Angus with a mightie army of Scot|tiſhmen ſet vppon them, and put them to flighte, ſteaing diuers, and taking to the number of ſeuen hundred priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus as ſhould appeare, the Earle of Dow|glas in vayne ſought to diſquiet his countrey, for all his friendes in Scotlande continued faithfull to the King, who had graunted peace to all other of ye Dowglaſſes and their complices: for it was Gods will that the matter ſhoulde bee taken vp without more bloudſhed, that the right line of the Scottiſh Kings might be preſerued.

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