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Compare 1587 edition: 1 And though the almighty God mighte haue brought that to paſſe by other meanes, according as it ſhould haue pleaſed hys good wil & omnipo|tent power, yet he choſe this way, whereby the ef|fuſion of much bloud might be auoyded, whiche by ciuill battell had bin ſpylled, if the parties ha|uing their harts fylled with rancoure and yre, had EEBO page image 395 buckeled togyther in battayle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iames Kenedy Archbiſhop of Saint Androws ch [...]efe Chaun|cellor to the King.But the King vſing the aduiſe of his kinſman Iames Kenedie Archbiſhop of Saint Androws, compaſſed his purpoſe in the end, diſpatching out of the way all ſuche as he any wayes foorthe mi|ſtruſted, of which nũber namely were the Dow|glaſſes, whoſe puiſſance and authoritie not with|out cauſe he euermore ſuſpected.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many haue reported (as before is ſaid) that in the beginning, King Iames the ſecond, through feare of ye great power of theſe Dowglaſſes, was in mind to haue fled the Realme, but being recõ|forted by the counſell and authoritie of the ſande Biſhop Iames Kenedy, he aduaunced his ſtudie to matters of greater importaunce.

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