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The king therefore being paſſed through the dale or valley whiche lyeth plaine Eaſt from the ſayde Caſtell (where nowe ſtandeth EEBO page image 264 the Cannogate) the Houndes were caſt off,Cannogate. and great noyſe rayſed what with their opening and blaſt of hornes, that all the wilde beaſtes were ſoone on foot for dread thereof, and diuerſe of them [figure appears here on page 264] ſtreyght had in chaſe. And nowe was the King come to the foote of the hyll, and all his nobles ſe|uered here and there from him, when ſodenly ap|peared to his ſight the faireſt Hart that euer man ſet eye vpon: The dynne or noyſe of this Hart comming towardes the king with his ful courſe, made the kings horſe ſo afrayde, that he was not able to ſtay him with the reigne, but that he ran quite away with him, through thicke and thin, the Hart ſtill following ſo faſt and with ſuche violence, that at length hee bare both horſe and man to the grounde: And as the king caſt backe his handes betwixt the tyndes of this Hart,A croſſe fal|ling into the kings handes. to defende himſelfe from hurt, there ſlipped a croſſe into his handes after a myraculous ſort, and im|mediately therewith the Hart ruſhed away with great violence, and could neuer after be ſeene.

This was in the ſame place where nowe ſprings a fountaine called the Rood Well.

There is no man that could tell of what mat|ter this Croſſe was made, whether of mettall, ſtone, or of tree.

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