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Compare 1587 edition: 1 He erected alſo foure Biſhoprikes within his Realme, Roſſe, Brechin, Dunkeld,Foure Biſhops ſeas erected in Scotland. and Dublane, endowing them with riche rentes, fayre landes, and ſundrie right commodious poſſeſſions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer he tranſlated the Biſhops Sea of Murthlake vnto Aberden, for ſundrie aduiſed conſiderations, augmenting it with certaine re|uenues, as he thought expedient.

There goeth a fond forged tale,A tale. that this king Dauid being in the Caſtel of Edenburgh on the holy Rood day in Harueſt, otherwiſe called the Exaltation of the croſſe, it chaũced that through excyting of certaine yong Lordes and Gentle|men, after he had beene at Churche, hee tooke his Horſe and rode foorth into the next wooddes to hunt the Harte, for in thoſe dayes all that countrey was full of Woods and waſt grounds, repleniſhed with Deare and wilde beaſtes,The Countrey about Eden|burgh in olde time full of Wood. ſmall tyllage as then beeing vſed in any part of the Realme, for all the people in maner were giuen to breeding of Caſtell, more than to any other trade of liuing.

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