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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus continuyng his reigne the ſpace of .xv. yeares or there aboutes in honorable peace, to the great aduauncement of the common wealth of his ſubiects,620. he laſtly died in the yeare .620. and was buried amongſt his elders in the Iſle of Iona, within the monaſterie of Colmekill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bonifacius a godly preacherAbout this time that reuerend father and Bi|ſhop Bonifatius Quirinus, came foorth of Ita|ly into Scotlande, to inſtruct the people in the faith of Chriſt there. Whether he were Pope & reſigning vp the papalitie came thus into Scot|land (as ſome haue ſuppoſed) or whether he was ſent from the Pope called Bonifacius that ſuc|ceeded Sauinianus, it is not certainly knowen: but certaine it is, as the Scottiſhe writers af|firme, that vpon his firſt comming into Scot|land he arriued in the water of Taye, comming a lande at the mouth of a little riuer, whiche di|uideth the countrey of Gowrie from Angus. [figure appears here on page 144] His name is yet famous amongſt the Scottes euen vnto this day: for that he trauailed through the moſt parte of the lande, in preaching and in|ſtructing the people to theyr confirmation in the faith, and erecting diuers Churches in the honor of almightie God, whiche hee dedicated to the name of S. Peter. And amongſt other he buylt one at the place where he came a lande, an other at a village called Tullyne, not paſſing three myles from Dundee, & the third at Reſtennoth, where afterwardes an houſe of Chanons of S. Auguſtines order was buylded. At length hee came into Roſſe, continuyng there the reſidue of his life, and is buried at Roſſemarken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Molock a preacher.There was alſo the ſame time amongſt the Scottes an auncient godly man named Mo|lock, who following ſuche rules and doctrine as in his youth he had learned of Brandon that re|uerend Abbotte, he ceaſſed not to exhort the peo|ple of Mar and Argyle (in whiche countreys he was moſt reſident) to flee and forſake their vici|ous liuing,Monkes were preachers in thoſe dayes. and to endeuour themſelues to im|brace vertue to the comfort and health of theyr ſoules.

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