Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Molock kept continual companie with the forenamed Bonifacius after his comming into Scotland: and finally died alſo in Roſſe, being about .94. yeares of age, and was buried in the church where Bonifacius lieth, though they of Argyle ſay that his relikes reſte amongſt thẽ in the Churche of Lyſmore, whiche is dedicated to his name.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 144] AFter the deceaſſe of Eugenius,Ferqu|hard. his ſon Ferquhard ſucceeded in his place, for Eugenius had three ſonnes,Ferquhard king of Scot|land. Fer|quhard, Fiacre, and Donnewald. Theſe be|ing appointed by theyr father to be brought vp with Connane Biſhop of Sodore (that is the Biſhop of Man) in vertuous diſcipline, did not altogither follow his godly precepts and leſſons.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ferquhard and Donald gladly gaue eare to him, but they thought his inſtructions did not much appertayne vnto theyr birth and degree, but Fiacre printing his diuine documẽts deepe|ly in his harte, determined to forſake all worldly pompe and dignitie, and to get him ſome whi|ther farre from home, where he might ſerue God more freely without lette or interruption of his frendes or kinſfolke.