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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame time was Edelfred king of Northumberland ſlaine in battell,See more hereof in En|gland. at a place cal|led Wintringham, not far from the riuer of Hũ|ber, by Redwald & Ethelbreth,King Edel|fred ſlaine. the one being king of the eaſt Angles, & the other of the middle An|gles, in reuenge of ſuche iniuries as the ſame E|delfred had done vnto the Saxons of the coũtrey called Mertia, conteyning as in the Engliſh hi|ſtorie more plainly may appeare) al thoſe ſhyres from the riuer of Thames vnto the riuer of Mer|ſec in Lancaſhyre. Then was one Edwine a right Chriſtian prince,Edwyne. appoynted to reygne in his place, by the aſſignement of the two foreſayd kings Redwald and Ethelbreth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt theſe things were a doing, there were ſeuen ſonnes of the foreſayde Edelfred, that de|teſting the vntrue dealing of the Pictes, whiche refuſed to ayde their father in his neceſſitie, and doubting to fall into the handes of Edwyn, got them vnto Eugenius the Scottiſhe king for more ſuretie of theyr liues. Theyr names were Eufreid, Oſwald, Oſlaws, Oſwyne, Offas, Oſmõd, & Oſyk. Ebba the only daugh|ter of Edelfred beyng taken amongſt other pry|ſoners, and eſcaping from hir taker, miracu|louſly got a boate in the riuer of Humber, and with the ſame taking the ſea alone, without all humane helpe, (as hath bene reported) ſhe ſayled foorth, and at length ſafely arriued at the poynt of lande which ſtretcheth foorth into the ſea, in the mouth of the Forth, called euẽ vnto this day after hyr name, Saint Ebbes head,S. Ebbas head. where being receyued by the Biſhop of that dioceſſe, ſhee was profeſſed a Nonne, and after continuyng in greate perfectneſſe of obſeruing that profeſſion, ſhe was inſtituted Abbeſſe of hyr houſe, ſhew|ing ſtill in trade of lyfe an orderly enſample for hyr flocke to followe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Eugenius the Scottiſh king did louingly re|ceyue the ſonnes of Edelfred, though their father had euer bene a cruell enimie againſt the Scot|tiſh nation: and within a while after theyr com|ming into Scotlãd, hearing oftẽtimes the godly ſermons and preachings of the Biſhoppes and Monkes (who in thoſe dayes continually gaue themſelues vnto that exerciſe they finally abhor|red theyr ſuperſticious idolatrie, and receyued baptiſme, that ſalutiferous ſigne and ſacramẽt of our chriſtian religiõ. Thoſe churches alſo which the Saxõs in time of ye warres had ouerthrowẽ & deſtroyed in Galoway & other coũtreys therea|bouts, Eugenius cauſed to be repaired: moreouer alſo he reedified ſundry caſtels in thoſe marches, EEBO page image 144 and placed in them gariſons of ſouldiers, to de|fend them againſt all inuaſions that might hap|pen.

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