Compare 1587 edition: 1 A louer of peace & qui|etneſſe.This Eugenius then beyng placed in the kingly ſeat, forgot not ſuch wholſome leſſons & vertuous precepts, as the foreſayd Saint Colme had taught him in his youth, ſo that ſtudying how to defende rather that which was his owne in peace and quietneſſe, than to ſeeke any wayes or meanes howe to enlarge it, by wrongfull en|croching vpon other mens poſſeſſions, he grewe into ſuch fauour with all good menne, as greater could not be deuiſed.A ſharpe iu|ſticier. Vnto offendors he was a ſharpe Iuſticier, not ſparing any tranſgreſſour of his lawes, neyther in reſpect of nobilitie or o|therwiſe, but rather thoſe gentlemen which miſ|vſed thẽſelues in breache of good orders, he chief|ly gaue order to ſee them puniſhed: where if they behaued themſelues worthily, and according to theyr calling, there was no prince more gladde than he to aduaunce them vnto honour.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 By theſe and the like his princely doings, he was both beloued of his people and alſo dred. He neither fauoured the Picts nor Saxons of Nor|thumberland, for that the one nation being Eth|nikes perſiſted in their infidelitie, and the other ceaſſed not by all maner of meanes to ſupporte them but yet taking a truce with them bothe, he firmely cauſed the ſame to be obſerued.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .x. yeare of his reygne Cinigell king of Weſtſaxons and Edelfred king of Northum|berlande with ayde of the Pictes,Cadwalle van|quiſhed. vanquiſhed Cadwallo king of Brytons, and chaſed him in|to Scotlãd, where he remained not long, ſayling from thence into Brytain in Fraunce, & purcha|ſing ayde of the king there named Cadoal, retur|ned into Wales,Cadwalle is re+ſtored vnto his kingdome where vanquiſhing his enimies the Saxons, & ſleaing many thouſands of them, he was reſtored againe vnto his kingdome.