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5.20. Cunedag and Margan contende for the gouernement.

Cunedag and Margan contende for the gouernement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [figure appears here on page 20] CVnedagius & Mar|ganus Nephews to Cordeilla,Cune|dag & Mar|gan. hauing reco|uered the land out of hir hands, deuided the ſame betwixt them, that is to wit, the countrey ouer & beyonde Humber fell to Margan as it ſtretcheth euen to Catneſſe, & the other part lying South, EEBO page image 27 and by weſt, was aſſigned to Cunidagius. This pertition chanced in the yeere of the World .3170. before the building of Rome .47. Vzia as yet raigning in Iuda, & Ieroboam in Iſrael. After|wards, theſe two couſins, Cunedag and Margã, had not raigned thus paſt a two yeares, but tho|rough ſome ſeditious perſons, Margan was per|ſwaded to reiſe warre againſt Cunedag, telling him in his eare, howe it was a ſhame for him be|ing come of the elder ſiſter, not to haue the rule of the whole Ile in his hande. Herevpon, ouercome with pride, ambition, & couetouſneſſe, he reiſed an army, [...]argan in| [...]deth his [...]uſin Cune| [...]g. & entring into ye land of Cunedag, he brẽ|ued & deſtroyed ye coũtrey before him in miſerable maner. Cunedag in all haſt to reſiſt his aduer|ſarie, aſſembled alſo al ye power he could make, & comming with the ſame againſt Margan, gaue him battell, in the which be ſlew a great nũber of Margãs people, and put ye reſidue to flight, and furthermore purſued him from countrey to coũ|trey, till hee came into Cambria, nowe called Wales, where ye ſaid Margan gaue him eftſones a new battell: but beeing too weake in number of men, [...]argan is [...]yne. he was there ouercome & ſlaine in ye field, by reaſon wherof, yt countrey tooke name of him, be|ing there ſlaine, [...] VVest. and ſo is called to this day Glau Margã, which is to meane in our Engliſh tong, Margans land. This was the end of that Mar|gan, after hee had raigned with his brother two yeres, or thereaboutes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 AFter the death of Margan, Cunedagius the ſon of Hẽnius & Ragay (middlemoſt daugh|ter of Leir,Cune|dagius [...]lone. before mentioned) became Ruler of all the whole lãd of Britayne, in ye yere of ye World 3172. before the building of Rome .45. Vzia ſtill raigning in Iuda, and Ieroboam in Iſraell. He gouerned this Ile wel & honorably for the tearme of .xxxiij. yeeres: And then dying, his body was buried at Troynouant or Londõ. Moreouer our writers do reporte, that hee builded alſo three tẽ|ples, one to Mars at Perth in Scotland, another to Mercury at Bangor, and the thirde to Apollo in Cornewall.

5.21. Ryuall the .13. Ruler.

Ryuall the .13. Ruler.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Riual. [figure appears here on page 27] RIuallon, the ſon of Cunedag began to raign ouer ye Britaines, in the yere of the world 3203. before the building of Rome .15. Ibathan as then beeing King of Iuda, and Phacea king of Iſrael. This Ryuall gouerned the lande in greate wealth and pro|ſperitie.It rayned bloud. Mat. VVeſt. In his time it raigned bloud by the ſpace of three dayes togither. After which raigne enſu|ed ſuch an exceding nũber and multitude of flies, ſo noyſome and contagious, that muche people died by reaſon thereof. When he ha [...] [...] yeeres he died & was b [...]ed at [...]aer [...]ranke nowe called Yorke. In ye time of this Ryuals raigne,Rome builded. was the Citie of Rome builded, after the accor|dance of moſt parte of writers. Perdix alſo a wiſehart, and a learned Aſtrologian florriſheth & writeth his prophecies, and H [...]ne alſo.

5.22. Gurguſt the .14. Ruler.

Gurguſt the .14. Ruler.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 27] GVrguſtius,Gurguſt [...] the ſon of the beforenamed Riuall, beganne to go|uerne the Britaynes in the yeere after the Cre|atiõ of the world .3249. and after the firſt foun|dation of Rome .33. E| [...]echias raigning in Iu|da. This Gurguſtius in ye Chronicle of Eng|land, is called Gordodian the ſonne of Reignald, he raigned .37. yeres: then departing this life, was buried at Caerbranke (now called Yorke) by hys father.

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2.6. The gunarchie of queene Cordeilla, how she was vanquished, of hir impri|sonment and selfe-murther: the con|tention betweene Cunedag and Margan nephewes for go|uernement, and the euill end thereof. The sixt Chapter.

The gunarchie of queene Cordeilla, how she was vanquished, of hir impri|sonment and selfe-murther: the con|tention betweene Cunedag and Margan nephewes for go|uernement, and the euill end thereof. The sixt Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _COrdeilla the yoongest daugh|ter of Leir was admitted Q.Queene Cordeil|la. and supreme gouernesse of Britaine, in the yéere of the world 3155, before the bylding of Rome 54, Uzia then reig|ning in Iuda, and Ieroboam ouer Israell. This Cordeilla after hir fathers deceasse ruled the land of Britaine right worthilie during the space of fiue yeeres, in which meane time hir husband died, and then about the end of those fiue yéeres, hir two nephewes Mar|gan and Cunedag, sonnes to hir aforesaid sisters, disdaining to be vnder the gouernment of a woman, leuied warre against hir, and destroied a great part of the land, and finallie tooke hir prisoner, and laid hir fast in ward, wherewith she tooke such griefe, being a woman of a manlie courage, and despairing to re|couer libertie, there she slue hirselfe, when she had reigned (as before is mentioned) the tearme of fiue yéeres.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 CUnedagius and Marganus nephewes to Corde|illa, hauing recouered the land out of hir hands,Cune|dag and Mar|gan. diuided the same betwixt them, that is to saie, the countrie ouer and beyond Humber fell to Margan, as it stretcheth euen to Catnesse, and the other part lieng south and by-west, was assigned to Cunedagi|us. This partition chanced in the yéere of the world 3170, before the building of Rome 47, Uzia as then reigning in Iuda, and Ieroboam in Israell. After|wards, EEBO page image 14 these two cousins, Cunedag and Margan, had not reigned thus past a two yéeres, but thorough some seditious persons, Margan was persuaded to raise warre against Cunedag, telling him in his eare, how it was a shame for him being come of the elder sister, not to haue the rule of the whole Ile in his hand. Herevpon ouercome with pride, ambition, and couetousnesse, he raised an armie, and entring into the land of Cunedag,Margan in|uadeth his cousine Cune|dag. he burned and destroied the countrie before him in miserable maner.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Cunedag in all hast to resist his aduersarie, assem|bled also all the power he could make, and comming with the same against Margan, gaue him battell, in the which he slue a great number of Margans peo|ple, and put the residue to flight, and furthermore pursued him from countrie to countrie, till he came into Cambria, now called Wales, where the said Margan gaue him eftsoones a new battell: but be|ing too weake in number of men, he was there ouer|come and slaine in the field,Margan is slaine. Matt. West. by reason whereof that countrie tooke name of him, being there slaine, and so is called to this daie Glau Margan, which is to meane in our English toong, Margans land. This was the end of that Margan, after he had reigned with his brother two yéeres, or thereabouts.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 AFter the death of Margan,Cuneda|gus alone. Cunedag the sonne of Hennius and Ragaie (middlemost daughter of Leir before mentioned) became ruler of all the whole land of Britaine, in the yeare of the world 3172, before the building of Rome 45, Uzia still reigning in Iuda, and Ieroboam in Israell. He go|uerned this Ile well and honourablie for the tearme of 33 yeares, and then dieng, his bodie was buried at Troinouant or London. Moreouer, our writers doo report, that he builded thrée temples, one to Mars at Perth in Scotland, another to Mercurie at Ban|gor, and the third to Apollo in Cornewall.

2.7. Of Riuallus, Gurgustius, Sysillius, Iago, and Kinimacus, rulers of Britaine by succession, and of the accidents coincident with their times. The seuenth Chapter.

Of Riuallus, Gurgustius, Sysillius, Iago, and Kinimacus, rulers of Britaine by succession, and of the accidents coincident with their times. The seuenth Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _RIuallus,Rïuallus the 13. ruler. the sonne of Cu|nedag, began to reigne ouer the Britaines in the yeare of the world 3203, before the building of Rome 15, Ioa|than as then being king of Iuda, and Phacea king of Is|rael. This Riuall gouerned the Iland in great welth and prosperitie. In his time it rained bloud by the space of thrée daies togither;It rained bloud. Matth. West. after which raine ensued such an excéeding number and multitude of flies, so noisome and contagious, that much people died by reason thereof. When he had reigned 46 yeares he died, and was buried at Caerbranke now called Yorke. In the time of this Riuals reigne was the citie of Rome builded,Rome builded after concordance of most part of writers. Perdix also a wizard, and a learned astrologian florished and writ his prophesies, and Herene also.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 GUrgustius,Gurgusti|us the 14. ruler. the son of the before named Riuall, began to gouerne the Britaines in the yeare af|ter the creation of the world 3249, and after the first foundation of Rome 33, Ezechias reigning in Iuda. This Gurgustius in the chronicle of England, is cal|led Gorbodian the sonne of Reignold, he reigned 37 yeares, then departing this life, was buried at Caer|branke (now called Yorke) by his father.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 SYsillius,Sysillius the 15. ruler. or after some writers Syluius, the bro|ther of Gurgustius, was chosen to haue the go|uernance of Britaine, in the yere of the world 3287, and after the building of Rome 71, Manasses still reigning in Iuda. This Sysillius in the English chronicle is named Secill. He reigned 49 yeares, and then died, and was buried at Carbadon, now called Bath.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 IAgo or Lago, the cousin of Gurgustius,Iago the 16. ruler. as next inheritor to Sysillius, tooke vpon him the go|uernement of Britaine, in the yeare of the world 3336, and after the building of Rome 120, in whose time the citie of Ierusalem was taken by Nabucho|donozar and the king of Iuda, Mathania, otherwise called Zedechias, being slaine. This Iago or Lago died without issue, when he had reigned 28 yeares, and was buried at Yorke.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 KInimacus or Kinmarus the sonne of Sysillius as some write,Kinima|cus the 17 ruler. or rather the brother of Iago, be|gan to gouerne the land of Britain, in the yere of the world 3364, and after the building of Rome 148, the Iewes as then being in the third yeare of their capti|uitie of Babylon. This Kinimacus departed this life, after he had reigned 54 yeares, and was buried at Yorke.

2.8. Of Gorbodug and his two sonnes Fer|rex and Porrex, one brother killeth ano|ther, the mother slaieth hir sonne, and how Britaine by ciuill warres (for lacke of issue legitimate to the gouernment) of a mo|narchie became a pentarchie: the end of Brutes line. The eight Chapter.

Of Gorbodug and his two sonnes Fer|rex and Porrex, one brother killeth ano|ther, the mother slaieth hir sonne, and how Britaine by ciuill warres (for lacke of issue legitimate to the gouernment) of a mo|narchie became a pentarchie: the end of Brutes line. The eight Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _GOrbodug the sonne of Ki|nimacus began his reigne o|uer the Britains,Gorbodug the 18. ruler. in the yeare after the creation of the world 3418, from the building of the citie of Rome 202, the 58 of the Iews captiuitie at Baby|lon. This Gorbodug by most likelihood to bring histories to accord, should reigne about the tearme of 62 yeares, and then departing this world, was buried at London, leauing after him two sonnes Ferrex and Porrex, or after some wri|ters, Ferreus and Porreus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 FErrex with Porrex his brother began iointlie to rule ouer the Britaines,Ferrex the 19. ruler. in the yeare of the world 3476, after the building of Rome 260, at which time, the people of Rome forsooke their citie in their rebel|lious mood. These two brethren continued for a time in good friendship and amitie, till at length through couetousnesse, and desire of greater dominion, pro|uoked by flatterers, they fell at variance and discord, whereby Ferrex was constreined to flée into Gallia,Ferrex fled into Gallia. and there purchased aid of a great duke called Gun|hardus or Suardus, and so returned into Britaine, thinking to preuaile and obteine the dominion of the whole Iland. But his brother Porrex was readie to receiue him with battell after he was landed, in the which battell Ferrex was slaine, with the more part of his people. The English chronicle saith, that Por|rex was he that fled into France, & at his returne, was slaine, and that Ferrex suruiued. But Geffrey of Monmouth & Polychronicon are of a contrarie opi|nion. Matthew Westmonasteriensis writeth, that Porrex deuising waies to kill Ferrex,Matth. West. atchiued his purpose and slue him. But whether of them so euer suruiued, the mother of them was so highlie offended for the death of him that was slaine, whom the most EEBO page image 15 intierlie loued, that setting apart all motherlie affec|tion, she found the meanes to enter the chamber [...] him that suruiued in the night season, and as he slept, the with the helpe of his maidens slue him, and cut him into small péeces, as the writers doo affirme. Such was the end of these two brethren,The mother killeth hir son. after they had reigned by the space of foure to fiue yeares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this followed a troublous season, full of cruell warre, and seditious discord, wherby and in the end, [...] for the space of fiftie yeares, the monarchie or sole gouernement of the Iland became [...] that is, it was diuided betwixt fiue kings or rulers, till Dunwallon of Cornewall ouercame them all. Thus the line of Brute (according to the report of most writers) tooke an end: for after the death of the two foresaid brethren,Robert Record no rightfull inheritor was left a|liue to succéed them in the kingdome. The names of these fiue kings are found in certeine old pedegrées: and although the same be much corrupted in diuers copies, yet these vnder named are the most agréeable.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But of these fiue kings or dukes, the English chronicle alloweth Cloton king of Cornewall for most rightfull heire. There appeareth not any time certeine by report of ancient authors how long this variance continued amongst the Britains but (as some say) it lasted for the space of 51 yeres, Fabian Ciuill Warres 51. yeares coniecturing so much by that which is recorded in Polychron who saith, who it endured euen till the beginning of the reigne of Mulmucius Dunwallon, who began to gouerne from the time that Brute first entred Britaine, about the space of 703 three yeares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶Here ye must note, that there is difference a|mongst writers about the supp [...]tation and account of these yeares, Insomuch that some making their reckoning after certeine writers, and finding the same to varie aboue thrée C. yeares, are brought in|to further doubt of the truth at the whole historie: but whereas other haue by [...]aligent search tried out the continuance of euerie gouernors reigne, and redu|ced the same to a likelihood of some conformitie, I haue thought best to follow the same, leauing the credit thereof with the first authors.

The pentarchie.

    Compare 1577 edition: 1
  • 1 Rudacus
  • 2 Clotenus
  • 3 Pinnor
  • 4 Staterus
  • 5 Yewan
  • king of
  • Wales.
  • Cornewall.
  • Loegria.
  • Albania.
  • Northumberland.
The end of the second Booke.