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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Also the same daie and in the same church, the king made his halfe brother William de Ualence,Knights made. and di|uerse other yoong bachelers, knights. Unto the said William de Valence, for his further aduancement and maintenance, he gaue the castell of Hertford, and the honor therto belonging, with great treasure: & to the elder brother Guy de Lucignan, which about the same time returned into France, he gaue verie great and honorable gifts, lading his sumpters with plate and treasure of sterling monie, which in those daies in all countries was verie much esteemed. The earle of Winchester remaining in Gallowaie, Anno Reg. 32. where he had faire possessions in right of his wife,The earle of Winchester besieged in Galloway by his owne te|nants. was be|sieged of his owne tenants, within a castell wherein he lodged, and being in danger either to die through famine, or else at the discretion of the enimies, he burst forth and making way with his sword, escaped, and comming to the king of Scots, complained of the iniurie doone to him by his people, wherevpon the king tooke such order, that the rebels were punished, and the earle set in quiet possession of his lands a|gaine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Toward the latter end of Nouember, William earle Ferrers & of Derbie departed this life,William earle Ferrers de|parteth this life. a man of great yeares and long troubled with the gout, a iust man and a peaceable. The same moneth the coun|tesse his wife died also, a woman of yeares, vertue and fame like to hir husband: Thomas Becket the archbishop of Canturburie did minister the priests office at their marriage. Their eldest sonne William succéeded his father in the earledome, a good man and a discreet, but vexed with the gout verie pitifullie, ha|uing that disease also as it were, by inheritance from his father. There died likewise other of the nobilitie, as Richard de Burgh, and William Fitz Ham. Be|atrice the countesse of Prouance mother to the queene, and Thomas de Sauoy late earle of Flan|ders,The countesse of Prouance commeth into England. came into England to visit the king and queene and were honorablie receiued, and at their departure backe towards home, richlie rewarded. This yeare in the octaues of the Purification,A parlement. a parlement was holden at London, where all the nobilitie of the realme in manner was present, There were nine bishops, as the archbishop of Yorke, with the bishops of Winchester, Lincolne, Norwich, Worcester, Chi|chester, Elie, Rochester and Carlell, with the earls of Cornewall, Leicester, Winchester, Hereford, North|folke, Oxford, Lincolne, Ferrers, and Warwike, with Peter de Sauoy earle of Richmond, besides lords and barons. The archbishop of Canturburie was at the court of Rome, & the bishop of Duresme was lefted by sickenesse.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this parlement king Henrie earnestlie requi|red a subsidie,A subsidie d [...]|manded. Polydor. Matth. Pari [...]. in reliefe of the great charges which he had diuerse waies susteined, wherevpon he was streightwaies by the péeres of the realme noted both of couetousnesse, vnthankfulnesse, and breach of pro|mise, bicause he neuer ceassed gathering of monie, without regard had to his people: and where he had promised manie things, as that he would not be bur|denous vnto them, and such like; he had performed verie little of those his gaie promises. Manie misde|meanors, and wrongfull doings, to the gréeuance of his people were opened and laid before him, as cher|rishing and inriching of strangers,The king charged for his immode|rate inriching of strangers. & vsing his prero|gatiues too largelie, to the great decaie & hinderance of the common-wealth. The king abashed herewith, and supposing that the confession of his fault should make amends, & aswage the displesure which his No|bles and other had conceiued at his misgouernance, to content them all with one answer, he promised that he would reforme all that was amisse, and so quieting the minds of his barons,The parlemẽt proroged. the parlement was proroged till the quindene of the natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist. Wherein his prudence and wisedome was to be commended, but his patience deserueth ex|ceeding great praise, whereby he shewed himselfe princelike-minded, in that he could tollerate the ex|probration and casting of his faults in his face, euen by such as should rather haue concealed than disclo|sed them: wheras it had stood with his roialtie to haue giuen them the counterchecke, and in angrie mood to haue tamed their malapertnesse: but that he proui|dentlie considered that

—parit ira furorem,
Turpia verba furor, verbis ex turpibus exit
EEBO page image 241Rixa, ex hac oritur [...]ulnus, de vulnere lethum:
—patientia virtus,
Qua quicúnq, caret, careat probitate necesse est.
Qui nil ferre p [...]test, hominum commercia vitet.

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1.8. Henry the thirde.

EEBO page image 608

Henry the thirde.

[figure appears here on page 608]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Henry the .iij. An. reg. .1. _HEnry, the thirde of that name, the eldeſt ſonne of King Iohn, a childe, of the age of nine yeres, be|gan his raigne ouer the Realme of Englande the nineteenth daye of October, in the yeare of our Lord .1216. 1216 in the ſe|uenth yeare of the Emperour Fredericke the ſe|cond, and in the .36. yeare of the raigne of Phillip the ſecond King of Fraunce. Immediately after the deathe of his father Kyng Iohn, William Marſhall Earle of Pembroke generall of his fa|thers army,Williã Mar|ſhall Earle of Pembroke. broughte this yong Prince with hys brother and ſiſters vnto Glowceſter, and there called a Counſell of all ſuch Lords, as had taken part with Kyng Iohn: and ſoone after, when it was once openly knowen, that the ſonnes and daughters of the late deceaſſed Prince were brought into a place of ſafetie, a great number of the Lords and chiefe Barons of the Realme ha|ſted thither, I meane not only ſuch as had holden with King Iohn, but alſo diuers other, whyche vpon certayne knowledge had of his death, were newly reuolted from Lewes, in purpoſe to ayde the yong King Henry, to whome of righte the Crown did apperteyne. Thither came alſo Val|lo or Guallo the Popes Legate (an earneſt refen|der of the Kings cauſe) with Peter Biſhoppe of Wincheſter, and Iocelin Biſhop of Bath.Ma [...] [...] Alſo Ranulph Earle of Cheſter, William Ferrers Earle of Derbie, Iohn Marſhall, and Phillip de Albeny, with diuers other Lords and Peeres of the Realme, and alſo a great number of Abbots, and Priors, who by and by fell to councell togi|ther what way ſhould be beſt to take, for the good order of things now in ſo doubtfull and perilous a time as this. The peeres of the Realme beeyng thus aſſembled, William Earle of Pembroke bringing the yong K. into their preſence, and ſet|ting him before them, vſed theſe words:This [...] b [...] M. [...] Behold (ſaith he) right honorable & welbeloued, although we haue perſecuted ye father of this yong Prince for his euill demeanor, & worthily, yet this yong child whom here ye ſee before you, as he is in yeres tender, ſo is he pure & innocẽt frõ thoſe his fathers doings: wherfore, in aſmuch as euery mã is char|ged only with the burthẽ of his owne works and trãſgreſſiõs, neither ſhal the child (as ye Scripture teacheth vs) beare the iniquitie of hys father: wee ought therfore of duety & conſcience to pardõ this yong & tender Prince, & take cõpaſſion of his age as ye ſee. And now, for as much as he is ye kings natural & eldeſt ſon, & muſt be our ſoueraigne, and King, and ſucceſſor of this kingdome, come, and let vs appoint him our K. and gouernoure, and let vs remoue from vs thys Lewes the Frenche kings ſon, & ſuppreſſe his people, which are a cõ|fuſion & ſhame to our natiõ: and the yoke of their ſeruitude, let vs caſt from off our ſhoulders. Whẽ the Barons had heard this Earles wordes, after ſome ſilence and conference had, they allowed of his ſayings, and immediately with one conſente, proclaimed the yong Gentlemã K. of England, whom the Biſhops of Wincheſter and Bath did Crowne and annoynt with all due ſolemnities [figure appears here on page 608] EEBO page image 609 there at Glouceſter, vpon the day of ye feaſt of the Apoſtles Simon & Iude in preſẽce of the Legat, bryng thus crowned, he was committed to the gouernance of his brother in lawe, the foreſayde Willyam Marſhall, Earle of Pembrooke, who to wynne the good wyll of the people towardes the young kyng, ſente foorthe Meſſengers with Letters into all parties of the Realme, to ſigni|fye the newes of the kynges Coronation, with an offer alſo of pardon to all ſuch of the Barons ſide as woulde turne to his parte: and lykewyſe of greate rewardes to thoſe whiche hauing hi|therto continued faythfull woulde ſo remayne vntyll this trouble ſhoulde be ouerpaſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By this means it came to paſſe, that his fren|des greatly reioyced of theſe newes, and manye of thoſe, whyche tyll that tyme hadde ayded the Frenchemen, reuolted from them, and in hope of pardon and rewarde, tourned to king Henry.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It is reported by writers, that amongſt other thyngs, as there were dyuers whiche withdrewe the hearts of the Engliſhemen from Lewes, the conſideration had of the confeſſion which the vi|count of Melune made at the houre of his death was the principall. The order whereof, in the la|ter ende of the lyfe of king Iohn, ye haue heard.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Truly how little good will inwardly Lewes and his Frenchemen bare towardes the Engliſhe nation, it appeared ſundry ways. And firſt of all in that they had them in a maner in no regard or eſtimation at al, but rather ſought by all meanes to ſpoyle and keepe them vnder, not ſufferyng them to beare anye rule, nor puttyng them in truſte wyth the cuſtodye of ſuche places as they had brought them in poſſeſſion of. Secõdly, they called them not to councel, ſo often as at the firſt they vſed to doe, neyther dydde they proceede by theyr directions in their buſineſſe, as before they were accuſtomed. Thirdly, in all maner of theyr conuerſation, [...]e pride of Frenchmen [...]cureth them [...]ed. neyther Lewes nor his Frenchmen vſed them ſo familiarly, as at their firſt cõming: but (as their maner is) ſhewing more loftie coũ|tenances towardes them, they greatly increaſed the indignation of the Engliſhe Lordes againſt them, who myght euyll abyde to be ſo ouer ru|led. To conclude, where greate promiſes were made at their entring into the lande, they were ſlowe ynough in perfourmyng the ſame, ſo as the expectation of the Engliſh barons was quite made voyde: For they perceyued dayly that they were deſpiſed and ſcoffed at, for their diſloyaltie ſhewed towardes their owne naturall Prince, hearyng nowe and then nyppes and tauntes o|penly by the Frenchemen, that as they had ſhe|wed them ſelues falſe and vntruſtye to theyr owne lawfull Kyng, ſo they woulde not con|tynue anye long tyme trewe vnto a Straun|ger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus all theſe thyngs layde togyther, gaue occaſion to the Englyſhe Barons to remember themſelues, and to take iuſt occaſion to reuolte vnto Kyng Henrye, as before wee haue men|cioned. But nowe to the purpoſe of the Hi|ſtorye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ye haue hearde howe Lewes has ſpent long tyme in vayne about the b [...]yng of the Ca|ſtell of Douer for although [...] conſtrayned them within ryght fore, yet Huberte de Burghe and Girarde de Sotigam bare them ſelues ſo man|fully, and therewith ſo politikely, that their ad|uerſaries coulde not come to vnderſtande their diſtreſſe and daunger within the Caſtell, in ſo muche that diſpairing to winne, it in [...]y ſhorte tyme, euen before the deathe of Kyng Iohn was knowne as (ſome write) [...]e [...] [...] con|tented to graunte a truce to them that kept this Caſtell, tyll the feaſte of Eaſter nexte en [...]yng: but as it appeareth by other thys tru [...] was not concluded till after the death of Kyng Iohn was ſignified to Lewes who greately reioycing thereat, ſuppoſed nowe wythin a ſhorte tyme, to bryng the whole Realme vnder hys ſub|iection: and therefore rayſyng his ſiege from Douer, in hope to compaſſe enterpriſes of grea|ter conſequence, came backe vnto the Citie of London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When they within the Caſtell of Douer ſaw the ſiege remoued, they came foorthe and brente ſuche houſes and buyldyngs as the Frenchemen hadde reyſed before the ſame Caſtell, and com|myng abroade into the Countrey, gotte togy|ther ſuche victuals and other neceſſarie prouiſion as myghte ſerue for the furniſhing of theyr for|treſſe for a long ſeaſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that Lewes was retourned vnto Lon|don, he remayned not long there, but wyth a greate armye marched foorthe vnto Harteforde, where he beſieged the Caſtell, whyche was in the keepyng of Walter de Godardule ſeruaunte of houſeholde vnto Foulques de Brente,Mat. Paris. who defended the place from the feaſt of Saint Mar|tine, vnto the feaſte of Saincte Nicholas,Hartford Ca|ſtell deliuered to Levves. and then delyuered it by compoſition that he and his people myghte departe wyth all theyr goodes, horſe and armour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From thence Lewes wente vnto Berkham|ſtede, and beſieged that Caſtell, whyche was valiauntly defended by a Dutche Capitayne na|med Waleron, who with hys people behaued hymſelfe ſo manfully, that a greate number of Frenchemen and other of them without, were lefte deade in the ditches.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At an iſſue alſo made vpon the ſide toward the North where the Barons lay, they ſpoyled the carriage and truſte of the ſayde Barons, and EEBO page image 610 and tooke therwithall the Standerd of William Maundeuyle. Finally about the .xx. day of De|cember, they yet yeelded the place vnto Lewes,The [...] B [...] ſ [...] bycauſe they were no longer able to kepe it theyr [figure appears here on page 610] lyues, goodes, horſe and armour ſaued.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mat. Paris.Lewes hauyng furniſhed this caſtell with a ſufficient garniſon, returned back towards Lon|don, and comming to Sainte Albanes, con|ſtrayned the Abbotte to giue vnto him foure ſcore markes of ſyluer, for a fyne, to be reſpected of do|ing his homage vnto the feaſte of the Purifica|tion of our Ladye nexte enſuyng. Whiche poore Abbot was made to beleue, that he ought to take thys dealing to be an acte of great courteſy, the Earle of Wincheſter being an earneſt meane for hym that he myght ſo eaſily eſcape.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


A Truce.

About the ſame tyme was a generall truce ta|ken betwixte the kyng and Lewes, and all their partakers, till the .xx. daye after Chriſtmaſſe, for the obteyning of whiche truce (as ſome write) the Caſtell of Berkchamſteede was ſurren|dred vnto the ſame Lewes, as beefore yee haue hearde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 After Chriſtmaſſe, and whyleſt the truce yet dured,1217 Lewes and the Barons aſſembled at the Councell whiche they helde at Cambridge, and the Lordes that tooke part with the kyng, mette likewyſe at Oxford, and muche talke there was, and great trauayle imployed to haue concluded ſome agreemente by compoſition beetwixte the parties, but it would not bee, nor yet any longer truce (which was alſo ſought for) could be gran|ted: Wherevpon Lewes beſieged the Caſtell of Hydingham, the whiche togyther with the Ca|ſtels of Norwich, Colcheſter, and Orford: were ſurrendred vnto hym, to haue a truce graunted vntill a moneth after Eaſter next enſuing. And ſo by this meanes all the eaſt parte of the realme came vnto the poſſeſſion of Lewes. For the Iſle of Elye was wonne by his people a little before the laſte truce, whyleſt he hymſelfe lay at ſiege of Berkhamſtede, excepted one fortreſſe belongyng to the ſame Iſle, into the whiche the Souldiors that ſerued ther vnder the king were withdrawn. But yet although Lewes might ſeme thus part|ly to preuayle in hauing theſe caſtelles delyuered into his handes, he beeing yet aduertiſed that dayly there reuolted diuers of the barons of En|glande vnto king Henry, which before had taken part with him: he ſtood in great doubt and feare of the reſte, and therfore furniſhed all thoſe Ca|ſtels which he had woon with conuenable garni|ſon, and namely the Caſtell of Hertford, and af|ter wente to London,Polidor there to vnderſtande what further truſt he myght put in the reſt of the En|gliſhe Lordes and Barons: for as diuers had al|readie forſaken hym, as it is ſayde, ſo the reſi|due were doubtefull what were beſte to doe. For firſt they conſidered, that the renouncing of their promyſed fayth vnto Lewes,The p [...]+tie i [...] [...] the b [...]+ſtoode. whome they hadde ſworne to maynteyn as king of England, ſhuld be a great reproche vnto them: and agayne they well ſawe that to continue in their obedience to|wardes hym, ſhould bring the realme in greate daunger, ſyth it woulde bee harde for any lo|uyng agreemente, to contynue betweene the Frenche and Engliſhemen, their natures being ſo contrarye. Thyrdly, they ſtoode ſomwhat in feare of the Popes curſſe, pronounced by hys Legate, bothe agaynſt Lewes and all his par|takers. Albeeit on the other ſyde to reuolte vn|to Kyng Henrye, thoughe the loue whyche they did beare to theyr countrey, and the greate towardneſſe whyche they ſawe in him greately moued them, yet ſith by reaſon of his young yeares, hee was not able eyther to followe the warres himſelf, or to take councell what was to be done in publike gouernement, they iudged it a EEBO page image 611 verie daungerous caſe. For where as in warres nothyng can be more expedient than to haue one head by whoſe appointment all things maye bee gouerned, ſo nothyng can be more hurtfull than to haue many rulers, by whoſe authoritie things ſhall paſſe and be ordered. Wherfore theſe conſi|derations ſtayed and kepte one parte of the En|gliſhe Lords ſtill in obedience to Lewes, namely for that diuers of the confederates, thoughte that it ſtoode not with their honours ſo to forſake him tyll they myght haue ſome more honorable co|lour to reuolte from their promiſes, or elſe that the matter ſhould be taken vp by ſome indifferent agreement to be concluded out of hande betwixt them. Herevpon they reſorte in lyke maner vnto London, and [...] with Lewes take counſell what was to bee done with their buſineſſe [...]ou|ching the whole ſtart of th [...] cauſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here he ſhall note, that before the con [...]ing of this laſt truce Foul [...] de Brent the Ca [...]yn of the Caſtel of Be [...] [...] together a [...]ber of ſouldiors out of the garn [...] of the Caſtels of Oxford, Northampton, Bedford, and W [...]d|ſor, and comming with them to Sainct [...]ns [figure appears here on page 611] the two and twentie of Februarye ſpoyled the Towne and Abbey, [...] Albanes [...]oyed. in like maner as he had done al the townes and villages by the way as he paſ|ſed thorough the countrey, from Bedforde vnto Saint Albanes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The meſſengers whiche Lewes had remay|nyng in the Courte of Rome, ſignifyed vnto hym aboute the ſame tyme, that excepte he de|parted out of England, the ſentence of excom|munication which Gualo or Walo the Legate had pronounced againſt him, ſhoulde bee confir|med by ye Pope on Maũdie Thurſday next en|ſ [...]yng. Wherupon Lewes was the more incli|ned to graunt to the truce before mencioned, that he might in the meane tyme go ouer into France to his father, who had moſte earneſtly written and ſent in commaundement to hym, that in any wyſe he ſhould retourne home to talke with him, and ſo about Midlent after the truce was cõclu|ded, bee prepared himſelfe, and ſayled ouer into Fraunce, and as Polydore ſayth (but with what authoritie I knowe not) the Kyng of Scottes went alſo with him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]t. Paris.

[...]le men re| [...]ng from [...]

After his departure ouer, William Earle of Saliſbury, William Earle of Arundell wyth Willyam Earle Warrein, and diuers other re|uolted to king Henrye. Moreouer Williã Mar|ſhall Erle of Pembroke, ſo trauailed with his ſon William Marſhall the yonger, that he likewiſe came to take parte with the yong king: wherby the ſyde of Lewes and his Frenchmen was ſore weakened, and theyr hartes no leſſe appalled for the ſequele of their affaires. Lewes returned yet into Englande before the truce was expired.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lordes that helde on the kings parte, in the abſence of Lewes were not forgetfull to vſe oportunitie of tyme: for beſyde that they hadde procured no ſmall number of thoſe that before tyme helde with Lewes to reuolte from hym to the kings ſyde, they at one ſelf tyme beſieged dy|uers Caſtelles, and recouered them out of theyr aduerſaries handes, as Marlebrough, Farnham, Wincheſter, Ciceſter, and certayne other, thee whyche they ouerthrewe, and raſed; bycauſe they ſhould not be taken, and kepte agayne by the enemie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 For ye muſte vnderſtande, that the goyng o|uer of Lewes nowe at that tyme when it ſtode hym moſte vppon, to haue bene preſente bee [...]e in that troubleſome tyme, broughte no ſmall hyndrance to the whole ſtate of all his buſineſſe, in ſo muche that hee was neuer ſo hyghly regar|ded afterwardes among the Engliſhemen as before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 612

Mat. Paris.

The Earle of Cheſter.

About the ſame tyme Ranulfe Erle of Che|ſter, William Erle of Albemarle, William erle Ferrers, Robert de Veypount, Bryan de Liſle, William de Cantlowe, Philip de Marr, Robert de Gaugi, Foulkes de Brent, and others aſſem|bled their powers, and comming to Mountſorel, [figure appears here on page 612] beſide Loughborough in Leyceſterſhire,The caſtell of Mountſorell beſieged. beſieged the Caſtell there. The Capitayne whereof was one Henry de Braybroke. This Henry defended the place ryght manfully,Henry Bray|broke. and doubting to be in diſtreſſe by longe ſiege, ſente with all ſpeed to the Earle of Wincheſter,Saer de Quin|cy Earle of VVincheſter. Saer de Quincy, as then being at London with the Frenchmen, requiring him to ſende ſome ſuccour to remoue the ſiege.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An armie ſente from London to remoue the ſiege of Mont|ſorell.Herevpon the Erle of Wincheſter, to whome that Caſtel belonged, required Lewes, that ſome conuenient power might be ſent, wherby the ſiege might bee remoued. Wherfore vpon Counſell taken with deliberate aduiſe, it was ordeyned, that an army ſhoulde bee ſente thyther wyth all ſpeede, not only to raiſe the ſiege, but alſo to ſub|due that countrey vnto the obedience of Lewes. Herewith there went out of London vj. hundred knightes, and wyth them aboue twentie thou|ſande men in armour, greedye (as it ſeemed) to haue the ſpoyle of other mennes goodes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Their chiefe Capitaines were theſe: Saer de Quincy Earle of Wincheſter, Robert Fitzwa|ter and others, and they did ſette forwarde vpon the laſt of Apryll, whiche was the Monday be|fore the Aſcention daye, paſſing through Sainct Albons, where they lodged the fyrſte nighte, and ſo to Dunſtable, and by the way ſuche Souldi|ours as were vſed to ſpoyle and pillage, played their partes, not ſparing to robbe and ranſacke as well religious houſes as other. From Dun|ſtable keeping on their iourneye Northwardes, at length they come to Mountſorell, but the erle of Cheſter and the other Lordes, aduertiſed of their approche,The Earle of Cheſter raiſeth his ſiege. were retyred before to Noting|ham, determining there to abyde tyll they might vnderſtande what way the enimies would take.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 In the meane tyme the Earle of Wincheſter and the other Barons, fyndyng their enimyes departed, and the ſiege rayſed, determyne forth|with to goe vnto Lincolne, where Gilberte de Gaunt and other hadde kepte ſiege a long tyme before the Caſtell, but yet in vayne.Ber [...] For there was a noble Lady within that Caſtell named Nichola, who demeaned hir ſelf ſo valiãtly in re|ſiſting all aſſaults and enterpriſes, which the eni|mies that beſieged hir coulde attempte by anye meanes agaynſt hir, that they rather loſte than wanne honour and eſtimation at hir handes day|ly. Therefore Roberte Fitzwater and the other leaders of this armye, to the ende they myghte get that Caſtel out of hir and other their enimies handes, they take theyr iourney forwarde,The v [...] Be [...] and paſſing thorough the vale of Beauvere, all thin|ges there that came to ſighte fell into the handes of the greedie Souldiours. For the French foot|men whiche were as it had bene the ſcumme and refuſe of theyr countrey, left nothyng vntouched that they might laye handes vpon, not ſparyng Churche nor Churchyarde, halowed place more than common or prophane.The p [...] ſtate of [...] French [...] di [...]. For they were ſo poore and ragged, that they had vneth any [...]a [...]ers to couer theyr priuie partes withall. Finally cõ|ming vnto Lincolne, they aſſaulted the Caſtell with al maner of engins, & aſſayed by all wayes poſſible wherby they hoped to aduance theſe pur|poſe. Thus whiles the Barons with the French|men were muche buſyed about the ſiege of Lin|colne caſtell, William Marſhall Erle of Pem|brooke by the aduiſe of the legate Gualo or Wal|lo, and of Peter Biſhoppe of Wincheſter, and other of the Counſell with king Henrye,S [...] to ray [...]e [...] [...]ie for [...] kyng. cauſes ſummonaunce to bee giuen to all Capitaynes and Chatelayns on the kings parte, to be at Ne|warke vpon Monday in Whitſon weeke, with ſuche power as they myght make, from thence to marche vnto Lincolne, there to rayſe the ſiege, & deliuer ye country frõ imminẽt oppreſſiõ. Wher|vpon there aſſembled at the day & place prefixed, a EEBO page image 613 great puiſſaunce of people deſirous to fighte for defence of their countrey againſt the Frenchmen and other aduerſaries, rebelles to the Pope, and excommunicated perſons, ſo that when the mu|ſter was taken, ther was numbred .iiij. C. knigh|tes. CCi. croſſebowes, beſydes demylaunces and horſemen in greate numbers, whiche for neede might haue ſupplyed and ſerued in ſteede of men of armes, being verie well furniſhed for the pur|poſe, and armed at all poyntes. The chiefe Ca|pitaines of this companie were theſe, [...] captaines [...] kyngs [...]e. Willyam Marſhall Erle of Pembroke, and his ſon Wil|liam Marſhal the yonger, Peter biſhop of Win|cheſter, a man right ſkilful in feats of warre, Ra|nulph Earle of Cheſter, William Earle of Sa|liſburye, William earle Ferrers, William earle of Albemarle, beſydes Barons, as Willyam de Albeney lately releaſed oute of captiuitie, Iohn Marſhall, William de Cantlowe, and William his ſonne, Foukes de Brente, Thomas Baſſotte, Robert de Veypount, Bryenne de Liſle, Geffrey de Lucy, Philippe de Albeney, with many other Chatelayns and Conſtables of ſundry Caſtels.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Legate [...]ſeth Le| [...] and his [...]lites.The Legate being there preſente alſo on the Friday in the Whitſon weeke aforeſaid, reueſted in a white Albe, accompanyed with the Clergie, accurſed in ſolemne wyſe Lewes the French kin|ges ſonne, with all his fautours and complices, and eſpecially thoſe whiche helde ſiege before the Caſtell of Lincolne, with all the Citie: and the more to encorage all thoſe that ſhould paſſe forth in this armye, to rayſe the ſiege, he graunted to them free remiſſion of al their ſinnes, wherof they were truly confeſſed, and by auctoritie whiche he had from the Almightie God, and the Apoſtolike ſea, he promiſed to them the guerdon of euerla|ſting ſaluation. Herewith when the armie hadde receyued abſolution, & the Legates bleſſing, euery man marched forth in his order and place apoin|ted, and comming to Stow, an eight miles from Lincolne, lodged there all night. In the mornyng alſo they paſſed foorth towardes Lincolne, vnder the conducte of the ſayd Earle of Pembroke as generall of the whole armie, who beeing comen thyther, compaſſeth about the Citie with his ar|mie. And to cauſe the enimie the ſooner to leaue the ſiege of the caſtel, he aſſaulted the gates of the Citie, enforcing his power to beare downe and breake them open. The Frenchemen perceyuing all the daunger to be aboue the gates, withdrewe a little from the aſſayling of the Caſtell, and re|ſorting to the walles of the Citie, doe their beſte wyth ſhootyng and caſtyng of ſtones and other things, to driue their aduerſaries from the gates.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus whiles they are here occupyed on bothe partes,Foulkes du Brent. Foulkes du Brent en [...]th into the Caſtel by a poſterne gate on the backeſide, and a greate number of Souldiours with him, and ruſhing into the Citie oute of the Caſtell, beginneth a fierce battayle with the Citizens within the Ci|tie: whyche, when the Frenchmen perceyued by the noyſe and cry rayſed at theyr backs, they ran to the place where the affrayle was, doyng theyr beſte to beate backe the aforeſayde Foulques du Brent wyth hys companye: But in the meane tyme the Engliſhmen vnder the leading of Sa|uarye de Mauleon, a Poyctou [...]n, of whom you haue hearde in the lyfe of Kyng Iohn, brake o|pen the gates, and entred the Citie. Then the fyght was ſore encreaſed and maynteyned for a tyme with great furye: ſo that it was harde to iudge who ſhoulde haue the better. But at length the Frenchemenne and thoſe Engliſhe Lordes that were with them, beyng ſore layde to on eche ſyde, began to retyre towardes the gates, and fi|nally to tourne theyr backes, and ſo fled away:The Frenche|men put to flight at Lyn|colne. but being beſette rounde aboute with the Kinges horſemen, they were ſtraight wayes eyther ſlain [figure appears here on page 613] or taken for the moſte part of them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] Earle of [...]che ſlayne.Amongeſt other that were there ſlayne, the Erle of Perche a Frencheman was one, who be|ing gotten into a Churchyarde manfully defen|ded himſelf till his horſe was killed vnder hym, and laſtly hymſelfe was alſo beaten downe and ſlayn. [...]ble men ta| [...] priſoners. There were taxen of Engliſhmẽ, Saer de Quincy earle of Wincheſter, and Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereforde,Gilberte de Gaunt by gifte of Levves. Gilberte de Gaunt Earle of Lincolne, by gifte of Lewes, Richard de Montfichet, William de Mombraye, Willi|liam de Beauchampe, William de Ma [...]duyt, Oliuer de Harebur [...], Roger de Creſſy, William de Coleville, William de Roos, William de Ropeley, Raufe Chanduit, and diuers other: ſo that of knights there were taken to the number of EEBO page image 614 foure hundred, beſide ſuche multitude of demy|lances, and other horſmen and footmen, as could not well be numbred. Morouer, al the prouiſion, truſſe, and baggage loden in cartes, clothſackes, and males belonging to the barons and French|men was taken, and the Citie was ſpoyled, ry|fled and ſacked.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Levves his faire.This enterpriſe and diſcomfiture at Lincolne whyche was in deriſion called Lewes his fayre, chaunced the .xiiij. Calends of Iune, beeing Sa|terday in the Whitſon weeke. Many of the ho|neſt Matrones of the towne were drowned, as they were got into boates to auoyde the daunger of theyr perſons, wanting ſkill how to guyde the ſame boates.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Pembroke the ſame daye before he receyued any repaſt, rode backe in poaſt to the kyng, whome he had left at Stow, and there de|clared the ioyful newes of his good ſpeede, in van|quiſhing of the enimies. On the next morrowe, news came to the king, that they which had kept the Caſtell of Montſorell were fledde out of the ſame,The king com|maundeth the caſtel of Mont|ſorell to be raſed. and had left it voyde. Whervpon immedi|atly he ſent in commaundement vnto the Sheriff of Notynghamſhire, that goyng thyther in hys owne perſon, he ſhoulde ruinate the ſayd Caſtell, and make it playne with the grounde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenchmen which eſcaped with lyfe from the ſlaughter at Lincolne, as the Marſhall of Fraunce, the Chatellain of Arras, with others, made towardes London with all poſſible ſpeede, in hope to eſcape ſo well as they myght: but ma|ny of them, and namely the footmen were ſlayne by the coũtrey people where they paſſed, and that in great numbers: for the huſbandmen fell vpon them with clubbes and ſwords, not ſparing thoſe whome they got at aduauntage.Mi [...] Two hundred knights or men of armes (as we may cal them) getting to London, preſented vnto Lewes the ſo|rowful report of their miſaduenture, and were of hym not moaned, but blamed and ſore rebuked, for that they had fled, and ſhamefully left the reſi|due of their companies to be diſtreſſed, taken, and ſlayne by the aduerſaries, where if they had man|fully ſtood to it, they might haply haue ſaued their fellowes, and obteyned victorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Chronicle of Dunſtable ſheweth in deed that Simon de Peſchi and Hẽry Braybroc per|ceyuing that Foulkes du Brent was entred into the Citie,Ch [...] and that they were now aſſayled both afront, and on the backs they withdrew, and get|ting togither .lxxx. French knights or men of ar|mes, (if we ſhall ſo call them) departed out of the citie, and fleeing through the countrey by Linne and S. Edmunds Bury, at length got through to London. Howſoeuer they were welcomed of Lewes, certain it is, that the Lordes that tooke part with king Henry, were put in no ſmall hope by the atchieuing of this ſo greate a victorie, to bring within a ſhorte tyme all the realme to the obediẽce of K. Henry: & herevpon marching forth into the countrey, put the people in ſuche feare, [figure appears here on page 614] that they ſubmitted themſelues vnto the gouer|nement of king Henry in all places were ſoeuer they came.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the other parte, Lewes who all thys ſeaſon remayned at London, beeyng ſore diſ|mayed for the loſſe of his people, began to feare euery day more and more, leaſt by ſome practiſe he ſhould be betrayed and deliuered into his eni|mies hande. Therefore he goeth aboute to make hymſelfe as ſtrong as was poſſible,Levv [...] [...]+deth to [...] their for [...] and fortify|eth the citie, ſending meſſengers into Fraunce, to require his father to fende him more ayde. Hys father ſorye to heare of his ſonnes diſtreſſe, and loth that he ſhuld take the foile, cauſed his daugh|ter, the wyfe of Lewes, to prepare a power of men, that the ſame myght paſſe wyth all ſpeede EEBO page image 615 ouer into Englande to the ayde of hir huſbande. For the Frenche king himſelfe woulde not ſeeme to ayd his ſonne bicauſe he was excommunicate: but his daughter in lawe hauing licence and cõ|miſſion thereto, [...] armie pre| [...]red in Frãce [...]come to the [...]or of Le| [...]es. gat togither .iij. C. knightes, or men of Armes, the whyche with a greate num|ber of other ſouldiours and armed men, ſhe ſent downe to Caleys, where Enſtace the Monke had prouided a nauie of ſhippes to conuey them ouer into Englande. But howe they ſped, you ſhall after heare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme the Earle of Pembrooke approcheth towards Lõdon, [...]lidore. purpoſing to aſſaile the Citie now in this oportunitie of tyme, letting paſſe no occaſion that myght further his procee|dings, night and day, ſtudying how to recouer the Realme wholy out of the Frenchemens handes, and to ſet the ſame at libertie: ſo that what was to be deuiſed, [...]he diligence [...] the Erle of [...]broke. he did deuiſe, and what was to bee done that he dyd, not forſlowing any occaſion or oportunitie that might be offered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Engliſhe Barons alſo calling to mynde the benefite which they had receiued at the French mens handes in tyme of their moſt neede, ſought nowe by all meanes poſſible, ſome waye howe to procure a peace betwixt King Henry and the ſaid Lewes, cauſing dayly new articles of agreement to be preſented in writing vnto the ſayde Lewes, as from king Henrye. But whyle theſe thinges were a dooing, the Earle of Pembroke, and other the Lordes that tooke parte with King Henrye,Mat. Paris. hauing aduertiſement, that a newe ſupply of men was readye to come once do the ayde of Lewes they appoynted Philip de A [...]neye and Iohn Marſhall to aſſociate with the [...]he [...] of the fine por [...], and to watche for the comming of the aduerſaries, that they might kepe them ſton [...]an|ding, who an Sainte Bartholomewe day, ſette foorthe from Caleys, [...] purpoſe to [...]e in the Thames, and ſo to come vp the riuer to London. Howbeit Hubert de Brough capitain of the Ca|ſtell of Douer, together with the ſayd Philyp de Albeney and Iohn Marſhal, with other ſuch po|wer as they could get togethers of the f [...]re portes, hauing not yet aboue the number of .xl. ſhippes great and ſmall, vppon the diſcouering of the Frenche ſ [...]eet, which conſiſted of .lxxx. great ſhips beſides other leſſer veſſels well appointed & trim|med, made foorth to the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And fl [...]te coaſting a looſe from them till they had got the wynde on their backes,Hubert de Burgh aſſaileth the Frenche fleete came finally with the [...] mayne force to aſſaile the Frenchmen, [figure appears here on page 615] and with helpe of their Croſſebowes and archers at the firſt ioyning, made great ſlaughter of their enimies,The Frenche [...]cere is van| [...]shed. and ſo crapelyng togyther, in the ende the Engliſhemen bare themſelues ſo manfully, that they vanquiſhed the whole Frenche fleete, and obteyned a famous victorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mat. Paris.Enſtace the Monke was founde amongeſt the captayns, who although he offred great ſum|mes of gold for his raunſom, [...]tace the [...]onke taken [...] beheaded. ſo that he myghte haue had his lyfe ſaued, & alſo to ſerue K. Henry, yet the Engliſh capitaynes would none of that, but Richard the baſterd ſonne of king Iohn,Richard baſe [...]ne to king [...]hn. toke him, & cut off his head, and ſent it vnto K. Hen|ry his brother, as a witneſſe of this their atchie|ued victorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Enſtace was a Flemyng borne,Euſtace the Monke vvhat he vvas. and ſometyme a Monke, but renouneyng his coole to receyue ſuche heritage as fell to hym by the death of his brethren, deceaſſing wythoute iſ|ſue, hee became a notable Pyrate, and hadde doone in his dayes muche miſchiefe to the En|glyſhemenne, and therefore was nowe rewarded accordyng to his demerites.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſpoyle and praye of the Frenche ſhip|pes was verye ryche,A riche ſpoyle. ſo that the Engliſhmen being loden wyth ryches and honour, vpon their ſafe returne home were receyued with great ioye and gladneſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 616But Lewes after he vnderſtoode of this miſ|chaunce happened to his people that came to his ayde, began not a little to diſpayre of al other ſuc|cour to come vnto hym at any time heereafter: wherfore he enclined the ſooner vnto peace: ſo that at length he tooke ſuche offers of agreemente as were offred vnto him, and receiued furthermore a ſumme of money for the releaſe of ſuche hoſtages as he had in his handes, [...]n accord be| [...]wixt K. Hen| [...] and Levves. together with the title of the kingdom of England, and the poſſeſſion of al ſuch Caſtels & holds as he held within the realm.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French Chronicle (to the which the chro|nicle of Dunſtable and Mathewe Paris doe alſo agree) affirmeth that he receyued .xv.M. markes.The Englishe [...]hronicle ſay| [...] a thou| [...]nd pound. Moreouer, the Popes Legate aſſoyled Lewes, & all thoſe that had taken his part of the offence of diſobedience ſhewed in attempting the warre a|gaynſt the Popes commaundement.Math. Paris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After whiche, Lewes with all his complices that had bin excommunicate ſware vpon the ho|lye Euangeliſt, that they ſhuld ſtande to the iud|gement of holy Churche, and from thencefoorth be faythfull vnto the Pope and to the Churche of Rome. Moreouer, that he with his people ſhould incontinently depart out of the realme, and neuer vpon euil intent returne agayn. And that ſo farre as in him lay, he ſhould procure his father King Philip, to make reſtitution vnto king Henry of all the right which he had in the parties of beyond the ſea: & that when he ſhould be king of France, he ſhould reſigne the ſame in quiet maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the other part, King Henry tooke his othe together with the Legate, and the Erle of Pem|broke gouernor of the realme, that he ſhoulde re|ſtore vnto the Barons of his realme, and to other his ſubiectes, all their rightes and heritages, with all the liberties before demaunded, for the whiche the diſcorde was moued betwixte the late Kyng Iohn and his barons. Moreouer, all pryſoners on both parties were releaſed and ſette at libertie, without paying any ranſom, yea and thoſe whi|che had couenaunted to paye, and vpon the ſame were ſet at libertie before the concluſion of thys peace, were nowe diſcharged of all ſummes of money whiche then remained vnpayed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus peace was concluded on the .xj. daye of September, not farre from Stanes, harde by the riuer of Thames, where Lewes himſelf, the Le|gate Guallo, and diuers of the ſpiritualtie wyth the erle of Pembroke, lord gouernor of the realm, and others, did meete and talke about this accord.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When all things were ordred and finiſhed a|greable to the articles and couenants of the peace, ſo farre as the tyme preſent required, the Lordes of the realme when Lewes ſhould departe home|warde attended him to Douer in honorable wiſe, as appertayned, and there tooke leaue of him, and ſo he departed out of the realme about the feaſt of Saint Michaell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry by this meane being put in full poſſeſſion of the realme, according to the preſcript of that article conteined in thoſe conditions of the peace lately ſpecified, pardoned all thoſe that had ayded his aduerſale Lowes during the warres, except certain of the ſpiritualtie, whiche were put to ſuche fynes, that they were compelled to laye all that they had to pledge,The p [...] are fyne. to leuie ſuche ſummes of money, as they might with the ſame obteyne the kings fauoure againe: and beſide that; to ſue to Rome for their entier abſolution at the Popes owne handes. Amongeſt other, Hugh Biſhop of Lincolne returning into England, was com|pelled to paye a thouſande markes to the Popes vſe for recouerie of his Biſhoprike, and an hun|dred markes alſo to the Legate of good and law|full money.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Suche cheuaunce made the Legate amongeſt them of the church,

An. reg. 2

VVhat cha|uance the Lo|gate made

as well perſons ſecular as re|gular, that he got together .xij. thouſand markes toward his charges, whereby it appeared, that he loſte no tyme in England. But to proceede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The realme now being in quiet of al outward felicitie, a number of vnruly perſons, ſuch as de|liting in ydleneſſe, knew not how to lyue in tyme of peace, aſſembled themſelues together (and ap|pointyng Foulkes du Brent,Foukes de Brent. who was a man of greate ſtomacke and more raſhneſſe, to bee their capitayne and ringleader) began to make watre againſt the Kyng, and to ſpoyle the townes and countreys about them, ſo that their euill doings might haue cauſed no ſmall perill to haue enſued by ſome great ciuill ſedition if the Erle of Pem|broke had not in tyme preuented their attemptes. For he aſſẽbling the kinges power, haſted towar|des the rebelles, and what by his owne auctoritie and by the reuerend regard of ſome biſhops in his companie, more than by vſing of any force of ar|mes, he ſtayd the matter for that time,Math. Pari [...] ſo that no farther miſchiefe folowed of this mutenie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſydes the foreſayd Foulks du Brent, there were other of the Nobilitie alſo whiche practiſed the lyke myſorder, as William Earle of Albe|marle, Roberte de Veypounte, Bryan de Liſle, Hugh de Baliole, Philip de Marc, and Roberte de Gaugi, the whiche Robert withheld the Ca|ſtell of Newarke that belonged to the Biſhoppe of Lincolne,The Caſtel [...] Nevvarke [...]|ſtored to the bishop of Li [...]|colne. and would not deliuer it tyll the K. with Willyam Marſhall Earle of Pembrooke had layne at ſiege before it an eight days: In the ende of which terme by mediation of friendes, the matter was taken vp, and the Biſhop recouered his caſtell, paying to the ſayde Robert de Gaugi an hundred poũds ſterling for the victuals which he left within the ſame caſtell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Soone after this, Ranulph Earle of Cheſter, was ſent into the holy lande by king Henry, with EEBO page image 617 a faire companie of ſouldiours and men of war to ayde the Chriſtians there againſte the Infi|dels,

Mat. Paris.

The earle of [...]heſter goeth [...]to the holy [...]nde.

whiche at the ſame time had beſieged the citie of Damieta in Egypt, in which enterpriſe the valiancie of the ſame Erle after his cõming thyther, was to his greate prayſe moſte appa|raunt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There went with him in that iourney Saer de Quincy Earle of Wincheſter, William de Albeney Earle of Arundell, beſide dyuers ba|rons, as the Lord Robert Fitz Walter, Iohn Conſtable of Cheſter, [...]onne to kyng [...]ohn belyke. William de Harecourt, and Olyuer Fitzroy ſonne to the kyng of En|gland, and diuers other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 3.


The deceaſſe of the Earle of [...]embroke.

The next yeare whiche was after the birthe of our Lord .1219. dyed William Marſhal the forſayde Earle of Pembroke, and gouernoure both of the realme and alſo of the Kings per|ſon, a man of ſuche woorthineſſe both in ſtout|neſſe of ſtomacke and martiall knoweledge, as Englande had few then lyuing that might be compared wyth hym. [...]e is buried in [...]he Temple [...]hurche. Hee was buryed in the newe Temple Churche at London vppon the Aſcention day.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare alſo Wallo or Guallo the legate returned to Rome,Randulph made [...]ishop of Nor|wiche. and Pandulph (who (as before is expreſſed) did the meſſage ſo ſtout|ly from Pope Innocent to king Iohn) is alſo made Biſhop of Norwiche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the gouernement of king Henry after the death of William Marſhall the elder, Earle of Pembroke, was committed vnto Pe|ter Biſhop of Wincheſter:The bishop [...] VVincheſter [...] gouernour to the kyng. For the yong king was almoſte deſtitute of any of his kinred that wer worthie to haue the rule of him:Queene Iſab [...] maryed to th [...] Erle of Mar [...] foraſmuch as his mother Quene Iſabell was lately ma|ryed to Hughe Brune the Earle of Marche in Fraunce, vnto whome ſhee was promyſed before king Iohn toke hir to wife, as in the life of the ſame Kyng Iohn is before mentioned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The biſhop of Wincheſter being now in the poſſeſſion of the kings perſon, doubting leaſt he had taken a greatter charge vppon him than hee might well anſwer, cauſed diuers ſage and ho|norable perſonages to he admitted of the kings Councell to aſſiſte him in the adminiſtration of the Common weale and good gouernance of the realme. Which being done,

A parliamen [...] and a ſubſidi [...]

R. Fabian.

a parliamente was holden at London, wherein a Subſidye was graunted to the King of .ij.ſs. to be gathe|red and leuyed of euery ploughe lande within his dominions towardes the relieuing of the great charges whiche hee had ſuſteyned by the warres againſt the foreſayd Lewes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time alſo,The nevve churche of VVeſtmin. begonne. he began the buil|ding of the new worke of the Church at Weſt|minſter.

An. reg. 4.

Mat. VVest.

The Earle of Cheſter retur|neth home, Polidor.

[figure appears here on page 617] In whiche meane tyme the Citie of Damieta afore mene ioned, was won by the Chriſtian Princes, and Ranulph Erle of Che|ſter returned home, leauyng the Erle of Arun|dell with a great number of ſouldiors behynde him there in ayde of the chriſtians agaynſt the Sarazins, which dayly attempted the recoue|rie of the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1220Moreouer, in the yeare enſuing, whiche was of our Lord .1220. and vpon the .xvij. daye of May being Whitſunday, the K. was eftſoones ſolemnely crowned at Weſtminſter,The king cro [...]|ned the ſecon [...] tyme. to the end it might be ſayd, that now after the extinguiſh|ment of all ſeditious factions, he was crowned by the general cõſent of all the eſtates and ſub|iects of his realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare alſo was the bodie of Tho|mas Archbiſhop of Canterbury tranſlated,Mat. Paris. and Hugh biſhop of Lincoln canonized for a ſaint.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In like maner in the vigile of Peter & PauleMat. Paris. the king fynding the Caſtels of Rokingham and Sauveye at that preſente vnpurueyde of EEBO page image 618 victuals, tooke the ſame into his handes againſte the will of William of Albemarle, whiche before helde the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]an. Higd.

proclamati. [...] to auoyde [...]angers.

This yeare alſo was a proclamation made in London, and throughout all the realme, that all ſtraungers ſhould auoide the land before the feaſt of Saint Michaell then nexte following, except thoſe that came with marchandiſe. Furthermore Ranulphe Earle of Cheſter, after hee was come from the holy land,

[...]he caſtelles [...] Chartley & [...]eſton buyle.

[...]an. Higd.

beganne to build the Caſtels of Chartley and Beeſton, and afterward he alſo builded the Abbey of Dieu Lencreſſe, commonly called Delacreſſe of the white order. Toward his charges ſuſteined aboute the building of whiche Caſtells and Abbey, he tooke toll throughout all his Lordſhippes of all ſuche perſons as paſſed by the ſame with any cattel, chaffre or marchandiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Anno reg. 5.


Ths yeare deceaſſed alſo Henry de Boun carle of Hereford, and Saerde Quincy earle of Win|cheſter in theyr iourney which they made into the holy land. Alſo the ſame yeare the Prieſtes or ca|nons that inhabited within the kings caſtell of olde Saliſbury, remoued with the biſhoppes ſea,Salisburye. vnto newe Saliſbury, whiche by the king was made a citie. The biſhop Richarde procured this remouing, through the kings helpe, who was ve|ry willing thereunto, as it ſeemed by his charters largely graunted in that behalfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this king Henry helde his Chriſtmaſſe at Oxforde,Math. Par [...] at what tyme William de fortz Erle of Albemarle meaning to trouble the kin|ges peace, and to ſette things in a new broyle,The Earle of Albemarle. departed from the Courte in the nyght ſeaſon, withoute leaue or licence, and haſted with all ſpeed vnto the Caſtell of Biham,The [...] Biham. where he aſ|ſembled a ſorte of youthfull perſons, giuen to lewde demeanor, and wearie of quietneſſe, as to whome theft and robberies were moſt plea|ſaunt. By whoſe helpe he ſpoyled dyuers tow|nes and villages aboute him, as Tenham and [figure appears here on page 618] Depyng, with other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There were of counſell with hym alſo (as was thoughte) Foulques du Brent, Philip de Marc, Peter de Maulcon, Engellard de Athie, and many other, who priuily ſente men to hys ayde. In the meant tyme the countrey people withdrewe to the Churches, and gatte theyr goodes into the Churchyardes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the Peeres of the realme aſſem|bled themſelues in counſell at Weſtm. where the king was preſent, and whither the Earle of Albemarle was ſummoned to come, who fay|ning s as though he had ment to haue gone thy|therward directly, turned ſodeynly his way to the Caſtel of Fodringhey, [...]e caſtell of [...]ringhey. and toke it vpon the ſodayne, furniſhing it alſo with a garniſon of Souldiours, to be kepte hereafter to hys owne vſe. That Caſtell was in the keeping of the Earle of Cheſter, who at that inſtant had but fewe ſouldiours there in garniſon, whereby it was the ſooner ſurpriſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When this news came to the king, he reyſed a power, and came with all ſpeed to the Caſtel of Byham,The caſtel of Biham y [...]|ded. vpon the wedneſday nexte after the feaſt of Candelmaſſe, and then compaſſing the ſame about with a ſtrong ſiege, he conſtreyned them within (by force of ſuche engins as they vſed in thoſe dayes) that finally on the eyghte day of February they came forth and ſubmitted themſelues and all that they had into the kings pleaſure. Who cauſed them to be ſafely kept till he might take further aduiſement what ſhould be done with them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane whyle alſo commeth the Erle of Albemarle, and by helpe and mea [...]es of the Archebiſhop of Yorke, and the Lega [...]e Pan|dulphe, he purchaſed his peace a the Kings hands, the rather in dede bycauſe he had faith|fully EEBO page image 619 ſerued bothe the kyng and his father kyng Iohn in theyr warrs,

[...]th. Paris.

[...] ſeruice [...]ed.

before that time. Al thoſe men of armes and ſouldiours alſo, whiche had ſubmitted them ſelues, and remained as priſo|ners, wer pardoned. Which ouer great cle [...]|cye cauſed others miſgouerned perſones to at|tempt the like offence of rebellion ſhortely after. [...] VVelch| [...] beginne [...]re. At the very ſelfe ſame time the Welchemen be|ganne to ſturre, and vnder their prince and lea|der Leolin, they entred vpon the engliſhe mar|ches, and with greate crueltie ſpoyled and rob|bed the ſame, wherevpon it was determined by the councell, that the king (as he was comming toward the caſtell of Biham) ſhould deuide his army, [...]dor. and ſo he did, ſending one parte thereof againſt the Welchmen: whervpon Leolin af|ter he vnderſtoode that the kyngs power came toward him, as one not able to reſiſt the ſame, caſt off his armor, and ſubmitted himſelfe to his mercy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...]b. Paris.There bee whiche write, that where Prince Le [...]lin had beſieged the Caſtel of Buet belon|ging to Reginalde de Breuſe, [...]nolde de [...]e. the ſame Regi|nalde beſought the king to helpe to remoue that ſiege. The king cotented with his requeſt, came with a puiſſant armye into thoſe partyes, and therwith the ſiege was rayſed, for the Welche|men (acording to theyr accuſtomed maner) fled. The king then entring further into the country came to the place where Mountgomerie nowe ſtandeth, [...]tgomerie [...]ll buylt. and perceiuing the ſite of the ſame to ſerue well for fortification, he cauſed a caſtell to he builded there, to reſtrain the Welchmen from theyr accuſtomed trade of harrying the coun|trey. And ſo after he had foraied thoſe quarters, and taken order for the full accompliſhment of that caſtell, hee returned,Eſcuago pay d [...] the nobles graunting to him of euerye Knightes ſee two markes of ſiluer. Theſe things being thus brought to qui|et, the king (who by dayly experience of mat|ters grewe to more knowledge from time to tyme) beganne nowe of himſelfe to order his a [...]ayres for his owne behalfe,Polidor [...] namely [...]oudyng the eſt [...]e of his kingdome: and bicauſe he was minded to allaye the recoueryt of thoſe places which his father had loſte in Fraunce, he order|ned Sauarye de Man [...]on to be his lieutenant in Guyeme, wherof a great part as yet remai|ned in his handes,K. Henry requi|reth reſtitution of his right of the Frẽch king. and moreouer ſent ambaſſa|dors vnto the Frenche king, requiring of him reſtitution of thoſe places whiche he had taken from his father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Oratours being come into Fraunce, and admitted to the kings preſence, receyued aunſwere, that nothing oughte to be reſtored;The Frenche kings anſvver. whiche by lawe of armes was rightly conque|red: And other redreſſe at that tyme, woulde none bee graunted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But a maruayle it was to conſider heere at home in how ſhort a ſpace, the ſtate of the En|gliſhe Common wealthe was chaunged, and from a troubled fourme reduced to a flouri|thyng and proſperous degree: chiefly by the diligente heede and carefull prouiſion of the king himſelfe. So muche auaileth it to haue him that ruleth to attende that whiche belon|geth to his office.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, to the intent that whiles he might be occupied in warres abroade, he ſhoulde not be troubled with ciuile diſcorde at home, he de|uiſed to ioyne in affinitie with the Scots,Mat. VVest. Mat. Paris. gi|uing his ſiſter Ioan in mariage vnto Alexan|der [figure appears here on page 619] the king of Scotlãd, [...]ges [...]lud [...]d. and Hubert of Burgh on the other ſide maried the ſiſter of the ſame Alexander cleped Margaret.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe mariages were ſolempniſed at Yorke on the morrowe after the feaſte of Saint Iohn Baptiſt, in the preſente of a greate number of EEBO page image 620 the nobles bothe of Englande and Scotland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 6.


A councell or ſynode at Ox|ford.

A councell alſo was holden by the Archebi|ſhoppe of Canterbury at Oxforde for reforma|tion of the ſtate Eccleſiaſticall and the Reli|gion of Monkes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In which Coũcel two naughtie felows were preſẽted before him, that of late had bin appre|hended, eyther of them naming himſelf Chriſt, and preached many thinges againſte ſuche a|buſes as the Clergie at thoſe dayes vſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Tvvo diſſem|blyng perſones apprehended.

Mat. VVest.

Moreouer, to proue theyr erroure to haue a ſhewe of truth, they ſhewed certein tokens and ſignes of woundes in theyr bodies, handes and feet, like vnto our ſauiour Ieſus, that was nai|led, on the croſſe. In the ende being well appo|ſed, they were found to be but falſe diſſemblers, wherefore by dome of that councell, they were iudged to be nailed vnto a croſſe of woode, and ſo thoſe to whome the execution was aſſigned, had them forthe to a place called Arborberie, wher they nailed them to a croſſe,They are exe|cuted. and there left them till they wer dead. The one of them was an Hermophrodite, that is to wit, bothe man and woman.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Tvvo vvomen counterfaiting themſelues to be, the one our Lady, the o|ther Marye Magdalene.

Radulphus Cogeſhall.

Alſo there were two women condempned, of whome the one had taken vpon hir to be that bleſſed Virgin Marye, and the other fained hir ſelfe to be Marye Magdalen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Rafe Cogheſhall ſheweth this matter other|wiſe, and ſaith, that there were two men and two women in deede broughte before the arch|biſhoppe, at this Councell, of the whiche one of the men being a deacon, was accuſed to bee an Apoſtata, and for the loue of a woman that was a Iewe, he had circumciſed himſelfe: he beeing hereof conuict and diſgraded, was committed to the ſecular power, and ſo burnt by the ſeruã|tes of Foulkes de Brent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The other beeing a yong man, was accuſed of contempning the ſacramentes of the church, and that he had ſuffred himſelfe to be crucified, hauing the printes of the fiue woundes appea|ring in his bodie, and counterfaited himſelfe to be Chriſt, reioicing to haue the two women to giue out and ſpread the rumor abroade, that hee was Chriſte in deed, one of the which women being very aged, was alſo accuſed of witchery, hauing with hir ſorcerie and witchcrafte, brou|ght that yong man vnto ſuche wicked folie and madnes. They two being hereof cõuicted, wer cloſed vp betwixte two walles, where they re|mayned till they died, the other woman being ſiſter to the yong man, was pardoned and let go, bicauſe ſhe had reuealed the deuiliſh practiſe of the other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare alſo was the building of the ſtee|ple belonging to the Churche of ſaint Paule in London fynyſhed. And this yeare alſo vpon Saint Iames day the citizens of London kept a playe of defence and wraſtling at the hoſpitall Mat. [...] [figure appears here on page 620] of Saint Iames, againſt other their neyghbors of the ſuburbes, & the quarters next adioyning. In the ende whereof, it ſo fortuned,Mat. P [...] Mat. [...] that the Londoners had the vpper hande: And amongſt other that were put to the foile, the ſtewarde of the Abbot of Weſtminſter with his folkes went away: with the worſe, to theyr greate griefe: Wherupon the ſame ſteward, deuiſed an other game of wraſteling to be holden at Weſtmin|ſter on Lammas day next following,Abell [...] ſome [...] and that whoſoeuer coulde gette the vpper hande there, ſhoulde haue a Ramme for the price, whiche the ſtewarde had prepared.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 At the daye appointed, there was a greate aſ|ſemblie, and the Stewarde hadde gotte together out of all partes, the beſt wraſtlers that might be hearde of, ſo that there was harde holde betwixte them and the Londoners. But finally,A ri [...] [...]|ted v [...] tence of [...] ſtelyng. the Ste|ward vpon deſire of reuenge, procured them to fal together by the eares without any iuſt cauſe, ſo that the Londoners were beaten and wounded, and conſtrayned to flee back to the citie in greate diſorder. The Citizens ſore offended to ſee their people ſo miſuſed, roſe in tumulte, and rang the cõmon bell to gather the more company to them.Rober [...] Maior o [...] [...]+don. Robert Serle Maior of the Citie wold haue pa|cified the matter, perſuadyng them to lette the iniurie paſſe, tyll by orderly playnt they mighte get redreſſe, as lawe and iuſtice ſhoulde aſſigne. But a certayne ſtoute man of the Citie named Conſtantine Fitz Arnulfe,

Conſtan| [...] Cu [...] [...]+don p [...] the c [...] reuenge [...] cauſe by [...] of [...]

Math. [...]

of good auctoritie a|mongſt them, aduiſed the multitude not to her|ken vnto peace, but to ſeke reuenge out of hand, ſo as the houſes belongyng to the Abbotte of Weſtminſter, and namely the houſe of his ſte|warde might be ouerthrowen and beaten flatte with the grounde. This lewde Councell was ſoneſt receiued and executed by the outrageous people, Conſtantine himſelfe being chiefe leader of them. crying with a loude voice Mount ioy, EEBO page image 621 Mounte ioye, God bee our ayde and our ſoue|raigne Lewes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Lord Iu| [...] taketh in| [...] [...]on of the [...] This outrageous parte comming to the no|tice of Hubert de Brough Lord chiefe Iuſtice, he gat togither a power of armed mẽ, and came to the citie with the ſame, and taking inquiſitiõ of the chiefe offenders, founde Conſtantine as conſtante in affirming the deede to be his, [...]antine [...]hended. as he had before conſtantely put it in practiſe, where|vppon he was apprehended and two other citi|zens wyth hym. And on the nexte daye in the morning Foulkes de Brent was appoynted to haue them to execution: And ſo by the Thames he quietly led them to the place wher they ſhuld ſuffer when Conſtantine had the haltee aboute his necke, hee offered .xv.M. markes of ſiluer to [figure appears here on page 621] haue bin pardoned, [...] executed but it would not be. There was hanged with him his nephewe named alſo Conſtantine, and one Geffrey, who made the proclamation, deuiſed by the ſaide Cõſtantine. The crye alſo whiche Conſtantine vſed to the ſetting forwarde of his vnlawfull enterpriſe in the name of Lewes moſte of all offended the kings frends, as the lord chief Iuſtice & others, who not ſatiſfied with the deathe of the three be|fore remembred perſones, but alſo entring the Citie againe with theyr bands of armed man, apprehended diuerſe of thoſe whome they tooke to be culpable, not onely putting many of them into priſon, but alſo puniſhing other of them, as ſome with loſſe of a foote, ſome of an hande, and other of theyr eye ſight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The King furthermore to reuenge this mat|ter, depoſed all the Magiſtrates of the Citie, and ordeined newe in their roomes. Whiche cauſed greate hartburning againſt diuers of the nobi|litie, but chiefly the Lorde Hubert and Foulkes de Brent, on whom in time they hoped to haue reuenge. And as the broſle vexed the Citie of London, [...] tempeſt. ſo in this yeare there chaunced greate tempeſt of thunder, lightning and rayne, wher|by muche hurte was done in dyuers partes of the realme, [...]enerall [...]der. and at ſundry times, as by throw|ing downe of Steeples, Churches, and other buildings, with the rootewalting of trees, aſwel in woodes as in orchards, righte maruellous to conſider, namely on the eighte day of February at Grauntham in Lincolneſhire, where there chaunced beſide the thunder, ſuche a ſtinke and filthie ſauour to followe in the Churche, that the people fledde out, for that they were not able to abide it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Likewiſe in the daye of the exaltation of the Croſſe, a generall thunder happened throughe the Realme, and thereof folowed a continuall ſeaſon of fowle weather and wet, till Candel|mas nexte after, which cauſed a dearth of corn,Great dearth of corne. ſo as wheate was ſolde at twelue ſhillings the quarter. Likewiſe on the day of Saint Andrew an other terrible tempeſte of thunder happened through the Realme,An other tem|peſt of thunder. throwing downe and ſha|king buildings in many places, in ſo much that at Pillerdeſton in Warwikeſhire,Polidore. in a knights houſe, the Ladie thereof and .vj. other perſones were deſtroyd by the ſame: and a Turbary ther|by compaſſed aboute wyth water and matreſſe was ſo dried vp that neyther graſſe nor mire remained, after which enſued an Earthe quake. Moreouer on the euen of ſaint Lucy, a mightie winde raged, whiche did muche hurte in ſundry places of the Realme Furthermore aboute this time there appeared in Englande a wonderfull Comet or blaſing ſtarre.A Comete or blaſing ſtarre. The ſea alſo roſe with higher tides and ſprings than it had bin accu|ſtomed to doe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 All the whiche wounders were afterwarde iudged to betoken and ſignifye the loſſe whiche the Chriſtians ſuſteined the ſame yere in Egipt EEBO page image 622 when they wer conſtrained to ſurrender the ci|tie of Damieta into the Sarazins hands,The loſſe of the citie of Da|mieta. which lately before, as ye haue heard, they had wonne with long and chargeable ſiege. After the yel|ding vp of Damieta,VVilliam Dal|benye earle of Arundell de|parted this lfe. William de Albeney erle of Arundell (whome Ranulfe Earle of Cheſter left behinde hym in the holy lande) with many ſouldiers and men of warre, (when he returned from thence) came nowe homewardes towards Englande,

An. reg. 7.

Iohn Scot ma|rieth the daugh+ter of Leolyn prince of VVa|les.

and dyed by the waye, Aboute the ſame tyme Iohn the ſonne of Dauid Earle of Anguiſhe in Scotlande ſyſters ſonne vnto Ranulphe Erle of Cheſter, married the daugh|ter of Leolin prince of Wales, as it wer to pro+cure a finall accorde betweene the ſaide Leolin and Ranulf. After which mariage, king Henry helde his Chriſtmas at Oxford,


Math. Paris.

A Councell at London.

and ſhortly af|ter the Twelfride came to London: where aſ|ſembling a counſell of his Barons, he was ear|neſtly required by the Biſhoppe of Canterbury and other Peers, to confirme the liberties, fran|chiſes,Note the redi|neſſe of this bi|shop to broche nevve conten|tion. and freecuſtomes of the realme, for whi|che the warres in his fathers tyme had bin mo|ued: which to deny (as the archbiſhoppe ſeemed to alledge) he mighte not with anye reaſon, ſith he had couenaunſed and all the baronage with him, to ſee the ſame obſerued by the articles of the peace concluded with Lewes, when the ſame Lewes departed the realme.The aunſvvere of VVilliam Brevver to the Archbishops demaunde. Herevpon Williã Brewer one of the kings counſell, hearing the archbiſhop ſo earneſt in theſe matters, told him, that [...]th theſe liberties wer procured and [...]+ted rather by force than otherwyſe, of [...] being vnder age, they wee not to be obſe [...]ed. Whervnto the archbiſhoppe replied, [...] that if [...] loued the king, he wold be loth to ſeeke to [...]ro [...]|ble the quiet ſtate of the realme. The king per|ceiuing the archebiſhoppe to be chaſed, to be the tale himſelf, and made a curteous anſwere, and vpon further aduiſe had in the matter, ſent forth writtes to the Sheriffe of euery County, com|manding them by inquirie of a ſufficient. [...]|ry impaneled, to make certificat within ye quin|dene of Eaſter, what were the liberties in [...]me, of his grandfather king Henry, vſed within the Realme of Englande. The ſame yeare w [...]les William Marſhall erle of Pembroke wa [...]b [...]|ſie in Ireland in the warres againſt Hugh La|cyt, Leolin prince (or king) of Wales, as ſome haue intitled him, tooke by force two Caſtelles that belonged to the ſame Earle: whereof when he was aduertiſed, with all ſpeede he retourned out of Irelande rayſed an army, and recouered the ſaid Caſtels,The [...] P [...] [...] the P [...]i [...] VVa [...] putting to death all ſuch as he founde in the ſame, to requite Leolin with the like damage as hee had ſhewed hym before in his abſence. This done he entred into the lande of Leolin, waſting and ſpoiling the ſame, [...]her of when the ſaide Leolin was enformed he aſ|ſembled an hoſte of Welchemen, and comming into the fielde gaue battell, but the victorie re|ſted on the Erle of Pembrokes ſide: ſo that ther [figure appears here on page 622] were taken and ſlaine in this bickering to the number of nine thouſande Welchemen.The prince of VVales diſ|comfited There was in this yeare a conſpiracy alſo begonne by the Earle of Cheſter,A conſpiracie againſt the L. chief Iuſtice. and other noble men, a|gaynſte Huberte de Broughe, Lorde chiefe Iuſtice of Englande, by whoſe counſell (as it was thought) the king was more ſtraighter to|wardes the nobilitie and other his Subiectes, in ſtaying his graunte to confirme the Charter of liberties, than otherwiſe he woulde haue bin, if the ſame Hubert and other had not adui|ſed him to the contrarye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Math. Paris.

The king of Ieruſalem cõ|meth into En|glands.

In thys ſeaſon alſo Iohn de Brenne king of Ieruſalem, and the Lorde greate maiſter of the Knightes Hoſpitallers came into Englande, where they were honourably receyued of King Henrye, and liberally rewarded. The cauſe of their comming was to require ayde of the king for the recouery of the holy lande out of the poſ|ſeſſion of the Sarazins.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In like maner aboute the ſame time Leolin Prince of Northwales, with certein Engliſhe Lordes, as Hugh Lacy and others, vpon an ha|tred whiche they bare towardes king Henry for his fathers ſake, ſuppoſing that ſo euill a ſtocke as they tooke him to be, coulde not bring forthe any good brãch, ſought by open warres to bring William Marſhall Earle of Pembroke and other Barons that wer faithfull friendes to the king vnto their purpoſe, but the whole Country riſinge againſt them, they were diſappointed to their owne confuſion, ſo that they coulde neuer EEBO page image 623 bring that to paſſe, whiche they ſo earneſtly in|tended.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]eath of [...]cheIn this yeare alſo Phillip the Frenche kyng departed this life, and after him ſucceded Lewes his ſonne, vnto whome king Henry [...] in am|baſſade the archebiſhoppe of Canterbury with [figure appears here on page 623] three other biſhops to require nowe that accor|ding to his othe made and reteined at his return out of England, [...] to Frãce. he woulde reſtore and deliuer vp to hym the Dukedome of Normandie with other ſuche landes and poſſeſſions as his father in times paſte had taken from King Iohn, and ſtill did wrongfully withholde. King Lewes aunſwered hereunto, that hee helde Normandy and the other lands by good right and iuſt title, as hee coulde well proue and iuſtifie, if Kyng Henry would come to ye Parliament in France to heare it. And as touching the othe whiche hee had ſworne in Englande, hee affirmed that the ſame was firſt broken by kyng Henry, both in ye his men which had bin taken at Lincolne were put to greuous ranſomes, and alſo for that their liberties for whiche the warre firſt began, were not obſerued, but denyed to the Engliſhe ſub|iects, contrarie to that whiche was concluded at the agreemente betwixte them at the ſame time made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, King Henry ſent other ambaſſa|doures to Rome, who purchaſed a Bull of the Pope, wherby hee was adiudged to be of age ſufficient to receyue the gouernmẽt of the king|dome of England into his owne handes, ther|by to order and diſpoſe al things at his pleſure, and by the aduiſe of ſuche councellers as hee ſhoulde elect and choſe to be aboute him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Wheruppon after the ſayde ambaſſadoures wer returned, all thoſe Erles, Barons and no|bles whiche helde any caſtelles, honors, manors or places, apperteining to the king, were com|maunded to deliuer and reſigne the ſame to his vſe, whiche cauſed muche trouble, as after ſhall appeare: for dyuers noble men whoſe hartes were filled with couetouſnes, woulde not obey the Popes order herein, but ſore repined, (yet not to muche againſte the Kyng as againſte the Lew [...] Hu [...] de Burghe, by whoſe counſell the king [...] moſte ledde and [...]iled.) And ther|fore they did put hym in all the blame, as one that ſhulde ſet the king againſte them, and ſtay him front ſuffering them to inioye th [...]ſe liber|tyes,An. reg. 8. whyche they from tyme to tyme ſo muche laboured to [...]ant had to them granted & confle|med Vpon this [...]tion therefore,


The king gy|ueth a gentle, anſvvere to his Lordes.

they [...]ued to the Kyng for the reſtitution of the auncient lawes according to his promyſe, who to pacifie them for the tyme, gaue them a gentle anſwere, aſſuring them, that hee woulde perfourme all that he had promyſed, ſo ſoone as opportunitie woulde permit and ſuffer hym ſo to doe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Howebeit, afterwardes by the aduiſe of cer|tayne olde counſellours which has bene of the priuy counſell with Kyng Iohn his father, he founde a ſhift to diſappoynt them of theyr de|maundes, by requyring them on the other ſide to reſtore vnto hym thoſe things whiche they had in tymes paſt receiued of his auncetors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Furthermore, bicauſe he would the more ea|ſily obteyne his purpoſe, and make the reſidue afraide to followe a ſuite ſo diſpleaſaunte and yrkeſome, he thoughte beſte to beginne wyth the chiefe auctors and firſte procurers of the ſayd petitions, and to take from them whatſoeuer they helde belonging to his crowne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hereuppon therfore aſſembling a greate po|wer aboute hym,


The kyng de|maundeth reſti|tution of par|cels of inheri|tance belon|ging to the crovvne.

he demaunded of Ranulphe Earle of Cheſter, the reſtitution of certayne Lordeſhippes whiche aunciently appertained to the Crowne of the Realme, whiche Earle not being as then able to reſiſt, readyly obeyed the Kyngs pleaſure, and reſigned them all; By this entraunce of the Kyng into the execution of his purpoſe, diuers of the reſt of the Barons were brought into ſuche feare, that they were contented alſo to doe the like, ſo that by this meanes the Lordes being cut ſhorte and wea|kened in power, ſurceaſed as then from mole|ſting the Kyng any further with the demaunde of other landes or liberties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archebiſhop of Canterbury alſo threat|ned them with the darte of excommunication, if they wente aboute to diſquyet the Realme with any ciuile commotions, thoughe no man was more deſyrous to haue that matter goe forwarde than hee, as appeared by his diligent trauaile therin (hoping as now in ſhort proceſſe of tyme, and that by curteouſe meanes, to per|ſwade the King to his purpoſe) but the Kyng droue hym off with fayre wordes, and mynded nothing leſſe than to alter any one of the lawes whiche he knewe to be profytable to hym ſelfe, EEBO page image 624 and his ſucceſſoures after hym. Wherevppon diuers myſlykyng hys dealyng herein, with|drewe themſelues ſecretly, ſome into one place, and ſome into an other, to the intent they might auoyde the dayely ſyghte of ſuche abuſes, as they for the moſte parte coulde not well abide to heare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt King Henry thus politikely proui|deth for his affaires at home, Sauary de Man|leon maketh prouiſyon in Guyenne to with|ſtande ſuch perils and dangers as he ſaw moſte lykely to enſue by the practiſes of the Frenche|menne. But as hee was moſte buſily occupyed aboute the purueyaunce of ſuche thynges as ſhoulde bee verye neceſſarye for his dooyngs, there ſprang a greate dyſſention beetwixte hym and Wyllyam the Earle of Saliſburye,Diſcorde be|tvvixt Sauary de Mauleon and the Earle of Salisbury. who was ſente ouer into that Countreye, with Commiſſion to ſurueye the ſtate thereof, and by coloure of the ſame Commiſſion, tooke vpon hym to order all thyngs at his owne pleaſure. Whereas the foreſayde Sauarye de Mauleon (being a man of highe parentage in thoſe parties where hee was borne) iudged it to be a matter nothyng ſtandyng wyth his ho|nour, that an other man ſhoulde order thyngs at his will and commaundement wythin the Countrey, whereof hee him ſelfe had the chiefe charge, as the Kings lieuetenaunt: And ther|fore determined not to ſuffer it any longer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And herevpon verily roſe the contention bet|wixte them, whiche the Engliſhe ſouldydars that were there, did greatly encreaſe, fauouring the Earle as the Kyngs vncle, and coute [...]|ning the lieuetenaunt as a ſtraunger borne, by meanes whereof, the foreſayde Sauarye doubting leaſt if he ſhoulde fight with his ene|mies and throughe ſuche diſcorde as was nowe amongeſt them, be put to the worſe, the faulte ſhoulde bee laide wholy in his necke: [...] Ma [...] [...] Fren [...] he ſecrete|ly departed and fledde to Lewes the Frenche Kyng who was lately come to the Crowne of Fraunce by the deathe of his father king Phi|lip, as you before haue hard.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aboute the ſame tyme alſo Foulkes du Brent being a man of an vnquiet mynde,

Ma [...] [...] Mat. [...]

F [...] B [...] Br [...] [...]

rea|dye to miſchiefe and lothe to liue in peace as ſome ſaye conſpired againſt the King of Eng|lande, and aduertiſed the Kyng of Fraunce that if hee woulde boldely beginne the warres againſte King Henry in Fraunce, hee woulde not faile but rayſe warre agaynſte hym here in the middeſte of his Realme of Englande, ha|uing diuers noble men in a redineſſe, that wold willingly take his parte. But howſoeuer it fell out, certayne it is that this Foulkes hauyng fortifyed his Caſtell of Bedforde, attempted many enterpriſes greatly to the preiudice of the [figure appears here on page 624] Kyngs peace, aſwell in robbyng and ſpoyling the Countrey aboute him, as otherwiſe. And nowe fearyng to bee puniſhed therefore by or|der of lawe, hee ſhewed his malice agaynſte ſuche as had the execution of the ſame lawes chieflye in theyr handes. Herevpon he tooke pri|ſoner Henry Braybroke, one of the Kyngs Iuſtices of his benche, and ledde hym to his Caſtell of Bedforde, and there ſhutt hym vp cloſe as his lawfull priſoner.

Mat. [...]

Henry [...]+brok [...] Fo [...] Bre [...], [...] pr [...]

In deede the ſaid Henry de Braybroke, wyth Martin de Pate|ſhull, Thomas de Multon, and other of the Kyngs Iuſtices were come to keepe theyr cir|cuit at Dunſtable. Where vpon information gyuen and preſented before them, Foulkes du Brent was condempned to the King in greate ſummes of money. Wherewithall this Foul|kes tooke ſuch indignation and diſpleſure, that EEBO page image 625 he commaunded his men of warre whyche lay in ye Caſtell of Bedford, to ride vnto Dunſtable, and there to apprehende the ſayd Iuſtices, and to bring them vnto Bedford, where (as he ſayde) he meant to cõmẽ further with them. But they ha|uing knowledge of his purpoſe, fledde quickly out of the Towne, ſeeking to eſcape euery man whi|che way he might beſt deuiſe. Howbeit, the ſoul|diers vſed ſuch diligẽce, that Henry de Braybroe fell into their hands, and ſo was broughte cap|tiue to Bedford as theyr maſter had commaun|ded them. The Kyng aduertiſed hereof by the greeuous complaynts of hys ſubiectes, was as then at Northampton (where hee had aſſembled hys Parliament,) and therevpon hauing gathe|red ſpeedily a power, with all expedition hee ha|ſted towards Bedford. At his comming thither,Bedford Caſtel beſieged. he beſieged the Caſtell on each ſide, and at length after two monethes, though not without muche adde, hee wanne it, and hanged them all whiche [figure appears here on page 625] were taken within, being in number 80. or aboue: And amongſt other, William de Brent, the bro|ther of the ſayd Foulkes was one. There were but three that eſcaped with lyfe, who were pardo|ned, vpon condition they ſhould paſſe into the ho|ly lande, there to ſerue among the Templers. The ſiege began on the Aſcention euen, and con|tinued till the fiftenth day of Auguſt, beeing the feaſt day of the aſſumption of our Lady. [...]s in the [...]res of [...], where [...]le of [...]t was [...]. Foulkes hymſelfe whileſt the ſiege continued, lay aloofe in Cheſhire, and on the bordures of Wales, as one watching to do ſome miſchiefe: but after the Ca|ſtell was wonne, he gote hym to Couentrie, and there was ere long apprehended, and brought to the Kyng, of whome he obteyned pardon of lyfe, but yet by the whole conſente of the nobles and peeres of the Realme, he was exiled the lande for euermore, and then wente to Rome, where hee knewe to purchaſe his pardon eaſily ynough for money, of what crime ſoeuer he ſhould be iudged culpable. His wife, bycauſe ſhe neuer conſented to his doyngs, nor yet willingly to the marriage hadde betwixte hir and him, was acquited of all blame, and ſo likewiſe was his ſonne Thomas. Howbeit at length, the foreſayd Foulkes, hauing obteyned hys purpoſe at Rome (by meanes of his Chaplayne Roberte Paſlew an Engliſhman, [...]nde of [...]es de [...]. who was his ſollicitor there,) as hee returned to|wards England in the yeare enſuing, was poy|ſoned, and dyed by the way, making ſo an ende of his inconſtant life, whiche from the time that he came to yeares of diſcretion, was neuer bente to quietneſſe. But nowe to leaue theſe things, and returne to the doings in Fraunce where wee left. Yee ſhall vnderſtande, that after Sauery de Mauleon was reuolted to the Frenche King, the ſayde Kyng with all ſpeede, determined to make warre vppon Kyng Henry, and to winne from hym certayne Townes & fortreſſes with|in the countrey of Poictou.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche Writers affirme, that Kyng Lewes recouered out of the Engliſhmens hands the Townes of Niorte, Saint Iohns d'Angeli, and Rochell, before that Sauar de Mauleon re|uolted to the French part.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In deede, the Chronicle of Dunſtable ſayth,Dunſtable. that after the truce tooke ende, thys yeare the Frenche Kyng rayſed an army, and tooke Ni|ort, and after they of Saint Iohn d'Angeli ſub|mitted themſelues to hym. From whence hee went to Rochelle, within the whiche at that pre|ſente, was the ſayde Sauary de Mauleon with ſeuenty Knightes, and Richarde Gray, with Geffrey Neuille, who had in their retinue ſixtie Knightes. Theſe with the forces of the Towne, fallied foorth, and encountring with the Frenche EEBO page image 626 army, ſlewe many of their aduerſaries, and loſt ſome of their owne people. Yet after this, the Frenche Kyng beſieged the Towne, and in the ende wanne it, whileſt the King of Englande being occupied about the aſſieging of Bedforde Caſtell, neglected to ſende them within Rochell neceſſary ſuccoures.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Poicto|uins lend to King Henry.But Polidor Vergill writeth, that now after that Sauary de Mauleon was become the Frẽch Kings man, the Poictouins ſente vnto Kyng Henry, ſignifying, that they were ready to reuolt from the Frenche Kings ſubiection, and yeelde themſelues vnto him, if hee woulde ſende vnto them a power of men to defende their countrey from the French men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe Kyng Henry hauyng receyued theſe letters, enterteyned them that brought this meſ|ſage very curteouſly, and promiſing them to ſend ouer ayde with all expedition, he cauſed his nauie to be made ready for that voyage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, the Frenche Kyng ſente foorthe an army vnder the leading of Sauary de Mauleon, who then tooke Niort and Rochelle, placing in the ſame ſundry garriſons of Souldi|ers, but chiefly,Roch [...] he fortified Rochelle (whiche had bin long in the Engliſhmens handes, and al|wayes ſerued them to very good purpoſe, for the handſome landing of their people, when any oc|caſion required.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche Kyng therefore hauing got it, fortifyed it, and meant to keepe it, to the intente the Engliſhmen ſhoulde not haue heereafter in tyme of warre, ſo neceſſary a place for their ar|riuall in thoſe coaſtes.Mat. [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henry holding his Chriſtmas at Weſt|minſter,

A [...] [...]

A Parli [...]

called his high Courte of Parliamente [figure appears here on page 626] there the ſame time,1225 and demaunded a reliefe of money, towardes ye mayntenaunce of his warres in Fraunce,A fiftenth graunted to the Kyng. and had graunted to him the fiftenth peny, in value of all the moueable goodes, to bee founde within the Realme, as well belonging to the ſpiritualty as temporally, but vnder conditi|on, that hee ſhoulde confirme vnto his ſubiectes, their often demaunded liberties. The King vpon deſire to haue the money, was contented to con|diſcende vnto theyr requeſtes, and ſo the two Charters were made, and by the Kyng confir|med,Magna Carta and Carta de Forreſta con|firmed. the one entituled Magna Charta, and the o|ther Charta de Forreſta Thus at this Parliamẽt were made and confirmed theſe good lawes and laudable ordinaunces, whyche haue bin from time to time by the Kyngs and Princes of thys Realme confyrmed, ſo that a greate parte of the law now in vſe dependeth of the ſame. The ſame Charters alſo were [...]i [...]ected and ſente foorthe into euerie Countie within the Realme to bee pro|claymed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was moreouer decreed, that at a certayne day after Eaſter, there ſhoulde bee an inquiſition taken by the Inqueſt of a ſubſtantiall Iury, for the ſeuering of Forreſtes,Forreſ [...] the newe from the olde, ſo as all thoſe groundes whyche hadde bin made Forreſtes, ſith the dayes of Kyng Henry the Graundfather of this Henry the third ſhoulde bee diſforreſted. And therevppon after Eaſter, Hugh de Neuile, and Brienne de Liſle, were ſente foorthe as Commiſſioners, to take that in|quiſition. By force whereof, many wooddes were aſſerted and improued to arrable land by the ow|ners, and ſo not onely men, but alſo dogges, whyche for ſafegarde of the game were accuſto|med to loſe theyr clawes, hadde good cauſe to reioyce of theſe confyrmed liberties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme, and about the feaſt of the purification. King Henry (hauing iuſt occa|ſion to purſue the warre, for recouery of thoſe townes taken, as before you haue hearde by the Frenchmen,) ſente ouer hys brother Richarde EEBO page image 627 whome hee had made Earle of Cornewall and Poictow, [...]. Paris. [...]dor. with a mighty nauie of Shippes vnto Gaſcoigne. This Earle, hauing in his company the Earle of Saliſbury, Phillip de Albanie, and others, with proſperous winde and weather ar|riued at Burdeaux with foure hundred ſayles, [...]e hun| [...] hath [...]in. and there landing his men, went ſtraighte vnto the Towne of Saint Machaire, ſituate vppon the banke of Garon, where vppon his firſte com|ming, he gate the Caſtell, and ſacked ye Towne, and then paſſing further, [...]nes won [...]e Eng| [...]en. wanne dyuers other Townes, as Louguile, Bergerat, and other, and after, wente with greate diligence to beſiege and recouer Rochell, or rather Riole. The French K. aduertiſed of the Earles arriuall, and of theſe hys atchieued enterpriſes,The Earle of Marche, hath Math. Paris. ſente foorthe by and by the Earle of Champaigne with a mighty army into Guyenne to ayde his people there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Cornewall vnderſtanding of the comming of that Frenche army, taketh a part of his hoſt, and therewithall goeth to meete hys enimies, and lying in ambuſhe for them by the way, taketh them at a good aduauntage,The French|men taken at aduantage. and ſlewe greate numbers of them. After this, the [figure appears here on page 627] Earle of Champaigne keeping his men within their trenches and Campe, without attempting any other exployte, the Earle of Cornewall thought it ſufficiente, if he myght keepe the Gaſ|coignes in obedience, whiche had already practi|ſed a Rebellion, by ſending letters and meſſen|gers for ye ſame intent vnto ye French K. & there|fore breaking vp his ſiege before ye Riole,Earle of [...]ewall [...]th his [...] from [...]iol [...]. he ſtay|ed awhile from exployting any further enterpriſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, the Earle of Saliſbury returning homewards out of Gaſcoigne, was ſo toffed and turmoyled on the Seas by tempeſtes of weather,

[...] death of [...]arle of [...]bury.

[...]. Par.

that hee fell ſicke thereof, and within a few dayes after hys arryuall dyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare alſo, there came foorth a decree frõ the Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury, and his ſuf|fraganes, [...]es con| [...]es [...] [...]n Chri| [...]buriall. that the concubines of Prieſtes and Clearkes within orders (for ſo were theyr wiues then called in contempt of their wedlocke) ſhould be denied of Chriſtian buriall, except they repen|ted whyleſt they were aliue in perfect healthe, or elſe ſhewed manifeſt tokens of repentaunce at the tyme of their deathes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame decree alſo prohibited them from the receyuing of the pax at Maſſe time, and alſo of holy bread after Maſſe, ſo long as the Prieſtes kept them in their houſes, or vſed their company publiquely out of their houſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, that they ſhoulde not bee purified when they ſhoulde be deliuered of childe as other good women were, withoute that they found ſuf|ficient ſuretie to the Archdeacon, or his officiall to make ſatiſfaction at the next Chapter or Courte to be holden, after they ſhould be purified. And ye Prieſts ſhould be ſuſpẽded, which did not preſent all ſuch their concubines as were reſiaunt within their Pariſhes. Alſo, all ſuch women as were cõ|uict to haue dealt carnally with a Prieſt, wet ap|pointed by the ſame decree to doe open pennance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This yeare, or as ſome haue in the nexte, the Kyng graunted to the Citizens of London free warreyn, that is to meane, libertie, to hunt with|in a certaine circuite about London, and that all weites in ye Thames ſhuld be plucked vp and de|ſtroyed. Alſo in this ninth yeare of his raigne, K. Henry graunted to the Citizens of London, that they might haue and vſe a common ſeale. About the time of the making of whiche ordinaunces,

An. Reg. 10.

A Legate from the Pope.

Mat. Paris.

Otho ye Cardnal of S. Nicholas in Carcere Tul|lcano came as Legate from Pope Honorius into England to King Henry, preſenting him with letters from the Pope. The tenor whereof when the Kyng hadde well conſidered, hee declared to the Legate, that withoute the whole aſſente EEBO page image 628 of the eſtates of his Realme, he coulde doe little in that whiche the Pope as then required. Here|vpon therfore he cauſed a Parliament to be ſum|moned at Weſtminſter,A Parliamente called. there to be holden in the octaues of ye Epiphanie: This Legat alſo moued the king in the behalfe of Foulkes de Brent, that he might be reſtored to his poſſeſſions, and to en|ioye his wife as before tyme he had done: but the King declared that for his manifeſt treaſon com|mitted, he was iuſtly exiled, and not only by his, but by the ſentẽce of the nobles and other eſtates of the whole Realme: which aunſwere when the Legat had heard, he left off to ſolicite the king for Foulkes, and from thenceforth talked no more of that matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Shortly after by way of proxie, the ſaid Le|gate gathered a duety whyche he claymed of the ſpiritualtie, that was of euery cõuentual Church within the Realme two markes of ſiluer.


The Kyng is ſicke.

In this yere the king held his Chriſtmas at Wincheſter, and after cõming to Marlebridge chaunced there to fall ſicke, ſo that he laye in deſpayre of life for certaine dayes together. In the meane time alſo came the daye appoynted for the Parliament to beginne at Weſtminſter, where the Legate and other of the Spiritualtie and Temporaltie being aſſembled, the ſayde Otho ſhewed forthe the Popes letters, and accordyng to the tenor and purporte of the ſame, was earneſtly in hande to haue the Prieſtes to graunte to the yearly pay|ment of a certaine pention or tribute to the Pope, and toward the maintenaunce of his eſtate, whi|che they generally denied. When he ſaw that this baite woulde not take, hee onelye demaunded a tenth parte of al their ſpirituall liuings for main|tenaunce of the warres againſte the Sarazins, whiche was eaſily graunted, as more reaſonable than the firſt.

Mat. VVeſt. Mat. Paris.

The Cardi|nals requeſt.

Here by dyuers credible writers of good credite, it ſhoulde appeare, that the Pope de|mãded to haue aſſigned to him out of euery Ca|thedrall Church two prebendes, one of the porti|on belonging to the biſhoppe, and an other out of the portion belonging to the Deane and Chapi|ter: and likewiſe of the Abbeyes, where there were ſeuerall portions, that is to witte, ſo much of the conuent as belõged to the finding of one Monke, and as much alſo of euery Abbots liuing, as ſhuld counteruaile the ſame. The Cardinall vſed iolly perſwaſions to induce the Prelates to aſſent to this graunte, alledging that the Church of Rome was runne in great ſtander for taking of money in diſpatche of ſutors, cauſes, whiche aroſe by meanes there was no mayntenaunce of liuyng ſufficient for the Churchmen there: and therefore he added, how it was the parts of naturall childrẽ to releue the neceſſitie of theyr louing mother, and that except the charitable deuotion of them and other good and well diſpoſed perſons were ſhort|lye extended, they ſhoulde wante neceſſary mayn|tenaunce for the ſuſtentation of their lyues, whi|che ſhoulde bee altogither an vnſeemely thyng for the dignitie of the Romane Churche. The Cleargie reſorting togyther to take aduice what aunſwere they ſhoulde make, at length vppon theyr reſolute determination,The [...] of Iohn [...] Archi [...] of Bed [...] Iohn the Arch|deacon of Bedforde was appoynted to tell the tale for them all: who comming before the Car|dinall, declared boldly vnto hym, that the de|maunde whyche hee hadde proponed, touched the Kyng eſpecially, and generally all the nobi|litie of the Realme, whyche were patrones of a|ny Churches. Hee added furthermore, how the Archbyſhoppes and Byſhoppes, and many other of the Prelates of Englande (ſithence the Kyng by reaſon of ſickneſſe could not be there, were alſo abſent, ſo that they whych were there preſent, be|yng but as it were the inferiour part of the houſe, neyther myghte nor ought to make any reſolute aunſwere in this matter as then. Immediately heerewith alſo came the Lorde Iohn Marſhall, and other meſſengers from the Kyng vnto all the Prelates that helde anye Baronies of the Kyng, ſtraightly commaundyng them, that they ſhoulde in no wiſe bynde and endaunger hys lay ſee vnto the Churche of Rome, whereby hee myghte bee depriued of hys due and accuſto|ſtomed ſeruices, and ſo euery man heerevpon de|parted and went home.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare,Fabian. the plees of the Crowne were pleated in the Tower of London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And the ſixtenth day of Marche in this tenth yeare of his raigne, the Kyng graunted by hys Charter enſealed, that the Citizens of London ſhoulde paſſe tolle free through all England,A gra [...] the Cit [...] of London and if anye of them were conſtreyned in any Citie, borough or Towne within the Realme, to pay tolle, that then the Sherifes of London myghte attache any man of the ſayde Citie, Bourrough or Towne where ſuche tolle was eracted, beyng founde within the liberties of London, and hym retayne with hys goodes and cattalles, till the Citizens that payde ſuche tolle were ſatiſfied, by reſtitution of the ſame, with all coſtes and char|ges ſuſteyned in the ſute. But yet about the ſame tyme,Mat. I [...] the Kyng conſtreyned the Londoners to gyue vnto hym the ſumme of fyue thouſande markes as a fyne, for that they badde ayded and ſuccoured hys aduerſary Lewis agaynſte hym, and lente to the ſayde Lewis at hys departure out of the Realme a lyke ſumme. But it maye rather bee thought they gaue vnto the Kyng the ſayde fyue thouſande markes for hys fauoure ſhewed in graunting vnto them the aboue men|tioned freedome and liberties. At the ſame tyme, hee hadde alſo twelue hundred pounde of the burgeſſes of Northampton, beſydes the fifteenth, EEBO page image 629 whyche not onely they, but alſo the Londoners and all other generally through the Realme, paid accordingly as it was graunted.

An. Reg. 11.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 In February, the Kyng called a Parliamente [figure appears here on page 629] at Oxforde,

Parliament Oxforde. [...]he King of [...]wfull age.

Mat. Par. [...]idor.

in the which he made open declara|tion vnto all the aſſembly, that hee was nowe of lawfull age to gouerne of himſelfe, withoute any to haue rule ouer him, and ſo whereas before hee was gouerned firſte by the Earle of Pembroke Lord protector whyleſt he liued, and after by the Byſhoppe of Wincheſter and others, hee nowe remoued them from hym by the counſell of the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, takyng the regiment whol|ly to himſelfe, and to ſuche as ſhould pleaſe hym from thencefoorth to appoynt. Alſo in the ſame Parliamente, [...]e charters [...]celled. hee dyd cancell and diſanull the two charters before mẽtioned, after that the ſame had bin vſed through the Realme for the ſpace of two yeares, pretending them to bee of no va|lue, ſith they were ſealed and ſigned whileſt hee was vnder age. This deede of the King was greeuouſly taken, and all the blame put in the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice. Heerewith all ſuche alſo as claymed any manner Charters of liberties, were appoynted to remoue the ſame, (a practiſe onely to gette money by) and to get them confyrmed with the Kings newe ſeale, the olde being made voyde and pronounced of none effect.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]e death of [...]es the [...]nch king.In this yeare dyed the French Kyng Lewes the eyght, and his ſonne Lewes the ninth ſuccee|ded hym, a childe of twelue yeares of age, by rea|ſon of whoſe infancie, dyuers peeres of ye Realme began to withdrawe their obedience from hym, as Theobalde Earle of Champaigne, Hugh Earle of Marche, and Peter Duke of Britaine. Howbeeit, the Earle of Champaigne was eaſi|ly reduced againe to hys former obedience, by the hygh wiſedome and policie of the Queene mother, who hadde the gouernemente of hir ſonne the yong Kyng, and hys Realme com|mitted vnto hir.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Earle of Marche conſtante in hys purpoſe, came ouer to Kyng Henry,The Earle of Marche com|meth ouer to the king and offereth hym his ſeruice. whoſe mo|ther hee hadde married, and declareth vnto hym, that nowe was the tyme for hym to recouer againe thoſe places whych king Phillippe hadde vniuſtly taken from hys father Kyng Iohn: and to bryng the ſame to paſſe, hee offered hym|ſelfe and all that hee coulde make, in the furthe|ring of thys voyage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Kyng beeyng thus pricked forwarde with the Earle of Marche hys wordes,Polidore determi|ned withoute delay to take in hande the warre. Heere authors varye, for ſome write,

Mat. Paris.

Ambaſſadors ſent into Fraunce.

that kyng Henry ſente ouer certayne perſons, as the Arch|byſhoppe of Yorke, the Byſhoppe of Care|leill, and the Lorde Phillippe Dalbeny, to vnderſtande the myndes of the Normans, the Britaines, and Poictouins, and for that thoſe that were ſente, broughte worde againe that the ſayde people were not greatly myn|ded to forſake the Frenche gouernemente, hee ſurceaſſed from attempting any exployte at that tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Other write, that gatheryng a greate ſumme of money of hys ſubiectes, towardes the mayntenaunce of hys charges, hee prepa|red a nauie of Shippes, and ſayled ouer with the ſayde Earle of Marche into Britaigne, and there waſted the confynes of the Frenche dominions, and that when the Frenche kyng was ready with an army to ſuccoure his ſub|iectes, hee ſoddaynely retired to hys Shippes, and returned into Englande, without atchie|uing any enterpriſe worthie of remembrance, ſo that whether hee wente hymſelfe or ſente,Polidor. EEBO page image 630 it forceth not: for certayne it is, that hee profited nothing at that ſeaſon, either by ſending meſſen|gers to procure him friendſhip, or by going ouer himſelfe to make an entry of the warres. When the Frenche buſineſſe was thus at a ſtay, within a few monethes after,

The Earle of Cornewall re|turneth home.

Mat. Paris.

Richard Earle of Corne|wall returned foorth of Galcoigne into Englãd, and ſhortly after, bycauſe he heard, and was cre|dibly enformed, yt a certaine manour place whi|che Walerane ye Teutchman, Captaine of Ber|kamſtede caſtell held, by the gift and aſſignement of Kyng Iohn, apperteyned to his Earledome of Cornewall,The Earle of Cornewall. he ſeaſed that Caſtel into his hands. So that Waleran being thus diſpoſſeſſed, exhi|bited his bill of complaynt to the King, who in|continently ſente to the Earle, commaundyng him to make reſtitution, which he vtterly refuſed to do. But forthwith, comming to the King, and withoute reteyning anye aduocate, declared hys right which he offred to auerre in open preſence, and in any of the kings Courtes, before whatſo|euer peeres of the Realme ſhould be there aſſem|bled. This addition (the peeres of the Realme) nothing pleaſed the Kyng and hys Counſell, namely the Lord chiefe Iuſtice, by whoſe aduice the King meante to haue apprehended the Earle the ſame nyght after he was withdrawen to hys lodging. But the Earle warned thereof, ſecretely departed,He departeth frõ the Courte ſecretely. accompanyed only with one man, and neuer drew bridle out of hys Horſes mouth, vn|till he came to Readyng (whether his ſeruauntes reſorted to him) and from thence, he rode ſtraight to Marlebridge, where he founde hys deare friend William Earle Marſhall, with whome hee dyd participate of the daunger likely to haue befallen hym. Then they drewe to the Earle of Cheſter, and taking order with him for the rayſing of an army,He ioyneth himſelfe with the Earles of Cheſter and Pembroke and others. They meete at Stanfort with an army. there met ſhortly after at Stamford theſe perſons whoſe names heereafter enſue, Ranulfe Earle of Cheſter, William Marſhall Earle of Pembroke, Richard Erle of Cornewall ye kings brother, Gilberte Earle of Glouceſter, William Earle Warenne, Henry Earle of Hereforde, William Erle Ferrers, William Erle of War|wike, and dyuers Barons, Lords and Knights, hauing there with them a great puiſſance of war|like perſonages. The Kyng hauing vnderſtan|ding as well of their demeanor, as alſo what they required by their letters and meſſengers to hym dayly ſente, thought good for a time to pa|cifie their fury,A day appoin+ted to meete at Northamp|ton, or a trea|tie of pacifi|cation. and therevpon appoynted a day at Northampton, where he woulde meete, and mi|niſter ſuche iuſtice vnto thẽ, as ſhould be thought reaſonable, and to ſtande with their good willes and contentation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyngs graunt to hys brother.Wherevpon, the parties comming to North|hampton at the daye aſſigned, hee graunted to the Earle his brother (at the inſtant deſire of the Lordes) all hys mothers dower, with all thoſe landes whyche belonged to the Earle of Bry|tayne within Englande, and withall, thoſe lands alſo that apperteyned to the Earle of Bollongne deceaſſed. And thus the matter being pacified, e|uery man departed to hys home, whereas, if the Kyng had bin froward, warres had immediately bin rayſed betwixt them, namely bycauſe many of the Lordes bare a ſecret grudge towardes the Kyng, for that hee had reuoked certayne liberties whyche in the beginning of his raigne hee hadde graunted to be holden, though now to take away the enuy whiche mighte bee conceyued towardes hym for hys doyng, he alledged, that hee dyd not infringe any thyng that hee hadde then graunted, but ſuch things as his gouernoures hadde ſuffe|red to paſſe whyleſt hee was vnder age, and not ruler of hymſelfe: hee cauſed them therefore to re|deeme many of the ſame priuiledges, whereby he gayned great finaunce for the ſettyng too of hys newe ſeale, (as before ye haue heard.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, in thys yeare there were ſent cer|tayne perſons from Pope Gregory the nynth,The P [...] horte [...] Chriſ [...] make [...]+ney ag [...] the S [...] (that ſucceeded Honorius) into all the parties of Europe, to moue by Preaching the Chriſtian people to make a iourney into the holy lande, a|gaynſte the Sarazens. Suche a multitude by meanes heereof dyd aſſemble togyther from all parties, and that within a ſhort tyme, as the lyke hadde ſeldome tymes bin hearde of. It is ſayde, that amongſt them there ſhoulde bee at the poynt of fortie thouſand Engliſhmenne, Mat. [...] ſixty [...] of whome Pe|ter Byſhoppe of Wincheſter, and William Bi|ſhop of Exceter wer the chiefe. Captaynes alſo of that greate multitude of croſſed Souldiers that wente foorthe of ſundry countreys were theſe, Theobalde Earle of Champaigne, and Phillip de Albeny,Polidor. through whoſe negligence the ſequele of this noble enterpriſe came but to ſmall effect. But to proceede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this time alſo,

A [...]. re [...]

12 [...]

Mat. P [...] Weigh [...] me [...] Polid [...]. Hube [...] Burg [...] Erle of [...]

the kyng minding the benefyte of the cõmon wealth, cauſed ye weightes and meaſures generally within the land to be re|formed after one ſtanderd. And furthermore, hee created Hubert de Burgh Earle of Kent, whych Hubert, how muche prayſe ſo euer hee got at the beginning for his valiancie ſhewed in the defen|ding of Douer Caſtell, and in vanquiſhing the Frenche fleete that was comming to the ſuccour of Lewes by battayle on the Sea, it is certaine, yt he now purchaſed hymſelfe double aſmuch ha|tred & euil wil, bycauſe that being of ſecret coun|ſell with the King, and thereby after a ſort ſeque|ſtred from the Lords, he was knowen to diſwade the ſayde Prince from reſtoring of the auntiente lawes and cuſtomes vnto the people, whyche the Barons oft required, whereby it came to paſſe, that the more hee grewe in fauoure with the EEBO page image 631 Prince, the further hee came into the enuie of the nobilitie, and hatred of the people, which is a cõ|mon reward to ſuch as in reſpect of theyr maſter, do little regard the profite of others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...]hen Arch| [...]op of Cã| [...]ury de| [...]ed this life [...]ard We| [...]heid ele| [...] in hys [...].Furthermore, vppon the ninth of Iuly dyed Stephen the Archbiſhop of Caunterbury, after hee hadde gouerned that ſee the tearme of one and twentie yeares, and after him ſucceeded Richard Wetherſheyd Deane of Poules, who became the three and fortith Archbyſhoppe of that See. The [figure appears here on page 631] Monkes of Caunterbury had firſte elected one of theyr owne conuent,

[...]ath. Paris.

[...]ter Hel| [...]ham.

named Walther de Helme|ſham: whiche election was made by the ſame Monkes the thirde daye of Auguſt next enſu|ing the death of their ſayd Archbyſhop Stephen, but the Kyng would not conſent that hee ſhould haue the place for dyuers cauſes, whych he obiec|ted: As firſt, for that he knew hym to hee ſuch a man as ſhoulde be vnprofitable, both to him and to his Kyngdome. Secondly, bycauſe hys father was a Theefe, and thereof beeyng conuict, ſuffe|red deathe vppon the gallowes. Thirdly, for that he hymſelfe hadde ſtoode againſt Kyng Iohn in tyme of the interdiction. On the other ſide, the Byſhops Suffraganes to the Churche of Caun|terbury obiected alſo againſte hym, that he hadde vſed the familiar company of a Nonne, and be|gote of hir certayne children. Moreouer they al|ledged, that any election without their conſente, could not be good, nor ought to take place: but the Monke making his appeale, ſtoode in it, and ta|king with him certayne of hys fellowes Monkes of Caunterbury, [...]ew trouble [...]et the e| [...]on of the [...]hb. of Can. went to Rome, and there made ſupplication to the Pope, that his election by his authoritie might be ratified & cõfirmed: Whereof the Kyng and the other Byſhops being aduerti|ſed, did put their obiections in writing vnder their ſeales, and ſent the ſame vnto Rome to be exhibi|ted to the Pope by the Byſhops of Weſtcheſter and Rocheſter, and Iohn the Archdeacõ of Bed|ford, who vſed ſuch meanes, that his election was iudged voyde, and then the ſayde Richard We|therſheid was out of hand elected and confirmed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 In that yeare alſo,Fabian. a graunt was made to the Citizens of London, that they ſhoulde haue and vſe a common Seale. And in this meane while,


The Earle of Marche wor|keth to induce the Normans and Poicto|uins to fauour the King of Englande.

The Normãs write to the K. of England.

Hugh the Earle of Marrhe ſo laboured with the Normans and Poyctouins in the behalfe of the Kyng of England, that they began to encline to hys purpoſe: and heerevpon ſent letters by ſecrete meanes vnto Kyng Henry, ſignifying to hym, that if it woulde pleaſe him to come ouer with an army to make warre againſt the Frenche King, they woulde be ready to turne vnto his ſyde, and receyue him as their ſoueraigne. Kyng Henry taking aduice what to aunſwere and doe herein, with hys welbeloued Councellour Huberte of Bourgh, thoughte it not good to attempte anye thing raſhly in this matter, bycauſe the dealings of ye Normans were neuer without ſome fraude: but yet to ſatiſfie ye requeſt of hys friends, he pro|miſed to come ouer ſhortly vnto them, if in the meane time he might perceyue that they remay|ned ſtedfaſt in their purpoſe, giuing them further|more many greate and harty thankes for theyr good meaning and ſingular kindneſſe towardes hym. The eſtate of things beyond the Sea,Math. Paris. ſtan|ding now in this order, it hapned in the moneth of Auguſt, that the Souldiers whiche lay in gar|niſon within the Caſtel of Montgomerike, tooke in hande to ſtocke vp a Woodde not farre from the ſayde Caſtell, through whiche lay an high way, where oftentimes many fellonious robbe|ries and murders were committed by the Welſh: and as the Souldiers wer buſie at worke in ſtoc|king vp the wood, there came vpon them an am|buſhment of Welſhmẽ, which not only droue thẽ away from their worke, but alſo tooke and ſlewe diuers of them,The Welſh|men beſiege the Caſtell of Montgomerie conſtreyning the reſidue to flee in|to the Caſtell, which immediately the Welchmẽ enuironed alſo about with a ſtrong ſiege, thin|king to fynde the defendaunts vnprouided. They within aduertiſed Hugh de Burgh, the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice (to whome the Caſtell belonged by the Kings late gift) of the exployte and enterprice attempted by their enimies, with all poſſible haſt: wherevpon, the king at requeſt of the ſaid Hubert leuied a power, and came to rayſe the ſiege: but the Welchmen hearing of the Kings approche,The King with an army, commeth to the ſuccour of them with|in the Caſtell. fledde away like ſheepe, ſo that comming to the Caſtell, hee found no reſiſtance: howbeeit, for aſ|much as he ſaw the foreſayde woodde to be trou|bleſome and an annoyance to the ſayd Caſtel, he willed it to be deſtroyed. True it is, that the ſame woodde was very thicke and rough, and further it conteyned alſo fiue leagues or fifteene miles in length, yet by ſuche diligence as was vſed, the ſame was aſſerted, ſtocked vp, and quickly ridde out of the way by fire and other meanes, ſo that ye countrey was mad: plain by a great way about.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 632After this, ye King parted foorth into ye Welſh confynes,The Abbey of Cride brẽned. and comming to an Abbey of ye white Monkes called Cride, he cauſed it to be brenned, bicauſe it ſerued as a refuge for his enimies. Thẽ by the aduice of the Lord chiefe Iuſtice Huberte de Burgh,The [...]+gi [...] bu [...] he ſet in hand to buyld a Caſtel there, [figure appears here on page 632] bicauſe the place ſeemed very fitte for fortificatiõ. But after ye King with his army had laine there a three monethes, through lacke of vittayles (the Welſhmen ſtill cutting the Engliſhmen off as they went abroade to fetche in forrage and other prouiſion) hee was conſtreyned to fall to agree|ment with Leoline their Prince, and receyuing of the ſayde Prince the ſumme of three thouſand markes, hee was contented that ſo muche of the Caſtell as was already builded, ſhoulde be raſed and made flatte agayne with the ground, before his departure from thence.He is conſtrei|ned to agree with the Welſhmen. Heerevpon, many men tooke occaſion to ieſt at the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice and his doings about this Caſtell, who at the be|ginning named it Hubertes folly. Amongſt other alſo that were taken priſoners by the Welſhmen whyleſt the Kyng thus vaynely ſpent hys tyme about the buyldyng of that forte,The Lorde William de Breuſe taken priſoner. William de Breuſe a righte valiant man of warre was one, who being taken by Lewline Prince of Wales, was afterwards by hym cruelly put to deathe (as after it ſhall appeare) for the which acte, and other ſuch iniuries receyued at ye ſame Lewlines [...]ãds, King Henry at length greeuouſly puniſhed him. And for the moſt part of the ſommer ſeaſon, great thunders happened in Englande: Mat. Paris. Stringe ſights in the ayre. the Elemente alſo ſeemed, as though it had brenned with con|tinuall flames: Steeples, Churches, and other high buildings were ſtriken with lightning: & the harueſt was fore hindred through cõtinual raine. Alſo in the middeſt of the day there came a won|derfull darkneſſe vpon the Earth,Polidor. that the bright|neſſe of the aire ſemed to be couered & takẽ away.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2

An. Reg. 13.


In the thirteenth yeare of this King, Stephen the Popes Chaplayne and his Nuntio came o|uer vnto K. Henry, requiring to haue towardes the maintenaunce of the Popes warres agaynſte the Emperour Fredericke, a tenth part of all the mouable goodes within the Realmes and Coun|treys of Englande, Wales, and Ireland, as well of ſpirituall perſons as temporall. Wherevppon,A Parlia [...] or a co [...] holdes. a Parliament, or an aſſemblie of the Lordes was called at Weſtminſter, on the ſeconde Sunday after Eaſter, whiche was the .29. of Aprill. At whiche Parliamente, when the Popes Bulles were red, and the matter therin conteined playne|ly opened and examined, to the ende it mighte appeare vppon what neceſſary cauſes the Pope was conſtreyned to purſue the ſayd warres, and to aſke reliefe of faithfull Chriſtian people, beyng members of the holly Churche: The Kyng, by|cauſe hee had by his procurators at Rome afore hand promiſed and bound himſelfe to ſuche pay|ment of tenthes, ſate ſtill, and aunſwered not to the contrary, (whereas the hope of a greate num|ber was repoſed in him, that by hys deniall the Popes requeſt ſhoulde haue bin fruſtrate) ſo that when by his ſilence, he was adiudged to conſente,The re [...] Lords re [...] to ayde [...] Pope with money. yet the temporall Lords and ley men vtterly de|nied to agree vnto ſuche paymente, not willing in any wiſe to bynde their Baronies and tempo|rall poſſeſſions vnto the Church of Rome. How|beit, the Biſhops, Abbots, Priors, and other ec|cleſiaſticall perſons after they had ſhewed them|ſelues to reſt doubtfull (not without great grud|ging and murmuring in the meane tyme, for the ſpace of three or foure dayes togyther) at length, for feare of excommunication, conſented to bee contributaries, but in ſuche ſorte, as they hadde eſcaped for a farre more reaſonable ſumme,Stephen [...] Segrane. if Stephen Segraue one of the Kynges coun|ſell hadde not by compacte (as was thoughte EEBO page image 633 made with the nuncio) wrought ſo in the matter, that the tenthes were finally graunted, [...] tenthes [...]e ſpiritu| [...] granted [...]e Pope. to the great impoueriſhment and ineſtimable domage of the Church and realme of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 After this, the nuncio ſhewed the procuratorie letters, wherby he was authorized to gather thoſe tenthes, and that not after a common maner, but by a right ſtrayte and hard valuation. And for the more ſure way of proceding herein, he had letters of authoritie from the Pope, to excomunicate all ſuch as ſhould withſtand him or his deputies in proceding with thoſe affayres. He ſhewed himſelf moreouer verie extreme in collecting of this mo|ney, and namely towardes the Prelates of the Church, inſomuch that appoynting him a certen day in the which vnder paine of excomunication they ſhould make payment, diuerſe for want of readie money, were compelled to make ſhift with the Chaliſes, and other veſſels and ornamẽts be|longing to their churches, and other were glad to take vp money vpon intereſt, and for that ſhyfte ther were come ouer with the nuncio diuerſe wic|ked vſurers, [...]ers. vnder the name of marchants, which when they ſaw thoſe that ſtood in neede like to bee excommunicate for want of readie money, they would offer themſelues to lend vnto any yt would borow, after the rate of one noble for the loane of xx. by the month, ſo bringing the needie into their ſnares, to their irrecouerable loſſes and vndoing. Hereby the land was filled with bitter curſings, (though in ſecrete) by thoſe that wiſhed ſuch vn|reaſonable exactors neuer to ſee good ende of the vſe of that money. And from that day forwarde, ther wanted not in England certain vſurers cal|led Caurſini, [...]. Par. which ſought nothing elſe but the wealthes of ſuch perſons as they might get into their ſnares, namely thoſe whom the Churche of Rome doth vexe and put to trouble with hir ex|actions and payments.Earle of [...]er would [...]ermit the [...]es to be [...]red with| [...] lande. The Erle of Cheſter on|ly ſtoode manfully agaynſt the payment of thoſe tenthes inſomuch that he woulde not ſuffer hys lands to be brought vnder bondage, neither wold he permit the religious men and prieſts that held of his fee to pay the ſame, although the reſt of England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland, were compelled to be contributories therto, hauing on|ly this comfort, that not they alone, but alſo other foraine regions were driuen to do the like.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But let this paſſe: King Henrie purpoſing to ſaile ouer into Brytain and inuade France, [...] Henrie [...]reth to [...]ouer into [...]ce. came to Porteſmouth about Michaelmaſſe, with ſuche an army aſſembled out of England, Wales, Ire|land, and Scotlãd, as the like for number of peo|ple had not bene knowne to haue paſſed ouer with any of his aunceſters: howbeit when hee ſhoulde come to the very point of embarquing his people, with vytayles, armor, and other prouiſion, there were not ſhippes ſufficient to paſſe ouer the one halfe of the armie: wherefore when the king ſawe this default, he was ſore offẽded, but chiefly with Hubert the Earle of Kent, Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, inſomuch that he openly called him olde traytor, and layde to his charge, how he had thus vſed the matter of purpoſe, and onely for to pleaſure the Queene of Fraunce,The Earle of Kent fallen in|to the kings diſpleaſure. of whom (as he ſayd) he had receiued fiue thouſand Markes to hinder his pro|ceedings. In this heate if the Earle of Cheſter and other had not beene at hande, hee had ſurely ſlaine the chiefe Iuſtice euen there with hys drawne ſworde, who was glad to auoyde hys preſence, till his moode was ſomewhat pacified.Henrie Earle of Britaine. In the meane time there arriued Henrie Earle of [figure appears here on page 633] Brytaine on the .ix. of October, whiche ſhoulde haue conducted the king into his Countrey.The kings iourney de|ferred. But ſith winter was come vpon them, he aduiſed him to ſtay till the next Spring, and ſo he did. Thẽ e|uery man was licenced to depart home, and the Earle of Kent reconciled againe into fauor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The erle of Britain in like maner did homage to the king for Brytaine, & the king reſtored him to all his rights in England and further gyuing him fiue thouſand Markes to defende his Coun|trey agaynſt the enimies, ſent him home againe in moſt curteous and louing maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this yeare of our Lorde. 1230. King Hen|rie helde his Chriſtmaſſe at Yorke,

An. Reg. 14.


Math. Paris.

The king of Scots kept Chriſtmaſſe with the king of Englande at Yorke.

togither with the king of Scots, whom he had deſired to come thither at that time, that they might make m [...]y: and ſo for the ſpace of three dayes togyther, there was great banquetting and ſport betwene them. On the fourth day they toke leaue either of other, the king of Scots with rich giftes returning to|wardes his Countrey, and the king of Englande towardes London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon the .xxv. day of Ianuarie alſo,Mat. Paris. whileſt the Biſhop of London was at high Maſſe with|in the Church of Saint Paule in London,A ſtraunge tempeſt at London. a [...]o|daine darkneſſe ouerſhadowed the Quiere, and therwith ſuch a tempeſt of thunder and lightning that the people there aſſembled, thought verily the EEBO page image 634 Church and ſteeple had come downe vpon theyr heades. There came moreouer ſuch a filthie ſa|uour and ſtinke withall, that partly for feare, and partly for that they might not abide the ſauour, they voyded the Churche, falling on heapes one vpon another, as they ſought to get out of the ſame. The Vicars and Canons forſooke theyr Deſkes, ſo that the Biſhop remained there onely, with one Deacon that ſerued him at Maſſe. Af|terward, when the ayre began to cleare vp, the people returned into the Church,Mat. Paris. and the Biſhop went forward and finiſhed the Maſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king ga|thereth money towards his journey into France.In the meane time the king leuyed a greate ſumme of money of the Prelates of his lande to|wardes his iourney into Fraunce: Hee had al|ſo a great reliefe of the Citizens of London. And the Iewes were conſtrayned to gyue to hym the thirde part of all theyr moueable goodes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Math. Paris.In the Moneth of Apryll, Llewelline prince of Wales, cauſed William de Breuſe, whome he had taken priſoner long before (as aboue is mentioned) to bee hanged on a payre of Gal|lowes,The Lorde Wil. de Breuſe hanged. P. V. for that hee was taken (as was repor|ted) in adulterie with the wyfe of the ſayd prince. And on the laſt day of Aprill, the King wyth a puyſſaunt armye tooke the Sea at Porteſ|mouth,The king ſay|l [...]th ouer into France. and landed at Saint Malos in Bry|tayne on the thirde daye of May, where he was ryght ioyfully receyued of Henrie Earle of that Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After he was thus arryued in Brytayne, he entered into the Frenche dominions, with the ſayde Earle, and the Earle of Marche hys fa|ther in lawe, doing muche hurte wythin the ſame. Hys armye dayly encreaſing by the great numbers of Normans and other, whiche at the fame of the King of Englandes arryuall in thoſe partyes, came flocking from dyuerſe places to ayde him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongeſt other there were two brethren that were Normãs, Foulke, and William,

T [...] of the neb [...] [...]+ne [...]

Ma [...]

of the fa|milye and ſurname of the Paganelles, or Pay|nelles, being men of great byrth and eſtimation in theyr Countrey, whiche brought with them threeſcore knightes or men of armes, right wor|thie and valiaunt in feates of warre. Theſe no|ble men woulde faine haue perſwaded the King to haue entred into Normandie, for that as they affyrmed, it ſhoulde bee an eaſie matter for him to ſubdue the whole Countrey:The [...] Kẽt [...] now [...] the [...] euery [...] a [...]. whereto the King woulde gladly haue conſented, if the Earle of Kent had not aduiſed him otherwiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, they beſought him at the leaſtwiſe to graunt them two hundred knightes or menne of Armes of hys armye, wyth whoſe ayde they doubted not to bee able (as they ſayde) to ex|pulſe all the Frenche men out of Normandie, but neyther woulde thys bee obteyned, ſo that thoſe Norman Lordes remayned without com|fort, whyleſt the Frenche King cauſed theyr Caſtelles and Manours to bee ſeazed vnto his vſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 During this time,Polid [...] King Lewes (who a few dayes afore had taken from the Duke of Bry|tayne the townes of Ardone, Campanelle,He [...] towne [...]+ſtel of S. I [...]n [...] le [...]. The [...] of A [...] and Beleſme) beeing nowe certifyed by his eſpy|alles, of the landing and inuaſion made by the King of Englande, haſted forth wyth hys ar|mie into the Countrey of Aniou, and there by the ſide of the Loyre, he encamped to ſtay the king of England, that he ſhould not paſſe ouer the ſame riuer into Poicton, ſuſpecting leaſt ye Poictouins (whom he had always in ſome iealoſie) would re|uolt vnto him. But the K. of Englãd aduertiſed of his approch, paſſed that riuer ſooner thã any mã wold haue iudged, & encãped firſt in the coũtry of [figure appears here on page 634] EEBO page image 635 Poictou,Poictou and Xantonge. and after drew into the cõfines of Xan|tonge, the French king ſtill following, and by the way deſtroying the townes of Fountney, & Vil|lars, apperteyning to one Guy de Rochfort, a captaine belonging to the Erle of Marche. After|ward alſo he paſſed the riuer of Charent, and wa|ſted all the Countrey of Xantonge. Where (if we may beleue ſome wryters) the two kings ioyned battaile, which continued a long time right fierce and cruel:The French [...]et the vpper [...]ande. but at length the Engliſh men giuing backe, the victorie remayned on the French ſyde, a great number of their aduerſaries beeing ſlaine and taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this battaile, they ſay alſo, that a peace was concluded betwixt them. But other writers haue recorded, that the matter was firſt taken vp by a truce without any battaile, bycauſe both the kings being yong men, and as yet not verie ſkil|ful in martial affayres, were content to giue eare vnto Queene Blanche, to Philip Earle of Bol|longne, and to Ranulfe Earle of Cheſter, whiche three tooke vpon them to entreate a peace, and preſcribe the couenants of agreement, by whiche meanes they were at the laſt accorded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other things which were concluded at this preſent time, the Duke of Brytaine, and the Earle of Marche were made friendes agayne with the French king, and receyued eftſoones in|to his fauour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Thus ceaſſed the warres for that time be|twixt the kings of Englande and Fraunce (as ſome haue witneſſed.) But if we ſhall beleeue o|ther, which wrote and liued in thoſe dayes, there was no peace at that time concluded: But after that king Henrie had paſſed through Aniou,Mat. Par. and Poictou without battail, he came into Gaſcoign, where he receyued the homages and fealties of many noble men in thoſe parties, and returning [figure appears here on page 635] into Poictou, not onely had the lyke alſo of ſun|drie Lordes and men of honour in that countrey, but alſo tooke the Caſtell of Mirabean by aſſault, [...]irabeau. through the manhoode of the Engliſh men. This done, [...]ing Henry [...]urneth to Brytayne. and order taken for the ſafe keeping of thoſe quarters, he returned into Brytayne, and com|ming to the Citie of Nauntes, he remayned for a while there, ſpending the time vainely in plea|ſure and banquetting. Finally in the Moneth of October he tooke the Sea, [...]e ſayleth [...]me into Englande. and returning into Englande after many perilles, landed at Porteſ|mouth, the .xxvij. of October, leauing behind him in Brytaine fiue hundred knightes or menne of armes, [...]e Earle of [...]heſter left [...]e kings lieu| [...]nant in Bry| [...]ne. a thouſand yeomen or ſtipendarie ſouldi|ers, for defence of the Countrey agaynſte the French men, and appoynted for theyr Captaine the Earle of Cheſter, the Earle Marſhall, and the Earle of Albemarle, with certaine other vali|ant and approued warriours, who after the de|parture of the king, made two rodes into the French Countreys, but fyrſt into Aniou, where they remayned xv. dayes without battaile,What feates he wrought. ta|king and deſtroying the Caſtell of Gonner, alſo Newchatell vpon the riuer of Sart, and finally laden with plentie of riche ſpoyles, they returned into Brytaine from whence they ſet forth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after they entred into Normandie, deſtroying the Caſtel of Pontorſon,Pontorſon burnt. and burning the towne: which enterpriſe whẽ they had accom|pliſhed at theyr willes, they returned eftſoones in|to Brytaine, where they were ioyfully receyued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Cheſter hauing in this meane while fortified the Caſtell of S. Iames de Bew|meron,Saint Iames de Bewmeron. which (bycauſe it belonged to the right of his wife) the Erle of Brytaine had ſith the kings comming ouer reſtored vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this yeare vpon the .xiiij. of May,A ſtraunge Eclipſe. a mar|uellous Eclipſe of the Sunne chaunced immedi|ately after the ryſing thereof, ſo that the earth ſee|med as it had beene couered againe with ſhade of EEBO page image 636 night.An. Reg. 15. On the .xxij. day of Nouẽber, the Moone was likewiſe eclipſed, beeing as then thirteene dayes olde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Duke of Saxonie com|meth into Englande.Furthermore, whileſt the king was in France, there came ouer into England the duke of Sax|onie, couſin to the king, and of the Citizens of London was honourably receyued. Hee was a man of ſuch high and tall ſtature, that men tooke great pleaſure to beholde him. And in the ſame yeare alſo in the Moneth of Iuly, an Iriſhe king that was gouernor of Connagh,The king Connagh vnderſtanding that both the king of Englande, and the Earle Marſhall were gone ouer into Fraunce, and ſo Irelande left without any greate ayde of men of warre on the Engliſh part, rayſed a mightie ar|mie, and with the ſame entered into the marches of the Engliſh dominion, ſpoyling and burning the Countrey before him: whereof when Geffrey [figure appears here on page 636] de Mauriſh Lord chiefe Iuſtice of Ireland was aduertiſed,Geffrey de Mauriſh Lord chiefe Iuſtice of Irelande. he called to him Walter de Lacie, and Richarde de Burgh aſſembling therewithall a mightie armie, whiche hee deuided into three partes appoynting the ſayde Walter de Lacie, and Richarde Burgh,Walter de La|cie, Richarde de Burgh. with the two firſt partes to lie in ambuſh within certaine woods, through the which he purpoſed to drawe the enimies, and marching forth with the thirde, whiche he reſer|ued to his owne gouernment, hee profered bat|taile to the Iriſhe menue, the whiche when they ſawe but one battaile of the Engliſh men bold|lye aſſayed the ſame. The Engliſhe menne according to the order appoynted, feigned as though they had fledde, and ſo retyred ſtill backer and backer, till they had trayned the Iriſh within daunger of their other two battailes, which com|ming forth vpon them, did ſette on them egrely, whileſt the other which ſeemed before to flee re|turned backe againe,The Iriſhmen vanquiſhed by the Engliſhmẽ in battaile. and ſet vpon them in like maner, by meanes whereof the Iriſh men being in the midſt, were beaten downe on al partes, and vtterly vãquiſhed, with loſſe of .xx. thouſand men (as it was credibly reported.) The king of Con|nagh was alſo taken and committed to pryſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 12 [...]1In the meane time king Henrie hauing ſpent a great deale of treaſure in his iourney made in|to Fraunce, there was graunted vnto him a fif|tenth of the temporaltie, with a diſme and a halfe of the ſpiritualtie, towardes the newe furniſhing forth of a power of men to be ſent into Spain a|gaynſt the Sarazens,

A .xv. [...] grauntes the king.


Engliſh [...] ſent i [...] agaynſt [...] Saray [...].

which made ſore warres vpon the Chriſtians in that Country, whervpon king Henrie being required of the king of Aragon to ayde him with ſome number of Souldiers, he ſent a great power thyther wyth all ſpeede, and ſo lykewiſe did the French king by meanes whereof, the Spaniardes beeing ioyned with Engliſhe men and Frenche men, obteyned a noble victorie, in vanquiſhing thoſe theyr eni|myes. Thus hath Polidore.Math. P [...] But other wryte that the King on the .xxvij. day of Ianuarie, holding a Parliament at Weſtminſter (where the Nobles both Spirituall and Temporall were aſſembled) demaunded eſcuage of all thoſe that helde any baronies of him, that is to witte,Eſ [...]ge de|maunded. forraine Knightes fee, fortie ſhillings, or three markes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the Archbiſhop of Canterburie,The Arch [...] Canterbur [...] ſtãdeth [...] the king [...]+fence of [...] Cleargie. (as they ſay) ſtoode agaynſt the king in this de|maunde, mainteyning that the Cleargie ought not to be ſubiect vnto the iudgement of lay men, ſith this eſcuage was graunted in the parties be|yonde the ſeas without their conſent. Whervpon the matter as touching the Biſhops was defer|red till the quindene of Eaſter, albeit that all the laitie, and other of the ſpiritualtie conſented to the kings will.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 About this time alſo there chaunced to ryſe a greate ſtrife and contention betwixt Richarde EEBO page image 637 the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, and Hubert the Earle of Kent, [...]ntion [...]r the [...] and the [...] of Kent. who as garden to the yong Erle of Glouceſter, had got into his handes the Ca|ſtell of Tunbridge, with the towne, and certaine other poſſeſſions which belonged to the Archbi|ſhops Sea, and therfore did the Archbiſhop com|plaine to the king of the iniurie which he ſuſtey|ned: but when hee perceyued no hope likely to come for any redreſſe at the kings handes, hee tooke an other way: [...] Paris. and firſt by his pontificall authoritie, accurſed all thoſe that withhelde the ſame poſſeſſions, and all theyr mainteyners, (the king excepted) and therewith appealing to the Pope, he went to proſecute his appeale to Rome, whither the king and the Erle ſent alſo their pro|curators, and made the Pope their arbitratour to iudge of the matter. In the ende Pope Gregorie hauing heard the whole proces of the cõtrouerſie, iudged the right to remaine with the Archbiſhop, who hauing then obteyned his deſire, haſted to|warde England: but as he was returning home|wards, he dyed by the way, not farre from Rome, whereby the Popes iudgement tooke no place: for whileſt the ſea was voyde, there was none that woulde follow the ſute: and ſuch was the ende of this controuerſie for this tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 [...]r Neuill [...]d Archb. [...]nterbury.After the deceaſſe of this Archbiſhop Richard, the Monkes elected Raufe Neuil Biſhop of Chi|cheſter the kings Chauncellor, an vpright man, and of iuſt dealing in all his doings. In whome alſo it is to be noted, he would not giue one half-penie, to the Monks towards the bearing of their charges in their iourney to Rome, whiche they ſhoulde take vpon them from thence to fetche hys confirmation, according to the maner, leaſt hee ſhoulde burden his conſcience with the crime of Simonie which he greatly abhorred, although ſome imputed this to proceede rather of a cloked ſpice of couetouſnes. But to ye purpoſe. Whẽ the Monks came to the popes preſence, vpon inquirie made,Simon Lang|tons report of the concitions of Rauf Neuil. & chiefly by report of Simon Langtõ (who as ſome thinke gaped for ye dignitie) he vnderſtood that the ſaide Raufe Neuill ſhould be a man vn|learned, a courtier, haſty & ſhort of word, and that which moſt diſpleaſed the Pope, it was to be fea|red, that if he ſhould bee preferred to that roumth, he would go about to deliuer the realme of Eng|land frõ the thraldom of the Pope, & the Court of Rome (into the which being made tributorie by k. Iohn it had lately bin brought) that (as he ſhuld alledge) it might ſerue God & holy Church in the old accuſtomed libertie. And to bring this to paſſe (hauing the king thereto greatly inclined, & al the realme ready to aſſyſt him in the ſame) he would not ſticke to put his life in ieopardie, namely vpõ confidence of the right and appeales of Stephen the late Archb. of Canterburie, made in ſolemne wiſe before the aulter of S. Paul in the cathedral Church of London,The Pope ma|keth voyde the election. when K. Iohn reſigning his crowne into the handes of the Legate, made that writing obligatorie moſte execrable to the whole world. When the Pope had heard this tale tolde, he ſtreight diſanulled the election & requeſt of the confirmation of the ſaid Rauf Neuil, graunting libertie to the Monkes to choſe ſome other which might proue a wholſome ſhepherd for the ſoule of mã, profitable to ye church of Englãd, & a faithful ſon to the ſea of Rome: & ſo the Monks returning home, made relation to the couent how they had ſpe [...]. After this the monks elected the prior of their houſe named Iohn vnto their Archb. who going to Rome for his cõfirmation, was perſuaded in ye end to renoũce his electiõ: ſo yt at length one Ed|mõd yt was treaſurer of ye colledge of Saliſb. was elected, cõfirmed, & cõſecrated, a mã of great zeale, being the .xliiij. Archb. yt had gouerned in that ſee.The Earle of Cornewal ma|rieth the Coũ|teſſe of Glou|ceſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yere the kings brother ye erle of Cornwal maried the Counteſſe of Gloceſter, widow to the [figure appears here on page 637] EEBO page image 638 late Earle Gylbert,

The Earle of Pembroke de|parted this [...]e.


and ſiſter to William Mar|ſhall Erle of Pembroke, the which Erle of Pem|broke ſhortly after ye ſame mariage departed this life, and was buried on the .xv. day of April, with|in the newe Temple at London, neare vnto hys father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Llewellin prince of Wa|les inuadeth the Engliſhe borders.Moreouer, Llewellin Prince of Wales a|bout this ſeaſon enterpryſed to inuade the Eng|liſhe confines, and burned and waſted the Coun|trey in moſt cruell wyſe. Whereof the King being aduertiſed, haſted forth by great iourneyes, with purpoſe to reuenge ſuch iniuries. But the enimyes hearing of his comming (according to the cuſtome of their Countrey) wythdrewe into the Mountaynes, Bogges, and Mariſhes. Wherefore the King (ſeeing that hee coulde not haue them at his pleaſure, and leaſt hee ſhoulde bee thoughte to ſpende tyme in vayne) came backe, and left behinde him a ſmall crewe of ſouldiers to reſyſt theyr attempts, if they ſhould happen to riſe vp any more. The Welch men hauing intelligence that the King was returned home, brake forth againe as before into the Eng|liſhe Marches, and not onely tooke prayes and booties, but went about to deſtroy with fyre and ſworde all that ſtoode in theyr way. Howbeit in their returne, and as they raunged abrode ſome|what vnaduiſedly, they were intrapped by the ſol|diers which the king had left there for the defence of the Countrey, and put to flight neare to the Caſtell of Mongomerie,The W [...] men p [...] flight. with great ſlaughter and loſſe of their people.

[figure appears here on page 638]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But Llewellin [...]dig diſmayed therewith, aſſembled a greater power than hee had before, and began forthwyth to ron [...]e and ſpoyle with|in the Engliſhe Marches wyth Paganiſme ex|tremitie, which thing when it came to ye vnder|ſtanding of the king, he was verie ſore diſpleaſed that ſo meane a man as Llewellin was, ſhoulde put him to ſo muche trouble, therefore hee rayſed a farre greater armie than hee had done at anye tyme before,

The king go|eth agaynſt the Welch men.

Math. Paris.

and with the ſame came to the Ci|tie of Hereford.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time Llewellin comming neare vnto the ſayde Caſtell of Montgomerie, by the practice of a trayterous Monke, trayned forth the Engliſh ſouldiers which lay in garniſon there, and counterfeyting to flee,The Engliſhe men diſtreſſed tyll he had layde them vp in Bogges and Myres with theyr horſes, ſo as they coulde not helpe themſelues, he fell vpon them, and ſo fiue and tooke a great number of them euen as he coulde haue wiſhed. The King aduertiſed hereof, haſted the faſter forwarde, and comming into thoſe partyes, as he paſſed by an Abbey of the Ciſteaux order (of whiche houſe the Monke, was that had betrayed the Engliſhe men of Mountgomerie) hee burned a graunge that belonged to the ſame Abbay, and further ſpoyling the ſame Abbay it ſelfe, he had ſet it on a light fire alſo, if the Abbot thereof had not re|deemed it with the ſumme of three hũdred marks of ſiluer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this,Mawd [...] repayred. he cauſed Mawdes Caſtell to bee repayred and fortified, which the Welch men in tymes paſt had ouerthrowne, and when the work was finiſhed, hee left there a ſtrong garniſon of ſouldiers to kepe back the Welch men from ma|king their accuſtomed incurſions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the king was thus occupied in Wa|les, there was ſome buſineſſe in Fraunce:Mat. P [...] for in the Moneth of Iune, the French king with an armie came to inuade the Countrey of Britain,Henry f [...] Brytain [...], [...] erle of C [...] diſtreſſe [...] French [...] cariages. but Erle Henrie with the Erle of Cheſter and the other Engliſh Captains found meanes to take & deſtroy all the cariages and wagons which came with vitailes and other prouiſion to ſerue the French armie. Thus when the French men per|ceyued they coulde not haue their purpoſe by me|diation EEBO page image 639 of the Archbiſhop of Reiſmes, and the Erle of Bollongne on the Frenche part, and by conſent of the Erles of Brytain and Cheſter on the Engliſh part, [...]ce taker. a peace was cõcluded, or rather a truce to endure for three yeres betwixt the two kings of Englande and Fraunce. This agree|ment was made the fifth day of Iuly, and then the Earles of Brytayne and Cheſter, wyth Ri|charde Marſhall, came ouer into Englande, and rode to the king, whom they founde at Mawdes Caſtell, where he remayned tyll the worke was finiſhed, and then in the Moneth of October re|turned into Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2

[...]n. Reg. 16.


[...]. Paris.

In this meane time no ſmall grudge aroſe a|mong the people, by reaſon that their Churches were occupied by incumbents that were ſtraun|gers, promoted by the Popes and their Legates, who neyther inſtructed the people, nor could well ſpeake any more Engliſh than that which ſerued for the collection of their tythes, inſomuche that for ye inſolencie of ſuch Incumbentes, as well the Noble menne and thoſe of good reputation, as other of the meaner ſorte by an vndeſcreete pre|ſumption attempted a diſorderly redreſſe, [...]orderly [...] preſump| [...] attempt. confe|derating themſelues togyther, and taking vpon them to wryte and direct theyr letters vnto Bi|ſhops and Chapters, commaunding them by way of inhibition, not to ſeeme to interrupt thoſe that ſhould ſeaze vpon the beneficed ſtraun|gers, or vppon theyr reuenues. They alſo tooke vpon them to wryte vnto ſuche Religious men and others, whiche were fermours vnto any of thoſe ſtraungers, forbydding them to ſtande ac|countable vnto the ſayde ſtraungers, but to re|teyne the rentes and profites in theyr handes to aunſwere the ſame vnto ſuch as they ſhoulde appoynt for the recept thereof. The ſuperſcrip|tion of theyr letters was this. [...] ſuper| [...]tion of [...]rs.
Tali Epiſcopo, & tali Capitulo vniuerſitas eorum qui magis volunt mori quam à Romanis confundi Salutem.
That is to ſay,
To ſuch a Biſhop and Chapter, all thoſe which had rather to die than bee confounded by the Romaines, ſend greeting.
In the ſeale wher|with the ſayde letters were ſealed, were two ſwordes engrauen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This matter went ſo farre forth, that there were ſundrie perſons armed and diſguiſed lyke Mummers, whiche enterpryſed not onelye to take dyuerſe of thoſe ſtraungers that were be|neficed men, [...]king [...]ſhers. but alſo came to theyr Barnes, threſhed vp theyr grayne, and eyther made ſale thereof, or gaue it awaye for God hys ſake, ſhewing ſuch coũterfeyted letters vnder the kings ſeale, which they had procured for theyr warrant as they did pretende.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Pope cõ| [...]eth to [...]ing in [...]ng him,At length the Pope vppon complaynt made vnto him of ſuch violent doings, wrote to king Henrie, blaming him not a little for ſuffering ſuche myſorders to bee committed wythin hys Realme,The Pope co|maundeth t [...] offenders to be accurſed. commaunding hym vpon paine of ex|communication, to cauſe a diligent inquirie to be had of the offenders, and to ſee them ſharpely pu|niſhed, to the example of others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer hee ſent letters to the Biſhop of Wincheſter, and to the Abbot of Saint Ed|mondſburie, to make the like inquiſition, and to accurſe all thoſe that ſhoulde bee founde culpable within the South partes of Englande, as hee did to the Archbiſhop of York, to the Biſhop of Dur|ham, and to an Italian named Iohn a Canon of Yorke, to do the like in the North partes, ſo that the offenders ſhoulde remaine accurſed, till they came to Rome, there to fetche their abſolution.Inquiſitions taken. Herevpon therfore a generall inquiſition was ta|ken, as well by the king as by the Biſhops, and many found guiltie, ſome in fact, and ſome in cõ|ſent: amongſt which number, there were both Bi|ſhops and Chapleynes to the king, with Arche|deacons, and Deanes, Knights, and many of the laitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were ſome Sherifes and Baylifes alſo which by the kings commaundement were ar|reſted and put in priſon, and diuerſe of all ſortes did keepe themſelues out of the way, and woulde not as yet be founde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In like maner, Hubert the Earle of Kent,The Earle of Kent put in blame. Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, was accuſed to bee chiefe tranſgreſſour in this matter, as he that had giuen forth the kings letters patents to thoſe diſ|guiſed and maſking threſſhers, who had takẽ vp|on them ſo to ſequeſter other mens goods, wherto they had no right. There came alſo to the King one ſir Robert de Twing,Sir Robert de Twing. a knight of the North parties whiche named himſelfe William We|therſe, & had led about a companie of the foreſaid Maſkers) proteſting that he had done it vpon iuſt cauſe to be reuenged vpon the Romaines, which went about by ſentence of the Pope, and manifeſt frande to ſpoyle him of the perſonage of a certaine Church which he helde, and therefore he ſayde, he had leuer ſtande accurſed without iuſt cauſe for a tyme, than to loſe his benefice withoute due iudgement. Howbeit the king and the other cõ|miſſioners counſayled him in the ende to go vn|to Rome, for to purchaſe his abſolution, ſithe he was fallen in daunger of excommunication, and there to ſue for his pardon in the Popes con|ſiſtorie: and to encourage him the better ſo to do, the King wrote alſo in his fauour to the Pope, teſtifying the right which he had to the Churche which he claymed, whereby at length he obteyned his ſuyte (as after ye ſhall heare.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King called a Parliament at Weſt|mynſter,


A Parliament.

wherein declaring what charges hee hadde beene at dyuerſe wayes, hee requyred to haue a Subſidye graunted vnto hym, for EEBO page image 640 the reliefe of his want, which was flatly denyed, the Nobles and other eſtates excuſing the pouer|tie amongeſt all degrees of menne,A ſubſedie de|maunded, and denied. by many eui|dent reaſons. Herevpon the Byſhop of Win|cheſter beeing a verye eloquent and well lan|guaged man,The Biſhop of Wincheſters counſell giuen to the king. openly counſayleth the King to fauour his people, whome hee had alreadie made poore and bare with continuall trybutes and ex|actions, and if ſo it were that hee ſtoode in ſuche neede as was alledged, that then he ſhoulde take into his hands again ſuch poſſeſſions and things, which during the time of his yong yeares hee had beſtowed vpon his ſeruants, without any good aduiſed conſideration, for lacke of rype iudgement and diſcretion, and againe to take from certaine couetous perſons, who now were become Horſ|leches and Caterpyllers in the common welth, all ſuch offices as they helde, and had verie much ab|vſed, cauſing them to yeelde vp their accountes, and to vſe thẽ after the maner of ſponges, ſo that where hee had in tymes paſt made them full of moyſture, he might nowe wring them drie, fol|lowing herein the example of Veſpaſian. And by this meanes it was not to be doubted but he ſhuld haue ynough of his owne, without doing iniury to any man.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king fol|loweth the Bi|ſhop of Win|cheſters coun|ſaile.The king gaue verie good eare to the By|ſhoppes wordes, and following his counſayle, cauſed his receyuers, treaſurers, and other ſuche as had medled wyth any of his receytes to come to a reckening. And vnderſtanding by the Audi|tours appoynted to take theyr accountes, that the moſt parte of them had receyued much more and by other meanes than they had entred into theyr reckening, he compelled them to reſtore it out of hand with intereſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Alſo he cauſed the Magiſtrates to be called to a reckening, and many of them beeing conuicted of fraude, were condemned to make reſtitution. And amõg other,

Mat. Par.

Ranulfe Bry|tainer, Peter de Riuales.

Reynulf Brytõ treaſorer of his chamber was put beſide his office, & fined at. M. markes, in whoſe place was ſet Peter de Riuales, or after ſome copies de Oruiales, a Poictouin, nephew or rather ſon to the Biſhop of Winche|ſter, by whoſe aduice the king tooke a more ſtraite account of his officers, and often remoued ſuche as he adiudged guiltie.

The Earle of Kent diſchar|ged of his of|fice of chiefe Iuſtice.

Mat. Par.

At the ſame time alſo, Hubert Erle of Kent was depoſed from the office of high Iuſtice, and Stephen Segraue appoyn|ted in his roumth. The ſaid Hubert (bycauſe he refuſed to ſatiſfie a certaine duetie which was de|maunded of him to the kings vſe) ranne ſo farre into his diſpleaſure, that he durſt not abide hys ſight,The Earle of Kent taketh Sanctuarie. but for ſafegarde of himſelfe got him to the Abbey of Merton, and there tooke Sanctuarie. The king hearing of this his demeaner, was ſo highly offended withall, that he ſent to the Lon|doners, willing them to go thither and fetche him to his preſence. The Londoners which in no wiſe loued him, bycauſe of the death of their Citizen Conſtantine, were verie readie to accompliſh this comaundement,The C [...] of Lo [...] good [...] towar [...] Earle [...] inſomuch that where the Maior ouernight late declared to them the effect of the kings commiſſion, there were .xx. M. of them in armor gotten forwarde early in the morning to|wards Merton, in full hope nowe to be reuenged of him, for the ſmall good will that hee had borne vnto their citie heretofore. But the king being in|formed by the Erle of Cheſter and others, that if the Londoners being thus in armor, & in ſo great a number, ſhould cõmit any other outrage by the way, the matter might grow to ſome ſuch incon|uenience as would not eaſily be ſtayed, he ſent to them a countermaund to returne back to the citie againe, which they did, though ſorie in their harts that they might not go through with their ſo deſi|red an enterpriſe. Furthermore (ſee here the mu|tabilitie of fortune and hir inconſtancie) for now that the Erle of Kent was thus out of the kings fauour, there were few or none of thoſe whom he had before bin beneficiall vnto, that ſhewed them|ſelues as friends & louers vnto him, but al forſooke and were redie to ſay the worſt of him, except on|ly the the Archbiſhop of Dubline, who yet obtey|ned of the king reſpite for him to make anſwere vnto ſuch things as ſhoulde lawfully be obiected agaynſt him, both for the debt which ſhoulde bee due to the king, and alſo vpon poynts of treaſon, which were now layde to his charge. After this, as the ſayde Hubert would haue gone to S. Ed|mondſbury in Suffolk, where his wife as then re|mayned, he was apprehended at Burntwood in Eſſex, within a Chapel there (as ſayth Fabian.) But as Math. Paris hath,Mat. [...] ſir Robert de Crane|combe, with three hundred armed men was ſent to apprehende him by the Kings commaunde|ment, and ſo he was taken in a village belon|ging to the Biſhop of Norwiche in Eſſex, and by the kings commaundement caſt into priſon, but yet afterwardes he was recõciled to the kings fauor, after he had lien foure Monthes in priſon, and .xiij. Monethes baniſhed the Court.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this yeare, on the exaltation of the Croſſe,A ſub [...] gra [...] a Parlia [...] holden [...] Lamb [...] at Lambeth in the aſſemble of the ſtates there, a ſubſedie was graunted to the king of the .xl. part of euerie mans goodes towardes the diſcharge of his debtes which he ought to the Earle of Bry|tayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo in the beginning of the .xvij.An. R [...] yeare of his raigne, Raynulfe Earle of Cheſter and Lincolne departed thys lyfe the .xxvj. daye of October,

Mat. P [...]

Ranch [...] of Che [...] parteth [...] life.

whoſe bodie was buried at Cheſter, and his bo|wels at Walingford where he died.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This Erle Ranulf was thrice maried, firſt to Conſtance daughter and keyre to Conan Earle of Brytayne and Richmonde,Earle P [...] thrice [...] and ſo in ryght EEBO page image 641 of hir was intituled Earle of thoſe two places: which Conſtance had bin firſt maried vnto Gef|frey the third ſonne of king Henrie the ſeconde, by whom ſhee had iſſue Arthure, (as before ye haue heard.) But by Erle Ranulfe ſhe had no iſſue at all, but was from him diuorced, and afterwardes maried vnto Guy vicont de Touars. Then after that Erle Ranulf was ſo deuorced from the ſayd Conſtance, [...]is Clemẽce [...] daughter [...]le Ferrers. he maried a Lady named Clemence, and after hir deceaſſe, he maried the thirde time the Ladie Margaret, daughter to Humfrey de Bo|hun Erle of Hereford and Eſſex, Coneſtable of England: but he neuer had iſſue by any of thoſe his wiues, [...]e partition [...]is landes. ſo that Iohn Scot hys nephew by his ſyſter Mawde ſucceeded him in the Earledome of Cheſter, and William Dalbeney Earle of Arundell, nephew to him by his ſyſter Mabell, had the Manour of Barrow, and other landes that belonged to the ſayde Ranulfe, of the yeare|ly value of fiue hundred pounds. Robert Quin|cie, he that maryed hys ſyſter Hauiſe, had the Earledome of Lyncolne, and ſo of a Baron be|came an Earle, who had iſſue by hys wife, Mar|gerie Counteſſe of Lyncolne, that was maryed to Edmonde Lacie Earle of Lyncolne. Wil|liam Earle Ferrers, and of Darbie, that had ma|ryed Agnes, ſyſter to the ſayde Ranulfe, had the Caſtell and Manour of Chartley, togyther wyth other landes for hys pourpartie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Here is alſo to be remembred, that the afore mentioned Erle Ranulf (or Randulf whether ye liſt to call him) atchieued many high enterpriſes in his time, as partly in this booke ye haue alredie heard: he held ſore warres agaynſt the Welch|men, till at length an agreement was concluded betwixt him & Llewellin prince of Wales. I re|member I haue read in an olde record, that vpon a time as this Earle paſſed into Wales with an army, his chance was to be ouerſet by the Welch men, ſo that he was driuen to retire into a caſtell, wherin the Welchmen did beſiege him. [...]ir Roger [...]y is ſurna| [...]d Helle. And as it fortuned at that time, Roger Lacy ye Coneſtable of Cheſter was not thẽ with him, but left behind at Cheſter to ſee the Citie kept in order (for as it ſhould ſeem, their ſolemne playes which cõmon|ly are vſed at Whitſuntide were then in hande, or elſe their Faire which is kept at Midſommer.) The Erle therfore ſent a meſſenger in all poſſible haſt vnto his Coneſtable, praying him with ſpeed to come to his ſuccors, in that extreme poynt of neceſſitie. Lacy made no delay, but aſſembling all the foreyners, players, muſitians, & others which he could find within that citie fit to wear armor, went forth with them, and in moſt ſpeedy maner marched toward the caſtell, where the Welchmẽ kept the Erle beſieged, who now perceyuing ſuch a multitude of mẽ cõming towards them, incon|tinently left the ſiege and fled away. The Earle then being thus deliuered out of that preſent dan|ger, came forth of the Caſtell, returned with hys Coneſtable vnto Cheſter, and in recompence of that ſeruice, he gaue vnto his ſayde Coneſtable Roger Lacie, the rule, order, and authoritie ouer all the foreyners, players, muſitians, and other ſtrangers reſorting to Cheſter, at the time when ſuch publike playes (or elſe fayre) ſhoulde be kept and holden.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Lacie the ſon of the ſayd Roger, maried Alice the daughter of Gylbert de Aquila, and after hir deceaſſe, he maried the Ladie Margaret, the daughter of Robert Quincy Erle of Lyncolne, of whom he begat Edmonde Lacie, Coneſtable of Cheſter, which Edmond after the deceaſſe of hys father, maried Alice the daughter of the marques of Saluces in Italy, which Lady was ſurnamed the Queene, of whom he begat Henrie Lacy erle of Lincoln, which Henry maried the Lady Mar|garet, daughter to William Long eſpee Earle of Saliſbury, by whom he had two ſonnes, Edmõd and Iohn, and two daughters, Alice and Ioan, which Alice Thomas Erle of Lancaſter maried, who claymed & had the ſame rights and priuiled|ges which aunciently belonged to the ſayde Ro|ger Lacy, and others the Coneſtables of Cheſter, concerning the fines of foreyners and of other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And this haue I the more willingly declared, that it may appeare in what eſtimation & credite the Lacies Conſtables of Cheſter by inheritance liued in their time, of whoſe high valiancie, and likewiſe of other of that familie, highly commen|ded for theyr noble chiualrie in martiall enterpri|ſes ye may reade in ſundrie hyſtories at large.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to returne and ſpeake of other do|ings which chaunced aboute the tyme in whiche the ſayd Ranulfe Erle of Cheſter departed thys life. The king in the meane while ſeazed into his handes a great portion of the treaſure which Hubert de Burgh Earle of Kent had committed to the keping of the Templers: but where as there were that trauailed to haue had him put to death, the king in reſpect of the ſeruice which he had done to him, and to his predeceſſors, king Richard, and king Iohn, graunted him life, with thoſe landes which hee had eyther by purchaſe,The Erle of Kent kept in priſon within the caſtell of Vees. or by gyft of king Iohn, but neuertheleſſe he cauſed him to be kept in free priſon at the caſtell of the Vees, vnder the cuſtodie of foure knightes belonging to the Erles of Cornwall, Warren, Pembroke, & Fer|rers, whiche foure Earles were become ſureties for him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare alſo, about the ſame time, to wit,

Mat. Par.

A great thun|der.

the morow after S. Martyns day, chaunced great thunder and lightning, which continued for the ſpace of .xv. dayes togither, to the great terror and feare of the people, and namely of the Londoners, which haue that kinde of weather ſo familiar to EEBO page image 942 them, that if there bee any abroade in the lande, they haue their part thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


A wet ſõmer.

Moreouer on the .xxiij. of March, was heard an other great and terrible tempeſt of thunder, & after folowed a maruellous wette Sommer with many flouds. Alſo on the .viij. day of April, in the parties about Hereford,Foure Sunnes beſide the ac|cuſtomed Sun. and Worceſter, there ap|peared four Sunnes in the Element, beſide the naturall Sunne, of red colour, and a great circle of chriſtaline colour, the which cõpaſſed with his largeneſſe as it had bene the whole circuit almoſt of the whole realme of Englande,Mat. Paris. from the ſides wherof went forth certaine halfe circles, in whoſe ſections appeared the ſayd foure ſunnes. The na|turall ſonne was at the ſame tyme in the Eaſt part of the firmament, for it was about the fyrſt houre of the day, or betwixt ſix and ſeuen in the morning the aire being the ſame time very bright and cleare. The Biſhop of Hereford, & ſir Iohn Monmouth knight, and many others beheld this wonderfull ſight, & teſtified the ſame to bee moſte true.Mat. Par. And after this there followed the ſame yeare in thoſe parties cruell warre, ſlaughter, terrible bloudſhed, and a generall trouble through Eng|land, Wales, and Irelande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A ſtraunge wonder.About the ſame time, to wit in Iune, in the ſouth parts of Englãd neare to the ſea coaſt two huge dragons appeared fighting in the aire, and after a long fight the one ouercame the other, and followed him, fleeing into the depth of the Sea, and ſo they were ſeene no more.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreuer in this yeare great variance & ſtrife roſe betwixt the king and his barons, for the king tooke great diſpleaſure towards all other his offi|cers,Polidor. and ſo muche the more he miſtruſted them, for that he found himſelfe deceyued in the Erle of Kent, to whom he had cõmitted a further credite than to any other, and had made him high iuſtice of Englande, onely for the good will that he al|wayes bare vnto him.The king be|ginneth to fa|uor ſtrangers. Therfore perceyuing this, he was doubtfull now whom he ſhould truſt, he diſcharged the moſt part of thoſe Engliſhmẽ that bare any office about him, & in their roumes pla|ced ſtraungers, as Poictouins, and Brytaines, of yt which their came ouer vnto him many knights and other, to the nũber of two. M. which he pla|ced in garniſons within caſtels in diuerſe places of the lande,The Biſhop of Wincheſter. & cõmitted the order of all things for the moſt part to the Biſhop of Wincheſter, and to his nephew or ſon Peter de Riuales, wherewith hee offended ſo much the myndes of his Nobles, that Richard Marſhal Erle of Pembroke,The Earle of Pembroke. (chiefe of that familie, & boldeſt to ſpeake, now that Ra|nulf of Cheſter was gone) as well in his owne name, as in the names of others, tooke vpon hym openly to reproue the kings doings herein,Straungers al|wayes odious to the home borne. as per|nicious and daungerous to the ſtate of the realm. Hereunto the Biſhop of Wincheſter (whoſe coũ|ſaile as it ſeemed he folowed) made anſwere, that the king had done nothing in that behalf vnadui|ſedly, but vpon good and deepe conſideration: for ſith he might perceyue how the Engliſh nobilitie had fiſt purſued his father with malicious hatred and open war, and now had found diuerſe of thẽ whom he had brought vp and aduaunced to high honors, vnfaythfull in the adminiſtration of their offices, he did not without iuſt cauſe receyue into his fauour ſtraungers, and preferre them before thoſe of his own nation, which were not ſo faith|full in his ſeruice and obedience as they.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 This anſwere of the Biſhop ſo pricked and wounded the mindes of the Engliſhe nobilitie, that many of them (amongſt whom the ſaid Erle of Pembroke was the chiefe) began an open rebel|lion, ſome of them reſorting to one place, & ſome into an other to gather people for their purpoſe. The names of ſuch Barons as ſturred vpon this occaſion were theſe.

The L [...] that wi [...] into W [...]

Mat. [...] Polidor.

Richard Marſhall Earle of Pembroke afore named, Gilbert Baſſet and his brethren, men of great honor, & right hardy cap|tains: alſo Richard Sward a warlike perſonage, trayned vp in feates of armes frõ his youth, with Walter Clifford a worthy knight, and many o|thers.The king [...] claym [...] traytors. The king hauing knowlege of their doings proclaymed them all traytors, confiſcated theyr goodes, and ſent for a great power of men out of Flanders, to ſerue him in his warres.Strangers ſent f [...] Whileſt K. Henrie thus prouideth himſelfe of an armie, the Lords with their captain Richard Marſhal ioine themſelues with Llewellin prince of Wales, and doubting the comming of the king ſpoyled al the marches next adioyning to England, leauing no vittailes nor cattaile any where aboute in thoſe parties wherby the kings army might haue relief: and further made all things readie for their owne defence ſo well as they could deuiſe. The Erle of Kent about the ſame time,

Mat. P [...]

The E [...] Kent eſ [...] and tak [...] Sanct [...]

by helpe of two yeo|men that attended vpon him, eſcaped out of the Caſtel of Vees, and tooke Sanctuarie in the next Church: but when thoſe that had the charge of him and the Caſtell in keeping, miſſed him, and heard where he was, they fetched both him, and the two yeomen that holpe him to make the eſ|cape out of the Church,He is f [...] out. and bringing them backe to the Caſtell, impriſon the Erle. And though the Biſhop of Saliſburie came thither and threatned to accurſe them, if they woulde not deliuer the Earle, and reſtore him to Sanctuarie agayne: they made anſwere, that they had rather the Erle ſhoulde hang for himſelfe, than they for hym. And ſo bycauſe they woulde not delyuer hym, the Byſhop did excommunicate them, and after ryding to the Court, and taking with him the Biſhoppe of London, and other Biſhoppes, dyd ſo much by complaynt exhibited to the king, that the Earle was reſtored to the Churche agayne, EEBO page image 643 the .xviij. [...] reſtored [...]anctuarie. day of October. But ſo as the Sheriff of the ſhire had commaundement to compaſſe the church about with men, to watch that no re|liefe came to him, whereby he might be conſtray|ned through famiſhing to ſubmit hymſelfe. Not|withſtanding, [...]n. Reg. 18. ſhortly after there came a power of armed men,Erle of [...] releued [...]onueyed Wales. and fetched the ſayde Earle from thence (ſetting him on horſebacke in fayre com|plete armour) and ſo conueyed hym into Wales, where he wyned with other of the kings enimies, the .xxx. day of October.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Within a fewe dayes after came the king with his armie, and entring into Wales,


The king en|treth into Wa|les with an armie.

for want of vitayles was conſtrayned to retyre backe into the marches, betwixt Worceſterſhire, and Salopſhyre, ſtaying certayne dayes togy|ther in thoſe partyes, hys Souldiers ſtraying abroade in the Countrey vnaduiſedly, and kee|ping no watche nor warde aboute theyr campe, were ſurpryſed in the night by theyr enimies, and ſlaine on euerie ſide. The ſlaughter had bin grea|ter, but that the reſidue whiche laye in campe, [figure appears here on page 643] brake forth about mydnight, and in a plumpe togyther fledde into a Caſtell which was neare at hande, called Groſſemounde, in the whiche the king himſelfe was lodged. There were ſlaine a|boue fiue hundred men, and all the truſſe and ba|gage of the campe loſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Yet Mathew Paris ſayth there were but two knightes ſlaine, which caſt away themſelues by theyr owne wilfulneſſe, that would needes ſtande to it and make reſiſtance, where the reſidue being ſpoyled of all that they had with them, got away by flight, as the Biſhoppes of Wincheſter and Chicheſter, the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice Stephen Segrane, Peter de Riuales treaſurer, Hugh Bi|got Earle of Norffolke, William Earle of Sa|liſburie, William Lord Beauchampe, and Wil|liam Dalbeney the yonger, who were witneſſes of this loſſe amongeſt the reſidue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hereof it came to paſſe, that many of the kings armie (ſpecially thoſe which had loſt their horſes, armour, money and other furniture, with theyr vytayles) returned into their Countrey, to theyr great confuſion. For the Welchmen and other outlawes, hauing ſpoyled the campe, returned with the cariages and ſumpters which they had taken, into places of ſafe refuge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]or.The king hauing receyued this loſſe, and of|tentimes tryed fortune nothing fauourable vnto him in thoſe parties, by reaſon of the ſtraytes and diſaduauntage of the places, he thought good to reſerue the reuenge of his receyued iniuryes, vn|to a more conuenient time:The king re|turneth out of Wales. and therevpon retur|ned to Glouceſter, and furniſhed diuerſe Ca|ſtels and fortreſſes in the borders of Wales, with gariſons of Souldiers, namely Poictouins and other ſtraungers to defende the ſame agaynſte William Marſhall and the other his comp [...]ces, who vpon occaſions dayly ſought to ſuppreſſe and diſtreſſe the ſayde ſtraungers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And beſide other encounters, in the whiche manye of thoſe Poictouins and other ſtraun|gers were ſlaine and oppreſſed by the ſayde Wil|liam Marſhall and his adherentes, it chaunced that vpon Saint Katherins day, the ſayd Wil|liam Marſhall comming neare to the Caſtell of Monmouth to view the ſame, was in daun|ger to haue remayned pryſoner in the enimyes handes, through an iſſue made by Sir Bald|wine de Guynes, Capitaine of that Caſtell,The Earle of Pembroke in daunger. with his Poiectouins and Flemings. But by ſuche reſcue as came to his ayde, he was delyuered out of their handes,He is reſcued, The Poicto|uins diſcom|fited. and the Poictouins and other of the garniſon diſcomfited.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At this ſkirmiſh ſir Baldwin himſelfe being EEBO page image 644 ſore wounded, was borne out of the fielde into the Caſtell, loſing .xv. knightes of his partie, and a great ſort of other which were taken priſoners, beſyde no ſmall number that were ſlaine in the place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Dearth.The ſame yeare chaunced great dearth, by reaſon that the growth of all things was muche hindered with the extreeme colde weather.Tempeſtes. Alſo there happened aboute the begynning of No|uember greate thunder and lyghtning, and ther|with followed an Earthquake,An Earth|quake. to the great feare of the Inhabitantes of the towne of Hunting|ton [...]ẽ other places thereabout.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A death.After this, came a great death amongeſt the people, beeing commonlye euer a companion to great famin and death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Pembrooke Richard Marſhall in this meane tyme ceaſſed not to waſt the Mar|ches of Englande next adioyning to Wales, and dayly diuerſe of the Engliſh nobilitie repayred to him, ſo that ye king was ſore troubled in his mind. And as it chaunced, the ſame time one Iohn of Monmouth a right valiant Captain that led the kings armie, receyued a great ouerthrow at the handes of Richard Marſhall. For where as the foreſayd Iohn hauing aſſembled a mightie hoſt, made great haſt towardes his enimies, in hope to haue come vpon them at vnwares, and therefore marching by night, that he might be readie to aſ|ſayle them ſomewhat afore the breake of the day, which in the Sommer ſeaſon is the moſt ſilent time of all the night, it chaunced farre otherwiſe than he looked that it ſhould haue done. For the Earle of Pembroke hauing knowledge by hys ſpyes of his aduerſaries intent, lay himſelfe with his people within a wood in ambuſhe by the way where the ſayd Iohn ſhould paſſe, and ſetting vp|pon him as hee approched, put his people in ſuche feare by the ſodain encounter, that they knew not what captaine or enſigne they might follow, and ſo immediatly fel to running away. The ſlaugh|ter was great on euery ſyde,Math. [...] both of Poictou [...]s [figure appears here on page 644] and other.Ioho Mon|mouth recey|ueth an ouer|throw. Diuerſe of them fleeing alſo into the next Wooddes, were receyued by ſuche as were layde there to cutte them off, and ſo ſlaine or taken out of hande. Howbeeit theyr chiefe cap|tayne the forenamed Iohn of Monmouth eſca|ped,



with a fewe other in his companie. This o|uerthrow chaunced the morrowe after Chriſt|maſſe day.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The nexte day Richarde Marſhall hauing thus got the victorie, deſtroyed certaine houſes and Lordſhippes there in the Marches which be|longed to the ſayde Iohn of Monmouth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſelfe time alſo, Richard Sward with other outlawes deſtroyed the poſſeſſions belon|ging to the Erle of Cornwal beſide Brehull:Mat. Par. and alſo there burned a place called Segrane, where Stephen de Segraue the lord chiefe Iuſtice was borne, and likewiſe a village belonging to the Biſhop of Wincheſter, not farre from Segraue, aforeſayde. This was the maner of thoſe out|lawes, that they burnt no perſon, but onely thoſe counſaylers about the king by whome they were exiled.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Immediately within the Octaues of the [...]e [...]|piphanie, the Erle Marſhall, & Llewellin Prince of Wales waſted and robbed at the Marches be|twixt Wales and Shrewſburie,

A part of towne of Shrew [...] borne.


a part of which towne they alſo burnt. King Henrie being hereof certified as yet ſoirning at Glouceſter, was ſore troubled in his minde, and calling togither hys councell, aſked aduice what way he might beſt take to redreſſe ſuch iniuries. After ſundrie opini|ons amongſt them declared, they agreed al in one ſentence, that it ſhoulde be moſt expedient to ap|peaſe EEBO page image 645 appeaſe the mindes of the rebels with gentle of|fers to graunt them pardon of their offences. Alſo to d [...] from the Court diuerſe that [...]ar [...] rule, and namely Peter the Biſhop of Winche|ſter, and his ſonne or nephew Peter de Rinales, by the counſaile of which two perſones all things had beene chaunged in the kings houſe. Moreo|uer, to put from him ſuch ſtraungers as haue of|fices, and to reſtore Engliſhmen againe to the ſame. The king allowing this aduiſe to be good, followed it accordingly, and fyrſt of all [...]e diſ|charged the Biſhop of Wincheſter of all pub|like adminiſtration of things, and commaunded him to repayre home vnto his dioces, and to ſee to the gouernment thereof, as to hys dutie, ap|perteyned. He alſo vaniſhed from hys preſence Peter de Riuales, Stephen Segraue, Robert Paſſelew, [...] Paris. and dyuerſe other of his chiefe Coun|ſaylors, by whoſe meanes he had procur to the e|uill [...]ll of his Nobilitie. Then receyued he a|gaine [...] olde ſeruants and officers, and [...] ſent the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, the Biſhops of Cheſter and Rocheſter vnto the Barons [...] Wales, to [...]er them peace and pardon of all paſſed [...]tes, if they woulde returne) to hys obedience. And thus in the ende there was a [...] t [...] betwixt the King and the Rebelles,Mat. Paris. to beginne at Candlemaſſe, and to endure v [...] Eaſter next [...]uſuing, in which meane time,The Earle of Pembroke paſ|ſeth ouer into Irelande. Ri|chard the Erle of Pembroke, hearing that Mau|riſhe Fitz Geralde with Walter Lacie, Richard Burgh, and others, waſted his landes and poſ|ſeſſions in Irelande (according to ſuch commiſ|ſion as they had receyued of late from King Hen|rie and his Counſayle) he paſſed ouer thyther, and there encountering with his enimies, was [figure appears here on page 645] ſore wounded and taken pryſoner, [...] taken [...]ner. hauing en|tered the battayle verie raſhly, and with a ſmall companie of his people about him, onely by the trayterous perſwaſion of Geffrey Mauriſh, [...]ey Mau| [...] who with other fled at the firſt brunt, and left him in maner alone, to ſtande to all the daunger. Thoſe that thus tooke him, brought him into his owne Caſtell, the which the Lord chiefe Iuſtice Mau|rice Fitz Geralde had lately woon. This encoun|ter in which Richard Marſhall was thus taken, chaunced on a Saterday, being the firſt of April, and on the .xvj. of the ſame Moneth, by reaſon of the wound which he had receyued, [...] death of Earle of [...]broke. hee departed this life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 We find alſo that the Biſhop of Wincheſter, and his ſon (or kinſman as ſome haue called him) Peter de Riuales, had procured the king to ſend commiſſion vnder his ſeale vnto the foreſayd no|ble men in Ireland, that if the ſaid Erle of Pem|broke Richard Marſhall chaunced to come thy|ther, they ſhould do their beſt to take him, and in reward of their paynes, they ſhould enioy all his lands and poſſeſſions which he held in that coun|trey. But after his death, and when the king had remoued thoſe his Counſailers from him, he con|feſſed he had put his ſeale to a wryting, but that he vnderſtood what were the contents thereof, hee vtterly denied. Finally, ſuch was the end of this worthie Erle of Pembroke Richard Marſhall, a man worthie to be highly renowned for his ap|proued valiancie. His death ſurely was greatly bewayled of king Henrie, openly proteſting that he had loſt the worthieſt captain that then liued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the Lordes that had remayned in Wales, by ſafecõduct came to ye king, & through the diligent trauaile of the Archbiſhop of Canter|burie, he receyued them into fauour. Amongeſt them were theſe men of name, Gilbert Marſhall, the brother of the foreſayde Richarde Marſhall,Polidor. Mat. Par. Hubert Earle of Kent, Gilbert Baſſet, and Ry|chard Sward, beſide diuerſe other. Vnto Gilbert Marſhall he deliuered his brothers inheritaunce, EEBO page image 646 and vpon Whieſunday made him knight, giuing vnto him the Rodde of the office of Marſhall of his Court,Gilbert Mar|ſhall Earle of Pembrooke. according to the ma [...], to vſe and exerciſe as his annceſters had done before hym. And herewyth the Earle of Kent Gy [...] Boſ|ſ [...] and Richarde Swarde, were receyued againe into the Court, and admitted to be of the kings [...] Counſaile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ne after this, Peter de Rin [...] Stephen [...]aue, and Robert Paſſelew were called to accountes, that it might appeare howe the [...]ngs tre [...]e was ſpent, and how they had vſed them|ſelues with the kings ſeale.Officers called to accountes. The two laſt remem|bred kept themſelues out of the waye and coulde not bee founde. Stephen Segra [...]e [...]eowdyng himſelfe in ſecrete within the Abbay of [...]eyco|ſter, and Robert Paſſe [...]ew feyning himſelfe ſicke, held him ſecret within the new Temple at Lon|don Peter de Rinales alſo, with his father the Biſhop of Wincheſter tooke ſanctuarie at Win|cheſter, for they were afrayde leaſt their bodies ſhuld not be in ſafetie if they came abrode, bicauſe they vnderſtoode that their manors & grange pla|ces were ſpoyled and burnt by thoſe that bare thẽ diſpleaſure. At length yet vnder the protection of the Archbiſhop of Canterburie they came to their anſwere, and were ſore charged for their [...]ſt [...]ing, trayterous practice, & great fa [...]d vſed in [...]me of their bearing office, and as it appeareth by wr [...]s, they could but ſorily cleare thẽſelues in moſt matters wherewith they were charged: but put by reaſon of their protection they were re|ſtore [...] to the places frõ whence they came, or elſe otherwiſe ſhifted of the matter for the time, ſo that v [...]e [...]d not of any great bodily puniſhmẽt which they ſhould receyue as then. And at length alſo were pardoned and reconciled vnto the kings fa|uour, vpon paiment of ſuch fines as were aſſeſſed vpon them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare bycauſe the truce ended betwixt the Kings of Englande and Fraunce,The truce ended. King Henrie ſent ouer to ayde the Earle of Brytayne,Welc [...] ſent [...] the ay [...] the Earl [...] Bry [...] threeſcore knightes, and two thouſande Welche men, the which whẽ the French king came with his armie to enter and inuade Brytayne, did cut off and take his cariage laden with vittailes, ar|mour, and other prouiſion, ouerthrowing alſo no ſmal number of the French men, and taking from them their horſes, returned backe in ſafetie, with|out hurt or notable damage receyued.

[figure appears here on page 646]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Yet after this the French king enforcing a|gaine his power, waxed too ſtrong for the Earle of Brytayne, ſo that he was conſtrayned to take a truce to endure till the feaſt of all Saintes, that hee mighte in the meane tyme vnderſtande if the King of Englande woulde, come ouer with ſome puyſſant armie to hys ayde or no: but by|cauſe it was perceyued in the ende that the ſayde Earle of Brytayne ſought nothing elſe but how to get money out of King Henries Coffers, and to doe him no pleaſure for it, bycauſe he was in maner at an other agreement alreadie with the King of Fraunce, King Henrie refuſed to ſa|tiſfie his requeſtes at ſuch time at hee came ouer vnto him (after the taking of that truce) for more money. Herewith alſo the ſayd Erle being offen|ded, got him back into his own country,The Ear [...] Brytay [...] [...]+mitt [...] ſelfe to [...] French [...] & ſhortly after apparantly ſubmitted himſelf to the French K. which (as the report went) he had done before in ſecrete.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe things being thus brought to paſſe,

An. re [...]

123 [...]

Polido [...] Fabian.

and all troubles quieted, the king as thẽ being at Lõ|don, there was brought before him by one Tolie, a cõplaint exhibited agaynſt the Iewes of Nor|wich, which had ſtolen a yong childe, being not paſt a .xij. monthes olde, and ſecretly kept him an whole yeare togither, to the ende that hee myght (when Eaſter came) crucifie him in deſpite of our EEBO page image 647 ſauiour Ieſus Chriſt, and the chriſtian religion, the matter as it happened fel out well for the lad: for within a fewe dayes before that thoſe curſed murtherers purpoſed to haue ſhed this innocents bloud, they were accuſed, conuicted and puniſhed, whereby he eſcaped their cruell handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]at. Paris:About the ſame tyme, to witte the ſeuenth of Februarie died Hugh de Welles Biſhop of Lin|colne, a great enimie to Monkes and Religious men. Robert Groſted was then preferred to hys roumth, a man of great learning, and trayned vp in ſcholes euen from his infancle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare, the Emperour Frederick the ſecond, maried the Ladie Iſabell the kings ſiſter.The Emperor Frederick ma|rieth the king of Englands ſiſter. This Iſabell was a moſte beautifull Ladie, of comely perſonage, and of age about .xxj. yeares. She was fianced by procuracie, about the .xxvij. of Febr. And after Eaſter, the Archb. of Colen, & the Duke of Louaine came ouer from the Em|perour, to haue the conueyance of hir vnto the Emperors preſence.A great and ſumptuous feaſt. There was ſuch a feaſt hol|den, ſo ſumptuous ſeruice, ſo riche furniture, and [figure appears here on page 647] royall banquetting kept the day before hir depar|ture from London towardes the Sea ſide, that more coulde not bee ymagined. The ſame feaſt was kept at Weſtminſter on the fifth day of May, and the day following ſhe did ſet forward, and by eaſie iourneyes came to Sandwich, the King bringing hir thither with three thouſande horſes. Finally, ſhee tooke the Sea the .xj. of May, the king taking leaue of hir not without teares, when they thus departed the one from the other. And ſo with proſperous wind and weather ſhee arriued at Andwerpe, and from thence paſ|ſed forwarde, tyll ſhee came to hir huſbande the Emperour, by whome ſhee was receyued wyth greate ioye and comfort at Wormes, where the maryage was conſummate vppon a Sunday being the .xxij. daye of Iulye, or as Mathew Weſtminſter hath, the .xxvij. of May, being Whitſunday.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare the Biſhop of London pronoun|ced the ſentence of excommunication againſt cer|taine vſurers called Caorſini.

Math Paris.

[...]ſurers called C [...]orſini.

But bycauſe the ſame vſurers ſhadowed themſelues vnder the pre|text of the Popes marchants (as they named thẽ|ſelues) they did ſo much by the fauor of the court of Rome, that the ſayde Biſhop being ſicke and feeble, was cited peremptorily in the parties of beyonde the Sea, before Iudges choſen forth by the ſame vſurers, to make anſwere for ſuche high iniurie as he had here done to the Popes factors. The Biſhop willing by the example of Sem, ra|ther to couer his fathers ſhame, than to reueale it to the whole world, did quietly put vp the matter: and to pacifie the trouble, ſuffred their wickednes, commending in the meane while the cauſe vnto his patrone Saint Paule.The Biſhop of London hys doctrine. And when he preached of the force of fayth, he vttered this ſaying: And if an Angell preache contrarie doctrine to vs in theſe things, let him be accurſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .xx. yeare of King Henryes raigne,An. reg. 20. in the Aduent tyme, the noble Baron the Lorde Robert Fitz Water departed this lyfe, and ſo likewiſe did a noble yong man deſcended of a no|ble parentage, one Roger de Somerie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the .xiiij. day of Ianuarie enſuing,


King Henrie marieth the Ladie Eleanor daughter to the Earle of Prouance.

the king maryed the Ladie Eleanore, daughter to the Earle of Pronance named Raymonde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys maryage was ſolemniſed at Can|terburie, and in the Vtas of Sainte Hyl|larye nexte enſuyng beeing Sunday, ſhee was crowned as Queene of Englande at Weſt|mynſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the ſolemnitie of this feaſt and coronation of the Queene, all the high Peeres of the realme,Mat. Paris. both ſpirituall and temporall were preſent to ex|erciſe their offices as to them apperteyned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 648The Citizens of London were there in great array, bearing afore hir in ſolemne wiſe, three hundred .lx. Cuppes of golde and ſiluer, in to|ken that they ought to wayte vpon hir Cuppe. The Archbyſhoppe of Canterburie (according to his dutie) crowned hir,The Earle of Cheſter. the Biſhop of London aſ|ſiſting him as his Deacon. The Earle of Che|ſter bare the ſworde of Saint Edwarde before the king, in token that he was Earle of the Pa|lace, and had authoritie to correct the King, if he ſhould ſee him to ſwarue from the limites of Iu|ſtice,The Coneſta|ble of Cheſter. his Coneſtable of Cheſter attending vpon hym, and remoouing the people where the preſſe was thicke, with hys rodde or warder. The Earle of Pembroke high Marſhall bare the rod before the king,The Earle of Pembroke. and made rowmth before hym, both in the Church and in the Hall, placing euery man, [...]wardens [...]q [...]e [...]. The [...]le of Leyceſter. [...]e Waren. and ordering the ſeruice at the Table. The wardens of the cinque portes bare a Canapie o|uer the king, ſupported with foure ſpeares. The Erle of Leyceſter held the Baſon when they wa|ſhed. The Earle of Warren, in the place of the Erle of Arundell, bycauſe he was vnder age, at|tended on the kings cap. M. Michaell Belet was Butler by office.The Earle Here [...] The Erle of Hereford exerciſed the roome of high Marſhal in ye kings houſe. The Lord William de Beauchampe was aulmoner.Lord W [...] Bea [...] The chiefe Iuſtice of the Foreſtes on the righte hand of the king, remoued the diſhes on the table, though at the firſt he was ſtayed by ſome allega|tion made to the contrarie.The C [...] of Lo [...]don. The Citizens of Lõ|don ſerued forth wine to euerie one in great plen|tie. The Citizens of Wincheſter had ouerſight of the Kitchen and Larderie.The C [...] of Winc [...] And ſo euery perſon (according to his dutie) exerciſed his roumth: and bycauſe no trouble ſhould riſe, many things were ſuffered which vpon further aduiſe taken therein were reformed. The Chancellor and al other or|dinarie officers kept their place. The feaſt was plentifull, ſo that nothing wanted that coulde be wiſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, in Tuthill fielde royall Iuſtes were holden by the ſpace of right dayes togy|ther.

[figure appears here on page 648]

Compare 1587 edition: 1

A Parliament at London

Poli [...]re

And ſoone after the king called a Parliament at London, where many things were enacted for the good gouernment of the Realme, and there|with the king demaunded a ſubſedie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Straunge ſightes.

Mat. Paris.

Aboute the ſame time, wonderfull ſtraunge ſightes were ſeene. In the North partes of Eng|land, not farre from the Abbay of Roch or Rupy, there appeared comming forth of the earth com|panies of armed men on horſebacke, with ſpeare, ſhielde, ſworde, and baners diſplayed, in ſundrie fourmes and ſhapes, ryding in order of battaile, and encountering togyther: and this ſight was ſeene ſundrie dayes eche after other. Sometyme they ſeemed to ioyne as it had bin in battaile, and fought ſore, and ſometime they appeared to iuſt and breake ſlaues, as it had bene at ſome trium|phant iuſtes or iorney. The people of the country beheld them a far off, with great wonder: for the thing ſhewed ſo liuely, that nowe and then they might ſee thẽ come with their emptie horſes ſore wounded and hurt: and then mẽ likewiſe mãgled and bleeding, that pitie it was to ſee thẽ. And that which ſeemed more ſtrange, & to be moſt maruel|led at, the prints of their feet appeared in ye groũd, & the graſſe troden down in places where they had beene ſeene. The like ſight was alſo ſeene more apparantly in Ireland, & in the parties therabout.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Immediatly folowed, or rather preceded paſ|ſing great tempeſts of raine,

Great rai [...]

Math. Pa [...]

which filled the earth full of water, and cauſed monſtrous flouds: for this raine continued by all the ſpace of the mo|nethes of Ianuarie, Februarie, and a great parte of Marche,Mat. VVe [...] (and for eyght dayes it rayned (as ſome write) in maner withoute ceaſſing) and EEBO page image 649 vpon the tenth of February, immediately after the chaunge of the Moone, the Thames roſe with ſuch an high tide, that boates might haue bin ro|wed vp and downe in Weſtminſter Hall. In the winter before, [...]reat thũder on the twentith of December, there chanced a great thunder, and on the firſt friday in December, whiche was the fifth of that moneth, there was a counterfet ſunne ſeene beſide the true ſunne. Moreouer, as in ye ſpring preceding, there happened ſore and exceeding great raynes, ſo in ye ſommer following, ther chaunced a great drouth,A dry ſommer continuing by ye ſpace of four monethes or more.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yere was a Parliament holdẽ at Mertõ, a Towne in Surrey, diſtante from London ſe|uen [figure appears here on page 649] miles, where was an Abbey of regular Chã|nons founded, [...]bert Nor| [...] founder [...] Merton [...]ey. by one Gilbert, a Lord of Normã|dy, that came into the Realme with William Conquerour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At this Parliamente, diuers good and profita|ble lawes were made and eſtabliſhed, whych yet remayne in vſe, bearing the name of the place where they were fyrſte ordeyned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]n. reg. 21. In the beginning of the one and twentith yere of King Henries raigne, on the morrow after the feaſt of Saint Martine, and certaine dayes after, the Sea burſt out with ſuche high tides and tem|peſtes of winde,

[...]gh tides.

Math. Paris.

that the marriſh countreyes nere to the ſame were drowned vp and ouerflowen: and beſide greate heardes and flockes of Cattell that periſhed, there was no ſmall number of men loſt & drowned. The Sea roſe cõtinually in flo|wing the ſpace of two days and one night, with|out ebbing, by reaſon of the mighty violence of contrary windes. [...]ſbech. [...]ple peri| [...]g by rage waters. At Wiſbech alſo, and in Vil|lages thereaboutes, the people were drowned in great numbers, ſo that in one Village there were buryed an hundred corpſes in one day.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the daye before Chriſtmas euen, there chaunced a great winde, with thunder and raine, in ſuche extreame wiſe, that manye buyldings were ſhaken and ouerthrowen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 1237In a Parliament holden at Weſtminſter a|bout the Octaues of the Epiphany, the King re|quired a ſubſedie of his ſubiects, the which requeſt was not very well taken, but yet at length, vpon promiſe that he would be good Lord vnto them, and not ſeeke to infringe and diſanull the grants which he hadde made by pretence of want of the Popes coifyrmatiõ (as it was thought he meant to doe,A ſubſedie.) they agreed to giue him the thirtith part of all mouable goodes, as well of the ſpiritualtie as the temporaltie, reſeruing yet to euery man his ready coine, with Horſe and armoure, to bee em|ployed for the profit of the common wealthe. In conſideration of which graunt, the Kyng beyng of perfect age, and in his owne rule and full go|uernaunce, of his free and meere good will, at the requeſt, and by the councell of the Lordes of hys Realme, eftſoones graunted and confirmed the li|berties and cuſtomes conteyned in the two char|ters, the one called Magna charta, The confir|mation of the charters. and the other carta de Foreſta, with this addition in the ende,

Nunc autem conceſsimus & hac praeſenti charta cõ|firmanimiss omnibus praedictis de regno noſtro om|nes libertates & liberas conſuetudines contentas in cartis noſtris, quas eis fidelibus noſtris fieri fecimus cùm in minori eſſemus aetate, ſcilicet tam in Magna carta noſtra, quam in carta de Foresta. Et volumus pro nobis, & haeredibus noſtris, quòd praefati fideles noſtri, & ſucceſſores, & haeredes eorum habeant, & teneant imperpetuum omnes libertates, & li|beras conſuetudines praedictas, non obſtante quòd praedictae cartae cõfectae fuerint cùm minoris eſſemus aetatis, vt praedictũ eſt, hijs teſtibus, Edmonde Cant. Archiepiſcopo, & omnibus alijs in Magna carta nominatis Dat. per manum venerabilis patris Ci|ceſtrienſis epiſcopi, cancellarij noſtri 28. die Ianuarij, Anno Regni noſtri. 21.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 650 Mat. Paris.Beſide the confirmation of theſe charters, the King further to winne the fauoure of his people, was contẽted to remoue and ſequeſtre from him diuers of hys Counſellers that were thought not to be well minded towardes the aduauncemente of the common wealth, and in their places to ad|mitte the Earle of Waren, William de Ferrers, and Iohn Fitz Geffrey, who were ſworne to giue to the King faithfull councell, and in no wiſe to goe out of the right way for any reſpect that might otherwiſe moue them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 About the firſte day of Marche, there beganne ſore rayne and tempeſtuous weather, whereof enſued great flouds, as before in the beginning of the yeare paſſed, had chaunced, though not doyng ſo much hurt as before.Iohn S [...] Erle of C [...]+ſter d [...] this l [...]e. Iohn Scot alſo Earle of Cheſter & of Huntington, dyed at Deren Haule the ſeuenth day of Iune, without iſſue, and was [figure appears here on page 650] buried at Cheſter. He was poyſoned by the diue|liſhe practiſe of his wife, that was daughter to Lewline Prince of Wales as Math Paris hath. He hadde foure ſiſters,

Ran. Higd.

His ſiſters.

of whome the firſt named Margaret, was married to Allen of Galloway, by whome ſhee had iſſue a daughter named De|uorgoylle, whiche Deuorgoille was married to Iohn Baliolle, by whome ſhe hadde iſſue Iohn Baliolle that was afterward King of Scotlãd. The ſecond named Iſabell, was married to Ro|bertle Bruys. The thirde named Maude, dyed withoute iſſue, and the fourth called Alda, was married to Henry Haſtings. But bycauſe the lande pertayning to the Earledome of Cheſter, ſhould not goe amongſt rockes and diſtafes, ha|uing ſuch royall prerogatiues belonging thereto, the King ſeaſed them into his owne hands, and in recompence, aſſigned other land to the foreſaid ſiſters, as it had bin by way of exchaunge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe ſith the Earles of Cheſter, I meane, thoſe of the line of Hugh Lupus, tooke end in thys Iohn Scot. For the honor of ſo noble a lignage, I haue thought it not impertinent to ſet downe the diſcente of the ſame Earles, beginning at the foreſayd Hugh the firſte that gouerned after the Cõqueſt, as I haue ſeene the ſame collected forth of auntient recordes, according to their true ſuc|ceſſion in ſeuen diſcents one after another, as here followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

The true genealogie of the famous and moſt honorable Earles of Cheſter.

  • HVgh Lou or Lupus, firſt Earle of Cheſter after the Conqueſt, nephew to Wil. Conque|rour by his ſiſter Margaret, wife to Richarde Vicount of Aurãches, maried a noble Lady na|med Armetruda, by whom he had iſſue Richard that ſucceded him in the Earledome, Robert Ab|bot of S. Edmonds bury, and Otuell. He depar|ted this life about the yere of our Lord .1102. whẽ he had bin Earle about 40. yeares.
  • Richard Lupus, eldeſt ſonne to Hugh Lupus, and ſecond Erle of Cheſter, married Maude the daughter of Stephen Erle of Bloys, Charters & Champaigne, and ſiſter to K. Stephẽ. This Ri|charde with his brother Otuell was drowned in the Seas, in the yeare of our Lord 1120. as before hath bin ſhewed, after he had bin Earle about 19. yeres.
  • Ranulf or Randulf ye firſt of that name called Bohun, and otherwiſe Meſtheins, the ſonne of Iohn de Bohun, and of Margaret, ſiſter to Hugh Lupus, ſucceeded Richarde, as Couſin and heire to him in the Erledome of Cheſter, and was the third Erle in number after ye Conqueſt. He mar|ried Maude the daughter of Auberie de Vere Erle of Giſney and Oxford, by whom he had iſ|ſue Ranulfe ſurnamed Geruous ye fourth Earle of Cheſter. He dyed about the yeare of our Lorde 1130. after he had continued Earle eight yeares.
  • EEBO page image 651 Ranulfe, or Randulfe Bohun, the ſeconde of that name, and fourth Earle in number after the Conqueſt, ſurnamed Geruous, ſucceeded his fa|ther, and married Alice, daughter to Robert Erle of Glouceſter baſe ſonne to King Henry the firſt, by whome he had iſſue Hugh Keuolocke, the fifte Earle of Cheſter. He deceaſſed about the yeare of our Lord .1152. when he had bin Earle .29. yeres.
  • Hugh Bohun, otherwiſe Keuelocke, the ſonne of the ſayd Ranulfe, was the firſt Earle of Che|ſter after the Conqueſt, and ſecond of that name. He married Beatrice, daughter to Richard Lacy Lorde chiefe Iuſtice of England, by whome hee had iſſue Ranulfe the thirde of that name, & foure daughters, Maude married to Dauid that was Earle of Anguis and Huntington and Lorde of Galloway, Mabell married to William Dal|bigney Erle of Arundel, Agnes married to Wil|liam Ferrers Erle of Derby, and Hauiſa ioyned in marriage with Roberte Quincy, a Baron of great honor. This Hugh dyed about the yeare 1181. when he had bin Earle .28. yeares.
  • Ranulfe Bohun the third of that name, other|wiſe called Blũdeuille, ye ſon of Hugh Keuelocke, was the ſixth Erle of Cheſter after ye Conqueſt. He was alſo Earle of Lincolne, as next couſin & heire to Wil. Romare Erle of Lincolne. He had three wiues (as before ye haue heard) but yet dyed without iſſue, about the yeare of our Lorde .1432. after he had bin Earle .51. yeares.
  • Iohn Scot, the ſon of Dauid Earle of Angus & Huntington, was in the right of his mother the ſeuenth Earle of Cheſter after the Conqueſt. He dyed without iſſue (as before yee haue hearde) by reaſon whereof, the Erledome came into ye kyngs hands in the yeare .1237.
Thus much may ſuffice (with yt which is ſaid before) touching ye diſcẽt of theſe Erles of Cheſter. And now therfore to pro|ceede. [...]dinall O| [...] or Otho| [...]. The ſame yere that Iohn Scot died, Car|dinall Otho by ſome writers named Othobon, about the feaſt of S. Peter and Paule, came into England from Pope Gregory, He was receyued with all honor and ſolemne reuerence as was decent, yea and more than was decent, the Kyng meeting him at the Sea ſide. His comming was not ſignified afore to the nobles of the Realme, whiche cauſed them to miſlike the matter,The Lords grudge at the K. for recey|uing the Car|dinall without their know|ledge. and to grudge againſt the King, ſeeing that hee dyd all things cõtrary to order, breaking lawe, fayth and promiſe in al things: he hath coupled himſelf ſaid they in marriage with a ſtraunger, without con|ſent of his friendes and naturall ſubiects, and now he bringeth in a Legate ſecretly, who wil take vp|pon him to make on alteratiõ in ye whole ſtate of the Realme.The Legate prayſed for his ſober behaui|oure. But this Legate ſhewed himſelfe a right ſober & diſcret perſon, not ſo couetous as his predeceſſors, in ſomuche, that hee refuſed dyuers giftes which were offered vnto him, though ſome he receyued, and indeede, commaunded the other to be reſerued for him. He alſo deſtributed liberally the vacant rentes vnto ſuche as hee brought with him, as wel being perſons worthy as vnworthy, & pacified ſuche controuerſies as were ſprong be|twixt the Nobles & peeres of ye Realm, ſo that he made them friends, as ye Biſhop of Wincheſter, ye Erle of Kent, Gilbert Baſſet, Stephẽ Siward & others, which had borne ſecret grudge and ma|lice each againſt other a long time, which hatred was at point to haue broken foorthe, and ſhewed it ſelfe in perilous wiſe, at a Torney holden at Blie in the beginning of Lent;A torney at Blie. where the Sou|thernmen ſtroue againſt the Northern men and in the ende the Southerne men preuayled, & tooke diuers of their aduerſaries, ſo that it ſeemed not to be a triumphãt Iuſtes, but rather a ſharp chal|lenge and encoũter betwixt enimies. But amõgſt al others, Erle Bigot bare himſelfe very ſtoutly.Erle Bigot. After that the Legate had thus agreed the noble|men, he aſſembled a Synode at Londõ, the mor|rowe after the octaues of Saint Martin, wherin [figure appears here on page 651] EEBO page image 652 many ordinaunces were newly conſtituted for the ſtate of the Cleargie but not altogyther very acceptable to diuers yong Prieſts and Scollers (as ſome write) in ſo muche, that the Legate af|terwards comming to Oxforde,


The Legate commeth to Oxforde.

and lodging in the Abbey of Oſney, it chaunced as certaine ſcol|lers preſſed to the gates thinking to come in and do their duetie (as they tooke the matter) vnto the Legate, the Porter kepte them backe, and gaue them ouerthwart wordes, wherevppon they ru|ſhed in vpon him, and began a fray betwixt them and the Legates men,A fray betwixt the Legates men, and the Scollers of Oxforde. who woulde haue beaten them backe. It fortuned in this hurly burly, that a poore Iriſhe Scoller beeyng got in neere to the kitchin dreſſer, beſought the Cooke for Gods ſake to giue hym ſome reliefe: but the Cooke (as many of that calling are collericke fellowes) in a greate furie,A Cookes Almes. tooke vp a ladle full of hote broath out of a kettill wherein fleſhe had bin ſodden, and threwe it right vpon the Iriſhmans face, whiche thyng when an other Welch Scoller that ſtoode by be|helde, he cryed out, what meane we to ſuffer thys villany, and therewithall, taketh an arrow, & ſet|teth it in his bow which he had caught vp in his hand at the beginning of the fray, and drawing it vp to the head,The Legates Cooke ſlayne. let flie at the Cooke, and ſo ſlewe him there outright. Herevpon againe, noyſe and tumult roſe round about the houſe, the Legat for feare got him into the Belfray of ye Abbey, where he kept himſelfe cloſe til the darke of the night had ſtayed the vprore, and then ſtale forth, & takyng his Horſe, he eſcaped as ſecretely as he could ouer the Thames, and rode with al ſpeede to ye Court, whiche lay not farre off, at Abington, and there made his complaynt to the King in ſuch lamen|table wiſe,The Legate complayneth to the King. The Earle of Waren ſent to app [...]ehend the offenders. that he forthwith ſent the Erle Wa|ren with a power of armed men, to fetche away the reſidue of the Legates ſeruauntes whiche re|mayned behynde in the Abbey, and to apprehend the chiefe offenders. The Erle cõming thither, tooke thirtie Scollers, with one maſter Odo a lawyer, and brought them to Wallingford Ca|ſtell, and there committed them to priſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Legate alſo in reuenge of the iniurie in this wiſe to him done,The l [...] c [...]ſe [...] pronounced the curſe a|gaynſte the myſdoers, and handled the matter in ſuche wiſe, that the regentes and maiſters of the Vniuerſitie were at length conſtreyned to come vnto Londõ,

The [...] of the [...] fiue a [...]

Polid [...]

and there to goe bare footed through Cheape ſide, vnto the Churche of Saint Paule, in ſuche wiſe to aſke hym forgiueneſſe, and ſo with muche adoe they obteyned abſolution.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Legate among other thynges deman|ded ſoone after the tenth parte of all ſpirituall mens yearely reuenewes, towardes the mayn|tenaunce of the warres againſte the Sarazens in Aſia.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the Emperour of Conſtantinople,

Math. [...]

The [...] of Co [...]+ [...]ople [...]+meth [...] Engl [...]

Baldwine ſonne to Peeter Earle of Auſſerre, be|ing expelled foorth of his Empire, came this yeare into England, to ſue for ayde: but at his firſt arri|uall at Douer, he was told, that he had not done well to come ſo preſumptuouſly into the lande of an other Prince, without his ſafecõduit: but whẽ the ſayd Emperour ſeemed to be ſorie for hys of|fence, and to excuſe his innocencie and ſincere meaning, the king was pacified, and willed him to come to London, where at his commyng thi|ther, being the .22. of Aprill, he was honorably receyued, & at his departure with rich gifts high|ly honored, ſo that he had away with him to the valewe of about ſeauen hundred markes as was reported. About this time alſo,The C [...] of Pe [...] ſiſter [...] King [...] to Si [...] M [...] Eleanor the kings ſiſter (that was ſometime wife vnto William Marſhall Earle of Pembroke) was nowe by the Kyngs meanes married the ſeconde time vnto Simon Mountforth, a man of high parentage, and noble prowes.

[figure appears here on page 652]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 EEBO page image 653This Simon was endowed with ſuche ver|tue, good councell, courteous diſcretion, and other amiable qualities, that hee was highly fauoured as was ſuppoſed, both of God and man. He was yet baniſhed out of Fraunce, vppon diſpleaſure which Blanch the Queene mother conceyued a|gainſt him. But now comming into Englande, hee was ioyfully receyued of King Henry, who not only gaue vnto him (as aboue is mentioned) his ſiſter in marriage, with the Erledome of Lei|ceſter in name of a dower, but alſo aduanced him vnto offices of greateſt honor within the Realme of Englande. [...]chby| [...] [...]f Caun+ [...]y diſ| [...] with [...]arriage. Howbeit, this marriage was very diſpleaſant vnto Edmond the Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury, bycauſe that the foreſaid Eleanor, after ye death of hir firſt huſband, had vowed per|petuall chaſtitie, and betaken hir as was ſaide, to the mantel and the ring. And as the Prelate was not pleaſed with this match, ſo the King was as highly offended with the Archbiſhop for not fa|uouring the cauſe, in ſomuch, that the Archbiſhop went ſoone after to Rome, [...]eth to [...] to com| [...] of the [...] where he not only cõ|plaineth of certayne iniuries receyued lately at the Kings hands, but alſo ſignifieth the eſtate of this marriage, to procure a diuorce. In lyke manner,

[...]arle of [...]wall is [...]fended [...]e ſame [...]ge.


Richard the Kings brother found great faulte with the King for the ſame matter, but chiefly, for that he ſtroke it vp, without makyng hym and other of the nobles of councell therein. To be ſhort, it was not lõg ere this grudge grew ſo farre, that ciuill warre was very likely to haue followed therevppon. But when the Kyng ſawe that all the Lordes leaned to his brother, he ſou|ght to pacifie the matter by curteous meanes and ſo by mediation of the Legate, the Kyng and hys brother were reconciled, to the greate griefe of the Lordes, whych hadde brought the matter nowe to that poynte, that the Kyng coulde not haue ſo reſiſted theyr force, but that they were in good hope to haue deliuered the Realme out of bondage from all manner of ſtraungers, as well of thoſe Romanes that were beneficed men, as of any other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Simon the Earle of Leiceſter alſo perceiuyng howe the matter wente, made ſhift another way, to get all the money he coulde in preſt or other|wiſe in ſo muche, that he hadde of one burges of Leiceſter, named Simon Curlenath,The Earle of Leiceſter ga|thereth money fiue hun|dred warkes,) and leauing his wife in the Caſtel of Kelingworth, hee ſecretely departed out of the Realme, and got him to Rome, to purchaſe a confirmation of hys marriage,He goeth to Rome to get a diſpenſation or rather con|firmation of his marriage. whiche hee caſtly obteyned, notwithſtanding the Archbyſhop of Caunterburies former and very vehement infor|mation againſt hym, and ſo hauing brought hys purpoſe about in the latter ende of thys yeare, he returned into Englande, and was ioyfully re|ceyued, firſte of the Kyng, and after of hys wife whome hee founde at Kelingworth, neere to the tyme of hir trauaile, and ſhortly after, deliuered of a yong ſonne whome they called Simon after the name of his father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time, Fredericke the Emperour go|ing into Italie,Ayde ſente forth of Eng|lande to the Emperour. hadde a greate number of Eng|liſhe Souldiers with him, whyche Kyng Henry furniſhed foorthe for hys ayde, vnder the leadyng [figure appears here on page 653] of a right valiaunt warrioure, [...] Tru| [...]e. Manſell. named Henry de Trubleuille, with whom went alſo Iohn Man|ſell, whoſe valiancie in that iourney well appea|red,Hardell. and William Hardell a Citizen of London, was threaſorour & paymaiſter to the Souldiers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Pope heereof was ſore offended, & wrote his minde thereof to the King, who ſort [...]th re|turned an eloquente aunſwere, requiring him to be more fauourable to the Emperour, conſidering his cauſe was ſuch as could not iuſtly offend hys holineſſe. About the ſame time, or rather, (as by ſome writers it ſhoulde appeare) ſomewhat EEBO page image 654 before, the Kings ſiſter Ioane Queene of Scot|land, comming into England to ſee hir brother, fell into a ſickneſſe, and dyed. Moreouer, ye Arch|biſhop of Caunterbury returned into England, who at his comming to Rome, obteyned little or nothing touching the ſute which he hadde before the Pope, for (as ſome haue written) the Legate Otho being his heauy friende, had ſo ſtopped the Popes eares from hearing any of his compleints, that al his whole trauaile did come to none effect. In like maner,The Biſhop of Wincheſter departeth thys life. Peter des Roches B. of Winche|ſter dyed this yeare in his manor at Farnham, about the ninth of Iune, whiche Prelate had go|uerned that See about 32. yeres. He was a mã of greate wiſedome and dexteritie in ordering of weighty affayres touching the ſtate of temporall regiment. He builded many goodly Monaſteries, as ye Abbeys of Hales, Tikborne and Seleborne, with the Hoſpitall at Porteſmouth. He made al|ſo a notable teſtamente, and beſides his bequeſtes which were greate, he left his Biſhopricke ſo ſto|red and throughly furniſhed, that there was not ſo much diminiſhed of that which he found at his comming in value, as the Cattell that ſerued to drawe the very ploughes. Alſo about this time, a learned Eſquire, or rather a Clearke of the Vni|uerſitie of Oxford, bearing ſome malice towards the K. fained himſelfe madde, and eſpying there|by the ſecrete places of his houſe at Woodſtocke where he then lay, vpon a night by a Windowe,

Mat. P [...]

A [...] w [...] to [...] [...]+troy [...]

he gote into the kings bedchamber, and comming to the beds ſide, threw off the couerings, and with a dagger ſtrake diuers times into a pillowe, ſup|poſing yt the K. had bin there, but as God would, that night, the K. lay in another chamber with ye Queene. In the meane time, one of the Queenes chambermaydes named Margaret Biſet, hauing eſpied the felon, made an outery, ſo that ye Kings ſeruants whiche came to vnderſtande what the matter meante, preſently apprehended the ſayde Clearke, who being conueyed to Couentrie, was there arreigned, & by lawfull proufe hadde of hys malitious intent, was condemned, and executed as a Traitor.

[figure appears here on page 654]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At his death he confeſſed, that he was ſent frõ Wil. de Mariſh, the ſon of Geffrey de Mariſh to murther ye K. by ſuche maner of meanes, not ca|ring what had become of himſelfe ſo he myghte haue diſpatched his purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4

An. reg. 23.


Mat. Paris.

Variance be|twixt the king and the Erle of Pembroke.

In the 23. yere of his raigne, K. Henry held his Chriſtmas at Wincheſter, where roſe greate grudge betwixt him and Gilbert ye Erle of Pem|broke, by reaſon that the ſaid Earle with his ſer|uants (hauing tippe ſtaues in their comming to the Court, were not ſuffered to enter within the gates, but were kept backe by the porters and o|ther. Of which iniurie when he had compleyned, the K. made him ſuche an ouerthwart aunſwere, that ye Erle perceyuing him not to like very well of his ſeruice, departed forthwith, & rode into the North countrey, ſo that from that day forth, nei|ther hee nor his brother Walter loued the K. as they ought to haue done. Soone after this depar|ture of Erle Gilbert, vpon Candlemas daye the K. gaue the Earledome of Leiceſter vnto S [...]nõ de Mountford, & inueſted him thereinto, hauyng firſt pacified Earle Almerike that was elder bro|ther to the ſame Simõ. Yet about the beginning of ye next Auguſt, the K. was ſo incenſed againſt Erle Simon,Simon [...] of L [...] fled ou [...] Fraunce The [...] King E [...] the [...] that both he and his wife wer glad to get them ouer into France, til the kings wrath were more pacified. Alſo vppon the ſixtenth daye of Iune, the kings eldeſt ſonne named Edward, and after ſurnamed Longſhanke by the Scottes in mockage, bycauſe hee was a tall and ſlender man, was borne at Weſtminſter, who after hys fathers deceſſe, ſucceded him in ye kingdome.Polidor. Be|fore ye birth of this Edward, there appeared earely EEBO page image 655 in the morning certaine daies togither before the ſunne was vp, [...]or. [...]nge [...]e. a Star of a large cõpaſſe, yt which with ſwift courſe was carried through a lõg cir|cuit of ye aire, ſometimes ſhewing as it had borne fire with it, & ſometimes leauing as it were ſmoke behind it, ſo yt it was after iudged, yt the gret dedes which were to be atchieued by the ſame Edward, were by this wonderful conſtellation foreſhewed and ſignified. About ye ſame time, by reaſon of an accuſation made by a priſoner againſte Ranulfe Briton, (ſometime the Kings Chauncellour, but now leading a priuate life, [...]. Paris. being a Canon of the Cathedrall Churche of S. Paule in London) the ſame Ranulfe by commaundemente from the King, [...]lfe Bri| [...]ken out [...] houſe, [...]ed to the [...]er. ſente to the Maior of the Citie William Ioyner, was taken out of his houſe, had to the Tower, and there empriſoned, wherevppon, the Deane of Poules, maſter G. Lucy, in abſence of the Byſhop, accurſed all thoſe that had preſump|tuouſly attempted to lay hands on the ſayd Ra|nulfe, and further, he put his owne Church of S. Paule vnder interdiction. To conclude, through threatning of excommunication to be pronoun|ced againſt ye K. and other for this fact by ye Le|gate and the Biſhops of the Realme, as namely, Caunterbury and London, the Kyng was com|pelled to releaſſe and ſet at libertie the foreſayde Ranulfe: finally, the priſoner that had accuſed the ſayd Ranulf and other, being one of ye kings pur|ſeuants, when for his wicked doings he came to ſuffer death, openly confeſſed, how he had accuſed thoſe perſons, only in hope to defer his owne exe|cution, being conuicted as acceſſary to the treaſon of the Clearke that ſuffered at Couentrie the laſt yere. He had accuſed not only ye ſaid Briton, but diuers of the nobilitie alſo to be priuie and giltie of the ſame conſpiracie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 This yeare for the ſpace of foure monethes to|gither, fell exceeding great raine, yet at length,Great rayne. it began to hold vp about Eaſter. In this while, the Lords of the Realme practiſed ſundry driftes likewiſe, as men that woulde fayne haue bin rid of the Legates company: but the King did what hee coulde on ye other ſide, (by fending to ye Pope for licence) to haue him to remaine ſtill here, who began now indeede to looke to his owne profit,The Legate beginneth to looke to his owne commo+ditie. as by way of procuraties and other meanes, ſo that he got togither gret ſummes of money, although in the beginning he ſeemed to forbeare, and not to ſeeke for any ſuch gaine. Alſo, he tooke vpon hym to beſtow benefices withoute conſent of the pa|trones that were temporall men, wherevpon, cõ|plaint was made to the Pope, namely,Sir Robert de Twinge. by one ſir Robert de Twinge, who claymed as patrone the preſentatiõ of ye rectorie of Luthun in Yorkſhire, and could not be permitted to enioy it, by reaſon of the Popes prohibition, but vpon the hearing of his title in the Popes conſiſtory, he obteyned let|ters from the Pope to be reſtored, and alſo an in|hibition, that from henceforth, no perſon ſhoulde be promoted to any ſpirituall benefice or Church, without conſent of the patrone. The King and the peeres of the Realme vnderſtanding them|ſelues to be touched in this wrong offered to this Knight, had written in his fauour to the Pope, ſo that his ſute had the better ſucceſſe. Moreouer, the Iewes in this yeare, for a murther whiche they had ſecretly cõmitted, were greeuouſly puniſhed,The Iewes puniſhed by the purſe. A Synode holden at London. namely by the purſe, for to buy their peace, they were glad to giue the King the thirde parte of all their goodes. The Legate alſo aſſembled a Sy|node of the Cleargie at London vpon the laſt of [figure appears here on page 655] Iuly, in the which he demanded procuraties, but the Biſhops vppon deliberation had in the mat|ter, anſwered, yt the importunatnes of ye Romane Church had ſo oftẽ conſumed ye goods of ye Eng|liſh church, yt they could no lõger ſuffer it, & ther|fore ſaid they, let thẽ giue you procuracies which EEBO page image 656 vnaduiſedly haue called you into the Realme, if they will, for of vs you ſhall bee ſure to come by none at all, howbeit, hee gote his demaund of the Abbots and other religious men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 About the feaſt of the aſſumption of our Lady, Thomas Erle of Flaunders, vncle to ye Quene, arriued at Douer, and was receyued of the King [figure appears here on page 656] with greate ioy and gladneſſe, who rode thither|ward to meete him, and ſo brought him to Lon|don, where the Citizens came foorthe alſo, & mee|ting him on the way, brought him into the Citie with all honor that might be deuiſed, he dyd ho|mage to the King as Authors write, and at hys departure, had in reward fiue hundred markes and a penſion aſſured to him of as much yearely out of the Eſchecker, of the Kings free gift. This Earle Thomas was ſonne to the Earle of Sa|uoy, and a little before his comming into Eng|land, he had married Ioane Counteſſe of Flan|ders, whiche hadde firſt bin coupled in marriage with Ferdinando, as in the life of K. Iohn it fur|ther may appeare. In the fourtenth yeare of hys raigne,

An. Reg. 24.


Mat. Paris. Mat. VVeſt.

Baldwine de Riuers Earle of the Ile of Wight.

King Hẽry held his Chriſtmas at Win|cheſter, where hee made Baldwine de Riuers Knight, and inueſted him with the right of the Earledome of the Ile of Wighte, in the preſence of ye Erle of Cornewall, who procured hym thys honor, bycauſe he had ye wardſhip of him, & mar|ried him to his daughter in law ye Lady Amicia, that was daughter to his wife the Counteſſe of Glouceſter by hir former huſband. The Erle of Leiceſter, alſo meaning to goe into ye holy lãd, re|turned out of Frãce, wher he had remained a cer|taine time as an exile, but was now receyued ho|norably of ye K. and other peeres of the Realm, & after that he had ſene ye K. and done his duetie as apperteined, he wẽt to his poſſeſſiõs to make mo|ney for his furniture neceſſary to be had in ye iour|ney,The wods a|bout Leiceſter fielde. for the which he ſolde at yt time his wooddes about Leiceſter, vnto the Knightes of the Hoſpi|tall, and to the Canons of Leiceſter, receyuing of them for the ſame about the ſumme of a thouſand poundes. About the ſame time, to witte,L [...] of W [...] pa [...] life. the .14. of Aprill, dyed Lewline Prince of Wales, and then followed cõtention betwixt his ſonnes Grif|fin & Dauid for the principalitie, which atlength Dauid obteyned through K. Henries ſupporte (though he were the yonger brother) bycauſe hee was begot in lawfull bed on ye ſiſter of K. Hẽry. The whole coũtrey of Wales was maruellouſ|ly in trouble about their quarrels. At length, a day of meeting was appoynted betwixte them, to grow by way of talke vnto ſome quiet ende, & Griffin meaning no deceite, came in peaceable wiſe with Richard B. of Banger and others to ye place aſſigned, where they ſhould haue met: but Dauid by a traine tooke Griffin, and committed him to priſon, whervpon afterwards, the yere en|ſuing, by continual plaint and earneſt ſute of the B. of Bangor, K. Henry entred Wales with an army, & conſtreined Dauid to ſubmit himſelfe, and to deliuer ye ſaid Griffin into his handes, and further alſo to put in ſureties to appeare at Lon|don, there to receiue ſuche order in the Kynges Courts,Griffin Ma [...] as to him by lawe ſhoulde be orderly a|warded. Griffin ap Maddocke and diuers other great Lords of Wales ioyned with ye K. in thys iourney againſt Dauid, as in ye next yere ye ſhal further heare. About the ſame time, there was great ſtrife & contention ſtill remaining betwixte the Emperour Fredericke and Pope Innocent ye fourth, ye ſucceeded Celeſtine ye fourth, in ſo much yt ſore & mortal warre followed.King H [...] ayde [...] [...] Pope [...] money [...] the Em [...] But K. Henry by the procurement of ye Legate Otho, ayded the Pope with money, though hee was ſomewhat loth to do it, bycauſe that ye Emperour had mar|ried his ſiſter. Indeede, the Emperoure wrote to the K. to ſtay his hand, but the diligence of ye Le|gate was ſuch in furthering his maſters buſines, that the money was gone ouer ere the Emperors letters came. At this time alſo, Edmõd ye Archb. of Cãterbury greatly diſalowed ye often exactiõs & ſubſedies which ye Legate cauſed dayly to be le|uied of ye Engliſh Cleargie. Howbeit, in hope to haue his purpoſe the rather againſt ye Monkes of Caunterbury, with whome hee was at variance, he firſt granted to ye Legates requeſt made on the Popes behalfe in a Synode holden at Readyng, for the hauing of the fifth part of ſpiritual mens reuenewes, and ſo by his example other were en|forced to do the like. He gaue alſo eyght hundred markes to the Pope, but whether of his owne free will, or by conſtreynt. I cannot ſay, but now vtterly miſliking all things done by the Legate contrary to his minde, after he had done and ſaid what he coulde for redreſſe, and whẽ he ſawe no hope at hande for anye reformation eyther in the K. or the Legate, who eſtemed not his words, as a man not longer able to ſee his countrey ſo ſpoi|led, he wente ouer into Fraunce, and gote hym EEBO page image 657 vnto Pontney, there to remain in voluntarie ex|ile, after the example of his predeceſſor Thomas Becket, whoſe doings he did folow in very ma|ny things. Verily the collectiõs of money which the Pope in theſe dayes by his Legates gathered here in this realm were great and ſundry, ſo that (as it appereth by hiſtoriographers of this time) the clergie and other found themſelues ſore gree|ned, & repined not a little againſt ſuche couetous dealings, and vnmeſurable exactions, in ſomuch that they ſpake to the king in it, and ſayd, Right famous Prince, [...]laint to [...]ng of the [...]iõs made [...] Pope. why ſuffer you Englande to be made a play and deſolation to all the paſſers by, as a vineyarde without an hedge, cõmon to the wayfaring man, and to be deſtroyed of the Bo|tes of the field, ſith you haue a ſufficiẽt priuilege that no ſuch exactiõs ſhuld be made in this king|dom? and ſurely he is not worthy of a priuilege whiche abuſeth the ſame being graunted. The kyng anſwered thoſe that went thus aboute to perſwade him, that he neither would nor durſte gayneſay the Pope in any thyng: [...]nſvvere [...]e king. and ſo the peo|ple were brought into miſerable diſpayre. There be yt write how that there were other occaſions of the Archbiſhops departure out of the realm, of the which this ſhuld be one,


[...]auſes that [...]d the Ar| [...]op Ed| [...] to depart [...]lme.

when he ſaw religiõ not to be regarded, & that Prieſts were had in no ho|nor, neither that it lay in his power to reform the matter, ſith the king gaue no eare to his admo|nitions, he determined to abſent himſelfe tyl the king (warned by ſome miſhap) ſhuld repent him of his errours, and amend his miſdoings: Other ioyne an other cauſe herevnto, whiche was this. Wheras the kyng by the enſample of other kin|ges, (begon by William Rufus) vſed to kepe bi|ſhops ſeas, and other ſuch ſpiritual poſſeſſions in his hands, during the vacation, till a conuenient perſon were to the ſame preferred, the Archebi|ſhop Edmund, for that he ſaw lõg delays made oftentymes ere anye coulde bee admitted to the roomth of thoſe that were deceaſſed, [...] VVeſt. [...] Paris. [...]or. or by any o|ther meanes depriued, he was in hande with the king, that the Archbiſhop of Canterbury might haue power only to prouide for ſucceſſors in ſuch roomths as chãced to be vacant, aboue the terme of .vj. moneths, which thing the K. for a certain ſumme of money graunted: but afterward per|ceyuing what hinderance he ſuſteyned therby, he reuoked that graunte, ſo muche to the diſpleſure of the Archbiſhop, that he thoughte good no lon|ger to continue in the realme. At his commyng to Pontney, he ſo ſeemed to deſpiſe all worldly pompe and honor, giuing himſelf wholly to di|uine contemplation, to faſting & prayer, that the former opinion, which men had conceiued of his vertues, was marueliouſly confirmed. At length being ſore vexed with ſicknes, ſuppoſing that hee might recouer helth by changing of aire & place, he cauſed himſelf to be cõueid into an other houſe of religion,The death of Edmund arche+bishop of Can|terbury, ſurna|med of Põtney named Soyeſy .ij. days iorney from Pontney, wher finally he died ye .16. of Nouẽber, and his body was brought again to Pontney, & there buried, where alſo through ſundry miracles ſhewed (as they ſay) at his graue, he was reputed for a ſaint, and at length canonized by Pope In|nocẽt the .iiij. He was borne at Abingdon, beſide Oxford, & therby ſome named him Saint Ed|mund of Abingdon, and ſome Saint Edmunde of Pountneye, after the place where he was en|ſhrined. The ſea of Canterburye was voyde more than three yeares after his diſeaſe, till at length by the kings comnmandement, the monks of Cãterbury elected one Boniface of Sauoy vncle to queene Eleanor, being the .xlv. Archb. whiche ruled ye church. Ther was this yere a certain per|ſon of honeſt conuerſation & ſober,A Charterhous Monke appre|hended. repreſenting in habite one of the Carthuſian Monkes, taken at Cãbridge, being accuſed for yt he refuſed to come to the churche to heare diuine ſeruice, & vpon his examination, bicauſe he anſwered otherwiſe thã was thought cõueniẽt, he was cõmitted to ſecret priſon, & ſhortly after ſent vp to the legat to be of him examined. This mã opẽly proteſted, ye Gre|gory was not the true pope nor hed of ye church, but that ther was another head of the church, and that the church was defiled, ſo yt no ſeruice ought to be ſaid therin, except the ſame were newly de|dicate, & the veſſels & veſt ments again halowed & conſecrate. The deuil (ſaid he) is loſed, & the Pope is an heretik, for Gregorie which nameth himſelf Pope, hath polluted the church. Hereupon in the preſence & audience of the Abbot of Eueſhã, ma|ſter Nic. de Femhã, and diuers other worſhipful perſonages, the legate ſaide vnto him being thus out of ye way is not power graunted to our ſoue|rain lord the Pope frõ aboue both to loſe & binde ſouls, ſith he executeth ye roomth of S. Peter vpõ earth: & when al men looked to hear what anſwer he wold make, beleuing his iudgement to depend vpon the ſame, he ſaid by way of interrogatiõ, & not by way of aſſertion, how can I beleue yt vnto a perſon ſpotted with ſimonie & vſurye, & haply wrapt in more greuous ſins, ſuch power ſhould be grãted as was granted vnto holy Peter who immediatly folowed ye Lord, as ſoone as he was made his apoſtle, & folowed him not onely in bo|dily footſteps, but in cleernes of vertues. At whi|che worde the legate bluſhed, & ſaide to ſome of ye ſtãders by, a mã ought not to chide with a foole, nor gape ouer an ouen. In this ſeaſon the K. ſẽt his iuſtices Itinerantes in circuit about ye lãd, the which vnder pretext of iuſtice puniſhed many per+ſons,Iuſtices itine|rantes. & ſo leuied greate ſummes of money to the kings vſe Sir William of Yorkprouoſt of Be|uerley was aſſigned to viſit the South partes, and ſir Robert de Lexinton the north parts. Alſo EEBO page image 758 the Erle of Cornwall Richard the kinges bro|ther,VVilliam de York, Robert L [...]inton Iu|ſtices. with a nauie of ſhippes ſayled into Syria, where in the warres agaynſte the Sarazins, hee greatly aduanced the part of the Chriſtians.The Erle of Cornvval go|eth into the ho|lye lande. There wente ouer with hym the Earle of Sa|liſbury William Longeſpee, & Williã Baſſet, Iohn Beauchamp, Geffrey de Lucy, Iohn Ne|uill, Geffrey Beauchamp, Peter de Breus, and William Furniual. The Earle of Montforde alſo went ouer the ſame time:The Earle of Leyceſter goth thyther alſo. but where the erle of Cornwall tooke the ſea at Marſiles, the Erle of Leyceſter paſſed through Italy and tooke the water at Brandize, & with him wente theſe per|ſones of name, Thomas de Furniuall, wyth hys brother Gerarde de Furniuall, Hughe Wake, Almericke de S. Aumond, Wyſcharde Ledet, Puncharde de Dewynne, William de Dewinne that were brethren, Gerarde Peſmes, Foulke de Baugye, and Peter de Chauntenay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Albemarle.Shortly after alſo, Iohn Erle of Albemarle, William Fortis, & Peter de Mallow, a Poicto|uin, men for their valiancie greately renoumed wente thither leading with them a great num|ber of Chriſtian ſouldiors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this yere alſo and vpon the day of S. Re|migius, was the church of S. Paule in the Citie of London dedicated by Roger Biſhop of that Citie,The dedicatiõ of the Churche of Saint Paule in London. the king and a great number of Biſhops, and other noble men beyng preſent, which were feaſted the ſame day by the ſayd Biſhop Roger and the canons. Moreouer, there dyed this ſame yeare the Counteſſe Iſabell, wyfe to Richarde Erle of Cornewall,The death of Iſabell, the Counteſſe of Cornvvall. The lord Iohn Fitz Roberte. A Comete. and two Earles, William Earle Warreyn, and Iohn Earle of Lyncolne, alſo the lord Iohn Fitz Robert, one of the chief Barons in all the north parties of the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo in Februarye there appeared a Comete or blaſyng ſtarre righte dreadfull to beholde, for the ſpace of .xxx. dayes togyther. Moreouer, on the coaſt of England there was a great battayle amongſt the fiſhes of the ſea,

A batrayle be|tvvixt Fishes.

Math. Paris.

ſo that there were rj. Whales or Thirlepooles caſt on lande, beſide other huge and monſtrous fiſhes, which appea|red to be dead of ſome hurtes, and one of thoſe myghtie fiſhes, commyng into the Thames a|lyue, was purſued by the Fyſhers, and coulde v|neth paſſe through the arches of London bridge. At length with dartes and other ſuch weapons, they ſlewe hym before the Kyngs Manour at Mortlake,The kynges Manour at Mortlake. whether they folowed hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo a greate ſounde hearde this yeare in ſundrye partes of Englande at one ſelfe tyme, as if it hadde bene the noyſe of ſome myghtie mountayne that had fallen into the Sea. And vpon the ſeuenth of May there chan|ced a greate boyſterous wynde that ſore trou|bled the ſkye.A great vvynd

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare alſo the King cauſed the Citizens of London, and the Gardians of the fiue ports,A [...] ce [...] and many other to receiue an othe to be true and faithfull to his ſonne Prince Edwarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Fryers Preachers and Minors, and o|ther men of the churche that were diuines, aſſoy|led ſuche as had taken vpon them the Croſſe, re|ceyuing of them ſo muche money as would ſuf|fiſe to haue borne their charges in that iourneye, and this not without ſelaunder redoundyng to the church, and the ſame meane to get moneye, was practiſed alſo by the Legate Otho, hauing authoritie therto of the Pope.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare alſo the Seneſhall of Aqui|tayne came ouer to the king,The [...] of [...] and gaue hym to vnderſtande, that if tymely prouiſion were not had, all thoſe countreyis on the furſyde the ſea, would be loſte. No other incident chaunced the ſame yeare neither in warre abroade, nor in the ſtate of gouernement of the common wealth of home, wherof any great accompt is to be made, but that the Legate Otho got great ſummes of money by dyuers wayes, namely of Religious men to the Popes behoofe: whervpon certayn ab|bots made complaynts to the king, but in place of comfort, they receiued diſcomfort, and know|ledge therof giuen to the Legate, hee was more extreme with them than hee was before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo ſhortly after one of the Popes familiars and kinſman named maiſter Peter Roſſo came from Rome,Pe [...] takyng Englande in his waye to goe into Scotlande, and vſed in both ſuche dili|gence in the Popes cauſe, that he got a .xv. gran|ted here, whyche he ſpeedily gathered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And about the ſame tyme one Peter de Su|pino, was ſent into Irelande,Peter [...] no [...] the [...] of pr [...] and there lykewiſe he got a vintieſme, bringing from theſe the ſum of .xv C. markes, and aboue. But the collection which Peter Roſſo got out of the Scottiſh con|fines doubled that ſumme, as was thought.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In his returne alſo from thence, viſiting the houſes of religion, and ſearching the conſciences of religious perſons, by newe ſhiftes he craftyly got yet more money to the Popes vſe, cauſyng them to ſweare to keepe this myſterie ſecrete, as it were ſome priuitie of Confeſſyon for the ſpace of one halfe yeare, whereby hee dydde tourne the heartes of manye menne from the loue of the Churche of Rome, woundyng them wyth greate griefe and remorſe of conſcience to ſee this pillery.

An. [...]

12 [...]

In the fiue & twentyth yeare of his raigne Kyng Henry kept his Chriſtmaſſe at Weſtminſter, at which tyme the legate was ſent for to retourne vnto Rome, and after he had ben honorably feaſted of the King, on the fourth daye of Chriſtmaſſe he departed from London towardes the ſea ſide, after he had remained here aboue three yeares. Peter of Sauoye that was vncle to the Queene came into Englande, and EEBO page image 659 was honorably receiued and entertained of King Henry, who had giuen to him the Earledome of Richmond.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2

[...]ce de [...]oy elected [...]bishop Canterbury.

[...]ath. Paris.

His ſonne Boniface was they yeare alſo elec|ted archebiſhop of Canterbury, a tall gen [...]eman and of a goodly perſonage, but neyther ſo learned nor otherwiſe meete for that roomthe. But ſuche was the Kynges pleaſure, who in fauour of the Queene to whome he was coſin ge [...]ma [...] ſought to aduaunce him, and getting the Popes fauour in that behalfe procured the Monkes & biſhops to graũt their cõſents although muche againſt th [...]e mindes, if they might haue had their owne willes fulfilled. Moreouer the Gel [...] of Cornwal retur|ning out of the holy land in ſafetie, after he had ſettled things there, by cõcluding an abſt [...]ce of warre beetwixte the Saraſins and Chriſtians, aboute the Octaues of Saincte Iohn Baptiſte, [figure appears here on page 659] he arriued in Sicil, & hearing there in what place the Emperour as then [...]o [...]ourned, he repayred vn|to hym, of whome and of his ſiſter the Elap [...]e he was mo [...]e [...]y [...]y receyued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wy [...] [...] dayes after,The Earle of Cornvvall an interceſſour for a peace to be had betvvixte the pope and the Emperour. hee went to the Cou [...]t [...] [...], to trye if he myght or [...]e ſo [...] agreement o [...] [...] the Emperor and the Pope, but findyng the Pope to [...], and nothyng con|form [...] [...]ept he myght haue had all his owne will (whyche was, that the Emperour ſhoulde haue ſubmytted hymſelfe to the Popes plea [...], and to ſtande to whatſoeuer order the Churche ſhoulde appoynt, he re [...]our [...]ed [...]ke to the Em|perour without concludyng any thing with the Pope, and declaring vnto hym as he had found After this hee remayned a two monethes wyth the Emperor, & then taking his leaue he was ho|noured wyth greate giftes at his departure, and ſo retournyng towardes Englande,He returneth into Englande. at length arriued at the towne of Do [...] on the morrowe after the feaſte of the Epiphanie in the yeare fol|lowing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame time that the erle of Corne|wall was in his returne forthe of the holy lande, there was [...]nly r [...]iſed newe warre in Wales, whyche happened well for Kyng Henry. There were dyuers of the Welchemen that coulde not well like wyth the gouerment of Dauid, and therefore ſore lamenting the captiuitie of his bro|ther Griffin, whome before (as ye haue heard) he had by a traine taken and kept ſtill as priſoner, began to make warre vnto the ſaide Dauid, and to thoſe that toke his parte, the whiche on the o|ther ſide ſought to oppreſſe theyr aduerſaries,VVarres be|tvveene the VVelchmen. ſo that there enſued muche bloudſhed and ſlaughter beetwene the parties.

[figure appears here on page 659]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The wyfe alſo of the ſayde Griffin, and ſuche other noble men as were become enemyes vn|to Dauid, ſente and writte vnto Kyng Hen|rye, requiryng hys ayde, that Griffyn myghte bee delyuered out of hys brothers handes, pro|myſing him greate helpe and furtherance, with large condytions of ſubmiſſyon, and aſſu|raunce furthirmore to bee at his commaunde|ment, EEBO page image 700 and to receyue him for their true and ſoue|raigne lorde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Henrye goeth into VVales vvith an armye.Kyng Henrye vnderſtandyng all theyr do|ings and intentes, thought that this contention betwene the two brethren for the title of Wa|les would ſerue verie well for his purpoſe, and therfore he haſted foorth wyth a ſpeedye army of men into that countrey, purpoſing to reduce the ſame vnder his obeyſaunce. And herewith Se|nena or Guenhera, the wyfe of Griffyn, (and other of the Welche Nobilitie, that tooke parte wyth hir) conclude a league with Kyng Hen|ry, vppon certayne conditions as the ſame are conteyned in an inſtrumente or Charter the te|nour wherof beginneth as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 See Math. Par. in the printed boke. pag. 840.

Conuenit inter dominum regem Henrieum re|gem Angliae. &c.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And for the performance of the articles in this inſtrument or writing conteyned, the ſaid Lady in name of hir huſbande, procured dyuers noble men to becom ſuerties or pledges, that is to wit, Raufe de Mortimer, Walter de Clifforde, Ro|ger de Monthault Seneſhall of Cheſter, Mail|gun ap Mailgun, Meredoc ap Robert, Griffin ap Maddoc of Bromefield, Houwell and Mere|doc brethren, Griffin ap Wenuwen: which per|ſones vndertooke for the ſaide Lady, that the co|uenauntes on hir parte ſhould be perfourmed, and therof they alſo bounde themſelues by their wri|tings vnto the ſaide Kyng. Giuen on the Mon|daye next before the Aſſumption of our Lady, in the fiue and twentye yeare of the ſame Kynges reigne, as in Mathewe Paris yee may finde the ſame recorded. Pag. 840.841. and .843. in the printed copie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Dauid driuen to his vvittes ende.But nowe to oure purpoſe. When Da|uid vnderſtoode of the kyngs approche wyth ſo puiſſaunt an armye, he was brought into great perplexitie, & the more in deede, not onely bicauſe there chaunced the ſame yere for the ſpace of four monethes togither a greate drouthe, ſo that the mariſhes and bogges were dried vp and made paſſable for the kyngs people, but alſo for yt ma|ny of the Welch nobilitie, as chiefly Griffin Ma|dock and others, ſought his deſtruction in fauour of his brother Griffin (whoſe deliueraunce they earneſtlye wiſhed) and for that he ſtoode excom|municate by the Pope. All whiche things well conſidered, cauſed him to doubt of a further miſ|chiefe to hang ouer his head: Whervpon he ſent to the king, ſignifying that he would delyuer his brother Griffyn freely into his hands, but letting him withall to wit by many good reaſons, that if he did ſet him at libertie, he ſhuld miniſter ma|ny newe occaſions of continuall warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer this couenaunt Dauid required at the kyngs handes, that the kyng ſhould reſerue him ſo to his peace, vnder the bonde of Fidelitie and hoſtages, that he ſhould not diſinherite [...] which when the king courteouſly granted, Da|uid ſent vnto hym his brother Gryffin to diſpoſe of hym as he ſhould thinke requiſite.Dauid [...]+reth [...] The Kyng receiuing him, ſent him to London, vnder the cõ|duct of ſir Iohn de Lerinton, togither with other [...]o (whom hee had receiued as hoſtages bothe of Dauid and others the nobles of Wales) appoin|ting them to be kept in ſafetie wythin the To|wer there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was alſo a Charter or deede made by the ſame Dauid vnto King Henrie, contay|ning the Articles, couenauntes, and grauntes made betwixt the ſayd Prince, and the forſayde Dauid, beginning thus.

Omnibus Chriſti fidelibus ad quos praeſentes lite|ra &c.
And after this, that is to ſay,See [...] pag. 842. within .viij. dayes after the ſayd feaſt of Saint Mychael the foreſayde Dauid came to London,Dauid the p [...] of [...] [...]ge. and there dyd homage to the Kyng and ſware feaultie, and after returned in peace backe agayne vnto hys countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time there chanced a contro|uerſie to ryſe betwixt the king and the Biſhop of Lincolne, for the beſtowing of the benefice of Thame, [...] the which Iohn Manſel the kings cha|pleyne hadde gotten in poſſeſſion by the Kinges fauor through prouiſion graunted of the Pope, where the Biſhoppe alledgyng priuiledges to the contrary, had graunted it to an other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length the Kyng hauing his fathers trou|ble before his eies, and doubting the Biſhoppes woordes, threatning ſome euill myſhappe to fo|lowe, if he ſhoulde ſtande long in the matter a|gaynſte the ſayde Biſhoppe, gaue ouer hys [...]|nute: and therewythall prouyded Iohn Maun|ſell of a farre more [...]yehe benefice, that is to [...]ye, of the perſonage of Maydſtone, whereinto the Biſhoppe ſpeedyly inueſted hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys yeare many noble men ended theyr ly|ues,Death of [...]|ble men. as well ſuche as were gone with the Er|les of Cornewall and Leyceſter into the holye lande, and others remaynyng ſtill at home. Amongeſt whyche number were theſe: Wyl|liam Forz Earle of Albemarle, Walter Lacy,Lacye l [...] iſſue [...] kinde [...] that [...] inhe [...] his landes. one of the chiefeſt nobles in all Irelande, Ste|phen de Segraue, Gilberte de Baſſet and hys ſonne and heire, named alſo Gilberte. Moreo|uer Iohn Biſet hygh Iuſtice of the Fo [...]eſtes, and Peter de Mallow, Hughe Wak, Roberte Marmion, Peter de Bruys, Guyſ [...] a [...] Lai|dec, Euſtace Stoutville, Eudo Hamon, ſur|named Peccham, Baldwyn de Be [...]un, Iohn Fitz Iohn, Stewarde of houſeholde to Earle Richarde, Iohn de Beau lieu, Gerarde de Fur|niuall. There dyed alſo the Ladye Elea|nore the Counteſſe of Brytayne, wyfe vnto Geffrey, that was ſomtyme Earle of Britayn, EEBO page image 701 (whyche Counteſſe hadde beene long kepte pry|ſoner at Bryſtowe) wyth dyuers other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, there dyed thys yeare Roger Bi|ſhop of London, and Hughe Biſhoppe of Che|ſter. Alſo Gilberte Marſhall Earle of Pem|brooke in a Tornaye whyche he had attempted at Hereforde agaynſt the kinges licence, was by an vnruly horſe caſte, and ſo hurte, that imme|diatly he dyed thereof. Neyther was thys yeare onely mournefull to Englande for the loſſe of ſuche hygh Eſtates, but alſo in other places ma|ny notable perſonages departed out of this tran|ſitorie lyfe. As two Popes, Gregorie the ninthe and his ſucceſſour Celeſtine the fourthe, beſydes Cardinalles: [...]inall So| [...]ote an en| [...]an. amongſt the whiche, Robert So|mercote an Engliſhe man was one.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the later ende of this .xxv. yeare, the ſixth daye of October,Eclipſe. there appeared a righte ſore Eclypſe of the Sunne, verie ſtraunge to the beholders.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2

[...]n. Reg. 26.

[...] death of Empreſſe [...]ell.


[...]rres re| [...]d betvvixt [...] kinges of [...]lande and [...]nce.

In the .xxvj. yeare dyed the Empreſſe Iſa|bell, wyfe vnto Fredericke the Emperoure. In which yeare alſo beganne the warres agayn be|twixte Kyng Henrye, and Lewes the kyng of France, for the quarell of Hugh Erle of M [...]he who refuſed to do homage vnto Alfonſe th [...] bro|ther of kyng Lewes, whyche Alfonſe had ma|ryed the onely daughter and heyre of Raymund Earle of Tholouze, and therefore ſhoulde ſuc|ceede the ſame Earle in his eſtate and inheri|taunce. His brother kyng Lewes had alſo gy|uen vnto hym the Earledome of Poictou with all the landes of Aluergne:

[...] Earle of [...]rche.

[...]guinus. [...]at. VVeſt.

and bycauſe the earle of Marche woulde not doe homage vnto hym, kyng Lewes made warre vppon the Earle of Marche, who thervpon ſought to procure king Henrye (whoſe mother hee had maryed) to come ouer wyth an armie vnto hys ayd.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kyng Henry beyng ſollicited with Lett [...]s, not onely from hys father in lawe, but alſo [...]n [...] dyuers other noble menne of Poictou, who wil|lyngly woulde haue bene vnder hys gouerne|mente, aſked aduyſe of hys counſell what hee oughte to doe in the matter. Some were of o|pinion, [...]ndry opini| [...] in the kin| [...] counſellors that ſith there hadde bene a truce taken betwixte the Kings, it were not reaſon in any wyſe to breake the ſame: but other thought, that ſith the Frenche men in tymes paſte had taken from King Iohn hys lawfull heritage in Nor|mandie and Poictou, and wrongfullye defay|ned the ſame ſtyll in theyr poſſeſſion wythoute reſtitution, it coulde not bee at any tyme vn|lawfull vpon occaſion giuen to recouer the ſame out of their handes. Thys opinion was allo|wed for good, and the beſt that myght bee bothe of the Kyng, and alſo of the Earle of Corne|wall, lately returned from hys iourney whiche he had made into the holy land.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe all the ſtaye reſted in gatheryng money, which beyng earneſtly demaunded in a parliamente begon at Weſtmynſter the Tuiſ|daye before Candlemaſſe, was as ſtyffly denied, alledging in excuſe theyr often payementes of Subſidies and Reliefs, whiche had bene gathe|red ſith the comming of the king to his crowne, as the thirteenth, fifteenth, ſixteenth and fortieth partes of all their mouable goods,Charugage a certain duetie for euerye plovv [...]ando. beſide Charu|gage, hydage, and ſundrye Eſcuages, namely the great eſcuage graunted for the Mariage of his ſiſter the Empreſſe: and alſo beſide the thir|tieth within four yeres laſt paſt, or theraboutes, graunted to him, which they thought remayned vnſpent, bicauſe it could not be vnderſtood about what neceſſarie affaires for the common wealth it ſhoulde be layde foorth and imployed, where as the ſame was leuyed vpon condition, that it ſhoulde remayne in certayn Caſtels, and not to be expended but by the aduiſe of foure peeres of the realme, as the Earle of Warren, and o|thers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, they alledged, that the eſcheats and amerciamentes whyche had bin gathered of late were ſuche as muſte needes fill the kings Cof|fers: and ſo to conclude, they woulde not con|ſente to graunt any Subſidie. But yet the king ſo handeled the matter with the richer ſort, and namely thoſe of the ſpiritualtie, that partely by gifte, and partely by borrowing, hee got togy|ther a greate maſſe of treaſure, and ſo prepared an armie and ſhippes to paſſe ouer into Gaſcoyn with all conuenient ſpeede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme, bycauſe he woulde leaue thynges in more ſuretie at home, hee ſente the Biſhop of Durhant into Scotlande,The Bishoppe of Durham ſent into Scot|lande. by whoſe diligence a marriage was concluded betwixte the Lorde Alexander, eldeſt ſonne to the king of Scottes, and the Ladie Margaret daughter to king Henry. Moreouer, the marches of Eng|lande adioyning to Scotlande, were committed to the king of Scots as warden of the ſame,The K. of Scot+tes vvarden of the Englishe mar-hes. to kepe and defende, whyleſts kyng Henry ſhoulde abyde in the parties of [...]yo [...] the ſea. The arch|biſhop of Yorke in the kings abſence,The Archbi|shop of Yorke gouernour of the realme. was alſo appoynted chiefe gouernour of the realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 When this prouiſion [...] once ready, aboute the middeſt of May, the king tooke the ſea, toge|ther with the Queene his wyfe, his brother Ri|charde Earle of Cornewal, and ſeuen other Er|les, and aboute three hundred knights or men of armes. The Poictouins hadde written to hym that he needed not to bring ouer with him anye great armie of men, but rather plentie of money to retain ſuch as he ſhuld fynd there redy to ſerue him at his comming.Thirtie barrels of english coin. The K. paſſeth ouer into Frãce Whervpon he tooke with him. 30. barrells of ſterling coyne: And at length (but not without contrary wynds) he ariued on EEBO page image 702 the coaſt of Gaſcoyne, in the mouthe of the ri|uer of Garon, and taking land, was ioyfully re|ceyued [figure appears here on page 702] of the people, and namely of Reynolde lord of Pons. The French king aduertiſed that the K. of Englãd was cõmen ouer into France, to the aide of the Erle of Marche, and other hys ſubiects againſt him, prepareth a mightie armie, in the whiche were reckoned to be to the number of foure thouſand men of armes, well appointed and armed at all peeces, beſides .xx.M. of Eſqui|res,The Frenche king inuadeth the Batle of Marches lande. Gentlemen, yeomen and croſſebowes: and with the ſame immediatly he entred the domini|ons of the Erle of Marche, and taketh from him diuers townes and caſtels, as Fountney, wherin he tooke one of the Erles ſonnes: Alſo Meruant with diuers other. In the meane whyle the king of England was aduaunced forward and com|men neere vnto Tailborge (lying with his ar|mie in the fayre medow by the riuer ſide of Cha|rent faſt by the Caſtell of Thonay) he had there with hym in campe .xvj.C. knyghtes,The [...] the [...] a [...]ye. or ra|ther men of armes, and twentie thouſande foote|men, with ſeuen hundred that bare croſſebows.) Hee made there his two halfe brethren, the ſon|nes of the Earle of Marche knights, and gaue to the one of them fyue hundred markes, and to the other .vj.C. markes yerely to be payde out of his Eſcheker, till he had otherwyſe prouided for them in landes, and reuenues equall to that pen|ſion. Now the Frenche king being aduertiſed, that king Henry laye thus neere to Tailbourg, marched thytherwardes with all his puiſſaunce lately reenforced with new ſupplies, and appro|chyng to Tailburg,Tailebur [...] hadde the towne deliuered vnto hym. This chaunced aboute the latter ende of Iulye. Then after the Frenche Kyng hadde gotten poſſeſſion of Tailburg, he mente to paſſe the water, and if by mediation of a truce politikely procured by the Earle of Corn|wall (and as it were at a narow pinch) the king of Englande had not founde meanes to remoue in the night ſeaſon, he had bin in great daunger to haue bin taken, through wante of ſuche ayde as he looked for to haue had at the handes of the Poictouins and other his confederates. But yet he got awaye (thoughe with ſome ſtayne of honour) and withdrew to Xainctes,Xand [...]. whether al|ſo the French king followed,An en [...] betw [...] Engli [...] Frenche. and comming neere to the towne, there was a ſharpe encounter be|gon betwixt the French and the Engliſh, wher|in the Engliſhmen were victors, and in whyche [figure appears here on page 702] by the Frenchmens owne confeſſion, if the En|gliſhe power had bin lyke to theyrs in number, they had fully atchieued the honour of a fough|ten field, and for a light ſkirmiſhe, a ſounde and perfect victorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The vallancie of the Earle of Leyceſter and others.The highe prowes and valiancie of the Ear|les of Leyceſter, Saliſburie, Norffolke, wyth other noble menne, as Iohn de Bourgh, War|reyn de Mounte Chenille or Cheincy, Hubert Fitz Mathewe, and Raufe Fitz Nicholas dyd in this fight righte well appeare: and lykewyſe other of the Engliſhenation bare them ſelues ſo manfullye,Iohn K [...] that they deſerued no ſmall com|mendation. Amongeſt other alſo ſyr Iohn Maunſell the Kyngs Chaplayne, and one of hys priuie counſayle dydde ryghte worthylye, takyng Pryſoner wyth hys owne handes one Peter Orige, that was Stewarde vnto the Earle

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 703There was moreouer taken on the Frenche part ſir Iohn de Barris, [...]ohn Bar| [...] a man of good accompt, by William de Sey, [...]ll. de Sey. [...]erte de [...]e ſtayne. beſide ſundry others. On the Engliſhe parte (was ſlayn Gilbert de Clare) and Henrye Haſtings taken priſoner, with o|ther to the number of twenty knyghtes, or men of Armes, if I maye ſo call them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After thys encounter, by reaſon that the Frenche armye encreaſed by newe bandes ſtyll reſortyng to theyr Kyng,Earle of [...]che is re| [...]led to the [...]h king. the Earle of Marche ſecretely ſoughte meanes to bee reconciled vn|to hym: and fynally by the helpe of the Duke of Brytayne, hys olde acquayntance and frende at neede, his peace was purchaſed, ſo that hee hadde his landes agayne to hym reſtored, except certayne Caſtels, whyche for further aſſuraunce the Frenche kyng retayned in his handes by the ſpace of three yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng of Englande perceyuyng hym|ſelfe too too muche deceyued in that he had putte ſuche confidence in the Earle of Marche and o|thers of that countrey, whiche ſhoulde haue ay|ded hym at thys preſente, and agayne aduerti|ſed, that the Frenche Kyng mente to beſiege hym wythin the Citie of Xainctes, departed wyth all ſpeede from thence, and came to Blay, a towne in Gaſcoigne, ſituate neare to the riuer of Garon, and diſtaunt ſeauen leagues from Burdeaux.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]h. Paris.

[...] Counteſſe [...]ern.

And whyleſt he laye here at Blay, there came vnto hym the Counteſſe of Bierne (a woman of a monſtrous bygneſſe of bodye) bryngyng wyth hir to ſerue the Kyng hir ſonne, and three ſcore knyghtes, in hope to get ſome of hys ſter|lyng moneye, whereof ſhe knewe hym to haue plentye: and ſo couenaunting for hir entertayn|mente, remayned ſtill wyth hym, and receyued euery day .xiij. lb. ſterlyng, & yet ſhe neuer plea|ſured hym to the worthe of a groate, but rather hyndered hym, in makyng hym bare of money, whiche ſhe receyued, purſſed vp and tooke away wyth hir when ſhe departed from hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 re [...]ng [...]er Frẽch [...]es.In the meane tyme the Lordes de Pons, Mirabeau, and Mortaigne, ſodaynely reuol|ted, and ſubmitted themſelues to the Frenche kyng, with the Vicount of Touars, and all o|ther the Lordes and knyghtes of Poictou, and the marches theraboutes, that not long before hadde procured Kyng Henrye to come ouer to thery ayde. The Citie of Xainctes was lyke|wyſe rendred to hym immediately vppon kyng Henries departure from thence. At whyche ſea|ſon the Frenche kyng mente to haue followed hym to Blaye, but by reaſon of a greate deathe whyche chaunced in his armie, he was conſtrai|ned to alter his purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]th in the [...]ch campe.Surely as Authours haue recorded, what thorough peſtilence and vnwholſomneſſe of the ayre, a great number of Frenchemen dyed that tyme, and dayly more fell ſicke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The number of them that dyed, as Mathewe Paris, and Mathew Weſtmin. affirme, amoun|ted to twentie thouſande perſones, beſyde foure|ſcore of the Nobilitie that bare banners or Pe|nons. Kyng Lewes hymſelfe alſo beganne to waxe diſeaſed and craſye,

Truce renued betvvixt the tvvo kings.


ſo that hee was conſtrayned to renewe the truce wyth Kyng Henrye, and therewyth departed home.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kyng Henry remayned at Blaye till the feaſt of the Aſſumption of our Lady,The Queene of Englande deli|uered of a daughter. and then went to Burdeaux to viſite the Quene, which in this meane whyle was brought to bedde about Mid|ſommer of a young Ladye, whome they na|med Beatrice, after the Queenes mother.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And whyleſt Kyng Henrye was thus occu|pyed in Poictou and Gaſcoine,VVilliam Ma|riſch executed. William Ma|riſch, the ſonne of Geffreye Mariſch (by com|maundement ſente from the Kyng) was put to death at London, with ſixteene of his com|plices on the euen of S. Iames the Apoſtle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This William Mariſch falling into the kin|ges diſpleaſure, gotte hym to the ſea, and played the rouer, keepyng the Iſle of Lundaye in the Weaſt countrey, tyll fynally he was taken and brought priſoner vnto the Towre, wher he was charged with ſundry Articles of treaſon, as that he ſhoulde hyre that counterfaite madde manne whyche ſoughte to haue murthered the kyng at Woodſtocke, as before ye haue heard.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Yet when he ſhoulde dye, he vtterly denyed that euer he was priuie to any ſuche thing. He was fyrſte had from Weſtminſter to the towre, and from thence drawne to the Gibet, and there hanged, till he was dead, and after beyng cutte downe, hadde his bowelles ripped out, and bur|ned, and when his heade was cut off, the body was diuided into foure quarters, & ſent vnto foure of the principall Cities of the realme. His com|plices were alſo drawne thorough the Citie of London vnto the ſame gibet, and there hanged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the tyme of this warre alſo betwixt En|glande and Fraunce,The ſeas trou|bled vvyth men of vvarre. there was much hurt done on the ſea betwixte them of the Cinque Por|tes and the Frenchemenne of Normandie, and other: as the Caleys menne and the Brytons, whyche did make themſelues as ſtrong as they coulde agaynſte the Englyſhemenne by ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whervpon diuers encounters chaunced betwixt them, but more to the loſſe of the Engliſhmen, than of the Frenchemen: in ſomuche that they of the Portes were conſtrained to require ayde of the Archbiſhop of Yorke, the Lorde gouernor of the realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About which time, and after the K. was with|drawne to Burdeaux, dyuers noble men, as the erles of Norffolk, and Wincheſter, with others, EEBO page image 704 got licence to returne into Englande. Soone af|ter whoſe arriual,

Eſcuage gathe|red .xx. shil|lings of euery knightes fee.

Mat. VVeſt.

Death of noble men.

eſcuage was gathered through the Realme towardes the bearyng of the kings charges.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, in this yeare of the King there dyed ſundry noble men of naturall infirmities, as the Earle of Warwike, Gilberte de Gaunt, Baldwyn Wake, Philyp de Kyme, and Ro|ger Berthram of the North, with diuers other. Howbeit the king hymſelfe retourned not home, but laye all the Wynter tyme at Burdeaux, meanyng to attempt manye enterpryſes, but he broughte none to paſſe, ſauyng that in protra|ctyng tyme, he ſpente muche money, and to lit|tle purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. Reg. 27. Aboute the beginning of the ſeuen and twen|tith yeare of his reigne, his brother the Earle of Cornewall, myſlyking the order of thyngs whi|che he ſawe dayly in the king his brothers pro|ceedyngs, woulde needes retourne backe into Englande, but chiefly when hee perceyued that his counſell and aduice could not bee hearde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng was ſore offended herewyth, but hee coulde not well remedye the matter, nor perſwade hym to tarye. And ſo the ſayde Earle of Cornewall,The Earle of Cornevvall & and other re|tourne home. togyther wyth the Earles of Pembrooke and Hereforde, and dyuers other no|blemen tooke the ſea, and after manye daungers eſcaped in theyr courſe, at lengthe on Saincte Lucies daye they arriued in Cornewall, though ſome of the veſſelles that were in the compa|nye were dryuen by force of the tempeſtuous weather vppon other contrarye coaſtes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute thys ſeaſon alſo, that is to witte, on the daye of Saint Edmunde the Kyng, there happened a maruellous tempeſt of thunder and lightenyng, and therewyth followed ſuche an exceedyng rayne (whyche contynued manye dayes togyther) that Riuers roſe on maruel|lous heygthe, and the Thames it ſelfe, whyche ſeldome ryſeth, or is increaſed by lande flouds, paſſing ouer the bankes, drowned all the coun|trey for the ſpace of ſix myles about Lambheth, ſo that none myght get into Weſtmynſter hall, except it were on horſebacke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame tyme the Kyng ſente ouer into Englande to the Archbiſhop of Yorke lord Gouernour of the Realme,Prouiſion of grayne and vi|ctuals taken vp and ſente to the kyng. to cauſe prouiſyon of grayne and Bacon, to be conueyed ouer vn|to hym, whiche he appoynted to be taken out of the poſſeſſions of the Archebiſhopryke of Can|terburye, and other Biſhoprikes that were va|cant, and out of other ſuche places, as ſeemed to hym good to appoynt. Herevpon were ſent ouer to hym ten thouſande quarters of wheate, fyue thouſande quarters of Oates, with as ma|ny Bacons. Alſo there was ſent vnto him great prouiſion of other things, as cloth for apparell, and liuereys, but muche of it periſhed in the ſea by one meane or other, that little therof came to his vſe, who remayned ſtill at Burdeaux to his great coſt and charges, and ſmall gayne, ſauing that he recouered certayne townes and holdes there in Gaſcoyne that were kept by certain re|belles: At whyche tyme, bicauſe he was incly|ned rather to follow the counſell of the Gaſcoy|nes and other ſtraungers than of his owne ſub|iectes,

124 [...]

The kyng by Ste [...]

and gaue vnto them larger entertayn|ment, not regarding the ſeruice of his owne na|turall people:He is eu [...] [...]+ken of. he was maruellouſly euill ſpoken of here in Englande, and the more in deed, by|cauſe his iourney had no better ſucceſſe, and was yet ſo chargeable vnto him and all his ſubiectes. The noble menne that remayned with hym, as the Erles of Leyceſter and Saliſbury, with o|ther, were conſtrained to borrow no ſmall ſum|mes of money to beare out theyr charges: and ſo likewyſe the Kyng himſelfe ranne greately in debte, by takyng vp money towardes the diſ|charging of his importable expenſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At lengthe by mediation of ſuche as were Commiſſioners a truce was concluded betwixt hym and the Frenche kyng for fyue yeares,A truce t [...] for [...]e y [...] and then he retourned towarde Englande, but hee arriued not there tyll the nynth of October, al|thoughe the truce was concluded in Marche vp|on Saint Gregories day: for beſide other occa|ſions of hys ſtaye, one chaunced by ſuche ſtryfe and debate as roſe amongeſt the Gaſcoignes, whyche cauſed hym to retourne to lande, that he myght pacifye the ſame, when he was alrea|dye embarqued, and hadde hoyſſed his ſayle im|mediatlye to ſette forwarde.Nicolas de Mucles [...] te [...] coigne. Hee lefte in Guy|enne for his Lieutenaunt one Nicholas de Mu|cles or Moles, to defende thoſe townes, which yet remayned vnder his obeyſaunce, for he putte no greate confidence in the people of that coun|trey, the whiche of cuſtome beeing vexed with continuall warre, were conſtrained not by will, but by the change of tymes, one whyle to holde on the Frenche ſyde, and an other while of the Engliſhe. In deede the Townes, namely thoſe that hadde their ſituation vppon the Sea coaſtes, were ſo deſtroyed and decayed in theyr walles and fortifications, that they coulde not long bee anye greate ayde to eyther parte, and therefore beyng not of force to holde oute, they were compelled to obeye one or an other, where by their willes they wold haue doone otherwyſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And this was the cauſe that the king of En|glande, oftentymes vppon truſte of theſe tow|nes, whiche for the moſte were readie to receyue hym, was broughte into ſome hope to recouer his loſſes, and chiefly for that he was ſo manye tymes procured to attempte his fortune there, at the requeſte of the fickle mynded Poycto|uins, EEBO page image 705 who whyleſt they dydde ſeeke ſtyll to purge theyr offences to the one Kyng, or to the other, they dayely by newe treaſons defamed theyr credit, and ſo by ſuche meanes the king of Englande oftentymes with ſmall aduantage or none at all, made warre againſt the French Kyng, in truſte of theyr ayde, that coulde or (vppon the leaſt occaſion conceyued,) quickely woulde doe little to his furtheraunce. And ſo therby Kyng Henry aſwell as his father Kyng Iohn, was oftentymes deceyued of his vaine conceyued hope.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſeuen and twentith yeare of Kyng Henryes raygne, dyuers noble perſonages departed this lyfe, [...]eath of noble [...]n. and firſte aboute the begin|ning of Ianuarye, deceaſſed the Lord Richard de Burghe, a man of greate honoure and eſti|mation in Irelande, where he helde many faire poſſeſſions, by conqueſte of that noble Gen|tleman his worthye father. Alſo that valiaunt warriour Hughe Lacye, [...]gh Lacy. who had conquered in hys tyme a greate parte of Irelande. Alſo the ſame yeare the ſeuenth of Maye Hughe de Albeney Earle of Arundell departed this life, in the middeſt of his youthfull yeares, and was buried in the Priorie of Wimundham, whiche his auncetores had founded. After his deceaſſe that noble heritage was deuided by partition amongeſt foure ſiſters.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo aboute the ſame tyme, to wit, on the twelfthe daye of Maye, Hubert de Broughe Earle of Kent departed this life at his Manor of Banſlude, and his bodye was conueyed to London, and there buryed in the Churche of the Friers preachers, vnto the whiche Fryers he had bene verie beneficiall: And amongeſt other things, hee gaue vnto them his goodlye Pallace at Weſtminſter adioyning neare to the Pallace of the Earle of Cornewall, why|che the Archebiſhoppe of Yorke afterwardes purchaſed. [...] Fabian. The Monkes of the Ciſteaux were this yeare ſomewhat vexed by the Kyng, by|cauſe they had refuſed to aide hym with money towardes his iourney made into Gaſcoyne. [...]ath. Paris. Alſo the pleas of the Crowne were kepte and holden in the Towre of London. And in the nighte of the ſixe and twentyth daye of Iuly ſtarres were ſeene fall from the ſkye after a maruellous ſort, [...]arres fallen [...]er a ſtraunge [...]ner. not after the common maner, but thyrtye or fortye at once, ſo faſte one after an other and glaunſing to and fro, that if ther had fallen ſo many verye ſtarres in deed, there woulde none haue bene lefte in the firmament.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 28.

[...]he [...]ounteſſe Pro [...]ance [...]other to the [...]eene com| [...]nouer into [...]glande.

In the eighte and twentye yeare of Kyng Henryes raygne, the Quenes mother the La|dye Beatrice Counteſſe of Prouaunce arry|ued at Douer on the fourteenthe daye of No|uember, bringing with hir the Ladye Sancta her daughter, and in the octaues of ſaint Mar|tine they were receyued into London in moſte ſolemne wiſe, the ſtreetes beeing hanged wyth ryche clothes, as the maner is at the coronati|ons of Princes. On Saint Clementes daye, Rycharde Earle of Cornewall the Kings bro|ther marryed the ſaide Ladie Sanctia,The Earle of Cornvvall ma|ried to the La|dy Sanctia. whych mariage was ſolemniſed in moſte royall wiſe and with ſuche ſumptuous feaſtes and banque|tings, as greater coulde not be deuiſed. Final|ly, the Quenes mother the Counteſſe of Pro|uance being a righte notable and worthie La|dy, was honored in euery degree of hir ſonne in lawe king Henry in moſt curteous and ſump|tuous manner, and at hir departure out of the realme, which was after Chriſtmaſſe, ſhe was wyth moſte riche and Princely gyftes honora|bly rewarded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame tyme alſo,VVilliã Ra|legh bishop of Norvviche. where as Wil|liam de Ralegh was requeſted to remoue from the ſea of Norwyche vnto Wyncheſter, and conſentyng therevnto, without the Kyngs ly|cence, obtained his confirmation of the Pope. The king was highly diſpleaſed therwith,He is conſecra|ted bishop of VVincheſter by the Pope. by|cauſe he ment it to an other. Whervpon when the ſayde Wyllyam Ralegh was retourned from Rome to be inſtalled, the Kyng ſente commaundement to the Mayor and Citizens of Wincheſter, that they ſhoulde not ſuffer him to enter the Citie. Wherevppon hee beeing ſo kept out, accurſed bothe the Citie and the Ca|thedrall Churche with all the Monkes and o|thers that fauoured the Prior, whiche had in|truded himſelfe onely by the Kyngs aucthori|tie, and not by lawefull election and meanes, as was ſuppoſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 At length the ſayde Biſhoppe vpon griefe conceyued that the Kyng ſhoulde bee ſo heauy Lorde vnto him, got into a ſhippe at London,1244. and ſtale awaye into Fraunce, where of the Frenche Kyng hee was well receyued,He ſtealeth out of the realme. and greatly cheriſhed. Alſo he found ſuche meanes that the Pope in fauour of his cauſe wrote let|ters bothe to the Kyng and to the Quene, namyng hir hys coſin, but whyche waye that kinred ſhould come aboute, as yet it was neuer knowen. The Biſhoppe to ſhewe hym ſelfe not vnthankefull for ſuche friendeſhyppe,He giueth to the Pope. 6000 markes. gaue to the Pope aboue ſixe thouſande Markes (as is ſaide) and the Pope bycauſe he woulde not be accompted a diſdainefull perſon, turned not backe one pennye of that whiche was ſo gently offred hym. At lengthe partely at contempla|tion of the Popes letters, and partly by reaſon the Biſhoppe humbled himſelfe in aunſwering the articles whyche the Kyng had obiected a|gaynſte hym in cauſe of the controuerſie bee|twixte them, he graunted hym his peace, and EEBO page image 706 receyued hym into the lande, reſtoryng to hym all that had bin taken and deteyned from hym. Moreouer, in this meane while the Pope tru|ſting more than inoughe vpon the Kyngs ſim|plicitie and patience, who in deede durſte not in any caſe ſeeme to diſpleaſe him, had ſente an other Collector of money into Englande na|med Martin,Martine the Popes Collec|tour. not adorned wyth power Le|gantine, but furniſhed wyth ſuche auctorities and faculties as had not bene heard of. He was lodged in the Temple, where he ſhewed what commyſſion hee had to gather vp the Popes reuenues, and to exacte money by ſundry ma|ners of meanes, and ſo fell in hand therewyth, vſing no ſmall diligence therin, vnto the great griefe and hurt of conſcience of many: he had power to ſtaye the beſtowing of benefices, tyll he was ſatiſfied to the full contentation of his mynde. Benefices of ſmall valew hee regarded not greatly, but ſuche as were good liuynges in deede felt hys heauye and rauenous handes extended towardes them. He had power alſo to excommunicate, to ſuſpende, and punyſhe all ſuche as ſhoulde reſiſte his will, althoughe neuer ſo wilfully bent, in ſomuche that it was ſaide, he had ſundrye blankes vnder the Popes bulled ſeale, bycauſe that vpon the ſodayn hee brought forthe ſuche as ſeemed beſte to ſerue for his purpoſe. Hee vſed this his vnmeaſurable aucthoritie to the vttermoſt, and therin did not forget his own profit, but tooke palfreis and o|ther preſentes of religious men, as he thought good. But to declare all the practiſes of this the Popes agent, it wold be too long a proceſſe. Fi|nally when men ſawe ſuche vnreaſonable coue|touſneſſe and polling,The nobles cõ|playne to the king of the Po|pes collectour. ſome of the nobilitie of the Realme, not able longer to beare it, came to the Kyng, and exhibited to hym theyr com|plaint hereof, namely for that the Popes procu|rator beſtowed diuers riche prebends and other roomths in Churches vnto ſtraungers knowen to be infamed for vſurie, ſimonie, and other hei|nous vices, whiche had no reſpect to preaching, nor to keping of any hoſpitalitie, for maintei|naunce wherof, their auncetors had giuen forth theyr landes to the enriching of the Churche, not meaning to haue the ſame beſtowed on ſuch maner of perſons. The Kyng vnderſtoode that truthe it was which was tolde him,The king vvri|teth to the Pope. and ther|fore writte to the Pope in humble wiſe, beſe|ching hym of his fatherly care to take order for ſome redreſſe therin.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


The king aſ|keth counſell hovv to pro|ceede in hys vvarres againſt the French K.

Aboute this tyme the Kyng beganne to re|newe his imagination for the following of the warres againſte the Frenche Kyng, and ther|fore aſked the aduice of his counſell how hee might beſt attempt the recouerie of thoſe lands in Fraunce whiche were wrongfully deteyned from him, The moſte parte of all his auncient counſellors were of this opinion, that to make warre agayn in truſte of others ayde, as had bin attempted ſo often before without any pro|fit, ſhould be no wiſdom, and therfore he ought either to forbeare, or els ſo to prouide hymſelfe of power ſufficiẽt, without truſting to the ſup|port of ſtraungers, as he might be able with his owne puiſſaunce and force to atchiue his enter|priſe, for otherwiſe his trauaile ſhuld proue but vaine and to very ſmall effect. The Kyng per|ſwaded wyth theſe ſound reaſons, thought not good to attempt any thyng more touchyng the ſayde warre vnaduiſedly: And to the ende it ſhould not be ſaid how he truſted in vain vpon the aide of ſtrangers, he cauſed all ſuch poſſeſſi|ons as the Normans helde in Englande to be cõfiſcated,The p [...] of the No [...] confiſcated. to the intẽt that aſwel the Normans as Britons and Poictouins might well vnder|ſtande, that he mynded not from thenceforth to credite the falſe promiſes of rebelles, as he that woulde nowe vſe only the ſeruice of his owne people the engliſhmẽ, which in reſpect of others painted promiſes he had before contemned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The occaſion that moued the king ſo to diſ|inherit the Normans,

Math. Pa [...]

The occ [...] vvhy the [...]+mand vve [...] diſi [...]d.

chiefly roſe of the French Kynges dealing, who aboute the ſame tyme calling to hym all thoſe that had lands in En|gland, required them eyther to ſticke vnto him inſeparably, either els to the King of England ſithe no man might ſerue two maſters. Wher|vpon ſome forſaking theyr landes in England, liued on thoſe, whiche they had in France, and other forſoke thoſe liuings whyche they had in Fraunce, and came ouer into England to liue on thoſe poſſeſſions whyche they had here. But in the Frenche Kyngs doynges was no enfor|cing of men, eyther to forſake the one or the o|ther: wherfore the proceedings of the Kyng of Englande ſeemed ſomwhat more iniurious, & partly ſounded to the breach of the truce. How beit al was paſſed ouer without apparãt trou|ble. Whileſt all things were thus in quiet, & the kyng himſelfe not troubled with any outward warres,

Polid. Math. Pa [...] Mat. VV [...]

Dauid Prince of VVales meaneth as ſub [...] [...] to the Pope.

the Welchemen (who thoughe they wer ſubdued yet could not reſt in quiet) receiue agayne the fornamed Dauid to theyr Prince, the whyche for a pollicye determined hymſelfe to make offer to the Pope to holde his lande of hym, yelding therefore yearely vnto hym the ſumme of fiue hundreth markes (as is ſaide) to the end that vnder the wings of the Popes pro|tection he might ſhadowe hymſelfe, and be de|fended againſt all men: at length by large gifts of no ſmall ſummes of money he purchaſed let|ters of the Pope in hys fauour to the preiudice of the crown of Englãd, as touching the right whiche the King of Englande had to the do|minion EEBO page image 707 of Wales, as by the tenor thereof it may appeare, beginning as here enſueth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Math. Paris.

Illustri viro domino Henrico Dei gratia Regi Angliae. &c.
See Math. Par. pag 880. Thus Dauid being encouraged herewyth & ſuch o|ther of the Welchmen as took his part, at time appointed did ſet vpon the Kyngs capitaines as they ſtragled abrode, whom at the firſt brunt they put to flight, and flewe many of them here and there as they tooke them at aduenture. The Engliſhemen when night was commen, and that the Welchemen withdrewe to reſt, aſſem|bled themſelues agayne togyther, and in the morning wyth newe recouered force bothe of minde and body, came vppon the Welchemen and begunne with them a new battaile, which [figure appears here on page 707] continued the ſpace of .iij. houres together, til at length the Welchmen,The VVelch| [...]en diſcom| [...]ed. which raſhly had en|tred the fight, begun to ſhrink back, and fled to theyr wonted places of refuge, the woods and mariſhes. Their chief capitayn Dauid fledde into Scotlãd, [...]uid fled into [...]cotland. (hauing loſt in ye batail the moſt part of all his ſouldiers whiche he hadde there wt him.) At his cõming into Scotlãd, & whileſt he there remained, he incenſed kyng Alexander againſt K. Henry to his vttermoſt power, put|ting into his head how reprochfully the engliſh men ſpake of the Scottes, [...] prouoketh [...] K. of Scots make vvarre [...]ainst En| [...]ds. reprouyng them of cowardiſe and lacke of ſtomacke. Alſo that they liued according to the preſcripte of the Engliſh nation, as ſubiects to the ſame: and many other things he forged, which had bene able to haue moued a moſte pacient man vnto indignation and diſpleaſure. Finally either by the prouoking of this Dauid, [...]e king of [...]ots inuadeth [...]glande. or by ſome other occaſion, king Alexander, mẽt to make warres to king Henry in deed, and reiſing an army made a roade in|to Englande, and did ſome hurt by incurſions and further ſignifyed to Kyng Henry, as ſome write, that he neither ought nor woulde holde any parte or portion of Scotlande of the King of Englande.Math. Paris. Kyng Henry ſore offended here|with, purpoſed in time to be reuenged, & ſhort|ly after, called a Parliament at Weſtminſter, in the whiche he earneſtly moued the Lordes and other eſtates to ayde hym with money to|wards the furniſhing of his cofers, [...]ng Henrye [...]reth an [...]e of money [...]is ſubiects. being emp|tied as they knew by his exceeding charges in his laſte iourney into Gaſcoig [...]. He woulde not open his meanyng which he had to make warre to the Scottes, bycauſe he woulde haue his enterpriſe ſecretly kept, till hee ſhoulde bee ready to ſet forwarde. But although the kyng had got the Pope to write in his fauour vnto the Lords both ſpirituall and temporal, to aide him in that his demaunde of money there was muche a doe, and playne deny a [...] made at the [...]rſt, to graunt at that tyme to any [...]he pay|ment as was demaunded: and eftſones they [...]el in hand with deuiſing newe orde [...], and name|ly to renewe agayne theyr ſuite forthe confir|mation of the auncient libertyes of the realme,N [...]v orders deuiſed by the Lords. ſo as the ſame might be obſerued, according to the graunt thereof before made by the Kynges Letters Patentes, without all fraude or con|tradiction. They alſo appoynted, that there ſhoulde bee foure Lordes choſen of the moſte puiſſaunt and diſcreteſt of all other within the realme, whiche ſhould be ſworne of the Kyngs counſell, to order his buſines iuſtly and truly, and to ſee that euerye man had ryght wythout reſpecting of perſons. And theſe foure chiefe counſellours ſhoulde be euer attending aboute the Kyng, or at the leaſt three or twoo of them. Alſo that by the view, knowledge and witnes of them, the Kynges treaſure ſhoulde bee ſpent and layd forthe, and that if one of them chaun|ced to fall away, an other ſhuld be placed in his roomth by the apointment of the reſidue remai|ning.Vnreaſonable, requeſtes. They wold alſo yt the lord chief Iuſtice & EEBO page image 708 the Lorde Chauncellor ſhould be choſen by the generall voyces of the eſtates aſſembled, and bicauſe it was needfull that they ſhoulde be of|tentymes with the King, it was thought they might be choſen out of the number of thoſe four aboue rehearſed conſeruators of Iuſtice. And if the Kyng at any tyme chaunced to take the ſeale from the Lorde Chauncellor, whatſoeuer writing were ſealed in the meane tyme ſhould be of none effect. They aduiſed alſo, that there ſhoulde be two Iuſtices of the Benches, two barons of the Eſcheker, and one Iuſtice for the Iewes: and theſe for that preſent to be appoin|ted by publike voyces of the eſtates, that as they had to order al mens matters and buſines, ſo in theyr election the aſſenſ of all men myght bee had and giuen: and that afterwards when vp|pon any occaſion there ſhoulde be any elected into the roomthe of any of theſe Iuſtices, the ſame ſhoulde be appoynted by one of the afore mencioned foure Counſellors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But as the nobles wer buſie in three wekes ſpace aboute the deuiſing of theſe ordinaunces and other, to haue bene decreed as ſtatutes, the ennemy of peace and ſower of diſcorde, the de|uill, hindred all theſe thinges by the couetouſ|nes of the Pope,The Pope ſen|deth for ſome ayde of money to maynteyn vvarres againſt the Emperour. who had ſent his Chaplayne maſter Martin, with auctoritie to leuie alſo an ayde of money for his needes to mainteine his warres withall againſt the Emperour, and the [figure appears here on page 708] Emperour on the other part, ſent ambaſſadors to the Kyng to ſtaye him and his people from graunting anye ſuche aide vnto the Pope: ſo that there was no leſſe harde holde and diffi|cultie ſhewed in refuſing to cõtribute vnto this demaunde of the Popes Nuncio, than vnto the kyngs. At length yet in an other ſitting which was begon three weekes after Candelmaſſe, they agreed to giue the King eſcuage to runne towards the mariage of his eldeſt daughter,Eſcuage graun|ted to the king. of euery Knyghts fee holden of the Kyng twenty ſhillings to be paid at two termes, the one half at Eaſter, and the other at Michelmaſſe. After this, the Kyng mynding to inuade the Scots, cauſed the whole force of all ſuche as ought to ſerue him in the warres to aſſemble, & ſo with a mightie hoſt he goeth to newe Caſtell vppon Tine, meaning from thence to march towards Scotlande and to inuade the ſame in reuenge of ſuche iniuries as the Scots had done vnto hym and his ſubiects,The K [...] an [...] tovvard [...] lande. & namely for that Wal|ter Cumin a mighty Baron of Scotlande and other noble men had built two Caſtelles neare to the Engliſhe confines, the one in Galoway, and the other in Louthian, and further had re|ceyued and ſuccoured certayne rebelles to the Kyng of Englande, as Geffrey de Mariſ [...]h de Marcis an Iriſh man, and others. The Kyng of Scottes was aduertiſed of Kyng Henryes approche, and therefore in defence of hymſelfe and his countrey, he had reyſed an huge army. Hereuppon certayne noble men vppon eyther ſide, ſorye to vnderſtande that ſuche bloudſhed ſhould chaunce as was like to follow (and that vpon no great apparãt cauſe) if the two kings ioyned battel, tooke pain in the matter to agree them, which in the end they brought to paſſe,The king [...] England [...] Scotland [...]. ſo that they were made friends and wholy recon|ciled. There was a publike inſtrument alſo made therof by the K. of Scots vnto K. Hen|ry, firmed wyth his ſeale, & likewiſe wyth the ſeales of other noble mẽ, teſtifying his allegi|ance which he ought to the K. of England, as his ſuperior Lord, in fourme as here enſueth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3


Alexander Dei gratia Rex Scotia,

omnibus Chriſti fidelibus hoc ſcriptum viſuris vel audituris,The [...] Alexa [...] Scotlan [...] to Henry [...] third [...]. Salutem.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Ad veſtram volumus venire notitiam nos pro nobis & haeredibus noſtris conceſsiſſe, & fi|deliter promiſiſſe chariſsimo & ligio Domino nostro Henrico tertio dei gratia regi Angliae illustri Do|mino Hiberniae, Duci Normaniae & Aquitaniae, & Comiti Andegauiae, & eius haeredibus, quod imperpetuum bonam fidem ei ſeruabimus, pariter & amorem. Et quod nunquam aliquod foedus inierum per nos vel per aliquos alios ex parte nostra, cum in|imicis Domini regis Angliae vel haeredum ſuorum, ad bellum procurandũ vel faciendum, vnde dam [...] eis vel regnisſuis Angliae, & Hibernia, aut c [...]|teris terris ſuis eueniat, vel poſsit aliquatenus ene|re: niſi nos iniuſte grauent: ſtantibus in ſuo rebere conuentionibus inter nos & dictũ dominum egem Angliae initis vltimo apud Eboracum in preſentia domini Othonis tituli S. Nicholai in carcere Tullia|no, diaconi Cardinalis, tũc apostolicae ſedis legati in Anglia. Et ſaluis conuentionibus ſuper matrimo|nio contrahendo inter filiũ nostiũ & filiã dicti do|mini regis Anglia. Et vt haec nostra conceſsio & promiſsio pro nobis & haeredibus nostris perpetuae firmitatis robur obtineant, fecimus iutare in animã noſtram Alanum Oſtiarũ, Henrieũ de Baliol, Da|uid EEBO page image 709 de L [...]ndeſey, VVilhelmũ Gifford, quod omnia praedicta bona fide firmiter & fideliter obſeruaba| [...]. Et ſimiliter iurari fecimus venerabiles patres, Dauid, VVilhelm [...], Galfridũ, & Clemente Sun [...] Andreae Glaſcomenſem, Dunk [...]denfem, Dublin [...] ſem epiſcopos. Et praeterea Maltolmũ comite de F [...], fideles nostros, Patricium Comite [...] de Dunbar, Maliſiũ comitẽ de Strathern, VValterũ Cum [...]n co|mite de Menteth, VVilhelmum comitem de Mar, Alexandrã comitẽ de Buchquhan, Dauid de Ha|ſtings comitẽ de Aethol, Robertũ de Bruis, Alanũ Oſtrarium, Henricũ de Bailiol, Rogerum de Moun|bray, Laurentium de Abirnethiae, Richardum Cu|min, Dauid de Lindeſey, Richardũ Siward, VVil|helmum de Lindeſey, VValterũ de Morauia, VVil|helmum Giffarde, Nicholaum de Sully, VVil|helmum de Veteri Ponte, VVilhelmum de Brewer, Anſelmum de Meſue, Dauid de Graham, & Ste|phanum de Suningham. Quod ſi nos vel haeredes noſtri, contra conceſsionem & promiſsionem prae|dictam, quod abſit venerimus ipſi, & haeredes eo|rum nobis & haeredibus nostris, nullum contra cõ|ceſsionem & promiſsionem praedictam, auxilium, vel conſilium impendent, aut ab alijs pro poſſe ſuo impendi permittent. Imo bona fide laborabunt erga nos & haeredes nostros, ipſi & haeredes eorum, quòd omnia praedicta à nobis & haeredibus noſtris nec non ab ipſis & eorum haeredibus firmiter & fideliter obſeruentur in perpetuum. In cuius rei teſtimonium tam nos quam praedicti Prelati, comi|tes & Barones nostri praeſens ſcriptum ſigillorum ſuorum appoſitione roborauimus.

VVhiche Charter is thus in engliſhe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3


ALexander by the grace of god, Kyng of Scotland,

to all faithful Chriſtian people that ſhal ſee or heare this writing, ſendeth gre|ting:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 We wyll that it be knowen to you, that we for vs and our heires haue granted & faith|fully promiſed to our moſt deare and liege lord Henry the thirde, by the grace of God, the noble king of England, Lorde of Ireland Duke of Normãdy, and Guyenne, and Erle of Anion, and to his heyres, that we will beare and keepe vnto him good faith and loue for euer, and that we ſhall not enter into any league with our ſelues, or by others in our behalfe with the eni|myes of our ſayde ſoueraigne Lord the king of England, or of his heyres, to procure or make war whereby any domage may happen to come to them or to theyr kyngdomes of Englande & Ireland or to their other lands, except iniuſtly they do moleſt and oppreſſe vs. The couenan|tes always ſtanding in force, which wee con|cluded betwixte vs at our laſte being togither at Yorke, in the preſence of Othodeacon Car|dinal of ſaint Nicholas in Carcere Tulliano, then [...] Cumin Earle of Menteth, William Earle of Mar, Alexander Earle of Buchquhan; Dauid de Haſtings Erle of Athole) Robert de Bruis, Alane Porter, Henrye de Bailliol, Roger de Mombraie, Laurence de Abirnethi, Richarde Cumin, Dauid de Lindeſey, Richarde Si|warde, Wyllyam de Lindeſey, Walter de Mueraye, Wyllyam de Giffard, Nicholas de Sully, Wyllyam de Weyponte, Willyam de Brewer, Anſelme de Meſſue, Dauid de Gra|ham, & Steephen de Suningham. That if ey|ther wee or our heyres, agaynſte the foreſayde graunt and promiſſe, ſhall doe any thing to the breache thereof (whyche God forbid), they and theyr heyres ſhall not imploye eyther ayde or counſell agaynſt the ſayd graunt and promiſſe, nor ſhall ſuffer other to imploye any ſuche aide or counſell, ſo farre as they maye hinder them therein: yea rather they and theyr heyres ſhall in good faith and playne meaning, endeuour aneinſt vs and our heyres that all the premiſſes maye firmely and faithfully be obſerued & kept of vs and our heyres, and likewiſe of them and their heyres for euer. In witnes wherof aſwell we our ſelues, as the ſayd Prelates, our Earles and Barons haue confirmed this wrytyng by putting their ſeales vnto the ſame, the Prelates Earles and Barons heefore reherſed, beeing wytneſſes thereunto. In the yeare of oure raigne, &c.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſeales of Kyng Alexander hymſelfe, of William de Brewer, Wyllyam de Verpont, Willi. de Lindeſey, Stephen de Suningha [...], the ſeales of the reſte were ſet to afterwardes, and the writing ſente ouer to the kyng of En|gland at Chriſtmaſſe next enſuing, by the Pri|our of Tinmouth, who had trauailed diligent|ly and faithefully in this negotiation to the ho|nour of bothe partes.The pope re|queſted to con|firme the fore|ſayd Chapter. This writing alſo was ſente to the Pope, that hee might confirme the ſame in manner as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


EEBO page image 710

Sanctiſsimo in Christo patrid. Dei gratia ſumum pontifici, Alexander eadem gratia Rex [...]iae [...]|me. Patricius, Comes de Strathern, Comes Leueno [...], Comes de Anegus comes de Marca, Comes de A| [...]holiae, comes de R [...], comes de C [...]ene [...], Comes de [...]h, Rogerus de M [...]bray, Rogerus de Abinne|thiae, Petrus de Ma [...]e, Richardus Cu [...], VVi [...]|hel [...] de Vateri Pa [...], Robertus de Britis, Rogerus Auerel, Richardus de Sully VVilhel [...] de Mur|ray de Dunfel, VVilhelmus de Murefe de P [...]ein, Iohannes Biſet ruuenis, VVilhelmus de Lindeſey, Iohannes de Vallibus, Dauid de Lindeſey, VVil|helmus Gifford, Dũcanus de Ergatilia, [...]de Matre|uers, Hemerus filius eius, Rogerus [...] VVinto|nienſis, H. Comes [...]ſis, VV. de V [...]ye, Ri|chardus Siwarde, VVilhelmus de R [...]os, Rogerus de Clere, Henricus fil [...] comitis de Bre [...]ere, Eusta|chius de Stout ville, Malcolmus de Fifcomes de Mẽ|cethſhire, VValter [...] filius Alani, VValterus Oli|f [...], [...]ernardus Fraſer, Henricus de Bailliol, Dauid Cu [...]yn, Dauid Ma [...]eſchallus, Dauid filius Ranulfi VVilhelmus de F [...]rtere, Ioannes de Bailliol, & Ro|bertus de Ros, Salutem & debitam cum omni ho|nore reuerentiam.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Sanctitati veſtra ſignificamus, nos Sacramentum corporaliter praeſtitiſſe coram ve|nerabili patre Ottine, tituli Sancti Nicolai in car|cere Tulliano Diacano Cardinaliiũ Anglia, Scotia, & H [...]bernia, tũc Apoſtolicae ſedis legato, ac char|tam noſtram confeciſſe, quae ita incipat. Sciant prae|ſentes & futuri, quod ita conuenit in praeſentia do|mini Othonis Sancti Nicolai. &c. Quae charta penes Dominum regem Angliae, & nos rema [...]et Chyro|graphata. Item aliam quae ſic incipit. Ad om|nium vestrum notitiam volumus peruenire. Cum vt ex forma praecedentium nostrarũ pateat Obliga|tionum ſubiecimus nos iuriſdictioni vestra, vt nos & haeredes nostros, per Cenſuram Eccleſiaſticam poſsitis coerceere, ſi aliquo tempore contra memora|tã pacem venerimus. Etſi nonnunquam continget, quod quidam nostrum omnes vel vnus contraue|nire temere praeſumerint vel praeſumere nituntur vel nitentur. Et ex hoc tam animabus nostris quam haeredum nostrorum graue poſsit generari periculum, & corporibus nostris & rebus non mi|nimum immineret detrimentum. Sancti paterni|tati veſtra ſupplicamus, quatenus alicui Suffraga|neorum Archiepiſcopi Cantuarienſis decis in man|dati, vt nos, & haeredes noſtros ad praefatae pacis ob|ſeruationem compellat, prout in inſtrumentis inae confectis plenius continetur. Aliàs ſuper eadem pace quod Canonicum fuerit auctoritate veſtra ſta|tuat contradictores. &c.

Et ad iſtius petitionis noſtrae conſummationem praeſenti ſcripto ſigilla no|ſtra appoſuimus.

VVhiche is thus in Engliſhe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


The letter of the Lords to Pope Innocent

TO our holy father in Chriſt I. by the grace of God, the hygheſt Biſhoppe, Alexander by the ſame grace Kyng of Scotlande, Erle Patricke the Earle of Stratherne, the Earle of Leuenox, the Erle of Angus, the Earle of Mar, the Earle of Athole, the Earle of R [...], the Earle of Catneſſe, the Erle of Buch, Ro|ger de Mombeay, Laurence de Ahirne [...], Peter de Manuere, Richarde Cumyn, Wil|liam de Veypont, Roberte de Brus, Roger Auenel, Nicholas de Souleys, William de Murray de Dunfel, William de Murray de Petin, Iohn Biſet the yonger, Willyam de Lyndeſey, Iohn de Valeys, Dauid de Li [...]d|ſey, William Giffarde, Duncan de Ergyle, Iohn de Matreuers, Eymere his ſonne, Ro|ger Earle of Wincheſter, Hugh Earle of Ox|forde, William de Veſey, Richard Siw [...], William de Ros, Roger de Clere, Henrye Fitz Conte de Breffere, Euſtace de Sto [...]te|ville, Earle Malcolme of Fife, the Earle of Mentethſhire, Walter Fitz Alayne, Wallet Olyfarde, Bernarde Fraſer, Henry de Ball|lio [...], Dauid Cumyn, Dauid Mareſchall, Da|uid Fitz Randulf, William de Fortere, Iohn de Baiſtiol, and Roberte Ros, ſende greetyng and due reuerence with all honoure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 We doe ſignifye vnto your holyneſſe, that we haue re|ceyued a corporall othe before the reuerend fa|ther Otho, deacon Cardinall of Sainct Ni|cholas in carcere Tulliano, Legate to the Sea Apoſtolike, in Englande, Scotland, and Ire|lande, and haue made our Charter or died, whyche beginneth thus.

Sciant praeſentes. &c.
Whyche Charter or deed indented and ſea|led, remaineth with the Kyng of Englande, and with vs. Alſo an other deed or writing that beginneth thus.
Ad omnium veſtrum notitiam volumus peruenire.
Wheras therfore by the fo [...] of our precedent deedes obligatorie, wee haue ſubmitted our ſelues to your iuriſdiction, that you may brydle and reſtrayn vs, & our hel [...]s [...]y the Eccleſiaſtical cenſures, if at any time we go againſt the ſayd peace. And if it happen at any time, that any of vs all, or one of vs, ſhall for|tune to preſume raſhly and vnaduiſedly to got againſt it, or be aboute, or hereafter ſhall de a|bout ſo to preſume, & therby may procure [...] perill as well to the ſoules of our owne ſelues, as of our heires, and no ſmall danger may al|ſo be redy through the ſame our default to [...]ight vpon our bodies and goodes, we beſeeche your holy fatherhood, that you will giue in cõman|dement vnto ſome of the Suffraganes of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, that he do compe [...] vs and oure heires, vnto the obſeruing of the ſame peace, accordingly as in the inſtruments therof more fully it is conteined, or elſe ſo order by your authoritie vppon the ſame peace, that which ſhal be agreable to the Ch [...] [...].

And to the performaunce of this our petition, wee EEBO page image 611 haue to this preſent writing ſet our ſeales.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When all things were throughly concluded, and order taken in what ſorte the aſſuraunces of this accorde ſhuld paſſe, the king of Scottes retourned into the inner partes of his Realme, and the King of Englande likewiſe retourned to London. [...]e VVelch| [...] ſ [...]orre [...]les. At the ſame time alſo, the Welch|men wer very buſy: for hearing that the Kings of Englande and Scotland were agreed, they doubted leaſte all the burthen of the warre woulde be turned agaynſte them. Wherefore (as it were to preuente the matter,) they began to waſte the engliſhe confines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The King aduertiſed thereof, ſente Hubert Fitz Mathew wyth three hundreth Knyghtes or men of armes to defende the engliſhe Mar|ches againſte the Welchmen, that made day|lye warre agaynſte thoſe that dwelled on the Marches, and namely agaynſte the Earle of Herforde, whiche chiefly occaſioned this warre by deteyning the lande whyche apperteyned vnto the wife of Prince Dauid, as in the right of hir purpartie.Math. Paris. And therupon when ye Welch|men vnderſtoode that the Kyng had broken vp his armye and was retourned to London they inuaded theyr enemies, namely the ſaide earle of Herfordes men and the Mortimers, ſleaing and cutting in peeces two valiant and noble [figure appears here on page 611] Knyghtes, and mayming the third, they ſlewe and ouerthrewe of the footebandes aboute an hundred, ſo that all the Engliſhe armye was diſordered, and the Welchemen wyth victorie retourned to theyr places of refuge. Whyche when the foreſaid Hubert Fitz Mathew vnder|ſtoode, the morrowe after he made ſoorthe wyth his three hundreth waged men of armes in hope to hemme in and take the Welchemen at ad|uantage: but hee was preuented and by them diſtreſſed, in ſo muche that he was conſtreined wt loſſe of men & horſes to returne to his holds, and vneth coulde be ſuffred to remain there in ſafetie.The deceaſſe [...] the bishop Ciceſter. This yere Rafe Neuil biſh. of Ciceſter and Chauncellour of Englande departed this life: and Griffin the ſonne of Leuline prince of Wales, brake his necke as he woulde haue eſcaped out of the Tower of London, on the firſt day of March, hauing tied togither ſheets, couerings of beddes and hangings, by helpe wherof hee aſſaied to eſcape. When the King hearde thereof, hee was ſore offended wyth his keepers, that had looked no more circumſpectly to him, and comaunded that his ſon, whom he kept alſo in the tower, ſhuld be more ſtreightly looked vnto. The ſayd Griffyn when hee was founde deade in the mornyng, had his heade and necke almoſte beaten in and thruſte within his boulke wyth the fall, for he was a mightie perſonage and full of fleſh and therfore (by rea|ſon of the greate weighte of his bodie) he was the more bruſed and diſfigured.An. Reg. 29 [...]V. In the nine and twentye yeare of his raigne Kyng Henry hauing ſpente muche treaſure with the greate preparation of warres whiche he had taken in hande againſte the Scots, and alſo bycauſe hee was conſtrayned to bee at further charges for the Welche warres, hee called a Parliament to beginne on the third daye of Nouember,A ſubſidie of the richer ſort. in the whyche hee demaunded a greate reliefe of money, but the ſame being generally denyed of all men,M. Par. he exacted it in perticular of the ri|cher ſorte of his ſubiectes,The Citizens of London. and amongeſte other he cauſed the citizens of London to giue vnto him .xv.C. Markes for a fine, bycauſe they had receyued a baniſhed man, one Walter Bukerel into theyr citie, contrary to the lawe and order: but this they denyed, affirmyng that his bro|ther had got his pardon, as by the kings owne letters patentes they coulde proue, but they were anſwered, that the King was vnder age when theſe letters were purchaſed, and therfore were of none effect. Aboute the ſame time,The Seneſchal of Gaſcoyne vanquished the K. of Nauarre. Anno. 1242. as Mat. VVeſt. hath, and Mat. ſir Nicholas de Molis or Mules Seneſhall of Gaſcoigne, hauing warres agaynſte the King of Nauarre, gotte the victorie in battaile. And aboute the middeſt of Nouember, greate thun|der and lightning chaunced, with a marueilous vntemperat ſeaſon for ye ſpace of xv. daies togi|ther, as a ſigne of ſome miſfortune to ſucceede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On ſaint Hughs day died the Counteſſe of Penbroke Margaret the widowe of Gilbert Marſhall late Earle of Penbroke, and ſiſter to the Kyng of Scottes, and ſhortely after the bi|ſhoppe of Exeter Williã de Brewer, likewiſe deceaſed, as yet beeing in his floriſhing age, a EEBO page image 712 man in manners parentage, and knowledge right honorable and highely commended.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the daye of Saint Marcellus was the Queene deliuered of a man childe, whyche at the fonte ſtone was named Edmonde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the Lent folowing nere to the Caſtell of Mountgomerye in Wales, three hundred Welchemen, were ſlayne by them that laye in gariſon there by a pollycie of the Capitayne, whyche faining a counterfeted flight, drew the Welchemen wythin daunger of an Ambuſhe, whiche hee had layde to ſurpriſe them vnwares as it came euen to paſſe acording to his deuiſe.Dauid king or prince of VVa|les. Dauid that tooke himſelfe for Kyng of Wales coueting to be auenged of this diſpleaſure, ceſ|ſed not daye nor night to make incurſions and to exploite enterpriſes to the domage of the marchers the whiche valyantly reſiſted the en|nemies, and droue them oftentimes into the mountaines, woodes, bogs and other places of refuge, and oftentimes the enimies hauing the aduantage of place, did much diſpleaſure to the Engliſhmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As at one time being got to the heigth of an hill, they caſt downe ſtones, and threwe dartes vpon the Engliſhmen yt aſſailed them beneath, and amongſt other, they chanced to ſlea with a mightie ſtone, which they threw downe by the ſide of the hil, ſir Hubert Fitz Mathew,Sir Hubert Mathew [...] a right valiant Knight, and a man of greate accompt for his knowledge and ſeruice in warres. And thus the warres cõtinued betwene the parties, and oftentimes ye Welchmen by the ſoden in|uaſions got the better: and their Prince Dauid comming to the Caſtell of Monthault beſieged it, and within a ſhorte time wanne it, ſlaying [figure appears here on page 712] or taking all thoſe whome he founde within it.The caſtell of Monthault ta|ken by the VVelchmen. The owner therof the Lorde Roger de Mont|hault by chance was nor at home, which hap|ned well for him, where otherwiſe he had bene in great danger: but nere to the caſtel of Mõt|gomery, the Welchemen yet were eftſoones o|uerthrown and .ij C. of them ſlaine by an Am|buſh that brake forth vpon their backes. Aboute the middeſt of Lent the Prelates of Englande were ſommoned to come to a general counſel, the which Pope Innocent had appointed to be holden at the feaſt of ſaint Iohn Baptiſte next following.A generall Councell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It chaunced that aboute this time, a poſte commyng from the Pope with Letters to his [...]unc [...]o maiſter Martin,The Popes le| [...]s ſtayed. conteyning inſtructi|ons how he ſhoulde proceede for the gathering of money, was ſtaied at Douer, by the practiſe of ſuche noble men as were greeued to ſee any ſuche ſummes of money to be conueyed out of the realm in ſort as was vſed. He was had into the caſtell & his letters taken from him, wherin ſuche ſecrets were conteyned for the getting of money, as ought not to haue bin reueled. M. Martin hearing that the poſte was thus ſtayed and impriſoned, made a greiuouſe complaint vnto the K. ſo that the poſt was ſet at libertie, had his letters to him reſtored, & ſo came vnto maſter Martin, and deliuered them vnto hym that he mighte vnderſtande the Popes pleaſure, which others to his grief vnderſtoode nowe as well as himſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King this yeare cauſed inquiſition to be made thorough euery countye within the realme to vnderſtande the true valuation of all ſuche benefices & ſpirituall promotions as were in the hands of any incumbents that were ſtrã|gers borne,The va [...] of bene [...] [...]+ken, that p [...]+tained to [...]+ge [...]. and ſuche as had bene preferred by the Courte of Rome, and the whole ſumme of all their reuenues was found to be ſixty thou|ſande markes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 On Whitſondaye the K. made the Earle of Glouceſter, Gilbert de Clare knight,This Gilbert vvas [...] Glouceſter, Herefor [...] [...] Lord of [...] and xl. other yong gentlmen that attended vpon him. And perceyuing by the late inquiſition what great reuenues ye beneficed ſtrangers had & poſ|ſeſſed wtin the realm, & again cõſidering the ex|ceding great ſums of money which the court of Rome had recouered of his ſubiects, he begã to deteſt ſuch couetous deling. And herupõ was a EEBO page image 713 letter deuiſed by the whole body of the Realme, wherein were conteyned, the ſundry extortions and many folde exactions of the Popes Legates, and other of his Chaplaynes, whiche vnder cou|lour of his authoritie they had vſed. [...]aſſadors [...]o the [...]al Coun| [...] There were appoynted alſo to goe with theſe letters vnto the generall Counſell, certayne honorable and diſcret perſonages, as Roger Bigod Earle of North|folke, [...]e were [...]. Iohn Fitz Geffrey, William de Cantlow, Phillip Baſſet, and Raulfe Fitz Nicholas, with other, the which preſenting the ſame letters vnto the ſayde aſſembly, ſhould declare the griefe of the whole Realme, and require ſome redreſſe and eaſement therein. Moreouer, it chanced, that there was a great number of Lordes, Knightes, and Gentlemen aſſembled togither at Dunſtable and Luyfon, [...]ſtes and [...]ey ap| [...]ted, and [...]e Kings [...]maunde| [...] diſap| [...]ted. to haue kepte a martiall Iuſtes, and triumphant Torney, but they had a countercom|maundemente from the Kyng, not to goe for|warde with the ſame: whervpon, when they were diſappoynted of their purpoſe heerein. Vpon oc|caſion of their being altogither, on the morrowe after the feaſt of Peter and Paule, they ſent from them Foulke Fitz Wareine, [...]ke Fitz [...]ein com| [...]deth the [...]es Nuncio [...]oy de the [...]me. to declare vnto ma|ſter Martine the Popes Nuncio, as then lod|ging at the Temple in London, in name as it were of all the whole body of the Realme, that he ſhoulde immediately departe out of the lande. Foulke doing the meſſage ſomewhat after a rough manner, maſter Martine aſked him what hee was that gaue foorth the ſaide commaunde|ment, or whether hee ſpake it of himſelfe or from ſome other. This cõmaundement (ſaith Foulke) is ſente to thee from all thoſe Knightes and men of armes whiche lately were aſſembled togyther at Dunſtable and Luyton. Maſter Martin hea|ring this, got him to the Court, and declaring to the king what meſſage hee had receyued, required to vnderſtand whether he was priuy to the maſ|ter, or that his people tooke vpon them ſo raſhly without his authoritie or no. [...] Kings [...]wers vnto Popes [...]cio. To whome the King aunſwered, that he had not giuen them a|ny authoritie ſo to commaunde him out of the Realm: but indeede (ſaith he) my Barons do vn|neth forbeare to riſe againſt me, bycauſe I haue mainteyned and ſuffered thy pilling, and iniuri|ous polling within this my Realme, and I haue had much adoe to ſtay thẽ from running vpõ thee to pull thee in peeces. Maſter Martin hearing theſe words, with a fearefull voice beſoughte the K. that hee mighte for the loue of God, and reue|rence of the Pope, haue free paſſadge out of the Realme: to whome the King in greate diſplea|ſure aunſwered, [...]t. Paris. [...]. VVeſt. the Deuill that brought thee in, carrie thee out euen to the pitte of hell for me. At length yet, when thoſe that were about the kyng had pacified hym, hee appoynted one of the Ma|riſchals of hys houſe, cleped Roberte Northe or Nores, to conduct him to the Sea ſyde,The Popes Nuncio ſent out of the Realme. and ſo he did, but not withoute greate feare, ſithence hee was afrayde of euery buſhe, leaſt men ſhoulde haue riſen vpon him and murthered him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wherevpon, when he came to the Pope, hee made a greeuous complaynte, both againſte the King and other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Church of Saint Peter at Weſtminſter was enlarged, and newly repaired by the Kyng,Saint Peters Churche at Weſtminſter. ſpecially all the Eaſt parte of it, the olde walles beeing pulled downe, and buylded vp in more comely forme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The generall councell according to the ſum|monance giuen, was holden this yeare at Ly|ons, where it began about Midſomer, in ye which the Engliſh Ambaſſadors being arriued,The Engliſh Ambaſſadors come to the Counſell. preſen|ted to the Pope their letters, directed frõ ye whole body of ye Realm of Englãd, requiring a redreſſe in ſuche things, wherewith as by the ſame letters it appeared, the Realm foũd it ſelfe ſore annoyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Pope promiſed to take aduice therein, but ſith the matter was weighty, it required re|ſpite. Finally, when they were earneſt in requi|ring a determinate aunſwere, it was giuen them to vndeſtande, that they ſhould not obteyne their deſires, whervpon in great diſpleaſure, they came away, threatning and binding their wordes with othes,The Engliſhe Ambaſſadors threaten the Pope, that hee ſhould not haue any tri|bute out of Englande. that from thencefoorthe they woulde neuer pay, nor ſuffer to bee payde anye tribute to the Court of Rome, nor permit the reuenewes of thoſe Churches whereof they were patrones, to be pulled away, by any prouiſion of the ſame Court.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Pope hearing of theſe things, paſſed them ouer patiently, but hee procured the Eng|liſh Biſhops to ſet their Seales vnto that Char|ter whiche King Iohn had made concerning the tribute againſt the minde of the Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury Stephen Langton, who at that time, when King Iohn ſhould ſeale it, ſpake ſore againſt it. When King Henry was enformed hereof, he was greeuouſly offended, and ſware in a greate chafe, that although the Biſhops hadde done otherwiſe than they ought, yet woulde hee ſtand in defence of the liberties of his Realm, and would not ſo long as he had a day to liue, day a|ny duetie to the Court of Rome, vnder the name of tribute. In this meane while, the Kyng with a puiſſante army inuaded the Welch Rebels,Mat. Paris. to reduce them to ſome quiet, whereas with theyr continuall incurſions and other exploytes, they had ſore hatried, vexed, and waſted the landes of the Kings ſubiectes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heerevpon, the King being entred the Coun|trey, inuaded the ſame,The King inuadeth Wales. He buildeth a Caſtell at Gannocke. vnto the confynes of Snowdon, and there he began to builde a ſtrõg Caſtell at a place called Gannocke, remayning there about the ſpace of tenne weekes, during the EEBO page image 714 which, the army ſuffered greate miſery through want of vittayles and other prouiſions, namely apparrell, and other helpes to defende themſelues from colde, which ſore afflicted the ſouldiers and men of warre, bycauſe they lay in the fielde, and Winter as then began to approche. Moreouer, they were driuen to keepe watch and warde very ſtrongly, for doubt to bee ſurpriſed by ſuddayne aſſaultes of the enimies, the which watched vpon occaſion, euer to doe ſome miſchiefe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The deceſſe of the Coun|teſſe of Ox|ford, and of the Earle of Deuonſhire.The morrowe after the Purification of oure Lady, Iſabell de Boteber Counteſſe of Oxforde departed this life, and likewiſe the morrowe after Saint Valentines day, dyed Baldwine de Ri|uers Earle of Deuouſhire, and of the Wight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Geffrey de Marche de|ceaſſeth.Moreouer, Geffrey de Mariſh, a man ſome|time of great honor and poſſeſſions in Irelande, after hee had remayned long in exile, and ſuffered great miſerie, he ended the ſame by natural death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The deceſſe of Raymond Erle Prouãce.Alſo Raymond Earle of Prouance, rather to the Queenes of Englande and Fraunce deceſſed this yeare, for whome was kepte in Englande a moſt ſolemne obſequie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The deceaſſe of the Lorde Humfreuille.Alſo in the weeke after Palme Sunday, dyed a right noble Baron, and Warden of the North partes of England, the Lorde Gilberte Humfre|uille, leauing behind him a yong ſonne, the cuſto|dy of whome, the King forthwith committed to the Earle of Leiceſter, not withoute the indigna|tion of the Earle of Cornewall, who deſired the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 An. Reg. 30. Finally, after that the Kyng had l [...]n at Gan|nocke aboute the fortifying of the Caſtell there, the ſpace of tenne weekes, and ſawe the worke now fully finiſhed, hee appoynted foorthe ſuche as ſhould lie there in garriſon, and therewith, on the morrowe after the feaſt of Simon and Iude, hee rayſed his field,The King re|turneth foorth of Wales. Iriſhmen de|ſtroyed Angle|ſey. and returned towards England, leauing the Welchmen in great miſerie, and lyke to ſterue for want of neceſſary foode. For the Ile of Angleſey, whiche is as a nurſe to the Welch|men, thoſe Iriſhmen that came to the Kynges ayde, had vtterly waſted and deſtroyed. Agayne, the King of purpoſe had conſumed all the proui|ſion of Corne and vittayles whiche remayned in the Marches, ſo that in Cheſhire, and other the parties adioyning, there was ſuch dearth, that the people vnneth could get ſufficiente vittayle to ſu|ſteyne themſelues withall. The King alſo gaue forth commandement,A dearth. that no prouiſion of corne or vittayles ſhould be conneyed vnto the Welch|men, out of any partes, eyther of Englande, or Irelande, on payne of forfeyting lyfe, landes and goodes.Brine pittes deſtroyed in Wales. The Lorde Maurice chief Iuſtice of Irelande. Moreouer, he cauſed the brine pittes in Wales to be ſtopped vp and deſtroyed. Thus the Kyng hauing ordred his buſineſſe, returned into Englande, and ſhortly after, taking diſpleaſure with the Lord Maurice, chiefe Iuſtice of Irelãd, bycauſe he had not made ſuche ſpeede as had [...] conuenient in bringing the Iriſhmen to his [...] he diſcharged him of the office of chiefe Iuſtice and placed in his roomth, Iohn Fitz Geffrey,I [...] [...]+frey [...] I [...] this .xxx. yere of K. Henries raigne, Ma The [...] of W [...] [...] Walter Erle Marſhal and of Pembroke departed this life and ſhortly after, to witte, three dayes before Chriſt|mas, his brother Anſelme that ſucceeded him [...] the inheritance, deceaſſed alſo without iſſue: and ſo all the fiue ſonnes of the great Earle William Marſhall, beeing departed this world withoute heires of their bodies begotten, the whole heritage diſcended to ye ſiſters, and ſo was deuided amõgſt them as coparteners.124 [...] The K. this yeare held hys Chriſtmas at London, and had there with hym, a greate number of the nobilitie of his Realme, whiche hadde bin with him in Wales, that they mighte be partakers of paſtime, mirth and plea|ſure, as they had bin participaũt with him in ſuf|fering ye diſeaſes of heate, colde, and other paines abroade in the fieldes and high Mountaynes of Wales. But that no pleaſure ſhould paſſe, with|out ſome ſteyne of griefe, ther was a rumor ſpred abroade, that the Pope had conceyued freſhe ran|cor in his ſtomacke againſt the K. and Realm of England, for the complayntes which had bin ex|hibited in the Counſell at Lion by the Engliſhe Orator, for the oppreſſion done to the Church of England: that therevpon, minding nowe to bee reuenged as was ſayde,The Po [...] qui [...] French [...] to make again [...] lande. hee earneſtly moued the Frenche King to make warre againſt the Eng|liſhmen and to ſubdue them vnder his dominion: whiche enterprice, the French King vtterly refu|ſed both for that hee and the King of Englande were Couſins, and againe,The Fr [...] King [...] to g [...] Pope [...] bycauſe the Kyng of Fraunce had no iuſt title of right to make claime to Englande. And further, there was as the [...] a truce betwixt England and Fraunce, and before that Englande could be ſubdued, muche giltleſſe bloud ſhould be ſpilt. Alſo, the Chriſtians in the holy lande were ſore oppreſſed, and looked dayly for the arriuall of the Kyng of Fraunce, & there|fore he would be loth to attempt any new enter|priſe to hinder his iorney thither. But about the feaſt of the Epiphany, other newes came out of Prouaunce, that troubled the Kyng of England worſe than the other before, as thus,The C [...] of Pro [...] dealeth [...]+ſtly wit [...] King of [...] land [...] in la [...]. That the Counteſſe Beatrice his wiues mother, had dely|uered vp the Countie of Prouaunce into ye Frẽch Kings handes, togyther with ſixteene Caſtels, whiche in right of the Queene ought to haue re+mayned vnto the King of England, and for the ſafekeeping of the ſame to hys vſe. The ſayde Counteſſe Bratrice hadde receyued yeerely for the tearme of fyue yeares laſt paſt, the ſumme of foure thouſande markes of the Kyngs of Eng|lande, and get nowe in the deliuering of them, with the reſidue of the Countrey vnto ye French EEBO page image 715 King, ſhe neuer made any mention of his right.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]es the [...] Kings [...]er, is [...] Earle of [...]ace.Shortly after alſo, Charles the French kings brother, married the Ladye Beatrix, yongeſt daughter of Earle Raymond, and had with hir the ſame Countie of Prouaunce, and ſo was en|tituled Earle thereof, as in the Frenche Hiſtory appeareth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Arch| [...]op of [...]terbury [...]aſeth [...]e of the [...] to leuie [...]y.Moreouer, the Archbyſhop of Caunterbury procured a graunt from the Pope, to recouer for one yeare the firſt fruites of all Charges that chã|ced to be voyd within the Citie, dioceſſe, and pro|uince of Caunterbury, by & during the tearme of ſeuen yeares then next following, till the ſumme of tenne thouſand markes were leuied, towardes the diſcharge of the ſayde Archebyſhops debtes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The collection of the whiche tenne thouſande markes, was aſſigned by the Popes Bulles vnto the Byſhop of Hereford, who ſhoulde alſo leauie two thouſande markes, of the reuenewes belon|ging to the Churche of Caunterbury, to be con|uerted to the ſame vſe. The King at the firſt was ſore offended heerewith, but ſhortly after, hee was pacified, and ſo the Archbyſhop had his will.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]d prince [...]ales ce| [...]th thisAfter this, aboute the beginning of the nexte ſpring, Dauid Prince of Wales departed thys life, after great penſiueneſſe of mynde, for the de|ſtruction and miſerie into the which his countrey had bin broughte, through the preſente warres with the Engliſhmẽ. After his deceſſe, ye Welch|men elected to ſucceede in his place,Griffin [...]n Prince Wales. the ſonne of Griffin, whome King Henry had reteyned in ſeruice, and honorably vſed, euen of a childe: but now that he heard that the Welchmen had elec|ted him to their Prince, he ſtale away, and fledde into Wales.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the day of the Purification of our Lady, a robberie was committed vpon certayne Iewes at Oxforde, [...]es robbed Oxford. for the whiche fact, fiue and fortie of the offendors were put in priſon, but at the ſute of Robert Biſhop of Lincolne, they were deliue|red by the Kyngs commaundement, bycauſe no man impeached them of any breache of peace, or other crime. [...]e Londo| [...] pay a [...]ge. The Citizens of London alſo about the beginning of the ſpring, were compelled to pay a talage, wherewith they founde themſelues ſore agreeued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]arliament.About the middeſt of Lent, there was a Parli|ament holden at London, wherin diuers ſtatutes and ordinances were deuiſed, as penalties for thoſe that offended in other mens Parkes, [...]tu [...] a| [...] hũters. and warrennes: but the chiefeſt occaſion of aſſem|bling this Parliamente, was to take aduice in matters touching the griefes wherewith the Church of England ſeemed to be oppreſſed by the Pope and the Court of Rome. The Pope indede to quiet the Engliſhe Ambaſſadors, and to putte the Kyng and Realme in ſome good hope of re|liefe and deliuerance out of ſuche oppreſſions as were opened vnto him in the face of the whoſe councell, dyd not onely promiſe largely, but alſo cauſed diuers priuiledges to be ma [...] and delyue|red vnto the ſayd Ambaſſadors very fauourably, in the behalfe of their requeſt. But yet the ſame notwithſtanding ſith the breaking vp of the [...]ay [...] generall Counſell, and returne of the Ambaſſa|dors, many things were done to the e [...]reaſing and continuation of the fo [...]er griefes, ſo that they ſtoode in doubt of further oppreſſions to fol|lowe, rather than in hope of the promiſed redreſſe. Herevpon, they concluded eſt ſoones to write vn|to the Pope, and to the Cardinals to th [...] name of the King, of the Byſhops, and Prelates, of the Earles, Barons, and other eſtates of the Tem|poraltie, and of the Abbots and Priors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the mean time, the Pope for a while, ſome|what relented in the poynt of beſtowing benefi|ces here in England, for when any of his friends or kinſmen was to hee prefe [...] to any benefice within this Realme, hee would ſue to the Kyng for his graunt and good wil that ſuche one might be admitted and not ſeeme of himſelfe to graunte it without the Kings conſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Sauoy in the preſence of then Archbyſhop of Caunterbury,The Earle of Sauoye doth homage to the Kyng of Englande. and the Biſhoppe of Hereford and others, did homage to the Kyng of England, acknowledging to holde of him cer|tayne fees, as thoſe of Suſe, Auillian, S. Mar|rice de Chablais, and the Caſtell of Bard, whych hee might well doe, not preiudicing the righte of the Empire, ſith hee helde nothing of the ſame Empire, except Aigues and the paſſages.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, the office of Earle Marſhall was giuen to Roger Bigod Earle of Northfolke;Roger Bigod, entitled to the office of Earle Marſhall. in right of hys wife the Counteſſe, that was eldeſt daughter vnto the greate Earle William Mar|ſhall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer this yeare, the King holding hys Eaſter at London,

Math. Paris

Harold King of Man.

Welchmen receyued to the Kyngs peace, vpon their ſubmiſ|ſion.

honored Harolde Kyng of Man with the order of Knighthoode.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame time, diuers noble menne of Wales ſubmitted themſelues, and were receyued to the Kyngs peace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Saint Markes daye, was great froſt and ſnow, which nipped the leaues of trees and hear|ves in ſuche extreame wiſe, that for the more parte, they withered and faded away.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Furthermore, bycauſe that the Pope vnder|ſtoode, that dyuers riche beneficed men were of late dead in Englande inteſtate, as Roberte Hayles the Archdeacon of Lincolne, Almerike, the Archdeacon of Bedforde, and Iohn de Ho|toſpe Archdeacon of Northhampton, he ordey|ned a decree, that all ſuche ſpirituall perſons as dyed Inteſtate,A decree of the Pope. theyr goodes ſhould remayne to the Pope. The execution of whyche decree, EEBO page image 716 hee commaunded to the Friers Preachers and Minors: but the Kyng woulde not ſuffer it to take place, bycauſe hee ſawe that it ſhoulde re|dounde to the preiudice of him and his Kyng|dome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, where the Pope required a talage of the Cleargie, the King forbad it by his letters inhi|bitorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this mean while, William Powrie Chap|layne, and ſir Henry de Lamere Knight, whych were ſente with the ſeconde letters, deuiſed in the late Parliament (as you haue heard) to be prefer|red vnto the Pope and Cardinals, returned a|gayne without obteyning any towardly anſwer, but rather (as they declared) they founde the Pope ſharp and rough, as thus, the Kyng of England which nowe kicketh againſt the Church, and be|ginneth to play Frederickes part, hath his Coun|cell, and ſo likewiſe haue I, whiche I intende to followe: other aunſwere coulde they not obteyne. Agayne, the Engliſhmen that were ſutors in the Court of Rome, were ſtrangely vſed, and could not get any diſpatche in their buſineſſe, but were rather put backe as Sciſmatikes, and with re|bukes reuiled. Hervpon, the King called a Parli|amente at Wincheſter, to haue the aduice of hys Lordes in this matter,A proclama|tion inhibi|ting money to be ſent to the Pope. where howſoeuer they a|greed, Proclamation was immmediately ſet foorth, and publiſhed in euery ſhire and Countie through the Realme, that no man ſhould conſent to the Popes contribution, nor ſende any money out of the Realme to his ayde. When the Pope hearde of this, hee wrote very ſharply to the By|ſhops, commaunding them on payne of excom|munication and ſuſpenſion, to ſatiſfie his Nun|cio remayning at the newe Temple in London, before the feaſt of the Aſſumption of our Lady. And where as the Kyng minded to haue ſtoode in the matter through threates of his brother the Earle of Cornewall, and of certayne Prelates, namely, the Biſhop of Worcetor (who had au|thoritie as was ſayde to interdite the lande,) hee yeelded, and ſuffred the Pope to haue his will, to the greate griefe and diſcomforte of many.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A ſore tempeſt of Hayle.On Saint Margarets daye, there fortuned a maruellous ſore tempeſt of hayle, rayne, Thun|der, and lightning, whyche beeyng vniuerſall through the Realme, did muche hurt, and conti|nued the ſpace of ſixteene houres togither with|out ceaſſing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, ſundry noble perſonages depar|ted thys worlde,Iſabel the Kings mother departeth thys life. as Iſabell the Kings mother, wife to the Earle of Marche in Poictowe. Alſo, the Counteſſe of Albemarle, the daughter of A|laine of Galoway, and ſiſter to the Counteſſe of Wincheſter:Roger de Quincy Earle of Wincheſter wherevpon, a great parte of Gallo|way that belonged to hir (for that ſhee dyed withoute iſſue) remayned to Roger de Quincy Earle of Wincheſter, that married the eldeſt ſiſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, Iohn Lord Neuill dyed this ye [...],I [...] [...] whyche hadde bin chiefe Foreſter of Englaunde but hee was not onely put out of that office [...] certayne tranſgreſſions, but alſo out of ye kings fauoure, before hee dyed, where at the fyrſte, none was more eſteemed in the Courte than hee.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Byſhoppe of Saliſbury, named maſ [...] Roberte de Bingham, dyed alſo thys yeare, and Sir Richarde de Argenton Knighte, a right no|ble perſonage, whiche in the holy lande hadde ſhe|wed good proofe of his high valiancie, manhoode, and prowes: likewiſe Sir Henry Bailliol of the North, and dyuers other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the beginning of the one and thirtith yeare of Kyng Henries raigne,An. [...] the Pope ſente into Englande to haue the thirde parte of one yeares profit of euery benificed man that was reſident, and of euery one not reſident, the one halfe. The Byſhoppe of London ſhoulde haue ſcene thys ayde and collection leuied, but it woulde not bee graunted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And in a Parliamente called thys yeare on the morrowe after the Purification of our Lady,

124 [...]

Mat. Pa [...]

it was ordeyned, that newe letters, ſealed with the common Seale of the Citie of Lõdon, ſhould bee ſente by ſufficiente meſſengers, from all the eſtates of the Realme, vnto the Pope and Car|dinals,In [...] e [...] requiring a moderation to be had in ſuche exactions as were intollerable for the Realme to beare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt this Parliamente yet laſted,Peter de [...]| [...]oy Ea [...] Rich [...] there came ouer the Lorde Peter of Sauoy Earle of Richmonde, bringing with hym certayne yong Ladies and Damoſels, to bee beſtowed in mar|riage on ſuche yong Lordes and Gentlemen a [...] were Wardes to the King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Saint Valentines euen,An E [...] a greate Earth|quake happened heere in England, and namely, about London, on the Thames ſyde, with the whyche manye buyldings were ouerthrowen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Earthquakes, the ſeldomer they chãce in Englande, the more dreadfull the ſame are, and thoughte to ſignifie ſome greate altera|tion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A little before thys Earthquake, the Sea had ceaſſed from ebbing and flowing for the ſpace of three monethes togyther,A ſt [...] [...] by a long tract neere to the Engliſhe ſhore, to the greate maruell of many, for eyther it flowed not at all, or elſe ſo little, that it might not be perceyued.Co [...] rayne. And after the Earthquake, there followed ſuche a ſeaſon of foule weather, that the ſpring ſemed to be chaun|ged into Winter, for vnneth was there anye day without rayne, till the feaſt of the tranſlati|on of S. Benet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 717 [...]s made, [...]ſtrayne [...]mptuous [...]titie of ſpiritualtyThere were at this time, dyuers ordinauntes decreed and enacted by way of prohibition, to re|ſtrayne the authoritie of ſpiritual perſons, as that no eccleſiaſticall Iudge ſhould determine in cau|ſes of any Temporal man, except touching cau|ſes of Matrimony and Teſtamentes. They were alſo prohibited to ſue any actions touching tythes, before any ſpirituall Iudge, and the writ whereby they were prohibited, is called an Indi|cauit. Sundry other ſuch ordinances were deui|ſed, which for breefeneſſe we omitte. What ſpeede or aunſwer ſo euer the meſſengers had that were ſent to Rome with the letters deuiſed in the late Parliament, [...] Popes [...]ectors. troth it is, that the Pope ſent ouer into England ſuche of his agents as gathered no ſmall ſummes of money amongſt the Cleargie, as one Marinus, and an other named Iohannes Anglicus a Frier Minor, the which were not en|tituled by the name of Legates, [...]ift by for| [...]ing the [...]e of Le| [...]. to ſaue the priui|ledges whiche the Kyng hadde, that no Legate myghte come into the Realme withoute hys licence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The comming ouer of theſe men, bycauſe it was to gather money contented not many mens mindes, as well appeared in a Parliament called at Oxforde about reformation thereof, but yet notwithſtanding, it was there agreed, that the Pope ſhoulde haue eleuen thouſande markes to be leuied amongſt them of the ſpiritualtie, exempt perſons and places reſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame time, Baldwine naming himſelfe Emperoure of Conſtantinople, [...] Emperor [...]onſtanti| [...]e, com| [...] into [...]lande. came a|gaine into Englande, to procure ſome newe aide of the King, towardes the recouerie of hys Em|pire, out of the whiche hee was expulſed by the Greekes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, there arriued in England a Cardinall [figure appears here on page 717] that was Byſhoppe of Sabine, [...]ardinall [...]meth into [...]land, re| [...]ng an [...]not to [...]dice the [...]me. hauing firſt recei|ued an oth, that hee came not for any hurte to the Kyng or his Realme, for otherwiſe, hee being a Legate, might not be ſuffered to enter the lande: hee came this way, to paſſe ouer into Norway, whither hee wente to Crowne and annoynt Ha|con, King of that Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There arriued heere with him the three halfe breethren to the King, Guy de Lucignan,The kings halfe breeth [...] came to ſee the King. Wil|liam de Valence, and Athelmare a Prieſte, with their ſiſter Alice. Theſe were begotten by Hugh Brun Earle of Marche, of Queene Iſabell the Kings mother, and were therefore ioyfully re|ceyued of the King, with faithfull promiſe, that hee woulde be to them a beneficiall good brother, whiche hys ſayings with effectuall deedes he af|ter fully performed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cardinall hauyng ſaluted the Kyng, tooke leaue of hym, and came to Linne, where he ſtayed at the poynt of three monethes,The Cardinall maketh ſhift for money. making ſuch purchaſe amõgſt religious men, that what by procuracies and other ſhiftes, hee got as was thought, a foure thouſande markes towards hys charges, and ſo departed. Edmond Lacye Earle of Lincolne, and Richarde de Burgh, as then Wardes to the Kyng, were married vnto two of thoſe yong Ladies of Pronaunce, whiche Pe|ter de Sauoy Earle of Richmond brought ouer with hym, whereat, many of the Engliſh nobi|litie grudged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, about the thirtenth of Auguſt, the La|dy Ioane,William de Valence mar|rieth Lorde Montchencles daughter. daughter to the Lorde Guarine de Monchency, was married vnto William de Valence the Kyngs halfe brother. The ſame Lady, was heyre to hir fathers landes, by the deathe of hir brother the ſonne of the ſaid Lorde Euarine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir William de Bueles Knight, a Norman borne, was made Seneſhall of Gaſcoigne about this ſeaſon,Gaſton de Bi|erne maketh warre againſte the Kynges Lieutenaunt. and was ſore vexed with warres by Gaſton the ſonne of the Counteſſe of Bierne and others, whyche Gaſton ſhewed hymſelfe very vnthankfull, for the Kyng had giuen both to him and to hys mother (a woman of a monſtrous ſtature) right large entertainemente to ſerue him in his warres at his laſt beeing in that countrey (as before yee haue heard.Prieſtes of the prouince of Caunterbury ſuſpended.) The Archbiſhoppe of Caunterbury ſuſpended the Prieſts of hys pro|uince, bycauſe they would not conſent (according to the graunt which he had purchaſed of ye Pope) that he ſhould haue the firſt frutes for one yeare, of euery benefice that chanced to be vacant with|in the ſame prouince. The Earles of Cornewall and Pembroke, gote muche money by way of a collection, towards the reliefe of the warres in the holy lande, hauing purchaſed of the Pope cer|tayne Bulles of Indulgence for the ſame,Sir Foulkes de Newcaſtell the Kings Couſin by his mother departeth thys life. Sir Foulke de Newcaſtell, a valiaunte Knighte, and Couſin germaine to the Kyng on the mo|thers ſide, dyed at London, during the tyme of the Parliament.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the thirtenth of October, was a portion of ye holy bloud of Chriſt (as it was thẽ ſuppoſed) EEBO page image 718 ſhewed in moſt reuerent wiſe in a ſolemne pro|ceſſion, for the King comming to the Church of Saint Paule in London, receyued there the ſame bloud conteyned in a chriſtalline glaſſe, the which he bare vnder a Canapie ſupported with foure ſlaues, through the ſtretes, vnto ye Abbey Church of Weſtminſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His armes were alſo ſupported by two Lords as aydes to him all the way as hee wente. The maſters of the Templers and Hoſpitallers, had ſent this relike to the king. To deſcriue the whole proceſſe of the proceſſion and feaſt kept that day, would require a ſpeciall treatiſe. But this is not to bee forgotten, that the ſame day, the Byſhop of Norwich preached before the Kyng in commẽ|dation of that relike,Pardon gran|ted by biſhops pronouncing ſixe yeares, and one hundred and ſixteene dayes of pardon, graunted by the Byſhoppes there preſente, to all thoſe that came to reuerence it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the ſame day & in ye ſame Church, the K. made his halfe brother William de Valence,K [...] [...]e and dyuers other yõg bachelers Knightes. Vnto the ſayde William de Valence, for his further ad|uauncement and mayntenance, he gaue the Ca|ſtell of Hertford, and the honor therto belonging, with great treaſure: and to the elder brother Guy de Lucignan, whiche about the ſame time retur|ned into Fraunce, he gaue right great and hono|rable giftes, lading his ſumpters with plate and threaſure of ſterling money, whych in thoſe days in all countreys was very much eſteemed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Wincheſter remayning in Galloway,

An. reg. [...]

The [...] Wi [...] beſieg [...] Gal [...] his o [...] na [...]

where he had faire poſſeſſions in right of his wife, was beſieged of his owne tenaunts, [figure appears here on page 718] within a Caſtell wherein he lodged, and beeyng in daunger eyther to die through famine, or elſe at the diſcretion of the enimies, hee burſt foorthe, and making way with his ſworde eſcaped, and comming to the King of Scottes, complayned of the iniurie done to him by his people, where|vpon the Kyng tooke ſuch order, that the Rebels were puniſhed, and the Earle ſet in quiet poſſeſ|ſion of his landes againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 William Earle Ferrers departeth thys life.Toward the latter end of Nouember, Willi|am Earle Ferrers and of Derby, departed thys life, a man of great yeres, and long troubled with the gout, a iuſt man and a peaceable.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame moneth the counteſſe his wife dy|ed alſo, a woman of yeares vertue and fame lyke to hir huſband: Thomas Becket the Archbiſhop of Caunterbury did miniſter the Prieſtes office at their marriage. Their eldeſt ſonne William ſucceeded his father in the Earledome, a good mã and a diſcret, but vexed with the gout very piti|fully, hauing that diſeaſe alſo as it were, by inhe|ritance from his father. There dyed lykewiſe o|ther of the nobilitie, as Richarde de Burgh, and William Fitz Ham.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Counteſſe of Prouaunce Beatrice,

124 [...]

[...]he C [...] [...]eg [...] com [...] [...] Englande.

mo|ther to the Queene, and Thomas de Sauoy, late Earle of Flaunders, came into England to viſite the Kyng and Queene, and were honora|bly receyued, and at their departure back towards home, richly rewarded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare in the octaues of the purificati|on, a Parliament was bolden at London,A Pa [...] where all the nobilitie of the Realme in manner was preſent. There were nine Biſhops, as the Arch|biſhop of Yorke, with the Biſhops of Winche|ſter, Lincolne, Norwich, Worcetor, Chicheſter, Elie, Rocheſter and Careleil, with the Earles of Cornewall, Leiceſter, Wincheſter, Hereforde, Northfolke, Oxforde, Lincolne, Ferrers, and Warwike, with Peter de Sauoy Erle of Rich|mount, beſydes Lordes and Barons. The Arch|biſhoppe of Caunterbury was at the Courte of Rome, and the Biſhop of Dureſme was lette [...] by ſickneſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 719 [...]bſedle de| [...]nded. [...]dor. In this Parliamente, King Henry earneſtly required a ſubſedie, in reliefe of the greate charges which he had diuers wayes ſuſteyned, [...]t. Paris. wherevpõ, he was ſtraightwayes by the peeres of ye Realm, noted both of couetouſneſſe, vnthankefulneſſe, and breache of promiſe, bycauſe he neuer ceaſſed in gathering money, withoute regard had to hys people: and where he had promiſed many things, as that he woulde not bee burdenouſe vnto them and ſuche lyke, hee hadde performed very little of thoſe hys gaye promiſes. Many miſoemeanors, and wrongfull doyngs, to the greeuaunce of hys people were opened and layde before him, [...]e King [...]ged for [...]immode| [...]e enriching Straungers. as cherriſhing and enriching of Straungers, and vſing hys prerogatiues too largelye, to the greate decaye and hinderaunce of the common wealthe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng abaſſhed heerewith, and ſuppo|ſing that the confeſſion of hys faulte ſhould make amendes, and aſſwage the diſpleaſure whyche his Nobles and other had conceyued of his miſ|gouernaunce, to content them all with one aun|ſwere, hee promiſed, that hee woulde reforme all that was amiſſe, and ſo quieting the mindes of hys Barons,The Parlia|ment proro|ged. the Parliament was proroged till the Quindene of the Natiuitie of Saint Iohn Baptiſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time,An ordinance for money. by reaſon that the ſter|ling money was generally ſo clipped, that the in|ſcription was cut off for the moſt part euen to the inner circle, a proclamation was ſet forthe, that no peeces thereof ſhoulde paſſe from one to an o|ther, nor be receyued as currant and lawfull mo|ney, except the ſame were of iuſt weight and faſ|ſhion. Herewith alſo, inquirie was made for thoſe that had ſo defaced it,Inquirie made for waſhers and clippers of money. and ſundry Iewes Ban|kers, and cloth marchauntes of Flaunders were found giltie. Alſo, the French King cauſed ſearch to bee made within his Realme for the ſame of|fendors, and ſuche as were founde giltie, were [figure appears here on page 719] hanged, ſo that hee was more ſeuere in puni|ſhing thoſe falſifiers of the Kyng of Englandes coyne, than the Kyng of England was hym|ſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Parliamente began agayne at the daye appoynted, but nothyng to accompt of was then concluded, but rather a diſpleaſure kindled be|twixte the Kyng and hys Barons, for that they looked for a reformation in his doings, [...]at. Paris. and hee for money out of their coffers whyche would not be graunted, [...]e Parlia| [...]nt diſſol| [...] and ſo that Parliament brake vp.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]e King [...]en to ſell plate.The Kyng heerevppon for wante of money, was driuen to ſo harde a ſhifte, that hee was con|ſtreyned to ſell hys plate and Iewels (whych the Londoners bought) ſo muche to hys hinderance, that diuers peeces (the workemanſhippe where|of was more worth, than the valew of the ſtuffe) were ſolde notwithſtanding after the rate as they weyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, the Kyng cauſed a feyre to bee kepte at Weſtminſter at Saint Edwards tide,Saint Edwards fayre at Weſt|minſter. to endure for fifteene dayes, and to the ende that the ſame ſhoulde bee the more haunted with all manner of people, hee commaunded by pro|clamation, that all other feyres, as Elye, and ſuche like holden in that ſeaſon, ſhoulde not bee kepte, nor that anye wares ſhoulde bee ſhewed within the Citie of London, eyther in ſhoppe or without, but that ſuche as would ſell, ſhould come for that tyme vnto Weſtminſter: whyche was done, not withoute greate trouble and paynes to the Citizens, whyche hadde not roomthes there, but in Boothes and Hales, to theyr greate diſquieting and diſeaſe, for wante of neceſſarye prouiſion, beeyng turmoyled too pitifully in myre and dyrte, through occaſion of EEBO page image 728 rayne that fell in that vnſeaſonable tyme of the yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Byſhoppe of Elye complayned ſore of the wrong done to him by ſuſpending of his faire at Elye aforeſayde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Richard Sward de|ceaſſeth.Sir Richarde Sward dyed this yeare, after he had layne a long tyme vered with the Palſey, the which ſir Richard had in his daies bin a right worthy and famous Knight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There dyed alſo the Byſhoppes of Bath and Saint Dauids.D [...] [...]+ſhops.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the firſt day of Iune, the Moone,An Ec [...] immedi|ately vpon the ſetting of the Sunne, was almoſt wholly eclipſed, ſo that little of hir myghte ap|peare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Towne of Newcaſtell vppon Tyne was almoſt wholly conſumed with fyre,Newc [...] b [...]ne by [...]+ſuall f [...]. togither with the bridge there.

[figure appears here on page 728]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archb. of Cant. curſeth.The Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury remay|ning ſtill with the Pope by hys procurator the Deane of Beauveys, denounced all them accur|ſed whiche wente about to impeach him of recey|uing the firſt frutes of benefices that voided, whi|che hee had by the Popes graunt, the Kyng and Queene, with their children, and the Kings bro|ther, the Earle of Cornewall onely excepted out of that curſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 33.

An earthquake

There chaunced another Earthquake a foure dayes before Chriſtmas, namely in the Weſt countrey about Bath and Welles, which ſhooke and ouerthrewe ſome buildings, ſpecially, the toppes and ſummettes of ſteeples, turrets and chimneys were ſhaken therewith, and not ye baſes nor lower partes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1249In Chriſtmas following, the Earle of Lei|ceſter returned out of Gaſcoigne, where he hadde bin as general againſt Gaſton de Bierne, whom he had ſo afflicted and put to the worſe, that the ſame Gaſton was glad to ſue for an abſtinence of warre, where before hee had done muche hurte to the Kings ſubiects.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſayde Erle had alſo with the ayde of the kings ſubiects apprehended an other Rebell, one William Berthram de Egremont, who hadde done much hurt in the parties of Gaſcoigne, and in the confynes there, whome hee had left in pri|ſon within the Caſtel of the Riole.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yere a little before Candlemas, the B. of Durham being a man of great yeres, by licẽce obteined of the Pope, reſigned his miter,The Bi [...] Durham [...]+ſigneth by Biſhop [...] reſeruing to himſelfe only three manors, houeden with the appurtenaunces, Stocton and Euerington.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The K. hauing the laſt yeare receiued of hys ſubiects a deniall of a general ſubſedie to be gran|ted to him,

Mat. P [...]

The King [...]+ctiſeth [...] money.

practiſed this yeare to get ſome reliefe at their hands, in calling each of them a part: but firſt, he got two thouſand markes of the Citie of London, and after, fell in hande with the Abbots and Priors, of whome he gote ſomewhat, though ſore againſt their willes. By occaſiõ of two mar|chante Straungers of Brabant, whych chaun|ced to bee robbed about the parties of Winche|ſter, whileſt the King was there, vpon theyr im|portunate ſute and complaynte, there was a greate neſt of theeues broken,A neſt of theeues [...] amongſt the whi|che were many welthie perſons and freeholders, ſuche as vſed to paſſe on lyfe and death of theyr owne companions, to whome they were fauou|rable ynough you maye be ſure: alſo, there were ſome of the Kyngs ſeruaunts amongſt them. A|bout thirtie of thoſe offendors were apprehended, and putte to execution, beſydes thoſe that eſca|ped, ſome into ſainctuary, and ſome into volun|tary exile, running out of, and vtterly forſakyng the countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About Eaſter,The Arc [...] of Roan. the Archbyſhoppe of Roan came ouer into England, and doyng homage for ſuche reuenewes as belonged to his Church EEBO page image 729 here within this realme, had the ſame reſtored vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]th. Paris.

[...]at tayne.

In Iune there fell ſuch aboundance of raine, ſpecially about Abingdõ, that the Willow trees, Mylles, and other houſes ſtanding neare to the water ſyde, were borne downe and ouerturned, with one Chapell alſo: and the corne in the fielde was ſo beaten to the grounde, that breade made thereof after it was ripe, ſeemed as it had beene made of branne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]e Earle of [...]sburie & [...]r go into [...] holy land.About the ſame tyme, William de Longeſpee Earle of Saliſburie, and Robert de Veer, with other Engliſh men to the number of two hun|dred knightes, hauing taken on them the Croſſe, went into the holy lande, the ſayde Earle being their chiefe captaine, and had ſo proſperous ſpeed in their iourney, that they arriued ſafe and ſound in the Chriſtian armie, where the Frenche king being chiefe thereof, they were receyued ioyfully. But yet (as Mathew Paris writeth, [...]at. Par.) the pride and diſdaine of the French men was ſo greate, that vpon ſpite and enuie conceyued at the Eng|liſhmens glorie; [...]e ſpite of [...] French to| [...]des the [...]gliſhmen. which bare thẽſelues right wor|thily, the French men vſed the Engliſh men no|thing friendly. Namely the Earle of Arras ſtic|ked not to ſpeake manye reprochfull wordes a|gaynſte the ſayde William de Longeſper and his people, whereat they could not but take great indignation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the ſame ſeaſon, the Earle of Leyceſter who had likewiſe receyued the Croſſe, deferred his iourney for a tyme, and ſayling into Ga [...]|coigne, mightily there ſubdued the kings eni|mies, as Gaſcon de Bierne. Alſo one R [...]ſ [...]eyn, and William de Solares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare died Peter de Genevre,Peter de Ge|nevre. a Pro|uancoys borne, whom the king had preferred in maryage vnto the Ladie Mawde, daughter and heyre of Walter Lacye a man of fayre poſſeſſi|ons in Irelande. Of which maryage there came iſſue a ſonne and a daughter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo about whitſuntide dyed a noble Baron of the North Parties,The deceaſſe Roger Fitz Iohn. named the Lorde Roger Fitz Iohn, whoſe ſonne and heyre beyng yong, was giuen in wardſhip to William de Valence the kings halfe brother.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo this yeare, Hugh Earle of March,The death of Hugh le Brun. father to the ſame William de Valence dyed in Cy|pres, whileſt the French armie wintered there, as then going into the holy lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the feaſt of all Saintes, the Archbiſhop Bonifacius was inthronizate at Canterburie,

An. reg. 34.

The Archb. of Canterburie intronizate.

and kept a ſolemne feaſt, at the which the King & Queene, wiſh the more part of all the Prelates of the lande were preſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon,A iourney hol|den at Brack|ley, or as ſome copies haue, at Barkley. was a great iourney and iuſtes holden at Brackley, where the Earle of Glouceſter (contrarie to his accuſtomed maner) [figure appears here on page 729] fauoured the part of the ſtraungers, whereby they preuayled. Inſomuch that William de Valence handeled one ſir William de Ooingeſſeſſes very roughly, the ſame ſir William beeing a ryght worthie knight.


[...]ond ſon Richarde [...]e of Corn| [...] borne.

Aboute the ſame tyme, the Counteſſe of Cornewall at Berkhamſted was deliuered of a ſonne named Edmonde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare aboute the begynning of the Spring, the kings brother the Earle of Corne|wall, with other noble men of the Realme, as the Earle of Gloceſter, Henrie Hauings Baron,An ambaſſad [...] lent to the Pope. and Roger Thurkeby, went ouer into Fraunce in Princely array and furniture to viſite the Pope, who helde his Court ſtill at the Citie of Lion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhop of Lyncolne alſo and the By|ſhop of Worceſter went thither. For what cauſe the other went it was not openly knowne. But the Biſhop of Lyncolne went thither about ſuch buſineſſe as he had in hande agaynſt the Tem|plers, Hoſpitalers and ſuch other whiche had ap|pealed EEBO page image 722 from him to the Court of Rome, where he coulde not bring his purpoſe to paſſe, for his ad|uerſaries with money had purchaſed the Iudges fauor. And ſo the Biſhop returned, hauing ſpent his trauaile and money in vaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king ta|keth on him the Croſſe.The .vj. of March being Sunday, the king tooke vpon him the croſſe, with his brother Wil|liam de Valence, and a greate number of other noble men, and amongſt other the Abbot of Bu|rie, to the preiudice (as was thought) of his order.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The lord Ro|ger de Mont|hault.Roger de Mounthault, a Baron of great ho|nour, meaning verily to goe in that iourney, to recouer money towards hys neceſſarie furniture, ſet and ſolde the moſte part of his liuings. His wooddes and poſſeſſions which he had about Co|uentry, he ſolde and let to fee farme vnto the Co|uent there. The like chieuance was made by ſun|drie noble men, which prepared themſelues to go in that iourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon the .xxvij. day of Aprill thoſe that had taken on them the Croſſe, aſſembled at Bermod|ſey beſides London, to treate of their ſetting for|warde, determining that the ſame ſhoulde bee at Midſommer next: but by the Popes letters which the king procured, they were commaunded to ſtay till the king himſelfe went. Thus their iour|ney for that time was diſappoynted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was of them and their retinues that ment thus to haue gone, fiue. C. knightes, beſides yeomen or demilances and other common ſoldi|ers in great numbers.Gaſcon de Bierne ſub|mitteth him|ſelfe to the K. Gaſcon de Bierne was ſo driuen to his ſhiftes by the high prowes of ye Erle of Leyceſter, that in the ende he was conſtrayned to come ouer into England, and ſubmit himſelfe to the king, whom he found at Clarendon, where he [...]ate ſuch mercie at the kings handes, that hee w [...]s pardoned and reſtored to his landes. But the Earle of Leyceſter put the king in poſſeſſion of the Caſtels of Fronſacke,The Earle of Leyceſter his ſeruice in Gaſcoigne. Egremount, and o|ther, and baniſhed Ruſtein, and William de So|la [...]s with diuerſe other ſtubburne and diſloyall rebels, depriuing them of their landes and inheri|tance in that Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhop of Lincolne.The Byſhoppe of Lyncolne did excommu|nicate a prieſt within his dioces, that was accuſed of incontinencie. And bicauſe the ſame prieſt con|tinued fortie dayes without ſeeking to bee recon|ciled, the Biſhop ſent to the Sherif of Rutlande within whoſe Bayliwike the ſame Prieſt dwel|led, to apprehende him as a diſobedient and re|bellious perſon: but the Sherif wynked at the matter, and woulde not execute the Biſhoppes commaundement, wherevpon the Biſhoppe did alſo excommunicate the Sherif: whereof the king being enfourmed, tooke diſpleaſure, and ſen|ding to the Pope,An inhibition procured by the king of the Pope. procured an inhibition, that no Archbiſhop nor Biſhop ſhoulde compell any of|ficer belonging to the King, to follow any ſuyte afore them, for thoſe things that apperteyned to the kings iuriſdiction, or giue ſentence agaynſte them for the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Monday before the Rogation weeke, Richarde the kings brother Erle of Cornewa [...],The [...] Co [...] [...] the Pope returned from the Court of Rome, where he had beene about certaine buſineſſe vnknowne to moſt men: but whatſoeuer the ſame was the Pope gaue him moſt courteous and honourable inter|tainment for his welcom, and made to him great chear during his abode at Lion, where the Popes Court as then lay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon, the king to ridde himſelfe out of debt wherein he was endaungered to cer|taine marchants, leſſened the charges of his houſ|holde, and kept but a meane port, diminiſhing e|uen the accuſtomed almes of the poore,The k [...] [...]+reth to [...] himſelfe [...] of d [...]. and alſo the greate number of Tapers and lyghtes in his Chappell, ſo that he was noted wyth the blame of too muche nygardly ſparyng and pynching: but in that hee diſcharged his debt to the Mar|chants, he was thought to doe wiſely and chari|tably, for that he would not ſee them hyndered is whom he was ſo indebted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame tyme alſo,The [...] ca [...] helpe [...] with [...] hee cauſed the Iewes to gyue vnto him a great portion of their goodes, ſo that they were greatly impoueriſhed. There was one of them named Aaron, borne in Yorke, the whiche ſince the Kings laſte re|turne out of Gaſcoigne, had payed to the King the ſumme of thirtie thouſand Markes,Mat. [...] ouer and beſides two hundred Markes which he had giuen to the Queene, as the ſame Aaron proteſted to Marthew Paris, vpon his fayth and truth which he bare to his law.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the Whitſunweeke was a generall Chapiter holden of the Friers preachers,A gene [...] chapter o [...] Friers [...]+che [...]. at Lon|don in Holborne, where out of ſundrye partyes of the Worlde were aſſembled aboue foure hun|dred of them, and they had meate and drink found them of almes, bycauſe they poſſeſſed nothing of theyr owne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt day the king came into their Cha|piter, that he might be partaker of theyr prayers, and founde them meate and drynke that daye, and dyned there with them, to do them the more honour. Another day the Queene likewiſe fedde them, & afterwardes the Biſh. of London, the Ab|bots of Weſtminſter, Saint Albon, and Wal|tham with other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame ſeaſon the Citizens of Lon|don founde themſelues agreeued verye ſore,

Mat. P [...]

Stri [...] [...] the Lon [...] and the [...] of W [...]

for ſuch liberties as the king graunted to the Abbot of Weſtminſter, to the great hinderance and de|cay of the franchiſes of their Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Maior & communaltie reſiſted in all that they might agaynſt thoſe liberties, and finally by the good helpe and fauour of the Lordes, as the EEBO page image 723 Earles of Cornwall, and Leyceſter, they obtey|ned theyr purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]iam de [...]nny kee| [...] of the [...]r ſeale.This yeare maiſter William de Kilkenny, a ſober, faythfull, and learned man, was made kee|per of the great ſeale.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare vpon inquiſition made by Geffrey de Langley, one of the kings counſaile of tranſgreſſors in forreſts and chaſes, many that had offended were preſented, and moſt grieuouſly puniſhed by impriſonment, fines, and exceeding great amerciaments, and namely in the North Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ert de [...]nton de| [...]eth this [...] The .xix. day of May, died Robet de Lerin|ton Clearke, the which hauing continued a long time in the office of a Iudge, purchaſed to himſelf great fame, and alſo moſt large poſſeſſions. But certaine yeares before his death, bycauſe he was diſeaſed with the Palſey, he gaue ouer that office, and drewe himſelfe into a quiet trade of lyfe, ſo ending his dayes in prayers and doing of almes deedes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of S. Margaret,

The Lorde Henry Ha|ſtings de|ceaſeth.

Robert Muſ|champe.

died Henrie Haſtings, a noble Baron, and one Robert de Muſchampes, a man of greate renoume in the North parties. Alſo Walter Biſhop of Wyn|cheſter departed this lyfe, about the feaſt of Saint Mathew,Athelmare the kings half bro|ther made Bi. of Wincheſt. in whoſe place (through the kings ear|neſt ſute) his halfe brother Athelmare was pro|moted to ſucceede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, in the Eaſt partes, that valiaunt Erle of Saliſburie William de Lonegſpee,The Earle of Salisbury ſlain by the Sara|zens. with Robert de Veer, and other, was ſlayne in that vnfortunate battaile, in the which the Sarazens vanquiſhed the Chriſtian armie, and toke Lewes [figure appears here on page 723] the French king priſoner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the firſt day of October, the Moone vpon hir change, appearing exceeding red and ſwelled, beganne to ſhewe tokens of the great tempeſt of winde that followed, [...]ightie [...]de. whiche was ſo huge and mighty, both by land and ſea, that the like had not bin lightly knowne, nor ſeldome or rather neuer heard of by men then aliue. The ſea forced con|trarie to hir natural courſe, flowed twice without ebbing, [...]t. Par. yeelding ſuch a roaring noyſe, that the ſame was heard (not without great wonder,) a farre diſtance from the ſhore. Moreouer, the ſame ſea appeared in the darke of the night to burne, as it had beene on fire, [...]e ſea ſee| [...] to burne and the wanes to ſtriue and fight togither after a maruellous ſort, ſo that the mariners coulde not deuiſe howe to ſaue theyr ſhippes where they lay at ankre, [...]s loſt. by no cunning nor ſhift which they could deuiſe. [...]tburne. At Hertburne three tall ſhippes periſhed without recouerie, be|ſides other ſmaller veſſelles. [...]chelſey. At Winchelſey be|ſides other hurt that was done in bridges, milnes, breakes and banks, there were three hundred hou|ſes, with ſome Churches drowned with the high ryſing of the water courſe. The country of Hol|lande in Lyncolnſhire, and Holland beyonde the ſea, and the Mariſh lande in Flaunders, ſuſtey|ned ineſtimable domage, & in many other places, by reaſon that riuers beaten backe and repulſed (by the ryſing of the ſea) ſwelled ſo on high that they ouerflowed theyr chanels, & much hurt was done in Medowes, Brigges, Mylnes, and houſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the beginning of the .xxxv. yeare of king Henries raigne,

An. Reg. 35.

The practiſe of the Biſhops to diſappoynt the Archb. of Cant. of his purpoſe.

the Biſhops of Englande vnderſtanding that the Archbiſhop of Canterbu|rie, was about to purchaſe of the Pope a graunt to gather money through his whole prouince, of the Cleargie and people for Sinodes and procu|racies, they thought to preuent him, and therfore made a collection euery one through hys owne Dioces, of two pence of euery marke, which any beneficed man might diſpende, which money ſo collected, they ment to employ about charges in the Popes Court, for the ſtay of the Archbiſhops EEBO page image 724 ſuyte, that the graunt ſhould not paſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A earthquake at S. Albons.About the ſame time, to witte, vpon Saint Lucies day, there was a great Earthquake at S. Albons, and in the parties there aboutes with a noyſe vnder the ground, as though it had thũdred. This was ſtraunge and maruellous, bycauſe the ground there is chalky, and ſound not hollow nor looſe as thoſe places be, where Earthquakes for the moſt part happen. Doues, Rookes, and other birdes that ſat vpon houſes, and in boughes of trees afrayd of this ſtrange wonder, flickred vp, & flew to and fro, ſhewing a token of feare, as if a Goſhauke had bene ouer their heades.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Pope ſu|eth for licence to ſoiourne at Burdeaux.The Pope required by ſolenme meſſengers ſent to the king of England, that he might come to the Citie of Burdeaux in Gaſcoigne, and there for a tyme remayne. The king wyſt not well what anſwere to make, for lothe hee was to de|nie any thing that the Pope ſhoulde requyre, and againe hee was not willing for ſundrie reſpectes, that the Pope ſhoulde come ſo neare vnto him. In deede, manye were in doubt, leaſt if he came to Burdeaux,The Popes pre+ſence more like to appaire than mende things. hee woulde alſo come into Eng|lande, and rather appaire the ſtate thereof than amend it by hys preſence, ſithe by ſuche Vſurers and licencious lyuers as belonged to him, the realme had alreadie bene ſore corrupted. Howſoe|uer the matter went, there was delay and ſuch meanes deuiſed and made, that the Pope came not there at that time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


Thunder and lightning.

On Chriſtmaſſe day in the night, great thun|der and lightning chaunced in Norffolke and Suffolke paſt meaſure, in token as was thought of ſome euill to follow.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king kept his Chriſtmaſſe at Winche|ſter, but without any great port or liberalitie, for hoſpitalitie with him was greatly layd aſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Guy de Luſig|na brother to the king.About this time, Guy de Luſignan the kings halfe brother came ouer into Englande, after hys returne out of the holy lande, and was of the king ioyfully receyued. Towardes the reliefe of his ex|pences made in that iourney, the king gaue him fiue hundred pounde which he got of the Iewes. Moreouer he gaue to his brother Geffrey the cu|ſtodie of the Baron Haſtings landes, and ſo by ſuch liberal and bounteous gyftes as he beſtowed on them and other ſtraungers, hee greatly in|curred the hatred of his naturall people, the Eng|liſh men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of L [...]yceſter re| [...]urneth.On the day of the Epiphanie, the Earle of Leyceſter came to the king in great haſt oute of Gaſcoigne, giuing him to vnderſtande, that the Gaſcoignes were reuolted in ſuche number, that if ſpeedie ſuccours were not prouided, the whole Countrey woulde fall from the Engliſhe ſub|iection.He had of the king three M. markes. Herevpon the King furniſhed him with money, and the Earle himſelfe got all that hee coulde make of his owne reuenues, and likewiſe of the Vmfreuilles landes, the heyre whereof [...] had in cuſtodie. Hee made no long abode, [...] with all ſpeede returned, [...] and reteyned two hun|dred Rutters oute of the Duke of Brahan [...] Countreys, and with them certaine Croſbow [...] Theſe were egre ſouldiers, and bloudie: But y [...] the Gaſcoignes prepared themſelues to reſ [...] them in all that they myght: howbeit the Ea [...] putte them ſtyll to the worſe. Before h [...] laſte returne from thence, hee hadde razed the Caſtell of Fronſacke flatte with the groun [...] and likewyſe left deſolate the Caſtell of Eg [...] mounte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon, one of the Kings Iuſti [...] named Henrie de Bath,A [...]+ſed her [...]+beyb [...] fell in the kings deſp [...] ſure, bycauſe he was accuſed that he had not ex|erciſed his office vprightly, but to his owne pri|uate gaine, and peruerted iuſtice through bry [...], vppon occaſion of a ſuyte mooued betwy [...]e hym and one Euerarde de Trumpington: [...]e was appealed of falſehoode and treaſon by [...] Philip Darcie Knight. His wife was a ky [...] to the Baſſets and Sanfordes, the whiche procu|red him great friendſhip at the handes of the [...] of Cornewall, and of Iohn Manſell, and o|ther of the kings Counſayle. But for all that they coulde doe, he was in great daunger to haue loſt his life at the Parliament holden that yeare, and begunne on the .xvj. day of Februarie. For the king was ſo ſore moued agaynſt him, that he cauſed proclamation to be made, that if any man had any thing to lay agaynſt the ſayde Henrie de Bathe, they ſhoulde come forth, and their in|formation ſhoulde bee heard. Herevpon diuerſe came and preſented their cõplaints, and amongſt other, one of his owne fellowes that was a Iu|ſtice alſo, declared that he had ſuffred an offender conuict, to eſcape vnpuniſhed, for a bribe, which he receyued to the preiudice of the king, & the danger of his aſſociates the other Iuſtices.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king herewith roſe vp in a greate fume and ſayd openly: If any man will ſlea Henry of Bath, he ſhal not be impeached for his death. For I doe here plainly declare him acquit & guiltleſſe for the ſame. Herewith diuerſe woulde haue r [...] vpon him to haue murdred him, but that Iohn Manſell ſtayed their outrage, ſhewing them that the king might well hereafter repent the wordes which he ſpake thus in his furie, and thoſe ye ſhuld do any violence vnto the man, were not lyke to eſcape puniſhment: for both the Biſh. of London would ſurely accurſe thẽ, and other of his friends would not fail to ſeeke reuenge by tẽporall force: and thus was Henrie of Bathe in the kings high diſpleaſure for the tyme. At length yet through interceſſion of the Earle of Cornewall,Henry [...] put to h [...] and the Biſhop of London, he was put to his fine and pardoned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 725 [...]elmare or [...]mare Bi| [...] of Win| [...]ter con| [...]ed.About the ſame tyme, Athelmare the kings halfe brother was cõfirmed Byſhop of Wincheſter by the Pope, although he was thought ſcarcely ſuf|ficient to haue the place, for lacke of learning and ripe yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this time alſo,A conuocation of the of Bi|ſhops. the Biſhops aſſembling [figure appears here on page 725] at Dunſtable, tooke aduice togyther, how to pre|uent the Archbiſhop of Canterburie that he ſhuld not viſite: and in the ende they concluded to ſende their procurator vnto the Court of Rome, to trie what purchaſe might be made there for money to ſtay the lycence, and not to ſticke for the diſbur|ſing of foure thouſande Markes, if neede requy|red. Their Procurator did ſo much in the matter, that he founde the Pope fauourable to his cauſe, though no determinate anſwere was giuen of a long time, till at length to gratifie the Archbi|ſhop and his kinne, as the Duke of Sauoy and other, the Pope graunted to him lycence to viſite, but not generally: For he might not viſit any pa|riſh Church, except the perſon requyred him ther|to. And whereas he had libertie to viſite cõuentu|all Churches, yet might hee not receyue for pro|curacies aboue foure Markes. For this modera|tion to be had, [...] thouſande [...]kes giuen [...]he Pope. the Procurator for the Biſhoppes gauẽ vnto the Pope ſix thouſand Markes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]e Biſhop of [...]colne viſi| [...] Abbeys.The ſame yeare the Biſhop of Lyncolne vi|ſited the Religious houſes within his dioces, to vnderſtande what rule was kept amongſt them, vſing the matter ſomewhat ſtraytely (as they thought:) for he entred into the Chambers of the Monkes, and ſearched theyr beddes. And com|ming vnto the houſes of the Nunnes, hee went ſo neare, as to cauſe theyr breaſts to be tryed, that he might vnderſtande of their chaſte liuings. In Lent following hee was ſuſpended by the Pope, [...] Biſhop of [...]coine ſuſ| [...]ded by the [...]e. bycauſe he would not ſuffer an Italian that had no ſkill of the Engliſhe tongue to enioy a Pre|bend in his Church, which the Pope had giuen to the ſame Italian.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]les ſubiect [...]e Engliſh [...]s.In this ſeaſon, Wales was brought to be ſub|iect vnto the Engliſh lawes, and that part which ioyneth to Cheſſhire,Alain Lorde Zouch. was committed to the cu|ſtodie of Alain Lorde Zouch, the whiche gaue for the hauing of the profites thereof to ferme, xj. hundred Markes, and ſupplanted Lorde Iohn Gray whiche ſhoulde haue had it for fiue hun|dred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Certaine Vſurers and ſtraungers borne, cal|led Caorſini, had bought at London fayre houſes,Vſurers called Caorſini. and ſo remayned there as inhabitants, occupying their trade without controlment, for the Prela|tes durſt not ſpeake agaynſt them, bycauſe they alledged themſelues to be the Marchants of the Popes highneſſe: and the Citizens durſte not trouble them bycauſe they were defended by cer|tain noble men, whoſe money (as was ſayd) they occupied to gaine after the maner of the Courte of Rome. But at length yet they were called be|fore the ciuill Magiſtrate by the kings procure|ment, and grieuouſly accuſed for theyr vnlaw|full occupying of vſurie, and ſome of them com|mitted to priſon, the reſidue hid themſelues out of the way, tyll at length for a ſumme of money they were licenced to be at reſt, and ſo continued for a ſeaſon. The Iewes reioyced hereat, to haue fellowes with them in their miſerie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſeaſon alſo there depended a contro|uerſie betwixt the Archbiſhop of Canterburie and the Biſhoppe of London and his Canons of Paules,Controuerſie betwixt Pre|lates. ſo that the ſayde Biſhop of London and the Deane of Paules, and other of the Canons were excommunicate. But the Biſhop percey|uing which way the world went, recõciled him|ſelfe. But the Deane ſtoode long in the matter, and at length went himſelfe to the Pope to vtter his griefe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This controuerſie hanged long betwixt them, EEBO page image 726 and was handled in ſuch wife, that laye menne laught at their doings, for now and then whom the Pope commaunded to be aſſoyled, theyr ad|uerſaries by colour of the Popes authoritie would commaund to be excommunicate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Leyceſter pro|ſpereth in Caſ|coigne.The firſt day of Iuly the Erle of Leyceſter in Gaſcoign ouercame many of the kings enimies, and tooke from them a fortreſſe called Chattellõ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A ſore tempeſt of thunder and lightning.On S. Dunſtans day there was a maruel|lous ſore tẽpeſt of weather, the ayre being dark|ned on euery ſide from the foure corners thereof, and withall chaunced ſuch a thunder as fewe the like had beene heard of. Firſt it beganne as it had beene a greate waye off, but after it burſt out with ſuch terrible crackes as was wonderful. But one amongſt the reſt exceeded, and withall ſuch lightning flaſhed forth as put men in great feare and terror. The chymney of the Chamber wherein the Queene and hir children then were, was beaten downe to duſt, [...] and the whole buy [...]+ding ſore ſhaken. This was at Windſore, where in the Parke Okes were rent in ſunder, and tur|ned vp by the rootes, and much hurt done, as myl|nes with the Mylners in them, and ſhepefoldes with the ſhepheardes, and plowmen, and ſuche as were going by the way, were deſtroyed and beaten downe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme the ſea on the coaſtes of Englande,High ty [...] roſe with higher tydes than the na|turall courſe gaue, by the ſpace of ſixe foote.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About Michaelmaſſe, the Queene dowager of Scotlande, that was daughter to Monſieur de Couſie a French man, came through Englãd to return into France where ſhe was born, & was of the king honourably receyued and welcomed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare the Nunrie of Marran not farre from Lynne was founded by the Ladie Iſabell,The N [...] Marran [...]+ded. Counteſſe of Arundell.

[figure appears here on page 726]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo this yeare the Lorde William de Cant|low departed this life, in whoſe heritage his ſon named alſo William ſucceeded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, Iohn Cobham, and Geffrey Spencer (that was a man of great fame, and one of the kings counſaile) departed this life, Cobham before Eaſter, and Spencer ſhortlye after the ſame feaſt. Alſo in the Octaues of Pentecoſt, Paule Peyuer or Peure departed this life.Paule Peyuer. Hee was alſo one of the kings chiefe Counſaylers, and Lorde Stewarde of his houſe. This man at the firſt was not borne to any great poſſeſſions, but by purchaſe hee atteyned to greate reuenues. The Ladie Ioan his wife compounded with the king, for the maryage of hir ſonne named Paule, after his father, but the Lorde Iohn Gray payed the money, being fiue hundred marks, and ſo diſ|charging hir of that debt, maried hir ſonne to one of his daughters at his manour of Eyton, and afterwardes at London maried the mother of his ſonne in lawe,The L [...] William [...] married [...] P [...]y [...] wherewyth the King was ſore diſpleaſed, for hee hadde gyuen the maryage of hir vnto a Staunger, one Stephen de Sa|lines, ſo that the Lorde Gray was glad to gyue to the King the ſumme of fiftie markes, by way of a fine to haue his good will.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .xxxvj. yeare of King Henries raigne,

A [...] Mat. P [...]

The C [...] of Hales [...]+cared.

the Churche of Hales was dedicate of the foun|dation of Richarde Earle of Cornewall. At which dedication hee kept a ſolenme feaſt on the Euen of Saint Leonarde being Sunday. There was preſent the King, and Queene, and almoſte all the Nobilitie of Englande, both ſpiritual and temporall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The buylding of that Churche,The c [...] of the b [...]+ding of t [...] Church of Hales. all char|ges accounted, ſtoode the Earle in tenne thou|ſande Markes, as hee himſelfe confeſſed vnto Mathew Paris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme the Earle of Leyce|ſter, and Guy de Luſignan the Kings halfe bro|ther EEBO page image 727 came into Englande out of Fraunce, and landed at Douer. The king receyued them with great ioy & gladnes. He gaue to his brother at his return great rewards, as he was euer accuſtomed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]eys and [...] in thoſe [...] were [...]ed in [...]rough [...]r than is [...]n our [...]as ſhuld [...]re, ſo as [...]ame [...] ſeeme [...]r a right [...]ſe of war [...] vtterãceIn the feaſt of the Conception of our Ladie at a Iuſtes holden, at Rocheſter, the ſtraungers were putte to the worſe, and well beaten by the Engliſhe Batchlers and men of Armes, ſo that the diſhonour which they did to the Engliſhmen at Brackley was nowe recompenced with in|tereſt. For the Straungers fleeing to the Citie for ſuccour, were mette by the way by the Eng|liſh Knightes ſeruaunts and yeomen, which fel vpon them, beate them ſore with Clubbes and ſtan [...]s, and handled the very euill. Hereof ſpring a greate hatred betwixt the Engliſhe men and ſtraungers, whiche dayly grewe and encreaſed more and more, the rather bycauſe the king had them in ſo good eſtimation, and reteyned ſo many of them within the realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king did celebrate the feaſt of Chriſt|maſſe at York,1252 whether came Alexander the yong king of Scottes, and was there made Knight by the King of Englande, and on Saint Stephens day he maryed the Ladie Margaret, daughter to the king of England, according to the aſſuraunce before time concluded. There was a great aſſem|bly of noble perſonages at that feaſt.

[figure appears here on page 727]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ouſe of [...]ie.The Queene dowager of Scotland mother to king Alexander, a French woman of the houſe of Coucie, had paſſed the ſea, & was preſent there with a fayre companie of Lordes and Gentlemẽ. The number of knights that were come thither on the king of Englandes part were reckened to be at the poynt of one thouſande. The King of Scottes had with him .lx. knightes and a great ſort of other gentlemen comparable to knightes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ing of [...]d [...] ho| [...] to king [...]gland.The king of Scottes did homage to the king of Englande at that time for the realme of Scot|lande, and all things were done with great loue and fauour, although at the begynning ſome ſtrife was kyndled about taking vp of lodgings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This aſſembly of the Princes, coſt the Archbi|ſhop right deerely, in feaſting and banquetting them and theyr traynes. At one dinner it was re|ported be ſpent at the firſt courſe .lx. fat Oxen. At requeſt of the king of Scottes, the king of Eng|land receyued agayne into fauour Philip Lunell, or rather Luvell as I take it, one of his counſaile againſt whom he had conceiued diſpleaſure in the yere laſt paſt, for ſuch bryberie as he was thought to be guiltie of for to ſhewe fauour to the Iewes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The king of Scottes when he ſhould depart, tooke his leaue in moſt courteous maner, and led with him his new maried wife,Sir Robert Norice, & ſir Stephen Bau|zan. on whom atten|ded ſir Robert Norice knight marſhall of the kings houſe, and ſir Stephẽ Bauſan, and alſo the Ladie Maude, the widow of the Lorde William Cantlow, with other.An exceeding great wind. On the octaues of the E|piphany chanced an exceeding great wind, which did much hurt in diuerſe places of the realm. The B. of Rocheſter returning frõ the court of Rome,The Biſhop of Rocheſters bul brought wt him a bul, authoriſing him to receyue to his owne vſe the .v. part of the reuenues of al ye beneficed men within his dioces.The Gaſ [...]+coignes make warre againſt the Engliſh ſubiects. In this meane while the erle of Leyceſter remaining in Englãd, the Gaſcoignes made ſore war againſt ſuch as he had left behind him, & withal gaue information to the K. that the Erle of Leyceſter was a traytor, & one yt had ſpoiled the kings ſubiects: And further|more by his vniuſt dealings had giuẽ to the Gaſ|coignes cauſe of rebelliõ. The K. to boult out the truth of this matter, ſent firſt his chaplaine Hẽrie Winghã, & afterwards ſir Nic. de Moles de Va|lence, as cõmiſſioners to enquire of ye erles doing, who wẽt & returned wtout finding any manifeſt crime in ye erles demenor. The erle was much of|fended that his innocency ſhuld be thus ſuſpected. EEBO page image 728 But at length being appoynted to returne into Gaſcoigne, he obeyed, and hauing a great ſumme of money, he reteyned a power of men of warre, aſwell French men as other, and meaning to bee reuenged of thoſe that had giuen the information agaynſt him,The Earle of Leyceſter daũ|teth his eni|mies. he ſtrengthned himſelfe with the ayde of the king of Nauarre, and of the Earle of Bigorre and other, ſo that hee oppreſſed his ad|uerſaries on eche hande, and ſo abated their pride, that if they conueniently had might, they would haue yelded themſelues to ſome other prince, and vtterly haue renounced the King of Englande for euer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 A ſtraunge wonder of the newe Moone.The .xiij. day of March, the newe moone was ſeene, where the prime chaunge by natural courſe ſhould not haue beene tyll the .xvj. day following, and for the ſpace of .xv. dayes that then next en|ſued, the Sunne, the Moone, and Starres appea|red of a red colour. And herewith the whole face of the earth ſeemed as it had beene ſhadowed with a thicke myſt or ſmoke, the winde notwithſtan|ding remayning North and Northeaſt. And herewith began a ſore drought, cõtinuing a long time, the which togither with morning froſts, and Northerly windes, deſtroyed the fruites and o|ther growing things, which were blaſted in ſuche wiſe, that although at the firſt it was a very for|warde yeare, and great plentie towardes of corne and fruite, yet by the meanes aforeſayd, the ſame was greatly hindered, and ſpecially in the Som|mer ſeaſon, when the Sunnes heat increaſed, and the drought ſtill continued. The reſidue of ſuche fruites as then remayned, withered away, ſo that vneth a tenth part was left, and yet there was in|different ſtore. For if the abundaunce which the bloſſomes promiſed had come forwarde, the trees had not bene able to haue borne the ſame. The graſſe was ſo burned vp in paſtures & medowes,A great drought. that if a man tooke vp ſome of it in his hands and rubbed the ſame neuer ſo little, it ſtreight fell to poulder, and ſo cattel were redie to ſterue through lacke of meate: and bycauſe of the exceeding hote nightes, there was ſuch abundance of fleas, flies, and gnattes, that people were vexed, and brought in caſe to be wearie of their liues. And herewyth chaunced many diſeaſes,Many diſeaſes raigned. as ſweates, agues, and other. And in the Harueſt tyme there fell a great death or murreyn amongſt cattell,A murreyn of cattaile. and ſpecially in Norffolke, in the fennes and other parties of the South. The infection was ſuch, that dogs, and rauens feeding on the dead carraynes, ſwel|led ſtreight wayes and dyed, ſo that the people durſt eate no biefe, leaſt the fleſh happely might be infected.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo this was noted not without great won|der, that yong heyfers and bullockes followed the mylche kine, and as it had beene calues ſucked the ſame kine. Alſo Apple trees and Peare trees now after the time of yeelding their ripe fruite, began againe to bloſſome, as if it had beene in Apr [...] The cauſe of the death of cattell was thought [...] come hereof.The [...] the catte [...] After ſo great a drougth (which ha [...] continued by all the ſpace of the monethes of A|prill, May, Iune, and Iuly,) when there folowed good plentie of raine, the earth began to yeelde hi [...] encreaſe moſt plentiouſly of all growing things, though not ſo wholſome nor of ſuch kindly ſub|ſtance, as in due time and ſeaſon ſhee is accuſto|med to bring forth, and ſo the cattell which before was hungerſtaruen, fed now ſo greedily of thys newe graſſe ſprung vp in vndue ſeaſon, that they were ſodenly puffed vp with fleſhe, and ſuch vn|naturall humors, as bredde infections amongeſt them, whereof they dyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhop of Lincolne would haue enfor|ced all the beneficed men within his dioces to bee Prieſts, but they purchaſed a licence from Rome,The [...] to remaine at the Vniuerſities for certain yeares, without taking the order of Prieſthoode vpon them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king meaning to go (as he pretended in|to the holy land, had graunt of the Pope to leuie a tenth of his ſubiects both ſpirituall and temporal.The C [...] co [...] to co [...] of the [...] Ley [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Gaſcoines ſore repining at the Earle of Leyceſter his ſtrayte gouernance, (who handled them more roughly than they had beene accuſto|med,) ſent the Archbiſhop of Burdeaux ouer into [figure appears here on page 728] Englande to exhibite a complaint agaynſt him in all theyr names.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Leyceſter aduertiſed thereof, followed him, and comming to the Court, found the Archbiſhop readie to aduouche the informati|on which he had made agaynſt the ſayde Earle, chiefely in that he had ſought the deſtruction of thoſe whome the Earle of Cornewall when hee was ruler there, had graunted life and peace, and whome ſir Henrie Trubleuile, and Waleran the Teutchman, late Stewardes of Gaſcoigne, vnder the king, had cheriſhed and mainteyned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Many other things the Archbiſhoppe charged EEBO page image 729 him with, the which the Erle wittily refelled and diſproued, [...]e Erle diſ| [...]reth the [...]gations of accuſers. ſo as he was allowed in his iuſtifica|tion by thoſe that ſtoode by, as the Erle of Corn|wall and others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]e Biſhop of [...]colnes au| [...]rine to in| [...]re Vicars Churches [...]opriate.The Biſhop of Lincolne got authoritie of the Pope to inſtitute Vicarages, in Churches impropriate to religious men, where no Vicars were, and where ſuch were as ſeemed to ſlender|ly prouided of ſufficient allowance, to augment the ſame as he thought expedient: which his au|thoritie he vſed more largely than ſtoode with the pleaſure of religious perſons, bycauſe hee ſhewed great fauour to the Vicars. The copie of the let|ters which the Biſhop had procured of the Pope, authoriſing him herein, followeth as we a [...] the ſame in the Chronicles of Mathew Paris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Prie [...]t of Popes [...]nt. Innocentius Episcopus. &c. Cum sicut accepimus in tua ciuitate & diocœsi, nonnulli religiosi & alij collegiati ecclesias perochiales in proprios vsus optineant, in quibus nimis exiles ant nullae taxatae sunt Vicariae. Fraternitati tuae per authoritate summam mandamus, quod in eijsde(m) ecclesijs de ipsaru(m) prouentibus vicarias institutas, & institutas exiles aduageas vice nostra: prout iuxta consuetudinem patriae secundum deum videris expedire, non obstantibus si praedicti exepti sint, aut alias muniti apostolicis privilegijs siue indulgentijs, per quae id impediri vel differi possit. Et de quibus speciale oporteat in praesentibus fieri mentionem: contradictores per censuras ecclesiasticas apostolica potestate compescendo. Datu(m) Lugduni. vij. kal. Octob. pontificatus nostri. An. viij.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Leycester is eftsoones sent into Gascoigne by the king, The Earle of Leyceſter ſent eftſoones into Gaſcoigne. who had not cared if hee had fallen into his enimies handes as should appeare. But the Earle hyred souldiers in France, and comming into Gascoigne preuayled agaynst his enimyes, though in one conflict hee was in daunger of loosing both life and the honour of the fielde. But yet through his good happe, Gods fauour, and the valiancie of himselfe and some of his retinue, hee gotte the vpper hande, and putte hys enimies to flight, taking Rusteyn, Ruſteyn takẽ. one of the chiefe ringleaders of the rebels, whome he caused to be presented to the king.

[figure appears here on page 729]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] kings el| [...] ſonne Ed| [...]d created [...] of Aqui| [...]. At the same time had the king inuested hys sonne Edward with the Duchie of Aquitaine to the offence of the Erle of Cornwal, to whom by charter he had before giuen & confirmed the same.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In a Justes holden at Walden, sir Arnold de Moteyny, Arnold de [...]teyny [...]e a right valia(n)t knight, was slaine by sir Roger de Lemborne, for which mischaunce all the Nobles there assembled made great lamentation, and namely the sayde sir Roger: but yet he was suspected to be in blame, bycause the soket of his staffe was polished, and not abated. Hereby it should appeare, that in qualitie of weapon, & not in maner of their running togither, these iustes & turneys in those dayes practised differed from the very order of warre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] church of [...]dedicete The xvij. of Septem. the cathedral Church of Ely was dedicat, which the B. of that sea named Hugh had builded with his own proper costes & charges, togither with the palace there. The king & a great nu(m)ber of the peeres & nobles of the realm both spiritual & temporal were present at this sole(m)ne feast, which was kept in most ple(n)tiful maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The xiij. day of October the king held a great feast at London, A Parliament. and had called the estates of the Realme, then and there to assemble in Parliament, wherin he opened to them the popes grant, which he had obteyned of the tenthes :The king de|maundeth the tenthes of the ſpiritualtie. due to the Churche, to be receyued by him for three yeares, towardes his charges in his iourney whiche hee ment to make into the holy lande. The Bishops, and namely Lincolne, vtterly refused to be contributaries to his graunte. The Biſhops refuſe to yeeld to the Popes graunt. They alledged sundrie reasons for their excuse, as the pouertie of the English Church being alreadie made bare myth continuall exactions and oppressions, but chiefly they excuſed themſelues by the abſence of the Archbiſhops of Canterburie and Yorke, of whom the one was beyond the ſea, and the other at home in the north partes. All the reſidue of the Engliſh Biſhops were there, except Hereforde & Ch [...] EEBO page image 730 which Cheſter was ſicke, and therefore without the conſent of thoſe that were abſent and name|ly theyr Primate the Archbiſhop of Canterbury, they coulde not conclude vpon any general point touching the kings demaunde. And although the king fretted and ſtormed agaynſt them, yet could he not bring them to his purpoſe, ſo that the Par|liament for that time was diſſolued. Yet before theyr departure from London, hee communed with the Biſhops apart, to ſee if hee myght per|ſwade them to giue to him ſome portion of mo|ney towardes his charges: but they had tuned theyr ſtrings all after one note, diſcording all from his tenour, ſo that not a penie coulde be got of them:The king highly offen|ded with the Biſhops. wherefore hee tooke high diſpleaſure a|gaynſt them, reuyling them in moſte reprochfull maner, and amongſt other he vpbrayded his half brother, (the elect of Wincheſter) of greate vn|thankfulneſſe, who alſo amongſt the reſidue ſtood agaynſt him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king aſ|ſayeth to get money of the Lordes tem|porall.The king hauing this repulſe at the Biſhops handes, began to fall in talke with the Lordes of the Temporaltie touching the troubles in Gaſ|co [...]gne, where things were in broyle by the harde doings of the Earle of Leyceſter, againſt whome the Gaſcoignes ceaſſed not to make warre ſtyll, and of late hauing beſieged him in the Caſtell of Mountalbon, droue him to ſuch ſhift, that to eſ|cape the preſent daunger, he was glad to ſet at li|bertie certaine rebels, whiche he had before taken captiues. Therfore to reduce that Countrie vnto quiet, the king determined to go thither himſelfe, and to remoue the Earle of Leyceſter out of hys office: but when he came to the pith of the matter, whiche was to deſire them of ayde both of men & money, the Lordes woulde not agree to graunte him any. And where he ſought to burden the erle of Leyceſter with miſgouerning things agaynſt his honour, they excuſed the ſame Earle, and ſo the Lordes alſo departed in diſpleaſure of the king aſwell as the Biſhops.The Londo|ners helpe at a pinche. Of the Lon [...]oners yet the king by way of princely prayer got .xx. thouſand Markes of golde at that time. And to theyr further griefe for better meane to be reuen|ged agaynſt the Biſhop of Elie, he cauſed the ſayde Londoners to keepe S. Edwards fayre for xv. dayes togither at Weſtminſter, and in the meane time to keepe their ſhops ſhut through all the Citie. Which thing (by reaſon of the foule weather chauncing at that time) was very grie|uous vnto them, albeit there was ſuch repayre of people thither, that London had not bene fuller to the iudgement of olde auncient men neuer at any tyme in theyr dayes to theyr remembraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The death of ſir Nicholas Samford.This yeare died ſir Nicholas Samford knight, a man of great reputation and valiancie. Alſo on the .xx. day of October, the Counteſſe of Win|cheſter, daughter to the Erle of Hereford departed this life at Groby,The O [...] of W [...] dep [...] [...]e. a Manor place belonging to hir huſband the Earle of Wincheſter, a little be|ſides Leyceſter, and was buried at Brackley. The ſayde Earle ſhortly after maryed an other wiſe in hope of iſſue. For neither by this his laſte wife,Mat. P [...] neyther by his firſt that was daughter to the Lord Alane de Galoway he had any childrẽ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the ſame yeare,The [...] of the [...] de L [...] Wig [...] that noble Ladie Mar|garet Counteſſe of Liſle ſurnamed Riuers, ſom|time wife to Fou [...]s de Brent, departed out of this worlde, about the ſecond day of October.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .xxxvij. yeare of king Henries raigne,A [...]. [...] one of the Popes notaries called Albiet came in|to England to offer vnto Richard erle of Corn [...]|wall the kings brother,The P [...]+fereth [...] king [...] Sicall [...] Earle [...] wall. the kingdome [...] of [...]+ples and Sicill. But the Erle ſuppoſing it not to ſtande with his honour, to depriue his nephewe Henry ſon to the Emperor Frederick the ſeconde, by his wife the Empreſſe Iſabell that was [...]e to ye ſaid erle, refuſed to take that honor vpõ him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, that is to ſay, in the Oc|taues of Saint Martin, Boniface the Archbi|ſhop of Canterburie arriued in Englande com|ming from the Court of Rome, where he ha [...] bin long reſiant.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time there chau [...]ed a great occa|ſion of ſtrife betwixt the ſayd Archbiſhop, and the Biſhop of Wincheſter. For where maiſter [...]u|ſtace de Linne, o [...]all to the ſaid Archbiſhop had firſt excomunicate, & after for his cõtumacie [...]an|ſed to be attached a prieſt which by authority of ye elect of Wincheſter as dioceſane there, was [...]red into poſſeſſion of an Hoſpitall in Southwarke, as gouernour thereof, by the name of Pr [...], [...]th|out conſent of the Officiall, whiche preſ [...]ded tytle as Patrone in hys Maiſters name, the ſayd elect of Wincheſter cauſed a ryotous ſor [...] of per|ſons after the maner of warre to ſeeke [...]nge hereof, the whiche after manye outrages done, came to Lambeth, and there by violence tooke the ſayde Euſtace out of his owne houſe, and ledde him to Farnham, where hee was kepte as priſoner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbiſhop here of aduertiſed, at his firſt comming ouer, and taking the ſame but for a homely welcom, was maruelouſly offended, and comming to London accompanied with the Bi|ſhops of Chicheſter and Hereforde in the Church of Saint Mary Bowe, being reueſted in Ponti|ficalibus, pronounced all thoſe accurſed whiche were Authours or fauourers of ſuch a raſhe and preſumptuous deede, and further commaunded all the Biſhops within his Prouince, by vertue of their obedience, to denounce the ſame in their Churches euery Sunday and holy day.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Biſhop of Wincheſter on the other part, ſent cõmaundement to the deane of Southwarke to reſiſt the Archbiſhop to his face, & to denounce EEBO page image 731 his curſſe to be voyde, vaine, and of no force, but deuiſed of a craftie purpoſe and wicked meaning. The Archbiſhop continuing in his conceiued diſ|pleaſure, went to Oxforde, and there on the mo|row after Saint Nicholas day, renued the ſame curſe in ſolemne wiſe before all the learned men, ſtudents,1253 and ſcholers of the vniuerſitie. At length yet the matter was taken vp betwixt them, for the king in his brothers cauſe, and the Queene for hir vncle the Archbiſhop, [...] Archb. of [...]erourie [...]he Biſhop Wincheſter [...]e friends. [...]liam de [...]ence, and [...] de War| [...] tooke ſome payne to agree them. And ſo in the Octaues of the Epi|phanie they were made friendes, and thoſe aſſoy|led that were excommunicate, in which number William de Valẽce, and Iohn de Warren were thought to be conteyned as thoſe that ſhoulde be preſent in vſing the force againſt the Official (as before ye haue heard.) By inquiry takẽ about this time by the diligence of the Biſhop of Lincolne, it was found that the yearely profites and reue|nues of ſpiritual promotions, [...] value of [...]uall ly| [...]gs in ſtran| [...] handes. and liuings reſting in ſtraungers hands preferred by the Popes pro|uiſions, amounted to the ſumme of .lxx. thouſand Markes, which was more by two thirde partes, than the kings reuenues belonging to his crown.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Glouceſter and the Lord Wil. de Valence went ouer into Fraunce in moſt tri|umphant maner, to conclude a maryage betwixt the ſonne of the ſayde Earle of Glouceſter, and the daughter of the Lorde Guie of Engoleſme. Which mariage the king had mocioned for the affection which he bare towardes the aduaunce|ment of his linage, by the mothers ſyde. Whereat bicauſe they were ſtrangers, the Engliſh nobilitie ſomwhat repined. And wheras like luſtie yõg gẽ|tlemen they attempted a Iuſtes and tourney to ſhewe ſome prouſe of theyr valiaunt ſtomackes, they were well beaten by the French men, that diſdeyned to ſee yong men ſo preſumptuous, to prouoke olde accuſtomed warriours to the tryall of ſuch martiall enterpriſes

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the beginning of Lent the new Moone was ſeene foure dayes before ſhe ought to haue appeared by hir common courſe.The newe Moone appea|red before hir time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king by a ſhift got of the Lõdoners .1000. Markes. For as it happened about the ſame time the youthfull Citizens (for an exerciſe and triall of their actiuitie) had ſet forth a game to runne at the Quintine,Running at the Quintine. and whoſoeuer did beſt ſhuld haue a Peacocke which they had prepared for a priſe. Certaine of the kings ſeruants, bycauſe the court lay then at Weſtminſter, came (as it were in ſpight of the Citizens) to the game,The Londo|ners called Barons. & giuing re|prochfull names to the Londoners (which for the dignitie of the Citie & auncient priuiledges which they ought to haue enioyed were called Barons) the ſayd Lõdoners not able to beare ſo to be miſ|vſed, fell vpon the kings ſeruaunts, and bet them ſhrewdly, ſo that vpon coplaint, the king cauſed the Citizens to fine for their raſh doings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, about the ſame time, the K. vpon diſpleaſure conceyued agaynſt the Earle of Ley|ceſter, had cauſed him to reſigne his office of the wardẽſhip of Gaſcoigne:The Earle of Leyceſter re|ſigneth his go|uernment of Gaſcoigne. and bycauſe the erle had it by patẽt, the k. not able to find any iuſt cauſe of forfeiture, agreed to pay vnto him for yt reſignatiõ no ſmal portion of money. And wheras the Gaſ|coignes had charged the erle with too much ſtrait hãdling of them, wherby they were occaſioned to rayſe tumults, the matter was now nothing at al amended. For after the erle had reſigned, they cõ|tinued ſtill in rebellion,The Rioll. S. Million. Townes in Gaſcoigne. ſo that the Rioll with S. Millions and other places were taken by the ad|uerſaries [figure appears here on page 731] oute of the Kings handes, and greate ſlaughter of people made in thoſe parties: where|fore the king mynding to goe thither, cauſed mu|ſters to be takẽ, and men put in a redineſſe accor|ding to the cuſtome, that he might vnderſtande what number of able men furniſhed for the war EEBO page image 732 were to be had.Knightes to be made. He alſo tooke order that euery mã that might diſpend yearely .xv. poundes in lands ſhould be made knight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, for the better preſeruation of peace and quietneſſe amongſt his people, he appoynted watch to be kept by night in Cities & borough townes. And further by the aduice of the Sauoy|ſynes,An ordinance agaynſt rob|bers. which were about him, he ordeyned that if any man chaunced to bee robbed, or by anye meanes damnified by any theefe or robber, he to whom the keeping of that Countrey chiefly ap|perteyned where the robbery was done, ſhoulde competently reſtore the loſſe: and this was after the vſage of Sauoy, but was thought more hard to be obſerued here, than in thoſe partyes, where are not ſo many bypathes and ſtarting corners to ſhift out of the way.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Gaſcoignes continued in their ſeditio [...]s doings and namely Gaſcon de Bierne, who re|nouncing his duetie and obedience to the king of England, ioyned himſelfe to the king of Spaine, through his help to be the ſtronger and more able to anoy the Engliſh ſubiectes. The euill entrea|ting vſed towards the Gaſcoigns which brought hyther Wines, in that the ſame were often|tymes taken from them by the Kings officers,The [...] [...]ed [...] Gaſcoi [...] rebell [...] and other, without readie money allowed for the ſale, gaue occaſion to them to grudge and repine agaynſt the king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the quindeue of Eaſter a Parliament be|ganne at London,A Par [...] in which all the eſtates being aſſembled, the matter was mooued for ayding the [figure appears here on page 732] king with ſome reliefe of money towards the ior|ney which he ment to make into the holy lande:A tenth gran|ted of the ſpi|ritualtie. Eſcuage graunted. & ſo at length it was agreed that a tenth part of all the reuenues belonging to the church was gran|ted to him for three yeres ſpace, and that eſcuage ſhould be leuyed for that yeare, after three markes of euery knightes fee, and the king on the other part promiſed faithfully to obſerue and maintain the graunt of the great charter,Magna carta. and all the articles conteyned within the ſame. And for more aſſu|rance hereof, the thirde day of May in the greate hall at Weſtminſter, in the preſence, and by the aſſent of the king and the Earles of Norffolke, Hereforde, Oxforde. Warwicke, and other no|ble men, by the Archbiſhop of Canterburie as pri|mate, and by the Biſhoppes of London, Elye, Lyncolne, Worceſter, Norwiche, Hereforde, Saliſburie, Durham, Exeter, Carlile, Bathe, Rocheſter, and S. Dauies, reueſted and appare|led in pontificalibus, with Tapers, according to the maner, the ſentence of excomunication was pronounced agaynſt all tranſgreſſors of the liber|ties of the Churche, and of the auncient liber|ties and cuſtomes of the realme of England, and namely thoſe which are conteyned in the greate Charter, and in the Charter of Foreſt. Whileſt the ſentence was in reading, the king helde hys hande vpon hys breaſt wyth glad and chearefull countenaunce, and when in the ende they threwe away theyr extinct and ſmoking Tapers, ſay|ing, ſo let them bee extinguiſhed and ſynke into the pytte of hell which runne into the daungers of this ſentence, the King ſayde, ſo helpe mee God, as I ſhall obſerue and keepe all theſe things, euen as I am a Chriſtian man, as I am a knight, and as I am a King crowned and an|noynted. But afterwarde when he through o|ther counſayle brake his promiſe therein,Godly c [...] no do [...] he was aduiſed by ſome to giue a portion of that money which he got at this tyme, to the Pope, that hee might of him be aſſoyled.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Immediately after the breaking vp of the Parliament, that is to vnderſtande, about the fyrſt of Iune, the King beeing earneſtly cal|led vppon by Meſſengers ſente from the Gaſ|coignes to prouyde in tyme for the defence and EEBO page image 733 ſafegarde of that Countrey, ſithe otherwyſe hee ſtoode in daunger to loſe it, [...]he king pur| [...]ſeth to go [...]mſelfe into [...]ſcoigne. with all ſpeede he re|ſolued to goe thither, and therevpon cauſed ſum|mons to bee gyuen to all thoſe that helde of him by knightes ſeruice, to prepare to bee at Porteſ|mouth, with horſe and armour in the Octaues of the Trinitie. Herewith hee made great pro|uiſion of Shippes, the whiche beeing aſſembled, and the armie likewiſe come togyther, through lacke of conuenient winde hee was enforced to ſtay a long tyme, to his great griefe and no leſſe charges.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]e taketh the [...]n.Finally, on the .vj. of Auguſt, hee tooke the ſea, leauing his brother the Earle of Cornewall, and the Queene in charge with gouernaunce of the Realme, and of his ſonne the Lord Edward. There departed with him frõ Porteſmouth three hundred ſayles of great ſhippes, beſides a number of other ſmaller veſſelles. And thus accompanied he tooke his courſe towardes Gaſcoigne, and a|bout our Lady day the aſſumption, he arriued at Burdeaux, [...] arriueth at [...]rdeaux. where he was of the Citizens honou|rably receyued.

[figure appears here on page 733]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Immediately after his arriuall there, he cau|ſed the towne of the Rioll to be compaſſed about with a ſtrong ſiege, within the whiche a greate number of Rebelles were encloſed, which vali|antly defended the place in hope of reſcue whiche Gaſton de Bierne that was fledde to the King of Spain had promiſed to procure for them. But the king of Englande to preuent them in that poynt, [...]mbaſſadors [...]t into Spain ſent the Biſhop of Bathe, and his truſtie Chaplaine ſir Iohn Manſell vnto the ſayd king of Spaine, to conclude friendſhip and alliaunce with him, ſo that the Lorde Edwarde his eldeſt ſonne might marye the King of Spaine hys daughter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...] mariage cõ| [...]ded betwixt [...]e king of [...]glands ſon [...]d the king Spaynes [...]ghter.After long treatie, by the diligence of the ſayd Ambaſſadors, a full concluſion followed of theyr motion. And whereas the king of Englande had giuen and aſſigned the dominion of Gaſcoigne to his ſayde ſonne the Lorde Edwarde, the King of Spain in the inſtrument that conteyned the co|uenants of the mariage, reſigned & quiteclaymed all the right and tytle within Gaſcoigne which he had or might haue by the gyft of king Henrie the ſecond, & by confirmation of the Kings; Richard, and Iohn. In this meane while, the townes and caſtels which the rebels held, were wonne and de|liuered into the kings hands, and herewith follo|wed a great dearth in the kings armie,A derth in the kings campe. ſo that a hen was ſold for .vj. pence (d.) ſterling, A pound weight in bread was at two pence (d.) or three pence (d.) a gallon of wine at two shillings (ſ) a coome or foure buſhels of wheat at .xx. shillings (ſ.) ſo that a knight with his eſquire, and coiſtrel with his two horſes, might vneth be cõ|petently found for two shillings (ſ.)of ſiluer. The k. therfore to relieue his people there with him on that ſyde the ſea, ſent the Prior of Newbourgh with other into Englãd, to cauſe prouiſion of vitails & other neceſſaries to be cõueyed & brought vnto him into Gaſcoigne, and ſo there was a great quantitie of grayne and powdred fleſh taken vp and ſent a|way with all conuenient ſpeede. The Earle of Leyceſter came to the king, bringing with hym out of Fraunce where he had remayned a certaine time, a faire companie of ſouldiers and men of warre to the kings ayde, and was right courte|ouſtye receyued. The Gaſcoignes then percey|uing the kings power to encreaſe, and ſaw howe not only the caſtels wherein they truſted to haue refuge were wonne and gotten out of their hands by the King of Englande, but alſo that theyr Vines (wherein chiefly conſiſted theyr hope of ſu|ſtentation) were burned vp and deſtroyed,The G [...]ſ|coigns begin to humble themſelues. they began to humble themſelues, and ſo by little and litle returned to their due obedience, after that the Authors of their ſeditions tumults were eyther apprehended, or chaſed out of the countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare died the Biſhop of Chicheſter M. Richard Witz,The Biſhop of Chicheſter Ri|charde Witz and Groſted B. of Lincolne, de part this life a man of great vertue and ſingu|lar knowledge. Alſo that famous Clearke Ro|bert Groſted Biſhop of Lincolne departed thys lyfe on the day of Saint Denyſe in the night, at hys Manour of Bugdene, whoſe learning cou|pled with vertue and vprightneſſe of life wan to him perpetuall commendation.The prayſe of Groſted. He was a mani|feſt blamer of Pope and king, a reprouer of Pre|lates, a correcter of Monkes, a directer of Prieſtes, an inſtructer of Clearkes, a ſuſteyner of Scholers, a preacher to the people, a perſecu|ter of incontinent liuers, a diligent ſearcher of the Scriptures, a contemner and a verie Mallet of ſuch ſtrangers as ſought prefermẽt in this realme by the Popes prouiſions: in houſekeeping liberall, in corporall refection plentifull, and in miniſtring ſpirituall foode, deuoute and godly affected: in his Biſhoplike office diligent, reuerende, and ne|uer awearied.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer there died in Gaſcoigne, Williã de EEBO page image 734 Veſcie a baron of great fame in the north partes.The L. Wal. Veſcie depar|teth this life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo in the Spring and Sommer of thys yeare was a greate drought, and in the Harueſt ſeaſon fell ſuch wette,Great wea [...]e. that great flouddes by the ryſing of the Ryuers, and ouerflowing theyr Bankes, did muche hurt in ſundrye places of the Realme. Againe in the latter ende of Harueſt about Michaelmaſſe, there was eftſoones ſuche a drought,Great drought that menne coulde gette no grynding at the Mylnes, but were conſtrayned to goe in ſome places a dayes iourney of, to haue theyr corne grounde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 38.

The Lady Ka|therin the kings daugh|ter borne.

In the .xxviij. yeare of king Henries raigne, the Queene was deliuered of a daughter whiche was called Katherin, bycauſe the ſame was born on Saint Katherins day.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On S. Lucies day, there fell a great ſnowe, and withall a winters thunder,Winter thũder for a token of ſome euill to follow. The king to ſettle the ſtate of the countrey of Gaſcoigne in better order, ta|ryed there all the winter, and repaired certaine de|cayed townes and Caſtels.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1254The Queene kept hir Chriſtmaſſe at Lon|don, where ſhe lay in childebed, and was purified on the euen of the Epiphanie, making a royall feaſt, at the which many great Lordes were pre|ſent, as the Archbiſhop of Cãterburie, the Biſhop of Elie, the Erles of Cornewall and Glouceſter, and many other.The Queenes lib [...]ie to|wardes the king. She ſent ouer at the ſame time to hir huſband for a new yeares gift the ſumme of fiue C. Markes of hir owne reuenues towardes the maintenance of his warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A ſtrange fight in the ayre.On the euen of the Circumciſion of our Lord, in the night ſeaſon whileſt the ayre was moſte cleare and bright with ſhining ſtarres, the Moone being .viij. dayes olde, there appeared in the Ele|ment the perfect fourme and likeneſſe of a migh|tie great Shippe, whiche was fyrſt ſeene of cer|taine Monkes of Saint Albones, who remay|ning at Saint Amphibalus,Redborne. were got vp to be|hold by the ſtarres, if it were tyme for them to go to Mattens, but perceyuing that ſtraunge ſight, they called vp ſuche of their acquayntaunce as lodged neare at hande, to viewe the ſame. At length it ſeemed as the bourdes and ioyntes there|of had gone in ſunder, and ſo it vaniſhed awaye. There followed a maruellous ſore latter ende of a Winter, through colde and ouerſharpe weather, which continued till the feaſt of S. Gregorie in March next enſuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A death of ſheepe.Alſo there chanced the ſame yere a great mur|reyn & death of ſheepe and Deare, ſo that of whole flocks & heardes, vneth the one halfe eſcaped.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the King remayned ſtyll in Gaſ|coigne, hee ſent for his wife Queene Eleanore, with his eldeſt ſonne Edwarde, but bycauſe he coulde not make an ende of his buſineſſe of al that Winter, hee continued there the Sommer alſo. And foraſmuch as he floode in neede of money, haue ſome reaſonable pretence to demaundeth ſubſedie, in the begynning of Marche, hee ſent to hys brother Richarde the Earle of Cornewall (which was come ouer before chiefly for that pur|poſe) certain inſtructiõs to declare how there was like to follow great warre, by meanes of Alfonie the tenth of that name king of Caſtile, who me|naced verie ſhortly to inuade the confines of Gaſ|coigne perteyning to the Engliſhe dominion,The l [...] [...] and therefore he required of his faithful ſubiectes ſ [...]e ayde of money, whereby he might be able to reſiſt his aduerſarie the ſayd king of Caſtile. Earle Ri|chard did what he could to perſwade the people to this payment, but he caſt his net in vaine, before the face of the feathered foule. For though he ſette forth the matter to the vttermoſt in the preſe [...]e of the nobles and other eſtates, yet woulde they not heare of any payment to bee made, as thoſe that ſmelled out the feyned fetche and forged tale of the Kings neede. For they had intelligence that there was an agreement concluded betwixt him and the king of Spaine. And for the ſame cauſe the Queene and the Lorde Edwarde were gone ouer, that the king of Spaine might haue a ſight of him, as hee had required when the coue|nants of the mariage were accorded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Twice the eſtates of the realme were aſſem|bled at London about the graunt of this paymẽt, but all in vaine, ſo that they were conſtrayned to paſſe it ouer with ſilence, and to ſurceaſſe in the matter to theyr great griefe, and namely the erle of Cornwal, who had taken great paynes there|in. Yet for that he would not returne with emp|tie hande, he leuyed by rygorous meanes a great ſumme of the Iewes (of whom a great multitude inhabited in that ſeaſon in London) and there|with returning to his brother king Henry ſhewed him how he had ſped.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king was not a little offended with them that thus had denied to helpe him with money,The ki [...] fea [...] them [...]+fuſed [...] him w [...] money. in ſomuch that vpõ euery light occaſiõ, he was redy to reuenge his diſpleaſure towards thẽ, in taking away ſuch grauntes of priuiledges and liberties, as before he had made. But now to auoyde ſuſ|pition of hys feyned pretence of warre betwixte him and king Alfonſe,Edward [...] kings [...] ſent to the [...] of Caſt [...] hee ſent hys ſonne Ed|warde into Caſtile vnto the ſame Alfonſe, vnder a colour to compound with him for peace, where the verie occaſiõ of his going thither was to pur|chaſe him the Ladie Elenore to wife, that was ſi|ſter to the ſayd king Alfonſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At his comming to the Court of Spaine, he was of the king there verie honourably receyued, and in the ende, vpon conference had of hys meſ|ſage, hee obteyned hys ſuyte, ſo that King Al|fonſe was content to beſtowe vppon hym hys daughter in maryage, wyth the Countie of EEBO page image 735 [figure appears here on page 735] Pontieu in Fraunce, [...]marieth [...] Ladie Ele| [...]re daughter K. Alfonſe. which ſhee helde in right of hir mother Queene Ioan, the ſeconde wyfe of Ferdinando the thirde king of Caſtile, Father vnto this king Alfonſe, which Ioan was the on|ly daughter and heyre of Symon Earle of Pon|tieu, and had iſſue by hir huſband the ſayde Fer|dinando two ſonnes, Ferdinando and Lewes, with one daughter, to wit the foreſayde Elenore, the which by reaſon hir brethren dyed yong, was heyre to hir mother. The Lorde Edward hauing ſped his buſineſſe according to his deſire returned with a ioyfull heart to his father,

[...]n. Higd. [...]lidor.

[...]ward the [...]ngs ſonne [...]eated prince Wales, and [...]rle of Che| [...].

[...]at. Par.

and declared to him what he had done. His father moſt glad ther|of, for an augmentation of honor created hym Prince of Wales, and Erle of Cheſter, and ap|poynted him to be his deputie and generall Lieu|tenant both in Guyenne and in Irelande, & gaue to him the townes of Briſtow, Stanforde, and Granthã. Hereof came it, that euer after the kings eldeſt ſonne was made immediately vpon hys byrth Prince of Wales,

[...]mond the [...]gs yonger [...]ne created [...]ke of Lan| [...]er.

[...]ips of a [...]ange mold.

and Erle of Cheſter. He created alſo his other ſon named Edmond, Earle of Lancaſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon were certain ſhips dryuen by force of winde and weather into certaine Ha|uens on the north coaſtes of England towardes Berwike, which ſhippes were of a right ſtraunge forme & faſhion, but mightie & ſtrong. The men that were aboord the ſame ſhips were of ſome far countrey, for their language was vnknowne, and not vnderſtandable to any man that coulde bee brought to talke with them. The fraught & balaſt of the ſhips was armor and weapon, as haberge|ous, helmets, ſpeares, bowes, arrowes, croſbowes and darts, with great ſtore of vitailes. There lay alſo without the hauens on the coaſt diuerſe other ſhips of like forme, molde & faſhion. Thoſe that were driuen into the hauens were ſtayed for a time by the Baylifes of the Portes. But finally when it coulde not be knowne what they were, nor from whence they came, they were licenced to depart, without loſſe or harme in body or goodes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About Candlemaſſe, Gaſton de Bierne,Gaſton de Bi|erne attemp|teth to take the citie of Bayon. aſ|ſembling togither a multitude of the kings eni|mies, through intelligence of ſome of the Citi|zens of Bayon that fauoured not the K. wrought ſo that certaine of his number entred that Citie, meaning to haue bereft the king of the dominion thereof. But other of the Citizens, (namelye thoſe of the meaner ſorte whiche fauoured the King) made ſuche reſiſtaunce, that the enimyes whiche were entred, were apprehended, and dy|uerſe of them ſuffered puniſhment, as they hadde well deſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this,A muteny in the Engliſh armie. there chaunced a mutenye in the Engliſhe armie, bycauſe the kings brethren and the Biſhop of Hereforde tooke vpon them to pu|niſh certain Welchmen, for that without cõmiſ|ſion they had beene abrode to ſpoyle within the French confines. Therefore in aſmuch as the pu|niſhment ſeemed to exceed the degree & qualitie of the offence, and againe for that the Erle of Here|ford being Coneſtable of the hoſt by inheritaunce ought to haue had the order of all corrections in caſes of ſuch offences, the Engliſhe men were in minde to haue ſlaine all the Poictouins in deſpite of the kings brethren, if the king had not in hum|ble wiſe ſought to haue appeaſed their furie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The wind continuing this yeare for the ſpace of three Monethes and odde dayes northerly, did greatly hinder the growth and increaſe of floures and fruites:A mightie ſtorme of hayle. and about the firſt of Iuly there fell ſuche a ſtorme of hayle and rayne, as the lyke had not beene ſeene nor hearde of in thoſe dayes, breaking downe the tyles and other couerings of houſes, with boughes of trees, by the violent abũ|dance and force of the water & haileſtones, whiche continued aboue the ſpace of an houre powring EEBO page image 736 and beating downe inceſſauntly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. Reg. 19.

The king re|turneth home wards through France.

After this, when the king had remayned a|whole yere in Guienne, he returned homewards through Fraunce, and comming vnto Chartres, was honourably there receyued of Lewes the French king, as then lately returned oute of the holy lande, and from thence he was royally by the ſame king Lewes brought vnto Paris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Coũteſſ [...] of Cornewall.The Counteſſe of Cornwall went ouer with a noble trayne of Lordes, Gentlemen, and o|thers, to bee preſent at thee meeting of hir two ſiſters, the Queens of England & France, ſo that the royaltie of the aſſemble on ech part was great.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally after that king Henry had continued for his pleaſure certaine dayes, hee returned ſtreight into Englande,1255 landing at Douer in Chriſtmaſſe week. This iourney into Gaſcoigne was right coſtly, and to ſmall purpoſe (as wry|ters haue recorded, for the kings charges amoun|ted to the ſumme of .xxvij. hundred thouſande poundes and aboue, except landes and rentes which he gaue vnaduiſedly to thoſe which little deſerued, but rather ſought the hynderance both of him and his Realme, beſydes the gyfte of .xxx. thouſand Markes, which he beſtowed vpon hys halfe brethren by the mother ſide, not reckening the landes nor rentes, neyther yet the wardes nor the horſes, nor Iewelles which he gaue to them beſides, being of price ineſtimable.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And thus in two iourneys which he made, the one into Poictou, which Countrey hee loſt, and the other into Gaſcoigne, which he hardly preſer|ued, he ſpent more treaſure than a wiſe chapman would haue giuen for them both if they had beene ſet on ſale (as Mat. Paris writeth.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreouer to encreaſe the kings vain charges, ſo it fell out, that Pope Innocent bearing grudge towardes Conrade king of Sicill, he offred that kingdome (as before is partly touched) vnto Ri|chard Duke of Cornewall, who refuſed the offer aſwell for other cauſes, as chiefly for that the pope would not agree to ſuch conditions as Erle Ri|chard thought neceſſarie for his aſſurance: where|vpon the Pope graunted that kingdome vnto K. Henrie,The pope offe|reth the king|dome of Sicill vnto the king [...]and. with many goodly promiſes of ayd to his furtherance for atteyning the poſſeſſion thereof. King Henrie ioyfully receyued that graunt, and called his ſonne Edmond openly by the name of king of Sicill, and to furniſh the Pope with mo|ney for the maintenance of his war againſt Cõ|rade, he got togither all ſuch ſummes as he could make, aſwell out of his owne coffers, and out of the Exchequer, as by borowing of his brother erle Richard,The king ma|keth great ſhift for many to ſend to the pope. & likewiſe what he could ſcrape frõ the Iewes, or otherwiſe extort by the rapine of the Iuſtices Itenerantes, all the which he ſent to the Pope, who not content herewith (when he began eftſoones to want) wrote againe to the king for more.He ſ [...] the po [...]+ra [...] to t [...] money. The King through the inſtinct of the diuell to anſwere the Popes auarice, ſont to him his letters patents obligatorie, ſigned with hys [figure appears here on page 736] royall wait, by whiche he might take by way of lone ſuche ſummes of money, as would largely ſerue his turne of the Marchants Italians, wyl|ling him not to ſtick at the diſburſing of treaſure, nor at the great quãtitie of the intereſt riſing vpõ the vſury, for he would diſcharge all. And herevn|to he bound himſelfe vnder paine to forfeyte hys kingdome and other his heritages.Mat. Pa [...] The Pope cõ|ſenting herevnto, accepted this large offer, if he did well herein ſayth Mat. Par.) the Lord the iudge of all Iudges iudge it, to whom apperteyneth the care of al things. To conclude, much money was ſpent,The po [...] [...]+berall of [...]+ther [...] purſe. for the Pope ſpared not the king of Eng|lands purſe, though litle good was done therwith. At length Conrade died, not without ſuſpition of poyſon. The Pope being aduertiſed of his death, reioiced greatly as he wel vttered in plain words, ſaying. Let all vs that be the children of the Ro|main church reioyce, for now two of our greateſt enimies are diſpatched out of ye way, the one a ſpi|ritual mã, that is to wit, Robert B. of Lincoln, & the other a lay man, that is Conrade K. of Sicill,Ma [...] [...]+clay [...] [...] of Sci [...]. but yet the Pope miſſed of his purpoſe, for Man|fred the baſterd ſon of the Emperor Frederick the ſecond, was ſhortly after proclaimed K. of Sicil, and ſo the ſecond error was greater than the firſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the quindene of Eaſter,A Parlia [...] there was a Parliament holdẽ at London, at the which were aſſembled all the eſtates of the realme in greater number than had bin cõmonly ſeene. This Par|liamẽt was called chiefly to let thẽ vnderſtand ye kings neceſſitie of money, for diſcharging of hys debts, & to require them of their ayde towards the ſame? but whereas he requeſted more than was thought ſtoode wyth reaſon,The eſtates [...]+fuſe to gr [...] a ſubſ [...]. they woulde not agree therevnto, but they deſired that he woulde confyrme, and without all cauillation ſweare to obſerue the liberties which by the charter bee had promiſed to hold. Moreouer they required yt by the EEBO page image 737 common councell of the Realme, they myghte chooſe to them the chiefe Iuſtice, the Chauncel|loure and Treaſurer, but they were aunſwered playnely by ſome of the priuie Councell, that this requeſt would at no hand be graunted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Furthermore, the Prelates complayned, that they were driuen to pay the tenthes whiche they promiſed condicionally, as it were now by con|ſtreynt and of duetie, to the preiudice of the liber|ties of the Church. The nobles alſo found them|ſelues greeded for the exactions which they ſawe at hand, but finally, after many thyngs had bene debated touching theſe matters, the Parliamente was adiourned till Michaelmas nexte, [...]e Parlia| [...]nt adiour| [...]. and euery man departed to his home, with no greate truſt of the Kyngs good will towards them, nor anye harty thankes receyued of hym for theyr paynts, as may be thought by that whyche writers haue recorded. Two noble men, to whome the cuſtody and guyding of the Kyng & Queene of Scottes was committed, [...]bert de Ros [...] Iohn Bal| [...] accurſed. that is to witte, Robert de Ros, and Iohn de Baillioll, were accurſed, for miſu|ſing themſelues in the truſt and charge whyche they had taken vpon them. King Henry was the ſame time at Nottingham. The information came foorth by a Phiſition, the which was ſente from the Queene of England, vnto hir daughter the Queene of Scottes, to be about hir for re|gard of hir health, [...]ginald de [...]a Phiſi| [...]. but bycauſe the ſame Phiſiti|on, (whoſe name was Reginalde of Bathe) per|ceyued the Queene of Scottes to bee empayred in health through anguiſh of minde, by reaſon of the miſdemeanor of ſuch as had the gouernemẽt of hir and hir huſbãd, he ſticked not to blame and reprooue [...] then [...] their doings, for the whiche hee was poyſoned as ſome thinke: for ther truth was, he ſhortly after ſickened and dyed, ſignifying vp|pon his death bed vnto the Queene of Englande what he miſliked in thoſe that had the doings a|bout hir daughter and hir huſband the Scottiſhe Kyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Moone ſuffered a maruellous eclipſe,An Eclipſe. on the night following the day of Saint Margaret in Iuly. It began afore midnight, and continu|ed foure houres. The King at the contemplation of his daughter the Queene of Scottes, rayſed a power, and drewe Northwardes,The Earle of Glouceſter and Iohn Manſell ſent into Scotland. ſending he fo [...] him the Earle of Glouceſter, and Iohn Manſell, that was his Chaplayne and one of his Coun|ſell. Theſe two ſo vſed the matter, that they name to Edenburgh, where the King and Queene of Scottes then lay in the Caſtell, into the whyche they entred, and altred the order of the [...]ouſh [...]lde, ſo as ſtoode with the cont [...]tation of the Kyng and Queene, which were in ſuch wiſe vſed before that time, that they were not ſuff [...] to lie togy|ther, nor vnneth come to talke togither.Robert de Ros ſummo|ned to ap|peare. Robert de Ros was ſummoned to appeare before the K. of Englande, to aunſwere to ſuche thynges as might be layd to hys charge. At th [...] firſt he with|drew himſelfe, but afterwardes he came in and ſubmitted him to ye Kings pleaſure. Diuers of ye nobles of Scotland tooke it not well, that ye Erle of Glouceſter and Iohn Manſell ſhoulde thus come into the Caſtell of Edenburgh, and order things in the Kings houſe in ſuche ſort at theyr pleaſure, wherevpon, they aſſembled a power, and beſieged the ſame Caſtell, but at length, percey|uing [figure appears here on page 737] theyr owne error: they rayſed they ſiege and departed. Iohn de Bailiol beeing accuſed of the like crime that was layde to the charge of hys fellowe Roberte de Ros, for a peece of money bought his peace and was pardoned, but the lãds of Roberte de Ros were ſeyſed into the Kynges handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally the King and Queene of Englande came to amen [...]ew with the King of Scottes, and the Queene theyr daughter, and ſetting all EEBO page image 738 things with them in ſuch order as was thought conueniente, they returned agayne towarde the South parties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A ſhift to get money of the Biſhops deui|ſed by the Biſhop of He|reforde.In the meane ſeaſon, the Biſhop of Hereforde deuiſed a ſhift to help ye King to money, towards the payment of his debtes, by obteyning certayne autent [...]e ſeales of the Prelates of this land, with whiche he ſealed certayne inſtruments and wri|tings, wherein it was expreſſed, that he had recey|ued dyuers ſummes of money for diſpatche of buſineſſe perteyning to them and to their Chur|ches, of this and that merchaunt of Florence or Siena, whereby they ſtoode bound for repayment thereof by the ſame inſtruments and writings to made by him theyr agent in theyr names. Thys ſhift was deuiſed by the ſayde Byſhop of Her|ford, with licence obteyned therevnto of the king and alſo of the Pope, vnto whome for the ſame intent, the ſayd Byſhop was ſent, with Sir Ro|bert Walerane Knight. The Pope was the ſoo|ner perſwaded, to graunte licence for the contri|uing of ſuche manner of ſhift, bycauſe the money ſhould goe to the diſcharging of the kings debts, into the whiche hee was runne, by bearing the charges of the warres againſt the King of Sicill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of Saint Edward,A Parli [...] the Parlia|ment [figure appears here on page 738] began agayne at London in the whyche, the eſtates treated of a ſubſedie to be graunted to the King,Richard Earle of Cornewall ſtandeth a|gainſt his brother for the graunt of a ſubſedie. but they coulde not conclude thereof, neyther would Richard Earle of Cornewall diſ|burſe any money at that ſeaſon to his brother the King, bycauſe he allowed not the manner of lay|ing it out for the warres againſt Manfred, beyng taken in hand without his conſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare, the King, by the procuremẽt of his brother Richard Earle of Cornewall, had ſeaſed the liberties of the Citie of London into his owne hands,The liberties of London ſeaſed into the Kings handes. vnder coulour, that the Maior hadde not done his duetie in the iuſt puniſhing of Bakers for breaking of the aſſiſes of their bread. Herevpon, where the Maior and communaltie of the Citie had by the Kings graunte the Citie to ferme, with diuers cuſtomes and offices at a certayne rate, and ſtinted ſumme of money, nowe the Kyng ſet officers therein at his pleaſure, whi|che were accomptable to him for all the re [...]e|newes and profites that grewe within the Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But where as the malice whiche the Earle of Cornewall bare to the Citie was, for that they would not exchaunge with him certayn grounds that belonged to their communaltie, they were glad to agree with him, and pay vnto him ſixe hundred markes. After whiche agreemente con|cluded, about the ninteenth daye of Nouember, they were ſhortly after reſtored to theyr liber|ties. This chaunced before the Kings comming ouer, who at his comming to London, lodged in the Tower, and vpon newe diſpleaſure concey|ued towards the Citie for the eſcape of a priſo|ner, beeing a Clearke conuict out of Newgate, which had killed a Prior, that was of all [...]aunce to the Kyng, as Couſin to the Queene, the King ſent for the Maior and the [...] Pheriſes to [...]orde be|fore him to aunſwere the matter. The Maior layde the faulte from hym to the Sherifes, for ſo muche as to them belonged the keeping of all the priſoners within the Citie: and ſo the Maior re|turned home agayne,The S [...] of Lon [...] [...] but the Sherifes remayned there as priſoners, by the ſpace of a whole mo|neth or more, and yet they excuſed themſelues, in that the faulte chiefly reſted in the Byſhoppes officers: for whereas the priſoner was vnder hys cuſtody, they a [...]s requeſt had graunted hym licence to empriſon the offender within theyr warde of Newgate, but ſo as hys officers were EEBO page image 739 charged to ſee him ſafely kept. The King not|withſtanding demanded of the Citie three thou|ſand markes for a fyne. Moreouer, whereas hee ſtode in great neede of money, [...]he King de| [...]andeth mo| [...]y of the [...]wes. he required by way of a tallage right thouſand marks of the Iewes, charging them on payne of hanging, not to defer that payment. The Iewes ſore empoueriſhed with greeuous and often payments, excuſed thẽ|ſelues by the Popes vſurers, and reprooued plain|ly the Kings exceſſiue taking of money, as well of his Chriſtian ſubiectes as of them. The Kyng on the other ſyde, to let it be knowen that he tax|ed not his people without iuſt occaſion, and vpon neceſſitie that droue him thereto, confeſſed open|ly, that he was indebted by his bondes obligato|rie, [...]he Kings [...]bt. 3000000 [...]arkes. in three hundred thouſand marks: and again, the yearely reuenewes aſſigned to his ſon Prince Edward, roſe to the ſumme of fifteene thouſande markes and aboue, where the reuenewes that be|longed to the Crowne were greatly diminiſhed, in ſuch wiſe, that without the ayd of his ſubiects, he ſhould neuer be able to come out of debt. To be ſhort, when he had fleeſed the Iewes to the quick, he ſet them to ferme vnto his brother Earle Ri|chard, that hee mighte pull off ſkinne and all, but yet he conſidering their pouertie, ſpared them, and neuertheleſſe, [...]e Barle of [...]newall [...]deth the [...]ng money. to relieue his brothers neceſſitie vp|pon pawne, he lent to him an huge maſſe of mo|ney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] Oliphant [...]nt to the K.About the ſame time, Lewes the French king ſent vnto King Henry for a preſent, an Oliphãt, a beaſt moſt ſtraunge and wonderfull to ye Eng|liſh people, ſith moſt ſeldome or neuer any of that kynde had bin ſeene in England before that time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]n Ewer of [...]arle, per| [...]uenture an [...]at.The French Queene alſo ſente for a preſente vnto the King of England an ewer of pearle like to a Peacocke in forme and faſhion, garniſhed moſt richly with golde, ſiluer, and Saphires to furniſh him foorth in all poyntes of fine and cun|ning workmanſhip, to the very reſemblaunce of a liue Peacocke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ange won| [...]rs. [...]gh tides.Alſo many wonders chaunced about the ſame time. The Sea roſe with moſt hygh tydes, Ry|uers were ſo fylled with abundance of water, by reaſon of the great continual rayne, that maruel|lous finddes followed therevpon.Comete. A Comet alſo appeared, and many high buyldings were ſtriken by force of tẽpeſtes. [...]e deceaſſe Walther [...]chbyſhop of [...]orke. The death of Walther Arch|byſhop of Yorke followed theſe prodigious wõ|ders, who had gouerned that ſee the ſpace of for|tie yeares. After him ſucceeded one Seuall the 34. Archbiſhop of that Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]nor the [...]fe of Prince [...]ward, com| [...]eth to the [...]tie.About the feaſt of Saint Etheldred, the Lady Eleanor, wife of Prince Edwarde the Kinges ſonne, came to London, where ſhe was honora|bly receyued of the Citizens, and conueyed tho|rough the Citie to S. Ioanes withoute Smith|fielde, and there lodged for a ſeaſon, and ere long ſhe remoued vnto the Sauoy.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was not long after, that the King ſeaſed the liberties of the Citie of Londõ into his hãds, for certayne money whiche the Queene claymed as due to hir of a certayne right to be payde by the Citizens, ſo that about the feaſt of Saint Mar|tine in Nouember,The liberties of the Citie reſtored to the Londoners. they gaue vnto the Kyng foure hundred markes, and then had their liber|ties to them againe reſtored, and the Kings vn|der treaſorer diſcharged, the whiche for the tyme was made cuſtos, or keeper of the Citie.A Legate frõ the Pope na|med Ruſcand a Gaſcoigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time, came another Legate from the Pope, one Ruſcand a Gaſcoigne borne, [figure appears here on page 739] The Pope had graunted vnto the Archbiſhop of Caunterbury, and to the Biſhop of Hereford, and to this Ruſcand authoritie,Tenthes ga|thered for the Pope. to collect and gather the tenthes of the ſpiritualty within Englande, Scotlãd, and Ireland, to the vſe of the Pope and the Kyng, notwithſtanding all priuiledges, for what cauſe, or vnder what forme of wordes ſo euer the ſame had paſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Ruſcand alſo aſſoyled the King of his vowe made to goe into the holy lande, to the ende he might goe againſt Manfred King of Sicill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He alſo preached the Croſſe againſt the ſame Manfred promiſing all thoſe remiſſion of theyr ſinnes which ſhould goe to warre againſt Man|fred,The Croſſe preached a|gainſt Mãfred. as well as if they ſhoulde goe into the holye land, to warre againſte Goddes enimies there, whereat faithfull men much maruelled, that hee ſhould promiſe as greate meede for the ſheading of Chriſtian bloud, as of the bloud of Infidels.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The fetches whiche were vſed in this ſeaſon, by this Ruſcande, and the Biſhop of Hereforde, and other theyr complices, for to get money of the Prelates and gouernoures of Monaſteries within this Realme, were wonderfull, and right greeuous to thoſe that felt themſelues oppreſſed therewith, and namely, for the debt whyche the ſayde Byſhoppe of Hereforde hadde charged them with, they beeyng not priuie to the receypt, nor hauing any benefite thereby.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 EEBO page image 740 A Counſell called at Lon|don by the Legate.Ruſcand called a Councell at London, and propoũded great cauſes why the Prelates ought to ayde the Pope, and ſo therevppon, demaunded great ſummes of money. Amõgſt other ſummes [figure appears here on page 740] hee demaunded ſixe hundred markes of the houſe of Saint Albons.

Mat. Paris.

The Church|men beyng pinched by their purſes, fret and fume againſt the Popes procee|ding in that behalfe.

To conclude, his demaundes were eſteemed vnreaſonable, ſo that the By|ſhops and Abbots were in a maruellous perplex|itie, perceyuing into what miſerable ſtate by rea|ſon of immoderate exactiõs the Church of Eng|land was brought. The Byſhop of London ſtic|ked not to ſay, that he would rather loſe his head, than conſent that the Church ſhould be brought to ſuch ſeruitude as the Legate went about to en|force: and the Biſhop of Worcetor openly pro|teſted, that hee would ſooner ſuffer himſelfe to bee hanged, than to ſee the Church ſubiect to ſuch op|preſſion by their examples. Other alſo taking a boldneſſe vnto them,The Biſhops would rather become Mar| [...]is, than loſe their money. affirmed, that they woulde follow the ſteppes of Thomas ſometime Archbi|ſhop of Canterbury, whych for the liberties of the Church, ſuffred himſelfe to haue his braynes cut out of his head. Yet were thoſe prelates euil trou|bled, for the K. was againſt them on the one ſide, and the Pope gaping after money, was become their offer enemie on the other: neyther were the noble men muche moued with pitie towardes the Churche their mother (as the terme then wente) now thus in miſerie. Finally, the Prelates appea|led from Ruſcand, vnto the Popes preſence, and woulde not obey the wilfull and violent oppreſſi|ons of ye ſame Ruſcand, ſo that muche adoe there was,Ruſcand com|pleyneth to the King, of the froward|neſſe of the Prelates. & a great complaint made to the K. by Ruſ|cand, of ye ſtubborne diſobedience of the Prelates, and namely, of ye B. of Londõ. The K. was in a great chafe with him, & threatned, that hee would cauſe ye Pope to puniſh him according to that hee well deſerued:The Biſhop of London his ſayings. but the B. anſwered thereto, let the Pope and K. (ſaith he) which are ſtronger than I am, take frõ me my Biſhoprick, which by law yet they cannot doe: let them take away my my|ter, yet an helmet ſhall remayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare after Saint Lukes day,An. reg. [...] the kyng aſſembled a great number of the nobilitie of Lõ|don, and thither came the Biſhop of Bolognale Graſſe from the Pope,Edmond [...] Kings ſ [...] i [...] of Sici [...] Naples. Chr [...]. [...] bringing with him a ring with the which he inueſted Edmond the Kyngs ſonne, King of Sicil and Naples. About ye ſame time, the burgeſſe of Derby obteyned of the King for a ſumme of money to haue the Iuſtices In|nerantes to holde their aſſiſes at Derby for the Countie of Derby, and likewiſe, the Sheriffes to keepe their tourneys there, and not at Notting|ham, as before they had bin accuſtomed for both the Shires. But now to returne to the Biſhops.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, the Byſhop of Hereforde and Ruſcand ſought to ſet variance and diſcorde amongſt the Engliſh Prelates, whereby, beeyng deuided in partes, and not conſenting togither, they ſhould be leſſe able to giue true information to the Pope, how the very troth reſted. But fi|nally, bycauſe the Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury was in the parties of beyõd the Sea, and for that alſo the Sea of Yorke was vacante,The Co [...] pro [...]oge [...]. and diuers Byſhops were abſent, the Counſell was proro|ged till the feaſt of Sainte Hillarie, and ſo they departed euery man to his home in a maruellous doubt what way were beſt for them to take, for they ſaw themſelues in great diſtreſſe if Ruſcand did ſuſpend or excõmunicate any of them eyther iuſtly or otherwiſe. For ſure they were, that the K. as a Lion lying in awayte whome he myght deuoure (to get money) after 40. days wer paſt,The King [...]+eth in [...] for men goodes. if they ſubmitted not thẽſelues, would deſpoile thẽ of al their goodes as forfeited, ſo yt the Pope & the K. ſemed, as though ye ſhepherd & Woulf had bin cõfederate togither to ye deſtructiõ of ye pore flocke of the Sheepe, threatning euery mans vndoyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 741Thus by reaſon of couetous greedineſſe to get money for the furniſhing of ye Popes warres againſt Manfred King of Sicill, both the Pope and the King of England ranne in ſlaunder and hatred of the Engliſh nation, namely, of the ſpi|ritualty, [...] Paris. ſo that ſuch as recorded the actes and do|ings of that time, ſpared not to make manifeſt to the worlde by their writings, howe iniuriouſly they were handled, blaming the practiſes of the Courte of Rome in playne tearmes, and affir|ming that the Pope hathe power in thoſe thyngs whiche worke to edification, and not to deſtru|ction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] Lorde [...] forſa| [...] the [...]rte.Aboute this ſeaſon, Iohn Lorde Grey, beeing one of the chiefe Counſellors to the king, a right honorable Knighte, and for his good demeanor and high valiancy greatly commended ouer all, withdrew himſelfe from the Court, either by rea|ſon of age that deſireth reſt, or rather as was thoughte, for that hee doubted to beare blame for ſuch errors as were dayly committed by thẽ that bare rule about the King, whiche coulde not but bring the authors into greate infamie at length, and therefore was hee loth to bee partaker with them of ſuche ſlaunder as might haue redounded to him alſo, if hee hadde ſtill continued amongſt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]es accuſed [...]crucifying [...]ilde at [...]colne na| [...] Hugh.Alſo, vpon the two and twentith of Nouem|ber, were brought vnto Weſtminſter 102. Iewes from Lincolne, that were accuſed for the cruci|fying of a childe the laſt Sommer, in deſpite of Chriſtes Religion. They were vpon theyr exa|mination, ſent to the Tower. The childe whyche they had ſo crucified, was named Hugh, about an eyght yeares of age. They kept him tenne dayes after they had got him into their hands, ſendyng in the meane time vnto diuers other places of the Realme, for other of their nation, to bee preſente at the crucifying of hym. The murther came out, by the diligent ſearch made by the mother of the child, who found his body in a wel, on ye backe ſide of the Iewes houſe, where he was crucified: for ſhee hadde learned, that hir ſonne was laſtly ſeene playing with certayne Iewes children of like age to him, before the dore of the ſame Iewe. The Iewe that was owner of the houſe, was ap|prehended, and being brought before Sir Iohn de Lexinton, vpon promiſe of pardon, confeſſed the whole matter. For they vſed yerely, (if they could come by their praye,) to crucifie one Chriſtian childe or other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King vppon knowledge hadde heereof, woulde not pardon this Iewe that had ſo confeſ|ſed the matter, but cauſed hym to be executed at Lincolne, who comming to the place where hee ſhould die, opened more matter, concerning ſuche as were of councell and preſent at the crucifying of the poore innocent.Eighteene Iewes hanged, Wherevpon at length alſo eighteene of them that were ſo brought to Lon|don, were conuict, adiudged and hanged, the o|ther [figure appears here on page 741] remayned long in priſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1 [...]56When the feaſt of Saint Hillarie was come, the Cleargie met againe at London, and fell to entreate of their former buſineſſe, at what tyme, one maſter Leonard, alias Reginald, that was choſen prolocutor for all the Prelates, amongſt other aunſweres made to the Legate Ruſcande, [...] prolo [...]| [...] aunſwere [...] Popes [...]is. when the ſame Ruſcand alledged that al Chur|ches were the Popes, troth it is ſayd Leonard, to defende, and not to vſe and appropriate them to ſerue his owne turne, as wee ſaye, that all is the Princes, meaning, that all is his to defende, and not to ſpoyle: and ſuch was the intent of the foũ|ders. Ruſcand ſore offended herewith, ſayde, hee would that euery man ſhould ſpeake afterwards for himſelfe, that as well the Pope as the Kyng, might vnderſtand what euery man ſayd in theyr buſineſſe and matters. The Prelates were ſtrikẽ EEBO page image 742 dompe herewith, for they perceyued now how the matter wente:The Prelates appeale. they appealed yet againſte the de|maundes that were made by Ruſcande, who would not chaunge a word of that he had writ|ten, in whiche was conteyned, that the Prelates had knowledged themſelues to haue borowed of the marchaunt ſtraungers, no ſmall ſummes of money, and the ſame to bee conuerted to the vſe of their Churches, which was moſt vntrue as all men well vnderſtoode: wherevpon, the Prelates affirmed, and not without reaſonable cauſe, that there was a greater occaſiõ in this cauſe of mar|tirdome,Marke the cauſe of Mar|tirdome. thã in that of Thomas ſometime Arch|byſhop of Caunterbury.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ruſcand at length perceyuing their manner, became ſomewhat more milde, and promiſed, that hee woulde talke with the Pope of this mat|ter.The Deane of Saint Paule ſent to Rome on the behalfe of the Prelates But fyrſte, there was ſent to Rome ye Deane of Saint Paule in London, and certayne other, as Attorneys or Agents, for the whole Cleargie of Englande. Theſe ſpedde ſo in their ſute, that the Pope tooke order, that if the Prelates payde the money by force of the contriued writings, whereby they ſtoode bound for them, their houſes and Churches, then to eaſe their burthen they might reteyne in their hands ſuch percel of tẽthes as they ought to pay to the Kyng, for furniſhing of hys warres againſt the Sarazens, amounting to the ſumme whyche they ſhould be conſtreyned to pay for the bondes made to the Marchauntes, by the Byſhoppe of Hereforde (as before is re|cited.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mens deuo|tion towards the Pope wax|eth colde.In this ſeaſon, the deuotion whiche many had conceiued of the Pope and the Church of Rome, began to waxe colde, reputing the vertue whyche he ſhewed at his entring into the Papacy, to bee rather a coulourable ypocriſie, than otherwiſe, ſith his proceedings aunſwered not to his good be|ginnings: for as it was manifeſt, where ſutors broughte their compleyntes into the Courte of Rome, ſuch ſpedde beſt as gaue moſt in bribes, and the two Priors of Wincheſter, the one ex|pulſed, and the other got in by intruſion, coulde well witneſſe the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare,

The Bi [...] Salis [...] [...]+p [...]teth [...] life.

Sure of C [...] when it w [...] firſt recey [...] for a live.

dyed William of Yorke Byſhop of Saliſbury, which hadde bin brought vp in the Court, euen from his youth. This Biſhop firſte cauſed that cuſtome to bee receyued for a lawe, whereby the tenauntes of euery Lordſhippe are bound to owe their ſute to the Lordes Courte, of whome they holde their tenements.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the feaſt of Eaſter this yeare, the Kyng a|dorned Magnus Kyng of Man,

Mat. P [...]

Magn [...] [...] of Man.

with the order of Knighthoode, and beſtowed vppon him greate giftes and honors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Counteſſe of Warren Aneſia, or Aeteſia as ſome bookes haue, ſiſter to ye King by his mo|ther, departed this life in hir flouriſhing youth, to the great griefe of hir brother, but ſpecially, of hir huſbande Iohn Earle of Waren, that loued hir entierly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute midde May, the Iewes that were in the Tower, and in other priſons for the murther of the childe at Lincolne, and had bin indited by an inqueſt vpon the confeſſion of him that ſuffe|red at Lincolne, were nowe diſmiſſed and ſette at libertie, to the number of foure and thirtie of them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At Whitſontide was holdẽ a great Iuſtes at Blie, where the Lord Edwarde the Kings eldeſt [figure appears here on page 742] ſonne fyrſte beganne to ſhewe proofe of hys chi|ualrie. There were dyuers ouerthrowen and hurt, and amongſt other, William de Longeſpee was ſo bruſed, that hee coulde neuer after recouer his former ſtrength.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng cauſed a proclamation to bee ſetKnig [...] EEBO page image 743 foorth, yt all ſuch as might diſpend fifteene pound in lands, ſhould receyue the order of Knighthood, and thoſe that would not or coulde not, ſhoulde pay theyr fynes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, a three dayes after the feaſt of S. Ciricus, [...]e tem| [...] winde [...]ayne. a maruellous ſore tempeſt of winde, rayne, hayle and thunder chaunced, that dyd ex|ceeding much ſ [...]ath. Miln [...] [...] by the vio|lence of waters were carried away, and the wind nulles were no leſſe tormented with the rage of winde, arches of bridges, ſhackes of [...]ay, houſes that ſtoode by water ſides, and children in cradle [...] were borne away, that both wonderfull, and no leſſe pitifull it was to ſee. It [...]ed [...]d, the riuer of Duſ [...] dare downe ſixe houſes togither [...] did [...] thereaboutes vnſpeakeable.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng of Scottes, Alexander the thyrde, with hys wife Queene Margaret,The King of Scottes com|meth into Englands. came aboute the beginning of Auguſt into England, and fof [...] the Kyng at hys manor of Wodſtocke, where he ſported him a ſeaſon, and had the landes of the Earledome of Huntington reſtored vnto him, which his Graundfather Kyng William in his time loſt and forfeyted. Heere hee dyd homage to Kyng Henry.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpõ the day of the decollatiõ of Saint Iohn, the two Kynges with their Queenes came to London, where they were honorably receyued, and ſo conueyed vnto Weſtminſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the day of Saint Auguſtine the Byſhop, beeing the eight and twentith of Auguſt,Iohn Maun|ſell feaſted the two Kings. Iohn Manſell the Kyngs Chaplayne beſoughte the two Kings, and other eſtates, to dyne with hym on the morrow following, which they graunted, [figure appears here on page 743] and ſo he made a maruellous great dynner. Th [...] were ſeuen C. meſſes ſerued vp, but ye multitude of gheſtes was ſuche, that vn [...]th the ſame ſu [...]|ſed, his houſe was not able to receyue them all, and therefore hee cauſed tentes and Hales to bee ſet vp for them. The like dinner had not bin ma [...]e by anye Chaplayne before that time. All thoſe that came were worthely receyued, feaſted, and entertayned, in ſuche ſorte, as euery man was ſa|tiſfied.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] deui| [...] the [...]rance of [...]fes.A foure dayes before the feaſt of Saint Ed|warde, Kyng Henry came into the Eſcheker himſelfe, and there deuiſed order for the appearãce of Sherifes, and bringing in of theyr accomptes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] Sherifes [...].At the ſame time alſo, there was fiue markes ſet on euery Sherifes head for a fyne, bycauſe they had not diſtreyned euery perſon that myght diſpende fifteene pound land, to receyue the order of Knighthoode, as was to the ſame Sherifes cõ|maunded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The K. of Scottes,The King of Scottes re|turneth into his countrey. after he had remayned a while with the K. of England, returned back in|to Scotlande, and left his wife behinde with hir mother, [...] ſhe ſhould be brought to bed, for ſhee was as then great with childe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the 41. yere of the raigne of K. Henry,

An. Reg. 41.

Richard Earle of Cornewall elected Em|peroure.

hys brother Richard Earle of Cornewall was elec|ted Emperoure, by one parte of the Coruoſters: and diuers Lords of Almayne comming ouer in|to thys land, vppon the day of the Innocents in Chriſtmas,1257 preſented vnto him letters from the Archb. of Colen, & other gret Lords of Almaine, teſtifying their cõſents in ye chooſing of him to be Emperour and withal, that it might ſtand with his pleaſure, to accept that honor. Finally, vppon good deliberation had in the matter, he conſented therevnto wherevpon, the Lords that came with the meſſage, right glad of their aunſwere, retur|ned with all ſpeed, to ſignifie the ſame vnto thoſe from whome they had bin ſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 744 The greate treaſure of Richard king of Almayne.The treaſure of this Earle Richarde now e|lected King of Almaine, was eſteemed to amoũt vnto ſuch a ſumme, that he mighte diſpend euery day an hundred markes, for the tearme of tenne yeares togither, not reconing at all the reuenewes which dayly acerewed to him of his rents in Al|mayne and Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In thys meane tyme, the vnquiet Welchmẽ, after the death of their Prince Dauid, choſe in his ſteede one Lewline,The Welch|men chooſe them a go|uernour, and rebell againſte the King that was ſonne to the ſame Griffyne that brake his necke as hee would haue eſcaped out of the Tower of London: and heere|with, they began a new Rebellion, either driuing out ſuche Engliſhmen as lay there in garriſons within the Caſtels and fortreſſes, or elſe entring into the ſame by ſome trayterous practiſe, they ſlewe thoſe which they found within them, to the greate diſpleaſure of their ſoueraigne Lorde Ed|ward the Kings eldeſt ſonne, who coneting to be reuenged of their Rebellious enterpriſes, coulde not bring his purpoſe to paſſe, by reaſon of the vnſeaſonable weather and continuall rayne whi|che fell that Winter, ſo reyſing the waters, [...] ſetting the Mariſhes on ſtuddes, that hee coul [...] not paſſe with his army.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, The [...] wa [...] [...]+ney. his father the Kyng wanted money and treasure to furnish him withall, howbeit, Prince Edwarde borowed of his uncle Earle Richarde foure thousande markes towardes the mayntenaunce of that warre. The Rebellion of the Welchmen specially rose, by the hard dealing of Sir Geffrey de Langley Knight, Sir Ge [...] La [...] [...] cauſe [...] Wel [...] R [...] the Kynges Collector amongst them, who handled them so straightly, that in defence of their countrey, lawes, and liberties, as they pretended, they putte on armoure, they tooke and destroyed the landes and possessions which were great and large, of Griffin Brunet, beeing fledde for safegard of his lyfe, vnto the Kyng of England.

Mat. P [...]

The [...] of the [...]

There were of those Welch Rebels, at the poynt of twenty thousand men, and of them tenne thousande were Horsemen, the which perceyuing the season to make for their purpose, defended themselues so manfully, that they droue backe Prince Edwarde and [figure appears here on page 744] his army, and so continuing the warres, dyd much hurt to the Englishe marches. Theyr po|wer ſo encreaſed, that at length, they deuided the ſame into two parties, the better to recouer vit|tayles, and in eyther army, there were eſteemed to be a thirtie thouſand men armed after the ma|ner of theyr countrey,The Welch|men deuide their power into two parts. of the whiche, there were a fiue hundred men of armes in eyther hoſt, with barded Horſes all couered in iron. Thus they be|ing of ſuche puiſſance, dyd muche miſchiefe to the Engliſhmen that inhabited on the marches, neyther were the Lordes marchers able to reſiſt them, although the Earle of Glouceſter ayded the ſame Lords in all that he might.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Nic. Triuet.

Stephen Bau|zan, alias Bau|can.

Kyng Henry beeing heereof aduertiſed, ſente with all ſpeede Stephen Bauzan, a man ryght ſkilfull in feates of warre, with a greate number of Souldiers into Wales, againſt thoſe Rebells he comming into that countrey, and entring into the lands of a Welch Lord named Liſe [...]gh|han, was entrapped by ſuche buſtimentes as hys enimies ſayde for hym, and thereby was ſlayne with the more pain of his army.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This ouerthrowe chaunced by the treaſon of Griffin de Brunet,Eig [...] cu [...] [...] the whiche at that preſent re|uolting from the Engliſhe ſide to his countrey men, inſtructed them in all things, howe they might vanquiſh their enimies. And at that time,Nor [...] and Sou [...]+wales i [...] togither league. Northwales and Southwales ioyned in league and friendly a [...]mie togither, whiche commonly was not ſeene in thoſe dayes, they being for the more parte at variance, the one rather ſeeking ſtill how to endomage the other: but nowe in de|fence of their liberties, as they pretended, they a|greed EEBO page image 745 in one.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng ſore moued heerewith, determined to goe himſelfe into Wales, that he mighte take worthy puniſhment of thoſe his aduerſaries,The King paſſeth him|ſelfe in perſon into Wales. that could neuer be ſufficiently chaſtiſed. Heerevppon rayſing a great power, he haſted foorth, and com|ming [figure appears here on page 745] into Wales, put the Rebels in ſuch feare, that they withdrewe to theyr accuſtomed pla|ces of refuge, I meane, the wooddes and m [...]ri|ſhes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng woulde fayne haue hadde them foorth, that hee myght haue puniſhed them accor|ding to their deſertes, and therefore to bring hys purpoſe the better to paſſe, he ſent for an army of Souldiers into Ireland, and tarried for theyr cõ|myng at the Caſtell of Brecknocke, but the yeare was farre ſpente, ere his people could he gathered, ſo that by the aduice of his Lords, hee ſtrength|ned certayne Caſtels, and ſo returned for that yeare into England,

[...] Lorde [...]timer the [...]gs Lieute| [...]t in [...]es.


leauing the Lorde Roger Mortimer for his Lieutenaunt in Wales, to re|ſiſt the Rebels. But now to ſpeake of other do|ings whiche chaunced in the meane while that the warres thus continued betwixt Englande and Wales.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]egate [...]n Rome.Yee ſhall vnderſtand, that in the Lent ſeaſon, the Archbyſhoppe of Meſſina came as Legate from the Pope hyther into England, with letters of procuration, to demaund and receyue, and al|ſo with power, to puniſhe ſuche as ſhould denie and ſeeme to reſiſt, and ſo beeyng heere arriued with a greate trayne of ſeruauntes and Horſes, he ſent foorthe his commaundements in writing to euery prelate, to prouide him money by way of proxie, ſo that of the houſe of Saint Albons, and of the Celles that belonged therevnto, he had one and twentie markes, and when the Monkes of Saint Albons came to viſit him in his houſe, they coulde not bee permitted to depart, but were kept as priſoners, till they had ſatiſfied hys coue|tous demaund: for whereas they alledged that they had not brought any money with them, hee aſked thẽ why they were ſuch beggers, and fur|ther ſayd, ſende ye there to ſome Marchaunt, that will lende to you money, and ſo it was done: for otherwiſe, they might not haue libertie to depart.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Archbyſhop was of the order of the F [...]|ers preachers,Mat. Paris. in whome ſaith Mathew Paris we had hoped to haue found more abundant hu|militie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time,A new order of Friers. there appeared at Lon|don a new order of Friers, not knowen all thoſe dayes, hauing yet the Popes autentike. Bulle [...], which they openly ſhewed, ſo that there ſeemed a confuſion of ſo many orders, as the ſame, Math. Paris, recordeth, bycauſe they were apparelled in Sackcloth, they were called ſacked Friers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the middeſt of Lent, there was a greate Parliament holden, to the whiche,A Parliament. the maſters of the Vniuerſitie of Oxford were ſummoned, that peace might be concluded betwixt them, and the Byſhoppe of Lincolne, whiche had them [...]n ſute about theyr liberties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 There came to the ſame Parliamente, the Earle of Glouceſter, and Sir Iohn Mancell, lately returned out of Almaigne, where they had bin on Ambaſſade from Richard the elect Kyng of Almaigne. Thither came alſo the ſame elect King of Almaigne, and almoſt all the Nobilitie of the Realme, ſo that [...]neth myghte the Citie of London receyue the number that repaired to that Parliamẽt.Mat. Paris. The Kyng of Almaigne meant to take his leaue at that time of the Lordes and peeres of the Realme, purpoſing ſhorthy after, to take his iourney towardes Almaigne, and to or|deyne the Byſhoppe of London gouernour of all EEBO page image 746 his lands and poſſeſſions within Englande. In this Parliament,The Lord Ed|munde the kings ſonne. the Lord Edmond the Kyngs yonger ſonne was ſhewed as King of Naples and Sicile, for the obteyning of the poſſeſſion of whiche Kingdomes, his father King Henry de|maunded no ſmall ſubſedie and ayde of money,A ſubſedie demaunded. both of the temporaltie, and alſo of the ſpiritual|tie, but namely, he required to haue the tenthes of ſpirituall mens liuings, for the tearme of fyue yeares, according to the new taxations without any deductions to be allowed, excepte neceſſary expenſes. Alſo, the frutes for one yeare of bene|fices that chaunced to fall voyde within the ſayde tearme of fiue yere. Moreouer, ſundry other due|ties he required to haue of the ſpirituall men, ſore to their greeuaunce, and ſpecially, bycauſe they knew that ſuch tirannie firſt tooke beginning frõ the Pope. In the ende (though loth they were to conſent) yet conditionally that the Kyng would confirme the liberties conteyned in the greate Charter, and obſerue the ſame throughly, nowe after it had bin ſo many times brought out and redeemed,The offer of the ſpiritualty they offered to giue hym towardes his inſtant neceſſity two & fifty. M. marks, ſo the ir|recouerable danger of empoueriſhing the Church. And yet as it is ſayd, the Kyng refuſed the gift, as that which he thought not ſufficient. Truely it ſhoulde ſeeme, that there was a greate vnto|wardly diſpoſition in the ſubiectes of that time, for the helping of their K. with neceſſary ayde of money, towards ſuch great charges as he hadde bin diuers wayes occaſioned to be at ſith his firſt comming to ye Crowne: but by cauſe it was per|ceyued that he beſtowed no ſmall quantitie of his treaſure to the aduauncing of his kinſfolke and aliances, namely ſtraungers, and agayne, defreid great ſummes, in vayne hope to obteyne ye king|domes of both the Sicils whiche the Pope offred to him freely ynough in words, as before yee haue hearde, the Engliſh ſubiectes conceyued a greate miſliking of the whole gouernement, and name|ly, for that hee ſeemed to be led and ruled by the aduice and counſell of thoſe ſtrangers, who being not throughly acquainted with the nature of the Engliſhe people, nor fully inſtructed in the lawes and cuſtomes of the Realme, cauſed him to doe many things, that procured both to him and thẽ muche euil, will as well of the high eſtates as of commons, whiche as occaſion ſerued, they were ready ynough to diſcouer, and therfore they were very inquiſitiue, both to learne what he receiued, & alſo in what ſorte he beſtowed yt which he dyd receiue. It was therefore knowen, yt ſith he firſte began to waſt his treaſure, his charges amoũted vnto ye ſumme of 950000. markes, as the bookes of accõptes remaining in ye hands of ye Clearkes of his cloſet plainly witneſſed, and yet of al thoſe vaine expenſes, no great aduantage was growẽ therby to the K. or realme, but rather diſ [...] t [...]ge, as ye moſt part of mẽ thẽ tooke it, vnto mar|uell, for there was ſuch hath bu [...]ng amõgſt the nobilitie, one enuying an others aduancemẽt, ſo repining at each others doings, Y [...] was not poſ|ſible to bring any good drift forward amõgſt mẽ ſo far at oddes togither. But to let this paſſe as a thing manifeſt ynough to them yt ſhall wel cõſi|der ye courſe of ye time, we will returne agayne to ye Parliamẽt, before ye end wherof, the Archbiſhop of Colen with a Duke,The [...]+ſhop of [...] and o [...] baſt [...] Alm [...] and an other B. came o|uer out of Almaigne, vnto their elect K. Richard, to whom they did fealty and homage, as to their ſoueraigne liege Lord & gouernour, which thing once done, he gaue to ye ſaid Archb. fiue C. marks to beare his charges, with a riche miter ſette with ſtones, and furniſhed with plates of beatẽ golde, which miter whẽ ye Archb. had ſet it on his head, he hath (ſaith he giuen a riche gift to are [...] to my Church, and verely, euẽ as I haue put this [...]iter on my head, ſo wil I ſet on his head the [...] owne of ye kingdome of Almaigne, he hath mitres me, & I ſhal crowne him. The other lords of Almaine, which at ye the ſame time did homage vnto Erle Richard, were alſo preſented with great and rich giftes. Heere is further to be noted,She [...]+ſhope p [...] at Lond [...] time of [...] Parliame [...] yt there where preſent at this Parliamẽt ſixe Archbiſhops, Cã|terbury, Yorke, Publin Meſſina, Tarento and Colen. The Archb. of Meſſne was come to the K. to ſet him on dotage, for the buſineſſe about ye cõqueſt of Naples & Sicile. At the feaſt of Eſſet next following, the Archb. of Colen returned in|to his Countrey, & the third day after Eaſter, the elect K. of Almaine tooke his leaue,The de [...] of Al [...] taketh [...] leaue of [...] his be [...] & departed to|ward Yermouth where he purpoſed to take ye ſea, to ſayle ouer into Almaine, but by reaſon of con|trary windes, hee was driuen to remaine there a long time, to his greate griefe and ineſtimable charges before hee coulde paſſe ouer, yet finally, about the latter ende of Aprill,He la [...] Dor [...] he got forth to the Sea, and landed at Dordreigh the firſt of May next enſuing.

[figure appears here on page 746]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 747 [...]de.About the ſame time, the Archbyſhop of Cã|terbury called a Sinode of the Biſhops and Ab|bots inhabiting within his prouince, that inuo|cating the grace of the holy Ghoſt, they myghte [figure appears here on page 747] foreſee ſome redreſſe for reliefe of the Engliſhe Church, nowe in theſe late yeares ſore diſquieted by new oppreſſions, more greeuous than had bin accuſtomed: for the Kyng by councell, or rather by the whiſpering of ſome flatterers and enimies to the Realme, was ſo induced, that he permitted certayne euill cuſtomes, as thorny brembles, to encreaſe in the frutefull garden of pleaſure, and to choke vp the trees that brought foorthe frute in great plentie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]t. Paris.Moreouer in this yeare, King Henry cauſed the walles of the Citie of London, whiche were ſore decayed and deſtitute of turrets, to be repay|red in more ſeemely wiſe than before they hadde bin, at the common charges of the Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ree made [...]e Pope.There was an ordinance made at Rome by the Pope and his Cardinals (whiche righte dili|gently foreſawe to aduaunce their temporall cõ|modities, not muche paſſing for other mens ad|uauntages) that euery one which ſhould be cho|ſen an exempt Abbot, ſhoulde come to the Court of Rome to bee there confirmed, and receyue the Popes bleſſing, by whiche haynous ordinaunce, Religion was layde open to great daunger, and the Church depriued of temporall proſperitie (as ſayth Mathewe Paris) for by this meanes (ſaith hee) it was needefull vnto Religious menne, to chooſe to theyr gouernour a man, not religious, but rather halfe temporall, and ſuche one as to whome rather Iuſtinians lawes than Chri|ſtes whiche conuerteth ſoules ſhoulde be fami|liar.

[...]th. Paris.

Monkes [...]ham were ex| [...]munica|te now [...]led.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Monkes of Durham, the whiche onely with the Chanons of Giſborne, reſiſted the wic|ked proceedyngs of the Popes exactors, and ſtood therefore interdited a long tyme, at length, after manye alterations, were aſſoyled. Oh (ſayeth Mathewe Paris) if in that theyr tribulation they myght haue hadde fellowes, and in theyr conſtante doyngs aydors, howe happely hadde the Churche of Englande triumphed ouer hir tormentors and oppreſſors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Yee haue hearde howe Richarde Earle of Cornewall beeyng elected Kyng of Almayne,Mat. Paris. ſayled thither, where on the Aſcention daye laſt, he was Crowned Kyng by the Archbyſhoppe of Colen, of whome, and dyuers other great Prin|ces of Germanie, hee was holden for their law|full King and gouernour, (as in the Teutch hy|ſtories yee maye finde more largely expreſſed,) though other of them had choſen Alfonſe Kyng of Caſtill, the whych Alfonſe wrote to the King of Englande, as his confederate and alie, requi|ring hym of ayde againſte the ſayde Richarde that was hys owne brother, to the whych vn|reaſonable requeſt, the Kyng woulde in no wiſe conſente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer,


An informa|tion againſt the Lord Mai|or of London.

in this fortie one yeare of Kyng Henries raigne, by reaſon of a rolle cloſed in greene waxe and founde in the Kyngs Ward|robe at Windſor, conteyning as it were, an in|formation againſte the Maior and the Sherifes of London, for oppreſſion and wrongs done to the communaltie of the Citie, the Kyng tooke greate diſpleaſure, and cauſed greate inquiſition to be made, as well by Folke Mootes, as ward Mootes, and by dyuers other meanes. At length, the Maior and Sherifes,The Lorde Maior and Sherifes of London diſ|charged. with the Chamber|layne of the Citie, were diſcharged by Iohn Manſell, one of the Kyngs Iuſtices, afore whome, and other the Kyngs Counſayle, the inquiſition was taken, and then was EEBO page image 748 the cuſtody of the Citie aſſigned vnto the Cun|ſtable of the Tower, and in place of the Sherifes were appoynted Michaell Tony, and Iohn Au|drian. At length, ye Mayor, Sherifes and Alder|men that were accuſed, perceyuing the kings diſ|pleaſure towardes them, ſubmitted themſelues [figure appears here on page 748] wholly to his mercy, ſauing to them, and to all other the Citizens, their liberties and franchiſes, and ſo in the Checker chamber at Weſtminſter afore the King there ſitting in Iudgement vpon the matter,The Lorde Maior and Sherifes fined. they were condemned to pay theyr fynes for their offences committed, and further, euery of them diſcharged of his warde and office.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, was William Fitz Richarde by the Kyngs commaundement, made Mayor, and Thomas Fitz Thomas, and William Grapiſgate Sherifes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Math. Paris.

The Archby|ſhop of Yorke accurſed.

The Archbyſhop of Yorke was accurſed by the Popes commaundemente through all Eng|lande, with booke, bell and candle, that by ſuche terror, his conſtancy might be weakened: but the Archbiſhop (ſaith Mathewe Paris) enformed by the example of Thomas Becket, and by the ex|ample and doctrine of Saint Edmond ſometime his inſtructor,The conſtan|cy of the arch|byſhop of Yorke. and alſo taughte by the faythful|neſſe of bleſſed Robert, late Byſhop of Lincolne, deſpaired not of comfort from Heauẽ, in bearing paciently the Popes tyrannie: neyther woulde he beſtowe the welthy reuenewes of his Churche vppon Italians, beeing vnworthy perſons and ſtraungers, neyther would he obey and encline to the Popes will like a faint harted perſon, by lea|uing and ſetting aparte the rigor of the lawe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. Reg. 42. About the beginning of the two and fortith yeare of Kyng Henries raigne, the Lord Iames Audeley that had bin ouer with the King of Al|mayne, and was lately returned home in com|pany of the Lord Henry, ſonne to the ſaid Kyng (who came backe from his father about the feaſt of Saint Michael laſt paſt) vnderſtanding howe the Welchmen in his abſence, had brent, waſted, and deſtroyed his lands, poſſeſſions, and Caſtels, which belonged to him in ye confynes of Wales, he meant to be reuenged of thoſe iniuries, and in|uading them, hee ſlewe a great number of them,The [...] Audely [...]+reth v [...] the W [...] ſo reuenging the deathe of thoſe his friendes, ſer|uauntes and tenauntes, whome they before had murthered. The Welchmen were not ſo diſcou|raged heerewith, but that they brake vpon hym out of their ſtarting holes and places of refuge through the mariſhes, and ſlaying their enimies horſes, put them backe to their power, and ceaſ|ſed not to do what miſchiefe they could, by ſpoy|ling, killing, and brenning houſes and Caſtels where they mighte come vnto them, and ſo the Realme of Englande was dayly put to loſſes and hinderance. For out of Wales, Englande was accuſtomed to bee furniſhed with Horſes, Cattell, and other things, to the profit of both the Countreys.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time,Ambaſſ [...] ſent [...] France. there was an Ambaſſate ſente from the Kyng of Englande, vnto the Frenche Kyng, as the Biſhop of Worcetor, the elect of Wincheſter, the Abbot of Weſtminſter, the Earle of Leiceſter, and Hugh Bigod Earle Marſhall, with Peter de Sauoy, and Roberte Walcron.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The effect of their meſſage, was to require re|ſtitution of thoſe countreys, lands, Cities, and Townes whiche had bin euicted out of the hands of King Iohn and others, apperteyning by righte of inheritance to the Kyng of England. Theſe Lordes did their meſſage, but as was thoughte, they had no towardly aunſwere, but rather were putte off with trifling wordes and ſkornefull tauntes, ſo that they returned ſhortly againe all of thẽ, the Abbot of Weſtminſter only excepted, who remayned there behinde, for a more ful aun|ſwere, EEBO page image 749 not only to thoſe requeſts exhibited on the part of the Kyng of Englande, but alſo on the behalfe of the Kyng of Almaigne. The marches towardes Wales in this ſeaſon were brought al|moſt deſerte, by reaſon of the continuall warres with the Welchmen, [...] marches Wales fore [...]oueriſhed for what with fire & ſword, neyther building, nor liuing creature, nor any o|ther thing was ſpared, that fire and ſword might bring to ruine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]eat dearth

[...]t. Paris.

In this yeare was an exceeding great dearth, in ſo much, that a quarter of wheate was ſolde at London for four and twenty ſhillings, whereas within two or three yeares before, a quarter was ſolde at two ſhillings. It had bin more deerer, if great ſtore had not come out of Almaigne, for in France and in Normãdy it likewiſe fayled.1258 But there came fiftie greate Shippes fraughte with wheate and barley, with meale and bread out of Teutchland, by the procurement of Richard K. of Almaigne, which greatly relieued the poore, for proclamation was made, and order taken by the K. that none of the Citizens of London ſhoulde buy any of that gray [...] to ſay it vpone [...]ore, [...]oh [...] by it might be ſold at an higher price [...] [...]+dy, but although this prouiſion did [...] caſe, yet the want was great ouer all the Realm. For it was certainly affirmed, that in three ſh [...] within the Realm, there was not found ſo [...] grayne of that yeares growſh, as [...] thoſe fiftie ſhippes.The greedy dealing of the Londoners, to the hurt of the commõ welth The proclamation was ſette [...] foorth, to reſtreine ye Londoners from [...]ngroſſing, vp that grayne, and not withoute cauſe, we the welthy Citizens were euill ſpokẽ of in ye ſeaſon, bicauſe in time of ſcarcetie they would either ſtay ſuch ſhippes as fraught with vittayles we [...] com|ming towards the Citie, and ſend them ſome o|ther way foorthe, or elſe buy the whole, that they myghte ſell it by retaile at their pleaſure vnto the needy. By meanes of this great dearth and ſcar|cetie, the common people were conſtreined to liue vpon herbes and rootes, and a greate number of the poore people dyed through famine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 This yeare after Eaſter, a Parliament was holden at London, in the whiche,

A Parliament.

Math. Paris.

many waighty [figure appears here on page 749] matters were intreated of touching the Kynges cauſes, namely, about the cõqueſt of the Realme of Naples, the Pope hauing ſente a meſſenger named Hurtred for the diſcharge of money, [...]tred, a [...]enger frõ Pope. whi|che the Pope had receyued of Merchaunts, as it were to the Kings vſe, and entred bandes for the payment thereof. Alſo, where the Kyng was ſore diſquieted for the warre whiche the Welchmen made againſte him, he aſked aduice of the ſtates, howe hee might proceede to ſeeke his iuſt reuenge of them, the which by reaſon of their good happ [...] were become very ſtout and loftie, and had of late by the expiring of a truce which hadde bin accor|ded betwixte them, [...] Welch| [...] ſpoyle [...]broke [...]. ſpoyled and waſted the moſt parte of Pembrooke ſhire, of which iniurie, ye Erle of Pembroke, William de Valẽce ſore complee|ned: but whereas the Kyng knowing him to bee riche, willed him to lay out ſome greate portion of money, towards ye mayntenãce of his warres, the Earle tooke greate diſpleaſure therewith, as though the Kyng had made that requeſt, by the ſuggeſtion and ſetting on of ſome of the Eng|liſh Lords, in ſo much,Variance be|twixt the Erle of Pembroke and others. that words paſſed in diſ|pleaſaunte wiſe betwixte him and the Earles of Glouceſter and Leiceſter, ſo farre foorth, that the Earle of Pembroke called the Earle of Leiceſter Traitor, who therewith made towards him, to haue reuẽged ye iniurie, & ſo would haue done in|dede, if the K. had not bin a ſtickler betwixt thẽ. Finally at this Parliament the lords colde ye K. yt they might not aide him with any great ſũmes of money, except it ſhould redounde to their great empoueriſhmẽt: they tolde him alſo, yt he had not [...]o [...] wiſely, to enter into couenãts, for ye purchaſe EEBO page image 750 of the Kingdome of Naples for his ſonne, with|out theyr conſentes. They alſo declared to him, what artycles it ſhould be good for him to pro|pone vnto ye Pope, if he would haue him to con|tinue in bearing ye charges of the warres againſt Manfred. But when thoſe articles were after|wards preſented to the Pope, hee allowed them not, and ſo the matter remayned withoute anye certayne aſſurance of the promiſes, whiche hadde bin, and ſtill were from time to time made, to ſet the Kyng on dotage.The Archby|ſhop of Yorke depriued of his Croſſe. The Archbyſhop of Yorke had his Croſſe taken from him by the Popes cõ|maundement, but the Archbyſhoppe woulde not yet howe his knee vnto Baall, to beſtowe the be|nefices of his Churche vpon aliants, and ſuch as were vnworthy perſons, as it hadde bin to caſt pearles vnto Swine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Manſuetus the Popes Nuncio.There came from the Pope as his Nuncio, vnto Kyng Henry a Frier minor, named Man|ſuetus, furniſhed with great power and authori|tie, [figure appears here on page 750] in ſo muche, that he tooke vpon him to aſſoyle men of chaunging vowes, and to iuſtifie thoſe that were excommunicate perſons, falſe periu|red, and ſuch like. Wherevpon, many of euil diſ|poſition preſumed to offende: for eaſineſſe to pur|chaſe pardon, bred boldneſſe in many, but ye wiſe ſeemed to laugh at ſuch doings. The Parliamẽt ſtill continued, till the Sunday after the Aſcenti|on day, with hard holde betwixte the Kyng and the Lordes, who layde it ſore to his charge, that he hadde not performed the promiſes whiche hee made touching the obſeruing of the liberties con|teyned in the great charter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They alſo compleyned greatly of his miſgo|uernaunce, in that hee aduaunced ſo muche the Poictouins and other ſtraungers, to the impoue|riſhment of himſelfe, and the whole Realme, and further, maynteyned them ſo farre foorthe, that they were ready to offer wrong vnto other, vpon preſumption of his fauoure, and bearing with them, he hauing by commaundement reſtreined that no proceſſe ſhoulde paſſe out of the Chaun|cery againſt certayne of them that were his ro [...] ſins, as the Earle of Pembroke and others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally, when the Lordes were in doubte which way to worke for their owne ſafeties, they cauſed the Parliament to be proroged,The [...] till ye [...] of Saint Barnabe, then to begin againe at Ox|forde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the meane time, the Lords of the Realme, as the Earles of Glouceſter, Leiceſter, Hereforde and Northfolke, with other, did confederate thẽ|ſelues togither, bycauſe they ſtoode in feare to bee entrapped by the Kings ſubtile ſleightes, and by the craftie wiles of thoſe ſtraungers which he re|teyned againſt them. The ſame yere by ye wind, which continually certayne monethes togyther kept Northerly, the floures, with other growing things, were ſo hindered, that vnneth they appea|red to any purpoſe,A [...] till ye moſt parte of Iune was paſt, wherevpon, the hope of receyuing the frutes of the earth, was quite taken away,A de [...] acco [...] with [...] and ſo vppon the great dearth that happened, a ſore deathe and mortalitie followed, for want of neceſſary foode to ſuſteyne the languiſhing bodyes of the poore people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They dyed ſo thicke, that there were greate pittes made in Churchyardes to lay the dead bo|dies in one vpon an other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of the Aſcention,Se [...]l [...] of Y [...] p [...]+l [...]e. Seuall the Archbyſhop of Yorke departed this life, the which conſtantly had reſiſted the tyrannie of the Court of Rome, in defence of his Churche, ſuffering in this world many greeuous tribulatiõs, but now was remoued from thence vnto the Kingdome of Heauen,Mat. [...] to be Crowned with the elect for hys good deſeruings, as was then certainely belieued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this time alſo, a great number of Poic|touins were come into Englande, by reaſon of their aliance and coſynage to the King, the whi|che by the Kings fauour being highly aduaun|ced, began to waxe proude thereof, and to require to be reſtored vnto ſuch lands and liuings as be|foretime they had poſſeſſed.The K [...] halfe [...] Namely the Kyngs halfe breethren, Athelmare or Odomare, that was a Prieſt, with William Geffrey and Guy, theſe were the ſonnes of Hugh le Brun Earle of Marche, by his wife Queene Iſabell, the mother of Kyng Henry, and being come into England, ſhewed themſelues very loftie and high minded, partly, bycauſe of the Couſinage to the Kyng, and partly, by reaſon of his courteous entertai|ning of them, in ſo muche, that they forgetting themſelues, began to deſpiſe vpon a preſumptu|ous pride, the Engliſh Nobilitie, looking ſtill for prefermente of honor aboue all other. And ſure|ly Odomare obteyned at the firſte a great peece of his purpoſe, beeyng made by the Kyngs gifte Byſhoppe of Wincheſter, and by that meanes bare a ſtout porte, and greately holpe his other EEBO page image 751 brethren.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſh Barons not well able to ſuffer ſuch preſumption in ſtraungers, who ſeemed to haue them in deriſion, compleyned to the Kyng, in ſo much that at length, as well for a reforma|tion heereof, as in other things, a Parliamente was called, (as before yee haue hearde,) fyrſte at London, and after reiorned to Oxeforde, there to be aſſembled about the feaſt of Saint Barna|bie in the moneth of Iune.

[figure appears here on page 751]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This (of ſome writers) is named Inſanum Parliamentum, [...]ſanum [...]rliamentũ. that is to ſay, the madde Parlia|mente: for at this Parliamente (to the whiche the Lords came with great retinues of armed men, for the better ſafegarde of their perſons) manye things in the ſame were enacted contrary to the Kings pleaſure, and his royall prerogatiue. For the Lords at the firſte, determined to demaunde the confirmation of the auntient charter of liber|ties which his father Kyng Iohn had graunted, and hee himſelfe had ſo often promiſed to obſerue and maynteyne, ſignifying playnely, that they meant to purſue their purpoſe and intent herein, not ſparing eyther for loſſe of life, [...]e demaund the Lordes. lands or goods, according to that they had mutually giuen theyr faythes by ioyning of handes, as the manner in ſuch caſes is accuſtomed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beſides the graunt of the greate charter, they required other things neceſſary for the ſtate of the common wealthe, to bee eſtabliſhed and enac|ted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]dinances [...]de.It was therefore fyrſte enacted, that all the Poictouins ſhould auoide the land, togither with other ſtraungers, and that neyther the King, nor his ſonne Prince. Edwarde ſhoulde in a|nye ſecrete manner ayde them agaynſte the people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]oth exac| [...] of the K.Moreouer, that the Kyng and hys ſonne ſhould receyue an othe, to ſtande vnto the decrees and ordinances of that Parliament, and withall ſpeede, to reſtore the auntient lawes and inſtitu|tions of ther Realme, whyche they both did, ra|ther conſtreyned therevnto by feare, than of any good will [...]nd ſo not only the Kyng himſelfe, but alſo his ſonne Prince Edwarde r [...]d an oth to obſerue the ordinances of that Parliamẽt. But Iohn Earle Warren and the Kyngs halfe breethren, namely, the Earle of Pembroke refu|ſed that othe, and likewiſe the Lord Henry, ſonne to the Kyng of Almayne, excuſed himſelfe by his fathers abſence, without whoſe conſent he would not receyue it, vnto whome thys aunſwere was made, that if his father would not conſente to the agreemente of the Baronage, hee ſhoulde not poſſeſſe one fourrough of lande within thys Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, whereas the Earle of Leiceſter reſigned the Caſ [...]s of Kenelworth and Odiham into the Kyngs handes, the which he had lately recei|ued by his gifte, and newly repaired them, the Earle of Pembroke and his other brethrẽ ſware deepely, that they woulde for no mans pleaſure giue ouer ſuche Caſtels, rentes, and Wardſhips of theirs, as they had of the Kyngs gift:The Earle of Leiceſter threatneth the Earle of Pembroke. but the Earle of Leiceſter tolde the Earle of Pembroke flatly and playnely, that he ſhoulde eyther render them vp, or elſe he ſhoulde be ſure to loſe his head and thys ſaying was confyrmed, by the generall voyces of all other the Barons, bycauſe it was a ſpeciall article concluded amongſt other in that Parliament.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kings halfe breethren,The Kings halfe brethren ſhift away. perceyuing which way the worlde wente, ſtoode in doubt of them|ſelues, and ſecretely therevpon departed frõ Ox|forde, and firſte withdrewe vnto Wincheſter where Odomare, one of the ſame breethren EEBO page image 752 was Biſhop, through whoſe ſupport, and by rea|ſon of the ſtrength of ſuch Caſtels as he held, they truſted to be in more ſafetie: but finally, percey|uing themſelues not to be ſo out of daunger, ſith the Barons minded to purſue them, about the eightenth day of Iuly,They departe the Realme. they departed the Realme with a greate number of other of their countrey|men, and amõgſt thoſe, William de Saint Hee|man the Kyngs karuer was one.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Henry Montfort, ſonne to the Earle of Ley|ceſter, vnderſtanding of their departure out of the Realme, followed, and hearing that they were arriued at Bu [...]eigne, he landes in thoſe parties,Henry [...] [...]de [...] [...] the king bre [...] and by ſuch friendſhip as he found there amõgſt thoſe that bare good will vnto his father, he [...]ore togither a power, and after a manner beſieged the [figure appears here on page 752] Poictouins within Bulleigne, laying watch for them in ſuche ſorte, both by Sea and land, that there was no way left for them to eſcape. When they ſawe themſelues in that daunger,They ſent to the French K. they made foorthe a meſſenger with all poſt haſt vnto the Frenche Kyng, requiring to haue his ſafe con|duit, to paſſe freely through his Realme, as they truſted hee woulde bee contente to graunte vnto ſuche, as for refuge and ſafegarde of life ſhoulde repaire vnto him for comfort. The French King curteouſly graunted to their requeſt, and ſo they were in ſafetie permitted to paſſe quietly through the Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Richard Gray, Captayne of Douer Caſtell, and Lorde warden of the portes.In the meane while, one Richard Gray, Cha|teillayne of Douer Caſtell, a right valiant man and a faithfull, ſuffred no man to paſſe that ways vnſearched, according to that which he hadde in commaundement: wherevppon, he tooke and ſea|ſed into his handes a greate portion of treaſure, whyche was broughte thither to bee tranſported ouer to the Poictouins that were ſo fledde the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Alſo, there was founde a greate quantitie of treaſure in the newe Temple at London, whych they had gathered and hoorded vp there, the which alſo was ſeaſed to the Kings vſe. But nowe to returne vnto the doings in the Parliamente hol|den at Oxford.Mat. VVeſt. It was ordeyned (as ſome write) that the Kyng ſhoulde chooſe foorthe twelue per|ſons of the Realme, and the communaltie of the land ſhoulde chooſe foorth other twelue, the which hauing Regall authoritie in their hande,Fo [...] and twenty [...] myghte take in charge the gouernaunce of the Realme vpon them, and ſhould from yeare to yeare pro|uide for the due election of Iuſtices, Chauncel|lors, Treaſorers, and other officers, and ſee for ye ſafe keeping of the Caſtels which belonged to the Crowne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Theſe foure and twentie gouernours appoin|ted as prouiders for the good gouernement of the Realme, began to order all things at theyr plea|ſure, in ye mean time, not forgetting to vſe things chiefly to their owne aduantages, as well in pro|uiding efchetes and wardes for their ſonnes and kinſfolkes, as alſo in beſtowing patronages of Churches (belonging to the kings gift) at theyr pleaſures, ſo that theſe prouiders ſeemed to pro|uide all for themſelues, in ſo muche,The ab [...] of thoſe [...] that neyther Kyng nor Chriſt coulde receyue ought amongſt them. There be that write, how there were but twelue of theſe gouernours choſen,Fabian whoſe names were as followe. Firſt, the Archbyſhop of Caun|terbury, the Byſhoppe of Worcetor, Roger Bi|god Earle of Northfolke and Marſhal of Eng|lande, Simon de Montforde Earle of Leiceſter, Richard de Clare Earle of Glouceſter, Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford, the Earles of War|wike and Arundell, Sir Iohn Manſell chiefe Iuſtice of Englande, Sir Roger Lorde Morti|mer, Sir Hugh Bigod, Sir Peter de Sauoy, Sir Iames Audeley, and Sir Peter de Mont|forte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 753To theſe was authoritie only giuen to puniſh and correct al ſuch as offended in breaking of any the ordinãces at this Parliament eſtabliſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was not long after the finiſhing of thys Parliament, but that ſtryfe and variaunce beganne to kindle betweene the King and the Earles of Leyceſter and Glouceſter, [...]ntention be [...]ixt the [...]les of Ley| [...]ſter and [...]ouceſter. by reaſon of ſuch officers as the ſayde Earles hadde remo|ued, and put other in theyr rowmes. Among the whiche Iohn Manſell was diſcharged of his office, and ſir Hugh Bygod, brother to the Earle Marſhall, admitted in his rowmth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo bycauſe the foreſayde gouernours had knowledge that the king minded not to performe the ordinaunces eſtabliſhed at Oxforde, they thought to make theyr part as ſtrõg as was poſ|ſible for them to doe, and therefore vpon the mor|row after the feaſt of Marie Magdalene, [...]e Lordes [...]me to the [...]ildehall to [...]e their or| [...]ances con| [...]ed. the king as then being at Weſtminſter, the Earle Mar|ſhall, the Earle of Leyceſter, and dyuerſe other came to the Guyldhall of London, where the Maior and Aldermen, with the Commons of the Citie were aſſembled, and there the Lordes ſhewed the Inſtrument or wryting ſealed wyth the kings Seale, and with the Seales of hys ſonne Prince Edwarde, and of many other Lordes of the lande, conteyning the Articles of thoſe ordinances whiche had beene concluded at Oxforde, wylling the Maior and Aldermen to ſet alſo therevnto theyr common Seale of the Citie. The Maior and Aldermen vppon aduice amongſt them taken, required reſpyte till they might knowe the kings pleaſure therein, but the Lordes were ſo earneſt in the matter, and made ſuch inſtance, that no reſort coulde be had, ſo that in the ende the common Seale of the Citie was put to that writing, and the Maior and diuerſe of the Citie ſworne to mainteyne the ſame, their allegiance ſaued to the king, with their liberties & franchiſes, according to the accuſtomed maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon the .ix. day of Auguſt,A Proclamati|on agaynſt purueyers. Proclamation was made in dyuerſe places of the Citie, that none of the kings takers ſhoulde take any thing within the Citie, without the will of the owner, except two tunnes of Wine, which the king ac|cuſtomably had of euery ſhippe comming from Burdeaux, paying but .xl. ſhillings for the tun. By meanes of this Proclamation, nothing was taken by the kings officers within the Citie and liberties of the ſame, except readie payment were made in hande, which vſe continued not long.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon the King helde a Parliament at A Parliament [figure appears here on page 753] Weſtminſter, and another at Wincheſter, or elſe proroged and remoued the ſame thither. Alſo ſir Hugh Bygod Lord chiefe iuſtice, with Roger Turkſey, and other, kept the Terme for plees cal|led Itenerarij, [...]e Iuſtices [...] at Saint [...]uiours. at Saint Sauiours: For you muſt vnderſtande, that in thoſe dayes they were kept in diuerſe places of the Realme, which now are hol|den altogyther at Weſtminſter, and Iudges or|deyned to keepe a cyrcuite, as now they keepe the Sizes in time of vacation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]lifes and [...]er officers [...]niſhed.The foreſayde Iudges ſitting on that maner at Saint Sauiours, puniſhed Baylifes, and o|ther officers very extreemely, which were conuict afore them for diuerſe treſpaſſes, and ſpecially for taking of merciaments, otherwiſe than law gaue them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this the ſame ſir Hugh came vnto the Guyldhall, and there ſat in iudgement and kepte plees without order of law,Bakers puni|ſhed. and contrarie to the liberties of the Citie. Hee puniſhed Bakers for lacke of true ſyze, by the Tumbrell, where before they were puniſhed by the Pillorie,

Math. Paris.

The Poicto|uins ſuſpected to haue poy|ſoned the Eng|liſh Lordes.

and many o|ther things he vſed after ſuch maner more by wil than by any good order of law.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was a bruyte rayſed (whether of truth or otherwiſe we leaue to the credit of the authors) EEBO page image 754 that the Poictouins had practiſed to poyſon the moſt part of the Engliſh nobilitie. In deede di|uerſe of them were grieuouſly tormented with a certaine diſeaſe of ſwelling and breaking oute, ſome dyed, and otherſome right hardly eſcaped, of which number the Earle of Glouceſter was one, who lay ſicke a long time at Sonninge, a place beſydes Reading. At length hee recouered: but his brother William died of the ſame diſeaſe, and vpon his deathbed layde the faulte to one Walter Scotenye, as the occaſioner of his death, which afterwardes coſt the ſayde Walter hys lyfe. For although he was one of the chiefe Counſaylours and Stewarde alſo to the ſayde Earle of Glou|ceſter, yet beeing had in ſuſpition, and there|vpon apprehended and charged wyth that cryme, when in the yeare next following in Iune hee came to be arraigned at Wincheſter, and put him ſelfe to bee tryed by a Iury,Wi [...] [...]+ney [...] and c [...] the ſame pro|nounced him guyltie: and when thoſe that were empaneled vpon that Iurie were aſked, by the Iudges howe they vnderſtoode that hee ſhoulde bee guiltie, they anſwered bycauſe that where the ſayde Walter was neuer indebted that they could heare of, eyther to William de Valence, or to any of his brethren, they were fully certified that he had of late receyued no ſmall ſumme of money of the ſayde de Valence, for to poyſon both his maiſter and other of the Engliſh nobili|tie as was to be thought, ſithe there was no other apparant cauſe why he ſhoulde receyue ſuch gyft at the handes of their enimie the ſayde William de Valence,He ſ [...] and ſo was the ſayde Walter execu|ted at Wincheſter aforeſayde.

[figure appears here on page 754]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] ha [...] [...].The Harueſt was very lace this yeare, ſo that the moſt part of the corne rotted on the grounde, and that which at length was got in, remayned yet abrode all after Alhallowentide, ſo vntempe|rate was the weather, with exceſſiue weete and raine beyonde all meaſure. [...]th of corn [...]ncreaſeth. Herevpon the dearth ſo encreaſed, that euen thoſe which had of late re|lieued other, were in daunger to ſterue themſel|ues.Fiſts and pro|ceſsions vſed. Finally ſolemne faſtes, and generall Pro|ceſſions were made in diuerſe places of the realm, to appeaſe Gods wrath, and (as it was thought) their prayers were heard, for the weather partly amended, and by reaſon the ſame ſerued to get in ſome ſuch corne as was not loſt, the price thereof in the Market fell halfe in halfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Richard Gray Lord warden of the portes.The Chattellaine of Douer Richarde Gray looking diligently to his charge, tooke a thouſand marks which the Biſhop of Wincheſter had ſent thither to haue bin tranſported ouer into France.Erlow the Popes nuntio returneth home. Erlotus the Popes nuncio perceiuing the trouble that was like to enſue within the realme woulde no longer tary, but wiſely departed and got him home. Herewith certaine wiſe perſonages were ſent to Rome on the part of the king & baronage, to enforme the Pope in what ſtate ye realm ſtood, and to giue him to vnderſtãd how grieuouſly the people had bene handled by the practiſe of certaine Romaine Prelates promoted in this lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This yere nere to Carmardin Patrik de Chan|ton lord of Kedwelli, & Hugh de Viun, Mat. Par [...] The Lord [...] Kedwilly [...] & diuerſe other both horſmen & footmen were ſlain through treaſon by the Welchmẽ: yet it ſhould appeare by Mat. Pa. that ye engliſhmẽ procured this miſchief to light on their own heads,Mat. Pa [...] through their diſloial dealing. For where they wer come to the place to talke of an agreement, ſome of the marchers ſup|poſing they had bin to ſtrõg for ye Welchmẽ, per|ſwaded the ſaid L. of Kedwelly to aſſaile thẽ vpõ the ſodain, in hope to haue deſtroyed thẽ al: but in the end ye engliſhmẽ were diſtreſſed through ye va|liancie of Dauid, one of the ſonnes of the great Llewillin & other captains of the Welch nation.Llewellin M [...] Neuertheleſſe Mat. Weſt. ſayth briefly, that the Engliſh men were treaſonably ſlaine, ſo that it EEBO page image 755 ſeemeth that Mathew Paris ſpeaketh rather of an affection and good will whiche hee bare to the Welche proceedings in thoſe dayes, than other|wiſe. [...]th Paris [...] well af| [...]ed towards gouern| [...]t of the [...]me as it [...]n ſtoode. For who that marketh the courſe of hys hyſtorie, ſhall perceyue that he had no good liking of the ſtate in thoſe dayes, neither concerning the eccleſiaſticall nor temporal policie, inſomuch that hee ſticketh not to commende the Welche men greatly for theyr holding togither, againſt the op|preſſion (as he meaneth it) of the Engliſh gouern|mente, and no doubte there was cauſe that mo|ued him to ſuch miſliking, namely the often pay|ments and collections of money by the Popes a|gents, and other ſuche miſorders as dayly were permitted or rather maineteined to the enpoueri|ſhing of both the eſtates ſpirituall and temporall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]dfrey de [...]on Arch| [...]hop of Can| [...]burie.Godfrey de Kynton, was conſecrated Archbi|ſhop of Canterburie at Rome, about the feaſt of Chriſtmaſſe laſt paſt, and ſo returned frõ thence home to his cure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] ordinance [...]yo [...] ex| [...]tion.There was an ordinance made aboute thys time, for puniſhment to be had of the extortion of Sherifes, ſo that aſwell the receyuer, as the gy|uer of brybes was puniſhable.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. Reg. 43.

[...]mbaſſadors [...]t to the coũ+ [...]l at Cam| [...]ey.

The biſhops of Worceſter and Lincoln, with the Earles of Norffolke and Leyceſter, were ſent ouer in Ambaſſade vnto a Councell holden at Cambrey, for a league and peace to be concluded betwixt the kingdomes of England and France, and alſo the Empire: but bycauſe the French K. looked to haue the king of England there, when he heard that the ſame king came not, he alſo ſtayed at home, and ſo no concluſion followed at that aſſemble.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]n Coũteſſe [...] Pembroke.Ioan Counteſſe of Pembrooke, the wife of William de Valence the kings halfe brother, de|maunded hir right of dower, in ſuch landes as be|longed to hir by title of inheritance. At length ſhe had to the value of fiue hundred markes aſſigned to hir of the ſame landes, notwithſtanding hir he|ritage amounted to the ſumme of a thouſande markes and aboue of yearely reuenues, but for that ſhe ſhoulde not ayde hir huſbande with part thereof, the one halfe was thought ſufficient for hir maintenance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About Aduent next enſuing, ſhee went ouer vnto hir huſband, either for the deſire ſhee had to enioy his perſonall preſẽce, or for that ſhe thought hirſelfe not wel dealt with, to be abridged of thoſe reuenues, which by right of inheritance were hir owne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] great tem| [...]ſt of light| [...]g and [...]nder.In the firſt night of December, there chaunced a maruelous ſore tempeſt of lightning and thun|der, with mightie windes and raine, as a token and ſigne of the troubles that after followed, the more noted, for that thunder in the winter ſeaſon is not commonly heard of.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Guy de Rochford a Poictouin, to whom about two yeares before the king had giuen the Caſtell of Rocheſter, was now vaniſhed the realme,Guy de Roch|ford baniſhed. and depriued of all that he held within this lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon, there roſe great variance amongſt the ſcholers of Oxford,Variance and debate betwixt the ſtudents of Oxford. being of ſundrie Countreys, as Scottiſh men, Welchmen. Nor|thren men, and Southren men: they fel ſo farre at ſquare, that they raiſed Baners one againſt ano|ther, and fought togither, inſomuch that diuerſe were ſlaine, and many hurt on both parties. The Welchmen this yere notwithſtanding their good ſucceſſe had in theſe late warres, conſidered with themſelues, that if the Barons of Englande did once ioyne in one knot of friendſhip, they would with maine force eaſily ſubdue them,The Welch|men ſeeke to agree with the king. wherefore to preuent that which might chaunce vnto them by ſtubburne reſiſtance, they made ſuyte to be re|ceyued into the kings peace, offring to giue vnto him the ſumme of foure .M. Markes, and to his ſon the Lorde Edward three .C. markes, and to the Queene two .C. marks. The king yet would not accept thoſe offers, and ſo the matter depen|ded in doubtfull balance a certaine time. The Welchmen in the meane ſeaſon attempted not any exployte, but rather ſate ſtill in hope to come at length to ſome reaſonable agreement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Monkes of Wincheſter meaning to pro|uide themſelues of a biſhop, now that Athelmare aliàs Odomare the kings halfe brother was ba|niſhed the realme,Henrie de Wingham e|lected Biſhop of W [...]eſte [...] elected one Henrie de Winghã the kings Chancellor, in hope that the K. would be contented with his election, and ſo he was, but yet condicionally, that if the Pope woulde allow his ſayde halfe brother for Biſhop, then ſhoulde the other giue place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 About the feaſt of Saint Hillarie, when know|ledge was giuen that king Richarde of Almain ment to returne into Englande,


Ambaſſadours ſent to the K. of Almaine.

there were ſent ouer vnto him the Biſhop of Worceſter, the Ab|bot of Saint Edmondeſburie, Peter de Sanoy, and Iohn Manſell, as Ambaſſadours from the Baronage and comunaltie of the Realme, to re|quire [figure appears here on page 755] EEBO page image 756 of him an othe, to ſtand vnto, and obey the ordinances of the late Parliament holden at Ox|ford: when the ſayde Ambaſſadors come before his preſence, and declared to him the effect of their meſſage, he behelde them with a ſterne looke, and frowning coũtenance, ſaying, & bynding it with an othe, that he would neither be ſworne, nor kepe any ſuch ordinances as had bene made withoute his conſent;His proteſta|tion of their demaunde. neyther woulde hee make them of counſail how long his purpoſe was to ſtay with|in the realme, which the Ambaſſadours required alſo to vnderſtande. Herevnto he further added, that he had no peere in Englande, for he was the ſon of the deceaſed king, and brother of the king that now raigned, and alſo Earle of Cornwall, and therefore if the Barons of England ment to reforme the ſtate of the kingdome, their duetie had beene firſt to haue ſent for him, and not to haue, proceeded ſo preſumptuouſly in ſuche a weightie cauſe, without his preſence or conſent. When one of the Ambaſſadors was aboute to haue made anſwere ſomewhat roundly, and alſo [...]yppingly vnto this ſpeeche vttered by the King of Almaine, he was ſtayed by one of his aſſocia|tes. And ſo the Ambaſſadours vnderſtanding his minde, returned with all conuenient ſpeede. The king of Almaine had aſſembled a great hoſte of men on the further ſide the Sea, meaning wyth all expedition to haue paſſed hither into Eng|land: but when he had aduertiſement giuen that there was a power rayſed in Englande, and be|ſtowed both by ſea and lande to reſiſt him,He chaungeth his purpoſe and commeth ouer into Eng|lande. he chaunged his purpoſe by aduiſe of his friendes ſo that he conſented to receyue ſuche maner othe as the Barons required, and herewith taking the Sea, he arriued at Douer on Saint Iulians day with his owne houſeholde ſeruants, bringing with him no trayne of ſtraungers, except onely two Earles of Almaine, whiche brought with them but onely three knightes, and hee himſelfe had but .viij. knightes: his brother King Henrie was readie to receyue him, and brought him from Douer vnto Canterburie, for neyther of them was ſuffered to enter into the Caſtell of Douer, the Lords hauing them in a iealouſie, leaſt they ſhoulde bee about to breake the ordinances which were concluded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He receyueth an othe not to infringe the ſtatutes of Oxforde.On the Morow after, the king of Almaine re|ceiued the othe in the preſence of Richard Erle of Glouceſter and others, within the Chapter houſe of Cãterburie. And on the day of the Purification of our Ladie, the two kings with their Queenes and a great number of other noble perſonages, made their entrie into the Citie of London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the Octaues of the ſayd Purification, the Parliament began at Lõdon,A Parliament. to the which came the Earle of Leyceſter from the parties of be|yond the ſea where he had for a certaine time re|mayned. There came alſo on Ambaſſador from the French king, one that was deane of Bu [...] [figure appears here on page 756] and ſo there was an earneſt treatie had touching a peace to be concluded betwixt the two kings of Englande and Fraunce,A p [...] cl [...] up [...] betw [...] kings o [...] land & [...] which on the day of Saint Valentine was accorded, and put in Ar|ticles with condition that the ſame ſhould remain firme and ſtable, if the kings would aſſent to that which had beene talked of and agreed vppon by theyr ſpeciall and ſolemne agentes. For the fur|ther perfecting of this agreement and ſmall peace betwixt the kings of England and Fraunce, a|bout the beginning of Aprill, the Earles of Glou|ceſter and Leyceſter, Iohn Mancel, Peter de Sa|uoy, and Robert Valerane were ſent ouer into Fraunce, hauing with them letters of credence to conclude in all matters as had beene talked of by theyr agentes.The C [...] of Ley [...] But when the Counteſſe of Leyceſter would not conſent to quiſeclayme and releaſe hir right in ſuch parcels of Normandie is belonged to hir, which king Henrie had couenan|ted with the reſidue to reſigne vnto the Frenche king,Co [...] twi [...] th [...] of Glo [...] and Ley [...] the Earle of Glouceſter fell at wordes with the Earle of Leyceſter, aboute the ſtubborne de|meanor whiche his wife ſhewed in that matter, and ſo by reaſon that eyther of them ſtood at de|fiance with the other (although by meane of friendes they ſtayed from further inconuenience) they returned back without cõcluding any thing in that whereabout they were ſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame time there was a certaine manſion houſe by waye of deuotion giuen vnto the Friers that are called Preachers within the towne of Dunſtable,The Fr [...] preachers [...]+gin to i [...] at D [...] ſo that certaine of the thru|ſting themſelues in there, began to inhabit in that place, to the great anno [...]ance of the Prior & Con| [...] of Dunſtable, and as it were by the example of the other order called Minors (which in the laſt preceeding yeare, at Saint Edmondeſburie in Suffolke had practiſed the like matter agaynſt the willes of the Abbot and Conuent there) they beganne to [...]ylo [...] ryght ſumptuous houſes, EEBO page image 757 ſo that in the eyes of the beholders ſuch [...]gea|ble wordes of building ſo ſodenly aduanced by them that profeſſed voluntarie pouertie, [...]ed no ſmall wo [...] The ſayde Friers [...]y [...]ing them a E [...]a [...] with all ſpeede, and ſetting vp an a [...]|ter immediately beganne to celebrate diuine ſer|uice, [figure appears here on page 757] not once ſtaying for the purchaſe of any ly|cence. And ſo buylding from day to day, they ob|teyned great ayde of ſuch as inhabited neare vn|to them, of whome the Prior and Conuent ought to haue receyued the reuenues that were nowe conuerted to bee employed on the ſayde Friers towardes theyr maintenance. [...]e Monkes [...]dted by [...] comming [...]he Friers. And thus by howe much the more theyr houſe encreaſed by ſo muche the more did the Prior and conuent de|creaſe in ſubſtance and poſſeſſions: for the rentes whiche they were accuſtomed to receyue of the Meſſuages and houſes gyuen to the Friers were loſt, and likewiſe the offerings (which were wont to come to their handes nowe theſe Friers new|ly being entred by occaſion of their preachings, vſurped to themſelues.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Richarde Gray Coneſtable of the Caſtell of Douer, and Lord Warden of the fiue portes was this yeare remoued by the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, [...]hard Gray [...]harged of [...]fice of [...]d Warden. Hugh Bygod, who tooke into his owne handes the cuſtodie of the ſayd Caſtell and portes. The cauſe why the ſayd Richard Gray was diſchar|ged, we finde to haue fallen out by this meanes. He ſuffered a Frier minor called Walaſcho, [...]ſcho a [...] ſent frõ Pope. cõ|ming from the Pope, (bycauſe he had the kings letters vnder the great ſeale) to enter the land, not ſtaying him, nor warning the Lordes of his cõ|ming, cõtrary (as it was interpreted) vnto the ar|ticles of their prouiſiõs enacted at Oxford. This Frier in deed was ſent from the Pope to haue re|ſtored, Athilmarus or Odomarus, as ſome write him, the kings halfe brother, vnto the poſſeſſions of the Biſhoprike of Wincheſter, to the which he had bene long before elected: but the Lordes were ſo bent agaynſt him, that vpon ſuch ſuggeſtions as they layde forth, Walaſcho refrayned from doing that which he had in commaundement, & returned to make report what he vnderſtand, ſo that Odomare was nowe as farre from his pur|poſe as before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of Saint Michael,The Biſhop of Bangor ſent frõ the Prince of Wales to king Henrie. the Biſhop of Bangor was ſent from Llewellin Prince of Wales vnto the King of Englande, to make of|fer on the behalfe of the ſayd Llewellin and other the Lordes of Wales, of .xvj. thouſande poundes of ſiluer for a peace to be had betwixt the king & them, and that they might come to Cheſter,The Welchmẽ offer to reſort vnto Cheſter. and there haue their matters heard & determined, as in time paſt they had bene accuſtomed. But what anſwere at his returne was giuen to this Biſhop by the king and his nobles it is vncertaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .xliiij. of king Henries raigne, the Fri|day following the feaſt of Simon and Iude,

An. reg. 44.

A Parliament.

in Parliament holden at Weſtminſter, were read in preſence of all the Lordes and commons, the actes and ordinaunces made in the Parliament holden at Oxford,The ſtatutes of Oxford read, and the brea|kers of the ſame denoun|ced accurſed. with certaine other articles by the gouernours there vnto added and annexed. After the reading wherof the Archbiſhop of Can|terburie being reueſted with his Suffraganes to the number of .ix. Biſhops beſides Abbots and o|thers, denounced al them accurſed that attempted in word or deed to breade the ſayd ſtatutes, or a|ny of them. In the ſame Parliament was gran|ted to the King a taſke called Scutagium, Eſcuage graunted. or eſcu|age, yt is to meane .xl. ſhillings of euery knights ſee throughout England, the which extended to a great ſumme of money. For as diuers writers do agree,Knights fees how manye were then in Englande. there were in Englande at that time in poſſeſſion of the ſpiritualtie and temporaltie be|yond .xl. thouſand knightes fees, but almoſt halfe of them were in ſpirituall mens hands.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 758


A Folkemore.

The [...] day of Nouember the king came vnto Paules, where by his cõmaundement was the Folkemote Court aſſembled, and the king ac|cording to the former ordinances made,The king aſ|keth licence to paſſe the ſeas. aſked li|cence of the comunaltie of the Citie to paſſe the ſea, and promiſed there in the preſence of a greate multitude of people, by the mouth of Hugh By|god hys chiefe Iuſtice, to be good and gracious Lorde vnto the Citie, and to mainteyne the ly|bertyes thereof vnhurt. Herewith the people for ioy made a great ſhoute.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Mat. VVeſt.

The king ſay|leth ouer into Fraunce.

The .viij. day of Nouember hee rode through the Citie towards the ſea ſyde, and vpon the xiij. day of Nouember, he tooke the ſea at Douer and arriued at Whitſand, and ſo from thence hee rode vnto Paris, where of the french king he was moſt honorably receyued. The cauſe of his going ouer was chiefly to conclude ſome aſſured peace with the French king, that he ſhould not need to doubt any forraine enimies, if he ſhould come to haue warre with his owne people, wherof he ſaw great likelihoodes,


He cõpoũdeth all differences with the Frẽch king.

and therefore he made ſuche a|greement with king Lewes (as in the French hi|ſtorie more at large appeareth) which (to be ſhort) I here omit.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This one thing is here to be noted, that beſi|des the money which king Henrie had in hande, amoũting to the ſumme of an hundred fiftie .M. Crownes for his reſignation then made vnto Normandie, Aniou and Maine, it was accor|ded,Polidor. that he ſhould receyue yearely in name of a trybute the ſumme of ten thouſand crownes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nic. Triuet. VVil. Riſang.Other write that he had three hundred thou|ſande poundes of ſmall Turon money, which he receyued in readie payment, and was promiſed reſtitution of landes to the value of .xx. thouſand pounds of yearely rent. And that after the deceaſe of the French, king that then was,Mat. VVeſt. the Countrey of Poictou ſhould returne vnto the Engliſh do|minion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some write that immediately after King Henrie had concluded this agreement, hee began to repent himſelfe thereof, and would neuer re|ceyue penie of the money, nor leaue oute in hys ſtile the tytle of Duke of Normandie. But it is rather to be thought that ſuch an agreement was at poynt to haue beene concluded, or at the leaſt wiſe was had in talke, but yet neuer conclu|ded nor confirmed with handes and Seales as it ought to haue beene, if they had gone through with it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Diſſention be|twixt Prince Edwarde and the Erle of Glouceſter.In the meane time that king Henry was thus occupied in Fraunce, diſſention fell in Englande betwene prince Edward & Richard Erle of Glo|ceſter, for the appeaſing whereof a Parliament was called at Weſtminſter, to yt which the lords came with great companies, & ſpecially the ſaide Prince and Erle. They intended to haue lodged within the Citie: But the Maior going vnto the Biſhop of Worceſter, to ſir Hugh Bigot, and to ſir Philip Baſſet, (vnto whom, and to the Arche|biſhop of Canterburie, the king had committed the rule of the lãd in his abſence) required to know their pleaſure herein. Wherevpon they thought it good to haue the aduice of Richarde the king of Almaine, and therevpon went to him, where they concluded,P [...] and the [...] of G [...] are not [...] to co [...] [...] in the C [...] of L [...] that neither the ſayde Prince nor Erle nor any of their partakers ſhoulde come within the Citie, the gates whereof were by the Maiors appointment cloſed and kept with watche and warde doth day and night.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Soone after alſo for the more ſafegarde of the Citie, and ſure keeping of the peace, the king of Almaine with the ſayd ſir Hugh, and ſir Philip came and lodged in the Citie with their compa|nies, and ſuche other as they woulde aſſigne to ſtrengthen the citie if need required.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after the king returned out of France,The king [...]+turneth in England. and about the feaſt of S. Marke came to Lon|don, and lodged in the Biſhops Palace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bycauſe of tumors that were ſpred abroade ſounding to ſome euill meaning, whiche Prince Edward ſhould haue agaynſt his father, the king brought ouer with him a great power of men of armes ſtraungers, howbeit he brought them not into the Citie, but left them beyond the bridge [...]n the parties of Surrey, but he being entred ye citie, ſo kept the gates & entries, that none was permit|ted to enter, but ſuch as came in by his ſufferance. The Erle of Glouceſter by his appoyntment alſo was lodged within the Citie, and the Prince [...] the Palace at Weſtminſter. And ſhortly after by the kings commaundement, hee remoued to S. Iohns, & all the other Lordes were lodged with|out the citie, and the king of Almaines remoued againe to Weſtminſter. In which time a direc|tion was taken betweene the ſayde partyes, and a newe aſſembly and Parliament aſſigned to bee kept in the quindene of Saint Iohn Bap|tyſt, and after deferred or proroged tyll the feaſt of Saint Edwarde, at the which tyme al things were pacifyed for a tyme, but ſo as the Earle of Glouceſter was put beſyde the rowmth whiche hee had amongeſt other the Peeres,The E [...] Gloceſ [...] feder [...] ſelf w [...] Earle of [...]+ceſter. and ſo then hee ioyned in friendſhippe with the Earle of Ley|ceſter, as it were by way of confederacie againſt the reſidue, and yet in this laſt contention, the ſayde Earle of Leyceſter tooke parte wyth the Prince agaynſt the Erle of Glouceſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare the Lorde William de Beau|champe the elder deceaſed.Chr [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Edwarde the kings ſonne with a fayre companie of knightes and other men of armes, paſſed the Seas to exerciſe himſelfe in Iuſtes, but hee hymſelfe and his menne were euill entreated in manye places, ſo that they EEBO page image 759 loſt horſe, armour, and all other things to hys great griefe and diſlyking (as may be eſteemed) yet as ſome write he returned home with victo|rie in the Iuſtes.Mat. VVest.

[figure appears here on page 759]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]w at Teu| [...]u [...]ie fal| [...] into a [...]s.This yeare at Teukeſburye, a Iew falling by chaunce into a Iakes vppon the Saterday, in reuerence of his Sabboth woulde not ſuffer anye manne to plucke hym forth, whereof the Erle of Glouceſter beeyng aduertiſed, thoughte the Chriſtians ſhould doe as much reuerence to their Sabboth which is Sunday, and therfore woulde ſuffer no man to go about to take him forth that day, and ſo lying ſtyll till Monday, he was there founde deade.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]t. VVeſt.

[...]th of no| [...]men.

Diuerſe noble men departed this life in this yeare, as the Erle of Albema [...]e, the Lord Willi|am Beauchampe, Stephen de Longeſpee Lorde chiefe Iuſtice of Irelande, and Roger de Turk|by one of the kings chief counſellers & Iuſtices of the land, William de Rickham B. of Durham, and Iohn de Crakehale treaſurer of England, a ſpiritual man, [...] rather. but rich beyond meaſure: Alſo Hẽ|rie de Ba another of the kings Iuſtices of the Ber [...]he.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]t. VVeſt.

[...] reg. 45. [...] king of [...]s cõmeth [...]ondon.

In the .xlv. yeare of king Henries raigne, A|lexander king of Scotland came vnto Lõdon a|non after the feaſt of S. Edwarde, with a fayre companie of Scottiſhmen, and ſhortly after his wife the Queene of Scottes came thyther alſo. Moreouer K. Henrie kept a royal feaſt at Weſt|minſter, [...]t. VVeſt. where he made to the number of .lxxx. knightes, amongſt the which, Iohn, ſonne to the Erle of Britain, who had maried the Lady Bea|trice, one of the kings daughters was there made knight. And ſhortly after was ſir Hugh Spencer made Lorde chief Iuſtice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


[...]. Dun.

After Chriſtmaſſe the king comming into the tower of London, fortified it greatly, and cauſed the gates of the Citie to be warded, ſending forth commaundement to his Lordes that they ſhould come to the tower, there to holde a Parliament, but they denied [...]atly ſo to do ſending [...] word that if it pleaſed [...] they would come to [...] uſually the Parliament had beene kept and not to any other place, wherevpon there, roſe [...] betwixt him and the Barons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the feaſt of the [...]acation,


A Folkmote holden at Pauls croſſe.

at a Folk|mote holden at Paules Croſſe where the King was preſent in perſon, with the king of Almaine, the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, and diuerſe other of the nobles commaundement was giuen to the Maior, that euery ſtripling of the age of .xij. ye [...]tes and aboue,An othe to be true to the king. ſhould before his Alderman de ſworne to bee true to the king & his heyres, kings of England, and that the gates of the Citie ſhuld be kept with armed men, as before by the king of Romaines was deuiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About Eaſter the Barons of the lande with cõſent of the Peeres,The L. Spencer diſcharged of his office. diſcharged ſir Hugh Spen|cer of his office of chiefe Iuſtice, and places in hys rowmth ſir Philip Baſſet without the kings aſſent, hee beeing not made priuie therevnto. Wherevpon a newe occaſion of diſpleaſure was miniſtred to kindle debate betwixt the king and his Lordes, but by the policie of the king of Al|maine, and ſome Prelates, the matter was quie|ted for a time, till after at Hallowentide next en|ſuing, which was the .xlvj. yeare of king Henries raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At that time the Barons tooke vppon them to diſcharge ſuch Sherifes as the king had elected and named Gardeyns of the Countreys and Shires, and in theyr places putte other Sherifes.

2 An. reg. 46.

The preſump|tuous procee|dings of the Barons againſt the king.

And beſydes that woulde not ſuffer the Iu|ſtice whiche the King had admytted, to doe hys office in keeping hys cyr [...]uiſe, but appoynted ſuche to doe it, as it pleaſed them to appoynte, wherwith the king was ſomuch offended, that he EEBO page image 800 laboured by all meanes to him poſſible about the diſanulling of the ordinances made at Oxforde, and vpon the ſecond Sunday in Lent, he cauſed to be read at Paules Croſſe a Bull,


A Bull read at Pauls croſſe

obteyned of Pope Vrbane the fourth, as a conſ [...] of an other Bull before purchaſed of his predeceſſour Pope Alexander, for the aſſoyling of the King, and all other that were ſworne to the mainte|nances of the Articles agreed vpon at Oxforde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This abſolution hee cauſed to bee ſhewed through the Rea [...] of England, Wales and Ire [...], giuing ſtraight charge that if any per|ſon [...] that woulde diſobey this abſolu|tion the ſame ſhoulde be committed to pryſon, there to remaine till the kings pleaſure were fur|ther [...].

Mat. VVest.

Many gouer|nors perniti|ous to a com|mon wealth.

Surely the moſte part of thoſe Pee [...]es which had the rule of the king and king|dome thus in their hande, perceyuing the enor|mitie that dayly [...]we of ſo manifolde heades and gouernours, were mynded of themſelues to diſſolue thoſe prouiſions and ordinances ſo made at Oxforde, inſomuche that there were but fine which ſtiffely ſtoode in defence of the ſame. That is to witte, the Biſhoppe of Worceſter, and the Earles of Leyceſter and Glouceſter, with Henry Spencer, and Peter de Mountfort, the whiche by no meanes coulde bee brought to confeſſe that they myght with a ſafe conſcience goe contrarie to thoſe ordinaunces which they had confyrmed with theyr ſolemne othe, notwythſtanding the Popes diſpenſation, where as the ſame othe was rather a bonde of iniquitie (as ſayth Mathewe Weſtminſter) deuyſed to conſpyre agaynſte Chryſt and hys annoynted, that is to wit, theyr naturall liege Lorde and lawfull King, than any godlye othe aduiſedly taken, or neceſſarie to bee receyued of good meaning ſubiectes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Iune the king of Almaine tooke ſhipping and ſayled ouer into Teutchlande,The [...] Ger [...] [...] The king [...]+ving [...] and King Henrye at a Folkemote holden at Paules Croſſe the Sunday after Saint Peters daye, [...] ly|cence to ſayle into Fraunce, and the [...]we after hee departed from London [...] the Sea ſyde, with the Queene and other Lordes, his two ſonnes, Prince Edwarde and the Earle of Lancaſter beeing at that preſent [...] [...]ne. When hee had beene a ſeaſon in Fraunce hee went vnto Burdeant,He [...] of a Feuer quartai [...]. and there hee [...]ell [...] of a Feuer quartaint, by occaſion whereof he tary|ed in thoſe partyes till Saint Nicholas ti [...] [...]ext following.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were fewe that went ouer with hym that eſcaped free without the ſame diſeaſe,Chro. D [...] ſo that in maner all his companie were taken and ſore handled therewith. Many dyed thereof [...] the number of threeſcore,De [...] [...] men. and amongeſt them as chiefe were theſe, Baldwyn de Liſle Earle of Deuonſhire, Ingram de Percye, and William de Beauchampe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo this yeare dyed Richarde de Clare Erle of Glouceſter,The [...] Glo [...] [...]. and his ſonne ſir Gilbert de Claire was Earle after him, to whome his father gaue great charge that he ſhoulde mainteyne the ordi|nances of Oxforde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .xlvij. yeare of king Henries raigne,An. [...] by reaſon that a Iew had wounded a Chriſtian man at London within Colechurch, in the word of Cheape, [...] not onely the ſayde Iew was ſlaine by other Chriſtians that followed him home to his houſe, but alſo many other Iewes were rob|bed & ſlaine in that furie and rage of the people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Welchmen with their Prince Llewellin made warres againſt the men & tenants of Ro|ger de Mortimer.

Mat. V [...]

The [...] Morti [...] [...]

They tooke two of his Caſtels [figure appears here on page 800] (the one called Kenet) and raſed them both to the ground. The ſayd Roger being ſore grieued here|with,He [...] reuẽge [...] them. got ſuch aſſiſtaunce as hee coulde of other Lordes there in the Marches, and watching the EEBO page image 761 Welchmen at aduantage, diſtreſſed diuerſe com|panies of them, ſomtime three C. ſomtime foure C. and other whiles fiue, C. But at one time he loſt three hundred of his footemen that were en|tred the Countrey, and ſo en [...]led that they [...] make no ſhift to eſcape.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]. 1262Vpon the euen of Saint Thomas the Apoſtle the king landed at Douer, and came to London the Wedneſday before ye .xij. day in Chriſtmaſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]mes froſe.This yeare the froſt beganne about Saint Nicholas day, and continued for the ſpace of a Moneth and more, ſo extreemely that the Tha|mes was frozen, ſo that men paſſed ouer on horſ|backe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame Winter the kings little hall at Weſtminſter, with many other houſes therevn|to adioyning, was conſumed with fire, by negli|gence of one of the kings ſeruants.

[figure appears here on page 761]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ance be| [...] the Ci| [...]s of Lon| [...] and the [...]eſtable of Tower.Variance roſe betwixt the Citizens of Lon|don, and the Coneſtable of the Tower, for that contrarie to the liberties of the Citie he tooke cer|taine ſhippes paſſing by the Tower with wheate and other vitayles, which he ſtayed, and brought the ſame vittailes into the Tower, making the pryce thereof himſelfe. The matter was hadde before ſir Philip Baſſet Lorde chiefe Iuſtice and other, who vpon the ſight and hearing of all ſuche euidences and priuiledges as coulde bee brought forth for the aduauntage of both the par|tyes, tooke order that the Coneſtable ſhould (when he lacked prouiſion of grain or vitailes) come in|to the market holden within the Citie, and there to haue wheate two pence in a quarter whythin the Maiors price, and other vittayles after the ſame rate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]. VVeſt.

[...]e Edward [...] againſt [...]elchmẽ.

Prince Edwarde the kings ſonne returning from the parties of beyonde the Sea, went with a great power, (as wel of Engliſhmen as ſtran|gers) agaynſt the Welchmen towardes Snow|don hilles: but the enimies withdrawing them|ſelues to their ſtrengthes within the Woodes and Mountaynes, he could not much endomage thẽ. Wherevpon after he had fortified certain Caſtels in thoſe parties, with men, munition, and vitalls, he returned being ſent for backe of his father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbiſhop of Canterburie foreſeeing the trouble that was like to enſue betwixt the King and his Barons,The Archb. of Canterburie goeth to Rome. got licence of the king to goe vnto Rome, aboute ſuche buſineſſe as hee [...]yned to haue to doe with the Pope, and ſo de|parted the [...], and kept him away till the trou|ble [...] appeaſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon Midle [...]t Sunday,Fabian. at a Folkmote hol|den at Paules croſſe, before ſir Philip Baſſet and other of the kings Counſaile, the Maior of Lon|don was ſworne to be true to the king, & to his heyres kings of Englande,The Lord Ma|ior of London ſworne to be true to the king. and vpon the morow at the Guyldhall euery Alderman in preſence of the Maior tooke the ſame othe. And vpon the ſun|day following, euery inhabitant within the Citie of the age of .xij. yeares and aboue, before hys Alderman in hys Warde was newly charged with the [...]i [...]oth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then beganne the diſpleaſure betweene the king and his Barons to appeare,Cloked malice burſteth out. which had bene long kept ſecrete, dyuerſe of them aſſembling to|gither in the Marches of Wales,The Barons rayſe people. gathered vnto them a power of men, and ſent a letter vnto the king, vnder the Seale of ſir Roger Clifforde,The Lorde Clifforde. be|ſeeching him to haue in remembraunce his othe and manifolde promiſes made for the obſeruing of the ſtatutes ordeyned at Oxforde. But al|though this letter was endy [...]ed and written very effectually, yet receyued they no anſwere from the king, who mynded in no wiſe to obſerue the ſame ſtatutes, as by euident tokens it was moſte apparãt. Whervpon they determined to attempt by force to bring their purpoſe to paſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king and the Queene for their more ſafe|gard got them into the Tower of London,Chron. Dunſt. and Prince Edward lay at Clerkenwell, but in ſuch neceſſitie and diſcredit for mony, that neither had they any ſtore to furniſh their wãts, neither was there any mã that would truſt thẽ with a groſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Prince Edward not able to abide ſuch diſho|nor, in the feaſt of the Apoſtles Peter and Paule,Prince Edward taketh money out of the treaſurie of the temple. taking with him Robert Waleran, & certaine o|ther, went to the new Temple and there calling for the keeper of the treaſure houſe, as if hee ment to ſee his mothers Iewels, that were laid vp there to be ſafely kept, he entred into the houſe, & brea|king the Coffers of certaine perſons that had likewiſe brought their money thither, to haue it in more ſafetie, he tooke away from theſe to the value of a thouſand poundes. The Citizens of London were ſo offended herewith, that they roſe in armor againſt him and other of the kings coũ|ſaile,The Londo|ners rob the houſe of the Lorde Gray. inſomuch that they aſſayled the lodging of the Lord Iohn Gray without Ludgate and toke out of his ſtables .xxxij. horſes & ſuch other things EEBO page image 762 as they might lay hold vpon, keeping ſuch ſturre that the Lorde Gray himſelfe was forced to flie beyonde Fleete Bridge. The like rule they kept at the houſe of Iohn de Paſſelew.Iohn Mancell fleeth into France. Iohn Mancell departing forth of the Tower to the Thames, with the Counteſſe de Liſle, and other ladies that were ſtraungers borne, ſayled into Fraunce, and landed at Whitſand; where the ſayde Mancell hearing that the Lorde Henrie, ſonne to the king of Almaine, that then held with the Barons was in thoſe parties, he cauſed the Lorde Ingram de Fines to ſtay him as priſoner, and ſo he remay|ned till king Henrie vpon the agreement betwixt him and the Barons, found meanes to get him releaſed, and ſo then he returned into Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe touching the Barons, they pro|ceeded in theyr buſineſſe which they had in hande with all earneſt diligence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 These were the chiefest personages that tooke this enterprice in hand: The Barons that roſe a|gaynſt the king. yong Humfrey de Boun, the Lorde Henrie sonne to the king of Almaine. Henrie Mountforde, Hugh Spencer, Baldwyn Wake, Gylbert Gyfforde, Richarde Gray, Iohn Ros, William Marmion, Henrye Hastings, Haymon le Strange, John Fitz John, Godfrey Lucy, Nicholas Segraue, Roger de Leyborne, Iohn Vesie, Roger de Clifford, John de Vaus, Gilbert de Clare, Gilbert de Lacy, and Robert Vepont, the which with one generall consent, elected for their chiefe Captaynes and general gouernors, Their [...] cap [...] Simon de Mountford Earle of Leycecester, Gilbert de Clare, Earle of Gloucester, and Robert Ferreys Erle of Derby, & Iohn Earle of Warren. The [...] part [...] king. On the kings part these persons are named to stand with him against the other. Fyrst Roger Bigot Erle of Norffolke and Suffolke, Humfrey de Bonn Earle of Hereford, Hugh Bigot Lord chiefe Iustice, Philip Basset, William de Valence, Geffrey de Lucignan, Peter de Sauoy, Robert Watrand, Iohn Mancell, Geffrey Percy and many others. The Barons notwithstanding hauing assembled their powers, resolued to go through with their purpose.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The first enterprise they made was at Hereforde, Ri [...] [...] where they tooke the Bishop of that Sea named Iohn Breton, and as manye of his Chanons as were straungers borne. After thys they tooke sir Mathew de Bezilles Sherif of Glocester, a straunger borne, and keeping vpon theyr way towardes London wyth Baners displayed, so many as came within theyr reache, whome they knew to be agaynst the maintenance of the statutes of Oxforde, [...] they spoyled them of theyr [figure appears here on page 762] houses, robbing them of their goodes, and imprisoned their bodies, hauing no regard whither they were spiritual men or temporall. In diuers of the kings castels they placed such captains & souldiers as they thought conuenient, & displaced other who(m) they either knew or suspected to be aduersaries to their purpose.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About Mydſommer when they drewe neare to London, they ſent a letter to the Maior and Aldermen vnder the Seale of the Earle of Ley|ceſter willing to vnderſtand whether they would obſerue the actes and ſtatutes eſtabliſhed at Ox|forde, or elſe ayde and aſſyſt ſuche perſons as ment the breache of the ſame. And herewyth they ſente vnto them a Copie of thoſe Articles, wyth a prouiſo, that if any of them were preiu|diciall, or in anye wiſe hurtfull to the Realme and common wealth, that then the ſame by the aduice of diſcrete perſons ſhould be amended and reformed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Maior bare thys Letter and the Co|pie of the Articles vnto the King, who in this meane time remained in the Tower of London, togither with the Queene and the K. of Almain, EEBO page image 763 lately returned oute of Almaine, alſo his ſonne prince Edward, and many other of his counſail. The king aſked of the Maior what he thought of thoſe articles, who made ſuch anſwer as the king ſeemed well pleaſed therewith, and ſo permitted the Maior to returne againe into the Citie,The diligence of the Lorde [...]aior of Lon|don. who tooke muche payne in keeping the Citie in good quiet nowe in that daungerous tyme. All ſuche the Inhabitantes as were ſtraungers borne, and ſuſpected to fauor eyther of the parties were bani|ſhed the Citie, but within a while after, Prince Edward ſet them or the moſt part of them in of|fices within the Caſtell of Windſore. And on the Saterday next after the tranſlation of Saint Benet, as the Queene woulde haue paſſed by water from the Tower vnto Windſore,The miſde| [...]aner of [...]wde perſons [...]wardes the [...]ueene. a ſort of lewde naughtipacks got them to the bridge, ma|king a noiſe at hir, and crying drowne the witch, threw downe ſtones, cudgels, dyrt, and other things at hir, ſo that ſhee eſcaped in great daun|ger of hir perſon, fled to Lambeth, and through feare to be further purſued, landed there, and ſo ſhe ſtayed till the Maior of London with much ado appeaſing the furie of the people, reſorted to the Queene, and brought hir backe againe in ſafetie vnto the Tower. [...]hron. Dunſt. And as ſome wryte, bycauſe the King woulde not ſuffer hir to enter agayne into the Tower, the Maior conueyed hir vnto the Biſhop of Londons houſe by Paules, and there lodged hir.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mat. VVeſt.The Barons in this meane time hauing got the Citie of Worceſter and Bridgenorth, with other places, were come into the South partes, to the ende that they mighte winne the Caſtell of Doner, and finde ſome meanes to ſet the Lorde Henrie, (ſonne to the king of Almaine that was priſoner beyond the ſeas) at libertie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]ro. Dunſt.

[...]ſhops tra| [...]yle to make [...]ace.

In the meane tyme the Biſhoppes of Lyn|colne, London and Cheſter, trauayled betwixte the King and Barons for a peace, but the Ba|rons woulde not agree, except that the King and Queene woulde fyrſt cauſe the Lorde Hen|rie to bee ſet at libertie, and delyuer into theyr handes the Caſtelles of Wyndſore, Douer, and other fortreſſes, and ſende away all the ſtraun|gers, and take ſuch order that the prouiſions of Oxforde might be obſerued, as well by the King as all others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king although theſe conditions ſeemed verie hard and diſpleaſant to his mynde, yet was he driuen to ſuch an extremitie that he graunted to accept them, and ſo an agreement was made and had betwixt him and the Lordes. But now all the difficultie was to appeaſe the Lorde Ed|warde, [...]ungers [...]pe the Ca| [...] of Wind| [...]. and to remoue the ſtraungers whiche he had placed in the Caſtell of Wyndſore, which they had not onely fortified, but alſo in maner deſtroyed the towne, and done much hurt in the Countrey rounde aboute them. They were to the number of an hundred Knightes or men of armes (as I may cal them) beſide a greater num|ber of other men of warre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe after that the King had agreed to the peace, the Barons entred the citie the Sun|day before Saint Magarets day, and ſhortly af|ter the King came to Weſtminſter wyth the Queene, and thoſe of hys Counſayle. And im|mediately herevpon, by conſent of the King and the Barons, Sir Hugh Spencer was made chiefe Iuſtice and keeper of the Tower. During the tyme that the Lordes remayned in London, many robberyes and ryottes were done within the Citie, and ſmall redreſſe had in correctyng the offenders, they were ſo borne oute and main|teyned by their maiſters and other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Commons of the Citie were farre oute of order, for in the aſſemblies and Courtes,The great diſ|order in the Citie of Lon|don. as well at the Guyldhall as in other places, the matters and iudgement of things went by the voyces of the ſimple and vndiſcrete multitude, ſo that the ſubſtantiall and worſhipfull Citizens were not regarded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Barons vpon the morrowe following the feaſt of Saint Iames, departed from Lon|don towardes Wyndſore, in whiche meane whyle Prince Edwarde was got to Briſtow,Abingdon. and there thinking himſelfe to be out of daunger, by miſhappe as it fortuned there roſe variance be|twixt the Citizens and his men, ſo that ye whole Citie reuolted from him, and prepared to beſiege him in the Caſtel, not doubting but eaſily to win it. When he ſaw how the worlde went, he ſent to the Biſhop of Worceſter that was of the Ba|rons ſide, promiſing that he would agree with the Barons, if he woulde helpe to deliuer him out of the Briſtow mens hands. The Biſhop taking his promiſe, conueyed him forth in ſafetie toward the Court. But when he came nere vnto Wind|ſore, he turned thyther, greatly to the miſlyking of the Biſhop: yet neuertheleſſe when the Ba|rons came forwarde to beſiege that Caſtell, the Lorde Edward met them not farre from King|ſton, offring them conditions of peace.Nic. Triuet.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some write that he was ſtayed and not ſuf|fred to returne agayne to Windſore after he had ended his talke with the Barons: but howſoeuer it was, the Caſtell was ſurrendered, with con|dition that thoſe that were within it ſhoulde ſafe|ly depart, and ſo they did, and were conducted to the ſea by Humfrey de Boun the yonger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame tyme, Llewelline Prince of Wales deſtroyed the landes of Prince Ed|warde in Cheſſhyre, and the Marches there|aboutes. The two Caſtelles of Diſarde and Gannoe he tooke and deſtroyed, being two verie fayre fortreſſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 EEBO page image 764Aboute the feaſt of the Natiuitie of our La|die,A Parliament. there was a Parliament holden at London, at the which all the Nobles of the Realme both ſpirituall and temporall were preſent,Abing [...] and then [figure appears here on page 764] the Citie of London, and the fiue Portes ioyned in league as confederates with the Barons, but the king plainly proteſted before all the aſſembly, that by the ſtatutes and prouiſions (as they ter|med them) made at Oxford,The kings proteſtation agaynſt the articles at Oxforde. he was much decey|ued. For contrarie to that which the Barons had promiſed, hee felt himſelfe rather charged wyth more debt than any thing relieued: and therefore ſith he had obteyned of the Pope an abſolution of the othe both for himſelfe & his people, his requeſt was to be reſtored vnto his former eſtate of all ſuche prerogatiues as in time paſt hee hadde en|ioyed. The Barons on the other ſide ſtifly main|teyned, that they coulde not with ſafe conſciences go againſt their othe, and therefore they ment to ſtand in defence of the articles aforeſayde ſo long as they had a day to liue. Thus whileſt both par|ties kept off ſo farre from all hope of agreement, & were nowe in poynt to haue departed in ſunder, through mediation of ſome Biſhoppes that were preſent, a peace was concluded, and the parties ſo agreed, that all matters in controuerſie touching the articles,The matter put to the French king. prouiſions, & ſtatutes made at Ox|ford ſhould be ordred and iudged by the Frenche king, whom they choſe as arbitrator betwixt thẽ. Here vpon the .xiij. day of September, both the King and Queene, with their ſonnes, and dy|uerſe other of the Nobles of this lande tooke ſhip|ping, and ſayled ouer to Bullongne, where the French king as then was at a Parliament, with a great number of the Nobles and Peeres of France. The Erle of Leyceſter alſo with diuerſe of his complices went thither, and there the mat|ter was opened, argued, and debated before the French king, who in the ende vpon due exami|nation, and orderly hearing of the whole proceſſe of all theyr controuerſies, gaue expreſſe ſentence, that all and euery of the ſayde Statutes and or|dinaunces deuiſed at Oxforde,The French king giueth ſentence a|gainſt the Barons. ſhoulde bee from thenceforth vtterly voyd, and all bandes and pro|miſes made by king Henrie, or any other for per|formance of them, ſhould likewiſe be adnihilate, fordone, and clearely cancelled. The Barons highly diſpleaſed herewith, refuſed to ſtand to the French kings awarde herein, bycauſe he had iud|ged altogither on the kings ſide. Wherevpon af|ter they were returned into the realme, either par|tie prepared for warre: but yet about the feaſt of S. Edward, the King and the Barons eftſoones mette at London, holding a newe Parliament at Weſtminſter, but no good could be done. Thẽ when the King of Almaine,An. Reg. [...] and Prince Ed|warde, wyth other of the Kings counſayle ſaw that by rapine, oppreſſion, and extortion practi|ſed by the Barons agaynſt the kings ſubiectes, as well ſpirituall as temporall,Mat. VV [...] the ſtate of the Realme, and the Kings honour was much de|cayed, and brought in manner vnto vtter ruine, they procured the King to withdrawe ſecretely from Weſtmynſter vnto Wyndſore Caſtell, the which his ſonne Prince Edwarde had gone poſſeſſion of by a trayne. From Windſore he went to Reading, and from thence to Walling|forde, and ſo to Oxforde, hauing a great power with him. At his being at Oxforde there came vnto him the Lorde Henrie,The Lo [...] that re [...] to the king ſonne to the king of Almaine, Iohn Earle Warren, Roger Clifford, Roger Leyborne, Haymond le Straunge, and Iohn de Vaux, which had reuolted from the ba|rons to the kings ſide. Iohn Gyfford alſo did the lyke: but he ſhortly after returned to the Barons part againe. The kings ſonne the Lord Edward had procured them thus to reuolt, promiſing to e|uery of them in rewarde by his charter of graunt EEBO page image 765 fiftie pound lands to ayde the king his father and him agaynſt the Barons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this the king went to Wyncheſter, and from thence came backe vnto Reading, [...]. Dun. and then he [...]ched forth with his armie vnto Douer, where he could not be ſuffred to come into the ca|ſtel, being kept out by the Lorde Richarde Grey that was captaine there. Herevpon he returned to London, where the Barons againe were entred, through fauor of the comoners, agaynſt the will of the chiefe Citizens,



and here they fell eftſoones to treate of agreement, but their talke profited no|thing. And ſo in the Chriſtmaſſe weeke the king with his ſonne Prince Edward and diuerſe other of the counſayle ſayled ouer agayne into Fraunce, [...]e king go| [...] again ouer [...]he French [...]g. and went to Amiens where they found the French king, and a great number of his No|bles. Alſo for the Barons, Peter de Montforde, and other were ſent thither as Commiſſioners, and as ſome wryte, at that preſent, to wit on the xxiiij. day of Ianuarie, [...]ian. the Frenche king ſitting in iudgement, pronounced his definitiue ſentence on the behalfe of king Henrie agaynſt the Ba|rons: but whether he gaue that ſentence now, or the yeare before, the Barons iudged him verye partiall, and therefore them not to ſtand vnto his ar [...]i [...]ement therein. The king hauing ended hys buſineſſe with the French K. returned into Eng|lande, and came to London the morrowe after Saint Valentines day. And about ſeuen or [...]ight dayes after, the Lorde Edwarde his eldeſt [...]nne returned alſo. And hearing that the Barons were gone into the Marches of Wales, where ioyning with the Welchmen, they had begonne to make warre agaynſt the kings friendes, and namely agaynſt his Lieutenant Roger Lorde Mortimer, whom they had beſieged in the Ca|ſtell of Wigmore. The Lorde Edwarde there|vpon with ſuch power as he could get togither, marched thitherwardes to reyſe theyr ſiege: but the Lord Mortimer perceyuing himſelfe in dan|ger, fledde priuily out of the Caſtell, and got to Hereford, whither the Prince was come. The Barons enforced their ſtrength in ſuch wiſe that they wan the caſtel.

Nic. Triuet:

Caſtels gotten by prince Edwarde.

Prince Edward on the other ſide tooke the Caſtels of Hay and Huntingdon that belonged vnto the Earle of Hereford yong Henrie de Boun.

[figure appears here on page 765]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Caſtell of Breknoc was alſo deliuered into his hands, which hee tooke to the keeping of the Lorde Roger de Mortimer, with all the ter|ritorie thereto belonging. Robert Erle of Darby that tooke part with the barons beſieged the Citie of Worceſter, [...]ceſter [...]. & tooke it by ye old caſtel, ſacked the citizens goods, & cõſtrayned the Iewes to be bap|tiſed. The Citie of Gloceſter alſo was taken by ye barons: but prince Edward folowing thẽ & repa|ring the bridge ouer Seuerne, which the Barons had broken downe after they were come ouer, he entred the Caſtell of Glouceſter with his people. The next day by procurement of Walter Bi. of Worceſter, a truce was takẽ betwixt prince Ed|ward & the barons that had taken the town, du|ring the which, the barõs departed out of ye town, & the burgeſſes ſubmitted thẽſelues vnto Prince Edward: and ſo he hauing the caſtell & towne in his handes, impriſoned diuerſe of the burgeſſes,

Mat. VVeſt.

The Citie of Glouceſter re|couered, and put to fine.

& fined the town at the ſumme of .M. pounds. Thẽ he drew towards his father lying at Oxforde, or at Woodſtock, gathering people togither on eche hãd.

The como|ners of the city of London cõ|pound with the Barons.

R. Fabian.

In the meane time the lords drew towards Lõdon, & the new aſſurance by writing indented was made betwene the comunaltie of the Citie & the barons, without conſent of any of the rulers of the citie. The cõmons herewith appointed of thẽ|ſelues two captains, which they named coneſta|bles of ye city, that is to ſay, Tho. Piwelſdon, and Ste. Bukerel, by whoſe cõmaundement & tolling EEBO page image 766 of the great Bell of Paules al the citie was war|ned to be redie in harneſſe to attend vpon the ſayd two Captaines. About the beginning of Lent the Coneſtable of the tower ſir Hugh Spencer, with the ſayde two Captaines,The [...] T [...] ſpoyled and a great mul|titude of the Citizens & others went to Thiffle [...] worth, and there ſpoyled the manour place of the King of Almaine, and then ſet it on fire, and de|ſtroyed [figure appears here on page 766] his water Mylnes, and other commodi|ties which be there hadde.The chiefe cauſe that ſet the king of Al|maine ſo ſore againſt the Barons. This deede, was the cauſe (as ſome haue iudged) of the warre that after enſued. For where before this tyme the ſayde King of Almaine had beene by reaſon of the alliance betwixt him and the Earle of Glou|ceſter continually an intreater for peace, hee was nowe euer after this time an vtter enimie vnto the Barons, and vnto theyr ſyde, ſo farre as lay in his power.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king hearing of this riottous acte, and being infourmed that Peter de Mountford was at Northampton aſſembling people to ſtreng|then the Barons part, he got togither ſuch men of warre as he coulde from all places, and ſo hee had with him his brother Richarde king of Al|maine,The Lordes that followed the king. his eldeſt ſonne the Lorde Edward, Wil|liam de Valence his halfe brother on the mother ſyde, and Iohn Comyn of Warde in Scotland wyth a greate number of Scottes, Iohn Bal|lioll Lorde of Galloway, Robert Bruys Lorde of Annandale, Roger Clyfforde, Philip Mar|myon, Iohn Vaux, Iohn Leyborne, Henry Percy, Philip Baſſet, and Roger Mortimer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus the King hauing theſe noble men a|bout him, with his armie ſpedde him towardes Northampton, and comming thither tooke the towne by force,Northampton taken by force. ſlue dyuerſe, and tooke priſoners Peter Mountefort, and Simon Mountefort the Earle of Leyceſters ſonne, William Ferreys, Baldwyn Wake, wyth Nicholas his brother, Berengarius de Wateruile, Hugh Gubyun, Robert Butevyleyn. Adam of Newmarch, Ro|bert Newtõ, Philip Driby, Grimbald Paunce|foet, Roger Beltram, Thomas Mauncell, and dyuerſe other to the number. of lxxx. knightes (or as Mathew Weſtminſter hath .xv. Barons, and lx. knightes) beſides a great number of Eſquires and Burgeſſes, the which were beſtowed a [...]ode in ſundrie priſons. The towne (as ſome write) was taken by this meanes. Whileſt dyuerſe of the Captains within were talking with the king on the one ſide of the towne towardes the Me|dowes, the Lorde Philip Baſſet approched the walles neare vnto the Monaſterie of S. Andrew, and there with his people hauing Spades, Mat|tocks, and other inſtrumẽts prouided for the pur|poſe, vndermine a great paine of the wall, and reuerſed the ſame into the ditches, making ſuch a breache, that .xl. horſemen might enter afront. Some put the blame in ſuch Monkes of the Ab|bay as were ſtraungers, as though they ſhoulde prepare this entrie for the enimie: but howſoeuer it was, the king got the towne out of his enimies handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This alſo is to be remembred, that where by reaſon of variance which had chaunced that yere betwixt the ſcholers of Oxforde and the townes men, a greate number of the ſame ſcholers were withdrawen to Northampton and there ſtudied. They had rayſed a Banner to fight in defence of the towne agaynſt the king,Scholers [...] againſt [...] king. and did more hurt to the aſſaylants than any other bande, wherevpon the king threatned to hang them all, and ſo had he done in deede, if by the perſwaſion of his counſail he had not altred his purpoſe, doubting to procure the hatred of their friendes, if the execution ſhould haue bin ſo rigorouſly proſecuted agaynſt them: for there were amongſt them many yong gentle|men of good houſes and noble parentage. Thus EEBO page image 767 was the town of Northampton taken on a Sa|terday being paſſion Sunday euen, and the mo|row after the day of S. Ambroſe which is the fift of Aprill. On the Monday following, the king led his armie towards Leyceſter, where the Bur|geſſes receiued him into the towne at his coming thither. From thence he marched to Notingham, burning and waſting the houſes and manors of the Barons and other of his enimies, and ſpeci|ally thoſe that belonged to the Erle of Leyceſter. Here he alſo gathered more people,

Some write that Iohn de Ballioll and Robert de [...]bruys, and Pe|ter de Bruys, came to him here and not before.

Mat. VVeſt.

and ſo encrea|ſed his power: inſomuch that diuerſe noble men, as Roger Clifforde, Henrie Percy, Richarde Grey, Philip Baſſet, Richard Sward, and Hu|bert Earle of Kent, doubting the lacke of power in theyr companions, reuolted incontinently to the kings ſyde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He ſent his ſonne Prince Edward into Dar|byſhyre,Mat. VVeſt. and Staffordſhire with a ſtrong power, where he waſted the Manours and poſſeſſions of Robert de Ferrers Earle of Darby,The Caſtell of Turburie de|faced. and namely he ouerthrew and defaced the caſtell of Turbury. Whereſoeuer the kings armie, or that which his ſon Prince Edward led chaunced to come, there folowed ſpoyling, burning and killing. The Ba|rons on the other ſide ſate not ſtill, for the Lorde Iohn Gyfford, with other that were appoynted by the Erle of Leiceſter to kepe Killingworth ca|ſtell (which was furniſhed with all things neceſ|ſarie, maruellouſly and with ſuch ſtrange kind of engines as had not bin lightly heard of nor ſeene in theſe parties) tooke by a policie the Caſtell of Warwike,The Caſtell of Warwike takẽ and William Manduit Earle of Warwike, with his wife and familie within it, and leading them to Kenilworth, there commit|ted them to priſon. The cauſe was for that they ſuſpected him that hee woulde take part with the [...] agaynſt them.The Caſtell of Warwike ra [...]ed. The Caſtell of Warwike [...] [...]xed downe, leaſt the kings people ſhoulde ta [...] [...] for their refuge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the Paſſion we [...]e the Iewes that inhabi|ted in London beeing detected of treaſon,The Iewes are killed. whiche they had deuiſed agaynſt the Barons and Citi|zens were ſta [...] almoſte all the whole number of them, and great ryches founde in their houſes, which was taken and caried away by thoſe that ranſacked the ſame houſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After Eaſter the Earle of Leyceſter hauing London at his commaundement,Rocheſter beſieged. went to Ro|cheſter and beſieged that Citie, but the Captaine therof Iohn Erle of Warren did manfully reſiſt the enimyes, till the king aduertiſed therof, with the power of the Marches of the North parties and other came & remoned the ſiege. This done,Nic. Triuet. Math. VVeſt. he left a conuenient garniſon within the Citie to defende it, and comming to Tunbridge wan the Caſtell, and taking the Counteſſe of Glouceſter that was within it, permytted hir to depart. This done, he repayred to the ſeaſide towards Fraunce, to ſtay there till his brethren, Geffrey & Guy,The kings halfe brethren come out of Fraunce to his ayde. the ſonnes of the Erle of Marche ſhould arriue with ſome band of ſoldiers, for whom he had now ſent & reuoked into the realme, being lately before ba|niſhed by the nobles as before ye haue herd. They ſhortly after lãded,The kings en|campeth as Lewes. whervpon the king hauing his power encreaſed, came to Lewes & pight downe [figure appears here on page 767] his fielde not farre from that towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the end of April the Barons hearing where the King was, departed from London with a great multitude of the Citizens, whom they pla|ced in the vawarde, and marched forth towardes the king, and comming neare to the place where he was lodged, ſet downe their Tentes, and en|camped themſelues a little beſide him. Eyther here or by the way as they came forward,The Barons ſend a letter to the king. the ba|rons deuiſed a letter and ſent it vnto the K. con|teyning an excuſe of their doings, and a declara|tion of their well meanings, both towardes him, EEBO page image 768 and the wealth of the realme, and herewith accu|ſing thoſe that were aboute him, and with euill counſaile miſenformed him, both agaynſt them, agaynſt the publike wealth of the lande, and hys owne honor. This letter was dated the tenth of May, and ſubſcribed with the names of a great number of noble men, of the which the more part doe here enſue, but yet not all. Sir Simon de Mountford Erle of Leyceſter, and high ſteward of Englande, Sir Gylbert de Clare Earle of Glouceſter, Robert Ferreys Earle of Darbye, Hugh Spencer Lorde chiefe Iuſtice, and Henry Mountford ſonne and heyre to the Erle of Ley|ceſter, Richarde Grey, Henrie Haſtings, Iohn Fitz Iohn, Robert de Veepont, Iohn Gynuile, Robert Roos, William Marmion, Baldwyn Wake, Gylbert Gyfforde, Nicholas de Se|graue, Godfrey de Lucy, Iohn de Veiſie, Wil|liam de Mountheniſey, with other. The King anſwered this letter in charging them wyth re|bellion,The anſwe|re to the Ba|rons. and mouing of open warre agaynſt him, to the great diſquieting of the Realme. Alſo hee layde vnto theyr charge, the burning of the Ma|nours, houſes and places of his nobles and coun|ſaylers and herewith defied them by the ſame an|ſwere,He defieth them. which was dated at Lewes aforeſayd the xij. of May.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the king of Romaines, and prince Ed|warde ſent their defiaunce vnto the Barons the ſame time in writing vnder their ſeales, for that the Barons in their letter to the king, had bur|thened them and other with miſleading the king with vntrue informations and ſiniſter counſaile. Thus as they write to and fro ſuch nipping let|ters, all the treatie of peace was forgotten & layde aſyde, ſo that they prepare to battaile. The king had in deede the greater number of armed men, but many of them were vnfaythfull,Mat. VV [...] and [...]ared not greatly though the loſſe fell to his ſyde, and ſo whileſt they go to it without order, and enadui|ſedly, they fight at aduenture, and continue but faintly.Nic. Tri [...] His Captaines made three battailes of theyr armie, the fore warde the Lorde Edwarde led,The orde [...] of the b [...] and with him William de Valence Erle of Pembroke, and Iohn de Warrenne Earle of Surrey and Suſſex. In the ſeconde the king of Almaine, with his ſonne Henrie were chieftains. The thirde the king gouerned himſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Barons deuided their hoſt into foure bat|tayles, the firſt was vnder the gouernment of the Lorde Henrie de Mountforde and others, the ſe|conde was led by the Lorde Gylbert de Clare, the Lorde Iohn Fitz Iohn, and the Lorde William de Mountcheniſey, the thirde in which the Lon|doners were placed, the Lord Nich. de Segraue ruled. The fourth was led by Simond Mount|ford Earle of Leyceſter himſelfe, and one Tho|mas de Peuelſton. Thus being ordred, on the xiiij. of May being Wedneſday,The b [...] ioyne. they ioyne in fight, and at the firſt encounter, the Lorde Henry de Haſtings, the Lord Geffrey de Lucy, & Hum|frey de Bohun the yonger are wounded,Chron. [...] and the Londoners forthwith were beatẽ back:Prince Ed [...] purſueth the London [...] for prince Edward ſo fiercely aſſayled them, that they were not able to abide the brunt. He hated thẽ in deede aboue all other, namely for yt of late they had miſ|vſed his mother, reuiling hir, & throwing durt and ſtones at hir, when ſhe paſſed the bridge (as before ye haue herd.) Whervpon prince Edwarde now to be reuenged of thẽ, after they began to flie, moſt egrely followed them, chaſed and ſlue them by heapes, but whileſt he ſeparated himſelfe by ſuch [figure appears here on page 768] earneſt folowing of the Londoners too farre from the reſidue of the kings army, he was ye on [...]y cauſe of the loſſe of that field: for the Erle of Leyceſter perceiuing that ye prince with the chiefeſt force of the kings army was thus gone after ye Lõdoners of whome he made no great account, he exhorted EEBO page image 769 his people, to ſhew their valiancie at that inſtant, and ſo commeth vpon his aduerſaries with great courage,

Kings put to [...]orſe.

[...]t. VVeſt.

and in a homẽt putteth them to flight. There were taken, the Kyng of Almaigne, the Lords, Iohn de Burgh, and Phillip Baſſet with all other the chiefeſt that were about the Kyng but the King hymſelfe retired with thoſe fewe a|bout him that were left, into the Priorie of La|wes, and other ther were, that withdrew into the Caſtell. The Barons purſuing them enter the Towne, and tooke or ſlew ſo many as they foũd within the Caſtell and Priorie. At length, prince Edwarde returned from the chaſe of the Londo|ners, whome he had purſued for the ſpace of foure myles and finding the field loſt, beginneth a new battel, but the Earle of Surrey,Mat. Paris. William de [...]a|lence, and Guy de Lucig [...],Seuen hũdred hath Abingdõ with Hugh Bigod and others hauing with them a three hũdred ar|med men ſtraight wayes fled vnto the Caſtel of Pemſey. Prince Edward thẽ [...]ei [...]ing ſlaugh|ter to be made on each hand, caſt about ye [...]wne,Prince Ed|ward com|meth backe to the father and with his company, got into the Priors to his father. In the meane time the Barons gaue aſſault to the Caſtell, but they within valiantly [figure appears here on page 769] defended themſelues, with whoſe hardy doings, Prince Edward encouraged gathered his people togither againe, and meant eftſoones to giue bat|tayle, but the ſubtill head of the Earle of Leice|ſter beguiled them all, [...]ers ſubor| [...] to treate [...]eace. for he cauſed certayne Fri|ers to take in hand to be intreators betwixt thẽ, which comming to the Kyng and to the Prince his ſonne, declared, that the Barons to auoyde that more Chriſtian bloud ſhoulde not be ſpi [...]t, woulde bee contented to haue the matter put in compromiſe of indifferent perſons, but if it were ſo, that the King and hys ſonne would needes ſtand to the vttermoſt triall of battel, they would not fayle, but ſtrike off the heads of the Kyng of Almaigne & other ye priſoners which they would ſet vpon the endes of their ſpeares in ſtead of ſtã|derts. The K. and his people hauing the reſpect of pitie before their eyes, chaunged their purpoſed intent to fight, and falling to a parley (which cõ|tinued for the moſt part of al ye night following) at length it was agreed,

[...] agreement [...]en.

[...]at. VVeſt.

that the Frenche Kyng with three Prelates and three other noble men of the temporaltie, ſhould chooſe foorth, and name two noble men of Fraunce, which comming in|to Englande, ſhould take a third perſon to them whome they thought good, and they three ſhould haue the hearing of all controuerſies betwixt the K. and the Barons, and what order ſo euer they tooke therein, the ſame ſhould ſtand, and be recei|ued for a perfect concluſiõ and ſtable decree. This agreement was confirmed, and Prince Edward and Hẽry ſonne to the King of Almaigne, were appoynted to remayne as hoſtages with the Barons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Other write otherwiſe of this battell at Le|wes, affirming,Polidor. that not only the Kyng of Ro|maynes, but that alſo Kyng Henry hymſelf ha|uing his horſe thruſt through on both ſides, was taken, and likewiſe his ſonne Prince Edwarde with other on their ſide, to the number of fiue and twentie Barons and Banerets. And that more|ouer, there dyed on the Kings ſide that day in the battell and chaſe, a ſixe thouſande and fyue hundred men as Polidore noteth, howbeit, Ri. Southwell ſayth, there dyed on both parties only 3400. But Math. Weſt. writeth, that as the re|port wente, there dyed a fiue thouſande on bothe ſides, and amõgſt other, theſe he nameth as chiefe, William de Wilton, one of the Kings Iuſtices, and the Lorde Foulke Fitz Waryne a Baron, that tooke the Kings parte. On the Barons ſide, the Lord Raufe Heringander a Baron alſo,

Mat. VVeſt.

Lords taken on the Kings ſide.

and William Blunt the Earles Standerthearer. Of them that were taken on the Kings ſyde, EEBO page image 770 beſide ſuch as before are recited, we find theſe na|med, Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereforde, William Lord Bardoll, Robert Lord of Tate| [...]hale, Roger Lord Somery, Henry Lord Per|cy, Iohn de Balioll, Robert de Bruis, and Iohn Comin, with other Barons of Scotlãd, hauing loſt all their footemen whiche they had broughte with them to the Kings ayde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Fabian. Nic. Triuet. Mat. VVeſt.Moreouer, it ſhoulde appeare by ſome wri|ters, that the King being thus in captiuitie, was conſtreyned to make a new graunt, that the ſta|tutes of Oxford ſhould ſtand in force, and if any were thought vnreaſonable, the ſame ſhoulde bee reformed by foure noble menne of the Realme of Fraunce, two of the ſpiritualtie, and two of the temporaltie. And if thoſe foure could not agree, then the Earle of Aniou and the Duke of Bur|goigne ſhuld be Iudges in the matter. But if ei|ther thoſe or the other were appoynted to be arbi|trators, like it is, that the former report touching the ſucceſſe of the battell is true, for if both the K. and his ſon had bin taken priſoners in the fielde, the Barons would ſurely haue conſtreyned him to haue conſented to the obſeruance of the ſta|tutes, without putting the ſame in compromiſe, to be altered at the diſcretion of any arbitrators, and namely, ſtraungers. But howſoeuer it was, on the Tweſday before the Aſcention day,Peace pro|claymed. peace was proclaymed in London, betweene the King and the Barons, and whereas the King eyther by conſtreynte for ſafegarde of hymſelfe or his friendes, eyther vppon aſſurance of the Barons promiſe, committed hymſelfe vnto the company of the ſame Barons, at their comming with him to London, they went from this laſt agreement, and forthwith deuiſed other ordinances as thus. They ordeyned,A new deuiſe of the Barons. that two Earles and a Biſhop, which being elected out by the cõmunaltie, ſhould chooſe to them nine other perſons, and of theſe, three of them ſhoulde ſtill remaine about the K. and by their order and the other nyne, all thyngs ſhould be gouerned both in the Courte and in the Realme. They conſtreyned the King and hys ſonne Prince Edwarde, (menacing to depoſe the one, and to keepe the other in perpetuall priſon) to conſente and agree to this laſt ordinance: and ſo the Earles of Leiceſter and Glouceſter, and the Biſhoppe of Chicheſter were ordeyned there the chiefe rulers, and letters ſent with all ſpeede, vnto the Cardinall Sabinenſis the Popes Legate, and to the King of Fraunce, to ſignifie to them, that the compromiſe agreede vppon at Lewes, was vtterly reuoked, and that a newe peace in friendly wiſe was concluded. But although the Biſhops of London, Wincheſter, and Worceſ|ter inſtantly required the ſaide Legate, that hee would help to further the ſame peace, yet hee ſore rebuked them, in that they woulde giue their cõ|ſent, ſo much to abaſe and bring vnder the Kings royal power. And bycauſe he might not be [...]| [...]ed to enter the Realme, he firſt cited them to [...]|peare before him at Bulleigne. And wheras they ſeemed to contemne his authoritie, and appeared not, he both ſuſpended the ſaid three Biſhops, and excommunicated the ſaide Earles of Leiceſter and Glouceſter, and their complices, with the Citie of London, and the fiue portes: but ye fore|ſaid Byſhops, Earles and Barons, feigning to make their appeales to the Popes conſiſtory, or if neede were, vnto a generall Counſell and to foorth, though indeede truſting more to the tem|porall ſword, than fearing the ſpirituall, they did not forbeare to ſaye and heare deuine ſeruice in Churches and elſe wher, as before they had done, till the commyng of the Cardinall Otho|bone.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Captaines and men of warre, which the King had left at Tunbridge, immediately vpon the agreement concluded betwixt the Kyng and the Barons, were commaunded by the Kyng to depart, and repaire euery man to his home,Mat. V [...] but they fearing the malice of their enimies, woulde not breake in ſunder, but keeping togither, wente ſtraight to Briſtowe, and there remained, till the Lorde Edwarde the Kinges ſonne was eſcaped out of Captiuitie. But this is to be remembred, that before their departure from Tunbridge,Nic. Tri [...] when by reporte of William de Say, who eſ|caping from the battell at Lewes, was come thither, they vnderſtoode howe the matter hadde paſſed on both ſides, and that the Londoners be|ing chaſed out of the field,The loud [...]+ne [...]s ſpoy [...] at Cro [...] were lodged at Croy|don, about the euening tide, they came thyther, and aſſayling them in their lodgings, ſlew ma|ny, and wanne a great ſpoile. The Earle of Lei|ceſter and the Barons hauing the rule of the K. and Realme in theyr handes, ſoughte to op|preſſe all ſuche as they knewe to be againſt thẽ, and not to lyke with theyr proceedyngs, name|ly, the Northren Lordes, and thoſe of the Mar|ches of Wales, as the Lorde Mortimer and o|thers, but waxing heerewith wilfull, they vſed thyngs with ſmall diſcretion, whyche at length, broughte them to confuſion. For the four ſonnes of the Earle of Leiceſter, Henry, Guy, Si|mon, and an other Henry, whiche hadde ſer|ued ryghte woorthely indeede on the daye of the battayle, beganne to waxe ſo proude, that in compariſon of themſelues, they deſpiſed all o|ther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Lordes of the Marches of Wales, as Roger de Mortimer, Iames de Audeley, Ro|ger de Clifford, Roger de Leiborne,Mat. VV [...] Haymon le Strange, Hugh Turberuile, and other that had eſcaped from the battell of Lewes, beganne to make agaynſte them that hadde vſurped thus EEBO page image 771 the rule of the lande, vnder coulour of hauing the King in their handes. The Erle of Leiceſter ad|uertiſed heereof, ioyned in league with Lewlyne Prince of Wales, and comming with the King into thoſe parties, entred into the Caſtell of He|reford, into the which he remoued the Lorde Ed|ward from Douer, where hee was firſte kepte in warde, after hee had yeelded himſelfe at Lewes. After this, the Erle of Leiceſter recouered ye Ca|ſtel of Hay, and waſting the landes and manors [figure appears here on page 771] of the Lord Mortimer, conſtreyned Hugh Mor|timer to yeeld himſelfe, ſo that his Caſtell called Richar, and other his poſſeſſions, were commit|ted to the keeping of the Lorde Iohn Fitz Iohn. The Earle of Derby, [...]e Earle of [...]by com| [...]th to Che| [...] with .20 [...]ouſand mẽ. Robert de Ferrers, with a great puiſſance of Horſemen and footemen came to Cheſter, in fauour of the Earle of Leiceſter, a|gainſt whome, although Wil. de Couſche, & Da|uid Brother to the Prince of Wales, taking the contrary part with the lord Iames Audeley and other, came to encounter, yet they durſt not abide him, but fled, and loſt an hundred of their mẽ. In the meane time, the Erle of Leiceſter proceedyng in his buſineſſe, wanne the Caſtell of Ludlowe, & after marching towards Montgomerie, why|ther the Lords, [...]e Lords [...]ertimer [...] Audeley [...]iſhed. Roger de Mortimer, and Iames Audley were withdrawen, hee conſtreyned them at length to a feigned agreement, ſo yt they gaue hoſtages, promiſing to come vnto the next Parli. that was appoynted to be holdẽ, where they were baniſhed the land for a twelue monethes, and all the Caſtels on the marches, in manner frõ Bri|ſtow to Cheſter, were deliuered to the Earle. Af|ter this, as by Nic. Treuet it appeareth, ther was a great aſſemble of men of warre made out of all parts of the Realme, to reſiſt ſuche ſtraungers as the Queene (remaining in the parties of beyonde the ſea) had got togither, meaning to ſende them into England to ayde ye Kyng agaynſt the Ba|rons, and for that purpoſe, hadde cauſed a greate number of Shippes to be brought into the Hauen of Dam. But now that the King was in ye Ba|rons hands, and that ſuch a multitude of Horſe|men and footemen were aſſembled on Bartham downe (as a man would not haue thought hadde bin poſſible to haue foũd within the whole realm) to reſiſt the landing of thoſe ſtraungers,An army lod|ged on Bar|ham downe. the ſayde ſtraungers were ſent home againe, without ha|uing done any pleaſure to the Queene, other thã ſpent hir money.

Mat. VVeſt.


Chron. Dunſt.

The K. helde his Chriſtmas at Woodſtocke, and the Earle of Leiceſter, who ſee|med then to rule ye whole realm, kept his Chriſt|mas at Kenelworth. After this, a Parliamente was holden at Londõ in the Octaues of Saint Hillarie, and many things were concluded, coue|nauntes accorded, and othes takẽ for performãce by the K. and his ſonne Prince Edward, whych ſhortly after came to little effect. Prince Edward yet, and Henry the ſonne and heire of the Kyng of Almaigne, which hadde bin kept as pledges a|bout the tearme of nine monethes and odde days, were in the Lent following ſet at libertie, vpõ aſ|ſurance made,Abindon. that ye ſaid Prince Edward ſhould remaine in the kings court, and not departe from thence without licence of the Kyng and of a cer|taine of the Barons. He was alſo conſtreyned to giue vnto the Erle of Leiceſter the Countie Pa|latine of Cheſter, before he might obteine to haue ſo much libertie. Betweene Eaſter and Whit|ſontide, the Earles of Leiceſter and Glouceſter fell at variance, through the preſumpteous de|meanor of the Earle of Leiceſters ſonnes, and alſo bycauſe the Earle of Leiceſter woulde not deliuer the King of Almaigne and other priſo|ners vnto the Earle of Glouceſter, requiring to haue the cuſtody of them, bycauſe he hadde taken them in the battell at Lewes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Earle of Glouceſter perceyuing hym|ſelfe EEBO page image 772 not well vſed, ſecretly entred into confedera|cie with the Lorde Mortimer, and other of the marches: wherevpon, the Earle of Leiceſter ha|uing thereof ſome inkeling, came to Hereford, in purpoſe to haue taken the Earle of Glouceſter, and to haue put him in ſafekeeping, as lately be|fore hee had ſerued the Erle of Derby. But by the practiſe of the Lorde Mortimer, ſhortly after the Lord Edward or Prince Edward (whether ye leſt to call him) aſſaying abroade in the fieldes an horſe or two, ſuche as hee ſhoulde vſe at iuſtes and torneys which were appoynted to be holden, he mounted at length vpon a light courſer, which the ſayd Lord Mortimer hadde ſente to him, and bidding the Lorde Robert Roos and other (that were appointed to attend on him, as his keepers) farewell,

Prince Ed|ward eſcapeth away.

Mat. VVeſt.

he galoped from them, and could not be ouertaken of them that purſued him, till at lẽgth he came to the Lord Mortimer, the which with a great troupe of men, was come foorth of his Ca|ſtell of Wigmore to receyue him. This was on the Thurſeday in Whitſon weeke. Aboute the ſame time, the Earle of Warren, with William de Valence Earle of Pembroke, the Kings halfe brother, and other, the whiche as ye haue hearde, fledde from the battell at Lewes, were nowe re|turned into the Realme, landing firſt in South|wales with a power of Croſſebowes and other men of warre, the whiche hearing that the Lorde Edwarde was thus eſcaped out of captiuitie, came to Ludlowe, and there ioyned with hym, and ſo likewiſe did the Earle of Glouceſter. And after they had cõmuned togither and were made friendes and cõfederates, they cauſed all the brid|ges to be broken, that the enimies ſhuld not come to oppreſſe them, till they had aſſembled all theyr forces, and ſo paſſing forward towards Glouce|ſter, wanne the Citie,Glouce [...] [...]o [...]e. and ſtill came people vnto them from all ſides, and namely, thoſe Lordes and Captaynes, whiche all the time ſith the bat|tayle of Lewes had laine in Briſtow. After this, they came to Worceſte, and entred there alſo. When the Earle of Leiceſter was heereof aduer|tiſed (who in all this meane time by order taken, was about the Kyng, and ruled all things in the Court) he ſent in all haſt vnto his ſonne Simon de Mountforte to rayſe a power of menne,The Earle [...] Leiceſters ſonne raſe [...] an army, He wa [...]e Winche [...] the which accordingly aſſembled to him much peo|ple, and comming with the ſame vnto Winche|ſter, wanne the Citie, by ſurrender, ſpoyled it, and ſlew the more parte of the Iewes that inhabited there. Then he layde ſiege to the Caſtell, but hea|ring a fayned rumor, that Prince Edwarde was comming thither with his power, he departed frõ thence with his company, and went to Kenel|worth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The laſt day of Iuly, Prince Edwarde with his hoſt came to Kenelworth aforeſayd, and there fighting with the ſayde Simon de Mountforde and hys army,The army of the Earle of Leiceſters [...] is diſco [...] with little ſlaughter diſcomfited the ſame, and tooke priſoners the Earle of Ox|ford, the Lords William de Mount Chency, A|dam de Newmarche, Baldwine Wake, and Hugh Neuill, with diuers other: the Lorde Si|mon himſelfe fledde into the Caſtell, and ſo eſ|caped. In this meane while, the Earle of Leice|ſter hauing reyſed his power,Nic. Tr [...] came to the Ca|ſtell of Munmouth, which the Earle of Glouce|ſter had lately taken and fortified: but they that were within it, beeing driuen to yeelde,The Ca [...] Mu [...] taken. it was now raſed downe to the ground. This done, the Earle of Leiceſter entring into Glamorgan ſhire, and ioyning his power with the Prince of Wales, waſted and brent the landes of the ſayde [figure appears here on page 772] Erle of Glouceſter: but hearing what his ad|uerſaries wente about in other places, hee retur|ned from thence, and came forwarde towardes the ſayde Prince Edwarde, who likewiſe EEBO page image 773 made towardes him, [...]e battell [...]eſham. and at Eueſham they met the ſixth daye of Auguſt, where was foughten a righte fierce and cruell battayle betwixte the parties.

[figure appears here on page 773]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...]idor.As ſome write, the Earle of Leiceſter placed Kyng Henry in the fronte of his battell, whome he had there with him as captiue, and had array|ed him in his owne coate armour, that if fortune went againſt him, whileſt the enimies ſhould be earneſt to take the K. bearing the ſemblaunce of the chiefe Captayne, hee mighte himſelfe eſcape: but King Henry whẽ they came to ioyne, fought not, but called to his people, and declared who he was, whereby hee eſcaped the daunger of deathe, for being knowen of them he was ſaued. The Welchmen whiche in greate numbers the Earle of Leiceſter had there on his ſide, [...]e Welch| [...] fledde. at the firſte on|ſet fledde and ranne away, whiche their demea|nor, when the Earle ſawe, hee exhorted thoſe that were about him to play the men, and ſo ruſhing foorth into the preaſe of his enimies, hee was en|cloſed about and ſlayne, [...]e Earle of [...]ceſter [...]e. togither with his ſonne Henry. Herevpon, his death beeing knowen, hys people tooke them to flight as men vtterly diſ|comfited. There dyed in that battell about 4000. men as Polidor hathe: but Richarde Southwell ſaith, there were killed of Knightes or rather men of armes 180. and of yeomen or rather dimelan|ces 220. of Welchmen 5000. and of ſuch footemẽ as were of the Earle of Leiceſters owne retinue 2000. ſo that there dyed in all to the number of tenne thouſand men, as the ſame Southwell af|firmeth. Among whiche of noble men, theſe are reckoned, Hugh Spencer Lord chiefe Iuſtice, the Lord Raulf Baſſet, the Lord Peter de Mount|ford, [...]. VVest. the Lord Iohn Beauchampe, Sir Willi|am Yorke, the Lorde Thomas de Eſterley, the Lord Walter de Creppings, Guy de Baillioll a Frenchmen, the Lord William de Maundeuill, the Lord Roger Saint Iohn, the Lord Roberte Tregoz, and other. This ruine fell to the Barõs by the diſcord whiche was ſproong lately before, betwixt the Earles of Leiceſter and Glouceſter,The pride of the Earle of Leiceſters ſonnes, brin|geth the Ba|rons to con|fuſion. through the inſolency and pride of the Earle of Leiceſters ſonnes, who as I ſayde before, deſpi|ſing other of the nobilitie, ſpake many reproch|full wordes by the ſayde Earle of Glouceſter, and vſed him in ſuch euill ſorte, that he vpon diſ|pleaſure thereof, hadde not onely procured the ſcape of Prince Edwarde, but ioyned with him in ayde, agaynſte the ſayde Earle of Leiceſter and other of the Barons, to the vtter confuſion, both of them and of theyr cauſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The body of the ſame Earle was ſhamefully abuſed and cut in peeces, his head and his priuie members were cutte off, and faſtned on eyther ſide of his noſe, and preſented vnto the wife of the Lord Roger Mortimer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The people conceyued an opinion,Polidor. that thys Earle, beeing thus ſlayne fighting in defence of the liberties of the Realme, and performance of his oth, as they tooke it, dyed a Martir, whiche by the bruted holyneſſe of his paſſed lyfe and mi|racles aſcribed to him after his death, was great|ly confirmed in the nexte age: but the feare of the Kyngs diſpleaſure ſtayed the people from the haſty honoring hym as a Saint at thys tyme, where otherwiſe, they were enclined greatlye thereto, reputing him for no leſſe in their conſci|ence, as in ſecret talke, they woulde not ſticke to vtter. There were wounded and taken,Mat. VVeſt. beſide the other that were ſlayne at that battayle of Eue|ſham, Guy de Mountfort, the Erle of Leiceſters ſonne, the Lordes, Iohn Fitz Iohn, Henry de Haſtings, Humfrey de Bohun the yonger, Iohn de Veſcy, Peter de Mountfort the yonger, and Nicholas de Segraue with others. The Kyng being now deliuered out of his aduerſaries hãds, EEBO page image 774 and likewiſe the King of Romaines, went vn|to Warwike, and there encreaſing his power, determined to purſue his enimies. But fyrſte, about the Natiuitie of oure Lady,A Parliament at Wincheſter was a Par|liament holdẽ at Wincheſter, where the ſtatutes of Oxford were cleerely repealled. Alſo, all ſuche as hadde fauoured the Barons, and were as then eyther in priſon or abrode, ſhould be diſenherited.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was alſo ordeyned at this Parliamente, that the welthieſt Citizens of London ſhould bee caſt into priſon, and that the Citie ſhould bee de|priued of hir liberties. Alſo, that the Stulpes and cheynes wherewith the ſtreates were fenced, ſhould be hadde away, bycauſe that the Citizens had ayded the Earle of Leiceſter againſt the king and his Realme. All this was done, for the chiefe Citizens were committed to warde within the Caſtell of Windſor, till they had payde no ſmall ſummes of money for theyr fynes. The liberties of the Citie were ſuſpended, and the Tower of London was made ſtronger by the ſtulpes and cheynes whiche were broughte into it out of the Citie. Moreouer, bycauſe Simon de Mountfort might not agree with the King, beeing come to this Parliamente vpon aſſurance, he was reſto|red to the Caſtell of Kenelworth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this,A Parl [...] at Wel [...]+ſter. in the feaſt of the tranſlation of Saint Edwarde, a Parliamente was holden at Weſtminſter, and the ſentence of diſenheriting the Kyngs aduerſaries, was pronounced againſt them, whoſe lands the King forthwith gaue vn|to his truſty ſubiectes, where her thoughte good. Some of the diſenherited men redemed their poſ|ſeſſions, with a portion of money, in name of a fyne. Other of them flocking togither, got them into the woddes and deſerte places, where kee|ping them out of ſighte as outlawes, they liued by ſpoyle and robberies. The chiefeſt of thẽ, was Robert Earle of Ferrers, who neuertheleſſe,Earle [...] was reſtored to his landes, but yet with condition, that if afterwards hee fell into the like cryme, hee ſhoulde forfeit his Earledome for euer.


An. [...]

The Lõ|doners with much adoe, at length, obteyned par|don of the Kyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Maior and Aldermen of the Citie,The C [...] Lo [...]d [...] ſelfe [...] were glad to ſubmit themſelues, though the commons [figure appears here on page 774] without conſideration of the great perill whiche they were in, woulde haue ſtand ſtill at defiaunce with the King, and defended the Citie agaynſte him. It was no maruell though they were of di|uers and contrary opinions, for at thoſe dayes, the Citie was inhabited with many and ſundry nations, whiche then were admitted for Citizẽs. At length,The Londo|ners put to their fine. vpon theyr ſubmiſſion, the King tooke them to mercy, vpon theyr fyne, whych was ſea|ſed at twentie thouſand markes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Cardinall O|t [...]bone, the Popes Legate. Fabian. About all hallowen tide, Cardinall Othobon came from the Pope into Englande as hys Le|gate, to help towards ſome agreemente to be had betwixte the K. and hys Barõs. He was cõmit|ted to priſon (as ſome write) by the Londoners, for that hee ſpake againſte theyr doyngs, when they ſhutte theyr gates agaynſte the Kyng, but hee was ſhortly releaſſed as ſhoulde appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The sixth daye of Nouember in the fiftith yeare of hys raigne, King Henry came to Westminster, and shortly after he gaue away the nu(m)ber of threescore houses, with the houshold stuffe in the same conteyned, so that the owners were compelled to redeeme them agayne of those hys seruauntes, to whome hee hadde giuen the sayde houses, togyther with all suche landes, goods and cattayles, as the same Citizens had within any part of England. One O [...] made [...] of the [...] Lond [...] Then was one called sir Othon, made Custos, or gardein of the Citie, who was also Connistable of the Tower, hee chose EEBO page image 775 chose to bee Baylifes, and to be accomptable to the Kings use, Iohn Adrian and Walter Henry, Citizens of the same Citie. The Kyng also tooke pledges of the best mens sonnes of the Citie, the whiche pledge, hee caused to be put in the Tower and there kept, at the costes of their parents. [...]t. VVeſt. The King by aduice of his Counsell ordeyned, that within euery shire of the Realme, there shoulde be a Captayne or Lieutentant appoynted with necessary allowance of the Kyng for his charges, the whiche, with the assistance of the Sherife, should punishe amd keepe downe the wicked outrage of theeues & robbers, which in time of the late ciuil warres were sprong vppe in great numbers, and growen to exceeding greate boldnesse, but now, through feare of deserved punishment, they began to ceasse from theyr accustomed rapine, and the Kynges power came agayne on estimation, so that peace after a maner, tooke new roote and increase.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vppon Saint Nicholas euen, the King departed from Westminster, towards Northampton,

Nic. Triuet.

The lega [...] [...]l+deth a Sa [...]ue at Northamp|ton.

where the Cardinall Othobon helde a Synode, and according to that he had in commaundemente, [figure appears here on page 775] pronounced all the Kings aduersaries accursed, and namely, all the Bishops which had ayded the Barons agaynste the King, in time of the late warres, of whome afterwardes, he assoyled the more part. [...]t. VVeſt. But Iohn Byshop of Winchester, Henry Bishop of London, and Stephen Bishop of Chichester, [...] ſuſpen| [...] was pro| [...]ti [...] [...]ſell hol| [...]by the [...] Cardinall Paules as [...] hath. wer sent to Rome, to purchase their absolution of Pope Cleme(n)t ye fourth, as well for other poyntes of disobedie(n)ce, as chiefly, for that, where the Queene hadde procured a curse of Pope Vrbane the fourth, that was predecessor to this Cleme(n)t, to accurse al the Barons and their supporters, which warred againste the King hir husband, the saide Bishops (to whome the commission was sent to denounce that curse) for feare of the Barons deferred the execution. Walter Bishop of Worcetor, [...]t. VVeſt. chauncing to fall sicke at that tyme, died about the beginning of February, confessing firste, that hee hadde greeuously erred, in mainteyning the side of the Erle of Leicester against the King, and therefore, directed by hys letters to the Popes Legate, requiring to bee assoyled, whiche hys petition the Legate graunted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]t. Triuet. Moreouer, in this Councell at Northampton, there was published by the Cardinall a graunte, made to the King by the Pope, of the dismes of the English Churche, for one yeare then next ensuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A little before the kings departure from London now in this last tyme, he ordeined Sir Iohn Linde Knighte, and master Iohn Waldred Clearke, to be gardians of the Citie and Tower, by the names of Seneshals or Stewardes: but suche earnest sute was made to the King, for to obteyne a perfect pardon for the Londoners, that at length after that the foresaide Seneshals had taken sureties of them for the paymente of theyr fyne, the Kyng caused his charter of pardon to be made vnder his broade seale, The Lord o|ners pardoned and sente it vnto them, wherein all former trespasses committed by them in the last warres, was cleerely pardoned, excepted out of the same pardon certayne persons, whose bodies and goodes were giuen vnto his eldest sonne Prince Edward. Thys Charter was dated at Northampton,

126 [...]


the tenth day of Ianuary, in the fiftith yeare of King He(n)ries raigne. Then also were discharged the foresayd Seneshals, and the Citizens of themselues chose for Maior, Wiliam Fitz Richard. And for Sherifes, Thomas de la Fourd, and Gregory Rockesley.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the King lay at Northampton,Simon de Mountf [...]r. the Lord Simon de Mountford put himſelfe vpon EEBO page image 776 the dome and order of the Legate Othobone, and was therefore permitted to be at large in the Kings Courte: but at the Kyngs comming to Londõ, he ſuddaynely departed out of the Court, and rode to Winchelſey, wher he aſſoriated him|ſelfe with Rouers, and after ſome priſes taken, departed from them, and wente into Fraunce, where he offred his ſeruice to the French Kyng,Mat. VVeſt. and was receyued. Thus hath Math. Weſt. and other:Polidor. but Polidor ſayth, yt by Orthodõs meanes, he was reconciled to the Kyngs fauour, & there|vpon to auoyde occaſion of further diſpleaſure, he commaunded, that the Caſtell of Kenelworth ſhould be reſtored vnto the King, which the Cap|tayne refuſed to deliuer, hauing fortified it with all manner of prouiſion, and things neceſſary to defende a ſiege.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3


The wardens of the fiue portes recon|ciled to the K.

Mat. VVeſt.

The Wardens of the fiue portes, whiche du|ring the time of the Barons war, had done ma|ny robberies on the Sea, as well againſt ye Eng|liſhmen as other, were at length reconciled to the K. who was fame to agree with thẽ vpõ ſuch cõ|ditions as they thought good bycauſe ye time as the cõmon fame went, they had the dominion of the Sea in their owne hands. But in ſome wri|ters we finde it thus recorded, that wher certaine priſoners whiche were kept by the Barons of the cinque portes in the Caſtell of Douer, bearde how all things proſpered on the Kings ſide, they got poſſeſſion of a tower within the ſame Caſtel, and tooke vpon them to defende it againſte t [...] kepers, whereof whẽ aduertiſmẽt was giuẽ to [...] K. and to his ſonne ye Lord Edward, they haſtes foorth to come to ſuccour their friendes. The [...]+pers of the Caſtell, perceyuing themſelues [...] with their enimies, ſente to the K. for peace, [...] graunting them pardon of [...] and [...]mine, with horſe, armour and other ſuch neceſſaries,Do [...] O [...] deli [...] the King the [...] [...]+ſtell was yeelded vnto his handes. From th [...] Prince Edwarde departing, viſite ye ſea [...] puniſhing diuers of the inhabitantes w [...] [...] precinct of the cinque ports, and putting the [...] feare, receiued diuers to the K. his fathers peace: The inhabitants of Winchelſey [...]ly [...] [...]ã|tenance to reſiſt him, but Prince [...] [...]ith valiante aſſaultes entred the Towne,Wi [...]ch [...] won [...] by [...]orce. in whiche entry, muche giltie bloud was [...]pilt, [...] the multitude by commaundement of Prince Ed|ward was ſpared. And thus hauing wou [...] the Towne, he commaunded that from thenceforth they ſhoulde abſteyne from piracies, which they had before tyme greatly vſed. Thus [...] the Seas made quiet, and thoſe of the cinque [...]s brought to the Kings peace, and throughly re|conciled. In this meane whyle, diuers,

Mat. V [...]

The [...] Ox [...]

of the [...]ſ+inherited Gentlemen, ſore repining at the [...]ce and order giuen againſt them, had taken the Iſle of Oxcholme in Lincolne ſhire, whither a greate number of euill doers immediately [...]e [...]ed, and began to do much miſchiefe in all the countreys [figure appears here on page 776] next adioyning.


Lincolne taken.

They tooke & [...]cked the Citie of Lincolne, ſpoyled the Iewes, and flew many of them, entred their ſinagoge, and brent the boke of their lawe. At length. Prince Edwarde, or as o|ther haue,Nic. Triuet. his brother Earle Edmond, was ſente againſt them the which comp [...]iled them by force to come to the kings peace, which to obſerue, they receyued an oth [...] [...]tly after at London, but ne|uertheleſſe, the [...]ce, as ſhortly ready to breake and renounce the ſame, and began a newe broyle in diuers parts of the Realme. Diuers of thẽ for|tified the Caſtell of Kelingworth,Keling [...] Caſtell [...]+fied againſt the King. prouiding thẽ+ſelues of al things neceſſary for defẽce out of the countreys adioyning. The K. aduertiſed hereof, ſent vnto them a purſeuant, commaunding thẽ to ceaſe from ſuche rebellious attemptes, but the meſſenger had one of his hands cutte off,The Ki [...] pur [...] [...] his [...] and ſo with a contemptuouſe anſwere, was ſent backe EEBO page image 777 agayne. Prince Edward in paſſing through the forreſt of Aulton, [...] Gurdon. got ſight of ſyr Adam Gurdon one of the diſinherited mẽ, with whom he coped, and tooke him pryſoner with his owne hand, ſa|uing hym yet,Mat. VVeſt. and pardonyng the offence of re|bellion, in reſpect of the valia [...] whiche he tryed by proofe to reſt in him: but his ſouldiors & c [...]+plices being there taken, hee cauſed to be kanged vpon trees within the ſame forreſt. Robert Erle Ferreys contrary to his othe of late receyued, ac|companyed with the Lorde Iohn d Eville and others did much hurte by way of open warre a|gainſt the kings frendes in the north parties. A|gainſte whome the Lorde Henry, ſonne to the king of Almaine was ſent with a great power. The whiche comming to Cheſterfield fell vpon his enimies in ſuche wyſe on the ſodaine, that they hadde not tyme to arme them ſelues, and ſo were diſtreſſed and ouercome. [...]e battayle [...] Cheſterfield.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The lord [...]o. d Euille yet brake out, & encoũ|tring with [...] Gilbert Haunſard, ouerthrew him and eſcaped oute of daunger. Greate ſlaughter was made on eche hand, and in the meane while the Nobles and Gentlemen ſought to get out of perill by flyght. The Earle of Derby got into a Churche, but he was diſcryed by a woman, and ſo was taken. There were many other alſo ta|ken: and amongſt them the Lorde Baldwyn Wake and ſir Iohn de la Haye wyth muche paine eſcaped.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This battaile was foughten about the mid|deſt of Maye, or vppon Whitſon euen, as the Chronicle of Dunſtable hath.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]erſden.Thoſe that eſcaped, as the Lorde Iohn d Eville and others, gaue not ouer yet, but aſ|ſemblyng them ſelues togyther in companies, kept within woods and other deſert places, brake out oftentimes, and did much miſchiefe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the nynth of Auguſt they tooke the yſle of of Elye, and ſo ſtrengthned it, that they helde it a long tyme after, ſpoyling & robbing the coun|treys round about them, as Norffolke, Suffolk, and Cambridgeſhire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhoppe of Elye hadde vndertaken to keepe the Iſle to the Kings vſe, but being now diſpoſſeſſed thereof, he gotte him awaye, and fell to curſing them that were thus entred againſte his will, but they ſeemed to paſſe little vppon his thundring excommunications.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]wicke [...]ed.The .xvj. of December, they came to the citie of Norwich, and ſpoyling it, toke many of the welthie Citizens, and ranſomed them at greate ſummes of money.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Henrye Haſtinges and Simon de Pat [...]ſ [...]ull, with diuers other, gotte them in|to the Caſtell of Kendworthe, and dayely went foorthe at their pleaſures, ſpoylyng and wa|ſting the townes aboute them, [...]. Dunſt. or cauſyng them to fyne with them to bee ſpared. And this they ſpared not to do, although the lord Edmund the kings ſonne lay in Warwike, to cut them ſhort of ſuche their [...]cen [...]io [...]s doings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king therefore incaning to haue the ſayd Caſtels of [...] by force,

The ſiege of Kenelvvorth caſtell begin|neth.

The Lorde Haſtings.

beganne his ſiege aboute the ſame vpon the euen of S. Iohn Baptiſt. But the Lorde Henrye Haſtinges, the Captaine of that Caſtell, and other his compli|ces defended it ſo ſtrongly, that though the [...]ing enforced his power to the vttermoſte to winne [...] of them, yet coulde he that any thing preualle,An. reg. 51. [...] at lẽgth victuals began to f [...]e them within and then vpon the euen of S. Thomas the Apoſtle before Chriſtmaſſe, the lord Henry Haſtings de|liuered the ſayd Caſtel into the kings hands,Kenelvvorth caſtel deliuered to the kyng. vp|pon condition that he and all other ſhulde haue lyfe and l [...]une, dorſe and armoure, with all things within the place to them belonging. And thus this ſiege had continued from the .xxvj. of Iune, vnto the .xx. day of December.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here is to be remẽbred, that at the beg [...]ng of the ſiege, there were within the caſtell a thou|ſande and .vij. hundred armed men, & .viij. ſcore woman, beſide lackeys and coyſterels.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here is alſo to be remembred, that why feſt the ſiege laye before Killingworth, by the aduiſe of the Kinges Counſell, and of the Legate O|thobond, there were twelue peeres appointed and choſen foorth which ſhould deuyſe and make or|dinaunces touching the ſtate of the realme, and the diſinherited perſones, the whiche according to their commiſſion,Dictum de Ke|nelvvorth. ordeyned certaine prouy|ſions, the whiche are conteyned within the ſta|tute intitled Dictum de Kelyngworth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng after that the Caſtell of Kenel|woorth was deliuered to his hande,Abyngdon. Mat. VVeſt. he left ther|in his ſonne Edmunde, and went hymſelfe to Couentrye (or as other haue) to Oxforde, and there helde his Chriſtmaſſe.


A parliamente at VVeſtminſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortely after commyng to Weſtminſter hee held [...] a parliamente there, ſtudying to ſet a quyetneſſe in all matters and controuerſies de|pending beetwixt hym and the Barons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this parliament ſentence was giuen a|gaynſt Earle Ferrers for the forfeyture of hys Earledome:Earle Ferreys disherited. then was Edmunde the Kynges yonger ſonne put in poſſeſſion bothe of the Earledome of Darbye and Leyceſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The ſixte of Februarye beyng Sundaye, the Kyng came to Saynct Edmunde burye, and ſtaying there till the twoo and twentyth of the ſame Moneth, ſette forewarde that daye towardes Cambridge, where hee lay wyth hys armye, the better to bridle them that kepte the Ilſe of Elye agaynſte hym.The Earle of Glouceſt. vvith an armie com|meth to Lõdon Hee laye there all the Lente ſeaſon. And in the meane tyme the Earle of Glouceſter takyng greate diſplea|ſure, EEBO page image 778 for that hee myghte not haue his will, [...]ie of [...]ceſter [...]an armye [...]th to London. as well for the baniſhing of ſtraungers as for reſti|tution to bee made vnto the diſenherited men of their lãds, he began a new ſturre, and aſſembling a greate power in the marches of Wales came neare vnto Lodon; pretẽding at ye firſt as though he had come to aide the kyng, at length he got li|cence of the Mayor and citizens to paſſe through the citie into Southwarke, where he lodged with his people, & thither came to him ſhortly ſir Iohn de Eyuele, by Southery ſide, bringing with him a great company. The Mayor cauſed the bridge & water ſide to be kept and watched both day and night with armed men, and euery night was the drawbridge drawne vp: but within a whyle the Erle vſed the matter ſo that he was permitted to lodge within the Citie with a certaine of his men, by reaſon wherof, he drewe more and more of his people into the citie, ſo that in the ende he was maſter of the citie, & in Eſter weeke toke the keys of the bridge into his hands. The legate cõ|ming forth of the Toure, repaired vnto the chur|che of S. Paule, vnder a color to preach ye Croi|ſey,The Legate admonisheth the Earle of Glouceſter to obey the king. but in the end of that his exhortation, he tur|ned his words to the Erle of Glouceſter, admo|niſhing him to obey the king as he was boũd by his allegiaunce: and further whereas the Earle had giuen cõmaundement that no victuals ſhuld be ſuffred to be brought into the Toure wher the Popes legate was lodged, he thought himſelfe e|uil vſed in that behalf, [...]th he was a mediator for peace, and no partaker. But when the Earle ſee|med to giue ſmall regarde to his wordes, he got him ſecretly againe into the Tower, with certain noble men the Kings friendes, meaning to defẽd into the vttermoſt of their powers.The legate and other meane to defende the to|vver againſte the erle of Glo|ceſter. There entred alſo into the Tower a great number of Iews wt their wiues & children, vnto whome one ward of ye Tower was committed to defend, which they did in that neceſſity very ſtoutly. Many of ye citi|zens fearing a newe inſurrection auoided out of ye citie, whoſe goods the Erle ſeaſed vnto his owne vſe, or ſuffred his men to ſpoyle the ſame at their pleaſures.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The citizens of London in an vprore choſe nevve officers.The moſte parte of all the commons of the citie tooke parte with the Erle, and in a tumulte got them to the Guilde hall, and there choſe for theyr Maior or Cuſtos of the Citie, Richard de Collworthe knyght, and for bailiffes, Robert de Linton & Roger Marſhall, diſcharging the olde Mayor and Sheriffes of their roomths. Diuers Aldermen were committed to priſon, and their goodes ſequeſtred, and muche parte therof ſpoy|led. Alſo all ſuche perſons as were pryſoners in Newegate, Ludgate, Creplegate, or in any other priſon aboute the Citie,Priſoners ſette at libertie. for the quarrell of the Barons warre, were ſet at libertie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The legate perceyuing ſuche diſorder, accur|ſed generally all ſuche as thus troubled the [...]|ges peace,The [...] acc [...] trouble [...] the k [...] peace. ſhewyng themſelues enimies to the King and the realme. He alſo interdi [...] all the churches within the citie and aboute it, licen [...]ng only diuine ſeruice to be ſayde in houſes of reli|gion, and without [...]gyng of any bell or [...]|ging: and whyleſt ſeruice was in hande heap pointed the Churche dores to be ſhafte, bycauſe none of them that ſtoode accurſed, ſhoulde en|ter and be preſent.The ki [...] at C [...] The King in the meane [...]e lay at Cambridge to defend the countries about from iniuries whiche were dayely attempted by them that helde the Ile of Ely agaynſte hym, of whome at one time he diſtreſſed a certaine num|ber at Ramſey.Ramſey. And bicauſe nowe after that the Earle was thus come to London, an other cõ|panie of them brake out to robbe and ſpoyle, and were ſtopped by the kyngs power from entryng into the Iſle agayne, they repayred ſtreyght to London, doing miſchiefe inough by the waye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Glouceſter greately encour [...]|ged by theyr aſſiſtance, fell in hande to aſſay [...] the Tower, wythin the whyche the Popes Le|gate Othobone, and dyuers other were inc [...]|ſed, takyng vppon them to defende it agaynſte the Erle and all his puiſſaunte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng vppon the fyrſte newes of the Earle of Glouceſter his commotion,The [...]+keth [...] for [...] [...]re [...] and [...] vva [...] [...] [...]guag [...] the Shrynes of Sainctes, and other Iew [...] and Relykes of the Churche of Weſtmynſter vnto certayne Merchauntes for greate ſum|mes of money, wyth the whyche ſendyng in|to Fraunce and Scotlande, hee reteyned men of warre to come to hys ayde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon his ſonne Prynce Edward came to hys ſuccoure vnto Cambridge, bryngyng thyther wyth hym thyrtie thouſande able men, out of the north partes, Scottes and other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kyng then leauing a conuenient number to defende Cambridge,The kings moueth [...]+des VVy [...] marched from thence to|warde Wyndeſore. After his comming thither, his armie dayly increaſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Glouceſter and hys comply|ces, beganne to feare the matter, and ſente to hym for peace, whiche coulde not bee graunted: wherevpon they appoynted to giue him battayle vpon Hounde flow heath. The kyng comming thither in the mornyng, founde no man there to reſiſt him, and therfore after he had ſtayed there a certain ſpace,

The K. [...] to Stra [...]


he marched forth & came to Strat|forde, where hee was lodged in the Abbey: hys hoſte laye at Hamme, and thereaboutes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This chaunced about three weekes after Ea|ſter. The Souldiors whiche lay in London and in Southwark,Mat. VV [...] did much hurt about in the coũ|trey of Southerye, and elſe where. They alſo ſpoyled the towne of Weſtminſter,VVeſtminſter ſpoyled. and the pa|riſh churche there: but the Monkes and the goo|des EEBO page image 779 belonging to the Abbey they touched not, but they made hauocke in the Kings palace, dryn|king vp and deſtroying his name, brake the glaſſe windowes, and defaced the buildings moſt diſor|derly, vneth forbearing to ſet the houſe on fyre. Alſo there were of them that brake vp and rob|bed certayne houſes in London, of the whiche miſgouerned perſons there were foure taken, that ware the cogniſance of the Earle of Darby, the which the Erle of Glouceſter cauſed to be put in [figure appears here on page 779] ſackes, [...]ldiors ſac| [...]d, and thro| [...]en into the [...]ames. and ſo throwne into the Thames.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As the Kyng thus laye at Stratforde, there came vnto hym from the parties of beyonde the ſea,

[...]e E [...]s of [...]lo [...] and P [...]e.

[...] fleete of [...]ſcoins come [...] the kyngs [...]d [...].

the Earle of Bolougne, and Saint Paule, with .CC. men of armes, and theyr ſuite of o|ther ſouldiours. Alſo there arriued in the Tha|mes a fleete of great veſſels, fraught with Gaſ|coynes, and laie afore the Towre, abidyng the kings pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Glouceſter had cauſed bulwar|kes and barbicanes to be made betwixte the To|wer and the Citie, and alſo in ſundrye places where neede required, dytches and trenches were caſt, ſo that the Citie was ſtrongly fortifyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But yet nowe that the ſayd Earle and his com|plices perceyued thẽ ſelues in maner as beſieged, they fought for peace. And by mediation of the King of Almayne, Chyngdon. peace con| [...]ded. the Lorde Philippe Baſſet and the Legate Othobone, the ſame was gran|ted, the ordinaunce of Killingworthe in euerye condition obſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]he Londo+ [...]rs pardoned.The Londoners were pardoned of theyr treſ|paſſe for receyuing the Earle, though they were conſtrayned to paye a thouſande Markes to the K. of Romans, in recompence of the hurts done to him in burning of his houſe at Thiſtleworth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ers. Dunſt. [...]dereſch.Whyleſt the Erle of Gloceſter kept the citie of London againſt the K. one Henry de Gude|reſch, ſteward to the ſayd Erle, departing from Lõdon, cam to ye manor houſe of Geffrey Saint Leger, at Offeld, whiche he brent, and tourning from thence came to Brickhill. The Lord Rey|nolde Gray that held of the kings parte,The Lorde Grey. aduerti|ſed hereof, folowed hym with his retinue of men of warre, and comming vpon his enimie at vn|wares, tooke the ſayd Henry, and flewe .xxx. of the chiefeſt of his companie, ſome he tooke, how|beit many eſcaped. But nowe to our purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By this agreemente concluded betwixte the Kyng and the Earle of Glouceſter, hee alſo ac|cepted into his grace the Lorde Iohn Cyue|leye, the Lorde Nicholas de Segraue, the Lorde Willyam Marmyon, the Lorde Richarde de Grey, the lorde Iohn Fitz Iohn, and the Lorde Gilbert de Lucy with others: ſo that all parts of the realme were quieted, ſauing that thoſe in the Iſle of Elye would not fulfill themſelues: yet at length by mediation of Prince Edward, they were reconciled to the king, and all the fortreſſes and defences within that y [...]t by thẽ ma [...]e, were plucked downe and deſtroyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But it appeereth by other writers,Euerſden. that im|mediatly after the agreement concluded betwixt the Erle of Glouceſter, Prince Edward the kin|ges ſonne, by ſetting workmen in hand to make a cauſſey through the Fennes with boordes and hurdels, entred vpon them that kepte the Iſle of Elye, ſo that many of them got out, and fledde to London, vnto the ſayde Earle of Glouceſter, and other their complices. The reſidue ſubmit|ted themſelues, as the Lorde Wake, Symon Mountfort the yonger, the Pechees, and other, vpon condition to be pardoned of life and mem|ber: And further, that Prince Edwarde ſhould be a meane to his father, to receyue them into fa|uour. But by other, it maye rather ſeeme, that ſome of them kept and defẽded themſelues with|in that Iſle till after the agreemente made be|twixt the King and the Earle of Glouceſter. By order of whiche agrement there were foure Biſhops and right Lordes choſen foorth, which had bin firſte nominated at Couentrie, to order and preſcribe betwixt the king and the diſenheri|ted menne, a forme of peace and redemption of their landes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And ſo in the feaſt of all Saincts,An. reg. 52. proclama|tion was made of a full accord and agreement, and what euery man ſhould pay for his raunſom for redeeming his offence agaynſt the Kyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the Octaues of Saint Martine, the king helde a Parliament at Marleborough,A parliament at Marle|burghe. where the liberties conteyned in the Booke called Magna Charta, were confirmed, and alſo dyuers other good and wholſome ordinances concernyng the ſtate of the cõmon wealth were eſtabliſhed and enacted. In the moneth of Aprill, there chaun|ced greate thunder, tempeſtuous rayne, and floudes, occaſyoned by the fame, ryghte ſore and horrible, continewyng for the ſpace of fif|teene dayes togyther. The Legate Othobone,1268. EEBO page image 780 after he had in the Synods holden at Northam|ton and London, deuiſed and made many orders and rules for Churchmen, and leuied amongſt them greate ſummes of moneye,

The Legate Othobone re|turneth to Rome.

Othobon cho|ſen Pope.

fynallye in the moneth of Iuly, he tooke leaue of the King and retourned to Rome, where after the deceaſſe of Innocent the fifth about the yere of our Lord 1276. hee was choſen Pope, and named Adryan the fifth liuing not paſt fifty days after.Abyndon. He went ſo neere hande to ſearch out things at his going away, that he had enrolled the true value of all the churches and benefices in England, and took the note with him to Rome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Prince Edward the kings ſonne, and diuers other great lordes of England before this lega|tes departure out of the realm,Prince Edvv. receyueth the Croſſe. receiued the croſſe at his handes in Northampton on Midſommer day, meaning ſhortly after, accordyng to theyr prontiſe there made, to goe into the holy land to warre againſt Gods enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


A fray in Lon|don betvvixte the Goldſmiths and Taylours.

This yeare there fell variance betwene the fel|lowſhippes of the Goldſmythes and Taylours within the Citie of London, ſo that one euening there were aſſembled to the number of fiue hun|dred in the ſtreetes in armor, and running togy|ther made a foule fray, ſo that many were woũ|ded, and ſome ſlayne. But the ſheriffes hearing therof, came and parted them, with aſſiſtaunce of other craftes, and ſente diuers of them beyng taken, vnto priſon. Of the which, there were ar|raigned to the number of thirtie, and .xiij. of them condemned and hanged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 53

Thames frozen

In the fiftieth and three yeare of Kyng Hen|ries reygne, there was ſuche an excedyng great froſte, begynning at Saincte Andrewes tyde, and continuyng tyll it was neere Candelmaſſe, that the Thames from the Bridge vpwardes, was to harde frozen,1269. that menne and beaſtes paſſed ouer on foote, from Lambhythe to Weſt|mynſter, and ſo Weaſtwarde in dyuers places vp to Kyngſton. Alſo Merchandyze was brou|ghte from Sandwyche and other places, vn|to London by lande. For the Shippes by rea|ſon of the Ice coulde not enter the Thames.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And about the feaſt of Saint Vedaſt, whiche falleth on the vj. of Februarie, fel ſo great abun|daunce of rayne, that the Thames roſe ſo high, as it hadde not doone at anye tyme before, to rememberaunce of man then lyuing: ſo that the cellours & vaultes in London by the water ſide were drowned, and much merchandiſe mar|red and loſte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


A pa [...]liamente holden at Lon|don.

About Sainct Georges day, there was a par|liament holden at London, for the appeaſing of a controuerſie depending betwixte Prince Ed|ward the kings ſonne, and the Earle of Glou|ceſter. At the whiche Parliamente were preſent almoſt all the Prelates and peeres of the realme. At length they put the [...]tter in [...], into the handes of the Kyng of Almayne, vn|dertakyng [...]o be ordred by hym hygh and low, touchyng all controuerſies: and lykewyſe for the iourney to be made into the holy lande, [...] the king of Almayne did little in the matter to any great effecte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the beginning of Lente the King gaue to his ſonne Prince Edwarde, the rule of the Ci|tie of London, wyth all the [...] fytes therto belongyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After whiche guifte, the ſayd Prynce made ſyr Hugh Fitz Othon Conſtable of the Tower and Cuſtos of the Citie of London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon the nynth day of Apryll, Edmund the [...]yngs ſonne, ſurnamed Crouchebacke, maryed at Weſtmynſter Auelina the daughter of the Earle of Aumacle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Prince Edwarde commanded the Citi [...] of London to preſent vnto him ſixe Citizen [...] [...] the which number he might nominate two ſhe|riffes, [...] and ſo appoynted William de Had [...] and Ankeryll de Aluerne, which were ſworne to be accomptants as their predeceſſour had bin.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At thoſe days a new cuſtome or toll was [...] to be payde, whiche Prince Edward let to [...] vnto certain ſtrangers, for the ſumme of twentie markes by yere. Wherefore the Citizens beeing grieued therwith, bought it of him for .CC. mar|kes. Alſo this yere there was granted to the [...] towards his iourneye by him purpoſed into the holy lande,A [...] [...] [...]+ted [...] the .xx. peny of euery mans mouable goodes throughout the realme of the lay fee, and of the ſpiritualtie was graunted by the aſſent of Pope Gregorie the .x. three diſmes to be gathered within the terme of three yeeres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yere the kings ſonne the Lord Edward obteyned a confirmation for the citie of London of the charter of the ancient liberties,The liber [...] of the C [...] confirmed. ſo yt the Ci|tizens did then choſe vnto them a Maior & two Sheriffes, which ſheriffes by vertue of the ſame Charter, had their office to ferm,The [...] the [...] the S [...] of Lon [...] inc [...] in maner as be|fore tyme was accuſtomed: ſauyng that where they payd afore but .iij. hundred and fiftie pound, they payde now foure hundred and fiftie pound.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After which confirmation graunted and paſ|ſed vnder the Kyngs broade ſeale, they choſe for their Mayor Iohn Adryan, and for Sheriffes, Walter Potter, and Iohn Taylour, the whiche were preſented the .xvj. day of Iuly vnto the K. at Weſtminſter by his ſonne Prince Edwarde, and there admitted and ſworne. Then was ſyr Hugh Fitz Othon diſcharged of the rule of the citie. The Citizens of their owne freewill gaue vnto the Kyng an hundred markes, and to hys ſonne Prince Edwarde fiue hundred markes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was no greate dyſorder attempted thys yeare to the diſquietyng of the Realme,Chro. D [...] EEBO page image 781 ſauyng that certaine of the diſenherited Gentle|men that belonged to the Earle of Derby, with|drew vnto the foreſt of the Peake in Derbiſhire, and ther making their abode, ſpoyled and waſted the countreys next adioyning.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]n. reg. 54.


[...]il. Riſhã.

[...]ot Edvv. [...]eth for| [...]rd tovvar| [...] the holye [...]de.

In the moneth of May Prince Edward the kings ſonne ſet forward on his iourney towar|des the holy lande, and taking the ſea at Douer, paſſed ouer into Fraunce, and came to Burde|aux, where he ſtayed a whyle, and after went to Agues Mortes, and there tooke ſhypping, firſt ſayling (as ſome write) vnto Thunys, where the Chriſtian armie, whiche Lewes the French K. as then deceaſſed had brought thither, was ready to depart, and ſo Prince Edward, with the new French king Lewes & other Princes paſſed ouer into Sicile, where hee ſoiourned for the Win|ter tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]at. VVeſt.

[...]e king ſicke.

This yere the King was vexed with a gree|uous ſicknes: and the Iriſhmen in rebellion ſlew a great ſort of Engliſhmen, as well Magiſtra|tes, as other in that countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 55.


When the ſpring of the yeare began to ap|proche, Prince Edward eftſoones taketh the ſea, and finally arriueth at Acres with a thouſande choſen men of warre thoughe there be writers that affirme, how there arriued with him of ſun|dry, countreys fiue thouſand horſemen, and dou|ble the ſame number of footemen. But amongſt thoſe that went out of England with him, theſe we fynde as principall, Iohn de Britayn, Iohn de Veſcye, Otes de Grauntſon, and Roberte de Bruſe, beſydes other. Of his noble chiualrie there atchieued, yt ſhall fynde a briefe note in the deſ|cription of the holy lande, and therefore he [...]ewe omitte the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]ce Ed| [...]ard arriues in [...]


This yet is to bee remembred, that whyleſt the Lorde Edward ſoiorned there in the citie of Acres, hee was in great danger to haue bin ſlaine by treaſon: for a traiterous Sarazin of that ge|neration, [...]. which are called Arſ [...]a, lately re|teyned by the ſame Lord Edwarde, and become very familiar with him, founde meanes one day as he ſat in his chamber, [...]ince Edvv. [...]rayterouſly [...]. to giue him three woũ|des, whiche ſurely had coſt him his lyfe, but that one of the Princes chamberlaynes ſtayed the traytours hande, and ſomwhat brake the ſtro|kes, tyll [...] ſeruantes came to the reſkue, and ſlew [...] [...]re in the place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 T [...] that write, howe the Prince Ed|warde himſelfe perceyuing the traytor to ſtrike at his [...]llie [...]ed the blowe with his arme. And as the Sarazin made to haue ſtriken again, he ſtrike him backe to the grounde with his foot, and catching [...] the hand wreſted the knife from him, and thruſtyng him into the b [...]llye, ſo killed him, though in ſtruggling with hym, he was [...] againe a little in the forhead: And his ſeruantes withall, comming to helpe hym, one of them that was his Muſitian, got vp a treſtyll and ſtroke out the braynes of the traytour, as he lay dead on the grounde, and was blamed of his maiſter for ſtriking him, after he ſawe him once dead before his face, as he mighte perceyue hym to bee.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some write, that this traytor was ſent from the great Admirall of Iapha, aunciently called Ioppa, on meſſage to the Prince Edwarde,Porte Iaphe. and had bin with him diuers tymes before, and nowe making countenance to plucke foorth letters, got foorth his knyfe, & attempted ſo to haue wrought his feate. What ſoeuer the man was, the prince was in great danger by reaſon of the enuen [...]ed knife wherwith he was wounded, ſo that it was long ere he coulde be perfectely whole.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe Sarazins called Arſacidae, The generati|on of the Arſa|cidae, or Aſſaſ|ſini. are a wic|ked generation of men, infected with ſuche a ſu|perſtitious opinion, that they beleeue heauenly bliſſe is purchaſed of them, if they can by anye meanes ſlea one of the enimies of their religion, and ſuffer themſelues for that facte the moſt cru|ell death that may be deuiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Prynce Edwarde after hee was whole and recouered of his woundes,An. reg. 55. preceyuyng that no ſuche ayde came into thoſe parties oute of chri|ſtendome as was looked for, hee tooke a truce wyth the enimies of oure Faithe, and refour|med towardes Englande, as heereafter ſhall bee ſhewed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The fourthe Nones of Aprill (as ſome haue) or in the Moneth of Februarie,


Nic. Triuet. Mat. VVeſt.

The deceaſſe of the king of Almayne.

as other write in the .lvj. yere of king Henries reign at Berkham|ſted, died Richard King of Almayn and Erle of Cornwal, and was buried in the abbey of Hailes which he himſelf had founded: he was a worthye Prince, and ſtood his brother king Henry in great ſtead, in handling matters both in peace & warre. He left behinde him iſſue begot of his wife San|ctia two ſons Edmunde and Henry.His iſſue. This Ed|munde was he that brought the bloud of Hayles out of Germanie:Edmund Earle of Cornevvall. for as he was there vppon a time with his father, it chaunced that as he was beholding the reliques and other precious monu|mentes of the auncient Emperours, he eſpyed a boxe of golde: by the inſcription whereof, he per|ceyued (as the opinion of men then gaue, (that therein was conteined a portion of the bloud of our Sauior: He therfore being deſirous to haue ſome part thereof, ſo intreated hym that had the keping of it, that he obteined his deſire, & brought it ouer wyth hym into Englande, beſtowyng a third part thereof after his fathers deceaſſe in the Abbeye of Hayles, as it were to adorne and en|ryche the ſame, bycauſe that therein bothe hys father and hys mother were buryed,The bloud of Hayles. and the other two partes hee dydde reſerue in his owne EEBO page image 782 cuſtodie, tyll at lengthe moued vppon ſuche de|uotion as was then vſed, hee founded an Abbey a little from his manour of Berkhamſted: which abbey was named Aſhrugge,Ashrugge ab|bey built. Bonnehommes. in the which he pla|ced Monkes of the order of Bonnehommes, be|ing the firſt that euer had bin ſeene of that order here in England. And herewith he alſo aſſigned the two other partes of that bloud to the ſame Abbey. Whervpon followed great reſort of peo|ple to thoſe two places, induced therevnto by a certaine blynde deuotion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The lord Hen|ry ſonne to the king of Almayn murdered in Italy.Henrye the brother of thys Edmunde, and ſon to the foreſayde Kyng of Almayne, as hee retourned from Affrike, where hee hadde bene wyth the Prince Edwarde, was ſtayne at Vi|terbo in Italy (whither he was come about buſi|neſſe whiche he had to do with the Pope,) by the hand of Guy de Montfort, the ſonne of Symon de Mountfort Earle of Leyceſter, in reuenge of the ſame Symons death. This murder was cõ|mitted afore the high aultar, as the ſame Henrye kneeled there to heare diuine ſeruice.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The foreſayd Guy vpon that murder cõmit|ted, fled vnto his father in law, the Earle of An|guilare, as then gouernour of Tuſkayn. There was at Viterbo the ſame tyme Philippe king of Fraunce, returning homewards from the iorney which his father made into Affrik, where he died. Alſo Charles king of Sicile was there preſent, whome the ſayde Guy then ſerued. Both thoſe Kyngs were put in muche blame, for that the murder and wilfull eſcape was done and ſuffred in their preſence, and no purſute made after the murderer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Boniface the Archbiſh. of Canterbury after he had ruled the ſea .xxxvij. yeres, departed this life: And after his deceaſſe,Robert Ku|vvarby Arche|bishoppe of Canterbury. about two yeres or more, was one Roberte Kylwarbye appointed in hys place by Pope Gregorie, whiche Robert was the xlvj. Archbiſhop that hadde gouerned the [...] of Canterburye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the moneth of Iune there fell great de|bate and diſcorde betwixte the Monkes of Nor|wiche and the Citizens there.An af [...] tvv [...] [...] Mo [...]s [...] Ch [...] N [...] Whiche increaſed ſo farfoorth, that at lengthe the Citizens wyth great violence aſſaulted the Monaſterie, fited the gates, and forced the fyre ſo with reede and drye wood, that the church with the bookes, and all o|ther ornamentes of the ſame, and all houſes of office belonging to that Abbey were cleane bre [...]|ned, waſted, and deſtroyed, ſo that nothing [...] preſerued excepte one little Chapell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng hearing of this rio [...], [...]dde to Nor|wiche, and cauſyng inquirie to be made therof, thirtie young men of the Citie were condem|ned, hanged and brente,Thirtie of [...] C [...] No [...] [...]+ged and [...] to the greate griefe of the other Citiſens, for they thoughte that the Priour of the place, was the occaſion of all that miſchiefe, who hadde got togither armed men, and tooke vppon hym to keepe the [...]ffray and Churche by force of armes: but the Pr [...] was well ynoughe borne oute and defended by the Byſhoppe of Norwyche, as their named Roger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King returnyng by Sainte Edm [...] Burye, after hee hadde doone hys deuotions to Sainct Edmundes ſhrine, began to waxe ſome|what craſye: but after hauing a little recouered his helth, he called a Counſell there, wherein he went aboute to haue taken order for the puniſh|ment of rebels: but his ſyckneſſe agayne in [...]|ing, he brake vp the aſſembly, and with al ſpeede haſted to London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Prynce Edwarde vppon his refo [...]e forth of the holye Lande came to Chalons in Bur|gogne,Prince [...] [...]vvar [...] [...] from the [...] land [...] [...] [...]+tourney [...] at C [...] at the requeſte of the Earle hee didde attempte wyth hys companye too holde a Iu|ſtes and Tourneye agaynſte the ſayde Earle [figure appears here on page 782] EEBO page image 783 and all other commers, [...] Iuſtes and [...]ourney hol| [...] at Chalon [...] and although thorough diſdayne and ſpyte there was homely playe ſhe|wed vpon purpoſe to put the Engliſhemen to the foyle and reproche yet by high valiancie Prince Edwarde and his command ha [...]e themſelues ſo worthyly that in the ende the aduerſaries were well beaten, and conſtrayned to haue the honor of that enterpriſe to the ſayd Prince Edwarde and his partakers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this he kept on his iourney till he came vnto Parys, where hee was honourably recey|ued of the Frenche Kyng, and from thence, he went to Burdeaux, and there remayned till af|ter his fathers death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane time King Henry being retur|ned to London from Sainct Edmundes Burye (as before ye:An. reg. 57. haue heard) his ſickneſſe ſo encrea|ſed [...], that [...]a [...]y he died there at Weſt|minſter the ſixteenth daye of Nouember in the yeare of our Sauiour .12 [...]2. after he hadde lyued threeſcore and fyue yeres,King Henrye departeth thys lyfe. and reigned fiftie & ſixe yeares, and .xxvij. dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A little before his deathe, when hee perceyued that he coulde no longer lyue,The Earle of Glouceſter. he cauſed the erle of Glouceſter to come afore him, and to be new|ly ſ [...] to keepe the peace of the lande, to the [...]e of his ſonne Prince Edwarde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hi [...] body was buried at Weſtminſter. He had [figure appears here on page 783] iſſue by his wyfe Quene Eleanor .ij. ſonnes the foreſayd Edward, [...]e iſſue of [...]g Henry the [...]de. Prince of Wales, that ſuc|ceeded him, and Edmund Erle of Lancaſter, by ſome authors ſurnamed Crouchback, though (as other affirme) vntruly, that this Edmunde was the elder brother, but bicauſe he was a deformed perſon, therfore his yõger brother Edward was preferred to the kingdom, whiche was deuiſed of purpoſe to cõuey a right to K. Henry the fourth, which fetched the deſcent from the ſaid Edmũd, and by force vſurped & helde the crowne, as after it may appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, Kyng Henry had three daugh|ters by the ſayde Eleanore, as Margarete mar|ried to Alexander K. of Scots, Beatrice which the duke of Britayn had to wife, and Catherine whiche died before ſhe was mariageable: he was of body well caſt and ſtrong, [...]s proportion [...] body. of a good ſtature in heigth, well fauored of face, with the lidde of on of his eyes comming downe, ſo as it almoſt couered the apple of the ſame eye. Of nature he was curteous, [...] conditions. and of ſtomacke rather noble thã ſtoute: a deuoute Prince and liberall towardes the poore and needie. He wanted not yet diſpraiſe in ſome poyntes, namely for that in ordering of things and weightye affaires, he vſed ſmall con|ſideration: he was alſo noted to be a great taker of money by loanes, ta [...]s, and Subſidies. But therevnto he was enforced by neceſſitie to beare the charges of warre and other publike affaires, than of any couetous mynde on purpoſe to ſerue his owne turne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 What Captaines of honoure among the Nobilitie liued in his tyme, it maye appeare by the courſe of the hiſtorye of his tyme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Of ſundry learned menne theſe wee fynde mencioned in Mayſter Bales Centuries and others. Walter of Couentrie an hiſtoriogra|pher: Radulphus Niger, that wrote bothe hiſto|ries and other treatiſes: Gervaſius de Melke|ley: Albricius of London: Roberte Curſon, a man excellently learned bothe in diuine and hu|main letters, ſo that comming to the Courte of Rome, he there grew in ſuche eſtimation, that he became a Cardinall, of whome thys wyth+neſſe wee fynde recorded by Matthewe Weſt|monaſterienſis, and Mathew Paris. At the ta|kyng of Damiate, a Citie in Egypte, there was wyth Pelagius, the Cardinall of Alba, the Popes Legate, mayſter Roberte Curſon EEBO page image 893 an Engliſhe man a moſt famous clerke, borne of a noble houſe, and Cardinall of the church of Rome. Theſe are reported to floriſh in the days both of King Iohn and Kyng Henry his ſon: in whoſe time alſo ther liued other lerned men, as theſe, Hughe Kirkeſted, Richarde of Ely: Peter Henham: Iohn Giles, or de Sancto E|gidio, an excellent phiſitiõ: Caducan a Welch|man borne, and Biſhoppe of Bangore Alex|ander, a ſinguler lerned man, that wrote dy|uers and many treatiſes aſwell in diuinitie as philoſophie and humanitie, bothe in verſe and proſe: Alſo Steephen Langton, that for his ſinguler knowledge was made high chancelor of the Vniuerſitie of Paris, and at length was admitted archebiſhop of Canterbury, againſte the will of Kyng Iohn, in whiche quarell ſo greate trouble enſued, as before ye haue part|ly heard. Ralfe Coggeſhall alſo liued in kyng Henryes dayes, that wrote the appendix vnto the chronicle of Raufe Niger: he was abbot of Coggeſhall abbey in Eſſex, wherof he tooke his ſurname: William Lanthonie: Peter of ſaint Sauiour, a Chanon of the houſe called S. Sa|uior, or of the trinitie by London. Alexander Hales, a frier of the order of the minors, who wrote many treatiſes in diuinitie: Richard ſur|named Medicus, a moſte lerned phiſition, and no leſſe exp [...] Philoſophie & the Ma [...]|tals. Ther is alſo remembred by ma [...]ter B [...]e, the Earle of Cheſter, Randulf, the th [...] and laſte of that name, who hauing greate know|ledge and vnderſtanding in the lawes of this lande, compiled a booke of the ſame lawes, as a witneſſe of his greate ſkill therin. Alexander Wendock Biſhop of Cheſter: Iohn B [...]e: Edmund Riche: Robert Riche Henry Brat|ton, that is excellent lawyer, who wrote the booke commonly called Bracton after his name, en|tituled de conſu [...] inibus Anglicanis: Richard ſurnamed Theologus: Walter de Eueſham: Raufe Freſborne: Laurence Somer [...]o [...], bro|ther, as is thought, to Roberte Somer [...]o [...], at that time a cardinall of the Romaine Churche Nicholas Fernham a phiſition: Robert Ba|con, a notable diuine: Simon Langton, bro|ther to the Archebiſhoppe of Canterbury: Ste|phen Langton: Richarde Fiſaker: Simon Stokes: Iohn of Kent, or Kantianus: Wil|liam Shirwoode: Michaell Blaunpaine: Iohn Godarde: Vincent of Couentrye: Albe [...]e V [...]er, Richarde Wiche, Iohn Baſing, alias de Baſing Stoke: Roger Waltham: Wylliam Seningham: Robert Groſted, that lerned by|ſhop of Lincolne, whoſe memorie amongſt the lerned will remayn whileſt the world laſteth.

1.9. Edward the fyrſte.

EEBO page image 825

Edward the fyrſte.

[figure appears here on page 825]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4


An. reg. 1.

_EDVVARDE the firſte of that name after the Conqueſt, beganne hys reigne ouer the Realme of of Englande, [...]Vil. Hariſon [...] his chrono| [...]gie. the xvj. daye of Nouẽ|ber in the yere of the world, 5239. of our Lorde .1272. of the Saxons . [...]4. after the conqueſt 206. the vacation of the Empire after the deceaſſe of Frederike the the ſeconde as yet enduring (though ſhortly after in the yere next following, Radulf of Habſpurge was elected Emperor) in the third yeare of Phi|lippe the third as then reigning in Fraunce, and Alexander the thirde as yet lyuyng in gouer|nemente of the Scottiſhe Kyngdome. Thys Edwarde the firſt when his father dyed beyng a|boute the age of .xxxv. yeares olde, was as then in the holy lande, or rather in his iourney home|wards: but whereſoeuer he was at that preſent, the nobles of the [...]ãd after his father was departed this life,

[...]. VVeſt.

[...]vve Seale [...]de.

aſſembled at the new Tẽple in London, and cauſing a new ſcale to be made, they ordey|ned faithfull miniſters and officers, which ſhuld haue the treaſure in keeping, and the adminiſtra|tion of iuſtice for the mayntenaunce of peace and tranquilitie wythin the lande, and on the .xxij. daye of Nouember hee was proclaymed Kyng, [...] Dunſt. who after he had remained a time in the holy lãd, and perceyued himſelfe deſtitute of ſuche ayde as hee looked for at the handes bothe of the Chriſti|ans and Tartarians, [...]at. VV [...] he left in the Citie of Acon certayn ſtipendarie ſouldiers, and taking the ſea ſailed homewards,1273. arriuing firſt in Sicill, where of Charles Kyng of that lande hee was honora|bly receiued and conueyed, til he came vnto Ca [...]|ta Vecchia in Italy, where Pope Gregorye as then laye with his Courte, of whome as of his olde friende that had bene wyth hym in the holy land he obteined that Erle Aldebrandino Roffo, and Guy of Mountfort, that had murthered the Lord Henry, eldeſt ſonne to Richarde Kyng of Almain, might be ſent for. Earle Aldebrandino purged hymſelfe, [...]y de Mont| [...] exco [...]e. but Guye de Mountfort was excommunicate, as a violatour of the churche, a murderer and a Traytour, ſo as he was diſen|herited turn vnto the fourth generation, til he had reconciled hymſelfe to the church. After this it is wonderfull to remember with what great honor kyng Edward was receyued of the Cities, as he paſſed throughe the countreys of Tuſkayne and Lu [...]ldy. At his comming ouer the mountains at Eh [...]n in Burgundy, he was at a Iuſtes and tourny which then was there holden by the french men againſt the Engliſhmen, the honor wherof remained with the Engliſhmen. In this Tor|ney the fight of the footmen was greate: for the Engliſhemenne beeyng ſore prouoked, ſlewe manye of the Frenche footemenne, but bycauſe they were but raſkalles no greate accompte was made of them, for they were vnarmed, ga|ping for the ſpoyle of them that were ouerthro|wen. King Edward paſſing foorth came to the Frenche court, where of his couſin germayn king Phillippe, he was ioyfully receyued. Here King Edwarde doing homage to the Frenche Kyng for the landes whiche he ought to holde of hym in Fraunce, paſſed into Guyenne.

An. Reg. 2. Mat. VVeſt.

A diſme graun|ted to the king and his brother

A Tenthe of of the Clergye was graunted this yeare to the Kyng and to his brother Edmund Erle of Ley|ceſter and Lancaſter by the Popes appointment for two yeares, a chaplein of the Pope a Eaſcoin borne named Reymond being ſent into Englãd for that purpoſe, who gaue parte vnto them, and parte thereof he kept to himſelfe,1274 towardes hys charges, but the moſte parte was reſerued to the Popes diſpoſing. Whileſt the Kyng remained in Gaſcoigne he had ſomewhat to doe againſte certaine rebelles as Gaſton de Bierne, and other that were reuolted from hym. The Caſtelles be|longyng to the ſaide Gaſton, he ſubdued, but his perſon he coulde not meete with. Finally, after he had ſet order in things aſwell in Guyenne as in other places in the partes of beyonde the ſeas, he haſted homewards,

Nic. Triuet.

K. Edvvard his returne home.

and came to London the ſeconde daye of Auguſt, where he was receyued wyth all ioye that might be deuiſed. The ſtreetes were hanged wyth riche cloths of ſilke, arras, and tapeſtrie,Mat. VVeſt. the Aldermen and Burgeſſes of the ci|tie threwe out of theyr wyndows handfulles of golde and ſiluer, to ſignifye the greate gladneſſe which they had conceyued of his ſafe returne the Cundits ran plentifully wyth white wine & red, that eche treature myght drink his fill. Vpon the xix. day of Auguſte in this ſeconde yeare of hys raygne he was crowned at Weſtminſter, togy|ther with his wife Quene Elianor, by the hands of Robert Kilwarby Archbiſhop of Canterbury.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At this coronation were preſent Alexander Kyng of Scottes, and Iohn Earle of Britayn, with their wiues that were ſiſters to Kyng Ed|ward. The Kyng of Scots did homage vnto Kyng Edward for the Realme of Scotlande, in EEBO page image 786 like maner as other the kyngs of Scotlande; be|fore hym had done to other Kyngs of England auncetours to this Kyng Edwarde. At the ſo|lempnitie of this coronation there were let goe at libertie, catche them that catche myght, fiue hundred great horſes by the King of Scottes, the Erles of Cornwall,Caxton. Glouceſter, Pembroke, Warren, and others, as they were alighte be|ſide theyr backs. On ſaint Nicholas euen there chaunced ſuche an earthquake with lightning and thunder, and therewythall the appearing of the brẽning drake, and a blaſing ſtarre called a comete, that the people were brought into no ſmall feate vpon conſideration thereof. But nowe to the poynte of the hiſtorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Kyng Edward at the fyrſte like a prudente prince choſe foorth of the wyſeſt and worthyeſt men to be of his couſell, to purchaſe the loue of his ſubiects, whoſe myndes were ſomwhat of|fended towardes his father (by reaſon that he refuſed to keepe promiſe wyth them, touchyng the reſtitution of gentle and fauourable lawes) Kyng Edwarde ſhewed himſelfe ſo gentle to|wardes all degrees of men, that he ſeemed to excede the reaſonable bonds of curteous huma|nitie, muche more than became his royall eſtate. After this,


An. Reg. 3.

he reformed dyuers lawes and ſta|tutes, and deuiſed ſome new ordinãces, greatly for the wealthe of the realme. He helde his firſt Parliament at Weſtminſter,A parliament. where the ordi|nances were made, called the ſtatute of Weſt|minſter the firſt.The ſtatute of VVeſtminſter. The Prince of VVales Lle|vvellin. To this Parliament was the prince of Wales Lewelin ſummoned to come and doe his homage, hauing bin requeſted firſt to come to the kings coronation, but he refuſed, and nowe hauing ſummonance to come to this Parliament, he excuſed hymſelf, affirming that hee durſte not come for feare of certayne noble men that laye in wayte for his life, requiring to haue pledges deliuered for his ſafe comming and going, the Kyngs ſon, and Gilbert Earle of Glouceſter, with Robert Burnell the Lord Chauncellour. The Kyng was greatly offen|ded with ſuche a preſumptuous demaunde, but paſſed it ouer, till after the ende of the Parlia|ment,The king cõ|meth to Che|ſter. and then repairing to Cheſter he ſent eft|ſoones meſſengers to the ſaid Llewelin, requi|ring to come and doe his homage, but hee ſtill detracted time, ſo that in the ende the Kyng reyſed an armye, meanyng to recouer that by force, whiche otherwiſe he could not obteine by quiet meanes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare the people payd a fifteenth to the Kyng of all theyr temporall goodes which was ſayde to be graunted firſte to his father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Mat. VVeſt.

Bracton bishop of Hereforde departeth this lyfe.

The same yeare departed this life, Iohn Breton bishoppe of Hereford, who being very experte in the lawes of the lande, compiled a booke of the called le Breton. The eleuenth of September, a generall earthquake chaunced betwixt the first houre and thirde of the same daye, the Church of Saint Michaell on the hill wythout Glastenbury, was therwyth throwen downe to the grounde. And after this, it rained bloude in the countrey of Wales, It rai [...] [...] as a prodigyouse euill token to that nation, wyth whose bloud shortely after that Regyon was in many places moysted and stayned. For as it chaunced shortly after,


An. reg. [...]

Llewellin the sonne of of [sic] Griffyn came to haue the gouernement of Wales, who partly to reyne new seditions in England, and partly to purchase hym friendship and alyaunce in Fraunce, sente vnto king Phillipe, requiring of him that he myght haue in marriage the Ladye Eleanor daughter to Symon Mountfort Earle of Leycester, the whiche togyther wyth hir mother and brother Emerike, remayned as banyshed persons in France. The French K. granted his request, and sent hir vnder the conducte of hir saide brother to be conueyed into Wales vnto Llewelin who had promised to marry hir. But ere they approched to Wales, at the Isle of Silly bothe the brother and sister were taken by foure shippes of Bristowe, The [...] M [...] [...] p [...] [...] of [...] the owners wherof that so tooke them, sent them vnto King Edwarde. When Llewelin vnderstood that his wife was take(n) from him by the way as she was co(m)ming, he was not a little wrothe, L [...] pri [...] [...] to [...]. and incontinently beginneth to make warre vppon Kyng Edwardes subiectes that bordered neare vnto Wales, killing the people, spoiling their goods, and brenning vp theyr Townes and houses on eche side.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Herewith the Kyng of Englande was so moued, M [...]. P [...] that although the said Llewellin made suite for peace and offered no small summe of moneye to haue the daughter of the Earle of Leycester his fianced wife deliuered to hym, yet woulde not the Kyng by any meanes consent to that marryage nor receyue any money of hym, except he would restore vnto the right owners such landes as hee had inuaded and got into his possession, and further repaye such Castels as hee had destroyed. Herevpon grew no small grudge betwixt the Welchemen and Englishmen, so that to represse the inuasion of the enimies in the parties towards Bristow, Montgomerie and Chester, the king sent three hundreth men at armes on horse backe. In the quindene of Pasche, the King departing from Westminster, hasted towardes Wales wyth a mighty power,

Mat. VV [...]

The Eſ [...] and the king bẽch, [...] to Sh [...]+bury.

and caused the courts of the Escheker, and of hys benche, to remoue vnto Shrewesbury, that they myght be neere vnto hym, making forwarde wyth all conueniente speede EEBO page image 787 speede The caſtell of [...]d taken. to come to the ayde of his people. And therevppon entring into Wales, tooke the castell of Rutlande, and sent into west Wales a valiant Capitayn named Paine de Camurcijs [figure appears here on page 787] which with fyre and sworde wasted that country,

An. Reg. 5.


so that the people offring themselues to the Kyngs peace, deliuered vnto the sayde Paine the Castell of Stridewy wyth the country adioyning. [...]he caſtell of [...]devvy. [...]evvellin ſu| [...] for peace. Then Llewelin the prince of Wales perceyuing that hee was not able to resiste the Kyngs power, made sute for peace, in so much that finally it was agreed, [...]ic. Triuet. [...] that commissioners for bothe parties shoulde talke concerning certayne articles, and whatsoeuer they concluded, aswell the Kyng as the saide Llewelin should holde the same for firme and stable.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng appoynting one of his commissioners, to wit, the Lorde Robert de Tiptost, to take an oth for hym, and aucthorising the saide Robert, Anthony Beke, and frier Wylliam de Southampton, Prior prouinciall of the friers preachers, commissioners nominated on his behalfe, to receyue the like othe of the saide Lewellin. Which Llewelin appoynted commissioners for his parte. Tuder ap Edeuenet, and Grono ap Helin, the which commissioners wyth good deliberation concluded vpon certain poyntes and articles, of whyche the principall were as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 First, that the saide Llewelin shoulde set at libertie all prisoners which hee helde in captiuitie for the Kyng of Englandes cause freely and without all chalenge. [...]e articles of [...]ment be| [...]wixt King [...]vvarde and [...]vvellin. Also to haue peace and the Kings of Englands fauour, he shulde giue vnto the saide king fiftye thousand pound sterling, the dayes of the payment whereof to reste in the Kyngs will and pleasure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Also yt the lande of the four Candreds without all contradiction shoulde remaine for euer to the King and his heyres, with all lands conquered by the Kyng and his people, the Isle of Anglesey excepted, Angleſey. which Isle was graunted to the prince, so that he shulde pay for the same yerely the summe of one thousand marks, and fiue thousand markes for an income, and if the Prince cha(n)ced to dye without issue, then ye said Isle to reuert again vnto the kings hands. Also that the Prince shall come to Rothelan or (Rothlande as it is commonly called) there to do fealtie to the Kyng, and before his co(m)ming thither, he shuld be assoyled and haue the interdiction of his landes released, and at his being at Rothelan, a daye shall be appoynted hym by the king for his comming to London, there to do his homage: and hereupon was order taken for his safecounduit, aswell in his comming to Rothelan, as to Lo(n)don. Ther be that wryte that he was appoynted to come vnto London, at the feast of the Natiuitie of our Lord. Also it was further conuenanted, that all the homages of Wales should remaine to the Kyng except only of fiue barons which inhabited neare vnto the castell of Snowdon: for otherwise the said Llewlin could not conueniently call himselfe Prince, except he had some Barons vnder him. Also that he shoulde reteyne the title and name of Prince so long as he liued, and after his deceasse the homages of those fiue barons shoulde reuerte to the Kyng and to his heyres for euer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreouer the kyng graunted vnto the ſaide Llewlin,

N. Triuet.

Dauid Llevvel lines brother prouided for.

the landes that belonged to his bro|ther Dauid, for term of the ſaid Llewlins life, and in recompence thereof was contented to ſa|tiſfie the ſaid Dauid with other lands in ſome other p [...]e, yt which after the deceſſe of the ſaid Llewlin or Dauid ſhould reuert agayne to the Kyng and his heyres For the aſſuraunce of EEBO page image 895 whiche articles and couenaunts the Prince de|liuered for hoſtages tenne perſons of the beſt in Wales, whiche he coulde get without impri|ſonment, diſenheriting or terme of deliuerance, and of euery Candred twentye perſones, of the beſte and moſte ſufficient to be choſen by ſuche as the Kyng ſhall thither yearely ſend, [...] othe to be receyued. ſhall be from yeare to yeare ſworne vpon the Euange|liſts, in preſence of the bailifs of the ſaid Lle|wellin, that whenſoeuer the Prince ſhal breake any of theſe articles, & vpon admonition doth not reforme hymſelfe, they ſhall forſake hym, and in all thinges he vnto hym open enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Alſo beſides this, the Prince ſhall as farre as in him may lie,Llevvellines brethren. pacifie his brethren, of the which he had put two in priſon, Owen and Roderik, the thirde named Dauid, eſcaping his handes, fled into England, and remained many yeares wyth King Edward, who receyuing him into his ſeruice,Dauid revvar|ded by Kyng Edvvard. made him knight in this warre, and gaue vnto him a caſtel at Denbigh in Wales, wyth landes to the yearely value of a thouſande markes, in recompẽce of thoſe poſſeſſions whi|che he ought to haue had in Angleſey, the which as before is ſaid, the king graunted vnto Llo|wellin for terme of his life, and after his deceſſe, to reuert vnto the Kyng and to his heyres. Moreouer,Dauid prefer|red in marriage. he preferred Dauid to the mariage of a loylie widowe, that was daughter to the Erle of Darby.The article cõ|cerning Ovven As concerning Owen, through the Kyngs fauour he was deliuered out of pri|ſon, by force of ye articles concluded at this pre|ſent by the comiſſioners, vnder this forme and maner: that vppon his being ſet at libertie, cer|tayne perſons appoynted by the Kyng ſhoulde make offer to hym, to choſe whether he would firſte compounde wyth his brother, and ther|vppon come to the Kyng, and beſeeche hym to allowe the compoſition, or elſe to put hymſelfe vnder the ſafe keeping of the King, till accor|ding to the lawes and cuſtomes of Wales, in the place where he did tranſgreſſe, iudgement ſhould be giuen of the matter: And if he were acquitte, then mighte hee demaunde his heri|tage if he thought it ſo expedient: and which of theſe two wayes he ſhuld choſe, the ſame ſhuld be made firme and ſtable in the kyngs preſence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 All these articles with other additions, were accorded by the saide commissioners at Aberconwey, the Tuesday before the feast of confirmatio(n) made therof by the king, dated at Rutlande the tenth daye of Nouember, in the fifth yeare of his raigne. Also the saide Llewellin by the name of Llewellin ap Griffyn, prince of Wales, with letters vnder his seale, confirmed the abouesaid articles on his behalfe, for ye releasing of his right to the foure Cantredes & other things that shuld remain vnto the king, which letters bare date at Aberconwey, the foresaide Tuesday in the said yere 1277. Also the king released vnto the said Llewellin, the saide sum of .I.M. poundes and the saide summe of a M. markes yearely to be payde for the Isle if Anglesey, as by his letters dated at Rutlande the saide .xj. of the saide moneth of Nouember, it is euident that he receyued of the saide Llewellin the summe of .ii.M. markes sterling by the hands of Thomas Beke keper of his wardrobe. The [...]. Moreouer the Kyng in the west part of Wales buylt at the same tyme a castell at La(m)perdeuaur to kepe vnder ye rebelliouse attempts of the Welchemen.

An. reg. [...]

127 [...]

Llew [...] vviſ [...] to [...]

Kyng Edwarde gaue in mariage by way of restitution vnto the foreremembred Llewellin Prince of Wales, the erle of Leicesters daughter, which was take(n) (as ye haue hearde) at the Isle of Silly. He also bare all the charges of the feaste at the daye of the marriage, and honoured the same with the presence of himselfe and of the Queene. A subsidie of ye .xx. parte of euery mans goods was granted to the Kyng towards his charges susteined in the Welche warres. Moreouer in the sixte yeare of his raigne kyng Edward helde a parliame(n)t at Glocester, [...] in the which were certayn actes and statutes made for the welth and good gouernment of the realm, which vnto this day are called the statutes of Glocester. Alexander kyng of Scottes came into England, to commune with king Edward, of matters touching the kyngdome of Scotlande. Shortely after, kyng Edwarde went ouer into Fraunce, and there receyued certayne Townes that were restored to hym, but not the moitye of those that were promised to his father, when he released his title vnto the Duchie of Normandie. Roberte Kilwarby Archebishoppe of Canterbury was by pope Nicholas aduaunced to the dignitie of a Cardinall, [...] and made Byshoppe of Portua, so that he went to Rome, and gaue ouer the archbyshopricke of Canterbury, Iohn P [...] Archbi [...] of Y [...]. to the whiche throughe the Popes graunt, Frier Iohn Peckham was admitted Archebishoppe. This yere ther was inquirie made in Lo(n)don for such as had clipped, [...]. washed, and counterfeted the kings coigne, wherevppon the Iewes of the citie and diuers goldsmithes that kepte the Exchange of silver were endited, An. reg. 7. N. Triues. and after to the number of .ij.C.lxxxvij. persons were condempned, & in diuers places put to execution. There were but .iij. Englishemen among them, all the residue were Iewes but dyuers Christians that were participante: with them in theyr offences were EEBO page image 789 wer put to their sines, & not without iust cause. About the same time [...]ro. Dunſt. ye Kyng remoued all suche sherifs as were either priestes or strangers, & in theyr places appoynted knyghts to be sheriffes, yt were of ye same countrey where theyr offices lay. Moreouer about this season king Edward builded yt castell called Flint, [...]e caſtells of [...]nt & Rut| [...] [...]ay [...] & fortified yt castell of Rutland & others, placing garrisions of english me(n) in the same to defende ye countrey, & to kepe ye Welchme(n) vnder obedience. 1279 But Llewellin so smally regarded all conuena(n)ts made, & benefites receiued, that shortly after vpon the death of his late maryed wife, being summoned to come to a parliament holden by king Edward, he disdained to obey, [...]evvellin be| [...]eth nevve [...]arre. & vpon a very spite began to make new warre to the Englishme(n), in wasting & destroying ye countrey: but being put in feare with ye Kings comming towards him wt his power, [...] ſ [...]eth for [...] he laid armor aside, & bega(n) eftsoones to require peace, which the king now yt second time did not deny to graunt, bycause he would not lose time in warring wt ye mou(n)tains, wods, & marishes places of refuge for ye Welchme(n) in those days whe(n) they wa(n)ted power to abide bataile & keepe the fieldes. About the same time the king gaue vnto David the brother of Llewellin the lordship of Frodesham in Cheshire, and made hym Knight. Moreouer this yeare the King held a parliame(n)t, [...]he ſtatute of [...]ortmayne. in which the stature of Mortmain was established.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Frier Iohn Peccham, whome the Pope had alreadye consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury, being the .xlvij. in number that had gouerned in that sea, came this yere ouer into England to supplie the roomth. Also Walter Giforde, Archebishop of Yorke, departed this like, in whose place succeded Willyam Wickwan, the .xxxvij. Archbishop there. [...] Synode at [...]ading. The archbishop of Canterbury held a Synode at Reding about the latter ende of Iuly, in the whiche he renued the constitutio(n)s of the generall cou(n)cell, as thus: That no ecclesiasticall person shuld haue about one benefice to the which belo(n)ged cure of soule, and agayne that all those that were promoted to any ecclesiasticall liuing shoulde receyue the order of priesthoode wythin one yeare after his being promoted therto. Moreouer this yere the Kyng tooke order for the amending of his money and coyne, which in that season was fouly clipped, washed, and cou(n)terfeted by those naughty men the Iews, and other, as before you haue partely hearde. The King therefore in the octaues of the Trinitie sente forth commaundement to all the sherifes within the lande, that suche mony as was cou(n)terfeted, clipped, or washed, shoulde not be currant from thenceforth: and furthermore hee sente of his owne treasure good mony and not clipped, vnto certaine cities and towns in the realme, that exchange might be made wyth the same till newe money were stamped. And about the thirde day of August the first exchange was made of the newe money of pence and farthings, but yet the olde money went all this yeare togyther wyth the newe, & then was the olde coyne generally forbidden, and commandement giuen by publike proclamation, that fro(m) thenceforth it should no more be allowed for currant: and herewith also halfpence whiche had bene stamped in the meane time, beganne to come abroade the same daye in which the old money was prohibited. The Lord Roger Mortimer kept a great feast at Killingworth, with iustes and triumphes of an hundred Knyghts and as many Ladyes, to the which resorted Lords, Knyghts, and gentlement from dyuers countryes and landes to shew profe of their valiancie in practice of warlike feates and exercises. In the meane season king Edward standing in need of money,

An. reg. 8.


Nic. Triuet. Polidore. Abingdon.

A shift to get money.

deuised a newe shift to serue his tourne, as this: whereas he was chiefe Lorde of many Lordeshippes, manours possessions and tenementes, he well vnderstoode, that partely by length and proces of time, & partly by casualties during the troubles of the ciuill warres, many mens euidences, as theyr charters, deedes, copies & other writings were lost, wasted, and made awaye, hee therefore vnder colour to put the statute of (quo waranto) in execution, whiche was ordeyned this yere in the parliame(n)t holden at Gloucester in August last paste, as some write, did nowe co(m)maunde by publike proclamation, that all suche as helde any landes or tenementes of hym, shuld come and shew by what right and title they helde the same, that by suche meanes their possessions might returne vnto him, by escheate, as chiefe Lord of the same, and so to be solde or redeemed agayne at his handes. Ordinances for money. This was thought to be a sore proclamation, that a more greuous, had not lightly been herd of. Me(n) in euery part made complaint and shewed the(m)selues greeuouslie offended, so that the king by means thereof came in great hatred of his people: but the meane sort of men, though they stood in defense of their right, yet it auailed them but little, bicause they had no eudence to shew, so that they were constrained to be quiet wyth losse, rather than striue agaynste the streame. Many were thus called to answere, till at lengthe the Lorde Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey, a ma(n) greatly beloued of the people, perceyuing the Kyng to haue caste his net for a praye, and that there was not one whyche spake against him, determined to stand against those so bitter and cruell proceedings, and therfore being called afore the Iustices aboute this matter, EEBO page image 896 matter be appeared, and being asked by what right he held his landes? He sodenly drawing forth an olde rusty sworde. The ſaying of the Earle of Surrey. By this instrument (sayde he) doe I holde my landes, and by the same I entende to defende them. Our auncestours comming into this Realme with William Conquerour, conquered theyr lands with the sworde, and wyth the same will I defende me from all those that shall be aboute to take them from me, he did not make a conquest of this Realme alone, our progenitors were with him as participators and helpers with him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng vnderstoode into what hatred of his people by this meanes hee was fallen, and therefore to auoyde ciuill dissention and war that mighte thereby ensue, he left off his begun practise: so that the thing which generally shuld haue touched and bene hurtfull to all men, was now sodeinly stayed by the manhood and couragiouse stoutnesse only of one man, the forsaid Earle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A Synode at Lambeth. The archebishoppe of Canterburie helde an other Synode at Lambheth, in the whiche hee receyued and confirmed the orders and constitutions decreed and established by the Legates Otho and Othobone, in councels by them kept here within this Realme, adding diuers other of his owne: and in the same councell hee went aboute to adnihilate certayne Liberties belonging to the crowne, as the taking knowledge of the right of Patronages and the Kings prohibitions In placitis de catallis, and suche like, which seemed merely to touche the spiritualtie: but the Kyng by some in that councell wythstoode the Archebishoppe openly, and wyth menaces stayed hym from concluding any thing that mighte preiudice his royall liberties and prerogatiues. A p [...] Kyng Edward helde a Parliament at London, in the which he demaynded a fifteenthe of the Clergie, whyche lately before he had got of the temporaltie. Th [...] [...] The archbishoppe of Yorke was content at the firste to graunte this fifteenth to bee payde of the Clergie wythin his diocesse in twoo yeares, but the Archebyshoppe of Canterbury helde of, and required respite till the nexte parliament to bee houlden after Easter, The [...]+ [...]hop of [...]+ter [...]. and then hee graunted vnto the Kyng the dismes of all his Clergie for three yeares, that in some poynt hee might be different from the Archbishoppe of Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ninthe yeare of Kyng Edwardes raigne,

An. reg. [...]

128 [...]

The [...] VVa [...] Dauid [...] th [...] of [...] and [...] co [...] [...]+bell.

the feaste of the rounde table was kept at Warwike wyth greate and sumptuous triumphe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Whylest these thinges were a doing, Dauid brother to Llewellin Prince of Wales, forgettyng the greate benefices whiche hee had receyued at the handes of Kyng Edward, became his aduersarie, and caused his said brother the prince of Wales with a great number of other noble men if that country to rebell: and to encourage them the sooner to attempt the warre, he beginneth the firste exploite himselfe, The La [...] C [...] [...] takyng the saide Lorde Roger Clifforde, (a right worthie and famous Knight) in his castell of Hawardine, vppon Palme sondaye, the [figure appears here on page 896] saide Lorde being in no doubte of any suche matter. Diuers knyghts and other that were in the same castell at that time and made resistance were slaine. After this the foresaid Dauid retourned to his brother, the Prince, and therwith assembling an army, they went bothe togyther and beseiged the castell of Rutlande. The Ca [...] Rut [...]land [...] [...]+ſieged. Kyng Edward at the same time being in the parties aboue Salisburye, where he kept hys Ester at the Vies, sent out Commissioners to leuie an army, and commaunded suche men of warre as he had then in a redines, to hast foorth to EEBO page image 791 to the rescue of the castell of Rutlande. And in the meane time, [...]e caſtell of [...]p [...]. the castell of Lampardenaur was taken vp by Rice ap Malgone and Griffyth ap Meridocke. Also diuers other castells were taken by other of the Welche nobilitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer about this time by the labour and sute of Iohn the Archebishoppe of Canterbury, Emericke de Mountfort, [...]icke de [...]fort ſet [...]bertie. whiche had bene reteyned in prison (sith that hee was firste taken togither with his sister at the Isle of Sillie by the Bristowmen) was now set at libertie and permitted to retourne into Fraunce. The said Archebishoppe of Canterburye was sent into Wales to perswade Llewellin and his brother wyth the other rebels vnto peace and quietnes,

[...]vvellin and [...]r the [...]lche rebels [...]rſed.

[...]n. reg. 10.

but retourning into Englande wythout bringing any thing to passe, he denounced them accursed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3


[...]e kyng en| [...] into [...]ales.

The Kyng hasted foorthe to come to the rescue of his people, wherevppon Llewellin and his brother Dauid retired wyth their people to Snowdon hilles and fortified the castel there wyth a strong garrison of men. The king entring into Wales, when hee heard that his enimies were wythdrawn into the mounteyns, hee passed foorth till hee came neare vnto them, where hee pitched downe his fielde, and the nexte daye, causing his horsemen to issue foorth of the campe, filleth all the plaines which compasse the foote of those hilles (aswell on the East side as towarde the South) wyth the same horsemen, and herewyth placed his footemen more aloft on the side of the hills in couert: this done, he prouoketh his enimie to come foorth to fight, but when he saw this woulde not be, then that he might stoppe them from all places of refuge, hee causeth his ships to take the Isle of Anglesey, bycause the Welchmen vsed to flie thither oftentimes for theyr safegarde, The Marriners of the cinque Portes. in the whiche enterprise the Marriners of the cinque ports bare them selues right manfully. After this, ioyning certayne vessels togither, he caused a Bridge to be made in the riuer of Meneth, Meneth. into the which an other small riuer falleth that riseth at the roots of those hilles of Snowdone, to keepe the enimies from lodging on the further side of that ryuer. This bridge conteining roomth for .lx. armed me(n) to passe afront, was made ouer ye riuer of Sient, by the which men saile into the Isle, whiche by the course of the sea ebbeth & floweth euery twelue houres. But so it came to passe, that before the Bridge was well bourded ouer, whylest the Kyng yet remained at Aberconway, diuers of the english Nobilitie, to the number of seuen Banerettes wyth three hundreth armed men rashely passed ouer, and as they surueyed the fort of the mou(n)taine, the tide began to come in so swiftly, that where the englishemen were aduanced a good pretie way from the water side, they could not nowe get backe again to the bridge, which as yet was not fully made vp. The Welchemen perceyuing this, came downe beside the mountain, and assailed the Englishmen right fiercelye, and with theyr great multitude so oppressed them, that for feare the Englishmen were driuen [figure appears here on page 791] to take to the water, [...]e English| [...] diſtreſſed the vvelch| [...]. and so by reason they were loaden wyth armor, many of them were drowned. And amongest other, that famouse knight sir Lucas de Thanie, [...]e Lorde [...]ford. Robert Clifford, sir Wyllyam Lindsey, and two gentlemen of good accompte that were brethren to Robert Burnell as then byshoppe of Bath. Chro. Dunſt. There perished in all (as some write) thirtene Knyghts, seuenteen yong gentlemen, and to the number of twoo hundred footmen. Sir Wyllyam Latimere, yet as good happe would, escaped, and dyuers other. This mischaunce happened on the EEBO page image 792 Sainct Leonardes daye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Glouceſter ma|keth vvarre on the vvelchmen. In this meane time in an other parte of the countrey the Earle of Gloucester wyth an armye, made sore warre to the Welchemen, and neare vnto the Towne called Lantilaware, fought a sore battaile wyth them, in the whiche many of the Welchmen beeing slaine, the Erle loste also fiue Knyghtes vppon his partye, as Wyllyam Valence the yonger: beeing one of that number, who was the Kynges cousin.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Erle of Glocester then departing from thence, Llewellin the Prince of Wales entred into the countrey of Cardigan and Stradwye, destroying the landes of Rice and Meridocke, which nowe helde wyth the Kyng againste the saide prince. An. reg. 11. At length, prince Llewellin going towardes the land of Buelth wyth a small company, Llevvellin in|no [...]eth the kings friendes. lefte his maine army behinde hym alofte vpon the top of the mountaine near to the water called Waye, and he had set a number of his people to kepe the bridge of Orewin: and so the Welchemen kept on the one side, and the Englishmen on the other, The Lorde Gifforde and Mortimer. of whome were capitaines the Lorde Iohn Gifforde and the lorde Edmunde Mortimer, the whiche perceyuing the Welchemen that were ready to defend the bridge, and a greate hoste of them vpon the top of the mountain, they consulted togither what they were best to doe. At length by the couragious exhortation of one Hellas Walewayne they drewe on the one hand alongest the riuer, where was a forde passable in deede, [...] thoughe not wythout daunger: but yet the Englishemen by the conducte of the same Hellas, got ouer by the same foorde, so that it bare the name long after of Helias waye. And so the Welchmen that kept the bridge (perceyuing the Englishmen to be got ouer vnto that side) fled, whervppon the residue of the Englishe armye passed ouer at the Bridge, whereof rose a great noise, whiche Llewellin lurking not farre off might well heare, but yet at the first he coulde not bee brought to thinke that by any possible meanes the Englishemen were gotte ouer to that side of the water. At length yet perceyuing it to be true, hee drew backe towardes the heighth of the mountaine agayne, but beeyng discouered by one Stephan de Franketon, Prince [...] named by some writers Swarde, hee was so narrowly ouertaken and slaine. Stephan not knowing whome he had slain, returned to the host, the whiche was nowe mounting vp the hill to ioyne with the Welch army that stoode still looking for the returne of theyr prince Llewellin, (though in vaine) yet they manfully abode by theyr tackle, discharging plentie of arows and dartes at the Englishemen as they came vp towards [figure appears here on page 792] them, & the english archers which were mingled amongst the horsmen, payd them home again with their shot, so that finally the english horsmen, winning the top of the hill, slew many of them standing stoutly at defence, and put the residue to flight. Stephen Sward that had slain Llewelin, after the victorie was atchieued rode to the dead body which he had slaine in the beginning of the batail, and vpon view taken of him perceued who he was, of which good hap the englishmen wer very ioyful. Llevvellyns [...]es preſented to the kyng. His head was herewith cut off, which the Lord Edm. Mortimer tooke with him vnto Rutlande (where the king as then was lodged) vnto whome he presented it: and the king sent it vnto Londo(n), appointing that there shuld be an Iule crown set vpon it, in toke(n) that he was a prince, and so being adorned, a horsman carried it vpon the end of his staffe throughe Cheape side, holding it as he rode on heigth, that all me(n) might see it, til he came to the toure, & ther it was pight vp aloft vpon one of ye highest turrets, remaining there a long time after, A [...] fulfilled and so was the prophecy fulfilled which was told to him dy [sic] an olde woma(n) taken for a southsayer, of whom he required to know how he shuld speede in this warre, whervnto she answered, that he shuld boldly go forwarde in them, for he should ride with a crown on his head throughe Cheape side: & so by yt deceaueable prophesie, he was deluded & brought to distruction. The encou(n)ter wherin the Welchemen wer va(n)quished (as before ye haue herd) chau(n)ced on the Friday before S.Lucies day. King Edwarde being certified thus of the victorie, streighte wayes marcheth forth with his people, and appoynteth at euery passage certeine bandes of souldiours to lye in wayte for the enimies. Also at the foote of the hylles he EEBO page image 793 he leaueth his Horsmen, and mounteth vp the hilles himself, with the residue of his army. There were certaine Gascoignes, whihc the Lord John Vescy had brought with him out of their countrey, to serue the Kyng, whiche brenned many Townes, [...]e Gaſ| [...]es purſue [...] Welchmẽ [...]ly. and slew great numbers of ye Welchmen, all that came in their way, and finally, they giuing an assaulte to Snowdon Castell, wanne it by fyne force.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In this meane tyme, the Welchemen, when they sawe themselues enclosed, and stopped from all wayes to escape, after the manner of wilde beastes, flee into the thicke woddes and caues, some of them make shift to get downe through the steepe and broken rockes, and some of them seeking to escape by flight, fall into their enimies, fall into their enimies handes, and are eyther slayne or taken, and amongst these, aboute Midsommer, was Dauid taken, togither with his wife, two sonnes, and seuen daughters, and brought to the Kyng, who sent them first vnto Rutland Castell, there to be safely kept. K. Edward hauing subdued the Welchmen that inhabited in the Mountaynes, went all about the Countrey to conquere the residue, assembling all his army togither, and then pursuing his aduersaries, made great slaughter of them on eache side, Wales deui|ded into ſhires. so that there were slayne aboue three thousand men: then hauing the countrey at his will, he gaue vnto the English Lords Townes in the middest of Wales, and deuided the countrey into Shires, ordeined Sherifes, and other officers as then were vsed in Englande. At Aberconow hee builded a strong Castell, where before, was an house of white Monkes, the whiche hee remoued to the Vale royall in Cheshire, The Vale Royall buile by K. Edward the firſte. where he builded a fayre Abbey of the Cisteaux [figure appears here on page 793] order, and endowed it with greate landes and reuenewes. He also made and fortified the Castell of Canaruan fast by Snowdon, and repared agayne the Towne of Lambaterwhir, otherwise called Abreswich, which Lewline had before beaten downe. Also, he placed English garrisons in the Castels and holdes by the Sea sides, & made Englishmen Lords of the groundes and possessions belonging to the same. Rees a Bouan one of the chiefest and mightiest Captaynes of all Wales, which during the warres, had done more displeasure to the English men, than any other, in spoyling their confynes, and making greate slaughters vpon them, vnderstanding nowe both of the death of Prince Llewline, and the takyng of his brother Dauid, and also, perceyuing hymselfe pursued on each side, at length, yeelded hymselfe and his complices, [...]s a Bouan [...]deth hym| [...]e vnto K. [...]rde. vnto Humphrey de Boun Erle of Hereforde, who straight wayes sente him to the Kyng, and the Kyng sente him to London, there to be kept prisoner in the Tower.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thus Kyng Edwarde, hauing broughte the rebellious Welchmen vnder his correction, hee appoynted his generall Lieutenaunt there, the Lorde Robert Tiptoft, and when hee had set all things in good order, about Michaelmas he came to Shrewesbury, A Parliament at Shreweſbu|rie. where a Parliament by hym there holden, the foresayde Dauid (that was broughte thither) as chiefe procurer of all thys warre, was condemned of treason, Dauid con|demned of treaſon. and was afterwarde executed, according to iudgement pronounced againste him, that is to witte, hee was hanged drawen and quartered. He is execu|ted. His head was sent to London, and set vp by the head of his brother Lewline. His quarters were deuided, and sent to be set vp on the gates of four of the chiefest Cities of England. During these warres, Nic. Triuet. the King had of the Temporaltie, the thirtith parte of all their goodes, and of the Spiritualtie, the twentieth parte, towardes the maintenance of the same EEBO page image 794 same warres

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The same yeare also after Michaelmas, the Kyng helde a Parliamente at Acton Burnell, wherein, those statutes were ordeyned, whiche vnto this day beare the name of the place where they were made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 12.


Edward the ſecond borne.

In the twelfth yeare of this Kings raigne, his eldest sonne Alfonse departed this life at Windsor, and on Saint Markes daye, hys sonne Edward that after succeeded him in the Kingdome, was borne at Carnaruan, where the King had builded a strong Castell, and was come thyther with the Queene at that tyme, to see the same.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Abingdon. Also this yeare, in the Quindene of Sainte Michaell, the Iustices Itinerantes began to goe their generall circuites.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Easter day, A [...] day [...] which fell this yeare the ninth of Aprill, beeing also leape yeare, in the morning about the rising of the sunne, the elemente was shadowed with suche darknesse and thicknesse of aire, that it seemed to waxe night again, and suddainely rose an horrible tempest, fyrste of hayle and rayne, and after of snow, that couered all the Earthe and then followed suche thunder and lightning, that men were maruellously amased therewith, considering it seemed to bee against the nature of the season for [...] in Aprill shall ye heare any such thunder. At length yet it brake vp, and the element recouered hir accustomed clearnesse.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the thirtenth yere of his raigne,

An. reg. [...]

12 [...]

King [...]|ward kept his Chriſtmas at Briſtowe, [...] [...]e there a priuate Councell, but no generall Parli|amente, [figure appears here on page 794] and this was the firſte tyme that anye Engliſhe King can be remembred, to haue kepte any ſolemne feaſt at Briſtowe.Briſtowe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King then leauing his Court of Chan|cery at Briſtowe, with his children, came to Lõ|don,Ambaſſadors from the French kyng. where he had not bin almoſt of three yeares before. Heere came meſſengers to him from the Frenche King, requiring him to come in perſon, with a certayne number of men of warre, to ayde him in the warres againſt the King of Aragone, as of right he ought to doe, by reaſon of the Du|chie of Guyenne which he held of him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

William the Archbyſhop of Yorke de| [...]lled.

Iohn Romane Archbiſhop [...] Yorke. [...]on Col| [...] Ox| [...].

The ſame yeare, dyed William the Archby|ſhop of Yorke, after hee had gouerned that See ſixe yeares, and then ſucceeded one Iohn ſur|named Romayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute this ſeaſon, was Marton Colledge in Oxforde founded by Walter Marton that was Lord Chauncellour of England, and a [...]r By|ſhoppe of Rocheſter. King Edwarde ſeaſed the [...]tiſes and liberties of London into hys [...]es, and diſcharged the Maior then beeing Gregory Rokkeſley, & appointed for Cuſto and Guardein of the Citie, one Stephen Sandwich, the which from the day of the cõuerſion of Saint Paule, till the Monday following the Purifica|tion of our Lady, continued in that office & was then diſcharged, and Sir Iohn Breton Knighte charged therewith for the reſidue of the yeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There is no certain knowledge left in records, why the Kyng tooke ſuche diſpleaſure with the Citie, ſaue that the Mayor, the ſayde Gregory Rokkeſley, as the ſame went, tooke bribes of the bakers, and ſuffred them to ſell bread, lacking ſixe or ſeauen ounces of weight in a peny loſe.

The new worke of the Church of Weſtmin|ſter, to the ende of the quiar, begun as before is ſhewed, in the thirde yeare of Kyng Henry, was this yeare fully finiſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The nineteenth of Marche,The de [...] the Sco [...] Kyng. dyed Alexander Kyng of Scotlande by a fall whyche he caught as hee ranne a ſtirring horſe: hee left no iſſue be|hinde hym, nor any certain knowne heire to ſuc|ceede hym, by reaſon whereof enſued greate EEBO page image 795 burne to that Realme (as in the Scottiſh hiſto|rie, may more at large appeare.) The manner of whoſe death, as in Richard Southwell I fynde it reported, I haue thought good briefly to touch, for that in recitall thereof, hee ſomewhat diſa|greeth from the Scottiſh hiſtorie. [...] South. There went (ſaith he) a common ſpeeche through Scotlande all this yeare, before the Kynges deathe, that the ſame nineteenth of Marche, ſhoulde the daye of Iudgement be: and herevpon, as the ſayd king ſate at dinner in the Caſtell of Edenburgh, ha|uing a diſhe of excellente good Lampreys before him, he ſent part thereof vnto one of the Lordes that ſate at ſome other table, not farre from him, and willed him by the Gentleman that bare it, to be merrie, and to haue in minde, that this was the day of doome: the Lorde ſente him thankes a|gayne, and prayed the meſſenger to tell the king merily, that if this were the day of doome, they ſhould riſe to iudgemente ſpeedily with their bel|lies filled with good meates and drinkes. After that they had dyned, and nighte began to drawe on, hee tooke his Horſe, and onely accompanyed with three Gentlemenne, woulde needes ride to Kingorne, where the Queene his new wife then lay, and before he coulde get vnto Innerkenin it was darke nighte, ſo that hee tooke there two guides to leade him the way, but they hadde not ridden paſt two miles, but that the guides hadde quite loſt the way, ſo that they were driuen to gyue their horſes libertie to beate it out them|ſelues: but herewith, the King being feuered from his company, how he ruled his Horſe it is harde to ſay, but downe he was throwen, and immedi|ately died with the vehement fall which he thus caught, eyther headlong down one of the cliffes, or otherwiſe, and thus he came to his ende, on a monday being Saint Cuthberts euen the nyne|tenth of March (as before is noted) after he hadde, raigned ſixe and thirtie yeares & nine monethes, as the ſame Southwell writeth, who alſo con|trary to that which Hec. Boc. writeth, affirmeth, that ye ſame day was ſo tempeſtuous with wind, ſnow, hayle and raine, that hee, and many other that thẽ liued and felt it, durſt not vncouer theyr faces in going abrode againſte the bitter Nor|thren winde, that droue the ſnow and ſleete moſt vehemently vpon them. And although that ſuche foule weather might haue ſtayed him frõ takyng his iorney in that ſort, yet he made no accompte thereof, as hee that was accuſtomed to ride as wel in foule weather as faire, and ſpared neyther for tempeſt, waters, nor craggie rockes, thick nor thinne, for al was one to him, oftentimes takyng his iourney in diſguiſed apparell, accompanyed only with one ſeruaunt. But to returne vnto the doings in England. This yeare, the Kyng tooke eſcuage fortie ſhillings of euery Knightes fee, to|wards the charges of his laſt warres in Wales. A Parliamente was holden at Weſtminſter, at the which were made ye ſtatutes called Addica|menta Gloceſtriae, or rather the ſtatutes of Weſt|minſter the ſeconde.

An. reg. 14.


Thomas Pi|wileſdon a Citizen of London.

In the fourtenth yeare of K. Edward, a Citizen of London named Thomas Piwileſdon, the whiche in time of the Barons warres had bin a greate doer to ſtirre the people againſt Kyng Henry, was now accuſed, that hee with other ſhuld goe about to make new diſtur|bance within the Citie: whereof, enquirie beeyng made and had before ſir Raufe Standiſch as thẽ Cuſtos, or guarden of the Citie, the ſaid Piwileſ|don, & other, to the number of fiftie,He with other are baniſhed the Citie. were bani|ſhed the Citie for euer. Alſo, where of olde tyme before this ſeaſon, the merchaunte ſtraungers were vſed to be lodged within the dwelling hou|ſes of the Citizens of London, and ſold all theyr merchandice, by procuration of their hoſtes, for the whiche their ſayde hoſtes had a certayne allowance, after the rate of euery pound.A new order for merchant ſtraungers. Now it was ordered, that the ſayde merchaunt ſtraun|gers myghte take houſes to hyre, for to inhabite therein, and for ſtowage of their wares, and no Citizen to intermedle with them or their wares: by reaſon whereof, they vſed many deceyptes, both in vttering counterfaite wares, and alſo vniuſt waightes: and moreouer, muche of thoſe wares which they ſhould haue wayed at ye kings beame, they wayed at home within their houſes,Strangers committed to the Tower. to the hinderance of the Kings cuſtome. Heere|of, ſearch being made vpon a ſuddayne, and their waightes founde and prooued falſe, twentie of the ſayde ſtraungers were arreſted and ſente to the Tower and theyr wayghtes brent, deſtroyed and broken to peeces in Weſt cheape, the thurſe|day before the feaſt of Simon and Iude. Fy|nally, the ſayde Merchauntes were deliuered, be|ing putte to a fyne of a thouſande pounde, after ſore and hard impriſonmente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Iewes in one nyghte were generally apprehended, and putte in priſon,1286 through all the parties of Englande, and ſo kept in durance, till they hadde fyned at the Kynges pleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It is reported, that the commons of Eng|lande graunted to the Kyng, the fifte parte of theyr moueables, to haue the Iewes baniſhed out of the land: but the Iewes to put the Engliſhmẽ from their purpoſe, gaue to the Kyng greate ſummes of money, whereby they tarried yet a whyle longer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Edward went ouer into Fraunce vpon the fiue and twentith of May,

N. Triuet.

The Kyng paſſeth ouer into Fraunce.

paſſing through Pycardy vnto Amiens, and there the Frenche Kyng to doe him honor, was ready to receyue hym. Heere Kyng Edwarde dyd homage vn|to the Frenche Kyng for ye lands which he ought to holde of hym in Fraunce. And after, hee was EEBO page image 796 alſo preſent at a Parliament, the which ye Frẽch King helde at Paris, in the whiche hee obteyned many things for the liberties of his ſayd landes, as then by diuers wayes wrongfully oppreſſed, though ſuch graunt continued not long in force. After Whitſontide, King Edward departed frõ Paris, and wente into Gaſcoigne, togither with his wife Queene Eleanor, the whiche was with him in all this iorney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 15.


This yeare, the King wente into Aragone, where his authoritie auayled muche, in the ma|king of agreement betwixt the kings of Aragone and Naples, whereby, Charles King of Naples was then ſet at libertie, vpon certayne couenants paſſed, and agreed betwixt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kings mother Queene Eleanor thys yeare forſooke the world,Rich. South. and tooke vppon hir the habite of a Nunne at Ambreſbury, but yet ſhee ſtill reteined and enioyed hir dower by the Popes authoritie and diſpenſation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute this time, a Squire called Chamber|laine, with his complices, ſet fire in the merchãts boothes, at Saint Butholpes fayre, [...]riſtow faire robbed. and whyleſt the Merchauntes were about to quench the fire, the ſayde Squire and his complices ſet vpon he ſayd Merchaunts, ſlewe many of them, and r [...]|bed them of their goodes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare,Vari [...] twi [...] Lord P [...] Tip [...] [...] fell variance betweene the Lo [...] Payne Tiptoft, Wardeine of certayne Caſt [...]es in Wales, and a Welch Knight called Sir Ric|ap Meridocke, ſo that ſundry ſkirmiſhes were foughten betwixt them, and men ſlayne on both ſides, to the great diſturbance of the Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The cauſe of this warre, roſe chiefly, for that the ſaid Lord Tiptoft, & the Lord Alane Plu [...]|net, the kings Steward in Wales, would ha [...] cõſtreined the ſaid Rees to appeare at counties & hundreds, as the vſe in other parts of Wales thẽ was, contrary to ſuch liberties as he had obteined of the K. as he pretẽded. But when the K. wrote vnto the ſame Rees, requiring him to keepe the peace, til his returne (at what time, he promiſed to reforme al things in due & reaſonable order) Rees hauing already put armour vpõ his back, would not now encline to any peace, but to reuenge hys cauſe, aſſẽbled a great multitude of Welchmẽ,N. Triuet. with whoſe help hee brente and deſtroyed many Townes in Wales, ſo that the King being then [figure appears here on page 796] beyond the ſeas, ſent vnto the Erle of Cornwal, whom in his abſence, he had appointed his Lieu|tenant ouer England, requiring him to ſende an army of mẽ into Wales, to reſiſt the malice and riottous attemptes of the Welchmen. The Erle ſhortly therevpon prepared an army, and wente with the ſame into Wales, or as other write, the Biſhop of Elie, ye Lord Prior of Saint Iohns, the Earle of Glouceſter, and diuers Barons of the land went thither, and chaſing the ſaid Rees, diſperſed his army, and ouerthrewe and raſed his caſtells, but by vndermining and reuerſing the walles of the Caſtell of Druſlan, with the fall therof, the Baron Stafford, and the Lord Wil|liam de Monchency, with many other Knightes and Eſquiers, were oppreſſed, & bruſed to death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, the Kyng at Blankfort in Geſ|coigne, tooke vpon him the Croſſe, purpoſing eſt|ſoones to make a iorney againſte Gods enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the winter of this yeare, great flouds chã|ced by reaſon of the exceeding abundaunce of raigne that fell and the Sea alongſt the North|eaſt coaſtes from Humber to Yermouth, brake into the land, ouerflowing the ſame by the ſpace of three or foure leagues in breadth, as the author of the Chronicle of Dunſtable affirmeth,Chron. [...] ouer|throwing buildings, and drowning vp mẽ and cattaylle, that coulde not auoyde the daunger, by the ſuddayne commyng in thereof, name|ly, about Yermouth, Dunwiche, and Gippeſ|wiche EEBO page image 797 Likewiſe in the Mers lande of Lin|colneſhire, it did paſſing greate hurte, bringing al the Countrey into water. This chanced in the very night of the beginning of this yeare, to wit in the feaſt of the circumciſion of our lord, and in December it, brake out againe in Northfolke, and Suffolke, wher it did much harme, namely about Yermouth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4

[...]n. reg. 16.


[...]ron. Dunſt.

This yeare, and likewiſe the yeare laſt paſt, was ſuche plentie of grayne that wheate was ſolde in ſome places of this lande, for twentie pence a quarter, and in ſome places for ſixteene pence, and peas for twelue pence a quarter. The ſommer this yeare exceeded in heate, ſo that men through the intemperate exceſſe thereof, dyed in diuers places. It chanced in Gaſcoigne, that as the King and Queene ſate in their chamber vpõ a bedde talking togither, the thunder bolte com|ming in at the windowe behinde them, paſſed through betwixt thẽ as they ſate, and ſlewe two of their Gentlemen that ſtoode before thẽ, to the great terror of all yt were preſent.Southwel. This yeare, dy|uers of thoſe yt had robbed the faire at Boſton, were executed. Moreouer, wheras Rees an Me|ridocke continued ſtil in his miſcheuous doings, at length, the Lorde deputie of Wales.Polidor. Ran. Higd. Nic. Triuet. Roberte Ti [...]toft, vſing both ſpeedy diligence, and tymely counſell, gathering all ſuche power as hee coulde make paſſed forth againſt his aduerſaries. Wher of, when ſir Rees was aduertiſed, and vnderſtan|ding that the Engliſhmen were for [...] nũ|ber than his Welchmẽ, he thought to ouer [...]aw them at his pleaſure, and therfore encouraging his people, with many cõſtable [...] their manhood vpõ the Engliſhmens [...] haſted to wente th [...]. The Welchmen being for the more part but yong ſouldiers, and not tray [...]|ned to keepe any order of battayle, [...]anne firmely vpon their enimies, aſſayling the [...] [...] the fr [...], before on the ſides a fla [...], and on the [...] behinde, enforcing themſelues [...] the [...] of their power to breake their [...] But ye Eng|liſhmen valiantly reſiſted, ſo that there w [...] [...]+fore battayle for a while, and the [...] [...]g [...]|ouſly yt Welchmen aſſailed y [...]w [...] [...]tly the Engliſhmen defended, in keeping thẽſelues cloſe togither, & beating back their aduerſaries an [...] at lẽgth, perceiuing thẽ to faint & were [...]erry, they ruſh forth into ye middle of ye Welchmen, a brake them in ſunder, ſo that when they ſaw thẽſelues [figure appears here on page 797] thus repulſed by the Engliſhmẽ, contrary vnto all their expectation, they knew not what to doe, for they durſt neyther fighte nor flee, [...] Welch [...]omfited. [...]e [...]ap Me [...]i [...]ke taken and ſo by ye meanes were beaten downe on euery ſide. Meri|docke himſelfe was taken, but the moſte part of al his army was ſlain, to the number of four M. mẽ. Thus were the Welchmẽ worthily chaſti|ſed for their Rebellion. Sir Rees ap Meridocke was had to Yorke, wher at lẽgth, after ye K. was returned out of Gaſenigne,

[...]n. reg. 17.


[...]n. Marl.

[...]e tempeſt [...]ayle. [...]. Higd.

he was hãged, drawẽ and quartred. This yere on S. Margarets euen, that is, the [...]9. day of Iuly, fel a wonderful tẽpeſt of haile, that ye like had not in ſeene nor heard of by any mã thẽ liuing. And after, thee enſued ſuch continuall rain [...], ſo diſtempe [...]ing ye ground, that corne waxed very deare, in ſo muche, that where wheate was ſolde before at three d a buſhell, the market ſo roſe by little and little,A great dearth beginneth. yt it was ſolde for two ſs. a buſhell and ſo ye dearth encreaſed ſtil almoſt, by ye ſpace of 40. yeres, til ye death of Ed|ward the ſecõd, in ſo much, that ſometime a bu|ſhell of wheate, London meaſure, was ſolde at tenne ſhillings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The King, after he hadde remained a three yeares, two moneths, and fifteene dayes in Gaſ|coigne, and in other parts there beyond the ſea, he returned into Englãd the fourth day of Auguſt, & vpõ the euen of our Ladys day ye Aſſumptiõ, he EEBO page image 798 came to London, where he was moſt ioyfully re|ceyued, & ſo came to Weſtminſter: wher ſhortly after, were preſented vnto him many greeuous complayntes and informations, againſt dyuers of his Iuſtices, as ſir Thomas Weyland, Adam S [...]erton, and others, the which were had in exa|mination, and therevpon, found giltie of manye treſpaſſes and tranſgreſſions, in ſo much, that it was giuẽ him to vnderſtand, yt there were amõg them that had giuen conſent to the cõmitting of murders & robberies, & wittingly had recepted the oſtendors.Chron. Dunſt. Wherevpõ, the K. cauſed ſtraight en|qulite to be made by an inqueſt of 12. ſubſtantiall perſonages,Thomas Weyland Lord chiefe Iuſtice of the kings benche. who found by verdict, that Thomas Weyland Lord chiefe Iuſtice of the kings bẽch, had cauſed a mu [...] her to be done by his ſeruants, and after ſuccoured and maynteyned them: wherevpon, he was by the kings officers arreſted, but eſcaping their hãds, he tooke Saintuarie in ye Church of ye Friers minors at S. Edmonde ſou|rie, & was admitted into their habite, but within 40. dayes after, order was giuen by the K. that no kind of vittayles ſhould bee ſuffered to be con|uey into that houſe, ſo that all the Friers came forth, except three or four, & at length, he was cõ|ſtreyned to take vpon him a lay mans apparell, and comming foorth, was deliuered to the hands of Robert Malet knight,Robert Mal|let. who had before, the cu|ſtody of him, & now hauing him againe, brought him to the Tower of London. At length, he was put to his choyſe of three wayes, which ſoeuer of them he would take, that is, whether to be tryed by hys peeres, or to remaine in perpetuall priſon, or to abiure the Realme: he choſe the laſt, and ſo bare footed, and bare headed, bearing a Croſſe in his hand, hee was conueyed from the Tower to Douer, where taking the Sea, hee tranſported to the further ſide of the Sea hys goodes, mouable and vnmouable,William Brampton. Roger Leice|ſter. beeing confiſcate to the Kinges cofers. Wil. Brampton, Roger Leiceſter, Iohn Luneth, aſſociates of ye ſaid Thomas, [...] & I [...] of ye kings bench: Alſo, Roberte Lithbury [...]|layn, & maſter of ye rolles, being accuſed of [...]|ful iudgemẽts and other treſpaſſes were cõm [...] to priſon within the Tower, and at length [...] much adoe, eſcaped with paying their fyues, ſo yt hee whiche payed leaſt, gaue a thouſand ma [...] Moreouer, Salomon of Rocheſter,Solomon [...] Ro [...] T [...] S [...] [...] Walter [...] R [...] de H [...]g [...]. Tho [...] Sudington, Richard de Boylande, & Walter de Hopton, Iuſtices Ieimerantes, were like wiſe [...] ſhed, & for ye ſemblable offences, put to their [...] Sir Rauf de Hinghã a Iuſtice alſo, to whom [...] ye kings abſence, the ordering of ye Realme chiefly apperteyned, being accuſed of diuers tranſgre [...]|ons, & cõmitted to ye tower, redeemed his offence for an infinit ſumme of money.Adam de S [...], chiefe [...] Adam de S [...]|ton, Lord chiefe Baron of the eſchecker, being cõ|uicted of many hainous crimes, a man plentifully prouided both of temporall poſſeſſions, and eccle|ſiaſticall reuenewes, loſt all hys temporal ly|uings and 34. thouſande markes in ready c [...], beſide other mouables, in cattaile, iewels & [...]|ture of houſhold, which were all confiſked, & for|feyted wholly: and it was thought, he was g [...]tly dele, yt he eſcaped with life, & ſuch ſpiritual liuings as to him remained. Henry Bray eſcheator,Henry [...] & the Iudges ouer the Iewes, were reported to haue cõ|mitted many greeuous offences, but for money they bought their peace. To conclude, there was not found any amõgſt al ye Iuſtices and officers cleere & voyde of vniuſt dealing,Iohn de Me|tingham, [...] Elias de [...]|kingham. except Iohn de Metingham, & Elias de Bekingham, who only among ye reſt, had behaued themſelues vprightly. Whẽ therfore, ſuch greeuous complayntes were exhibited to ye K. he appoynted the Earle of Lin|colne, ye Biſhop of Elie and others, to heare euery mans complaint, and vpon due examinatiõ and triall, ſee them aunſwered accordingly as right & equitie ſhuld require. In the 18. yere of his raigne,

An. reg. [...]

129 [...]

the K. married two of his daughters, that is to [figure appears here on page 798] EEBO page image 799 witte, [...]. Marle. [...]ic. Triuet. Ioane de Acres vnto Gilberte de Clare Earle of Glouceſter, and the Lady Margaret vnto the Lord Iohn ſonne to the Duke of Bra|bant. T [...] Kyng ordeyned, that all the [...]le which ſhould be ſolde vnto ſtraungers, ſhould be brought vnto Sandwich, where the ſtaple ther|of was kept long time after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]e ſtatutes Weſtmin| [...] the third [...]bliſhed.The foure yeare, was a Parliamente holden at Weſtminſter, wherein, the ſtatutes of Weſt|maſter the third were ordeyned. It was alſo de|creed, that all the Iewes ſhoulde auoide out of that land in conſideration whereof, a fiftenth was graunted to the King, and ſo herevpon, were the Iewes baniſhed out of all the Kings dominiõs, [...]e Iewes [...]iſhed out Englande. and neuer [...]hence, could obteyne any priuiledge to returne hither againe. All their goodes not mo|ueable, were confiſcate, with their railties and ob|ligations, but all other, theyr goodes that were moueable, togither with their coyne of golde and ſiluer, the King licenced them to haue and con|deigh with them: A ſort of the richeſt of them, be|ing ſhipped with their treaſure in a mightie falle ſhippe which they had hired, when the ſame was vnder ſay [...]e, and gote downe the Thames to|wards the month of the riuer beyonde Quindo|rowe, the maſter Mariner bethoughte him of a wile, and cauſed his menne to caſt ancre, and ſo rode at the ſame, till the Shippe by ebbing of the ſtreame, remayned on ye drie ſands. The ma|ſter herewith entiſed the Iewes forth with him to walke a land for their recreation, and at lẽgth, when he vnderſtoode the tide to be comming in, he gote him backe to the ſhippe, whether he was drawen vp by a corde. The Iewes made not ſo muche haſt as he did, bycauſe they were not ware of the daunger, but when they perceyued how the matter ſtoode, they cried to him for helpe: but hee [...] the, that they ought to crie rather to Moy|ſes, by whoſe conduct their father paſſed through the redde Sea, and therefore, if they would can to him for helpe,Iewes drow|ned. hee was able ynough to help them out of thoſe raging flouds whiche nowe came in vpon them: they cried indeede, but no ſuccour ap|peared, and ſo they were ſwallowed v [...] in wa|ter. The maſter returned with the Shippe, and tolde the King howe hee had vſed the matter, and had both thanks and reward, as ſome haue writ|ten, where other affirme,Chro. Dun. and more [...]uely as ſhould ſeeme, that diuers of thoſe marr [...]rs whi|che deal [...] ſo wic [...]y againſte the Iewes, were hanged for their wicked practiſe, and ſo receyued a iuſt rewarde of there [...]dulente and miſche|uous dealing. But now to the purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the foreſayde Parliamente, the Kyng de|maunded [...]yde of money of the Spiritualtie, for that (as he pretended) h [...] meane to make a ior|ney into the holy lande,The eleuenth part a eccleſi|aſticall reue|newes, graun|ted to the K. to ſuccour the Chriſtians there: wherevppon, they graunted to him the ele|uenth parte of al their moueables. He receiued the money aforehande, but letted by other buſineſſe at home, he went not foorth vpon that iorney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ninetenth yeare of King Edwarde, Queene Eleanor Kyng Edwardes wife dyed vpon Saint Androwes euen at Herdeby,

An. Reg. 19.

The deceaſſe of Q Eleanor.

or Her|deley (as ſome haue) heere to Lincolne the Kyng beeyng as the on his way towards ye bordures of Scotlãd: but hauing now loſt ye iewell which hee moſt eſtemed,Tho. VVal. he returned towards Londõ to ac|cõpany ye corps vnto Weſtminſter, wher it was buried in S. Edwarde Chapell, at the feete of K. [figure appears here on page 799] Henry the third. [...] prayſe of Queene called. She was a right godly & modeſt princes, ful of pitie, & one yt ſhewed much fauour to ye Engliſhe natiõ, ready to releeue euery mans griefe that ſuſteyned wrong, and to make them EEBO page image 800 friendes that were at diſcorde, ſo farre as in hir lay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In euery Towne and place where the corpes reſted by the way, the Kyng cauſed a Croſſe of cunning workmanſhippe to be erected in remem|brance of hir, and in the ſame, was a picture of hir engrauen.

[figure appears here on page 800]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Charing croſſe and other erected.Two of the like Croſſes were ſet vp at Lon|dõ, one at Charing, & the other in Weſt Cheape.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, he gaue in almes euery wedneſday whereſoeuer hee wente, pence a peece, to all ſuche poore folkes, as came to demaund the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 1291Aboute the ſame time, bycauſe that the Kyng ſhoulde bee the more willing to goe into the holy land as he had promiſed to doe, hauing money to furniſh him foorth, the Pope graunted vnto hym the tenth of the Church of Englãd,The tenth of ſpiritall re|uenewes grã|ted to the K. Scotlãd and Ireland, according to the true value of all the re|uenewes belonging to the ſame for ſixe yeares. He wrote to the Biſhops of Lincolne and Win|cheſter, that the ſame tenth ſhould be layde vp in Monaſteries and Abbeyes, til the King was en|tred into the Sea, called Mare Maggiore, forwardes on hys iorney Eaſtwardes, and then to be payde to his vſe. But the King after|wards, cauſed the collectors to make payment to him of the ſame tenth gathered for three yeares, and layde vp in Monaſteries, although he ſet not one fote forward in that iorney, as letted through other buſineſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Alſo, by reaſon of the controuerſie whiche de|pended as then betwixt diuers perſons, as com|petitors of the Crowne of Scotland, he went in|to the North partes, & kept his Eaſter at New|caſtell, and ſhortly after, called a Parliamente at Northampton, where by the aduice of the Pre|lates and other of his councell, learned in both the lawes, vpon knowledge had by ſearch of records, and Chronicles of aunciente time, bee cauſed all the Prelates and Barons of Scotland to be cal|led afore him, and there in the Pariſh Church of Norham, hee declared vnto them his right to the ſuperioritie of the Kingdom of Scotland [...] [...]+quiring of them, that they woulde recogniſe [...] ſame, proteſting, that he would defende the [...] of his. Crowne, to the ſhedding of his own bl [...] that a true certificate & information might come to light of his title and rightfull clayme, vnto the direct and ſupreme dominion, ouer the Realm [...] Scotland. He had cauſed verily all the Hiſtories, Chronicles and monumẽts that were to be [...] within Englãd, Scotlãd & Wales, to be ſo [...] vp and peruſed, yt it might be knowen, what right he had in this behalfe wherevpon, it was fo [...] by ye Chronicles of Marianus the Scot Wil of Malmeſ. Roger Houeden, Henry Huntington Rauf de Diceto, & others, yt in the yere of our lord 910. K. Edwarde ſurnamed Senior, or the elder ſubdued to him the kings of Scottes & Welchmẽ alſo, that in the yere 921. the ſame people choſe the ſaid Edward to be their King and patrone. And likewiſe, in the yeare 926. Athelſtane King of England, vanquiſhed Conſtantine K. of Scot|land, and permitted him yet to raigne vnder him. Moreouer, Edred ye brother of Athelſtan and [...] of Englãd, ouercame the Scottes and Northũ|bers, yt which ſubmitted themſelues to him and ſware to him fealtie. Alſo Edgar K. of England vanquiſhed Kineth the ſonne of Alpine Kyng of Scotland, who ſware fealtie to him. Likewiſe Cnute K. of Englãd and Denmarke, in the ſix|tenth yere of his raigne ouercame Malcolme K. of Scottes, and ſo became K. of four kingdoms, England, Scotland, Denmarke and Norway. Furthermore, that bleſſed K. Saint Edwarde, gaue ye kingdome of Scotland vnto Malcolme the ſonne of the K. of Cumberlande, to holde the ſame of him. Again, Willi. Baſtard the Normã Conquerour, in the ſixth yere of his raigne van|quiſhed Malcolme K. of Scotland, & receyued of him an oth of fealtie. Alſo, Wil. Rufus did [...] like vnto Malcolme K. of Scottes, and to two of his ſonnes that ſucceſſiuely raigned ouer that realm. Alſo, Alexander ſucceeded his brother Edgar in the Kingdome of Scotland, by conſent of Kyng Henry ye firſt. Alſo, Dauid K of Scotlande, dyd homage to K. Stephen, and Wil. K. of Scottes, did homage to Henry, the ſon of K. Henry ye ſe|cond, whẽ in his fathers life time, he was Crow|ned, and againe, to Henry the father, in the twẽ|tith yeare of his raigne, as by an agreemẽt made betwixt thẽ two, it doth appere. Alſo, Ro. Ho [...]ed. ſaith, that Willi. K. of Scotland, came to his ſo|ueraigne Lord K. Henry into Normandy, and likewiſe to K. Richard, & moreouer, to K. Iohn, at Lincolne, doing to them his homage. Alſo, in the Chronicles of S. Albons it is found, that A|lexander King of Scotlande married at Yorke Margaret the daughter of K. Hẽry the third in ye 35. yeare of his raigne, and did to hym homage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 801And further when king Edwarde himſefle was crowned at Weſtminſter, in the yere of our Lorde .1274. being the ſeconde of his raigne, the laſt deceeſſed king of Scotlande, Alexander the third of ye [...]ame, did homage vnto him at Welſt, the morow after the coronatiõ. All which homa|ges and fealthes thus done by ſundrie kings of Scotland vnto ſundrie kings of England, were directly and moſt manifeſtly proued to bee done for the Realme of Scotlande, and not onelye for the landes whiche they helde of the kings of Englande within Englande, as the Scottiſhe wryters woulde ſeeme to colour the matter. But things being then freſh in memorie, no ſuch ca|uillation might be auerred. And ſo herevpon king Edwardes tytle being ſubſtantially proued, [...]g Edwarde [...]guiſed for [...]rior lorde [...]otland. he was recogniſed ſuperiour Lorde of Scotlande, of all them that pretended tytle at that tyme to that kingdome, by wrytings the [...] made and con|firmed vnder theyr ſea [...]s, the which being writ|ten in French conteyned as [...] followeth. [...] Copie of Charter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


A Tousi ceulx, qui ceſte preſente lettre verrunt ou orrunt, Florence Counte de Holland, Robert de Brus ſeigneur du Val Danand, Iohn Bailol ſeig|neur de Gallaway, Iohn de Haſtings ſeigneur de Abergeuenne, Iohn Comin ſeigneur de Badenaugh Patrique de Dunbar Count de la Marche, Iohn de Veſey pur ſon perẽ, Nichol de Seules, & Guilaum de Ros, ſalux en deu.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Come nous entendons d'ouer droyt en reaume d' Eſcoce, & c [...]lle droyt munſtrer, chalãger, & auerer deuant celuy, que plus de poor, iuriſdiction, & reeſon, euſt de trier noſtre droyt, & le noble prince Sire Edward, par la grace de dien, [...]ey d' Angleterre, nous a enforme per bonnes & ſuffiſaunt reeſons, que aluy apent, & auer doyt la ſouerein ſeigneurie, du dict reaume d' Eſcoce, & la cogniſaunce de oir, trier & [...]erminor noſtre droyt. Nous de noſtre propre volũtaté, ſanz nulle manior [...] de force ou deſtreſſe, voluns, [...]ions, & grantons de receiuré droyt deuaunt luy, come ſou [...]rein ſeigneur de la terre. Et voluns in lemeins & promettons, que nous auerons, et tendrons, ferme, & eſtable ſ [...] fait, & que celui emportera le realme, a qui droyt le durra deuant luy. En teſsimogne de ceſte choſ [...], nous auonsmis nos ſeaules a ceſt eſcript.

VVhich in Engliſh is as followeth

Compare 1587 edition: 1


TO all them that theſe preſent letters ſhall ſee or beare. Florence Earle of Holland, Robert le Bruce Lorde of Annandale, Iohn Comyn Lorde of Badenaw, Patrike de Dunharre Erle of Marche, Iohn de Balliol Lord of Galloway, Iohn Haſtings Lorde of Abergeuenny, Iohn de Veſey in ſtead of his father, Nicholas de Sules and Walter Ros, ſende greeting in our Lorde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whereas wee intende to haue right in the king|dome of Scotlande, and intende to declare, cha|lenge, and prone the ſame before him that hath the beſt authoritie, iuriſdiction and reaſon to exa|mine our right, and that the noble Prince the Lorde Edwarde, by the grace of God King of England, by good and ſufficient reaſons hath in|formed vs, that the ſuperior dominion of Scot|land belongeth to him, and that he ought to haue the knowledge in the hearing, examining, and de|fining of our right, we of our free willes without all violence and conſtrayne, will, conſent, and graunt, to receyue one right before him, as the ſu|perior Lord of the lande: We will alſo and pro|miſe, that we ſhall haue and holde his deede for fyrme and ſtable, and that he ſhall haue the king|dome, vnto whom before him beſt right ſhall aſ|ſigne the ſame. In witneſſe whereof we haue to theſe letters put our ſeales:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The recogniſing therefore made of the ſupe|rioritie and ſubmiſſion of graunt to receyue that which before the king of England ſhould by law he defined, the ſayde king requyred to haue the Caſtels, and the whole lande deliuered vnto hys poſſeſſion that by peaceable ſeyſ [...]e thereof had, his right of ſuperioritie now recogniſed by theyr letters and wrytings, might be the more manifeſt and apparant to the whole world. They ſtreight way agreed to the kings requeſt, and wrytings thereof were made and confirmed wyth theyr Seales, being written in Frenche. The tenour whereof enſueth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2


A Tousi ceulx, que ceſte preſente lettre verrunt on [...]rront. Florence Counte de Holland, Robert de Brus ſeigneur du Val Danaund, Iean de Baillioll Seigneur de Gallawey, Iehan de Haſtings ſeigneur de Abergeuenny, Iehan Comin ſeigneur de Ba|denaw, Patrique Dunbar Counte de la Marche, Iean de Veſcy, pour ſon pere, Nichol de Seules, & Guilaume de Ros, ſaluz en dieu.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Come nous aions o|trie, & graunte, de noſtre bonne volunté, & comu|ne aſſent ſans nulle deſtreſſe, a noble prince Sire Ed|ward, par la grace de dieu, rey de Angleterre quil come ſouerein ſeig. de la terre de Eſcoce puiſſe oir trier, & terminer nos chalenges, & nos demandes, que nos enten dons monſtrer, & auerrer pur noſtre droyt en la reaume de Eſcoce, & droyt receiuer de|uant luy, come ſouerein ſeigneur de la terre, promet|tons [...]a lemains que ſon fait auerons & tendrons forme & eſtable, & qu' il emportera le reaume, a qui droyt le durra deuant luy. Mes pour ce que lauandict roy de Ang. ne puiſt nulle manier conu|ſance faire ne a coplier ſauns iugement, ne iugement doit eſtre ſauns execution, ne execution ne peult il faire duement ſauns la poſſeſsion, & ſeyſine de meſ|me la terre, & de chaſteaux. Nous volons, otrions, & grantons, qu il come ſouereine ſeigneur, a par|faire les choſes auant dictes, ait laſeyſine de toute EEBO page image 802 la meſme terre, & de chaſteaux de Eſcoce, tant que droyt ſoit feit & perfourme, as demandans en tiel maniere, que auant ceo qu il eit le ſeyſine auant dict face bonne ſeurte, & ſuffiſante as demandants & as gardiens, & a la commune du reaume d' E|ſcoce, a faire la reuerſion de meſme le royalme, & de chaſteaus, oue toute la royauté, dignité, ſeignou|rie, franchiſes, couſtumes, droitures, leys, ſages, & poſſeſsions, & t [...]nz manieres des apurtenances, en meſme le eſtate, quils eſt [...]ient quant la ſeyſine luy fuſt bailleé, & liuereé a celuy que le droyt empor|tera par iugement de ſa royaute, ſauue au roy den|gliterre le homage de celuy, qui ſerra rey. Yſsint que la reuerſion ſeit feit dedans les deux moys apres le iour que le droyt ſera tricé & affirmé. Et que les yſſues de meſme la terre en le moyne temps reſceus, ſoient ſauuement mis en depos & bien gardees par la main le Chamberleyn d' Eſcoce que ore eſt, & de celuy qui ſerra aſsigne a luy de par le rey deng|literre, & de ſous leur ſeaus ſauue renable ſuſti|nance de la terre, & des chauſtiaux & des mini|ſtres du royaume. En teſtimoigne de ceſtes choſes a|uandicts, nous auons mis nos ſcaules a ceſte eſcript.

The Engliſh whereof is thus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2


The Copie of the ſeconde charter tou|thing the poſ|ſeſsion of the lande.

TO all thoſe which theſe preſent writings ſhal ſee or heare, Florence Erle of Hollãd, Robert de Bruce lord of Annãdal, Iohn de Balliol Lord of Galloway, Iohn Haſtings Lorde of Aberge|uennie, Iohn Comin Lord of Badenaw, Patrik de Dunbarre Earle of Marche, Iohn de Veſey inſteade of his father, Nicholas de Sules, Wil|liã de Ros, ſend greeting in our Lord.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Bycauſe that of our good wil and common aſſent without all conſtraint, we do conſent and graunt vnto the noble prince the Lorde Edwarde, by the grace of God king of England, that he as ſuperior Lorde of Scotland, may heare, examine, define & deter|mine our claymes, chalenges, & petitions, whiche we intend to ſhew and proue for our right, to bee receyued before him as ſuperior Lord of the land, promiſing moreouer, that we ſhall take his deed for ſleme and ſtable, and that he ſhall inioy the kingdome of Scotland, whoſe right ſhall by de|claration beſt appeare before him. Where as then the ſayde king of England cannot in this maner take knowledge, nor fulfill our meanings with|out iudgement, nor iudgement ought to be with|out execution, nor execution may in due forme be done without poſſeſſion and ſeyſine of the ſayde land and Caſtels of the ſame, we will, conſent, and graunt, that he as ſuperior Lord to perform the premiſſes may haue the ſeyſine of all the land and Caſtels of the ſame, till they that pretend ty|tle to the crowne be ſatiſfied in theyr ſute, ſo that before he be put in poſſeſſion and ſeyſine, he finde ſufficient ſuretie to vs that pretende tytle, [...] the Wardens, and to all the comunaltie [...] kingdome of Scotland, yt he ſhal reſtore the [...] kingdome with all the royaltie, dignitie, [...]rie, liberties, cuſtomes, rightes, lawes, vſages [...]ſeſſions, and all and whatſoeuer the app [...]ces, in the ſame ſtate wherein they were [...] the ſeyſine to him delyuered, vnto him to [...] by right it is due, according to the iudgement [...] his regalitie, ſauing to him the homage of [...] perſon that ſhall be king: and this reſ [...] be made within two Moneths after ye day [...] which the right ſhall be diſcuſſed and eſtab [...] the iſſues of the ſame lande in the meane [...] ſhall be receyued, layd vp, and put in ſafe [...] in the handes of the Chamberlaine of Scot [...] which nowe is, and of him whome the [...] Englande ſhall to hym aſſigne, and thys [...]der theyr Seales, [...]ing and allowing the rea|ſonable charges for the ſuſtentation of the la [...]e, the Caſtelles and [...]s of the Kingdome. In witneſſe of all the which premiſſes, we haue [...] to theſe letters ſet our Seales.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe two letters the King of England [...] vnder his priuie Seale vnto diuerſe Monaſteries within his realme, in the .xix. yeare of his raigne, that in perpetuall memorie of the thing thus paſ|ſed, it might be regiſtred in their Chronicles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And thus by the common aſſent of the chie|feſt of the Lordes in Scotlande, king Edwarde receyued the lande into his cuſtodie, tyll by due and lawfull tryall had, it myght appeare who was rightfull heyre to the crowne there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The homage or fealtie of the Nobles of Scot|land was expreſſed in wordes as followeth.

Rich. [...]

The [...] tenor of [...] homage.

By|cauſe that all wee are come vnto the allegiance of the noble Prince Edwarde King of Eng|lande, wee promiſe for vs and oure heyres vpon all the daunger that wee may incurre, that wee ſhall bee faythfull, and loyally holde of hym a|gaynſte all manner of mortall menne, and that wee ſhall not vnderſtande of any domage that may come to the king, nor to his heyres, but wee ſhall ſtay and impeache the ſame to our powers. And to this we binde our ſelues and our heyres, and are ſworne vpõ the Euangeliſts to performe the ſame. Beſide this, we haue done fealtie vnto our ſoueraigne lord the ſaid king in theſe wordes eche one by himſelf: I ſhall be true and faythfull; and fayth and loyaltie I ſhall beare to the King of Englãd Edward and his heyres, of life mem|ber and worldely honour agaynſte all mortall creatures.
Maiſter [...]phe [...] of R [...] The King hauing receyued as well the poſſeſſions of the Realme, Caſtelles, Manours, and other places belongyng to the EEBO page image 902 crowne of Scotlande, [...]dens of [...]ealme of [...]and ap| [...]ted by K. [...]arde. he committed the gouern|ment and cuſtodie of the realm vnto the Biſhops of Saint Andrewes and Glaſgo, to the Lordes, Iohn Cumyn, and Iames Stewarde, who had put him in poſſeſſion, to that vnder him they [...]o the ſame, in maner as they had done before. But in diuerſe Caſtels hee placed ſuch Captaynes as he thought moſt meeteſt, to keepe them to hys vſe, till he had ended the controuerſie, and placed him in the kingdome, to whome of ryght it be|longed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He alſo willed the Lordes of Scotland to elect a ſufficient perſonage to bee Chancellour of the Realme, [...] Biſhop of [...]eſſe elec| [...] chancellor [...]otlande. which they did, naming Alane Biſhop of Catneſſe, whom the king admitted, ioyning with him out of his Chapleynes named Walter Armundeſham, ſo that on the .xij. of Iune, vpon the greene ouer agaynſt the Caſtell of Norham, neare to the ryuer of Tweede, in the Pariſhe of Vpſetelington, before Iohn Ballioll, Robert Brute, the Biſhops of Saint Andrewes, and Glaſgo, the Lordes Cumyn and Steward, war|dens of Scotlande.He receyueth his ſeale. The Biſhop of Cathneſſe re|ceyued his Seale, appoynted him by the king of England, as ſupreme Lorde of Scotlande, and there both the ſaid Biſhop,He is ſworne. & Walter Amonde| [...]ham were ſworne truly to gouerne themſelues in the office.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The morow after were the Wardens ſworne and with them as aſſociated Brian Fitz Alam,The wardens ſworne. and there all the Earles and Lordes of Scotland that were preſent ſware fea [...]tie vnto king Ed|warde, [figure appears here on page 902] as to theyr ſupreme ſoueraine Lorde, and withall, there was peace proclamed, and publike Edictes ſet forth in the name of the ſame King, intituled ſupreme Lorde of the realme of Scot|lande. The reſidue of the Scottiſhe Nobilitie, Earles, [...] Scottiſh [...]ilitie doth [...]e to king [...]arde. Barons, Knightes, and other, with the Biſhops and Abbottes, vpon his comming into Scotland, ſware fealtie eyther to himſelfe in per|ſon, or to ſuch as he appoynted his deputies to re|ceyue the ſame, in ſundrie townes and places ac|cording to order giuen in that behalfe. Suche as refuſed to doe theyr fealtie, were attached by their bodies, till they ſhoulde doe their fealties, as they were bounden. Thoſe that came not, but excu|ſed themſelues vpon ſome reaſonable cauſe, were heard, and had day giuen vnto the next Parlia|ment: but ſuch as neyther came, nor made any reaſonable excuſe, were appoynted to bee diſtray|ned to come.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhop of Saint Androwes, and Iohn Lorde Comyn of Badenoth, with Brian Fitz Alain, were aſſigned to receyue ſuch fealties at Saint Iohns towne. The Biſhop of Glaſgo, Iames Lorde Stewarde of Scotlande, and Ni|cholas Segraue were appoynted to receyue them at Newcaſtell of Arc. The Earle of Souther|land, and the Sherife of that Countrey with his Baylifes, and the Chatellain of Inuerneſſe were ordeyned to receyue thoſe fealties in that Coun|tye, the Chattelain firſt to receyue it of the ſayde Earle, and then he with his ſayd aſſociates to re|ceyue the ſame of others. The Lorde William de Saintclare, and William de Bomille, were appoynted to receyue fealtie of the Biſhoppe of Whitterne, and then the ſayd Biſhop with them to receyue the fealties of all the Inhabitantes of Galloway.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other that did theyr homage to the king himſelfe, was Marie Queene of Man, and Counteſſe of Stratherne, vpon the .xxiij. day of Iuly, the king being then in Saint Iohns tow [...], otherwiſe called Perth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To conclude, he was put in full poſſeſſion of the Realme of Scotlande, and receyued there homages and fealties (as before ye haue hearde) as the direct and ſupreme Lorde of that lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 804This done, and euery thing ordered as ſeemed moſt expedient, King Edwarde returned into the South parties of his realme to be at his mo|thers buriall,The kings mo+ther deceaſed. that in this meane tyme was de|parted this lyfe. Hir hart was buried in the church of the gray Friers at London, and hir bodie at Ambreſburie in the houſe of the Nunnes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the funerals were ended, king Edwarde returned into the north parties againe: he ſtayed a while a Yorke, and during his abode there, Rees ap Meridoc, (of whom ye haue heard before) was by order of law condemned and executed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 20.


Nic. Triuet.

This yeare after Eaſter, as the Fleet lay be|fore S. Mathewes in Britaine, there roſe certain diſcorde betwixt the Mariners Normans, and them of Bayon and ſo farre the quarel increaſed, that they fell to trie it by force, the Engliſh men aſſyſting them of Bayon, and the French kings ſubiects taking parte with the Normans, and now they fraught not theyr ſhips ſo much with Merchandiſe, as with armor and weapon At length the matter burſt out from ſparkes into o|pen flambe, the ſequele whereof hereafter ſhall appeare, as we fynde it reported by wryters.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But nowe touching the Scottiſhe affayres. At lẽgth the king comming into Scotland, gaue ſummonce to al thoſe that claymed the Crowne, to appeare before him at the feaſt of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptiſt next enſuing, yt they might declare more at large by what right they claimed the kingdome. Herevpon when the day of theyr appearance was come, and that king Edwarde was readie to heare the matter, hee choſe out the number of xl. perſons, the one halfe Engliſhmen, and the other Scottiſh men, which ſhoulde diſ|cuſſe with aduiſed deliberation and greate dili|gence the allegations of the competitors, defer|ring the finall ſentence vnto the feaſt of S. Mi|chael next enſuing, the which feaſt being come, after due examination, full triall, & aſſured know|ledge had of the right,Iohn Ballioll obteyneth the kingdome of Scotlande. the kingdome by al their aſ|ſents was adiudged vnto Iohn Balliol, whiche deſcended of the eldeſt daughter of Dauid king of Scotland, Robert le Bruce, betwixt whom and the ſame Balliol at length (the other being ex|cluded) the queſtiõ and triall only reſted, was deſ|cended of the ſeconde daughter of king Dauid, though otherwiſe by one degree he was nearer to him in bloud.Nic. Triuet. Thus writeth Nicholas Triuet. Albeit other affirme, that after long diſputation in the matter,Polidor. by order of king Edward, there wer appoynted .lxxx. auncient and graue perſonages, amongſt the which were .xxx. Engliſh men, vnto whome (being ſworne and admoniſhed to haue God before their eyes) authoritie was giuen to name him that ſhould be king. Theſe .lxxx. per|ſons, after they had well conſidered vnto whome the right apperteyned, declared with one voyce, that Iohn Balliol was rightful king King Ed|ward allowed their ſentence, and by his [...]+tie confirmed, vnto the ſame Iohn, the poſſeſſion of the kingdome of Scotlande, with con [...] that if he did not gouern that Realme with [...]+ſtice, then vpon complaint, the king of Englande might put vnto his hande of reformation, [...] was bounde to doe by hys ryght of ſuperior [...] that in him was inueſted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon king Edwarde awarded forth [...] writ of deliuerie of ſeyſine at the fute of the ſande Ballioll,Out of my booke of cordes [...] St. [...] vnto William and Robert, Biſhops of Saint Androwes and Glaſgo to Iohn [...]de Cumyn, Iames Lorde Steward of Scotlande and to the Lorde Brian Fitz Alain, worden [...] of Scotlande, commaunding them to deliuer vnto the ſayde Iohn Balliol the ſeyſme and poſſeſſion of that realme, ſauing the [...] and debts [...] to him of the iſſu [...] & profites of the ſame realme, vnto the day of the date of the writ, whiche was the .xlx. day of Nouember, in the .xx. yeare of his raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo there was another writ made, and [...]|ted to ſuch as had the keeping of the Caſtell [...] in their handes, in forme as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


EDwardus dei gratia rex Angliae,The C [...] the [...] the de [...] of the [...] dominus Hi|berniae, dux Aquitaniae, & ſuperior dom [...]m regni S [...]tiae,

delecto & fideli ſuo Petro Burdet, Cõ|ſtabulario caſtri de Berwike ſalutem.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Cùm Iohannes de Baliolo nuper in Parliamente nostre apud er| [...]icum ſuper Tuedam, veniſset coram nobis, & [...]ti|uiſſe [...] praedictu regnũ Scotiae ſibi per nos adiudi [...]ri, & ſeiſinam ipſius regni, vt propinquiori ha [...]di Margaretae filiae regis Norwegiae domina Sco [...]a, iure ſucceſsionis liberari, ac nos, auditis & intel|lectis petitionibus, & rationibus diligenter exi|minatis, inuenerimus prafatum Iohannem de [...]|liola eſſe propinq [...]orem haredem praedictae Marga|retae, quo ad praedictum regnum Scotiae abtinendum propter quod ide regnum Scotiae, & ſeiſinam eiuſ|dem, ſaluo uire noſti [...], & [...]eredũ noſtrorũ cùm v [...]|luerimus inde loqui, pradicto Iohanni reddidm [...]: tibi mandamus quòd ſeiſinã praedicti caſtri de [...]er|vico cum omnibus pertinentijs ſuis, vna cum alij [...] omnibus rebus tibi per cyrographũ traditis, ſecundũ quod in praedicti caſtri tibi commiſſa cuſtodiares hu|iuſmodi recepiſſi, ſine dilatione praefato Iohanne de Balliolo, vel attornat, ſu [...] has litteras deferẽtibus, deliberari facias.

The ſame in Engliſh is thus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


EDward by the grace of god, king of Englãd, lord of Ireland, duke of Aquitaine, and ſuperi|or lord of the realme of Scot.

to his welbeloued & faithful ſeruant Peter Burdet Coneſtable of the Caſtell of Berwike, ſendeth greeting.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Where Iohn de Ballioll late in Parliamente hol|den at Berwicke vppon Tweede, came EEBO page image 805 before vs, and demaunded the ſayde Realme of Scotlande to be adiudged to him by vs, and ſea|ſine of the ſame realme to bee to him deliuered as next heyre to Margaret daughter to the king of Norway, Ladie of Scotlande by right of ſuc|ceſſion. We hauing heard and vnderſtoode the ſame petitions and reaſons beeing diligentlye wayed and examined, we finde the ſayde Iohn Ballioll to be next heyre vnto the ſayde Marga|ret, as to obteyne the ſayde kingdome of Scot|lande, wherevpon wee haue deliuered vnto him the ſayde kingdome of Scotlande, and the ſeyſin thereof, ſauing the right of vs and our heyres, when it ſhall pleaſe vs to ſpeake thereof. Wee therfore commaund you, that you deliuer vp vn|to the ſayde Iohn Ballioll, or to his attourneys, that ſhall bring with them theſe our preſent let|ters, the ſeyſine of the ſayde Caſtell of Barwike, with all the appurtenances, togither with all o|ther things to you by Indenture deliuered accor|dingly as you did receyue the ſame, with the cu|ſtodie of the ſayde Caſtle to you committed: and this without delay.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the ſame forme of wordes were writtes awarded forth, to all and euery other the keepers of Caſtels and Manors belonging to the crowne of Scotlande, and being at that time in king Ed|wards handes, the names of places and the per|ſons that had them in cuſtodie onely chaunged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...] Seale [...]ken.The ſame day alſo in the Caſtel of Berwike was the Seale broken which had bene appoyn|ted to the gouernors during the time that the realme was vacant of a king. It was broken in|to foure partes, and put into a purſe to bee reſer|ued in the treaſurie of the king of Englande, in further and more full token of his ſuperioritie and direct ſupreme dominion ouer the Realme of Scotland. Which things were done in preſence of the ſayd Iohn Balliol then king of Scotland, Iohn Archbiſhop of Dublin. Iohn Biſhoppe of Wincheſter, Anthonie Biſhoppe of Dureſme, William Biſhop of Ely, Iohn Biſhop of Car|leil, William Biſhop of Saint Andrewes, Ro|bert Biſhop of Glaſgo, Marke Biſhop of Man, and Henrie Biſhop of Aberdene, with diuerſe o|ther Biſhoppes, beſides Abbottes and Pri|ors of both Realmes, Henrie Earle of Lyn|colne, Humfrey Earle of Hereforde, Roger Erle of Norffolke, Iohn Erle of Buchquane, Doue|nalde Earle of Mar, Gylbert Earle of Angus, Patrike Earle of Marche, and Maliſius Earle of Stratherne, with the .xxiiij. Auditors of Eng|lande, and the .lxxx. Auditors of Scotland, chap|laynes. Alſo Henrie de Newmarke Deane of Yorke, Iohn Lacie Chancellour of Chicheſter, William de Grenefielde Chanon of Yorke, and Iohn Ercurie Notarie, and many other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Ballioll beeing thus created King of Scotlande, on the .xx. day of Nouember, in the Caſtell of Norham, did fealtie vnto king Ed|warde for the kingdome of Scotlande in maner as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

This heare you my Lorde Edward king of Englande,The forme of the fealtie of Iohn Ballioll. ſoueraigne Lorde of the Realme of Scotlande, that I Iohn de Ballioll K. of Scot|lande, which I holde and clayme to hold of you, that I ſhall be faythfull and loyall, and owe faith and loyaltie to you, I ſhal beare of life and mem|ber, and of earthly honor, agaynſt all people, and lawfully I ſhal acknowledge and do the ſeruices which I owe to doe to you, for the Realme of Scotlande aforeſayde. So god me helpe and his holy Euangeliſts.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hereof alſo hee made letters patents witneſ|ſing that he had thus done fealtie vnto king Ed|warde, which letters hee ſealed and deliuered in preſence of William biſhop of Saint Andrews, Robert biſhop of Glaſgo, Iohn Erle of Bouch|quane, William Earle of Ros, Patrike Earle of Marche, Walter Earle of Men [...]eth, Iames lord Stewarde of Scotlande, Alexander de Ergay, Alexander de Ballioll Lorde of Caures, Patrike de Graham, and William de Saintclere. This done, king Edwarde appoynted Anthonie Bi|ſhop of Dureſme, and the lord Iohn Saint Iohn to paſſe with the Ballioll into Scotlande, and there to put him into the corporall poſſeſſion of the ſame realme of Scotlande, whiche they did,

An. reg. 21.

Iohn Ballioll crowned king of Scotland.

and ſo hee was crowned at Scone vppon Saint Andrewes day, being placed in the Marble chaire within the Abbay Church there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſolemnitie of which coronation beeing ended, he returned into Englande, and comming to Neweaſtell vpon Ti [...]e, where king Edward that yeare kept his Chriſtmaſſe, he there did ho|mage vpon Saint Stephens day vnto the ſayde king Edwarde in fourme of wordes as follo|weth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 My Lorde,The forme of the king of Scots homage. Lorde Edwarde king of Eng|lande, ſuperior Lorde of Scotlande, I Iohn de Balliol king of Scotlande, do acknowledge and recogniſe mee to be your liegeman of the whole Realme of Scotlande with all the appurtenan|ces and whatſoeuer belongeth thereto, the which kingdome I hold and ought of right and cl [...]me to holde dy inheritance of you and your heires kings of Englande, and I ſhall beare fayth and loyaltie to you and to your heires kings of Eng|land, of life, of member, and earthly honor, againſt all men, which may liue and die. This homage in forme aforeſayde did king Edwarde receyue, his owne and others right ſaued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then did the king of Englande without de|lay,1293 reſtore vnto the ſayd Iohn Balliol the king|dome EEBO page image 806 of Scotlande with all the appurtenances.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Richarde Bagley.This yere, as one Richard Bagley an offi|cer of the Sherifes of London, led a priſoner to|wards the gayle, three perſons reſeued the ſayde priſoner, and tooke him from the officer, the which were purſued & taken, and by iudgement of lawe thẽ vſed,The offenders loſt their hãds. were brought into weſt Cheape, & there had their hands ſtriken off by the wreſtes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A great ſnow and tempeſt of winde in May.The .xiiij. day of May fell a wonderfull ſnow, and therwith blew ſuch an exceeding winde, that great harme was done thereby in ſundrie places of Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbi. of Canterbury deceaſeth.The ſame yeare died Frier Iohn Pecham Archbiſhop of Canterbury, and then was Robert of Winchelſey elected Archbiſhop, the .xlviij. in number that had ruled that ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the middle of September following, the Erle of Bar a Frenchman,The kings daughter ma|ried to the Erle of Bar. maried the ladie Ele|nore the kings daughter in ye towne of Briſtow.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This yeare wheate was ſolde at London for two ſhillings a buſhel. This yeare alſo the warre was begonne betwene the kings of England and Fraunce.War betwixt England and Fraunce. For whereas king Edwarde had fur|niſhed forth ſixe ſhippes of warre, and ſent them vnto Burdeaux for defence of the coaſtes therea|boutes, two of them as they ſayled alongeſt the coaſt of Normandie,Two Engliſhe ſhips taken. and fearing no burt by e|nimies, were taken by the Norman fleet, and di|uerſe of the Mariners hanged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Robert Tiptoſt that was Admi|rall of the Engliſh fleete, aduertiſed hereof, got togither a great number of ſhippes, and directed his courſe with them ſtreight towardes Nor|mandie and finding no ſhips of the Normans a|brode in the ſeas,The Lord ad|mira [...]l of Eng|land ſetteth vpon the Nor|man ſhippes. vpon a deſire to be reuenged en|tred the mouth of the ryuer of Same, and ſet vp|on the Norman ſhippes that lay there at anere, fiue many of the Mariners, and tooke ſixe ſhips away with him, and ſo returning to the Sea a|gaine, caſt ancre not farre off from the land [...] prouoke the Frenchmen to come forth with [...] fleete to giue battail. And as he lay there at an [...] it chaunced that certaine Norman Shipp [...] fraught with Wine, came that wayes as they returned out of Gaſcoigne. The Lorde Tiptoſt ſetting vpon them, tooke them with little a doe, and ſleaing neare hand the thirde part of all the Mariners ſent the ſhips into England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Frenchmen to reuenge this act, prepare a nauie, and furniſhing the ſame with ſouldiers went forth to the Sea to encounter the Engliſh men: but ere they met, Meſſengers were ſent to and fro, the Engliſh men accuſing the French|men of truce breaking, and the Frenchmen again requiring reſtitution of their goodes taken from them by violence. And now foraſmuch as thys buſineſſe had bin moued raſhly betwixt the Eng|liſh men and the Normans, without any com|miſſion of their Princes, their mindes there|fore were not ſo kindled in diſpleaſure, but that there had beene good hope of agreement betwixt them, if Charles Earle of Valoys the Frenche kings brother (being a man of a [...]ote nature,Charles [...] of Vi [...] cureth [...] betwixt [...] land [...] and deſirous of reuenge) had not procured hys bro|ther to ſeeke auengemente: by force of armes. Wherevpon the French fleete made towardes the Engliſh men, who mynding not to detract the battel, ſharply encoũter their enimies in a certain place betwixt England & Normãdy, where they had layde a great emptie ſhip at an ancre, to giue tokẽ where they ment to ioyne. There were with the Engliſh men both Iriſhmen & Hollanders, & with the Normans there were Frenchmen and Flemings, & certain veſſels of Genowayes. The fight at the firſt was doubtfull, & great ſlaughter made, as in the meeting of two ſuch mightie na|uies muſt needes enſue.The Ea [...] men v [...] by ſea. In the end yet the victory fell to the Engliſhmen, & the French ſhips put to [figure appears here on page 806] EEBO page image 807 chaſe and ſc [...]tred abrode. The number of ſhips loſt is not recorded by ſuch wryters as make re|port of this conflict, but they write that the loſſe was great. King Philip being aduertiſed of this diſcomfiture of his fleet, was ſore diſpleaſed, and as though he would proceede agaynſt king Ed|ward by order of law, he ſummoneth him as hys liegeman to appeare at Paris, [...]ng Edward [...]mored to [...]eate at [...]is. to anſwere what might be obiected agaynſt him, but withall by|cauſe he knew that K. Edward would not come to make his appearance, he prepareth an army.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]rd earle [...]ancaſter [...] to the [...]ch king.In the meane time K. Edwarde ſendeth his brother Edmond Erle of Lancaſter to be his at|torney, & to make anſwere for him before all ſuch Iudges as might haue hearing of the matter: but the Iudges meaning nothing leſſe thã to trie out the truth of the cauſe, admit no reaſons that the Erle could allege in his brothers behalf, & ſo pro|nounce K. Edward a rebel & decree by areſt, [...]ng Edward [...]emned in [...] French [...]gs Court. that he had forfeyted all his right vnto the Duchie of Guienne. Theſe things thus done, he ſendeth pri|uy meſſengers vnto Burdeaux, to procure the ci|tizens to reuolt frõ the Engliſhmen, [...]old de [...]le ſent in| [...] Gaſcoigne [...] an army. & appointed the Coneſtable of France the L. Arnold de Neall to follow with an army, who cõming thither ea|ſily brought thẽ of Burdeaux vnder the French dominion, being alredy minded to reuolt through practiſe of thoſe that were lately before ſent vnto them from the French king for that purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, the ſaid Coneſtable brought the peo|ple neare adioyning vnder ſubiection, partly mo|ued by the example of the chiefe and head Citie of all the Countrey, and partly enduced thervnto by bribes and large giftes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſh men that were in the Countrey, after they perceiued that the people did thus reuolt to the French king, withdrew incõtinently vnto the townes ſituate neare to the ſea ſide, but eſpeci|ally they fled to a towne called the Rioll, which they fortifie with all ſpeed. Thus ſayth Polidor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] Triuet.Nicholas Triuet writing hereof, declareth the beginning of this warre to be on this maner. The Engliſh Marchants being diuerſly vexed vpon the ſeas, made cõplaint to the K. for loſſe of their marchandice. [...]ie eare of [...]olne. The king ſent the Erle of Lincoln Henrie Lacie vnto the French king, inſtantly re|quiring, that by his aſſent there might ſome way be prouided with ſpeed by them and their counſel, for ſome competent remedie touching ſuch har|mes and loſſes by ſea as his people had ſuſteined. In the meane time whileſt the Earle tarieth for anſwere, a nauie of the parties of Normandy cõ|teyning two .C. ſhips and aboue being aſſembled togither, that they might the more boldly aſſayle their enimies and the more valiantly reſiſt ſuche as ſhould encounter them ſailed into Gaſcoigne, determining to deſtroy all thoſe of their aduerſa|ries that ſhould come in their way. But as theſe Norman ſhips returned back with wines, glory|ing as it were that they had got ye rule of the ſea onely, to themſelues, they were aſſayled by .lx. Engliſh ſhips, which toke them, and brought thẽ into Englãd the Fryday before Whitſunday: all the men were eyther drowned or ſlaine, thoſe on|ly excepted which made ſhift to eſcape by boates. The newes hereof being brought into France did not ſo much moue the K. & the counſel to wonder at the matter, as to take therof great indignation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were appointed Ambaſſadors to go in|to Englãd, the which on the behalf of the French [figure appears here on page 807] king, might demaunde of king Edward reſtitu|tion of thoſe ſhips and goodes thus taken by hys ſubiects, and conueyed into his realme, without all delay, if he mynded to haue any fauour in the French Court touching his affayres that belon|ged to his Countrey of Gaſcoigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of England hearing this meſſage,The Biſhop of London ſent with an anſwer vnto the french king. tooke therein deliberation to anſwere, and then ſent the Biſhop of London, accompanied wyth other wiſe and diſcreete perſons into Fraunce, to declare for aunſwere vnto the French King and his Counſayle as followeth, that is: Where as the King of Englande, hath his regall Courte without ſubiection to any man, if there were therefore anye perſones that founde themſelues hurt or endomaged by hys people, they myght come to hys Court, and vppon declaration of theyr receyued iniuries, they ſhoulde haue ſpeedie iuſtice, and to the ende they might thus do with|out all daunger, whoſoeuer mynded to com|playne, hee woulde giue vnto them a ſafecon|ducte to come and goe in ſafetye through hys lande: But if this way pleaſed not the Frenche King, then he was contented that there ſhoulde bee Arbitratours choſen on bothe ſydes, the whiche weighing the loſſes on bothe partyes, might prouide howe to ſatiſfie the complaynts: and the King of Englande woulde for hys parte enter into bondes by obligation to ſtande to and abyde theyr order and iudgement herein, EEBO page image 808 ſo that the French king would likewiſe be bound for his part and if any ſuch doubt fortuned to a|riſe, which could not be decyded by the ſayde ar|bitrators, let the ſame be reſerued vnto the kings themſelues to diſeaſſe and determine, and the king of Englande vpon a ſufficient ſafeconduct had, woulde come ouer to the Frenche King, if he woulde come downe vnto any ha [...]n towne neare to the Sea coaſt, that by mutuall aſſent an ende might be had in the buſineſſe: but if nei|ther this waye ſhoulde pleaſe the Frenche king nor the other, then let the matter bee committed to the order of the Pope, to whom it apperteyned to nouriſh concorde among Chriſtian Princes, of bycauſe the Sea was as then voyde let the whole Colledge of Cardinals or part of them take order therin, as ſhould be thought neceſſarie, that ſtrife and diſcord being taken away and re|moued peace might again flouriſh betwixt them and their people, as before time it had done.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The French counſaile weyed nothing at all theſe offers, & would not ſo much as once vouch|ſafe to giue an anſwere vnto the Engliſh Ambaſ|ſadors earneſtly requiring the ſame. Finally, the French king ſent vnto the Citie of Aniou which is knowne to belong vnto the Duchie of Gui|enne,The king of England cited to appeare where he there cauſed the king of England to be cited to make his appearance at Paris, at a certaine day, to anſwere to the iniuries and re|bellions by him done in the Countrey of Gaſ|coigne, at the which day when he appeared not, the French king fitting in the ſeate of iudgement in hys owne proper perſon,Sentence geuẽ againſt the king of Eng|lande. gaue ſentence there agaynſt the king of Englande, for making de|fault, and withall commaunded the high Cone|ſtable of Fraunce to ceaſe into his handes all the Duchie of Guienne, and eyther take or expulſe al the king of Englandes officers, ſouldiours, and deputies, which were by him placed within the ſayde Duchie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king a little before had ſent thither a va|liant knight, named the Lord Iohn Saint Iohn, which had furniſhed all the Cities, townes, Ca|ſtels, and places, with men, munition, and vyt|tayles, for defence of the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. Reg. 22. In the meane time the king of Englande de|ſirous to be at quiet with the French men, ap|poynted his brother Edmunde Earle of Lanca|ſter, as then ſoiourning in France, to go vnto the Frenche kings counſaile to procure ſome agree|ment, which both might be allowed of the French king, and not bee diſhonourable vnto him: But when the Erle could not preuaile in his ſute, hee tooke his iourney towardes Englande, vtterlye diſpayring to procure any peace. But e [...]e be came to the ſea ſide,1294 he was ſent for backe againe by the two Queenes of Fraunce, Ioan wife to King Philip, and Marie his mother in lawe, whiche promiſed to frame ſome accorde betwene the [...] kings, & ſo therevpon after diuerſe com [...]+ons by them had in the matter with the ſaid [...] of Lancaſter, at length it was accorded, that for the ſauing of the French kings honour which ſeemed to bee touched by things done by the king of Englandes miniſters in Gaſcoigne,The [...] th [...] [...] ſixe Ca|ſtels ſhoulde remaine at the ſayde kings pleaſant, as Sanctes, Talemonde, Turnim, Pomorall, Penne, and Mount Flaunton. Alſo there ſhould be let a ſeruant or ſergeant in the Frenche kings name, in euerie Citie and Caſtell within all the whole Duchie of Guienne, except B [...]rde [...], Bayon, & the Rioll. And further hoſtages ſhould be deliuered at the French kings pleaſure, of all miniſters to be placed by the king of England in Gaſcoigne and other places throughe all the Countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe things done, the French king ſhoulde reuoke the ſummonance publiſhed and pronoun|ced in the Court of Paris agaynſt the king of England. Alſo he ſhould reſtore all the Caſtels (his ſeruants being remoued which he had pla|ced in the ſame) togither with the pledges incon|tinẽtly, at the requeſt of the ſame Queenes, or of either of them. The king of Englande hauing a ſafe conduct ſhould come to A [...]iens, that there meeting with the French king, peace and [...]ie might be confirmed betwixt them. Then [...]re there writings made and engroſſed touching the foreſayd Articles of agreement, one part deliuered to the erle, ſealed with the ſeales of the Queenes, and other remayned with the foreſayd Queenes ſealed with the ſeale of the Earle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The k. of Englãd certified hereof,L [...] [...]. ſent his letters patents, directed vnto all his officers & miniſters in Gaſcoigne, commaunding them to obey in all things the French kings pleaſure. Theſe letters patents were firſt ſent vnto the Erle of Lãcaſter, that he might cauſe thẽ to be conueyd into Gaſ|coigne when he ſhould ſee time. The Earle ha|uing receyued thoſe letters, doubting whether the French king would obſerue the agreement which the Queenes had made & concluded or not, he re|quired of thẽ that he might heate the French K. ſpeake the worde, that he would ſtande vnto that which they had concluded. Whervpon in the pre|ſence of the ſaid Erle & his wife Blanch Queene of Naua [...]re, mother to the French Queene, alſo of the duke of Burgoigne, Hugh Ve [...]on to the Erle of Oxford, & of a Chaplain cleped ſir Iohn Lacie, the French king promiſed in the fayth of a Prince, that he would fulfill the promiſes of the ſaid Queenes, and the couenants by them accor|ded. Shortly herevpon was ſent into Gaſcoigne a knight of the Erles of Lancaſter, called ſir Gef|frey de Langley with letters from the French K. directed to the Coneſtable,Sir G [...] La [...] to call him back again EEBO page image 823 from his appoynted enterpriſe. And the foreſayd Chaplaine ſir Iohn Lacy was ſent alſo thither with the letters patents of the king of England, directed vnto his officers there, in forme as is a|boue mentioned, wherevpon the Lorde Iohn Saint Iohn the king of Englands lieutenant in Gaſcoigne, vnderſtanding the concluſions of the agreemẽt, ſold all ſuch prouiſions as he had made and brought into the Cities, townes, and fortreſ|ſes for the defence of the ſame, and departing out of Gaſcoigne, came towardes Paris to returne that way into England. But beholde what fol|lowed:The Frenche [...]ings minde [...]aunged. ſodainly by the enimie of peace was the French kings minde quite chaunged. And where the king of England was come vnto Canterbu|rie, and kept there his Eaſter, that immediately vpon the receyt of the ſafeconduct he might tranſ|port ouer the ſeas, and ſo come to Amiens, accor|ding to the appointment made by the agreement, [...]s vnieſt [...]ing. now not only the ſafeconduct was denied, but al|ſo the firſt letters reuocatorie ſent vnto the Co|neſtable to call him backe, by other letters ſent af|ter were alſo made voyde, and he by the latter let|ters appoynted to keepe vpõ his iourney, ſo that ye Coneſtable entring into Gaſcoine with a power, found no reſiſtance, the Captains & officers ſub|mitting themſelues with the townes & fortreſſes at his pleaſure, according to the tenor of the let|ters patents lately to them deliuered. All the offi|cers and captains of the fortreſſes were brought to Paris as captiues and pledges.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Within a few dayes after, the Erle of Lan|caſter required the Queenes, that they would 'cal vpon the king to grant his ſafeconduct for the K. of Englãd, to reuoke the citatiõ or ſummonãce, to reſtore the lands taken from him, and to dely|uer the pledges: [...] French K. [...]unceth [...]t he had [...]e. but the French king by the mou|thes of certain knights ſent vnto the Erle, renoũ|ced al ſuch couenants as before had bin cõcluded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Lancaſter then perceyuing that both he and his brother king Edward were moc|ked thus at the French kings hands, returned in|to Englande, and informeth the king and hys counſaile from poynt to poynt of all the matter. Herevpon a Parliament being called at Weſt|minſter, at the which the king of Scotlande was preſent, it was decreed by the eſtates, that thoſe landes which were craftily taken ſo from the king ſhould be recouered againe by the ſworde. And the king herewith ſent vnto the French King a Frier Preacher named Hugh of Mancheſter, [...]h of Man| [...]er a Frier [...]to the [...]ch king. and a Frier Minor called William de Gayneſ|bourgh, both being wiſe and diſcreete men, and Doctours of Diuinit [...], to declare vnto him, that ſithe he woulde not obſerue ſuche agreements as had beene concluded betwixt their anceſters, and further had broken ſuch couenantes as were now of late agreed vpon betwixt thẽ, by the trauaile of hys brother Edmonde Earle of Lancaſter,The king of England re|nounceth the French king. there was no cauſe why hee ought to accounte hym being King of Englande, and Duke of Guien as hys liegeman, neyther did he intende further to bee bounde vnto hym by reaſon of hys ho|mage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time did the King of Eng|lande ſende the Archebiſhop of Dubline,Ambaſſador [...] ſent into Ger|man [...]e. and the Biſhop of Duteſme into Germanie, aboute the concluding of a league with Adolph King of Romaines, to whom was giuen a great ſumme of mony (as was ſayd) vpon couenantes, that he ſhoulde ayde the king of Englande agaynſt the French king, with all his maine force, & that ney|ther of them ſhould conclude peace with the ſayd French king without conſent of the other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the Aſcention tide,Wolles ſtayed Fabian. king Edward ſtayed the woolles of this lande, aſwell belonging to ſpi|rituall men as temporall men, till the marchants had fined with him for the ſame,A ſubſidie ray+ſed of woolles ſo that there was a ſubſidie payed for all ſurpliers of wool that went out of the realme, and in ſemblable wife for felles and hydes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He alſo ſent an army by ſea into Gaſcoigne,A army ſent in to Gaſcoigne. vnder the cõduct of his nephew Iohn of Britain that was Erle of Richmond, appoynting to him as counſailers, the Lord Iohn Saint Iohn, and the Lord Robert Tiptoſt, men of great wiſdom, and right expert in warlike enterpriſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He alſo cauſed thre ſeueral fleetes to be prepa|red,Nich: Triuet: and appoynted to them three ſundrie Ad|mirals, for the better keeping of the ſeas. To them of Yerniouth and other of thoſe partyes,Three fleetes appoynted to the ſea. he aſſigned the Lorde Iohn Bote [...]ourt: to them of the cinque Portes, William de Leyborne: and to them of the weſt Countrey, and to the Iriſhe men, he appoynted a valiant knight of Irelande to their chieftaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare in England was a great dearth & ſcarcitie of corne,

A dearth.

Rich. South [...].

ſo that a quarter of wheate in many places was ſolde for .xxx. ſs. By reaſon wherof poore people died in many places for lack of ſuſtenance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About Michaelmas,The Engliſh armie paſſeth into Gaſcoign. the Engliſh fleet toke the ſea at Porteſmouth, & after ſome contrary winds at laſt yet they arriued within the riuer of Garon, and ſo paſſing vp the ſame Riuer,

Townes won.

Nich. Triuet. Polidor. Abingdon.

wanne diuerſe townes, as Burg, Blaynes Rions, and other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kings Coffers by reaſon of furniſhing forth of this army, and other continuall charges which he had ſuſteined, were now in maner emp|tie: for remedie whereof, Wil. Marche one of the kings Treaſurers purpoſed with other mens loſ|ſes to ſupplie that wante. He knewe that in Ab|beys & Churches was much many kept in ſtore,

Mat. VVeſt.

A ſhift for money.

the which if he comaunded to be taken frõ thence, he thought that he ſhould not com [...] any offence, but rather doe a good deede, that the money EEBO page image 810 might come abrode to the vſe of the people, wher|by the ſouldiers might be ſatiſfied for theyr wa|ges. Such Captaines therefore, as he appoynted to worke the feat, placing their ſouldiers in eue|ry quarter through the Realme,Abingdon. make ſearche at one ſelfe time, the fourth of Iuly at three of the clocke in the after noone, for all ſuche money as was hid and layde vp in all hallowed places, and taking the ſame away,The Treaſurer accuſee. brought it vnto the king, who diſſembling the matter, as he that ſtoode in neede,The king ex|cuſeth himſelf excuſed the acte done by hys Treaſorer ſo well as he coulde to auoyde the enuie of the people, and not content herewith, hee called to|gyther ſhortly after, to witte on Sainte Ma|thewes day the Apoſtle, at London, all the Arch|biſhoppes, Biſhoppes, Deanes, and Arche|deacons,Abyngdon. not in theyr proper perſons, but by two Procuratours of euerie Dioces. Here when they were once aſſembled, the King declared vn|to thẽ the warres which he was driuen to main|teyne agaynſt the Frenchmen,The ſpiritual|tie called [...]o [...] counſaile. and the changes which hee was at for the ſame. Hee alſo ſhewed them, that the Earles, Barons and Knights of the Realme, did not onely ayde him with theyr goods, but put their perſons forward to ſerue him in defence of the lande whereof they were mem|bers euen to the ſhedding of theyr bloud, and of|tentymes with loſſe of theyr lyues. Therefore (ſayeth he) you which may not put your perſons in perill by ſeruice in the warres, it ſtandeth with good reaſon you ſhoulde ayde vs wyth youre goodes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cleargie hauing no ſpeciall head by rea|ſon that the Sea of Canterburie was voyde, wiſt not well how to gouerne themſelues. At length Oliuer Biſhop of Lincolne, required in all theyr names to haue three dayes reſpite to make an|ſwere to the matter, the which time expired, they offred to the king two diſmes to be payde within one yeare.Th [...] offer not lyked. The which when the King heard, hee tooke great diſdaine therewith, and breatned by ſome of his men of warre to put the Cleargie out of his protection, except they would graũt to him the half of their goodes. The Clergie [...] are herewith,The halfe part of ſpirituall liuings gran+ted to the king R. Fabian. Polidor. and ſome of them alſo deſirous to wyn the kings fauour, graunted to his requeſt, and ſo the king at that time got the halfe parte of euerye ſpirituall mans liuing and benefice for one yeres extent to bee payde in portions wyt [...] three yeares next enſuing, beginning at .xx. Marke benefice,Abingdon. and ſo vpwardes. And the ſooner to in|duce them herevnto, hee promiſed the Biſhops to graunt ſomething that myght bee beneficiall to the Cleargie, if they woulde demaunde it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The prelates require to haue the ſta|tute of Mort|main repealed.The Biſhops taking counſaile togither, re|quired of him that ye ſtatute of Mortmain might be repealed, which they ſawe to be moſt preiudi|diall to theyr order. But the King anſwered them, that without the whole conſent of a Par|liament hee coulde not breake that ordinaunce, whiche by authoritie of Parliament had [...] once eſtabliſhed,The K. [...]eth th [...] and therfore he wiſhed that they woulde not requyre that thing which lay not in him to graunt, and ſo by that meanes he ſhyfted them of.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſpiritualtie was not onely charged with this ſubſidie, but they of the temporaltie were alſo burdened.Ni [...]. T [...] For the Citizens & Burgeſſes of good towns gaue to the king the ſixt part of their goods and the reſidue of the people gaue the tenth part.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer about the ſame time, the Welch|men eftſoones rebelled agaynſt the King,The W [...] men ar [...] and in dyuerſe parts made diuerſe rulers amongſt them. Thoſe of Northwales which inhabited aboute Snowdone hilles,Madoc. Ca [...] b [...] hauing to their Captaine [...]e Madock, of the line of their former Prince Li [...]|line, burned the towne and caſtel of Carnar [...], ſleaing a great multitude of Engliſhmen, which doubting no ſuche matter, were come thi [...]er [...]o the Fayre. Thoſe of the Weſt part hauing cho|ſen to theyr ruler one Malgon in the parties of Pembroke and Carmardyn ſhires,Malg [...]. did muche miſchiefe. And one Morgan hauing them of Southwales at hys commaundement,Morgan [...]neth the [...] of Glo [...] out of G [...]+gan [...] expul|ſed and droue the Earle of Glouceſter out of his Countrey of Glamorgan, which Earle had be|fore tyme diſherited the aunceſters of the [...] Morgan.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king therfore to repreſſe the Welchmens attempts, called backe his brother Edmond Erle of Lancaſter, and the Earle of Lincolne, beyng [...]adie to haue ſayled ouer into Gaſcoigne,The E [...] L [...]nc [...] Lincolne [...] qui [...] Wel [...] the which Earles as they approched neare vnto the Caſtell of Denbigh vpon Saint Martyns day, the Welchmen with great force encountred thẽ, and giuing them battaile, droue them backe and diſcomfited their people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polidore iudgeth that this ouerthrow happe|ned to the Engliſhmen, the rather for that the ar|my was hyred with ſuche money as had beene wrongfully taken out of the Abbeys and other holy places, howbeit it is but his opinion onely.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king kept his Chriſtmaſſe at Aberco [...]|wey in Wales,An. reg [...] 125 [...] and hearing that the now Arche|biſhop of Canterburie, doctor Robert Wynchel|ſey being returned from Rome (where of Pope o [...] [...]e [...]e be had receyued his Pall) was cõming towards hind [...] one of his Chaplaines [...] Iohn [...]tewike with a power of ſouldiers to conduct him ſafely vnto his preſence. And [...] the Archebiſhoppe had done this dealtie to the King accordingly as of dutie and cuſtome hee was bound, he was licẽced to returne with great honor ſhewed vnto him at the kings handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon the day of the circumciſion of our Lord,Ba [...] [...]ded to [...] Engli [...] was the Citie of Bayon rendred vnto the Lorde EEBO page image 811 Iohn Saint Iohn, the which the day before had beene taken by the mariners by force of aſſaulte. Many of the Citizens which were knowne to be thiefe enimies vnto the king of Englande were apprehended and ſent into Englande. The Ca|ſtell was then beſieged, [...]e Caſtell of [...]e won. and after eight dayes ta|ken. The Lorde of Aſpermont with diuerſe o|ther that helde it, [...]o French [...]ys taken. were cõmitted to priſon. There were alſo taken two Galleys which the French King had cauſed to bee made, and appoynted to bee remaining there vppon defence of that Citie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]t Iohn de [...]des.Shortly after, the towne of Saint Iohn de Sordes was deliuered vnto the Engliſhe men, who wan many other townes & fortreſſes, ſome by ſurrender of their owne accord, & ſome by force and violence. The Engliſhe army greatly en|creaſed within a while, after the deceyte of the Frenchmen once appeared, [...]e Gaſ| [...]nes ayde [...] Engliſhe [...]. for the Gaſcoigns re|turned vnto the Engliſh obedience, in ſuch wife that foure thouſand footmen and two .C. horſe|men came to ayde the Engliſh captaines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]e king en| [...]th into [...]ales.In the meane time, the king of England paſ|ſing ouer the riuer of Cõwey with part of his ar|my to go further into Wales towardes Snow|done, loſt many cartes and other cariages which were taken by the Welchmen, being loden with the prouiſions of vittayles, ſo that hee with hys people indured great penurie, and was conſtray|ned to drink water mixt with honie, and eat ſuch courſe breade, and ſalt fleſh as he could get, til the other part of the army came vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]hingdon.There was a ſmal quantitie of wine amongſt them, which they woulde haue reſerued onely for the king, but he refuſed, ſaying, that in time of neceſſitie all things ought to be common, and all men to be contented wyth lyke dye [...]. For as tou|ching him (being the cauſe and procurer of theyr want,) he woulde not bee preferred vnto anye of them in his meates and drinkes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Welchemen compaſſed him aboute in hope to diſtreſſe him, for that the water was ſo ryſen that the reſidue of his armie coulde not get to hym. But ſhortly after when the water fell, they came ouer to hys ayde, and therewith the aduerſaryes fled.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Warwike hearing that a great number of Welchmen was aſſembled togyther,The Earle of Warwike. Nic. Triuet. and lodged in a valley betwixt two wooddes, he choſe out a number of horſemen, with certayne Croſbowes and Archers, and comming vpon the Welchemen in the night, compaſſed them rounde about, the which pytching the endes of their Speares in the grounde, and turning the poyntes agaynſt theyr enimies, ſtoode at defence ſo to keepe off the horſmen. But the Earle ha|uing placed his battaile ſo, that euer betwixt two horſemen there ſtoode a Croſbowe, a great parte of the Welchmen which ſtoode at defence in ma|ner aforeſayde with theyr Speares, were ouer|throwne and broken with the ſhotte of the qua|rels,The Welche men ouer|throwne by the Earle of Warwike. and then the Earle charged the reſidue with a troupe of horſemen, and bare them downe with ſuch ſlaughter, as they had not ſuſteyned the like loſſe of people (as was thought) at any one time before.

[figure appears here on page 811]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane while, king Edwarde to re|ſtrayne the rebellious attempts of thoſe Welch|men, [...] woods in [...]les cut [...]n [...]. cauſed the wooddes of Wales to bee cutte downe, wherein before tyme the Welchmen were accuſtomed to hyde themſelues in time of daunger. He alſo repaired the Caſtels and holdes in that Countrey, and buylded ſome new, as the Citie and Caſtell of Bewmariſe with other,Beanmares buylt. ſo that the Welchmen conſtrained through hũger & famine, were enforced within a while to come to the kings peace. Alſo at length aboute the feaſt of Saint Laurence, the Welcheman Madocke, EEBO page image 812 that tooke himſelfe for Prince of Wales was taken priſoner,

Madock ta|ken priſoner.


and being brought to London was committed to perpetuall priſon. By ſome wryters it ſhoulde appeare, that Madocke was not taken, but rather after many aduentures and ſundrie conflictes, when the Welch men were brought to an iſſue of greate extremitie, the ſayde Madocke came in and ſubmitted himſelfe to the kings peace, and was receyued, vpon condition that he ſhoulde perſue Morgan till hee had taken him and brought him to the kings priſon, which was done, and ſo all things in thoſe parties were ſet in reſt and peace, and many hoſtages of the chiefeſt amongeſt the Welch nobilitie were deli|uered to the king,Welchmen impriſoned. who ſent them to diuerſe caſtels in Englãd where they were ſafely kept almoſt to the end of the warres that folowed with Scotlãd.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polidor.About the ſame time Charles de Valoys bro|ther to the French king being ſent with an army into Gaſcoigne, and comming vpon the ſodaine, found the Engliſh men wandring abrode in the Countrey out of order, by reaſon whereof taking them at that aduantage, he cauſed them to leaue theyr booties behinde them,Charles de V [...]+loys chaſeth the Engliſh men. fiue part of them, and chaſed the reſidue, the which fled to theyr ſhippes, or to ſuch hauen townes as were in their poſſeſ|ſion. The Captaines of ye Engliſhmen, as Iohn de Britaine Earle of Richmond,The Earle of Richmond. and the Lorde Iohn Saint Iohn, after they had gotte togither their ſouldiers whiche had bene thus chaſed, ſent two bandes vnto Ponteſey to defend that towne agaynſt the enimies: alſo other two handes vn|to Saint Seuere: and they themſelues went to Rion to fortifie that place. Charles de Valoys aduertiſed hereof, thought he would not giue thẽ long reſpyte to make themſelues ſtrong by ga|thering any newe power, and therefore appoyn|ted the Coneſtable Sir Raufe de Neale (who hadde woonne the Citie of Burdeaux from the Engliſh men lately before) to goe vnto Po [...]|ſey and beſiege that towne, whileſt hee w [...] vnto Ryon, [...] which he beſieged and fiercely aſſaul|ted. But the Engliſh men and Gaſcoignes due not onely defende the Towne ſtoutely, but alſo make an iſſue forth vppon their enimies, though (as it happened) the ſmaller number was not able to ſuſtaine the force of the greater multitude, and ſo were the Engliſh men beaten backe into the towne agayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt they trie their manhood thus at Rion,Ponteſey the Coneſtable winneth Ponteſey or Pontſ [...] vpon Dordone, and commeth to ioyne with the Earles de Valoys at Rion, and ſo enforce both their powers to winne that towne. The Eng|liſh men and Gaſcoignes, though they were put in ſome feare, yet they ſhew their approued vali|ancie in defending the towne, tyll at length whẽ they ſaw they could defend it no longer, and were in no hope of ſuccor from any part, they fled out about midnight, and made toward their ſhippes; but diuerſe of them were takẽ by the way: for the Frenche men hauing knowledge of their intent, forlay the paſſages, and taking ſome of them that firſt ſought to eſcape thus by flight, ſlue them, but there was not many of thoſe, for all the reſidue when they perceyued that the French men had layde betwixt them and their ſhips, making vir|tue of neceſſitie, ſtood ſtil in defence of the towne, till the Frenchmen entred it by force of aſſaulte the Fryday in Eaſter weeke.

Nic. T [...]

R [...] [...]

[figure appears here on page 812]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Abingdon.Some write, that the ſame night in whiche they ſo ment to flee to theyr ſhippes, there chaun|ced a great tumult and muteny betwixt the foot|men and horſemen, ſo that they fought togither, or elſe might the whole number of them haue eſ|caped. The horſemen that got forth left their hor|ſes behind them readie brideled and ſadled, which the Frenchmen vpon entring the towne in the morning tooke, after they had ſlain the moſt part of the footemen. The Frenchmen hauing got a bloudie victorie, ſaued onely the Captaines and Gentlemen, and ſlue the other, aſwell Engliſhe men as Gaſcoignes. There was takẽ of knights,Eng [...] [...]ake [...] Sir Raufe Tanny, ſir Amis de Saint Amand, with his brother ſir Raufe de Gorges Marſhall of the armye, Sir Roger Leyborne, Sir Iohn EEBO page image 813 Kreting, ſir Iames, Kreting, ſir Henrie Bo|ding, ſir Iohn Mandeuile, ſir Iohn Fuleborne, ſir Robert Goodfielde, [...]bingdon. ſir Thomas Turb [...]ruile, and ſir Walter, with .xxxiij. Eſoniers, whiche were ſent all vnto Paris.Adam Kre| [...] killed. Sir Adam Kreting was killed, [...] Walter [...]de. a right valiant knight by treaſon of one ſir Walter Gyfford a knight alſo which had dwelled in Fraunce manye yeares before as an outlaw

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...] Senere [...].

[...]h: Triuet: [...]gh Veere. [...]les de [...]oys.

The ſame day was the tongue of Saint Se|uere deliuered vnto the Engliſhmen, the whiche Hugh (or as Abingdon hath) Robert Veer, bro|ther to the Earle of Oxforde tooke vpon him to keepe as Captaine there with two hundred men of armes. Charles de Valoys aduertiſed thereof, departed from Rion with all ſpeede to beſiege the foreſayde towne of Saint Seuere, [...] Seuere [...]ged. ere the Eng|liſh men ſhould haue time to fortifie it. But the foreſayde Hugh Veer kept him out the ſpace of xiij. (or as Abingdon hath .ix.) Weekes, to the great loſſe of the Frenche men, no ſmall parte of theyr people dying in the meane tyme, both of peſtilence and famine. At length when vittailes beganne to fayle within, a truce was taken for xv. dayes, within the which it might bee lawfull for them within the towne to ſende vnto Bay|oune for ſuccor, which if it came not within that tearme, the towne ſhoulde bee yeelded vnto the French men, [...]t Seuere [...]lded by [...]poſition. and ſo it was vpon theſe conditi|ons, that the Engliſhmen and other that would depart, ſhoulde haue libertie to take with them their armor and goodes, and be ſafely conueyed two dayes iorney on their way from the French army. Alſo that thoſe which were minded to re|maine ſtill in the towne, ſhould not ſuſteyne any loſſe or domage in theyr bodies or goodes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The pledges alſo which aforetime were taken out of that towne by the Frenche kings Sene|ſchall, ſhould returne in ſafetie to the towne, and haue their goodes reſtored vnto them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]les de [...]ys retur| [...] into [...]ce.This done, Charles de Valoys appoynted a garriſon of ſouldiers to remaine there for the kee|ping of the towne, and then returned backe into Fraunce. The Engliſhmen which eſcaped out of thoſe places from the French mens handes, [...]dor. re|payred vnto Bayonne to defend that towne with theyr Captaynes the foreſayde Earle of Rich|mont, and the Lorde Iohn de Saint Iohn; the which of ſome are vntruely ſayde to haue beene ſlaine at Rion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then ſhortly after that Charles de Valoys was departed out of the Countrey, the Towne of Saint Seuere was againe recouered by the Engliſh men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] Earle of [...]ord then [...]ng hight [...]ert V [...]er, [...]nce Hugh [...].It ſhoulde appeare by report of ſome writers, that Hugh Veer whome they wrongly name to be Earle of Oxforde, was ſent ouer as then from king Edward to the ayde of his captains in Gaſ|coigne, and at his firſt comming, recouered the towne of Saint Seuere, and afterwards ſo vali|antly defended it againſt the French men, ſo that honourable mention is made of him, both by Ni. Tri. and alſo by ſome Frẽch writers,Niche [...] Tr [...] for his high manhood therein ſhewed. But whether he were brother or ſonne to the Earle of Oxforde, I can not ſay howbeit about the .xxvij. yere of this king Edwardes raigne, we find one Hugh Veer, that was a Baron, which I take to be this man, but Earle I thinke hee was not. For (as Euerſde [...] hath) one Robert Veer that was Earle of Ox|forde deceaſſed in the yeare next enſuing, and af|ter him ſucceeded an other Earle that bare the ſame name (as by records it may appeare.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polidore ſpeaking of the ſiege of Saint Se|uere,Polidore. rehearſeth not who was Captaine as then of the towne, but in the yeelding of it vnto Char|les de Valoys, after he had layne more than three moneths before it, he agreeth with other writers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare Berarde Biſhoppe of Al [...]a and Simon Archbiſhop of Bourges two Car|dinalles of the Romaine Sea were ſent vnto the kings of Englande and Fraunce to moue them to conclude a peace.


Cardinals ſent to the kings of Englande, and France to treat a peace.

Mat. VVeſt.

They fyrſte came into Fraunce, and after into Englande, but percey|uing the myndes of the kings nothing inclyned to concorde, they returned to Rome without a|ny concluſion of theyr purpoſe, but not without money gathered of Religious men to beare oute theyr expences,The Cardinals gather money. for they had authoritie by the Popes graunt to receyue in name of procuraties and expences, ſixe Markes of euery Cathedrall and collegiate Church through the Realme, be|ſydes diuers other rewardes. And where anye poore Chapiter of Nu [...]es or religious perſons were not able of themſelues, the Pariſhe Chur|ches next adioyning were appoynted to bee con|tributories with them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame tyme ſir Thomas Turberuile a knight,

Polid [...]r. Nich. Triuet. Mat. VVeſt.

Sir Thomas Turberuiles promiſe to the French king.

and one of thoſe (as before ye haue heard) which were taken at Rion, to ſaue his life and to deliuer himſelfe out of captiuitie, though he was neuer proued falſe before, promiſed King Phi|lippe that if he woulde ſuffer him to returne in|to Englande, bee woulde ſo worke with King Edwarde, that he might be made by him Admi|rall of the Seas, which thing brought to paſſe, be would deliuer the Engliſh Nauie into the hands of the ſayde King Philippe. Herevpon was he ſet at libertie, and ouer hee commeth into Eng|lande. And for as muche as he was knowne to bee a manne of ſyngular and approoued valy|auncye, King Edwarde receyued hym verye courteouſly, who remembring hys promyſed practiſe to the Frenche King, fell in hande by procuring friendes to bee made Admirall of the Seas. But King Edwarde (as God woulde EEBO page image 814 haue it) denied that ſute.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

The French king ſendeth forth a fleet a|gainſt englãd.


The French king in the meane time hauing prepared his nauie, coteining three hundred ſaile, what with the Gaſleys and other Ships for hee had got diuerſe doth fro Merſelles & Genoa) ſent the ſame forth to the ſeas, that vpon ſuch occaſi|on the king of Englande might alſo ſende forth his Fleete. But the Frenche name comming neare to the coaſt of Englande, and lying at An|cre certaine dayes looking for ſir Thomas Tur|beruile, when hee came not at the day prefixed, the Captaynes of the Frenche fleete appoynted one of theyr Veſſelles to approche neare to the ſhore, and to ſette a lande certaine perſons that knewe the Countrey, to vnderſtande and learne the cauſe of ſuche ſtay. They beeing taken of the Engliſhe men and examined, coulde make no direct anſwere in theyr owne excuſe, and ſo were put to death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Abingdon.Some write that they ſent fiue Galleys to|wards the ſhore to ſuruey the coaſt, of the which Galleys one of them aduauncing forth afore hir fellowes, arriued at Hide neare to Rumney ha|uen, where the Engliſh men eſpying hir, to draw the French men a lande, feigned to flie backe in|to the Countrey, but returning ſodainly vppon the enimies,French men ſlaine. A Gally burnt. they ſlue the whole number of them, being about two hundred and fifty perſons. They ſet fire on the Galley alſo and burned hir.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Admirall of the French fleete kindled in anger herewith, ſayled ſtreight vnto Douer, and there landing with his people,Douer robbed by the French. robbed the towne and Priorie. The towneſmen being ſtriken with feare of the ſodaine landing of their enimies, fled into the Countrey, and rayſed people on [...] ſide, the which being aſſembled togither in [...] numbers, towards euening came to Douer, [...] inuading ſuch French mẽ as were ſtrayed abro [...] to ſeeke prayes, ſlue thẽ downe in ſu [...] [...] places. The French Admiral which had bene [...] at the day in p [...]ring the towne,The [...] hearing the noyſe of thoſe Frenchmen that came running towardes the ſea ſide, ſtreight ways getteth him to his ſhip [...] with ſuch pillage as he could take with him. The other French men whiche were g [...]e abrode into the Countrey to fetche prayes, and coulde the come to theyr ſhippes in tyme, were ſtatue euery mothers ſonne. Some of them hid themſelues in the corne fieldes, and were after ſlaine of the Country people.French [...] [...] Douer. There was little leſſe than .viij. hundred of them thus ſlaine by one meane and other at that time. There were not manye of the men of Douer ſlain, for they eſcaped by [...]ight at the firſt entrie made by the Frenchmen: But of women and children there dyed a great num|ber, for the enimyes ſpared none. There was alſo an olde Monke ſlaine named Thomas a man of ſuche vertue (as the opinion went) [...] after his deceaſſe, many myracles through [...] were ſhewed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Thomas Turberuile being troubled in his minde that he could not bring his trayterous purpoſe to paſſe, beganne to aſſay another way, which was to procure Iohn Ballioll King of Scotlande to ioyne in league with the Frenche K. but ere any of his practiſes coulde be brought aboute, his treaſon was reuealed,Sir [...] and he co [...]ſt thereof was put to execution.

[figure appears here on page 814]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nic. Triuet.Nich. Tri. ſaith, yt he had promiſed the French king to cauſe Wales to reuolt frõ K. Edwarde, and that by procurement of the Prouoſt of Pa|ris, he conſented to worke ſuch treaſon. And as ſome write,Caxton. hee did not onely homage vnto the Frẽch K. but alſo left two of his ſonnes in pledge for aſſurance to worke that which he had promi|ſed. His ſecretarie that wrote the letters vnto the French K. cõteining his imagined treaſons,Abing [...] with other aduertiſements touching king Edwardes EEBO page image 815 purpoſes, fearing leaſt the matter by ſome other meanes might come to light, as well to his de|ſtruction as his maiſters for concealing it, diſclo|ſed the whole to the king. He hauing knowledge that he was bewrayed by his ſeruant, fled out of the Court, but ſuch diligence was vſed in the pur|ſute of him, that he was taken within two dayes after, and brought backe agayne to London, where he was conuicted of the treaſon ſo by [...]y [...] imagined, and therfore finally put to death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare the Cleargie gaue to the king the tenth part of their goodes, the Citizens a ſixt part, and the commons a twelfth part, or rather [...]s Euerſden hath the Burgeſſes of good tow [...]s gaue the ſeuẽth, and the commons abrode the .xj. peny.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]e death of [...]ble men.The ſame yeare died Gilbert de Clary Earle of Glouceſter, which left iſſue behinde him, be got of his wife the Counteſſe Ioan the kings daugh|ter (beſide three daughters) one yong ſonne na|med alſo Gylbert to ſucceede him as his he y [...]e.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Counteſſe his wife, after hir huſbandes deceaſe maried a knight of mean [...] eſtate, borne in the Byſhoprike of D [...]reſme, [...] Raule [...]uthermer [...]dded the [...]teſſe of [...]uceſter. named Sir Ra [...]e Monthermer, that that [...] Earle [...]ee fyrſt huſbande in hys lyfe tyme. The king at the firſt tooke diſpleaſure herewith, but at length tho|row the high valiantie of the knight, diuerſe ty|mes ſhewed and apparantly approued, the matter, was ſo well taken, that he was entituled, Erle of Gloceſter, and aduanced to great honor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] Iohn Romain Archbiſhop of Yorke alſo this, yeare died after whom one Henry de Newinarke d [...]aue of the Colledge there ſucceded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer the ſame yeare William de Va|lence Earle of Pembroke departed this life, and lyeth buryed at Weſtmynſter, and then Aimer his ſonne ſucceeded him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]e king of [...] conclu| [...] a league [...]h the Frẽch [...] Iohn king of Scotlande [...]anceth his ſonne Edwarde Ballioll with the daughter of Charles on Val [...]ys brother to the French king, and con|chideth with the ſayde Frenche king a league a|gainſt the king of England. Nothing moued the Scottiſhe king ſo much hereto, as the affection which he bare towards his natiue Countrey, for he was a French man borne, & lord of Harecourt in Normandie, which ſ [...]gnorie was after made an Earledome by Philip du Valoys King of Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]at. VVeſt.The Scottiſhmen had choſen .xij. Peeres, that is to ſay foure Biſhops, foure Earles, and foure Barons, by whoſe aduiſe and counſayle the King ſhoulde gouerne the Realme, by whom he was induced alſo to conſent vnto ſuch accorde wyth the French men, contrarie to his promiſed fayth giuen to king Edward when he did to him homage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Edwarde not fully vnderſtanding the concluſion of this league, requyring ayde of the Scottiſh king for the maintenance of his warres againſt France, and receyuing a doubtfull an|ſwere he began to ſuſpect the matter, and there|vpon required to haue three Caſtels as Berwik Ed [...]irgh and Ro [...]eſbourgh deliuered vnto him as gages till the ende of the warre,

King Edwards requeſt made to the Scottes is denied.


and if the Scottiſhmen continued faythfull vnto him, hee woulde then reſtore the ſame Caſtelles when the warres w [...] ended vnto th [...] again. This to dothe Scottiſh men vtterly denied, alledging that their Countrey was free of it ſelfe, and acquit of all [...]de or bondage, and that they were in no condition bounde vnto the L [...]n [...] of Scotland, and therefore they would receyue the Merchants of Fraunce [...] Flaunders,The diſloyall dealing of the Scottes. or of any other Coun|trey without exception, as they thought g [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There w [...]t ſh [...] [...]n of Barwicke [...] the ſame time, certain Engliſh [...] hõ the [...]cottes [...] [...]ſſault, and wounded ſome of them, and ſome of them they ſiue, and chaſed the reſidue, the [...]ch returning into England made complayn [...]and ſhewed in what euill ma [...]er [...]ey had bee [...] of [...] with.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Edward herevpon perceyuing the [...]ur|poſes of the Scottes,N. Triuet. determined to make warre vpon them with all ſpecede, and to con [...]uer the whole Countrey, if they coulde, not cleare them|ſelues of ſuch euill dealing as of them was repor|ted and thought to be be put in practiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the conuerſion of Saint Paule in Ia|nuarie,

The of Lanca|ſter ſent into Gaſcoigne.


king Edwarde ſent ouer into Gaſcoigne his brother the Lorde Edmonde Earle of Lan|caſter with the Earle of Lyncolne, and other, to the number of .xxvj. Baronittes, and ſeuen hun|dred men of armes, beſides a great multitude of other people They arryued at Blay, aboute the mydſt of Lent, and ſtayed there tyll towards Eaſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In which meane ſeaſon, a great ſort of Gaſ|coignes and other people reſorted vnto them, ſo that they were two thouſande men of armes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon [...]e [...] Thurſday, the Caſtell de Leſ|parre was deliuered vnto the Erle of Lancaſter,

The Caſtell of Leſpar deliue|red vnto him.

Nic. Triuet.

and after that diuerſe other Caſtels. At his ap|proching neare vnto Burdeaur, vpon the Thurſ|day in Eaſter Wicke, as he reſted to refreſh him|ſelfe and his armie in a little village called Kekel, an armye of Frenche menne, iſſuyng oute of Burbeaux, meant to come vppon the Eng|liſhe menne at vnwares: But they hauyng warning thereof, prepared themſelues to bat|tayle ſo well as the ſhortneſſe of tyme woulde permit and ſo therevpon encountring with theyr enimies, and fighting a ſore battaile,The French|men forced to retire. at length conſtrayned the French menne to returne vnto the Citie, and purſuyng them as they fledde, two Engliſhe Knightes beeing brethren to Sir EEBO page image 816 Peter de Mallow and an other that was a Gaſ|coigne, entred the Citie with two ſtanderde bea|rers belonging to the Erle of Richmond, and to the Lord Alane de la Zouch, whom the French men tooke, cloſing them within the gates. The o|ther Engliſhmẽ being ſhut out,Polidor. firſt fel to ye ſpoile of the ſuburbs, and then ſet fire vpon the ſ [...]e.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this there were certain of the Citize [...] that ſecretly were at a poynt with the Earle of Lancaſter, to haue deliuered the Citie into his handes, but their practiſe being eſpied, they were taken and executed ere they coulde performe that [figure appears here on page 816] which they had promiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then the Earle perceyuing he ſhould but loſe his labor to ſtay any longer there, vpon certaine weightie occaſions he returned vnto Bayonne,The Earle of Lancaſter de|parteth this life. where he ſhortly after fell ſicke and died. He left behind him three ſonnes, Thomas that ſucceded him in the Erledome of Lancaſter, Henry Lorde of Monmouth and Iohn whom he had begot of his wife Blanch, the which before had bene ma|ried vnto Henrie Erle of Chãpaigne, and king of Nauarre, by whom ſhe had but one onely daugh|ter, that was maried vnto the French king Phi|lip le Beau.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this the Engliſh army beſieged the City of Aques,Aques beſie|ged. but through want of vittayles he was conſtrayned to riſe from thence and breake vp the ſiege.The Earle of Arthoys ſeat with an army into Gaſcoin. The Earle of Arthoys being ſent of the French king with an army into Gaſcoigne, en|countreth with the Engliſhmen, and chaſeth thẽ with the ſlaughter of a great number, & after re|couereth diuerſe townes & fortreſſes in the coũtry.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Nic. Triu [...].

Burg beſieged

Thoſe Engliſh men that kept the towne of Burg, being cõpaſſed about with a ſiege by mon|ſeur de Sully, obteyned truce for a certaine ſpace, during the whiche they ſent vnto Blaynes for ſome reliefe of vittayles: and where other refuſed to bring vp a ſhip loden wyth vittayles, whiche was there prepared,The Lord Si|mon de Mon|tagew his en|terpriſe to re|ſcue the garni|ſon of Burg. the Lorde Simon de Mon|tagew, a right valiant chiefetaine, and a wyſe, tooke vppon hi [...] the enterpriſe, and through the middle of the French Galleyes whiche were pla|ced in the ryuer to ſtoppe that no ſhippe ſhoulde paſſe towardes that towne, by helpe of a proſpe|rous winde, he got into the hauen of Burg, and ſo relieued them within of theyr wante of [...]yt|tayles, by meanes whereof,The ſ [...]reyſed. Mounſeur de Sal|lye brake vppe his ſiege, and returned into Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time,The [...] leag [...] [...] Fl [...] king Edwarde not [...]|ping his buſineſſe, procured Guy Earle of Flan|ders to ioyne with him in league agaynſte the French men. This Guy was the ſonne of Mar|garet Counteſſe of Flaunders, whom ſhe had by hir ſeconde huſband William Lord of Damner in Burgoygne. Alſo king Edwarde proc [...]ed Henrie Earle of Bar,He co [...] a leag [...] w [...] o [...]. to whome (as before yet haue hearde) he had giuen his daughter Ele [...] in mariage, to make warre vpon the Frenchmen, ſo that at one tyme the Earle of Bar inuaded the Countrey of Champaigne,The [...] B [...] [...] Cham [...] and the Earle of Flaunders made incurſions vpon thoſe Coun|treyes of Fraunce which ioyne vnto Flaunders.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Philip hereof advertiſed, ſent forth one Walter de Creſſie with a great armie agaynſte the Earle of Bar, ſo that beſieging the chiefeſt Towne of Bar, he conſtrayned the ſayde Earle to leaue off his enterpriſe in Champaigne, and to returne home, for doubt to loſe more there than he ſhould winne abrode.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to touche more at large the cyr|cumſtaunces of the occaſion that moued the Earle of Flaunders to make warre agaynſte the French king,A mari [...] conc [...] I find in Iacob Mayer that there was a maryage concluded betwixte the Lorde Edward the eldeſt ſonne of king Edwarde, and the Ladie Philip daughter to the foreſayde EEBO page image 817 Guy Earle of Flaunders, which marriage was concluded by Henry Byſhop of Lincolne, and the Erle Warren, being ſent ouer as Ambaſſa|dors by Kyng Edwarde, vnto the ſayde Earle Guy for the ſame purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Flaunders [...]reſted.In the yeare following, the ſayde Earle of Flaunders togither with his wife, comming to viſite the Frenche Kyng at Corbeill, were arre|ſted, and ſent to Paris, there to remayne as pri|ſoners, bycauſe that the Earle had fiaunced hys daughter to the French Kings aduerſarie, with|out his licencer neyther mighte they be deliuered, till by mediation of the Pope,The Pope in [...]rmedleth in [...]e matter. and ſuretie hadde vppon the promiſe of A [...]edey Earle of Sauoy, they were ſet at libertie, with theſe conditions, that they ſhould deliuer into the Frenche Kyngs handes their daughter, whiche was ſo fiaunced vnto Kyng Edwardes ſonne, and further coue|naunted, not to conclude any league with the Kyng of England,The Earle of flaunders [...]ced to a| [...]ee with the [...]ench kyng. but in all poyntes to obſerue a certaine peace which was concluded with Fer|dinando Earle of Flaunders, in the yeare .1225. And if Earle Guy brake the ſame peace, then ſhould he be excommunicated, and all his coun|trey of Flaunders interdited by the Archbyſhop of Reims, and the Byſhoppe of Senlis, Iudges appoynted heerein by authoritie of the Pope.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The Earles daughter beeing ſente for, and brought vnto Paris, the Erle and his wife were releaſſed, [...]he Earle of flaunders [...]er [...]d, re| [...] [...]ome and ſuffered to returne into Flaunders, and ſhortly after, the Earle made earneſt ſure to haue his daughter reſtored vnto hym agayne, in ſo muche, that hee procureth Pope Boniface to bee a meane for him vnto the French Kyng, but all would not ſerue, no, though as ſome ſay, the Pope accurſed the Frenche Kyng for reteyning hir, [...]e French [...]ng [...] aunſwer [...] the Pope. aunſwer being made, that matters perteining to worldly gouernemente, belonged not to the Pope to diſcuſſe. Finally, Earle Guy perceyuing he coulde not preuayle in that ſute, to haue hys daughter agayne, vpon high diſpleaſure conclu|ded to ioyne in league with King Edward and his confederates. [...]new league [...]twixt the [...] of England, [...] [...]emperour [...]d others [...] the [...] king. Herevpon, at an aſſemblie or Councell kept at Gerardmount, there was a ſo|lemne league made an agreed betwixt Ado [...] the Emperoure of Almaine, Edwarde Kyng of England, Guy Earle of Flaunders, Iohn Duke of Brabante, Henry Earle of Bar, both ſonnes in lawe to Kyng Edwarde, and Albert Duke of Auſtrich, againſte Phillip King of Fraunce, and Iohn Earle of Henault his partaker. [...]at. VVeſt. The Merchauntes of Flaunders procured the Earle to conclude this league with Kyng Edward as ſome write the rather in reſpect of the great com|modities whiche roſe to their countrey, by reaſon of the entercourſe of merchandiſe vſed betwixte Englande and Flaunders, and for that through ayde of the Engliſhmen, they mighte the better withſtande the malice, both of the Frenche, and all other their [...]mies. This league being pro|claymed in England, there were ſente ouer into Flaunders, the treaſorer of the Exchequer, and diuers other noble men, to fetche hoſtages from thence, and to giue to the Erle fifteene thouſand pounde of ſiluer, towardes the fortifying of his Caſtels and holdes. King Phillip beeing heereof aduertiſed, by counſel of the peeres of his Realm, ſent two honorable perſonages, as the Captaine of Mounſtrell, and the Captayne of Belquerke, whiche ſhould attach the Earle of Flaunders by his body, and ſummon hym to yeelde himſelfe priſoner at Paris, within the ſpace of fifteene dayes next enſuing. This attachment made,The Earle of Flaunders defieth the French king. and ſommonance giuen, the Earle of Flaunders ſendeth his defiance vnto the Frenche King by the Abbots of Gemblois, and Seneſſes, vnto whome he gaue ſufficient letters procuratorie, to authoriſe them thereto, dated at Male in ye yeare of grate .1 [...]6. after ye accompt of the Chronicles of Flaunders, which begin their yeare at Eaſter: and ſo this chanced in the fiue and twentith yere of King Edwards raigne, the Wedneſday nexte after the feaſt of the Epiphany.The Earle of Flaunders accurſed. Heerevppon was the Earle accurſed, and Flaunders interdited by the Archbiſhop of Reims, and the Biſhoppe of Senlis comming vnto Terwane for that pur|poſe, about the fifteene day of Iune,His ſonne appealeth from the in|terdiction. in the yeare 1297. But the Lorde Robert the Earles ſonne appealed from that interdict vnto the Pope, and ſo the Flemings tooke themſelues free and out of daunger of the ſame. Earle Guy alſo obteyned of King Edwarde, that it mighte be lawfull for them of Bruges, to buy woolles, through Eng|lande, Scotlande and Irelande, as freely as the Italians might, by their priuiledge and graunt. But to returne now to the doings of Kyng Ed|ward, whiche in this meane time, hauing perfect knowledge of the league concluded betwixt the King of Fraunce and the King of Scotlande, prepared an army,Ambaſſadors ſent to the K. of Scottes. and firſte ſente Ambaſſadors into Scotland to giue ſummonance vnto Kyng Iohn, to appeare at Newcaſtell within certayne dayes, that he might there ſhew the cauſe why he had broken the league. And further, to declare vnto him, that he was deceyued, if he thought he might ſerue two maſters, contrary to the words of the Goſpell, for ſo much fauour as the purcha|ſed at the hands of the Frenche King, as muche diſpleaſure mighte he aſſure himſelfe to procure at the hands of the King of Englande, whome to obey, it ſhould be moſt for his aduantage. The Ambaſſadors that were ſente, did their meſſage throughly, but King Iohn was ſo farre off from aunſwering any thing that mighte found to the mayntenance of peace, that ſhortly after he ſente lettere of complaynte vnto King Edwarde, for EEBO page image 818 wrongs whiche he alledged to haue ſuſteyned by his meanes & at his hands. Herevron, King Ed|ward by aduice of his councell, determined to ſet forward with his army into Scotland. Nic. Triuet. The Lord Ros reuolteth to the K. of Scots In the meane time, Roberte Ros, Captayne of Warke Caſtell, reuolted to the Scottiſh Kyng, moued thervnto through the loue of a Scottiſh Gentle|woman, whome hee meante to marry, notwith|ſtanding, he had ſworne fealtie vnto King Ed|ward.William de Ros continu|eth faithfull to the King of Englande. Wherevpon, his brother William de Ros giuing knowledge to Kyng Edwarde, required to haue ſome ayde, whereby hee myghte defende the Caſtell againſt the Scottiſhmen. King Ed|ward ſent vnto him a thouſand Souldiers (Po|lidor ſayth an hundreth) the which as they lodged one night in a Town called Preſtfen,Engliſhmen diſtreſſed. they were ſlayne by the Scottiſhmenne of the garriſon of Rockeſborrough, that were ledde and guided by the ſayd Robert Ros: ſome of them although but few eſcaped away by flight. K. Edward aduerti|ſed hereof, haſted forth, & came to the ſaid Caſtell, glad in this, as is reported, that the Scottiſhmen had firſt begun the warre, meaning as it ſhoulde ſeeme by their procedings, to follow the ſame, for vpon good friday,Ri. South. diuers Scottiſhmen entring the bordures, brente ſundry villages, and ſpoyled the Abbey of Carham.Nic. Triuet. And furthermore, whileſt K. Edward kept his Eaſter at Warke, ſeuen Erles of Scotlãd, as Bouchan, Menteth, Stratherne, Lennor, Ros, Atholl and Mar, with Iohn Co|min the Maſter of Badenawe, hauing aſſembled an army togither of fiue hundred men of armes on Horſebacke,


The Scottes [...]uade Eng|land.

and ten M. footemen in Annan|dale, vpon Monday in Eſter weeke entred Eng|land, & putting all to fyre and ſworde, approched to Carleill, and layde ſeige therevnto on eache ſide,N. Tri [...] paſſing the water of Eden by a forde [...] Richardſton, and did ſo much, that they br [...] the ſuburbes and aſſaulted the gates, at why [...] enterpriſe, a gentleman of Galloway as he [...]|tured ſomewhat neere to the gate, was [...] vp by an iron hooke, of thoſe that ſtoode aloft vpon the gates to defende the ſame, and there ſla [...], and thruſt through with ſpeares. In the meane time, a ſpie, yt which had bin taken and commit|ted to priſon, ſet fire on the houſe wherein he was encloſed, and ſo the flames catching hold vpon ye other buildings, a greate parte of the Citie was thereby brent. The men yet and the women get|ting themſelues to the walles, droue their eni|mies backe, and ſo defended the Citie frõ taking. Wherevppon, the Scottiſhe Lordes, perceyuing they could not preuaile,The S [...]reiſe they [...] ſiege [...] Carele [...]. left their ſiege on ye thurſ|day in Eaſter weeke, and returned agayne into Scotland. The ſame thurſday. K. Edward with his army paſſed ye r [...] of Tweede, & ſo ent [...] into Scotland, ſent to the burgeſſes of Berwike,Berwike ſu [...] offering them peace vpon certayne conditions, & ſtayed a whole day for an aunſwere, but whiche could haue none that liked him, nor that ſounded in any thing to peace, [...]he approched the Tower, and lodged in the Monaſterie of Caldeſtrey [...],Abing [...] His army conſiſted as ſome write of ſ [...]me thou|ſand mẽ of armes on Horſeback, and [...] M. [...]|men, beſide fiue .C. men of armes on horſebacke, and a M. footemen of the Biſhopricke of [...] At the ſame time, there came 24. The [...] Engliſh ſhi [...] ye marriners wherof, beholding where the Engliſh army was placed in battell aray vpon a playne, the Kyng making there certaine Knightes, th [...] thought his meaning was to haue giuen f [...]th with an aſſault, & ſo entring yt hauẽ, & approching [figure appears here on page 818] to ye land,Four engliſhe ſhippes loſt. began to fight with yt towneſmẽ, wher they loſt foure of their ſhips, & were cõſtreined to withdraw with ye reſidue, with help of yt falling water. Some haue written,Abing [...] that they loſt but three ſhippes, whiche were conſumed with [...]+a [...]ed that the Mariners and Souldiers of one of EEBO page image 819 thoſe ſhippes, after they had defended themſelues by great manhoode from the firſt houre of ye day, till eleuen of the clocke, eſcaped away, ſome by the boate of that ſhippe, and ſome leaping into the water, were ſaued by the boates of other ſhips that made in to ſuccour them. The tumor of the Marriners attempt being bruted through the ar|my, the Kyng paſſing forwarde towardes the Towne, gote ouer a ditche, whiche the Scottes hadde caſt to impeache his paſſage, and ſo com|ming to the Towne,

[...]ke won| [...] ſir Ri| [...]d Corne| [...] was bro| [...] to the [...] of Corn| [...].


wanne it, not loſing anye man of renowme, ſauing Sir Richarde Corne|wall, the which was ſlayne by a quarrell whyche a Flemming ſhot out of a Croſſebowe, beyng in the red hall, which the Merchaunts of Flaunders helde in that Towne, and had fortified it in ma|ner of a Tower, but when they would not yeeld, and coulde not eaſily otherwiſe bee wonne, the houſe towardes euening was ſet on fire, and ſo they being thirtie in number, were brenned to death within it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame nighte, the King lodged in the Ca|ſtell, whiche was yeelded vnto him by them that kepte it, their liues and lymmes ſaued, and re|ceyuing an othe, that they ſhould not from thẽce|foorthe beare armour againſte the King of Eng|land, they were permitted to depart whether they thoughte good, theyr Captayne Sir William Dowglas excepted, whome the Kyng ſtill kepte with him, till the ende of the warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ton.Some write, that there ſhoulde bee ſlayne of Scottiſhmen at the winning thus of Berwike, aboue the number of twentie thouſand men,

Eight thou|ſande hath Abyngdon, but Richard Southweſt [...]h, there were ſlayne fifteene thou|ſand at the leaſt of one and other.

King Edward fortifieth Berwike.

A Scottiſhe Frier ſ [...]nt to king Edward.

with ſmall loſſe of Engliſhmen, not paſt eyghte and twentie of all ſorts. Yet may reade more heereof alſo in the Scottiſh hiſtory.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kyng Edwarde remayned at Berwike at fif|teene dayes, and cauſed a ditche to be caſt aboute the Towne, of foureſcore foote in dreadth, and of the like deapth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme, aboute the beginning of Aprill, the wardein and trader of the Frier Mi|nors of Rockeſborrough called Adam Blont, came vnto him with letters from Kyng Iohn, of complaynt for the wrongs done and offered vn|to him and his Realme, as well in claymyng an vniuſt ſuperioritie, and conſtreyning him to doe homage by vndue and wrongfull meanes, as al|ſo by inuading his townes, ſlaying and robbing his ſubiects, for the whiche cauſes,The Scottiſhe K. renounceth his homage and fealtie vnto the king of Englande. hee teſtified by the ſame letters, that hee ren [...]ced all ſuche ho|mage and fealtie for him and his ſubiects, as hee, or any of them ought for any lands holden with|in England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng hearing the letters red, receyued the reſignation of the homage, and commaunded his Chauncellour that the letter might be regi|ſtred in perpetuall memory of the thing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earles of Scotlande before remembred,The Scottes inuade the Engliſh bor|dures. being aſſembled togither with their powers at the Caſtell of Iedworth, entred into Englande the eighth of Aprill, and with fire and ſword dyd much hurt in the Countreys as they paſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Reedeſdale they beſieged the Caſtell of [figure appears here on page 819] Harbottell by the ſpace of two dayes, [...]otell. but when they could not preuayle, they remoued, and paſ|ſing forth by the Eaſt part of the Riuer of Tine, through Cokeſdale, Reedeſdale and Northum|berland vnto Exham, they did muche ſkath, by brenning and harrying the countreys.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...]uthwel.At Hexham, they ſpoyled the Abbey Churche, and gote a great number of the Cleargie, as well Monkes, Prieſtes, as Scollers, and other whom they thruſt into the Scholehouſe there, and [...]lo|ſing vp the dores, ſet fire on the Schole, and bre|ned all them to aſhes that were within it. It is wonderfull to reade, what beaſtly crueltie the Scottes vſed in that roade whiche they made at EEBO page image 820 that time in two ſeuerall parties, for the Earle of Boghan,The Earle of Boghan. with them of Galloway, entred by Cumberlande in like manner as the other dyd in Riddeſdale,The crueltie of the Scones brenning and murthering all that came in their way. For whereas all thoſe that were of able age, and luſty to get away, fledde, and eſcaped their handes, the aged impotente creatures, women in childebed, and yong childrẽ that could not ſhift for thẽſelues, were vnmerci|fully ſlayne, and thruſt vpon ſpeares, and ſhaken vp in the ayre, where they yeelded vp their inno|cent ghoſts in moſt pitifull wiſe. Churches were drenned, women were forced, without reſpect to order, condition or qualitie, as well the maydes, widdowes and wiues, as Nunnes, that were re|puted in thoſe dayes conſecrate to God, and af|ter they hadde bin ſo abuſed, many of them were after alſo murthered, and cruelly diſpatched out of life.The Nunry of Lameley brent. At length, they came to the Nunry of Lamelay, and brenned all the buildings there, ſauing the Church, and then returned backe [...] Scotlande with all their pillage and bootles [...] Lane [...]coſt, an houſe of Monkes, which then [...]+wiſe ſpoyled.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Patricke Earle of Dunbar came to the King of Englande, and ſubmitted hymſelfe, with all that hee had into his handes, but the Caſte [...] Dunbar vpon Saint Markes day,The C [...] D [...] [...]+dred [...] Sco [...]. being alled|ged of the Scottes, was rendred vnto them, [...] treaſon of ſome that were within it of whome the Counteſſe, wife to the ſame Earle was the chiefeſt, for recouery whereof,Be [...] [...] Kyng Edwarde ſenſe Iohn Earle of Warren, Surrey and [...]|ſex, and William Earle of Warwike, with a great power, the whiche laying ſiege to that Ca|ſtell, a greate hoſt of Scottiſhmen came vppon them to the reſcue of them within,Nic. T [...] Mat. P [...] ſo that there was foughten a righte ſore and terrible battayle.A [...] A [...] [...]o [...]yle [...] D [...] At length, the victory abode with the Engliſh|menne, and the Scottiſhmen were put to [...]igh [...], [figure appears here on page 820] the Engliſhmen following them in chaſe eyghte myle of that countrey, almoſt to the forreſt of Selkirke:The number ſlayne. the ſlaughter was great, ſo that as was eſteemed,Mat. VVeſt. Abingdon. there dyed of Scottiſhmen that day, to the number of tenne thouſand.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The morrowe after beeing ſaterday, whyche was the eight and twentith day of Aprill, at the Kinges comming thither, the Caſtell was ſur|rendred vnto hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were taken in the ſame Caſtell three Earles, Menteth, Caſſels, and Ros, ſixe Barõs, Iohn Comin the yonger, William Sanclere, Richard Siwarde the elder, Iohn Fitz Geffrey, Alexander de Murtaigne, Edmonde Comin of Kilbird, with thirtie Knightes, two Clearkes, Iohn de Someruile, and William de Sanclere, and three and thirtie Eſquires, the whiche were ſente vnto diuers Caſtels in England, to be kept as priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the winning of Dunbar, the Kyng wente vnto the Caſtell of Rockeſburgh,Roke [...] yeelded. whiche incontinently was yeelded by the Lorde Ste|warde of Scotland, the liues and members ſa|ued of all ſuche as were within it at the tyme of the ſurrender.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Then wente King Edwarde vnto Eden|burgh, where he planted hys ſiege about the Ca|ſtell, & reyſed engines, whiche caſt ſtones againſt and ouer the walles, ſore beating and bruſing the buyldings within. But as it chaunced, the Kyng writing letters to aduertiſe his councell at home of his proceedings, and concerning o|ther buſineſſe,Rich. S [...] deliuered ye packet vnto a Welch|man named Lewyn, commaunding hym to goe with ye ſame vnto Lown in al haſt poſſible, for he knewe him to be a right ſpeedy meſſenger and a EEBO page image 821 truſtie alſo, as hee tooke it, but he hauing the let|ters thus deliuered to him, togither with money to beare his charges, got him to a tauerne, where riotouſly conſuming the money (whiche hee had ſo receyued) in play, and making good cheare, in the morning, he cauſed one of his companions to take a target, and beare it afore him in appro|ching the Caſtell, for that he meant (as he coulo|rably pretended) not to depart, til he had wrought ſome diſpleaſure to thẽ within with his Croſſe|bowe whiche he tooke with him for that purpoſe: but comming vnto the Caſtell gates, he called to the warders on the walles to caſt downe to hym a corde, that they mighte plucke him vp to them therewith, for that he had ſomewhat to ſay vnto their Captayne, touching the ſecretes of the kyng of England. They fulfilling his deſire, when hee came in, and was brought afore the Captayne, ſitting then at breakefaſt, hee ſaide vnto hym: be|holde ſir, heere ye may peruſe the Kyng of Eng|lands ſecretes, and withall, raught to him a boxe, wherein the packet of the kings letters were en|cloſed, and appoint me ſayth he vnto ſome corner of the wall, & trie whether I can handle a Croſſe|bowe or not, to defend it againſte youre aduerſa|ries.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Heere when other woulde haue opened the boxe, and haue red the letters, the captaine would in no wiſe conſent thereto, but going into a tur|ret, called to the Engliſhmen belowe, and willed them to ſignifie to the K. that one of his ſeruants being fled to him, ſought to bewray his ſecretes, wherevnto he would by no meanes agree, & there|fore meant to reſtore both the traytor and ye let|ters. Herevpon, the Lord Iohn Spencer, cõming to heare what the matter might meane, the Cap|taine cauſed Lewine to be let downe to hym, to|gither with the letters ſafe, and not touched by hym at all: whiche thing when the Kyng vnder|ſtood, he muche commended the honeſt reſpect of the Captaine, and where he had cauſed engynes to be reiſed to annoy thẽ within, as ye haue heard, he commaunded the ſame to ceaſſe, and withall, vpon their captaynes ſute, he granted them liber|tie to ſende vnto their K. Iohn Ballioll, [...]elchman [...]ed. to gyue him to vnderſtand in what ſort they ſtood. Tou|ching the Welchman, he was drawen and han|ged on a paire of high galowes, prepared for hym of purpoſe, as he had well deſerued. And whyleſt the meſſengers were on their way towards For|fair, where the Scottiſh K. then lay, K. Edward with a parte of his army went vnto Striueling, [...]ling [...]l left [...] where he found the Caſtel gates ſet open, and the keyes hanging on a naile, ſo that hee entred there without any reſiſtance, for they that hadde thys Caſtel in gard, were fledde out of it for feare be|fore his comming. The meſſengers that were ſent from them within Edenburgh Caſtel, com|ming to their king, declared to him in what caſe they ſtoode that were beſieged. King Iohn, for that hee was not able to ſuccour them by anye manner of meanes at that preſente, ſente them worde, to take the beſt way they could for theyr owne ſafetie, with whiche aunſwere the meſſen|gers returning, the Caſtell was immediately de|liuered vnto the Lorde Iohn Spencer,Edenburgh Caſtel deliue|red to the K. of England. that was left in charge with the ſiege, at the Kings depar|ture towards Striueling, with the like conditiõs as the Caſtell of Rockeſburgh had yeelded alittle before. And thus was that ſtrong Caſtell of E|denburgh ſurrendred by force of ſiege, to the kyng of Englands vſe the fiftenth daye, after hee hadde firſte layde his ſiege aboute it. A place of ſuche ſtrength by the height of the grounde whereon it ſtoode, that it was thought impregnable, and had not bin wonne by force at any time, ſith the firſte buylding thereof, before that preſente, ſo farre as any remembraunce eyther by writing or other|wiſe could be had thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heere at Edẽburgh, or rather at Rockeſburgh as Abingdon hathe, a greate number of Wicelche footemen came to the Kyng, who ſente home the lyke number of Engliſhe footemen, of thoſe that ſeemed moſt wearie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, at Striueling, there came to the Kyng the Earle of Vlſter, with a greate number of Iriſharẽ. Thẽ paſſing ouer ye riuer of Forth,Saint Iohns towne. the Kyng came vnto Saint Iohns Towne a|boute Midſommer, and there tarried certayne dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt theſe things were a doing, Iohn K. of Scotlande, perceyuing that he was not of po|wer to reſiſt Kyng Edwarde,The King of Scottes ſueth for peace. ſente Ambaſſadors vnto him to ſue for peace: King Edwarde was content to heare them, and therevpon appointed, that King Iohn ſhould reſorte vnto the Caſtell of Brechin, there to commen with ſuche of hys councell as hee woulde ſende thither within fif|teene dayes nexte enſuing,The Biſhop of Durham. to treate of an agree|mente. King Edwarde ſente thither Anthony Byſhoppe of Durham, with full commiſſion to conclude all things in his name. And within the appoynted tyme, came Kyng Iohn, and dyuers of his nobles vnto him, the whiche after manye and ſundry treaties holden betwixt them and the ſayde Byſhoppe,The King of Scottes ſub|mitteth hym|ſelfe vnto the K. of England. at length they ſubmitted them|ſelues and the Realme of Scotland, ſimply and purely, into the handes of the Kyng of Eng|land, for the which ſubmiſſion, to be firmely kept and obſerued, kyng Iohn deliuered hys ſonne in hoſtage, and made letters thereof, written in French, conteyning as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


JEhan per la grace de Dieu, Rey de Eſcoce,

á touez ceulxs quae ceſtes praeſentes lettes verront ou or|ront Saluz. &c.

EEBO page image 822 The inſtru|ment of the ſubmiſſion.

IOhn by the grace of God King of Scotland,

to all thoſe that theſe preſent letters ſhall ſee or heare, ſendeth greeting.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bicauſe that we through euill counſell and oure owne ſimplicitie, haue greuouſly offended oure ſoueraigne Lorde, Ed|warde by the grace of God Kyng of Englande, Lorde of Irelande, and Duke of Aquitayne, in many thynges, that is to ſaye, in that, whereas wee beeyng and abidyng vnder hys faithe and homage, haue bounde oure ſelues vnto the Kyng of Fraunce whyche then was hys eni|mie and yet is, procuring a marriage with the daughter of hys brother Charles au Valoys, and that wee myghte greeue our ſayde Lorde, and ayde the Kyng of Fraunce with all oure power by warre and other meanes, we haue at length by aduice of oure peruerſe counſell defi|ed oure ſayde Lorde the Kyng of Englande, and haue putte oure ſelues out of hys allegi|ance and homage, and ſente oure people into Englande, to brenne houſes, to take ſpoyles, to committe murther, with many other doma|ges, and alſo in fortifying the Kyngdome of Scotlande, whiche is of hys fee, puttyng and eſtabliſhing armed menne in Townes, Caſtels, and other places, to defende the lande agaynſte hym, to deforce hym of hys fee, for the whyche tranſgreſſions, oure ſayde ſoueraigne Lorde the Kyng, entring into the Realme of Scot|lande with hys power, hathe conquered and ta|ken the ſame, notwithſtandyng all that wee coulde doe agaynſte hym, as by right he maye doe, as a Lorde of hys fee, bycauſe that we did render vnto hym oure homage, and made the foreſayde Rebellion. Wee therefore as yet bee|ing in our full power and free will, doe render vnto hym the lande of Scotland, and all the peo|ple thereof with the homages. In witneſſe wherof, wee haue cauſed theſe letters patentes to made.

Sealed with the common ſeale of the Kyngdome of Scotlande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Edward paſſeth fore|ward through Scotland.After thys, Kyng Edwarde wente forwarde to ſee the Mountayne countreys of Scotlande, the Byſhoppe of Durham euer keepyng a dayes iorney afore hym. At length, when hee hadde paſſed through Murrey lande, and was come to Elghin, perceyuing all thynges to bee in quiet, hee returned towardes Berwike, and commyng to the Abbey of Scone, he tooke from thence the Marble ſtone,King Edward bringeth the Marble ſtone out of Scot|lande. wherevppon, the Kynges of Scotlande were accuſtomed to ſitte as in a chayre, at the tyme of their Co|ronation, whyche Kyng Edwarde cauſed nowe to be tranſferred to Weſtminſter, and there placed, to ſerue for a Chayre for the Prieſt to ſit in at the Aulter.

[figure appears here on page 822]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng comming to Berwike, called thi|ther vnto a Parliament all the Nobles of Scot|lande, and there receiued of them their homages,The [...] of Sco [...] fe [...] [...]+ſelues [...] King. the whyche in perpetuall witneſſe of the thyng, made letters patents thereof, written in French, and ſealed with their ſeales, as the tenor him followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2


A Touz ceux que ceſtes lettres verront & u|ront &c.

TO all thoſe that theſe preſent letters ſhall ſee or heare,

we Iohn Comin of Badenaw,The i [...]+me [...] of [...] hom [...] the lan [...] Scotland [...] K. E [...] &c.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bycauſe that wee at the faithe and will of the moſt noble Prince, and our deareſt Lorde, Ed|warde by the grace of God Kyng of England, Lorde of Irelande, and Duke of Aquitaine, doe vowe and promiſe for vs and our heires, vppon payne of body and goodes, and of all that wee may haue, that wee ſhall ſerue him well and tru|ly againſt all men, whiche maye liue and die, at all tymes when we ſhall bee required or warned by our ſaid Lord the Kyng of Englande, or hys heires, and that wee ſhall not know of any hurte to bee done to them, but the ſame wee ſhall lette and impeach with all our power, and giue them warning thereof: and thoſe things to holde and keepe, wee binde vs our heires, and al our goodes, and further, receyue an oth thereof vpon the holy Euangeliſtes: and after all, wee and euery of vs haue done homage vnto oure ſoueraigne Lorde the King of Englande in wordes as followeth.

I become your liegeman of life, members,The ſ [...] their l [...] and earthly honor, againſt all men which maye lyue and die.
And the ſame oure ſoueraigne Lorde the King receyued this homage vnder thys forme of wordes.The [...] King [...] accep [...] We receyue it for the land of the whi|che you bee nowe ſeaſed, the righte of vs or other ſaued, and excepte the landes whiche Iohn Bal|lioll ſometime Kyng of Scotland graunted vn|to vs after that we did deliuer vnto him ye king|dome of Scotlande, if happely hee hathe giuen to you any ſuche landes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 823Moreouer, all wee, and euery of vs by hym|ſelfe haue done fealtie to oure ſaide ſoueraigne Lord the Kyng in theſe wordes: I as a faythfull and liege man, ſhall keepe faith and loyaltie vnto Edward Kyng of England, and to his heires, of life member and earthly honor, againſte all men whiche may liue and die, and ſhall neuer for anye perſon beare armour, nor ſhall be of councell nor in ayde with anye perſon againſte hym, or hys heyres in any caſe that maye chaunce, but ſhall faithfully acknowledge, and doe the ſeruice that belongeth to the tenementes the which I claime to holde of hym, as God me helpe and all hys Saintes. I witneſſe whereof, theſe letters pat|tentes are made and ſygned with our ſeales.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ficers ap| [...]ynted in [...]tlande by [...]ng Iohn.Then was Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey and Suſſex made by Kyng Edward warden of Scotlande. Hugh Creſſingham Threaforer, and William Ormeſdy high Iuſtice, whome the King commaunded, that hee ſhoulde call all thoſe before him whyche helde any landes of the Crowne, and to reteyne o [...] them in hys name theyr homages and fealties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn Ballioll the late Kyng of Scotlande was ſent to London,Iohn Ballioll ſent to Lon|don. and had a con [...]nt com|pany of ſeruauntes appoynted to a [...]de hym, hauyng licence to goe anye whether abroade, to that hee kepte hym ſelfe w [...]h [...] the [...] of twentie miles neere to London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Iohn C [...] of Badenaw, and Iohn Ed|mni of Lowan, and diuers othe [...] nobles of Scot|lande were brought into Englande on the South ſide of Ticut, being warned vpõ payne of death, not to returne into Scotlande, till the King [...]d made an ende of his warres with Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, at his returne into Englande;A Parliament at Saint Ed|mondeſburie. king Edward held a Parliament of Saint Ed [...]ſ|burie, [figure appears here on page 823] which began the morrow after the feaſt of all Saintes, [...]ubſedie [...]unted. in whiche, the Citizens and burgeſ|ſes of good Townes graunted vnto him an eigth part of their goodes, and of the reſidue of the peo|ple a twelfth part.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Cleargie, by reaſon of a cõſtitution or|deyned and conſtituted the ſame yeare by Pope Boniface, [...]e preten| [...] excuſe of [...] Cleargie. prohibiting vpon payne of excommu|nication, that no [...]aſages nor other exactions ſhould beleiued or exalted of the Cleargie in any manner of wiſe by ſecular Princes, or to be paid to them of things that perteyned to the Church, vtterly refuſed to graunte any manner of ayde to the King, towardes the manie g [...]aunce of hys warres. Wherevppon, the Kyng, to the in|tent they ſhoulde haue tyme to ſtudy for a better aunſwer, deferred the matter to an other Par|liamente to bee holden on the morrowe after the feaſt of Saint Hillarie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare after the feaſt of the Epiphany,

An. reg. 25.


The Earle of Holland mar|ried Eliza|beth the kings daugh|ter.

Elizabeth the Kings daughter was married vn|to Iohn Earle of Holland, Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereford and Eſſex, was ſente to con|uey them into Hollande, there to take poſſeſſion of the Earledome, as then diſcended vnto the ſaid Iohn, by the death, of his father lately before ſlayne by his owne [...]uſhe [...]s, by cauſe he woulde haue diſinherited this Iohn, and made a baſtarde ſonne whiche hee hadde to be his heire. The daye appoynted for the Parliamente to bee holden at London bring co [...]e and the Cleargie continu|ing in their de [...]an to graunt, anye ſubſedy the King exluded them out of his protection, for the redeeming whereof, many by themſelues, and many by mediators, did afterwardes giue vnto the King truth parte of all their goodes. The EEBO page image 824 Archbiſhop of Caunterbury being found ſtiffe in the matter, the Kyng ſeaſed all his landes, and commaunded all ſuche debtes as were founde of his in the rolles of the Exchequer, to bee leuied with all ſpeede of his goodes and cattayle.


The Archby|ſhoppe his wordes.

Some write, that when the Archbiſhop of Caunterbu|rie in name of all the reſidue, hadde declared to them whome the Kyng had appoynted commiſ|ſioners to receyue the aunſwere, that whereas they of the Cleargie hadde two ſoueraigne Lordes and gouernoures, the one in ſpirituall matters, and the other in temporall, they ought yet rather to obey theyr Spirituall gouernoure than their Temporall. Neuertheleſſe, to ſatiſ|fye the Kynges pleaſure, they woulde of theyr owne charges ſende to the Pope, that by hys li|cence and permiſſion, they myghte graunte the Kyng ſome aide, or elſe receyue ſome aunſwere from hym, what to doe therein: for ſayeth the Archbyſhoppe, wee beleeue, that the Kyng fea|reth the ſentence of excommunicatiõ, and would be as glad to auoyde it as we.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the Commiſſioners hearde this aun|ſwere, they required that they woulde appoynte ſome of theyr owne company to beare this meſ|ſage vnto the Kyng, for they durſt not reporte it vnto hym: which being done as the Commiſſio|ners had required, the Kyng in his furie procee|ded agaynſte them, in ſuche rigorous manner as yee haue hearde,The declara|tion of the Lord chiefe Iuſtice. in ſo muche, that the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice ſitting vppon the benche, ſpake o|penly theſe wordes. You ſirs that be attorneys of my Lords the Archbiſhoppes, Byſhops, Abbots, Priors, and all other the Cleargie, declare vnto youre maſters, and tell them, that from hence|foorthe there ſhall no Iuſtice be done vnto them in the Kyngs courte, for anye manner of thing, although neuer ſo heynous wrong be done vn|to them: but iuſtice ſhall be hadde agaynſte them, to euery one that will complayne, and require to haue it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Clearke|ly handling of the matter by the Archby|ſhop of Yorke his ſuffraganesThe elect Biſhoppe of Yorke, Henry de Ne|warke, with the Biſhops of Durham, Elie and Saliſburie, with certayne other, fearing the Kynges indignation thus kindled againſt them, ordeyned to lay downe in the Churches, a fifte parte as yee haue hearde, of all theyr goodes, to|wardes the defence of the Realme, and maynte|naunce of the Kynges warres in ſuche time of great neceſſitie, and ſo the King receyuing it, they were reſtored to the Kinges protection a|gayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Friendes of the Byſhoppe of Lincolne founde meanes, that the Sherife of the Shire le|uied and tooke the fifth parte of all his goodes, and reſtored to him agayne hys landes and poſ|ſeſſions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, all the Monaſteries within his dioceſſe, and within the whole prouince of Caunterbury, were ſeaſed into the Kings handes, and war [...] appoynted, whiche only miniſtred neceſſary [...]|ding vnto the Monkes and other religious per|ſons, and conuerted the ouerplus vnto the kings vſe. Wherevpon, the Abbots and Priors were glad to followe the Courte, and ſuch to rede [...], not their ſinnes, but their goodes, with giuing of a fourth parte thereof. The Cleargie ſuffered many iniuries in that ſeaſon, for religious men were ſpoyled and robbed in the Kynges hygh way, and could not haue anye reſtitution nor re|medie againſte them that thus euill intreated them, till they had redeemed the Kyngs protec|tion. Perſons and Vicars,The [...] of C [...] and other of the Cleargie, when they rode ſoorthe any whether, were gladde to apparell themſelues in lay mens garmentes, ſo to paſſe through the Countrey in ſafetie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbyſhoppe of Caunterbury loſt all the goodes that hee hadde,The [...] ſhop of [...]+ter [...] go [...] [...]cale. for hee woulde neyther agree to giue anye thing, nor to lay any thyng downe in the Churche, that the Kyng myghte receyue it. Wherevpon, he was brought to ſuch extreame miſerie, that all his ſeruauntes wente from hym, and commaundemente was giuen foorthe, that no man ſhoulde receyue him, ney|ther within Monaſterie nor without, and ſo not hauing anye one place of all hys Byſhopricke where to laye hys head, hee remayned [...] the houſe of a poore perſon, onely with one P [...]e [...]:The [...] the [...] [...]rbury. and one Clearke: yet he ſtiffely ſtoode in the mat|ter, affirming certaynely, that all thoſe whyche graunted anye thing, eyther to the Kyng, or to any other temporall perſon withoute the Popes leaue, ranne withoute doubte into the daunger of the ſentence pronounced in the Canon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the feaſt of Saint Mathewe in Fe|bruarie,A Par [...] at Sa [...] the Kyng called a Parliamente of hys nobles, (not admitting thereto any of the Clear|gie) at Saliſburie, and there required certayne of hys Nobles to paſſe ouer into Gaſcoigne, but euery of them ſeemed to excuſe hymſelfe, whereat the Kyng beeyng moued, threatned, that they ſhoulde eyther goe, or hee woulde gy [...] theyr landes to other that woulde goe, with whyche wordes, many of them were greeuouſly offended, in ſo muche, that the Earles of Here|forde and Marſhall, Humfrey Bohun, and Ro|ger Bigod, declared that they woulde bee ready to goe with the Kyng if hee wente himſelfe, or elſe not.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And when the Earle Marſhall was eftſoones required to goe, hee aunſwered, I will willingly goe with the King, and marche before hym in the fore warde, as by righte of inheritance I am [...]unden. Yea ſayeth the Kyng, and you ſhall goe with other though I goe not, I am not [...] EEBO page image 825 bounde (ſayth the Earle) neyther doe I purpoſe to take the iourneye in hande with you.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king then in a greate chafe, burſt out and ſware, By God ſir Earle, eyther thou ſhalt goe or hange and I ſwane (fayth the Erle) the ſame othe, that I will neyther goe nor hang: and ſo departed from the Kyng without leaue taking: [...] diſloyall demeanour of [...]he tvvo erles. And immediatly herevpon thoſe two Erles aſ|ſembled many noble men, and other of their fren|des togither to the number of thirtie Ban [...]rettes and aboue, ſo that in all they were founde to be xv.C, men of armes appoynted and ready for battayle, and herewith they withdrew into their countreys, and kepte ſuche ſturre there, that they woulde not permitte the kyngs Officers to take neyther Woolles, leather, nor any thing againſte the owners wyl, but forbad them on pain of loo|ſing theyr heads to come within theyr & co [...]thes, and wythall prepared them ſelues to reſyſte if neede were.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They hadde [...]th them ſix [...]eedmen [...] armes, and [...] thouſande [...]otmen, as A| [...]ngdon hath.In this meane tyme the warre was proſecu|ted in Gaſcoyne. The thurſdaye before the Pu|rification of our Lady, Henry Earle [...] Lyn|colne, and the lord Iohn Saint Iohn departing from Bayonne towardes Bellegard, a place be|ſieged as then by the Earle of Arthoys, to ſuc|cour them within the ſame with victuals (wher|of they ſtoode in neede) as they approched to a wood diſtant from the fortreſſe a three miles, they deuided themſelues into two ſeuerall battailes, the Lord Iohn Saint Iohn leadyng the fyrſt, and the Earle of Lyncolne the ſeconde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]tayle be| [...]ixt the erle [...] Lincoln and [...]e Erle of Ar| [...], vvho had [...]n him .1500 [...] of armies (as [...]bingdõ hath)The Lord Saint Iohn therfore hauyng paſ|ſed the wood with his battayle, and entryng into the playne fieldes, was encountred by the Earle of Arthoys, who tarried there for hym wyth a greate power, where immediatly at the firſt ioy|nyng of the battayles, the Earle of Lincolne retyred backe: ſo that the Lorde Iohn Saint Iohn and his companye ouerſette with preaſſe of enimies, were vanquiſhed: and the ſaid Lorde Saint Iohn with Syr William de Mortymer, Sir William Burmengham and other to the number of eyght Knyghtes, and diuers Eſqui|res were taken, the whiche were ſente to Parys as Priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Abingdon.Other wryte ſomewhat otherwyſe f thys battayle, as that vppon the firſte encounter the Engliſhmen droue backe one regimente of the Earle of Arthoys hys men of armes, whome hee deuided into foure partes: but when they once ioyned wyth the ſeconde regiment, to the whyche they were beaten backe, forewarde they come agayne, and ſo chargyng the Engliſhe|menne, with helpe of theyr thyrde ſquadrone, whiche was nowe come to them alſo, they ea|ſily put the Engliſhmen oppreſſed with multi|tude vnto flyghte, and followe them in chaſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After thys, came the Englyſhemen whyche were in the rerewarde, and encountryng wyth the fourthe ſquadrone or regiment of the Fren|chemenne, ſtreyghte wayes brake the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heerewith was the nyghte come vppon them, ſo ſo that one coulde not knowe an other, a friende from an enimye, and ſo bothe the Engliſhemen and Frenchemen were diſperſed tyll the Moone roſe, and the Frenchemen wythdrewe to theyr Foureſſes, and amongeſt them certayne of the Englyſhemen were myngled, whyche beyng diſcouered, were taken Priſoners, as the Lorde Iohn Saint Iohn, and others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſlaughter was not great,The lord Saint Iohn taken. for there were no [...]hremente on eyther parte, to ſpoyle or kill the men of armes that were thrown beſyde their horſſes: For the Englyſhe footmen remayned in the wood, or were wythdrawne backe, as be|fore yt haue hearde, without attemptyng anye exployte worthie of prayſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Indeede ſome lay the blame in the Gaſcoyne footemen, for the loſſe of this battayle,Mat. VVeſt. bycauſe that they withdrewe backe, and lefte the En|gliſhe horſemen in daunger of the enimies whi|che hadde compaſſed them aboute on euerye ſyde,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Three hundred of the menne of armes came through to the towne of Bellegarde,Abyngdon. but bicauſe it was nyghte, ſo that they coulde not be diſ|cerned whether they were friendes or foes, they within the towne wold not ſuffer them to enter: wherevpon they departed, and went to S. Se|uere, foure leagues off. Yet further in the night, other of the Engliſhmenne were receyued into Bellegarde, which came thyther after the other, and ſo in the mornyng they of the gariſon with theyr aſſiſtance iſſued foorth, and commyng to the place where the battaile hadde bene, gathe|red the ſpoyle of the fielde, and conueyed into their Towne ſuch prouiſion of victuals as they founde there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Lincolne wyth a great ma|ny of other wandred a greate parte of the night and knewe not whether to goe.The Earle of Lincolne eſca|ped. At lengthe a|aboute three of the clocke in the morning he came to Perforate, where he had lodged with his army the night before,He commeth home. and there founde a greate number of hys people ryght gladde of hys commyng and happye eſcape oute of daunger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From thence hee retourned vnto Bayonne wyth the Earle of Richemont ſir Iohn de Brytayne and all hys companye that were lefte. And ſuche was the happe of this iour|neye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Lent folowing, [...]e that were diſper|ſed here and there abroade reſorted to the Erle of Lincolne, ſoiorning at Bayonne, and in the EEBO page image 826 ſommer ſeaſon, made a iourney towardes Tho|louſe,He inuadeth the countrey about Tholouſe. ſpoyling and waſtyng the Countreyes of Tholouſyne, and other theraboutes, and remo|ued alſo the ſiege whyche thoſe of Tholouſe had layde vnto a fortreſſe called Saint Kiternes, in chaſing them from the ſame ſiege: and towardes Michaelmaſſe, they retourned to Bayonne, and there laye all the Wynter till after Chriſtmaſſe, and then by reaſon of the truce concluded, as af|ter appeareth, betwixte the two kinges of Eng|lande and Fraunce, they retourned home into Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The cuſtom of vvooll rayſed.The ſame yeare the kyng reyſed the cuſtome of Wooll to an hygher rate than had bin payde at any tyme before: for he tooke now forty ſhil|lings of a ſack or ſerpler, where before there was payde but halfe a marke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Abingdon. Euerſden.

Prouiſion for the kings iour|ney into Frãce.

Moreouer he commaunded, that agaynſt his iourneye whyche hee meant to make ouer into Fraunce, there ſhoulde be two thouſande quar|ters of wheate, and as muche of Oates taken by the Sheriff in euery countie within the realme to be conueyed to the ſea ſide, except where they had no ſtore of corn, and there ſhould beeues and bakons be taken to a certayne number.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ia. Meir.In the meane tyme the Earle of Flaunders was ſore vexed by warre which the French king made againſt hym,The Frenche king inuadeth Flaunders. being entred into Flaunders with an armie of three ſcore thouſande men, as ſome authors haue recorded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Liſle beſieged.About the feaſte of the Natiuitie of Sainte Iohn Baptiſte he layde ſiege to Liſle, and ſhort|ly after came the Earle of Arthois, being retur|ned out of Gaſcoyne with his power vnto that ſiege,The Earle of Arthois van|quisheth the Flemings in battayle. and was ſent foorth to keepe the Flemings and others occupyed, whyche laye at Furneys, and in other places theraboutes in lowe Flaun|ders, wyth whome hee foughte, and gotte the victorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kyng Edwarde therfore, to ſuccour his fren|des prepared to go ouer into Flanders,N. Triuet. and ther|vppon ſummoned all thoſe that ought hym any ſeruice, and ſuche alſo as helde landes to the va|lue of .xx. poundes and aboue, to bee ready wyth horſſe and harneys at London about Lammaſſe to paſſe ouer wyth hym in that iorney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A rebellion in Scotlande by the meanes of one VVilliam VValace.In the meane tyme aboute the Moneth of Maye, there beganne a Rebellion in Scotland by the ſettyng on of William Waleys: for the kyng of Englandes Iuſtice Wylliam Ormſ|bye accordynglye as hee hadde in Commiſſion, confyned and put to outlawrye a greate ſorte of ſuche Scottiſhmen, as refuſed to doe fealtie and homage vnto the Kyng of Englande, the whyche Scottiſhemen beeing thus condemned as Outlawes, elected the foreſayde Wylliam Waleys for their captayn, with whom Williã Douglas beeing once aſſociate, the number of them encreaſed hugelye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Surrey and the Treſures [...] in Englande, thoſe outlawes purpoſed to haue taken the Iuſtice at Scone: but he beyng w [...] though almoſte too late, eſcaped himſelfe, wyth muche adoe, leauyng the moſte parte of his peo|ple as a ſpoyle to the enimies.Eng [...] [...] For Williã [...]|leys and his company kylled as many Engliſh|men as fell into his handes, and taking c [...] religious men, he bound their hands behynd [...], and conſtrained them to leape into the riuer, ta|king pleaſure to beholde howe they plunged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King ſent the Biſhop of Durham into Scotlande, to vnderſtande the certaintie of this rebellion, who retourning from thence, informed him of the truthe. The Kyng not mynding to break his iorney which he had purpoſed to make into Flaunders, appoynted that the Earle of Surrey ſhould haue the leadyng of all ſuch men of warre as myght be leuyed beyonde Trent, to repreſſe the Scottiſh rebels, and alſo wrote vnto Iohn Cumyn Lorde of Badenaw,The [...] and to the other Iohn Cumyn Erle of Boughan, that re|membring their fayth and promyſe, they ſhould retourne into Scotlande, and doe theyr beſte to quiet the countrey: they accordyng to his com|maundement, went into Scotlande, but ſhewed themſelues flow inough to procure thoſe things that perteyned to peace and quietneſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme whileſt theſe things were a doing, the Biſhop of Carleile,Abingd [...] and other which lay there vpon the garde of that Citie and Ca|ſtell, hauing ſome miſtruſt of the loyaltie in Ro|bert Bruce the yonger,Robert [...] that was Earle of Car|rike by his mother, they ſente hym word to come vnto them at a certayne daye, bycauſe they had to talke with hym of matters touchyng the kin|ges affaires: he durſt not diſobeye, but came to Carleile together with the Biſhop Gallowaye, and there receyued a corporal othe vpon the ho|ly and ſacred myſteries,The B [...] ſvvorde. and vpon the ſworde of Thomas Becket, to be true to the king of En|glande, and to ayde him and his agaynſt theyr enemyes in all that hee myghte: and further to withſtande that the ſayde Kynge receyued no hurte nor dammage ſo farre as in hym myght lye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, he returned agayn into Scotlãd, and for a colour entred into the landes of Wil|liam Douglas, and brent part of them, bringing the wyfe & chyldren of the ſame Wylliam backe wyth hym into Annandale: but ſhortly after,Rober [...] re [...]s the rebelles. he conſpyred with the Scottiſh rebelles, and ioy|ned hym ſelfe wyth them, not making his fa|ther priuye to the matter, who in the meane whyle remayned in the Southe parties of En|glande. He would haue perſwaded ſuch knights, Gentlemen and other as helde their landes of his EEBO page image 827 father in Annandale to haue gone with him, but they would not breake their faith giuen to the K. of England,

N. Triuet.

Three hũdreth [...]en of armes, [...]nd fifty thou| [...]nde footmen [...]th Abyng| [...]on.

and ſo left him. The Erle of Sar|rey aſſembling together his power in Yorkſhire, ſent his nephew the Lord Henry Percy with the ſouldiors of the countrey of Carleile before into Scotlãd, [...]enry Percye [...]e before. who paſſing forth to the town of Ayre, went about to induce them of Gallowaye vnto peace, and hering that an armie of Scottiſhmen was gathered togither at a place lyke a four mi|les from thence called Irwyn, [...]vvyn. he made thither|warde, and comming neere to the Scottiſh hoſt might behold where the ſame was lodged beyõd a certayne lake. In that army were capitaines, the Biſhop of Glaſgowe, Andrewe de Murray Steward of Scotlande, and William Waleys which (as ſhuld ſeeme) were not all of one mind.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]ſcorde in [...]e Scottishe [...]mye.

[...]ir Richarde [...]dye.

There was in the ſame army a knight named ſir Richard Lundy which neuer yet had done ho|mage to the king of England, but now fleing frõ his company, he came to the Engliſh armie, and ſubmitted himſelfe with his retinue vnto the K. of Englande, ſaying that he meant not to ſerue amongſt them any longer that coulde not agree togither. The reſidue of the Scottiſhemen ſued for peace,The Scots ſue [...]r peace. vpon condition to haue lyues, mẽbers, goodes, cattals and lands ſaued, with a pardon of all offences paſt. The Lord Percy vpon pledges and writings hereof deliuered, was contented to graunt their requeſts, ſo that the king his maſter would be therwith pleaſed, who being hereof cer|tified, bicauſe he wold not gladly be ſtayed of his iorney into Flaunders, graunted vnto all things that were thus required.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Then after that the erle of Surrey was come to the Engliſh camp, bicauſe William Waleys ceaſſed not in the meane tyme to aſſemble more people, the Engliſhmen doubting ſome treaſon, reſolued to giue battayle, but whyleſt they were in mynde thus to doe,The Bishop of Glaſcovv and VVilliam Dou+glas. the Biſhop of Glaſcowe and William Douglas to auoyde the note of diſloyaltie and treaſon, came & ſubmitted them|ſelues: and ſo the Biſhoppe was committed to+warde within the caſtell of Rockeſborough, and William Douglas in the caſtell of Berwike. It is to be noted, that euen in the very time that the treatie was in hande betwixte the Lorde Percye and the Scottiſh capitaynes, the Scots of Gal|loway and other ſet vpon that part of the engliſh campe, where the truſſe & baggage laye, whiche they ſpoyled and ranſacked, ſleaing aboue .v.C. perſons what of men, women and children, but the alaruni being reyſed,Abingdon. the Engliſhmen came to the reſkue, and chaſed the Scots, ſlewe aboue [figure appears here on page 827] thouſand of them, and recouered the moſt pa [...] of their owne goods, with more which they toke from their enimies. In this meane time king Edward at the feaſt of Lammas held a counſell at London,The Archeby| [...]op of Can| [...]erbury recey| [...]d into fauor. where he receiued the Archb. of Can|terbury again into his fauor, reſtoring vnto him al his goods and lands. He apointed him and the lord Reynold Grey to haue his eldeſt ſon prince Edw. in keping til his returne out of Flaunders. But Nir. Triuet writeth,Nic. Triuet. yt the ſaid prince Ed|ward being apointed to remain at home as lieu|tenant to his father, there were appoynted vnto him as coũſellors,Gardians ap|pointed to the [...]ngs ſonne in [...]s fathers ab| [...]ce. Rich. Biſh. of London, Wil|liã erle of Warwike, and the forenamed Lorde Reignold Grey, with the lord Iohn Gifford, and the lord Alane Plokenet, men of high wiſedom, grauitie & diſcretion, [...]rles Marshall [...] Hereford re| [...]t to go ouer with the kyng [...]o Flaunders. without making mention of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury in that place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The two Erles Marſhal and Hereford being cõmanded to attend ye K. into Flanders, refuſed, excuſing themſelues by meſſenger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this,Sir Rafe Mõt|hermer relea|ſed. the King cauſed ſir Rafe Monther|mer (whome hys daughter the Counteſſe of Glouceſter, in hir widdowhoode hadde taken to huſbande without knowledge of hir father) to be deliuered out of the caſtel of Briſtow, wherin he had bin kept priſoner a certain time vpon diſ|pleſure for ye mariage: but now he was not only ſet at libertie, but alſo reſtored to his wife, & to al the lands perteyning to the erledome of Glouce|ſter, appoynting him to finde .l. men at armes to ſerue in ye iorney into Flãders.Scottishmen releaſed. He alſo deliuered the erles of Caſſels & Menteth, Io. Cumyn and diuers other Scottiſhmen, apointing thẽ alſo to go with him into Flãders. Finally hauing aſſẽ|bled his army, ouer the whiche he made the lorde Thomas Berkley Conneſtable,

The Lorde Berckley.

A libell deliue|red to the king from the Earles of Hereforde & Marshall.

& Geffrey Ien|uille Marſhall, hee wente to Winchelſey, and whileſt he lay there before he toke ye ſea, ther was preſẽted vnto him frõ the erles a wryting which EEBO page image 828 conteyned the cauſes of the griefe of all the Archebiſhoppes,A libell deli|uered to the kyng from the Earles of Hert|ford & Mar|shall. Biſhops, Abbottes, Earles, Lordes, Barons, and of all the Communal|tie, as well for ſummonyng them to ſerue by an vndue meane, as alſo for the vnreaſonable taxes, Subſidies, Impoſitions, and payementes whiche they dayly ſuſteined, and namely the im|poſt augmented vpon the cuſtome of Wooll ſee|med to them verye grieuous. For where as for euerye ſacke of whole Woolle there was fortye ſhillings payde, and for euery ſacke of broken wooll one marke: It was well knowne that the wooll of England was almoſt in value eſteemed to bee woorth halfe the riches of the Realme, and ſo the cuſtome thereof payde, would aſcende to a fifth parte of all the ſubſtance of the lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kings an|ſvvere.The kings aunſwere therevnto was, that hee coulde not alter any thing, withoute the aduice of his Counſell, of the whiche parte were alrea|dye paſſed ouer into Flaunders, and parte were at London, and therefore hee required the ſayde Earles, that if they woulde not attende hym in that iourney into Flanders, they wold yet in his abſence doe nothing that mighte bee preiudiciall to the realme: for hee truſted by Gods fauour to returne againe in ſafetie, and ſette all thinges in good order.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King paſ|ſeth ouer into Flaunders.At length about the .xxj. day of Auguſt, the king tooke the ſea, and landed in Flaunders neere to Sluyce, about the .xxvij. day of the ſame mo|neth.Abingdon. Hee was no ſooner on lande, but that tho|rough olde enuie and malice depending betwixt [figure appears here on page 828] the Mariners of the cinque Portes,Debate and fighting be|tvvixt the ma|riners of the cinque Portes, and others. and them of Yermouth, and other quarters, a quarell was picked, ſo that they fel togither and fought on the water in ſuche earneſt ſorte, notwithſtanding the kings commandement ſent to the contrary, that there were fiue and twentie ſhips brente and de|ſtroyed of theirs of Yermouth, and other theyr partakers: alſo three of theyr greateſt ſhippes, parte of the kings treaſure being in one of them were tolled foorthe into the highe Sea, and quite conueyed away.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king from Sluce firſt went to Bruges, and after to Gaunt,Ia. M [...]. finding the countrey in [...] ſtate, by reaſon that the good townes were not all of one mynde: for diuers of them miſlyked with the doings of the Earle, in that he had al|lyed himſelfe with the Frenche Kynges aduer|ſaries.Liſle yeld [...] to the Fr [...] kyng. Aboute the beginnyng of September was Liſle yelded vnto the Frenche king, and af|ter that they of Doway, Curtray, and Bruges, dydde lykewyſe ſubmitte them ſelues vnto the ſame kyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then was Charles Earle of Valoys ſente vnto Bruges to fortifye that Towne,Charles [...] Valoys ſe [...] to Bruges. and to take the Englyſhe Nauye that laye at anker in the Hauen of Damme: but the Engliſhmen hauyng warning thereof, gotte foorth with their veſſelles into the Sea, and ſo the Earle of Va|loys beeing diſappoynted of that praie, ſette in hande to fortifye Bruges and Dam, but the Earle of Auſtriche, and Robert de Neuers ſonne to Earle Guy beeing ſent with a power of En|glyſhmenne, Flemyngs, and other Souldiours vnto Dam, foughte with the Frenchemenne,The Fren [...]+men [...]+ted at Dam. ſlewe foure hundred of them, beſydes dyuers that were taken, and recouered the Towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They myghte alſo haue recouered Bruges, as was thoughte, if the Englyſhmenne and Flemyngs had not fallen at ſtryfe, and fought togyther about denyding of the praie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fynally, after thys, the Frenche kyng came to Bruges, and when the Kyng of Englande and the Earle of Flaunders hadde long looked and all in vayne for the Emperoure Adulfe,The Em [...] Adolfe [...]|keth no [...] who hadde promyſed to come to theyr ayde wyth a greate armye, for the charges and wa|ges whereof he hadde receyued greate ſummes of money bothe of the Kyng of England, and alſo of the Earle of Flaunders: they conclu|ded in the ende (when they perceyued he would not come) to make ſome agreemente wyth the Frenche Kyng: and ſo fyrſte was a truce ta|ken, from the myddeſt of October, vnto the Ca|lendes of December, and after by mediation of Charles, (ſurnamed Claudus) Kyng of Sicile, the ſame truce was prolonged, as hereafter yee ſhall heare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In thys meane whyle, to witte,The Earle of Surrey en|treth Scot [...] aboute the ende of Auguſte, the Earle of Surrey when he ſawe that the Scottyſhemen woulde not per|fourme promyſe touchyng the delyuerie of the pledges, and that Wylliam Waleys ſtil mo|ued the people to rebellion, hee aſſembled his ar|my, and with the ſame entring Scotland, came vnto Striuelyng.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then the Lorde Stewarde of Scotlande and alſo the Earle of Lenox came vnto hym, requiring him to ſtaye tyll they myght haue lei|ſure EEBO page image 829 to ſee if they could bring the people of Scot|lande vnto the Kinges peace: but when they coulde not do it, they returned the tenth daye of September, promiſing to bring to the ayd of the Earle of Surrey on the morrow after .xl. horſe|men, vpon the whiche day .ij. Fryers, of the or|der of Preachers were ſent vnto William Wa|leys, and to the other Scottiſhmen lying beyond the hill aboue the monaſterie of Scambeſkyn to moue them to the kings peace. But their anſwer was, that they were not come to haue peace, but to try the matter by battaile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhe armye withoute good aduice thoroughe the preſumptuous pryde of the Lord Hugh Creſſingham preaſed to the bridge,The pride of Hugh Creſſin|gham. and haſtyng to paſſe the ſame, the Scottyſhemenne came vpon them, ere the one halfe could get ouer, and ſo fiercely aſſayling them,The Scottes aſſayle the En|glishemen. that the Engliſh|men were beaten backe and ſlayne downe. For the Scots after they ſawe ſo many of the Eng|liſhmẽ to haue paſſed the bridge, as the thought themſelues able to diſtreſſe,Abingdon. they made downe to the bridge foot, and with a number of their ſpear|men a foote, cloſed it vp that no more ſhuld come ouer to the ayde of theyr fellowes, nor thoſe that were already paſſed, ſhould returne agayne:The valiancie of ſir Marma|duke Thvveng Yet a right valyaunt knighte, one ſir Marmaduke Thweng, whiche was one of the firſt among the men of armes that came ouer, after that he & his cõpanie had driuẽ down one wing of their aduer+ſaries, & had folowed them in chaſe a good way, at length perceyuing their company behynde di|ſtreſſed by the Scottes, he retourned with thoſe fewe that were about hym, purpoſyng to repaſſe [figure appears here on page 829] the bridge, ruſhed in among the Scots that ſtood afore him with ſuch violence, that he paſſed tho|rough them, making waye for hymſelfe and for his folkes by great manhoode, ſauing one of his nephues alſo which was ſet a foote and wounded after his horſe had bin killed vnder him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Englishe|men diſcom| [...]ted.At length the diſcomfiture was ſuche, and the Scottes preaſſed ſo earneſtly to winne the bridge alſo of thoſe Engliſhemen whiche were not yet paſſed, that at length the Earle of Surrey com|maunded to breake that end of the bridge, where they ſtoode at defence, to kepe backe the Scots, for elſe had there fewe of the Engliſhemen eſca|caped.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were ſlayne (as ſome haue written) to the number of ſixe thouſand men, and among other was ſlayne ſir Hugh Creſſingham, whoſe ſkinne (as hath bene reported) the Scottes ſtrip|ped off his dead carkaſſe, for the malice whiche they bare towardes him. This diſcomfiture chaunced the .xj. day of September.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of [...]rrey retur|eth in haſt to [...]rvvike.The Earle of Surrey leauing in the caſtell of Striueling the ſaid ſir Marmaduke Thweng promiſed hym to come to his ayde at all tymes when neede ſhoulde be within .x. weekes ſpace, and herewith taking his horſe, rode in ſuch haſte to Barwike, that after his comming thyther, his ſteede beyng ſette vp in the ſtable of the Fry|ers Minors, neuer after taſted meate but dyed: After this, the ſayd Erle making no long abode in Barwike, rode vp to London vnto Prince Edwarde, and lefte the towne of Barwike as a pray to the Scottiſhmen: but thoſe yet that had the caſtel in keping defended it manfully againſt the Scottes, the whiche aſſembled togyther in campe vnder the leading of Alexander Earle of Murrey: and their Capitayne William Wa|leys came to Berwike,The Scots en|ter Barvvike. The caſtel hol|deth good a|gainſt them. and fynding the Towne voyde of all defence entred it, but they could not winne the caſtell by any meanes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Northumberlande men conueyed their wynes, their children, their cattel, and other goo|des which might be remoued out of the countrey for feare of the enimies inuaſion: but when the Scottes lingred tyme, and entred not within the Englyſhe borders for a ſeaſon, they broughte theyr goodes agayne, in hope that the Scottes woulde not come foorth of theyr owne marches at that time. But the Scottes hauing aduertiſe|mente thereof, aboute the feaſte of Saint Luke EEBO page image 830 entred the Engliſhe borders,The Scots in|uade Northũ|berlande, and ſpoyle the coũ|trey. and didde muche hurte within the countrey of Northumberland, ſo that to auoyde the daunger, all the Relygi|ous menne fledde out of the Monaſteries ſituate betwixt Newcaſtel vpon Tyne, and Carleile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Scottes ſpoyled, harryed, and brente vp and downe the countrey tyll the feaſte of Saint Martine, and in the Octaues of the ſame feaſte they drewe togither, and wente towards Car|leyle, whiche towne they ſummoned in ſendyng a Prieſte to them that kepte it, commaunding them to yeelde: but receyuyng a frowarde aun|ſwere,The foreſt of Inglevvood. they fell too and waſted all that countrey, paſſing through the forreſt of Inglewood, Cum|berlande, and Allerdale, tyll they came vnto Derwent at Cokermouth, not ſparyng neyther Churche nor chapell. Theyr meanyng was to haue gone into the Biſhoprike of Durham, but what thorough ſore weather of hayle, ſnow and froſt, and what thorough vayne feare of wrong information gyuen by their ſpyalles, that the Countrey was well prouided of men of warre for defence, they brake off that iourney, and yet there were not paſte a hundred men of armes, and three thouſande footemen in that countreye, whiche were then alſo diſperſed thorough yrke|ſomneſſe of long ſtaying for the enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scottes therefore drewe to Exham, [...] there lodged, not wythout vexyng the Cha [...] although they had graunted Letters of prot [...]ecti|on vnto the Prior and couent of the ſame houſe, to endure for one whole yere: and lykewyſe let|ters of ſafeconduite to paſſe and repaſſe for one Chanon, one Squyer, and two ſeruaunts, when ſo euer they ſhoulde ſende to them, duryng that tearme: Whiche letters were gyuen foorth vnder the name of the ſayde Earle of Murreye, and William Waleys.The towne [...] Ryton [...] A [...]. reg. [...] From thence they went to|wardes Newcaſtell, and brente the Towne of Ryton. Fynally, perceyuyng they coulde not preuayle in attempting to winne the towne of Newcaſtell, they deuided theyr ſpoyles,The S [...] [...] and re|tourned home.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the ſame tyme, to witte, a little be|fore Chriſtmaſſe, the Lorde Roberte Clifforde with the power of the Citie of Carleyle, entred Annandale, committyng all to the ſpoyle of the footmen, of whome there was a great number.The [...] [...]forde i [...] A [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The men of armes on horſebacke being not paſt an hundred in all, kepte togyther, and fyndyng their enimies aſſembled nere to Annan kirk,Annan kirk gaue a charge vpon them,Sc [...]es [...] and chaſed them into a ma|reys, within the whiche they kepte them till the footmen came in, and aſſayling them, ſlew a 308. [figure appears here on page 830] perſons, and tooke diuers of them priſoners, and returning againe to their market, brente ten vil|lages, and on Chriſtmaſſe euen retourned wyth their pray and booties vnto Carleil.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2


Annan kirke brent.

In the beginning of Lent they made an other roade, in the whiche they brente the Churche of Annan. Whyleſt theſe things were in hande, Prince Edward the kinges eldeſt ſonne & other, which had the rule of the realme in the kings ab|ſence, ſought meanes to pacifie the Erles Mar|ſhall and Hereforde: Nic. Triuet. The frovvarde dealing of the Erles of Here+ford and Mar|shall. but they woulde not agree but vpon ſuche conditions as pleaſed themſelues to preſcribe, which were, that the king ſhuld cõ|ſi [...]e the great Charter, and the Charter of Fo|reſts, with certain new articles to be included in the ſame great Charter, & that from thenceforth the king ſhould not charge his ſubiectes ſo freely at his pleaſure, as before tyme he had don, with|out conſent of the ſtates of parliament, and that he ſhould pardon his diſpleaſure and malice con|ceiued againſt them for denying to go with him into Flanders. Many other articles they woulde that the king ſhuld graunt, confirme, pardon and eſtabliſhe. The whiche were all ſente ouer into Flaunders vnto the King, that he might pervſe them, and declare whether he wold agree or diſ|agree to the ſame. He as one being driuen to the wall, thought good to yelde vnto the malice and iniquitie of the time to reconcile ye offended min|des of the peeres & barons of his realme, & graun|ted vnto al the ſaid articles, confirming the ſame with his Charter vnder his great ſeale. Abing [...] A ſ [...]bſ [...] graunted. In con|ſideration wherof, the nobles of the Realme and commons granted to the king the .ix. peny of all their goodes: the Archebiſhop of Canterburye, with the clergie of his prouince, the .x. penie, and the elect of Yorke and thoſe of his prouince, grã|ted the fifth penie towardes the mayntenaunce of the warre againſte the Scottes, bicauſe they were next vnto the daunger.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 831The kyng alſo by his ſpeciall letters required the nobles of the Realme, that if they dyd conti|nue in theyr due obedience to hym, as they pro|miſed at his departure out of the realme to doe, that then they ſhoulde reſorte and appeare at his Parliamente to beginne at Yorke, [...]arliament Yorke. the mor|rowe after the feaſt of Saint Hillarie, without all excuſe or delay: for otherwyſe he would ac|compt them as enimies to the common wealthe of the Realme. At whiche daye appeared the Earles of Warreyn and Glouceſter wyth the Counteſſe of Glouceſter his wyfe daughter to the King, the earles Marſhal, Hereford & Arun|dell, Guy ſonne to the Earle of Warwike in his fathers roomth: and of Barons, the lord Henry Percy, the lord Iohn Wake, and the lord Iohn Segraue, with many of the nobilitie, the whiche being aſſembled togither, would that it ſhould to all men be notified in what manner the king had confirmed the great Charter, [...]g [...] Charta and the Charter of forreſts: whervpon the ſame being read with the Articles thervnto added, and put in, the Biſhop of Carleile, adorned in Pontificalibus, did pro|nounce all them accurſſed, that wente aboute to violate and breake the ſame. And bycauſe the Scottiſh Lords appeared not, being ſummoned to be there, it was decreed, that the armie ſhould come togither at Newe Caſtell vppon Tyne in the Octaues of that feaſt of ſaint Hillarie nexte enſuing, ſo that the generall muſters might then and there be taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ate be| [...]ixt the kin| [...] men, and [...] Gantiners.The kyng lay the moſt part of thys winter at Gaunt, in the which mean time tyme ther chan|ced ſedition betweene the Engliſhemen and the Gauntoys, in ſo muche that the Welchmen had lette fyre on the Towne, if the king hadde not ſtayed the matter. But the Flemiſhe writers ſay, the Engliſhmen, ſette fyre in foure partes of the towne in deede, that they mighte the more freely haue robbed in other parties thereof, whyleſt the Towneſmen had gone about to quenche the fire. But the Towneſmen bente on reuenge, aſſem|bled togither in great number, and falling on the Engliſhmen ſlew thirtie of their horſemen, and of their footmen to the number of ſeuen hundred or thereaboutes. They hadde alſo [...]layn the king if a knight of Flaunders hadde not made ſhifte to ſaue hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Indeed (as ſhould appeare by the ſame wri|ters) the Engliſhe footemen had done much hurt in the countrey, & namely one day they ſpoyled the towne of Dam, & ſlew two hundred wor|thy perſonages which hadde yelded themſelues to the Kyng at his firſte commyng into the countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And although the king cauſed certain of thoſe that had done this outrage to be hanged: yet the Flemings bare this and other iniuries in theyr myndes, and meant to bee reuenged thereof, be|fore the Engliſhmen departed out of their coun|treye, and therefore there drewe out of ſundrye parties into the Citie of Gaunte by ſmall com|panyes, to the number of foure thouſande men of armes, beſides a great multitude of footmen: and when they perceyued them ſelues ſtrong y|nough (as they tooke the matter) at the daye a|mongeſt them appoynted, they cluſtred togy|ther, and vnder the leadyng of the Earles ſons, Wyllyam and Roberte,The Flemyngs ſet vpon the Englishmen in their lodgings. they didde fyrſte ſette vppon the Engliſhmen that were in theyr lod|gyngs, of whome they ſlewe dyuers, and after commyng foorthe into the ſtreates, they meant to haue made ſlaughter of all the reſidue: but by the noyſe that was rayſed, the Kyng hadde warnyng in what ſtate the matter ſtoode, and therewyth getteth hym to armoure, and came forth of hys lodgyng, and ſtreyghtwayes hys people flocked aboute hym. And furthermore, the footemen, whyche were lodged in the Sub|urbes, hearyng of thys tumulte, gette them to armoure, and approchyng the gates, fynd them ſhutte, but with fyre whych they kyndled with ſtrawe, wood, butter, and tallowe, and other ſuch thynges, they brente vp the ſame gates, and ſo got in, loſing not paſ [...]e ſixe perſons, and thoſe were ſlayne at the firſt entring.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herewith the Earle of Flaunders commeth to the Kyng, and beſeecheth hym to ſtaye hys people from committyng further outrage: but the kyng as he had reaſon ſo to doe, blamed him for the outragious attempte of hys people, and bad hym goe and appeaſe them, or he woulde take payne wyth them hymſelfe to hys owne ſuretie, though not greatly to theyr caſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle went, and didde ſo much,The Earle of Flaunders pa|cifyeth his people. that at length he quieted them, and then was order gi|uen for reſtitution of ſuche thynges as hadde bene taken from anye manne wrongfully, ac|cordyng to the order and direction preſcribed by certayne diſcrete perſons appoynted as Com|miſſioners in that behalfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng perceyuyng hym ſelfe in ſome daunger, and that withoute the fauoure of the Flemyngs he myght hardly eſcape out of their countrey, bare manye thynges, and ſpake cur|teouſlye, makyng partely amendes for the har|mes doone by his people, as well abrode in the countrey, as in the townes. And finally aboute Midlent he returned into Englande, as after ye ſhall heare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane tyme by the Kyngs appoint|mente,

Nic. Triuet.

An army aſſem|bled at Yorke.

the Earle of Surreye Lord [...] War|den of Scotland, wyth other Earles and noble menne to hym aſſociate, aboute the feaſte of Saincte Hillarye, had aſſembled an armye at Yorke, hauyng fyrſte ſummoned the Lordes EEBO page image 830 [...] EEBO page image 831 [...] EEBO page image 832 of Scotlande to appeare there at the ſame daye, who yet came not, but contrarily had beſieged the Caſtell of Rockeſburghe.The Scots be|ſiege Rockeſ|burgh. Wherevppon the Earle of Surrey haſted thytherwardes, ſo that Willyam Waleys and other of the Scottyſh|men whiche laye there at ſiege, reyſed the ſame, and departed from thence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Surrey entreth Scotland.The Earle of Surrey comming to Rockeſ|burgh, and relieuing them that kept it with ſuch things as they wanted paſſed foorth to Kelſſow, and came afterwards to the towne of Barwike, which the Scottiſhmen had left voyde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here came letters vnto them from king Ed|ward, ſignifying that hee had taken truce wyth the Frenche king, and that he mente ſhortely to [...]etourne into England, and therfore commaun|ded them not to make any further enterpriſe than the defending of the frontiers, and the recouerie of Barwike, til his comming ouer. Herevppon was a greate part of the armie diſcharged, and ſuche only remayned in Barwike as might ſuf|fice for defence therof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Edvvard returneth home vvardes.King Edwarde hauing made an ende of hys buſineſſe in Flaunders, as before ye haue heard, returned now towards England, and came to a Towne called Ardenburg, where the moſte part of ſuche Scottiſhmen as he had broughte with him into Flanders, ſlipped from him, & wentvn|to Paris. The king being returned into Eng|lande, remoued the Barons of the Eſchequer, and the Iuſtices of the Benche vnto York, cal|ling a Parliamente thither, and gaue ſummo|nance to the Lordes of Scotland to come to the ſame:The Scottes ſum [...]ed to the Parliament at Yorke, refu|ſed to come. but making defaulte in their appearance, he ſent forth his comiſſion and letters to warne his ſubiectes to be readie with horſe and harneys at Rockeſburgh in the feaſte of the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptiſt next enſuyng. They obeying his comaundement,An army raiſed aſſembled there at the daye appoynted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were in this armie nowe aſſembled at Rockeſborough together with thoſe of the Bi|ſhopricke aboute three thouſande men of armes mounted on ba [...]ded horſes,


The number of men armed in this armye.

beſydes foure thou|ſande other armed menne on horſebacke wyth|out b [...]rdes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There were alſo a great number of footmen, and yet none but ſuch as came vpon their owne good w [...]lles, the whiche were almoſt all Welch|men or Iriſhmen.VVelchmen & Irishmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There came alſo afterwardes fyue hundred menne of armes w [...]ll apparelled, furnyſhed and mounted,Gaſcoynes. out of Gaſcoyne: of the which a cer|tayne number were ſente vnto Barwike by the king: where after the battayle fought with the Scottes, they remayned in garniſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nic. Triuet.The Earle of Hereford, and the Earle Mar|ſhall were preſente wyth theyr retinues amon|geſt other in thys armie here aſſembled at Roc|keſborough, the whyche vpon ſuſpition co [...]|ned of that they had hearde,The E [...] Here [...] Ma [...] ſ [...] [...] thought it not ſuffi|cient to haue the Kynges Letters patentes tou|ching the confirmation of the two Charters, and other the Articles aboue mencioned ſygnes by hym, whyleſt he was oute of the Realme, a [...] therefore required that he woulde nowe within his owne lande, confirme the ſameagaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Here the Biſhoppe of Durham, Iohn Earle of Surrey, Willyam Earle of Warwike, and Raufe Earle of Glouceſter, vndertooke for the kyng, that after hee had ſubdued his enimies, and ſhould be agayne returned into the realme, he ſhoulde ſatiſfie them in that behalfe, and con|firme the ſame articles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This done, the King marching foorth wy [...]h his armye, came to Temple Hiſton, and ſente foorth the Biſhoppe of Durham to take certayn Caſtelles thereaboutes,Ca [...] [...] by the [...] of D [...] as Orinton (or as ſome Copies haue) Drilton, and other two whiche enterpriſe, the Biſhoppe ſpeedyly accompliſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhe fleete that ſhoulde haue come from Berwike, and kepte alongſt the coaſte to haue furniſhed the Armie wyth victualls, was ſtayed and holden backe with contrarie wynd ſo that the armie beganne to be in greate neceſſitie of victuals. The Scottiſhemen were aduertiſed hereof, and ſuppoſyng that the Engliſhemen by reaſon of ſuche want of victuals, had not bene able through feebleneſſe to make any greate reſi|ſtaunce, aſſembled theyr powers togyther, and came towardes the place where the kyng with his army was lodged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time twoo of the Engliſhe ſhippes arriued there wyth victualles, the whiche beyng beſtowed. Amongſt the ſouldeors, relieued them greately of theyr hunger, amoungeſt other the Welchemen had twoo tunnes of wine deliuered to them for theyr ſhare,


A fraye be|tvvixt the VVelche [...] Engliſhmen

the whiche they taſted ſo greedyly, that ouercome therewyth they fell to quarrelling wyth the Engliſhemen and begunne a fraye, in the whiche they ſlew an eighteen, and hurte dyuerſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Engliſhe horſemenne heerewyth beyng kindeled wyth diſpleaſure, got them to armour, and ſetting vpon the Welchmen, ſlew of them to the number of foure ſcore, and put the other to flight: wherevpon the nexte morning it was ſaid that the Welchemen vppon wrathe conceyued hereof meant to depart to the Scottes: but yet when the campe remoued they followed the ar|my though a farre off, and a part by themſelues,The Eng [...]men [...]nde [...] doubte of the VVelch [...] in ſo muche that many doubted leaſt if the Eng|liſhmen had chaunced to haue had the worſe at the Scottiſhe mensne handes, they woulde haue ioygned wyth them agaynſte the En|glyſhemenne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 833 N. Triuet.The Kyng nowe hearing that the Scottes were commyng towardes hym, rayſed hys fielde, and wente foorthe to meete them, lod|gyng the nexte nyghte in a fayre playne. In the morning very early, a greate alarme was reyſed, ſo that euery man got him to armour, ſuppoſing the Scottes to bee at hande. The horſe appoynted for the kyngs ſaddle that day, as the Kyng ſhoulde haue got vppon hym, afrighted wyth ſome noyſe, ſtarte aſide, and threwe the Kyng downe wyth ſuche violence, that hee brake twoo of his ribbes, as the reporte went Other write; that his horſe trode on hym in the night as he and his people reſted them, keeping their horſes ſtill bridled to bee readye the ſooner vppon occaſion of any neceſſitie: but howſoeuer hee came by hys hurt, he ſtayed not to paſſe forwarde in his purpoſed iourney, but mounting vppon an other horſe,The battaile [...]f Foukirke. went foorth with hys armye till hee came to a place called Foukirke where bothe the armyes of England and Scotland met and fought.


The order of [...]he Scottishe [...]attayles.

The Scottes were deuided into four ſchiltrons, as they ter|med them, or as we may ſay, round battailes, in forme of a circle, in the whiche ſtoode theyr people, that caried long ſtaues or ſpeares which they croſſed ioyntly togither one wythin an o|ther, betwixt which ſchiltrons or round bat|tails were certain ſpaces left the which wer fil|led wyth theyr archers & bowmen, and behinde all theſe were theyr horſmen placed. They had choſen a ſtrong grounde, ſomewhat ſideling on the ſide of a hill. The Erles Marſhall, Herford,The Earles Marshall, Her|forde, and Lin|colne ledde the fore vvarde. and Lincolne whiche ledde the forewarde of the Engliſhemen, at the firſt made directly to|wardes the Scottes, but they were ſtayed by reaſon they founde a marys, or an euill fauou|red moſſe betwixt theyr enemyes and them, ſo that they were conſtreyned to ſerche a compaſſe towardes the weſte ſide of the fielde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Byſhop of Durham ruling in the ſe|conde battaile of the Engliſhemen conſiſting of ſixe and thirtie ſtanderds or banners,The bishop of Dur [...]m ledde the ſeconde vvarde. know|ing the let of that moſſe or maris, made toward the Eaſte ſide, haſting forth to be the firſte that ſhoulde giue the onſet: but yet when they ap|proched neare to the enemies; the Byſhoppe commaunded his people to ſtaye till the thyrde battaile, which the Kyng led, mighte approch: but that valiant Knyght the Lorde Raufe Baſſet of Drayton ſayde to hym:The Lorde Baſſet of Drai|tons vvordes to the Bishop of Durham. My Lorde Byſhoppe, you may goe and ſay Maſſe, which better becometh you, than to teache vs what we haue to doe, for wee will doe that that belon|geth to the order of warre, and herewyth they haſted foorthe on that ſyde to chardge the fyrſte ſchiltron of the Scottes, and the Earles wyth theyr battaile on the other ſide, and euen vppon the firſte brunt, the Scottiſhe horſemen fledde,The Scottishe horſemen flee. afewe only excepted, which ſtayed to keepe the footemen in order. And amongeſt other, was the brother of the Lorde Stewarde of Scot|lande, who as hee was aboute to ſet in order the bowemen of S [...]lkirke, by chaunce was vn|horſed, [figure appears here on page 833] and ſlaine there amoungeſt the ſame bowemen, and many a tall mans bodye wyth hym. [...]heir archers [...]yue. The Scottiſhe archers thus being ſlain, the Engliſhemen aſſailed the ſpeare men, but they keeping them ſelues cloſe togyther, [...]heſe Scottish [...]are [...]ẽvver, Gallovvaye Euerſden [...]en. and ſtandyng at defence wyth theyr ſpeares like a thicke wood, kepte out the Engliſhe horſemen for a while, and foughte manfully, though they were ſore beaten wyth ſhotte of arrowes by the Engliſhe archers a foote: and ſo at length galled wyth ſhot, and aſſailed by the horſemen on eche ſide, they begun to diſorder and ſhrinke from one ſide to another, and herwith the horſ|men brake in amongſt them, and to they were ſlaine and beaten down in maner all the whole number of them. Some ſaye there dyed of the EEBO page image 834 Scottes that daye (beyng the twoo and twenty of Iuly,N. Triuet. and the feaſte of Mary Magdalene) aboue twentie thouſande. Other write, that there were ſlaine at the leaſte to the number of xv.

Mat. VVeſt. hathe fourtye thouſande.

Polidore. N. Triuet.

The tovvne of S. Androvvns.

thouſande. The Scottiſhe writers alledge that this battaile was loſte by treaſon of the Cumyns and other, as in the Scottiſh hiſtorie ye may more plainly perceiue, with more mater touching the ſame battaile: after this was the towne of Sainct Androwes deſtroyed, no man beeyng wythin to make reſiſtaunce. And from thence the Engliſhe army came throughe Sel|kirke Forreſte vnto the caſtell of Ayre,The caſtell of Aire. whiche they founde voyde: and after they came by the towne of Annan and tooke the caſtell of Loch|maben, and ſo returned into Englande by the Weaſtmarches,


Irishe Lordes. The Iſle of Arayne.

and came to Carleil.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time certaine Iriſhe lords, and amongeſt other as chiefe, one Thomas Biſet landed in the Iſle of Arain, the inhabi|tants whereof yelded themſelues vnto the ſame Thomas, who as was iudged, ment to haue ayded the Scottes: but nowe hearing of the victorie whiche Kyng Edwarde had gotten in a pight fielde, he ſent vnto hym to giue hym to vnderſtande that hee was come in his ayde, and had wonne the ſaide Iſle of Airen,Thomas Biſet requireth the Ile of Arain. and therfore beſought him that it might pleaſe him to graũt it vnto hym and hys heyres, to holde of hym and his heyres for euer. Whiche requeſt the K. graunted:The euill opi|nion of the Erles Marshall and Hereforde tovvardes the Kyng. whereof when the Earles Marſhall & Hereford were aduertiſed, they thoughte this a raſhe parte of the Kyng, conſidering that hee had promiſed to doe nothing of new wythout theyr conſentes and counſell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Therefore the Kyng beyng as ye haue heard returned to Carleill, they got licence to depart home wyth theyr people leauing the kyng ſtill at Carleil, where he remained a time, and held a Parliament there,The Kynges liberalitie to|vvardes his nobles. in the whiche he graunted vnto many of his nobles, the lands and liuings of dyuers noble men of the Scottes, as to the Earles Earledomes, to the Barons baronies, but Gallowaye and Annandall wyth certayne other counties, he aſſigned to none, reſeruing the ſame (as was thought) vnto the foreſayde two Erles, leaſt they ſhould thinke themſelues euill dealt wyth, if they had no parte beſtowed on them amongeſt the reſidue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King after this went to Durham, and from thence thoughte to haue returned ſtreight towardes London, but hearing that the Scot|tes ment to make ſome inuaſion, hee went to Tynmouth, and remained there till towards Chriſtmaſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 27. After the Kyng had layne a certen time at Tinnemouthe, hee departed from thence, and drewe Southwarde,Cotyngham. and comming to Coting|ham, a little from Beuerly, helde hys Chriſt|maſſe there,1293. and after drewe towardes Lon|don, where in the begynning of Lent, hee [...] a parliament,

A parliament

Abing [...]

at the which hee was requyred to keepe promiſſe for the confirming of the two charters and articles concluded wyth the Erles of Hereford and Marſhall. The King was no|thyng contented that this matter ſhoulde bee ſo earneſtely called vppon, for lothe hee was to graunte theyr full requeſtes, and agayne to de|nye them, hee ſtoode in doubte howe it mighte bee taken: hee therefore prolonged time, and woulde make no aunſwere eyther to or fro [...] and when the Lordes vrged hym ſore to giue them aunſwere, hee got hym out of the citie,The Lord [...] [...]ll vpon the Kyng to [...] not making them priuie of hys departure, and when they followed hym, and ſemed not well contented that hee ſhoulde ſo diſſemble wyth them, hee excuſed hymſelfe by blaming the [...] of the citie to bee againſte hys health, and there|fore he bare them in hande, that he only ſought to refreſhe hymſelfe in ſome better ayre in the countrey more agreable to hys nature: [...] and as for aunſwere to theyr requeſtes, hee willed them to repayre againe to the citie, and they ſhoulde haue aunſwere by hys counſaile ſo farre as ſhoulde ſtande wyth reaſon to content them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They returned as hee willed them, and had the charters confirmed according to their re|queſtes, ſauing that this addition was put in the latter end of ye ſame, Saluo iure coronae nostra. The addition put in the [...] Wyth whiche addition, the Lordes were of|fended, and tourned home to theyr houſes in as greate diſpleaſure towardes the Kyng as be|fore.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The counſel doubting ſome ſeditions ſturre to ariſe hereof amongeſt the people, deliuered the charters (ſo ſealed and ſigned as they were) vnto the Sheriffes of London, that the ſame might bee redde openly before the people,The addition re [...] in Poules Churcheyar [...] which was done in Poules Churcheyarde in preſence of a greate aſſemblie there come togyther and gathered for that purpoſe. The people at the firſte before they heard the addition gaue many bleſſinges to the Kyng, for thoſe grauntes, but when they hearde wyth what wordes hee con|cluded, they curſed as faſte as before they had bleſſed. Before this parliament was diſſolued, the Lordes had warnyng to retourne agayne ſhortely after Eaſter, and then they had all thinges graunted and performed as they could wiſhe or deſire.The perambu|lations of [...]|reſt [...] The perambulations of For|reſtes were appoynted vnto three Byſhoppes, three Earles, and three Barons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the latter ende of Iune there came ouer a Byſhoppe ſente from Pope Boniface as hys Nuncio, and dyuers other wyth hym,A bishop [...] from the [...] to declare the order which the Pope as arbi|trator EEBO page image 835 indifferently choſen betwixte the twoo Kynges of Englande, and Fraunce, for the deciding of all controuerſies depending bee|twixte them) had giuen foorthe and decreed, whiche was in effect as followeth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The Popes [...]cree of peace [...]etvvixt the [...]ages of Englande and Fraunce.Fyrſte that Kyng Edwarde beeyng then a widower ſhoulde marry the Frenche Kynges ſiſter named Margaret, notwithſtandyng the degrees of conſangiuinitie, for the whiche the Pope woulde diſpence. Againe that the Lorde Edwarde the Kynges eldeſt ſonne ſhoulde at conuenient tyme take to wyfe the Ladye Iſa|bell the Frenche Kynges daughter. Alſo that the Kyng of Englande ſhoulde make ſatiſfac|tion for the Frenche ſhippes whiche hys men had taken at the beginning of the warre, [...]. Triuet. and that ſundrye townes in Gaſcoyne ſhoulde bee put into the Popes handes, till it might be vn|derſtoode vnto whome the righte apperteyned. But thoſe twoo laſt articles tooke ſmall effect, the Frenche Kyng refuſing to deliuer any of thoſe townes whiche hee had gotten in poſſeſ|ſion.The Popes re| [...]eſt for the [...]leaſing to ly| [...]rtye or Iohn [...]aillol. Moreouer, theſe meſſengers in the Popes behalfe required the Kyng that hee woulde ſet at libertie Iohn Baillol ſometime Kyng of Scotland, and to reſtore thoſe landes vnto his ſonne Edwarde Baillol, whiche hee ought to holde within the Realme of Englande, pro|miſing and vndertaking in the Popes behalfe to preſerue and ſaue the Realme harmeleſſe of all hurte or damage that myghte enſue by, the deliuerie of the ſayde Iohn Baillol.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Edward vnderſtanding that ther was greate daunger in ſetting hym at libertie, [...]ohn Baillol [...]lyuered out [...] priſon at the [...]opes ſuite. was contented to deliuer hym vnto the Pope, but hee refuſed to make reſtitution vnto Edwarde Baillol of the landes whiche hee demaunded. The Popes ambaſſadoures receyuing Iohn Baillol at Kyng Edwards handes, tooke hym ouer wyth hym into Fraunce, and there lefte hym in the cuſtodie of the Byſhoppe of Cam|brey,


[...]e departeth [...]is lyfe.

the Popes deputie in that behalfe, where ſhortelye after hee dyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, according to the couenauntes of agreement made beetwixte the twoo Kynges of Englande and Fraunce, [...] Triuet. the ceptiues vpon either parte were deliuered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Kyng ma| [...]eth the Frẽch [...]ngs ſiſter.In the feaſte of the natiuitie of our Ladye, the Kyng married the Ladye Margaret ſiſter to the Frenche Kyng at Canterburye wyth greate ſolempnitie. Aboute the feaſte of Sainct Martin in wynter the Kyng helde a parliamẽt at Yorke, [...] parliament [...] Yorke. meaning to haue gone from thence into Scotlande, to haue reſcued the caſtell of Strueling, whiche the Scottiſhemen had be|ſieged, and had it ſurrendred vnto them, ere the Kyng coulde ſet forewarde to come to rayſe the ſiege. The ſame yere died Henry Newarke Archbiſhop of Yorke,

The deceaſſe of the Archbi|shop of Yorke.

An. reg. 28.



A proclamati|on for money.

and Thomas Corbridge a doctour in diuinitie ſucceeded hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the eyghte and twentye yere of his raign in the Chriſtmaſſe ſeaſon Kyng Edwarde ſet foorth a proclamation, forbidding and prohi|biting all forraine coine to bee receyued and payde as ſteeling mony wythin his dominion, commaunding by the ſame proclamation, that two peeces of them ſhuld go for one ſterlyng, vntill the feaſt of Eaſter. There were diuers moneyes in thoſe dayes currant wythin this realme, as Pollardes, Crocards, Staldinges, Egles, Leonines, Sleepinges, and all theſe were white monyes, artificially made of ſiluer, copper, and ſulphur, ſo that it was an y [...] tyme for baſe moneyes, and muche choppyng and chaunging was vſed in buying and ſelling of thynges. At Eaſter following the King vtter|lye forbad that any of thoſe moneyes ſhoulde be currant at all,Forreyne mo|neys forbidden to go as currãt. and helde his exchaunge in ſun|dry places, and to be rydde of them, men gaue fiue or ſixe of them for one ſterling, not caring for them bycauſe of theyr baſeneſſe, and yet wythin one yeare after that men had learned the ſkill by proofe howe to trie the mettall with melted leade in the fire, they founde that twoo peeces of thoſe baſe moneys were in valewe worthe one ſterling, and many became riche by the exchange, whiche had boughte good ſtore of them, when they were ſo ſmally eſteemed: but the Kyng cauſed enquirie to be made of them that vſed ſuche exchaunge wythout his licence, and put them to theyr fines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At a Parliament holden at London in lent this yeare, the Kyng renued the confirmation of the charters, and made certain new ſtatutes concerning fines and Gaole deliueries, very profitable to the common wealth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the feaſte of Sainct Iohn Baptiſt,


The king goth vvith an armye into Scotlande.

Kyng Edwarde went wyth an armye into Scotlande, and there graunted a truce to the Scots that inhabited the mountaine countryes to endure for eleuen Moneths, that is to wit, till Whitſontide nexte enſuing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 As the Kyng was vppon hys iourney fore|wardes in the Northe partes, hys late married wyfe Quene Margaret was deliuered of hys firſt ſonne at Brotherton,Thomas of Brotherton borne the firſte of Iune a place in Yorkſhire not farre from Pontfret, he was named Tho|mas, and tooke the ſurname of Brotherton, of the place where he was borne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer Pope Boniface at the ſute of the Scottes wrote his letters vnto kyng Edward commaunding hym by the ſame and by the Archebiſhoppe of Canterbury, whome hee ap|poynted to delyuer the ſame letters, by other letters to hym directed, that he ſhould not on|ly releaſe and ſet at libertie all ſuche Scottes EEBO page image 836 as he had in priſon, but alſo giue ouer his war|res which he made againſt the realm of Scot|lande: and if he ment to make any claime to the ſame, then to ſend his procurators vnto the court of Rome, and there to ſhewe what eui|dence hee coulde for hys righte thereto, where the matter (as he mainteined) was to be heard, decided, and iudged and not elſe where. The Archebyſhoppe according to the Popes com|maundement did the meſſage, and preſented the Popes letters vnto the King, who deferred the anſwer vnto the aſſemblie of the eſtates in par|liament, and hereof the Archebiſhop aduertiſed the Pope accordingly as in the letters to hym directed hee was commaunded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Euerſden.This yeare alſo on Sainct Remigius day, whiche is the firſte of October, dyed Edmunde Earle of Cornewall, the ſonne of Earle Ry|charde, that was alſo Kyng of Almayne: and bycauſe he left no iſſue behynde him to inherite that Erledom, the ſame returned to the crown,

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 29.

Mat. VVeſt. Croxden.

In the xxix. yere of king Edwards raigne, on Sainct Oſwaldes daye, or as ſome haue written, the Fryday after the feaſt of Peter ad vincula, his wyfe Queene Margaret was deli|uered of hir ſeconde ſonne,1301. that had to name Edmunde of Woodſtocke, ſurnamed ſo of the place where hee was borne. The Kyng alſo this yere after Chriſtmaſſe helde a Parliament at Lincolne, to the whiche the Earles and Ba|rons of the realme came in armour, to the end (as it is ſaide) that they myghte procure of the Kyng the more ſpeedye execution of the charter of Forreſtes, whiche by hym had hitherto bene delaied, but nowe that hee perceiued theyr ear|neſtneſſe and importunate ſuite, hee condiſcen|ded to their willes in all thynges.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Pope Boniface inhibiteth the king of Englãd further to vexe the Scottes.Pope Boniface beeyng ſolicited by the in|ſtant ſuite of the Scottiſhemen, and offended alſo that the landes in Englande whiche bee|longed vnto Edwarde Bailloll the ſonne of Iohn Baillol, were not to the ſame Edwarde reſtored, hee eftſoones wrote to Kyng Edward forbidding hym from thence foorthe any fur|ther to vexe the Scottes by warres, bycauſe that the kingdome of Scotlande was ſurren|dred alreadye into hys handes by the generall conſent of the Scottiſhemen themſelues, and therefore was it in hys power to beſtowe and take awaye the ſame to whome or from whome ſoeuer it ſhoulde pleaſe hym.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 N. Triuet.There were reaſons alledged why the King of Englande ſeemed to doe wrong in chalen|ging as then the kingdome of Scotlande: and amongeſt other, one was that ſuche homage as had bene done of auncient time to the Kings of Englande, by the Kynges of the Scottes, was onely meant for Tyndale, Penreth, and ſuche other landes as the Scottiſhe Kynges helde within England, and not for the Realme of Scotlande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 And whereas the Kyngs of Scotlande had aided the Kyngs of Englande in theyr watres againſte the Rebells of theyr Realme of Eng|lande, and bene preſent at theyr coronation, the ſame was done of ſpeciall fauour and not of dutie. Kyng Edwarde hauyng receyued the Popes preſcript and well conſidered the whole contentes thereof, ſent in writing his anſwere ſo at large, prouing by euident reaſons that the right of propretie of the kingdome of Scot|lande, did moſte iuſtly apperteyne vnto hym, and that the allegations were not true, but for|ged, whiche had bene by ſurmiſed informa|tion preſented againſte hym. Beſide the kyngs letters whiche hee wrote in his owne behalfe, there was an other letter deuiſed and written by all the Lordes temporall of the lande aſſem|bled in parliament at Lincolne, in which letter they aunſwered in name of all the eſtates there gathered, vnto that pointe wherein the Pope pretended a right to be iudge for the title of the Realme of Scotlande, proteſting flatly that they would not conſent that theyr Kyng ſhuld doe any thyng that might tende to the diſenhe|riting of the ryght of the crowne of Englande, and plaine ouerthrow of the ſtate of the ſame realme, and alſo hurt of the liberties, cuſtoms, and lawes of theyr fathers, ſith it was neuer known, that the kings of this land had anſwe|red or ought to anſwere for theyr rights in the ſame Realme, afore any iudge Eccleſiaſticall or ſecular. The Tenour of whiche letter be|ginneth thus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3

TO our moſt holy father in Chriſte, Boni|face by gods prouidence high Byſhoppe of the holye Romaine and Vniuerſall Churche, his deuoute ſons Iohn Earle Warren: Tho|mas Erle of Lancaſter: Rafe de Monthermer Earle of Glouceſter and Hertforde, Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereford and Eſſex, and Conneſtable of England: Roger Bigod earle of Norfolke, and Mareſchall of Englande: Guy Earle of Warwike: Rycharde earle of Arundell: Adomate de Valence Lord of Mon|terney: Henry de Lancaſter Lorde of Mon|mouth: Iohn de Haſ [...]ngs Lorde of Berge|uennie: Henry de Perey Lorde of Topelife: Edmunde de Mortimer Lorde of Wigmor: Robert Fitz Water Lord of Wodham: Iohn de Sainct Iohn Lorde of Hannake: Hughe de Veer Lorde of Swaneſtampe: Wylliam de Brewſe Lorde of Gower: Roberte de Mont|hault Lorde of Hawarden: Roberte de Tate|ſhall Lorde of Wokeham: Reignald de Grey lorde of Ruthin: Henry de Grey lorde of Cod|nore, EEBO page image 837 Hugh Bardolfe lorde of Wormegayt: Roberte de Clifforde Chateſtain of Appelbye: Peter de Malowe lorde of Malgreene: Philip lord of Kime: Robert Fitz Roger lord of Cla|uerings: Iohn de Mohun lorde of Duneſter: Almerit [...]e de Sainct Amounde lord of Wide|hay: William de Ferrers lord of Grovy: Alain de Zouche lord of Aſhby: Theobalde de Ver|don lord of Webbeley: Thomas de Furniuall lorde of Schefielde: Thomas de Multon lorde of Egremont, William Latimer lorde of Cor|by, Thomas lorde Berkley: Foulke Fitz War|ren lorde of Mitingham: Iohn lord Segraue: Edmunde de Eincourt lorde of Thurgerton: Peter Corbet lorde of Caus: Wyllyam de Cantelowe lorde of Rauenſthorpe: Iohn de Brauchampe lorde of Harche: Roger de Mor|timer lorde of Penkethlin: Iohn Fitz Reinald lorde of Blenleueny: Raufe de Neuell lorde of Raby: Brian Fitz Alaine lorde of Bedale: Wyllyam Mareſhall Lorde of Hengham [...] Walter Lorde Huntercombe: Wyllyam Martin lorde of Camels: Henry de Thies lord of Chilton: Roger le Ware lord of Iſefielde Iohn de Riuers lord of Angre: Iohn de Lan|caſter lorde of Griſedale: Robert Fitz Payne lorde of Lainnier: Henry Tregoz lorde of Ga|ringes: Robert Pipard lorde of Lomforde: Walter lord Faucomberg: Roger le Strange lorde of Elleſmer: Iohn le Strange lorde of C [...]okyn: Thomas de Chances lord of Nor|ton: Walter de Beauchamp lorde of A [...]edeſter. Rycharde Talbot lorde of Eccleſwell: Iohn Butetwart lord of Mendeſham: Iohn Engain lorde of Colum: Hughe de Poynz lorde of Cornevaler: Adam lorde of Welles: Simon lorde Montacute: Iohn lorde Sulle: Iohn de Melles or rather Moelles Lorde of Candebu|ry: Edmũd baron Stafford: Io. Louel lord of Hackings: [...]tages I [...] i [...]. Edmũd de N. lord of Elch [...] [...]|kes: Rafe Fitz Williã lord of Grimthorp: Ro+bert de Seales lord of N [...]uſells: Wil. Turhet lorde of Lewenhales: Io Abadan lord of De|uerſion: Iohn de Haueringes lord of Grafton: Rob. la Warde lorde of Whitehall: Nic. de Segraue lord of Stow: Walter de Tey lord of Stougraue: Io de Liſle lord of Wodton: Euſtace lorde Hacche: Gilbert Peche lorde of Corby: Wil. Painel lord Trachingron. Rog. de Allis Moliaſterio: [...]inſter [...]ke. Foulk le Strange lord of Corſham: Henry de Pinkeny lord of Wedon: Io. de Hodeleſton lorde of Aneys: Io. de Hun|tingfielde lord of Bradenhã: Hughe Fitz Hen|ry lord of Raueneſwath: Io. Daleton lorde of Sporle: [...] farre out [...] Perkins [...] [...]ple. Ni. de Carri lord of Muleſford: Tho|mas lord de la Roche: Walter de Mũcy lord of Thornton: Io Fitz Marinaduke lord of Hor|den: Iohn lord of Kingſton: Rob. Haſtings the father lorde of Chebeſſey: Rafe lord Gren|don Wil. lord of Leiborne: Io. de Gre [...]e lord of Morpath: Mathewe Fitz Iohn lord of Sto [...]enham: Nic. de Ne [...]eſt lord of Wheried: and Io Pa [...]nell lord of Atel [...]i: with al humble ſubmiſſion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The holy mother Churche,Out of maiſter Foze pag. 427. by whoſe miniſterie the catholik ſea is gouerned: in hir deedes (as we throughly beleue and hold) proceedeth with that repeneſſe in iudgement, that ſhe wil be hurtfull to none, but like a mo|ther would euerie mans righte be kepte vnbro|ken, aſwell in an other, as in hir ſelf. Whereas therfore in a general parliament called at Lin|colne of late, by our moſte dreade lord Edward by the grace of god the noble King of Englãd: the ſame our lorde cauſed certain letters recey|ued from you to bee redde openly and to be de|clared ſeriouſly afore vs, about certain buſineſſe touching the condition and ſtate of the Realme of Scotlande: we did not a little muſe and mar [...]ell with ourſelues, hearing the meanings concerning the ſame, ſo wondrous and ſtrange as the like we haue not heard at any tyme be|fore: for we knowe moſte holy father, and it is well known aſwel within this realme of Eng|lande (as alſo not vnknowen to other perſons beſides) that from the fyrſte beginning of the realme of Englande, the certain and direct go|uernement of the Realme of Scotlande in all temporall cauſes from tyme to tyme belonged to the Kyngs of the ſame Realme of England and Realme of Scotlande, aſwell in the times bothe of the Britaynes as alſo Engliſhemen: yea rather the ſame Realme of Scotlande of olde tyme was in ſee to the auncetours of our foreſayde Lordes Kynges of Englande, yea and to hymſelfe. Furthermore, the Kynges of Scottes and the Realme haue not bene vn|der any other than the Kyngs of Englande, and the Kynges of England haue aunſwered or ought to anſwere for theyr rights in the for|ſayd Realme, or for any his temporalities afore any Iudge Eccleſiaſticall or ſecular, by reaſon of free preheminence of the ſtate of hys Royall dignitie and cuſtome kepte wythout breache at all tymes. Wherefore, after treatie had, and diligent deliberation of the contentes in your foreſaide letters, this was the common agree|yng and conſent with one minde, and ſhall be wythout falle in tyme to come by gods grace: that our foreſaide Lorde the Kyng oughte by no meanes to aunſwere in iudgemente in any caſe, or ſhoulde bring his foreſaide rightes in|to do [...]b [...], nor oughte not to ſende any pro|ctours or meſſengers to your preſence, ſpecially ſeeing that the premiſſes tend manifeſtly to the diſenheriting of the right of the crowne of En|gland, and the plaine ouerthrowe of the ſtate of EEBO page image 838 the ſaide realme, and alſo hurte of the liberties, cuſtomes and lawes of our fathers: for the ke|ping and defence of whiche, we are bounde by the duetie of the othe made, and we will main|taine them wyth all power, and will defende them (by gods helpe) wyth all ſtrengthe. And furthermore, will not ſuffer our foreſaide Lord the Kyng to doe or by any meanes attempte the premiſſes beyng ſo vnaccuſtomed, vnwont, and not hearde of afore: wherefore we reue|rentlye and humbly beſeeche youre holyneſſe, that yee woulde ſuffer the ſame our lorde King of Englande (who among other princes of the worlde ſheweth hymſelfe catholike and deuout to the Romiſhe Churche) quietly to enioy his rightes, liberties, cuſtomes, and lawes afore|ſaide: wythout all empayring, and trouble, and let them continue vntouched. In witneſſe whereof, we haue ſette our ſeales to theſe pre|ſentes aſwell for vs, as for the whole comunal|tie of the foreſaide Realme of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Pope when he hearde and deliberately pondered the Kyngs aunſwere, wyth this let|ter dyrected to hym from the Englyſhe Ba|rons, hee waxed colde in the matter, and fol|lowed it no farther.The king goeth into Scotlande. The [...]ice betwixte the Kyng and the Scottes beeyng once expired, the Kyng aſſembled hys armye, and wente into Scotlande, aboute the feaſte of Sainct Iohn Baptiſt, and tarrying there all the ſom|mer and winter following, his ſouldiors loſte many of their greate horſes for lacke of forrage whiche coulde not bee gotten in the colde win|ter ſeaſon. An. reg. 30. 1302. Hee kept his Chriſtmaſſe at Lith|ko, and at length at the requeſt of his brother in lawe the Frenche Kyng,A truce graun|ted to the Scots he graunted eftſoones a truce to the Scottiſhemen till the feaſt of all Saintes nexte enſuing. Then hauing orde|red his buſines for that time in Scotlande,The king retur|neth into En|glande. hee retourned into Englande, and aboute Mid|lent called a parliament at London. Alſo this yeare Pope Boniface vpon diſpleſure cõceiued againſt the French K. ſent vnto king Edward exhorting hym to make warres againſte the ſame Frenche Kyng,The Pope ex|horteth the K. of Englande to make vvarre a|gainſt Fraunce. and to perſwade hym the more eaſily therevnto, hee promiſed him great aide: but the King of England hauing proued the ſaid Pope, not the ſureſt man in frendſhip towards him, he forebare to attempt any forci|ble exploite againſt the French King, truſting by ſome other meanes to recouer his righte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The deceaſe of the Earle of Hereforde.This yere departed out of this world Hum|frey Bohun Earle of Hereforde, after whome ſucceded his ſonne Humfrey, the whiche after|wardes married the Kynges daughter, Eliza|beth Counteſſe of Hollande, after that hir [...]e huſbande was deade.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Tourneyes, i [...]ſtes barriers, & other wa [...]e exerciſes, Re. T [...]. Tour [...] [...]. whiche yong Lordes and gentlemen had appoynted to exerciſe for theyr paſtime, [...] diuers partes of the Realme, were forbidden by the Kyngs proclamations ſent downe to be publiſhed by the Sheriffes in euerye countye abrode in the Realme: the teſte of the writ was from Weſtminſter the ſixteenth of Iuly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The citizens of Burdeaux could not beare the yoke of the Frenche bondage, An. reg. [...] 1302 and therefore this yere aboute Chriſtmaſſe expulſed them out of theyr Citie. Shortly after the Frenche King doubting leaſte the Kyng of Englande by the ſetting on of the Pope, ſhoulde make warres agaynſte hym for the wrongfull deteyning of Gaſcoigne, to purchaſe his fauour,Tovv [...] [...]+red to the [...] in Gaſ [...] reſtored vn|to hym all that whiche hee helde in Gaſcoigne and ſo then they of Burdeaux, alſo ſubmitted themſelues to the Kyng of Englande of theyr owne accorde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Nowe after that the truce wyth the Scots was expired, Polidore. The Lo [...] [...]gr [...]e [...] Scotlands. whiche tooke ende at the feaſte of all Sainctes laſte paſte, the Kyng ſent the lord Iohn Segraue, a right valiant Knight (but not ſo circumſpect in his gouernement as was neceſſarie) wyth a great army into Scotland, to haue the rule of the lande as lorde Warden of the ſame:Abyng [...] Polidor. wyth him was ioyned alſo Raufe Confrere, Treaſourer of the armye. Theſe twoo capitaines comming to the borders, and he [...]ring that the Scottiſhe men already were in armes; they entred into Scotlande, and in order of battaile paſſe foorth vnto Edenburgh, and hearing nothing of theyr enemies, whiche kept them ſtill in the mountaines, they deuided their armye into three ſeuerall battailes, twoo of the whiche came behinde the fore warde vn|der the leading of the ſaide Rafe Confrey, the thirde (that is to ſay) the fore ward, the Lorde Segraue ledde hymſelfe, in ſuche order that there was the diſtaunce of foure miles betwixt theyr lodgings. This they did to be the more plenteouſlye ſerued of victualles. But the Scots vnderſtandyng this order of theyr ene|mies, became the more hardy, and therevppon hauing knowledge where the Lorde Segraue was lodged wyth his companye, a good waye off from the other twoo partes of the army, they haſte forewarde in the night ſeaſon, and came neare vnto the place where the ſame Lorde Segraue was encamped, a little before daye, making themſelues redie to aſſaile the engliſh|men in their campe, but the lorde Segraue ha|uing knowlege of their coming, though he was coũſeled by ſome of them that were about hi [...], either to wythdraw vnto the other battailes, or EEBO page image 839 elſe to ſende vnto them to come to his ayde, he would follow neither of bothe the wayes, but like a capitaine more hardie than wiſe in this point, diſpoſed his cõpanies which he had there in order to fight, and encouraging them to play the men, immediatly vpon the riſing of the ſun, & that his enemies approched, he cauſed the trũ|pets to blowe to the battaile, & gaue therewith the onſet. The fight was ſore, and doutful for a while, till the Engliſhmen ouercome with the [figure appears here on page 839] multitude of their enemies begã to be ſlaine on eche ſide, [...]e Englishe| [...] vanqui| [...] by the [...]tes. ſo yt few eſcaped by flight, to the nũber of .xx. worthie knyghts were taken, with their capitaine the ſaide Lorde Segraue being ſore wounded, but he was by chaunce reſkewed, and deliuered out of the enemies handes, by certen horſemen, [...]byngdon. whiche vnder the leading of the lord Robert Neuile a right valiant knight, (vpon hearing the noiſe of them that fled) came on the ſpurres out of the nexte campe to the ſuccour of theyr fellows. [...] Confrere [...]s ſlayne at [...] encounter [...]byngdon [...]. Raufe Confreir after this miſ|happe (as Polydore hathe) brought backe the re|ſidue of the army into Englande, not thinking it neceſſary to attempt any further enterpriſe at that time againſte the enimyes, ouermatching hym both in ſtrength and number. This en|counter chaunced [...] the firſt Sunday in Leut.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 I remember howe the Scottiſh Chronicles conteine muche more of this enterpriſe greatly to their glorye, and more haply than is true, as by cõferring the place where they entreat of it, with this that I haue here exẽplified out of our writers it may well apeare. The erle Marſhall hauing ſpent largely whileſt he ſtood in contẽ|tion againſt the king who was now earneſtly called vpon to repay ſuche ſums of money as he had borowed of his brother Iohn Bigot, [...] Triuet. [...]e Earle [...]hall reſig| [...] his landes to the king. who was very riche by reaſon of ſuch benefices and ſpirituall liuings as he had in his handes, the erle bicauſe he had no childrẽ to whõ he might leaue his landes, ment to haue left thẽ vnto his ſaide brother: but when he ſaw hym ſo impor|tunate in calling for the debtes which he ought hym, he tooke ſuch diſpleaſure therwith, that to obtaine the Kynges fauour, and to diſappoint his brother of the inheritaunce, he gaue vnto ye Kyng all his poſſeſſions, vpon condition that the Kyng adding thereto other landes in value worthe a .M. markes by yeare, ſhoulde reſtore thẽ to him again to enioy during his life, the remainder after his deceſſe to come vnto ye K. and further, the kyng ſhould pay and diſcharge him of all his debts.A Subſidie. King Edward being ad|uertiſed of the loſſe whiche his men had ſuſtei|ned in Scotlaned, ſtreight wayes called a par|liamẽt, wherin by aſſent of the ſtates a ſubſidie was graunted towardes the mainteinaunce of his warres, and thẽ the ſame being leuied he aſ|ſẽbled his people,The king goth in perſon into Scotlande. & ſhortly after about Whit|ſontide entred into Scotlande to reuenge the death of his men. The Scottes hearing of the Kynges comming, fled into the mountaines, moſſes, and mariſhe groundes, not once ſhew|ing any countenance to fight any ſet battaile with the Engliſh hoſte,Cathneſſe. ſo that the king in ma|ner without reſiſtance paſſed throughe the coũ|tey euen vnto Cathnes, which is ye furtheſt part of all Scotlãd: many of the Scots perceyuing theyr lack of power to reſiſt ye engliſh puiſſãce,The Scots ſub|mitte themſel|ues to the king came to king Edward & ſubmitted themſelues, wyth condition yt they ſhould enioye their lãds whiche he had giuen awaye to his lordes, they redeming ye ſame with conueniẽt fines, Abyngdon. VVill. VVal|lace. which was graũted. But Williã Walleis with cer|ten other keping themſelues in places where no army could come to purſue them, would neuer giue eare to any conditions of agreement:Polidore. ſo that neither with feare,Hec. Boetius. neither with offer of re|wardes coulde this Walleis be induced to fo|lowe or beholde the Engliſhe King ruling the Realme of Scotland.Io. Maior K. Edward retourning backe came to the caſtel of Striueling (which the Scottiſhmen helde againſt hym) & beſie|ged it. An. reg. 32. Striuely [...] caſtel beſieged. Abingdon. The King hymſelfe lay at Dunferling the moſte parte of the winter: and whileſt he lay there, the Queene which had lyen a long time at Tinmouth came to him, and when the win|ter was once paſte,1304. the king himſelfe commeth to the ſiege, and cauſed certain engins of wood to be reiſed vp againſt the caſtell,Engins to caſt ſtones. which ſhot off ſtones of .ij or .iij. C. weight: but yet woulde not they within once talke of any ſurrender: & where the Engliſhemen filled the ditches with wood and boughs of trees, they ſet the ſame on EEBO page image 840 fire and brent them to aſhes: at length the di [...]hes were filled with ſtones and earthe, ſo that then the Scotts within perceyuing themſelues in euident perill to loſe the caſtell, on ſaint Mar|garets daye they yelded themſelues ſimply in|to the Kynges handes, as the engliſhe writers affirme, thoughe the Scottiſhe writers recorde the contrary. Finally, when the Kyng had or|dered all his buſineſſe in Scotland at his plea|ſure, he retourned into Englande, leauing in Scotland for warden the lord Iohn Segraue,Polidore. or (as other writers haue, ſir Aymer de Valfce Erle of Pembroke.

The VValſ.

The Earle of Pembroke lord vvarden of Scotlande.

N. Triuet. Polidore

) At his comming to Yorke he cauſed the Iuſtices of his benche, and the ba|rons of the Exchequer to remoue with their courtes, and all theyr Clerkes and officers, to|gither with the Lord Chaũcellor and his court vnto London, that the Termes myght be kept there, as in times paſte they had bene, where as nowe the ſame had remayned at Yorke aboue the ſpace of ſixe yeres, vpon this conſideration, that the Kyng and hys Counſell myght bee neare vnto Scotland to prouide for the defence thereof, as occaſion from time to time ſhould requyre. From Yorke he came to Lincolne, and there remayned all the winter, holding a counſell, in the whiche he eftſoones confirmed the articles of Magna Charta, touching ye liber|ties, priuileges and immunities of his ſubiects, the whiche to declare theyr thankfull mindes towardes him for the ſame, graunted to him for the ſpace of one yeare the fifteenth parte of all theyr reuenues.A fifteenthe graunted. Other write that the kyng had this yeare of citizens and of the Burgeſſes of good townes, the ſixt peny according to the valued rate of theyr goodes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

The deceaſſe of the Arche|byshoppe of Yorke.

VVilliam Grenefielde made Arche|byshoppe of Yorke,

Aboute the ſame time, Thomas Colebrugh or Corbridge Archbyſhoppe of Yorke departed this life, and one William Greenefielde Doc|tour of bothe the lawes ſucceeded hym. There dyed aboute the ſame tyme likewiſe that vali|ant knyght the lord W. Latimer. Alſo Iohn Warrein Earle of Surrey and Soffex dyed this yeare, and was buryed at Lewes. His nephew by his ſonne, (named alſo Iohn) ſuc|ceeded him obteining to wife the kings Neece by his daughter Eleanor that was married to the Earle of Bar, as before yee haue hearde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Robert Bruce Earle of Car|rike departeth this lyfe. And likewise Robert Bruse Erle of Carrike, the fifthe of that name, dyed this yere, that was father to that Roberte Bruce that was after King of Scottes. Moreouer aboute this season the kyng ordeined certain co(m)missioners or Iusticiaries, to make inquisitio(n)s through ye realme,

Nic. Triuet.

Inquiſitions ta|ken of the myſ| [...]emeanours of iuſtices.


by ye verdict of substa(n)ciall Iuries vppon all officers, as Maiors, sheriffes, bailiffes, eschetors and other, that had misused themselues in their Offices, either by extortion, briberie, or otherwise, to ye greuance of the people, contrary to that they rightly might doe & iustifie by vertue of their offices: by meanes of which inquisitions many were accused & founde culpable, & thervpon put to greuous fines: [...] Ma [...] Also ye Iustices which were assigned to take the inquisitions, exte(n)ded the same according to their co(m)mission against suche as had made intrusions into other me(n)s lands, & for doubt to be empleaded for the same, had made alienatio(n)s ouer into ye ha(n)ds of greate men, I [...] [...] there [...] again [...] [...]es per [...] Iuſtice. also againste suche barretors as vsed to take mony to beate any man, & againe wolde not sticke to take mony of him whome they had beate(n), to beate him that had first hired them to beate the other. The malice of such maner people was now restrayned by force of the inquisitions: for suche as were fou(n)de culpable, were worthily punished, some by death, & some by ransoms: diuers also for fear to come to their answers fled the realme: F [...] also forfeits againste the crown were straightly looked vnto, fou(n)d out, & leuied, by reason wherof great sums of money came to the kings coffers, which holp wel towards the maintenance & charges of his warres. N. T [...] [...] T [...] This kind of inquisition was named co(m)monly Traile basto(n), which signifieth, Traile or draw the staff. And forasmuch as ye proceding in this wise againste suche misdemenors as the(n) were vsed, brought so great a benefit to ye realm in restreining suche malefactors which greatly (as shuld seme) disquieted the state of ye co(m)mon welth, I haue thought good to set down ye form of the writ, as I finde it registred in the booke that belonged to the abbey of Abingdon, which is as followeth.



dilectis et fidelibus suis, Radulfo filio VVilhelmi, et Iohan(n)i de Barto(n) de Rito(n) salute(m).

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Quia qua(m) plures malefactores, & pacis nostrae perturbatores, homicidia, depredationes, ince(n)dia, & alia da(m)na qua(m) plurima nocte die(que) perpetrantes vaga(n)tur in boscis, parcis, & alijs locis diuersis, ta(m) infra libertates qua(m) extra , in comitatu Eboracensi, & ibide(m) recepta(n)tur in maximu(m) periculu(m) ta(m) hominu(m) per partes illas transeuntiu(m), qua(m) ibide(m) co(m)morantium, in nostri co(n)temptu(m) ac pacis nostrae a laesione(m) manifesta(m), vt acceptimus per quoru(m) incursum poterunt peiora peioribus de facili euenire, nisi remediu(m) super hoc citius apponatur, nos eorum malitiae in hac parte obuiare, & huiusmodi damnis & periculis precauere vole(n)tes, assignamus vos ad inquirendum per sacramentum tam militu(m) quam aliorum proboru(m) & legaliu(m) hominu(m), de contemptu praedicto, tam infra libertates qua(m) extra, per quos ipsa veritas melius sciri poterit, qui sint illi malefactores & pacis nostrae perturbatores, & eos conduxeru(n)t & co(n)ducunt ad verbera(n)du(m), vulnera(n)du(m), male tractandu(m), & interficiendu(m) plures de regno nostro in ferijs, mercarijs et alijs locis in dicto comitatu, pro inimicitia, inuidia aut(em) malitia, Et EEBO page image 825 Et etiam pro eo quod in assisis iuratis, recognitionibus, & inquisitionibus factas de felonijs positi fuerant, & veritatem dixerunt: vnde per conditionem huiusmodi malefactorum iuratores assisarum, iurationum, recognitionum, & inquisitionum illarum, pro timore dictorum malefactorum, & eorum minarum, sepius veritatem dicere, seu dictos malefactores indictare minime ausi fuerunt, & sunt. Et ad inquirendum de illis qui huismodi munera dederunt, & dant, & quantum, & quibus, & qui huismodi munera receperu(n)t, & a quibus & qualiter & quo modo, & qui huismodi malefactores fouent, nutriunt, & manutenent in comitatu praedicto, & ad ipsos malefactores tam per vos, quam per vicecomitem nostrum comitatus praedicti arrestandos, & prisonae nostrae liberandos, & saluo, & secure, in eadem, per vicecomitem comitatus praedicti custodie(n)dos, it a quod ab eade(m) prisona nullo modo deliberentur, sine mandato nostro speciali. Et ideo vobis mandamus, quod ad certos die(m) & locu(m), quos ad hoc prouideritis, inquisitiones illas faciatis. Et assumpto vobiscum sufficie(n)ti posse comitatus praedicti, si necesse fuerit, dictos malefactores coram vobis sic indictatos, arestetis, & ipsos prisonae nostrae liberetis, in forma praedicta: etiam omnia bona, & catalla ipsorum malefactorum qui se subtraxerint, & fugam fecerint, postquam de felonijs aliquibus coram vobis solemniter indictati fuerint, per vicecomite(m) comitatus praedicti, in manum nostram capiatis, & ea ad opus nostrum saluo custodire faciatis, donec aliud inde vobis, praeceperimus. Mandamus enim vicecomiti nostro comitatus praedicti, quod ad certos diem & locu(m), quos vos prouidere duxeritis, venire faciat, cora(m) vobis tot & tales, tam milites quam alios, quos habere decreueritis, de comitatu illo, tam infra libertates, quam extra, per quos ipsa veritas melius sciri poterit, & inquiri. Et quod omnes illos quos per inquisitione(m) culpabiles inuenire contigerit, et quos vos is, sic liberaueritis, a nobis recipia(n)tur, et quoru(m) nomina eis faciatis assu(m)pto secu(m), sufficie(n)ti posse comitatus praedicti, sine dilatione arrestari, & in prisona nostra saluo, & secure custodire faciat in forma praedicta, & communitati dicti comitatus quod simul cum vicecomite praedicto, vobis quotienscunq(ue) opus fuerit in praemisses pareat, assistat, & intendat, prout eis iniungetis ex parte nostra. In cuius rei testimonium, &c.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heerevnto were annexed certaine articles by way of inſtructions, of what pointes they ſhould enquire, as partly aboue is noted, out of the addi|tion to Mathewe Weſt. but not ſo fully, as in the ſaid Chronicle of Abingdon is found expreſ|ſed,

[...] reg. 33.


[...]ce Ed| [...] cõmit| [...] ward.

[...]on. [...]an.

and heere for breefeneſſe omitted.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the 33. yere of his raigne, K. Edward putte his ſon Prince Edward in priſon, bycauſe yt hee had riotouſly brokẽ the parke of Walter Lang|ton B. of Cheſter, and bycauſe the Prince hadde done this dede by the procurement of a lewd and wanton perſon, one Peers Gauaſton, an Eſquire of Gaſcoigne, the K. baniſhed him the Realme, leaſt the prince, who delited much in his compa|ny, might by his euil & wanton counſel, fall to [...] and naughty rule.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, the ſame yere,

William Wa|lace taken and put to deathe.

Ri. South.

Wil. Walace was taken, & deliuered vnto K. Edwarde, who cauſed him to be brought to Lõdon, where on S. Bar|tholmewes euen, hee was conueyed through the ſtreetes vnto Weſtminſter, & there arreigned of his treaſons, & condemned, & therevppon hanged drawen & quartered, his head was ſet ouer Lon|dõ bridge, his right ſide ouer the bridge at New-caſtell vppon Tine, his left ſide was ſent to [...]er|wike, and there ſet vp, his right legge was ſent to S. Iohns Towne, and his left vnto Aberden, in which places, the ſame were ſet vp for an exam|ple of terror to others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, about the ſame time, the K. of Fraunce required the K. of Englande by meſſengers and letters ſent vnto him, that he would baniſh al the Flemings out of his Realme,Nich. Triuet. in like manner as at his inſtance he had lately before baniſhed al the Scottiſhmẽ out of France. The K. of Englande was cõtented ſo to doe, and by that meanes,

Flemings ba|niſhed the land, at con|templation of the Kyng of Fraunce.


The Archby|ſhop of Caun|terbury accu|ſed by the K.

Nich: Triuet:

He is ſuſpen|ded.

were all the Flemings auoided out of this lãd at ye ſea|ſon, but ſhortly after, they returned againe. King Edward accuſed Robert Archbiſhop of Canter|bury vnto the Pope, for yt he ſhould goe aboute to trouble the quiet ſtate of the Realme, & to defende and ſuccour rebellious perſons, wherevppon, the ſaid Archb. beeing cited to the Popes conſiſtory, was ſuſpended from executing his office, till hee ſhoulde purge himſelfe by order of lawe, of ſuche crimes as were laid & obiected againſte him. The K. alſo obteined an abſolution of the Pope, of the othe, which againſt his will he had taken, for the obſeruing of the liberties exacted by force of him, by the Erles and Barons of his Realm, name|ly, touching diſforreſtings to be made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This yere, Robert Bruce, contriuing wayes how to make himſelf K. of Scotland,

An. reg. 34.


Iohn Lorde Comin flayne by Roberte Bruce.

the 29. day of Ianuarie, ſlew yt Lord Iohn Comin at Dũ|frice, whileſt the Kinges Iuſtices were ſitting in iudgemẽt within the Caſtell there, and vpon the day of the annunciation of our Lady, cauſed him ſelf to be Crowned K. of Scotlande at Scone, where the Counteſſe of Boughan, that was ſe|cretely departed from hir huſbande the Earle of Boghan, & had taken with hir,The Countes of Boughan ſet the Crowne on Roberte Bruce his head all his greate hor|ſes, was ready to ſet the Crowne vpon the Bru|ces head, in abſence of hir brother ye Erle of Fife, to whom (being then in England) ſoiourning at his manor of Whitwike in Leiceſterſhire, ye of|fice of right apperteined.She is taken. This Counteſſe beyng afterwardes taken the ſame yeare by the Eng|liſhmen, where other woulde haue had hir put to death, the King woulde not grant therevnto, but commanded, that he ſhuld be put in a cage made EEBO page image 842 of wood,Hir puniſh|ment. whiche was ſet vppon the walles of the Caſtell of Berwike, that all ſuche as paſſed by, might behold hir. There were preſent at his Co|ronation four biſhops, fiue Erles, & a great mul|titude of people of the lande. Immediately vppon ye newes brought to the K. of Bruces coronatiõ, he ſente forthe a power of men,An army ſent into Scotland. vnder the conduit of the Erle of Pembroke, and of the Lord Henry Perey, the Lord Robert Clifford and others, to reſiſt the attemptes of the Scottes, now ready to worke ſome miſchiefe, through the encourage|ment of ye new King.Prince Ed|ward made Knight. Edward Prince of Wales was made knight this yeare at Londõ, vpõ Whit|ſonday,Thre hundred hath M. Weſt. & a great number of other yong bachelers with him (297. as Abingdon writeth) the whyche were ſent ſtraightwayes with ye ſaide Prince to|wards Scotlãd, to ioyne with the Earle of Pẽ|broke, to reſiſt the attemptes of the new K. Ro|bert le Bruce and his complices.Prince Ed|ward ſent into Scotland. K. Edwarde himſelfe followed. The general aſſemblie of ye ar|my was appointed at Careleill, a fifteene dayes after the Natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptiſt, frõ thẽce to marche forth, vnder the guiding of the Prince into Scotlãd.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Robert Bruce.In the meane time, Roberte le Bruce went abroade in the countreys of Scotlande, receyued the homages of many Scottiſhmenne, and got togither an army of men, with the whiche, he approched neere to S. Iohns Towne, into the which the Earle of Pembroke was alittle before entred to defende it,Abingdon. with three hundred menne of armes, beſide footemen. The Bruce ſent vnto the Erle to come out, & giue battell, ye Erle ſent vnto him word againe, that he would not fight ye day being ſunday,It was the next ſunday after Midſomer day. but vpõ the next morow, he would ſatiſfie his requeſt. Robert Bruce herevpõ with|drew a mile backe frõ the towne, determining to reſt himſelfe and his people that night. About e|uening tide cõmeth the Earle foorth of the towne with his people in order of battell, and aſſayling his enimies vpon a ſuddaine,Robert Bruce put to flight by the Earle of Pembroke. ſlew diuers ere they could get their armour on their backes. Roberte Bruce and others that hadde ſome ſpace to arme thẽſelues made ſome reſiſtance for a while, but at length, the Engliſh mẽ put them to the worſe, ſo that they were conſtreyned to flee.Robert Bruce fled into Can|tir. The Earle following ye chaſe, purſued thẽ, euẽ into Kentire, not reſting, til he vnderſtood that a great number of thẽ wer gottẽ into a Caſtel, which he beſieged, in hope to haue found Roberte Bruce within it, but he was fled further into the Coũtrey. How|beit,

His wife and brother are taken.

The Earle of Athol taken.

his wife & his brother Nigell or Neal, with diuers other, wer takẽ in this Caſtel, and ſente in ſafetie vnto Berwike. Alſo ſhortly after, the Erle of Atholl was taken, being fledde out of the ſame Caſtel.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Fabian.But ſome write, that this Erle was taken in the battell laſt remembred, after long fighte and great ſlaughter of Scottes, to the number [...]|uen M. and alſo that in ye chaſe, the Lord [...] [...]|de Friſeil was taken, with the biſhops of S. [...]|drowes & Glaſcow, the Abbot of Scone, and [...] ſaid Erle of Atholl, named ſir Iohn Chambre [...]. The biſhops and Abbot, K. Edwarde ſente [...] Pope Innocent,Wic. T [...] with report of their pena [...] other write, that the foreſaide biſhops & Abbot [...]+ing takẽ indeede the ſame yere,Mat. [...] were brought into Englãd, & there kept as priſoners within ſundrie Caſtels.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The wyfe of Roberte le Bruce [...] daughter to the erle of Vlſter, was ſent vnto the manor of Bruſtwick, & there honorably vſed ha|uing a cõuenient nũber of ſeruants appointed to waite on hir. The Erle of Vlſter hir father,Br [...] [...] whoſe [...] in the beginning of theſe laſt warres, ſent vnto K. Ed|ward two of his own ſons to remaine wt him, [...] ſuch wiſe as he ſhuld think cõueniẽt to aſſure him+ſelf of him, yt he would attẽpt nothing againſt the Engliſh ſubiects. Alſo it was ſaid, yt the Lady hir ſelf, the ſame day hir huſbãd & ſhe ſhould be crow|ned, ſaid,The fa [...] of Ro [...] B [...] that ſhe feared they ſhuld proue but as a ſommer K. and Q. ſuch as in Countrey townes ye yong folks choſe for ſport to dance about May poles. For theſe cauſes was ſhe ye more curteoſly vſed at the Kinges handes, as reaſon no leſſe re|quired.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It ſhuld appeare alſo by Robert Fabian, that the Kyng was preſente himſelfe at this battell: but other affirme, that prince Edward was there as generall, and not his father,Polidor. and that the bat|tell was foughte at Dunchell vppon the riuer of Tay. But neyther the Scottiſh Chronicles nor Nicholas Triuet, (whome in the hiſtorie of this Kyng Edwarde the firſte,Nic. Tr [...] we haue moſt follo|wed) make any mention, that either the King or prince ſhoulde bee at the foreſaide battaile, but that the Erle of Pembroke with Roberte Lorde Clifford, and Henry Lord Percy were ſente be|fore (as ye haue already heard) with an army, by whome as appeareth, this victory was obteyned,

Mat. VV [...]

Met [...] The Ca [...] of Loch [...] takes, [...] Chri [...] Se [...] [...] it.

Nic. T [...]

He is c [...]+ [...]ed.

at a place called Methfen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, was the Caſtell of Lochdore taken, and within it, Chriſtopher Seiton, that hadde married the ſiſter of Roberte le Bruce: and by|cauſe hee was no Scotte but an Engliſhmanne borne, the Kyng commaunded that hee ſhoulde bee ledde vnto Dunfriſe, where hee hadde killed one of the Kyngs Knightes, and there to be han|ged, drawen and quartered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The wife of this Chriſtopher Seiton, he ap|pointed to be kept in ye Monaſterie of Thixell in Lindſey, and the daughter of Roberte le Bruce, whyche was alſo taken aboute the ſame time, was ſente to the Monaſterie of Waton.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreouer,His l [...] giues [...] by the [...] the manor of Seton in Whitebe|ſtroud, he gaue vnto ye Lord Edmõd de Manley, EEBO page image 843 and thoſe other lands that belonged vnto the ſaid Chriſtopher Selton in Northũberlande, [...]e lands of [...]bert Bruce [...]en away. [...]e Earle of [...]eford. he gaue vnto ye Lord Wil. Latimer. The lãds yt belõged to the new Scottiſh K. he beſtowed in this wiſe, to Hẽry Bohun Earle of Hereforde, which hadde maried one of K. Edwards daughters, he gaue ye Lordſhips of Annãdale, [...]d [...]ford. Hert & Hertnes, he gaue vnto ye Lord Robert Clifford, ſauing alwayes ye right yet that belonged to the Church of Durhã, Totenham, and Totenhamſhire: & the maner of Wrothell in ye ſouth parts, he gaue to other noble mẽ, and ye Erledome of Carrike which ye Bruce had holden, as by inheritance frõ his mother, the K. gaue to the Lord Hẽry Percie,

[...]e Lord Hẽ| [...] Percy.

[...]ufe de [...]thermet.

the Erledome of Atholl, hee gaue to Raufe de Monthermer Erle of Glouceſter, who had alſo married as be|fore yee haue heard, an other of the kings daugh|ters, after ye deceſſe of hir firſte huſband Gilbert de Clare Erle of Glouceſter. About ye feaſt of Saint Michael, the new Scottiſhe K. Robert le Bruce returned forth of ye Iles (into yt which he had fled) with many Iriſhmẽ and Scottes in his cõpany, & remained a certaine time in Kẽtire, he ſent cer|taine of his officers, to leuie, & gather vp the rẽts of ye ſerues due at ye feaſt of S. Martin, for ſuche lands & poſſeſſions as they held in that countrey, wherof the L. Percy being aduertiſed, haſted thi|ther, but ye new K. cõming vpon him, ſlewe cer|taine of his mẽ, toke his horſes & place,The Lorde Percy put to fight, by the Scottiſh king Bruce. with other things, & drout him into a Caſtel, within ye whi|che he beſieged him, till at lẽgth, by a power ſente frõ K. Edward, Bruce was cõſtreined to depart. The K. in this meane time was came to Laue [...]|coſt neere vnto Careleil, & there remained a long time. Frõ thence, he ſent his Iuſtices vnto Ber|wike, where they ſate in iudgement vpon Nigell Bruce, & the other priſoners takẽ with him,Nigell or Neall Bruce condemned and executed. which wer cõdẽned to die, & ſo they wer hanged, drawẽ [figure appears here on page 843] & quartered. The Erle of Atholl was conueid to Lõdon, & although he ſued for pardõ in reſpect of yt he was of kinne to ye K. yet was he hanged vp|on a Gibbet higher than all the reſidue, [...] Earle of [...]ll exe| [...]. his body burned vnder the ſame Gibbet, and his head firſt cut off, was ſet vpõ a pole ouer Lõdon bridge for enſample ſake, ye traitors ſhuld loke for no pardõ.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The elect Archb. of Yorke Wil. Grenefielde, was cõfirmed this yere, by Pope Clemẽt ye fifth, at ye citie of Lion in France, where ye ſame Pope was crowned about the ſame time, and held hys court there, liuing chiefly of the money which he got of biſhops that came to him for their cõfirma|tiõs: [...]mes [...]o [...]y [...]th the [...] had of Archb. [...]k. he had of ye ſaid Archb. of Yorke within one yere, nine M. and fiue C. markes, beſides the ex|pences which he was at whileſt he lay there: and ſo whẽ this Archb. was returned into England, through pouerty, he was driuen to gather money of the perſons, prieſtes, and religious men within his prouince at two ſundry times in one yere, as firſt, in name of a courteſie and gracious beneuo|lence, and the ſecond time, by way of an ayde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Moreouer, Pope Clement ordeined Anthony B. of Durhã, Patriarke of Ieruſalem, diſpẽſing with him, ſo as he held ſtill ye biſhopricke of Dur|ham, notwithſtanding this other promotion, and this was, bycauſe the B. was rich,The great reuenewes of Anthony B. of Durham. and the Pope pore. For this B. might diſpend in yeerely reue|newes by purchaſes and inheritances, beſides ye belonged to his miter aboue fiue M. markes, & he gaue great rewards to the Pope, & to his Cardi|nals, by meanes whereof, hee obteined in ſute a|gainſt ye Prior of Durham, ſo yt hee had ye charge & ouerſight of the Monaſterie of Durham, both ye ſpirituall gouernemẽt & temporall, through en|forming ye Pope, that the Prior was not able in diſcretion to rule the houſe. At his returning home, he cauſed a Croſſe of ſiluer and gilt, ador|ned with an Image of the Crucifex, to bee borne afore him. But where hee appointed certayn per|ſons as his deputies to enter into the Priorie of Durham, and to take charge thereof, in place EEBO page image 844 of the Prior,He is kept out of the Abbey at Durham. the Monkes ſhutte the gates a|gainſt them, appealing to the Pope, and preten|ding the Kyngs protection which they had pur|chaſed. But thoſe that thus came in the Biſhops name, accuſed the Monkes, and ſo departed. The King herewith was highly offended, ſo that hee cauſed them to aunſwere the matter, afore the Iuſtices of his benche, and for theyr preſumpti|on in pronouncing the curſe, withoute makyng the Kyng priuie to their doings, they were putte to their fines.He is ſummo|ned to appere before the K. and refuſeth. And whereas the Byſhoppe was ſummoned to appeare before the King in perſon at a certayne day, hee made defaulte, and depar|ting out of the Realme, gote backe agayne to the Pope, contrary to the Kyngs prohibition: wher|vppon, the liberties of the Sea of Durham were ſeaſed into the Kinges handes, and the K. placed his Iuſtices and Chauncellor there, and in the yeare nexte enſuing, hee exacted of the tenantes of the Archbiſhopricke, the thirtenth peny of their goodes,The conclu|ſion of the ſtrife betwixt the Biſhop and Monks of Durham. and otherwiſe vexed them with ſundry talages. The concluſion of this matter was this, that the Prior was cited by the Pope, to appeare in his conſiſtory, whether he went, ha|uing the Kinges letters in his fauoure directed to the Pope, wherevppon, when the Pope had exa|mined the matter, and hearde the Prior ſpeake in his owne perſon, he perceiued him to be otherwiſe than he was enformed (a ſober diſcrete man) and therefore reſtored him againe to the gouernemẽt of his houſe, but he remayned in ye Popes Court, til after the kings deathe, and finally, died there himſelfe, in the yere. 1207. But now to returne to other doings of King Edwarde. We finde, that whileſt hee lay ſtill at Lauercoſt,Bernards Ca|ſtel giuen to the Earle of Warwike. hee gaue to the Earle of Warwike Bernards Caſtel, the which he had by eſcheit, through forfeiture thereof made by Iohn Balliol late K. of Scotlãd. He alſo toke and ſeaſed into his hands Penreth with the ap|purtenances.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

An. reg. 35.


A Parliament at Ca [...].

In ye Octaues of S. Hillarie, ye K. held a Par|liamẽt at Careleill, in the which, by the peeres of ye Realm, great cõplaint was made of ye oppreſ|ſiõs done to Churches, Abbeys & Monaſteries, by reaſon of paimẽts lately reiſed and taxed, by one maſter William,William Te|ſta the Popes Chaplayne, inh [...]o [...]ted to leuie money. or Guilelmo Teſta the Popes Chaplaine. Cõmandement therfore was giuẽ to ye ſame Chaplain, yt from thẽceforth he ſhuld not leuy any ſuch paimẽts, & for further remedy, meſ|ſengers were made forth vnto ye Pope, to declare vnto him ye incõueniẽce therof. This Teſta was ſent frõ Pope Clemẽt into Englãd with bulles,Abingdon. in ye contents whereof it appeared, that the Pope had reſerued to himſelf ye firſt frutes of one yeares reuenewes of euery benefice that fell void by anye maner of meanes within ye Realme of England, Scotland, Wales, and Irelãd, and likewiſe of al Abbeys, Priories, & Monaſteries. But the King and lords of ye land, thought it againſt reaſon, yt the Pope ſhould take & receiue ye profites of thoſe Abbeys & Monaſteries, which had bin foũded by their predeceſſors, for the ſeruice of God, and the maintenance of almes deedes, & good hoſpitalitie to be kept: & ſo ye Pope changed his purpoſe, tou|ching Abbeys, but graunting to the K. the tenth of the Engliſh Church for two yeres, he obteined the firſt frutes of ye ſame Churches for himſelf, as before he required. In ye ſame Parliament,

A [...] [...]+gainſt the [...]+ligious [...]

Nic. Tri [...]

Pe [...] pa [...] d [...]all [...]

were ſtatutes made concerning Religious mẽ, which had their head houſes in foraigne regions. There came alſo at ye ſame time, a Cardinal frõ ye Pope, named Petrus Hiſpanus, to procure ye con [...]|matiõ of ye mariage, betwixt ye prince of Wales, & the Frẽch kings daughter: for ye ſame was de|layed, by reaſon yt al couenants were not kept on ye French kings behalf touching ye deliuerie of the townes in Gaſcoigne. For wheras in times, paſt,The c [...] his co [...] ye French K. had giuẽ one of thoſe Townes that wer takẽ frõ the Engliſhmẽ named Maule [...], vn|to a French knight, he kept ye ſame ſtil, & woulde not deliuer it now at ye French kings commaũ|dement, wherethrough (as was ſaide) the marri|age had bin hitherto deferred.

Mat. VV [...]

His [...]o [...] of money religion houſes.

The ſame Cardi|nall by vertue of his bul, would haue had of euery Cathedral Church, Colledge, Abbey, and Prio|ry, twelue markes of ſterling money, & of euery perſon of pariſhe Churches eight pens, of euery marke of his reuenewes. But ye engliſh Cleargie appealed frõ this exaction, ſo yt by ye K. & his coũ|ſell, it was ordeined, yt he ſhuld haue no more thã in times paſt Cardinal Othobõ did receiue, that is to witte, the halfe of this demand. Moreouer, this Cardinal being at Careleill,The Ca [...] preache [...]. & hauing made a ſermon in praiſe of peace, vpon the cõcluſion of mariage betwixt the Prince of Wales and the French Kings daughter, in the ende hee reuelled himſelfe and the other biſhops whiche were pre|ſent, and then with candels light, and cauſing ye belles to bee roong,

He a [...] Robert [...]

Nic. T [...]

they accurſed in terrible wiſe Robert Bruce the vſurper of ye Crown of Sco [...]|land, with al his partakers, aiders, and maintey|ners. Neuertheleſſe, Robert Bruce in this mean while ſlept not his buſines, but ranging abroade in the countrey, ſlew many that would not obey him, and ſente foorth his two brethren, Thomas that was a Knighte, and Alexander that was a Prieſt, with part of his army into an other quar|ter of the countrey, to allure the people vnto hys obedience, partly with gentleneſſe, and partly with menaces. But the Engliſhmen came vpon them in the nighte, and tooke them bothe,Th [...] and [...] Br [...]e [...] ſo that being brought afore the Iuſtices, they were con|demned, and therevpon hanged, drawen & quar|tered. Some write, that Duncan Magdoil,Mat. [...] a mã of great power in Galloway, tooke theſe [...]s brethrẽ priſoners, togither wt Reginald Crew|forde, EEBO page image 845 on the ninth day of February, as they with certayne other captaines & men of warre came by ſea, & landed in his countrey, vpon whome, beyng ſeuen C. mẽ, he with three C. or few aboue that number boldly gaue the onſet, and not only tooke the ſaid three perſons priſoners, ſore wounded as they were, with diuers other, but alſo ſlew Mal|colme Makaile a Lord of Cantir, and two Iriſh lords,Thomas Bruce [...]cuted. whoſe heads, and the foreſaid priſoners, he preſẽted vnto K. Edward, who cauſed Thomas Bruce to be hãged drawen and quartered, but ye other two were onely hanged, [...]exander [...]e and Re| [...]ald Craw| [...] executed. and quartered at Careleil, where their heads were ſet vp aloft on yt Caſtell and gates of ye Citie. After Eaſter, theyr brother Robert Bruce, calling himſelfe Kyng of Scotlãd, & hauing now augmented his army wt many ſouldiers of ye out Iles, [...]e Earle of [...]broke put [...]light. fought with ye Erle of Pembroke, & put him to flight, & ſlewe ſome of his men, though not many. Within a few dayes after, [...]ce beſie| [...]h the Baile Glouceſter. he chaſed alſo the Erle of Glouceſter, into ye caſtel of Aire, & beſieged him within ye ſame, til an army was ſent frõ K. Edward, to the reſkue, for then the ſaid Robert was cõſtreined to flee, [...] is chaſed [...] that fiege. & the Engliſhmẽ followed, till he got into the wods & mariſhes, wher they might come nere him with|out manifeſt danger, to caſt thẽſelues away. The K. of Englãd, minding to make a full cõqueſt of ye Scots, & not to leaue off, vntill he had wholly ſubdued thẽ, ſent his cõmiſſions into Englande, cõmanding al thoſe that ought him ſeruice, to be redy at Careleil, within three weekes after Mid|ſomer. He ſent his ſon Edward into England, yt vpõ knowledge had what the French K. did tou|ching ye agreemẽt, he might accordingly proceede in ye mariage to be made with his daughter. After the prince was departed frõ the campe, his father K. Edward was takẽ with a ſore ſicknes, yet he remoued frõ Careleil, wher the ſame ſicknes firſt tooke him, [...]e death of [...]g Edwarde [...] firſte. vnto Bourrough vpõ Sand, and there the day after, being the ſeuẽth day of Iuly, he en|ded his life, after hee had raigned 34. yeres, 6. mo|neths & 2 [...]. [...] is buryed [...] VVeſtmin| [...]r. days. He liued 68. yeres & 20. days: his body was cõueyed vnto Londõ, and in ye church of Weſtminſter lieth buried. He had iſſue by hys firſte wife Q. Eleanor, 4. ſonnes, Iohn, Henry, Alfonſe & Edward, [...]e iſſue. which Edward ſucceded him ye other died lõg before their father. Alſo 5. daugh|ters, Eleanor, Ioan, Margaret & Elizabeth, wer beſtowed in mariage as before in this booke is ex|preſſed. The 5. named Mary, became a Nonne. By his ſeconde wife Q. Margaret, hee had two ſonnes, Thomas of Brotherton, and Edmõd of Wodſtock, with one daughter named Margaret after hir mother. Hee was tall of ſtature, ſome|what blacke of colour, ſtrong of body, and leane, auoiding groſſeneſſe, [...] ſtatute & [...]e or body with continuall exerciſe, of comely fauor, and gettie eyes, the which when he waxed angrie, would ſuddainely become reddiſh, and ſeme, as though they ſparkled with fire. The heare of his head was black & curled,His qualitie of mynde. he cõtinued for the moſt part in good health of body, and was of a ſtoute ſtomacke, whiche neuer failed him in time of aduerſitie. Moreouer, he had an excellente good wit, for to whatſoeuer he applied his ſtudy, he eaſily atteined to yt vnderſtãding thereof: wiſe he was & vertuous, an earneſt enimie of the high & preſumptuous inſolencie of Prieſtes,He miſlyked the pride of prelates. the which he iudged to proceede chiefly of too muche wealth and riches: and therefore, hee deuiſed to eſtabliſh the ſtatute of Mortmaine, to be a bridle to theyr inordinate luſtes & riotous exceſſe. He built ye Ab|bey of the Vale royall in Cheſhire, he was a con|ſtãt friend, but if hee once tooke diſpleaſure or ha|tred againſt any perſon, he woulde not eaſily re|ceiue him into fauour again: whileſt he had anye vacant time frõ waighty affaires, he ſpent light|ly the ſame in hunting. Towards ye maintenãce of his warres and other charges,Syluer mynes. beſide the ſubſe|dies which he leuied of his people and other reue|newes cõming to his cofers, he had great help, by reaſon of the ſiluer mines which in his days were found in Deuonſhire, and occupied greatly to his profite, as in ye records remaining in the Exche|quer, concerning the accomptes and allowances about the ſame, it doth, and may appeare. For in the accompt of maſter Wil. de Wimondham, it is recorded, that betwixte the twelfth day of Au|guſt, and ye laſt of October, in the 22. The ſame VVymondhã receyue [...] alſo receyued 82. poũdes for .36. fouders of lea [...] out of the which the ſil|uer was tryed, as appereth by his accompts. yere of thys K. Edwards raigne, there was tried & fyned out at Martinſtow in Deuonſhire by times, ſo much of fined ſiluer, as amounted to the ſumme of 370. poũd weight, yt which being brought to London, was there refined by certaine finers, that plate might bee forged and made thereof, for the Lady Eleanor Duches of Bar, and daughter to ye ſaid K. married in ye yere then laſt paſt, to the Duke of Bar, as before ye haue heard.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the 23. yeare of his raigne, there was fined at the place aforeſaide 521. Betwixt the x. day of Iuly, & the .xx. day of October the ſame yeare. lb. and ten ſs weight of ſiluer by times, whiche was alſo broughte to London. In ye 24. yere of his raigne, ther wer ta|ken vp 3 [...]7. miners, within the wapentake of the Peake in Derbiſhire, & brought into Deuõſhire, to worke there in thoſe ſiluer mines, as appeareth by ye allowãce demanded by ye ſaid maſter Wil. de Wimondhã in his rolle of accomptes, deliue|red ye yere into ye Exchequer: & there was brought frõ thẽce to Londõ ye ſame yere of ſiluer fined and caſt in wedges 700. four pound three ſs. one peny weight. In ye 25. yere of his raigne, ther were thre C. and 84. miners brought again out of the peak [...] into Deuonſhire, and out of Wales there were brought alſo 25. miners, which all were occupyed about thoſe ſiluer mines, beſide others of the ſelfe countrey of Deuonſhire, and other places.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Alſo, Wil. de Aulton clearke, keper of ye kings mines in Deuonſhire & Cornewall, was accõp|tant of ye iſſues and profites of the Kings mines, EEBO page image 846 there, from the fourth of March, Anno 26. of hys raigne, vntill the eighteenth of Aprill Anno 27. and yeelded vp his accompt, both of the ſiluer and leade. But now to coclude with this noble prince K. Edward the firſt, he was ſure not only valiãt, but alſo politike, labouring to bring this deuided Iſle, into one entier Monarchie, which he wente very neere to haue atchieued: for whereas he was fully bente to make a conqueſt of Scotlande, in like caſe as hee had already done of Wales, if hee had liued any lõger time to haue diſpatched Ro|bert le Bruce, that only ſtoode in his way, it was very likely that he ſhould haue found none other to haue reyſed banner agaynſte hym aboute the quarrell or title to the clayme of that Realme. For as hee was a righte warlike Prince of hym|ſelfe, ſo was hee furniſhed with Captaynes and Souldiers aunſwerable to his deſire, who beyng able to leade and commaunde them of hym ſelfe, hadde them at length obedient ynough to ſerue him, although (as partly yee haue hearde,) ſome of the peeres ſhewed themſelues at tymes diſobe|dient and ſtubborne, whome yet in the ende, hee tamed well ynough, as the Earles of Hereforde and Northfolke, the whiche in the thirtith yeare of hys raigne, reſigned their Caſtels and ma|nors into his hands, as by the records of the To|wer it further may appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nowe to followe as in other Kinges I haue done heretofore for learned men: theſe I finde to haue flouriſhed in this Kinges dayes, Henry de Henna, a Carmelite Frier: Goodwine, the chan|tor of the Church of Saliſburie: Adam de Ma|riſco or Mareis, borne in Sommerſetſhire, an excellente Deuine as hee was reputed in thoſe dayes: Gregory Huntingtõ, a Monke of Rame|ſey, very experte in the tongs: Seuall Archbiſhop of Yorke, a man ſingularly learned and ſtout, in defending the cauſe of his Cleargie againſte the Pope: Haymo de Feuerſham: Peter Swaning|ton: Helias Trickingham: Helias de Eneſham: Radulfe Bocking, borne in Suſſex: Alphred ſur|named Anglicus, Iames Ciſtercienſis. William of Ware: Robert Oxford: Thomas Docking: Iohn ſurnamed Grammaticus: Robert Dode|forde: but the more part of theſe are rather to bee aſcribed vnto the tyme of Henry the thirde, the father of this Kyng Edwarde, where theſe that followe, are thoughte to flouriſhe in the tyme of Kyng Edwardes raigne, after the deceſſe of hys father Kyng Henry: Thomas Spotte, a Chro|nographier: Peter de Ickeham a Kentiſhman borne as Bale thinketh: Iohn Beckton, a doctor of both the lawes: William Hanaberg a Car|melite Frier, prouinciall gouernoure of his order heere in Englande: Robert Kilwarby, Byſhop of Caunterburye, and after made a Cardinall, and Biſhop of Portua: Gilbert ſurnamed Mag|nus, a Monke of the Ciſteaux order: Helias Ros: Walter Recluſe: Hugh de Eueſham: Iohn Euerſden, a writer of Annales, whome I haue partly followed in thys Kyngs life: William Pagham: Henry Eſſeborne: Iohn de Hayde: Roger Bacon, a Franciſcane Frier, an excellent Philoſopher, and lykewiſe, a Mathematician: Iohn Derlingon, a Dominike Frier: Iohn Chelmeſton: Thomas Borſtale, a Northfolke man borne: Gregorie Cairugent, a Monke of Glouceſter, a writer of annales: Gregorie de Bredlington: Thomas Bungey, a Frier Mi|nor, borne in Northfolke, an excellente Mathe|maticien, prouinciall ruler of hys order heere in Englande, hee flouriſhed in the dayes of Kyng Edwarde the firſt, although there were another of the ſame name that liued in the time of Kyng Edward the thirde: Hugh de Mancheſter a Do|minike Frier, and prouinciall gouernour of hys order heere in Englande: Richarde Knapwell a Dominike Frier: Iohn Peckham, borne in the dioceſſe of Chicheſter, a Franciſcane Frier, excellẽtly learned, as by his workes it appereth, he was aduaunced by Pope Honorius the third, to the Archbiſhops ſee of Canterbury: Thomas de Illey, a Suffolke man borne, and a white or Carmelike Frier in the houſe of Gippeſwiche: Michaell ſurnamed Scotte, but borne in the Biſhopricke of Durham, as Leland hath, an ex|cellent Phiſition, and likewiſe very expert in the Mathematicals: Hugh de Newcaſtell a Frier Minor, profeſſed in the ſame Towne: Thomas Sutton a blacke Frier, that is of the order of S. Dominicke: Iohn Reade, an Hiſtoriographer: William de la Mare a Frier Minor: Thomas Wicke, a Chanon of Oſney in Oxforde: Si|mon de Gaunt: Wiliam Hothun, prouinciall of the Frier Dominikes in England: Iohn de Hide a Monke of Wincheſter: Roberte Crouche, a cordelier, or a Franciſcane Frier: Richarde Mid|delton, a Frier Minor, Thomas Spirman a blacke Frier: William Lidlington, a doctor of Diuinitie, and a Carmelike Frier in Stanford: Iohn Fiberie or Beuer, a Monke of Weſtmin|ſter: William Makeleſfield borne in Cheſhire, in a market Towne, whereof he beareth the name, a blacke Frier by profeſſion, and an excellente Philoſopher.

1.10. Edward the ſecond.

EEBO page image 847

Edward the ſecond.

[figure appears here on page 847]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3

Edward the ſe|conde.


_EDward, the ſecond of that name, the ſon of Edward ye firſt, borne at Carnaruã in Wales, begã his raigne o|uer Englãd ye ſeuenth day of Iuly, in the yeare of our Lord .1307. of the worlde 5273. of the comming of ye Saxons 847. after the Cõqueſt 241. about the tenth yere of Albert Em|peror of Rome, & the 22. of ye fourth Philip, ſurna|med le beau; as then K. of Frãce, and in the third yere after yt Robert le Bruce had taken vpõ him the Crown & gouernement of Scotlãd, as Wil. Harriſon doth witneſſe in his Chronologie, whõe I follow in this accõpt of the yeres of ye worlde. [...]ontinuation Ma. Weſt. His fathers corpſe was conueyed frõ Burgh vpõ Sands, vnto the Abbey of Waltham, there to re|mayn, til things were ready for the buriall which was appoynted at Weſtminſter: & within three days after, when the Lord Treaſorer Walter de Langton Biſhop of Couentrie & Lichfielde (tho|rough whoſe complaint, Peers de Gauaſton had bin baniſhed the lãd) was going towards Weſt|minſter, to make preparation for the ſame buri|all, he was vpon commandement from the newe King arreſted, committed to priſon, and after, deliuered to the handes of the ſayde Peers, [...]e Biſhop Couentrie [...]mitted [...]on. bee|ing then returned agayne into the Realme, who ſente hym from Caſtell to Caſtell as a priſoner. Hys landes and tenementes were ſeyſed to the Kyngs vſe, but his mouables were giuen to the foreſayde Peers. Walter Reignalde that had bin the Kyngs tutor in his childhood, was then made Lord treaſorer, and after, whẽ the Sea of Wor|cetor was voyde, at the Kinges inſtance he was by the Pope to that Biſhopricke preferred. [...]ers re| [...]ed. Alſo, Raufe Biſhop of London was depoſed from the office of Lord Chauncellour, and Iohn Lang|ton Byſhop of Chicheſter was thereto reſtored. Likewiſe, the Barons of the Exchequer were re|moued, and other put in their places. And Ame|riẽ de Valence Earle of Pembroke, was diſchar|ged of the Wardenſhip of Scotlande, and Iohn de Britaigne placed in that office, whome he al|ſo made Earle of Richmont. But nowe concer|ning the demeanor of this newe K. whoſe diſor|dred maners brought himſelfe and many others vnto deſtructiõ. We finde, that in ye beginning of his gouernement, though he was of nature giuen to lightnes, yet being reſtrained with the prudent aduertiſemẽts of certain of his Counſellors,Polidor. we ye end he might ſhew ſome likelihood of good profe, he coũterfeited a kind of grauitie, vertue & mode|ſtie, but yet he could not throughly be ſo bridled, but that forthwith he began to play diuers wan|ton & light partes, at the firſt indeede, not outra|giouſly, but by little and little, and that couer [...]ly, for hauing reuoked again into England,Peers de Gauaſton. The yeare next enſuing, the Ile of Man was ta|ken by Ro|bert Bruce. his olde mate, ye ſaid Peers de Gaueffon, he receiued him into moſt high fauoure, creating hym Earle of Cornewall, and Lord of Man, his principall ſe|cretarie, and Lord Chamberlaine of the Realm, through whoſe company & ſocietie hee was ſud|dainely ſo corrupted, that he burſt out into moſt hainous vices, for then vſing the ſaid Peers as a procurer of his diſordred doings, he begã to haue his nobles in no regarde, to ſet nothing by theyr inſtructions, and to take ſmall heede vnto ye good gouernemẽt of ye cõmon wealth, ſo that within a while, he gaue himſelf to wãtonnes, paſſing hys time in voluptuous pleaſure, & riottous exceſſe, & to help thẽ forward in that kinde of life, ye fore|ſaid Peers, who (as it may bee thought, he hadde ſworne to make the K to forget himſelf, and the ſtate, to the whiche hee was called) furniſhed hys court with cõpanies of Ieſters, ruffiãs, flattering paraſites, muſitions, and other vile and naughty ribaulds, yt the K. might ſpend both dais & nights in ieſting, playing, banqueting, & in ſuch other fil|thy & diſhonorable exerciſes: and moreouer, deſi|rous to aduance thoſe that were like to himſelfe, he procured for them honorable offices.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 About ye 12. day of October,A Parliamẽt at Northamp|ton. a Parliamẽt was holdẽ at Northamptõ, in the which it was or ordei|ned by the kings appointmẽt, that ye coine of hys father K. Edward ſhould be ſtil currãt, notwith|ſtãding the baſeneſſe thereof, as ſome reputed it, & therfore it was moued in ye Parliament to haue it diſanulled. Alſo, order was taken for the burial of his fathers corpſe, whiche was ſolemnely con|ueyed frõ Waltam, and broughte to Weſtmin|ſter ye 27. day of October folowing, wher wt al fu|neral pomp it was enterred. Moreouer, at ye ſame Parliament, a marriage was concluded betwixt ye Earle of Cornewall Peers de Gaueſton,Peeres de Ga|uaſton mar|ried. & the daughter of Gilbert de Clare Erle of Glouceſter, which he had by his wife the Counteſſe Ioane de Acres ye kings ſiſter, which marriage was ſolẽni|ſed on all hallowen day next enſuing.

The K. paſ|ſeth ouer into Fraunce.


About the 22. of Ianuarie, the K. ſailed ouer into France, & at Bulleigne in Picardie on ye 24. day of Ianua|rie, he did homage to ye Frẽch K. for his lands of Gaſcoigne & Pontiew, & on ye morrow after,He was mar|ried the 28. of Februarie, as Tho. dela More writeth. ma|ried Iſabell ye Frẽch kings daughter, & on ye 7. of February, be returned with hir into England, & cõming to London, was ioyfully receiued of the EEBO page image 848 Citizens, and on the fiue and twentith day of Fe|bruary, beyng Shroue ſunday in the loaps yeare, they were ſolemnely Crowned by the Byſhoppe of Wincheſter,The King [...] Q. C [...] bycauſe that Robert the Archby|ſhop [figure appears here on page 848] of Canterbury was not as their within the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The VV [...] Sir [...] we [...] [...] and thuſt to de [...] Continuation of N [...]. Triuet.There was ſuch praſe and throng of people at this Coronation, that a Knighte called Sir Iohn Bakewell, [...]as Blackwell, was thruſt to death.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the daye of the circumciſion this yeare, a great tempeſt of thunder and lightning beganne about euen long time, that cõtinued the moſt part of the night following.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Wedneſday after the Epiphany, the Knightes templers in England were apprehen|ded all in one day by the kings commaundement, vpon ſuſpition of haynous crimes and great en|ormities by them practiſed, cõtrary to the articles of the Chriſtian fayth.The order taken, for the apprehenſion of the tẽplers. The order of their appre|henſion was on this wife, the King directed hys writtes vnto al and euery the Sherifes of Coun|ties within ye Realm, yt they ſhuld giue ſummo|nance to a certayne number of ſubſtanciall per|ſons Knightes or other men of good accompt, to be afore them at certayne places within their go|uernementes, named in the ſame writtes, on the ſunday the morrowe after the Epiphanie then neere enſuing, and that the ſayde Sherifes fayle not to be there the ſame daye in their owne per|ſons, to execute that whiche in other writtes to them directed, and after to be ſent, ſhould be con|teyned. The date of this writte was the fiftenth of December.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſecond writ was ſent by certaine Chap|laynes, in whiche the Sherifes were commaun|ded vppon the opening of the ſame, forthwith to receyue an othe in preſence of the ſayde Chap|laynes, to put in execution all that was therein conteyned, and not to diſcloſe the contents to a|ny man, till they had executed the ſame with all expedition, and therewith to take the like othe of thoſe perſons, whome by vertue of ye firſt writte, they had ſummoned to appeare afore them. In other writte there was alſo framed and ſente by the ſame Chaplaines, by the which, the ſaid She|rifes wer cõmanded to attach by their bodies, al ye templers within ye precinct of their gouernemẽts, & to ſeiſe al their lands and goodes into the Kings hãds, togither with their writings, charters, dedes and miniments, & to make thereof a true Inuen|torie & Indenture, in preſence of the warden of ye place, whether he were brother of that order, or a|ny other, in preſence of honeſt men being neygh|bors, of which Indẽture, one part to remain in ye cuſtody of the ſayd Warden, & the other with the Sherife, vnder his ſeale that ſhould ſo make ſea|ſure of the ſayd goodes: and further, that the ſayde goodes and chatels ſhould be put in ſafe cuſtody, and that the quicke goodes and cattaile, ſhould be kept and found of the premiſſes as ſhoulde ſeeme moſt expediente, and that their landes and poſ|ſeſiõs ſhould be manured and tilled to ye moſt cõ|moditie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Further, that the perſons of the ſayde Tem|plers being attached in manner as before is ſaid, ſhoulde bee ſafely kepte in ſome competent place out of theyr owne houſes, but not in ſtraight pri|ſon, but in ſuch order, as the Sherifes might bee ſure of them to bring them foorth when he ſhould be cõmanded, to be found in ye meane time accor|ding to their eſtate of their owne goodes ſo ſeiſed, and hereof, to make a true certificate vnto ye trea|ſorer & Barõs of ye eſchecker, what they had done cõcerning ye premiſſes, declaring how many of ye ſaid tẽplers they had atached, wt their names, and what lands and goodes they had ſeaſed, by vertue of this precept: the date of theſe two laſt writtes EEBO page image 849 was from Biſlet the .xx. of December, and the returne thereof to be made vnto the Exchequer, was the morrow after the Purification There were writtes alſo directed into Irelande, as wee haue there made mẽtion and likewiſe vnto Iohn de Brytaine Earle of Richmonde, Lorde War|den of Scotlande, and to Euſtace de Coteſbache Chamberlaine of Scotlande, to Walten de P [...]|derton Iuſtice of weſt Wales, and to: Hugh Aldigh [...]e alias Audley Iuſtice of north Wales, to Robert Hollande Iuſtice of Cheſter, vnder like fourme and maner as in Irelande wee haue expreſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The malice whiche the Lordes had concey|ued agaynſt the Earle of Cornewal ſtill encrea|ſed, the more in deede through the high bearing of him, being now aduaunced to honour. For being a goodly gentleman and a ſtoute, he woulde not once yeelde an ynche to any of them, which wor|thily procured him great enuie amongſt the chie|feſt Peeres of all the realme, as ſir Henrie Lacie Earle of Lyncolne, ſir Guy Earle of Warwike, and ſir Aymer de Valence Earle of Pembroke, the Earles of Glouceſter, Hereforde, Arundell; and others, which vpon ſuch wrath and diſplea|ſure as they had conceyued againſt him, thought it not conuenient to ſuffer the ſame any longer, in hope that the kings minde might happely hee altered into a better purpoſe, being not altogither conuerted into a venemous diſpoſition, but ſo that it might be cured, if the corrupter therof were once baniſhed from him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon they aſſemble togither in the Par|liament time, [...]. VVelſ. [...]inuation [...]ime. at the new Temple, on Saterday next before the feaſt of Saint Dunſtan, and there ordeyned that the ſayde Pierce ſhoulde abiure the realme and depart the ſame on the morrow after the Natiuitie of Saint Iohn Baptiſt at the fur|theſt, and not to returne into the ſame againe at any tyme then after to come.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To this ordinance, the king (although againſt his will) bycauſe he ſawe himſelfe and Realme in daunger, gaue his conſent, and made his let|ters Patents to the ſayde Earles and Lordes, to witneſſe the ſame. The tenour of which let|ters here enſueth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 NOtum vobis facimus per praeſentes, quòd amo|do vſ ad diem dominus Petrus de Gaueſton regnum noſtrum eſt abiuratus & exiturus, videli|cet in craſtino Natiuitatis Sancti Iohannis Baptiſtae proximo ſequenti: Nos in quantum nobis eſt nihil faciemus, nec aliquid fieri permittemus, per quod exilium dicti domini Petri in aliquo poterit impe|dui, vel protelari, quin ſecundum formã à pral tis, comitibus, & baronibus regni noſtri, ordinatam, & per nos libero conſenſu confirmatam, plenariè per|ficiatur. In cuius rei teſtimonium has lateras noſtras fieri fecimus patentes. Datum apud VVeſtm xvij. die Maij. Anno regni noſtri primo.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe letters were read, heard, and allowed in the preſence of all the Noble men of this lande, the day and yeare aboueſayd,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbiſhop of Canterburie being lately returned from Rome, where he had remayned in exile in the late deceaſſed kings dayes for a cer|taine time, did pronounce the ſayd Pierce accur|ſed, if he taried within the Realme longer than the appoynted tyme, and likewiſe all thoſe that ſhoulde ayde, helpe, or mainteyne him, and lyke|wiſe if he ſhoulde at any time hereafter returne a|gaine into the lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To conclude, this matter was ſo followed, An. Reg. 2. The Earle of Cornwal ba|niſhed the Realme. that at length he was conſtrayned to withdrawe himſelfe to Briſtow, and ſo by ſea as a baniſhed man to ſaile into Ireland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The king being ſore offended herewith, as he that fauored the Erle more than that he could be without his companie,The kings fa|uor towardes the Earle of Cornewall. threatned the Lords to be reuenged for this diſpleaſure, and ceaſſed not to ſende into Irelande vnto Pierce, comforting him both with friendly meſſages, and rich preſentes,Polidor. and as it were to ſhewe that hee ment to reteyne him ſtill in his fauour, Fabian. The Earle of Cornwal depu+tie of Ireland. Hen Marle. he made him ruler of Ire|lande as his deputie there. The Lordes percey|uing the kings affectiõ, and that the treaſure was ſpent as lauiſhly as before, thought with them|ſelues that it might be that the king woulde both amende his paſſed trade of life, and that Pierce being reſtored home, woulde rather aduiſe hym thereto, than follow his olde maners, conſidering that it might be well perceyued, that if he conti|nued in the encouraging of the king to lewdneſſe, as in tymes paſt he had done, he could not thinke but that the Lordes woulde bee readie to correct him, as by proufe he had nowe tryed their mea|nings to be no leſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon to retaine amitie,


An. reg. 3. Hen. Marle.

as was thought on both ſydes, Pierce by conſent of the Lordes was reſtored home againe (the king meeting him at Cheſter) to his great comfort and reioyſing for the time, although the malice of the Lordes was ſuch, that ſuch ioy laſted not long.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the fourth yeare of king Edwarde was a Councell holden at London agaynſt the Tem|plers,


An. reg. 4. The addition to Triuet.

the which Councell endured frõ the begin|ning of May, till Iune. In this councell they confeſſed the fame, but not the fact of the crymes layde to theyr charge, except two or three ribalds that were amongſt them: but bycauſe they could not cleare themſelues, they were adiudged to per|petuall penance within certaine Monaſteries.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king this yeare fearing the enuie of the Lordes agaynſt Pierce de Gaueſton,The Earle of Cornwal pla|ced in Bam|bourgh caſtel. placed him for his more ſafetie in Bambourgh Caſtell, bea|ring the Prelates and Lordes in hande, that hee had committed him there to priſon for theyr EEBO page image 850 pleaſures.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare alſo there were ordinances made for the ſtate and gouernment of the Realme, by the Prelates, Earles and Barons, which were confirmed with the ſentence of excomunication agaynſt all them that ſhould goe about to breake the ſame. The king neither allowed of them, nor obſerued them, although he had confirmed them with his ſeale, and ſent them to all Cathedrall Churches and Counties, to be regiſtred in per|petuall memorie thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polidor.The king in deede was lewdly ledde, for after that the Earle of Cornewall was returned into Englande, he ſhewed himſelfe no chaungeling (as writers do affirme,) but through ſupport of the kings fauour, bare himſelfe ſo high in his do|ings, which were without all good order, that he ſeemed to diſdaine all the Peeres and Barons of the realme. Alſo after the olde ſort he prouoked the king to all naughtie rule and riotous demea|nor, and hauing the cuſtodie of the kings Iewels and treaſure, he tooke out of the Iewelhouſe a ta|ble, and a paire of treſtels of golde, which he deli|uered vnto a marchant called Aymerie de Friſco|balde,Caxton. commaunding him to conuey them ouer the Sea into Gaſcoigne. Thys table was iud|ged of the common people, to belong ſometime vnto king Arthure, and therefore men grudged the more that the ſame ſhoulde thus be ſent oute of the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


Rich. South. An. reg. 5.

The king this yeare rayſed a great power to goe into Scotlande. And about the feaſt of the Aſſumption of our ladie, hauing with him Piers de Gaueſton Earle of Cornwall, and the Earles of Glouceſter and Warren,Berwike for|tified. he came to Berwike which town he cauſed to be fortified with a ſtrõg wall, and a mightie deepe ditch, and although the other Earles woulde not come to ſerue him in that voyage,The king en|tred into Scot|lande. by reaſon of a newe variaunce riſen amongeſt them, yet hee marcheth forth into Scotland to ſeke his aduerſary Robert le Bruce: but Robert refuſing the battaile, kept him forth of the way, ſo that the king was driuen to return to Berwike againe, without meeting with his eni|mies. And he was no ſooner come backe, but the ſayde Robert and his people enter into Louthian, ſore moleſting ſuch as were yeelded to the king of England. The king aduertiſed thereof, followed them, but coulde do no good and ſo returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Erle of Cornewall lay at Rokeſbourgh, and the Earle of Glouceſter at Norham to de|fend thoſe parties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After Candlemaſſe, the King ſent the Earle of Cornewall, with two hundred men of armes to Saint Iohns towne, beyond the Scottiſh ſea, who receyued to the kings peace all thoſe that in|habited beyonde that Sea vp to the Mountains. The king lay ſtill at Berwike, but the Earles of Glouceſter and Warren after the beginning [...] Lent rode into the foreſt of Selkyrke, and recey|ued the Foreſters and other the inhabitants th [...] to the kings peace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this fifth yere of the kings raigne, but ſom|what before this preſent, in the yeare .1310. Henry Lacie Earle of Lyncolne gouernor of England in the kings abſence departed this life, in which place the Earle of Glouceſter was choſen go|uernour, and therefore hee returned nowe [...] Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Earle of Lyncolne was vailed in the new worke at Pauls. Lying on his death bed, be requeſted (as was reported) Thomas erle of Lã|caſter that had maried his daughter, that in any wiſe he ſhould ſtand with the other Lords in de|fence of the common wealth, and to maintein his quarel againſt the Earle of Cornwall, which re|queſt Erle Thomas faithfully accompliſhed: for by the purſute of him, and of the Earle of War|wike chiefly, the ſayd Earle of Cornwall was at length taken and beheaded (as after ſhal appeare)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some write that king Edward the firſt vpon his death bed, charged ye Erles of Lincolne, War|wike, and Pembroke, to foreſee that the foreſayde Pierce returned not again into England, leaſt by his euill example hee might enduce his ſonne the Prince to lewdneſſe, as before hee had alreadye done.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thomas Erle of Lãcaſter came toward Ber|wike to do homage to the king for the Erledome of Lincolne fallen to him in right of his wife, now after the deceaſſe of hir father the late Earle of Lincolne. But he was councelled not to goe forth of the Realme to the king, ſo that thervpon roſe no ſmall diſpleaſure, & great doubt leaſt there would haue followed ciuil warres about it. Ne|uertheleſſe, at length the king was perſwaded to come ouer the water vnto Hagerſton foure my|les diſtaunt from Berwike, and there receyued homage of the Earle, & ſo they continued friends, and for that tyme departed aſunder in louyng maner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Lords perceyuing the miſchief that day|ly followed and encreaſed by that naughtie man (as they tooke it) the Erle of Cornwal,Fabia [...]. Hen. M [...] aſſembled at Lyncolne, and there tooke counſaile togyther, and concluded eftſoones to baniſh him out of the Realme, and ſo therevpon ſhortly after, about Chriſtmaſſe (as ſome write) or rather as other haue, within the quindene of Saint Michaell, Ri. Saith. The Earle [...] Com [...]wall [...]+niſhed into Flaunders. he was exyled into Flaunders ſore agaynſte the Kings wyll and pleaſure, who made ſuche ac|count of him, that (as appeared) hee coulde not bee quiet in mynde withoute hys companye, and therefore about Candlemaſſe hee eftſoones reuo|ked hym home.12 [...] But hee beryng nothing at al amended of thoſe hys euill manners, rather EEBO page image 851 demeaned himſelf worſe than before he had done, namely towardes the Lordes, agaynſt whome vſing reprochfull ſpeech, hee called the Earle of Glouceſter baſtarde, the Earle of Lyncolne late|ly deceaſſed burſten belly, the Earle of Warwike the blacke hounde of Ardern, and the Earle of Lancaſter churle. Such Lordes and other more that were thus abuſed at thys Erle of Cornwals handes, determined to bee reuenged vpon him, and to diſpatch the realme of ſuch a wicked per|ſon: and therevpon aſſembling their powers to|gither, [...]er Fo [...]. [...]. VValſ. came towardes Newcaſtell, whither the king from Yorke was remoued, and now hea|ring of their approch, he got him to Tynmouth, where the Queene lay, and vnderſtanding there that Newcaſtell was taken by the Lordes, hee leauing the Queene behinde him, tooke ſhipping, and ſayled from thence with his dearely beloued familiar the Earle of Cornewall, vnto Scar|bourgh, where he left him in the Caſtell, and rode himſelfe towardes Warwike. The Lordes hea|ring where the Earle of Cornewall was, made thither with all ſpeede, [...] Earle of [...]newall [...]n. and beſieging the Caſtell, at length conſtrayned theyr enimie to yeeld him|ſelfe into theyr handes, requyring no other con|dition, but that he might come to the kings pre|ſence to talke with him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] kings re| [...] for his [...] The king hearing that his beſt beloued fami|liar was thus apprehended, ſendeth to the Lords, requiring them to ſpare his life, and that he might bee brought to his preſence, promiſing withall that he woulde ſee them fully ſatiſfied in all their requeſtes agaynſt him.The Earle of Pembrokes ſure to the o|ther Lordes. Wherevpon the Earle of Pembroke perſwaded with the Barons to graunt to the kings deſire, vndertaking vpon for|feyture of all that he had, to bring him to the king and backe againe to them, in ſuch ſtate and con|dition as he receyued him. When the Barons had conſented to his motion, he tooke the Earle of Cornwall with him to bring him where the king lay, and comming to Dedington, left him him there in ſafe keeping with his ſeruants, whi|leſt he for one night went to viſite his wife, lying not farre from thence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame night it chaunced, that Guy Erle of Warwike came to the ſame place where the Earle of Cornewall was left, and taking him from his keepers, brought him vnto Warwike, where incontinently it was thought beſt to put him to death, but that ſome doubting the kings diſpleaſure, aduiſed the reſidue to ſtay, and ſo they did, till at length an auncient graue man amõgſt them, exhorted them to vſe the occaſion nowe of|fred, and not to let ſlip the meane to deliuer the realme of ſuch a daungerous perſon, that hadde wrought ſo much miſchiefe, and might turne them all to ſuch perill, as afterwardes they ſhould not be able to auoyde, nor finde ſhift howe to re|medie it. And thus perſwaded by his wordes,Continuation of Triuet. they cauſed hym ſtreyght wayes to bee brought forth to a place called Blacklowe,Gauers heath, or Gauerſuch. The Earle of Cornwall be|headed. otherwiſe cal|led by moſt wryters, Gauerſl [...]y heath, where he had his head ſmitten from his ſhoulders, the .xx. day of Iune being Tueſday.

[figure appears here on page 851]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] kings [...]eance.When the king had knowledge hereof, hee was wonderfully diſpleaſed with thoſe Lordes that had thus put the ſayde Earle vnto death, making his vowe that he would ſee his death re|uenged: ſo that the rancour which before was kindled betwixt the king and thoſe Lords, began now to blaſe abrode, and ſpred ſo farre, that the king euer ſought occaſion howe to worke them diſpleaſure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, the .xlij. of Nouember,

An. reg. 6.

King Edwarde the third born

the kings eldeſt ſonne named Edwarde (which ſucceded his father in the kingdome by the name of Edwarde the thirde) was borne at Windeſore.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 King Edwarde now after that the foreſayde EEBO page image 850 Peers Gaueſton the Earle of Cornwall was dead,Polidor. nothing reformed his maners, but as one that deteſted the counſail and admonition of hys Nobles, choſe ſuch to be about him, and to be of his priuie counſaile which were knowne to be mẽ of corrupt and moſt wicked liuing (as the writers of that age report it) amongſt theſe were two of the Spencers,The Spencers. Hugh the father, and Hugh the ſonne, which were notable inſtruments to bring him vnto the liking of all kind of naughtie & euill rule. By the counſaile therfore of theſe Spencers, he was wholy led & gouerned, wherewith many were much offẽded, but namely Robert the arch|biſhop of Canterbury, who foreſaw what miſ|chiefe was like to enſue: and therefore to prouide ſome remedie in tyme,


A Parliament.

he procured that a Parlia|ment was called at London. In the which many good ordinances and ſtatutes were deuiſed & eſta|bliſhed, to oppreſſe the riotous miſgouernance & other miſchiefes which as then were vſed, and to kepe thoſe ordinances, the king firſt, and after his Lordes receyued a ſolemne othe, that in no wiſe neither he nor they ſhould breake them. By this meanes was the ſtate of the realme newly reſto|red, and new Counſailers placed about the king. But he neither regarding what he had ſworne, neither weying the force of an othe, obſerued af|terwards none of thoſe things, which by his othe he had bounde himſelfe to obſerue. And no mer|uayle: for ſurely as it ſhoulde ſeeme by report of Thomas de la More, the Lordes wraſted hym too muche, and beyonde the boundes of reaſon, cauſing him to receyue to bee about him whome it pleaſed them to appoynt. For the yõger Spen|cer,The Lorde Hugh Spencer the ſonne at the firſt not fauored of the king. who in place of the Earle of Cornewall was ordeyned to bee hys Chamberlayne, it was knowne to them well ynoughe, that the King bare no good will at all to him at the firſt, though afterwardes through the prudent policie, and diligent induſtrie of the man, he quickly crept in|to hys fauour, and that further than thoſe that preferred him could haue wiſhed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to our purpoſe. About the ſame tyme,

Continuation of Triue.


to witte the .xi. of May, the foreſayd Ro|bert Archbiſhop of Canterburie departed thys lyfe .xix. yeares after his fyrſt entraunce into the gouernment of that Sea. After him was Wal|ter Biſhop of Worceſter tranſlated vnto the ſea of Cãterburie, and was the xlix. Archbiſhop that had ruled the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo William the Archebiſhop of Yorke de|ceaſſed,Polidor. and one William Melton ſucceeded him the .xlij. Archbiſhoppe that had gouerned that Sea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Archbiſhop Meltõ, though he was moſt ſtudious of things of things perteyning to religi|on, beſtowing almoſte his whole time about the ſame, yet neuertheleſſe hee was not forgetfull of that which belonged to the aduauncement of the cõmon welth and therfore being at London vpõ a time, Simon the elect Biſhop of Whitherne came to York that he might be cõſecrated of him:The [...] Whi [...] [...] Yorke [...] Biſhop [...] [...]e [...]. wherefore this Archb. gaue commaundement to Iohn the Biſhop of Carleil to conſecarte the ſaid Simon, and in his.ame to receyue of him hys othe of obedience, which cõmaundement the ſayd Biſhop of Carleil did duely execute.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King & Queene this yeare in May went ouer into France,

C [...] of T [...]

Tho. VV [...]

where they were preſent in Pa|ris on Whitſunday at the coronation of Philip ſon to the French king, created that day king of Nauarre. Iohn de Drokenſford Biſhop of Bath and Welles, was appointed warden of the realm till the kings returne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Iuly the king returned backe from hys iourney into Fraunce,An. Reg. Records [...] and landed at Sandwich the Monday before the feaſt of S. Margaret, ha|uing diſpatched his buſineſſe with the French K. in good and honorable maner, for his landes and Countrey of Gaſcoigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon, Maurice Fitz Thomas,

Hen. M [...]


and Thomas Fitz Iohn maried two ſiſters that were daughters to Richard Erle of Vlmeſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane time, while Robert Bruce re|couered the moſt part of all Scotland,

1 [...]14

The [...] Rob [...] [...]

winning out of the Engliſhmens handes ſuch Caſtels as they held within Scotland, chaſing al the ſouldi|ers which lay there in garniſon, out of the coũtry, and ſubduing ſuch of the Scottes as helde on the Engliſh part.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Edwarde to be reuenged hereof,The king England [...]+ſeth [...] lande. with a mightie armie brauely furniſhed, and gorgeouſly apparelled, more ſeemely for a triumph, thã meet to encounter with the cruel enimie in the field, en|tred Scotland, in purpoſe ſpecially to reſcue the Caſtel of Sterling, as then beſieged by the Scot|tiſhmen. But at his approching nere to the ſame, Robert Bruce was redie with his power to giue him battail. In the which king Edward nothing doubtful of loſſe, had ſo vnwiſely ordred his peo|ple, and confounded their rankes, that euen at the firſt ioyning, they were not onely beaten downe and ouerthrowne, by thoſe that coped with them at hande, but alſo were wounded with ſhotte a farre off, by thoſe their enimyes which ſtoode be|hinde to ſuccour theyr fellowes when need requi|red,The En [...] men c [...] ſo that in the ende the Engliſhmen fledde to ſaue their liues, and were chaſed and ſlaine by the Scottes in great number.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king eſcaped with a fewe aboute him,The king eſcaped. in great danger to haue beene either taken or ſlaine. Many were drowned in a little riuer called Ba|nokeſborne,The [...] Ba [...] neare to the which the battayle was foughten. There were ſlain of noblẽ men, Gilbert Erle of Gloceſter, Robert Lord Clifford, the lord Giles Argẽtine, the L, Pain Tiptoſt, ye L. Wil. [...] EEBO page image 853 The Lorde Reginalde Daincourt, the Lorde Edmond of Mauley the kings ſtewarde, with o|ther Lordes and Barons to the number of .xlij. and of knightes and Baronets, to the number of lxvij.

The great [...]ughter of [...]gliſhmen.


There were ſlaine of all ſortes vpon the Engliſh part that day, about ten thouſande men, ouer and beſide the priſoners that were taken. A|mongſt the which were accounted .xxij. men of name,

[...]bian. [...]eſden.

[...]iont to [...] and [...]at. Paris.

as the Earle of Hertforde, the Lord Iohn Segrane, William Lorde Latimer, Maurice Lorde Berkley, and other. Hee that lyſteth to heare more of this diſcomfiture, may reade there|of further at large in the Scottiſh hyſtorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of Englande hauing eſcaped from this battayle, which was fought on Midſommer day in the yeare aforeſayd, came to Yorke, where he helde a Councell of his Lordes,

An. reg. 8.

A cou [...] hol|den at Yorke.

to haue theyr aduice by what meanes he might beſt reſtore hys armie, and auenge the loſſe which he had ſuſtey|ned at the handes of his enimie the Bruce:Sir Pierce Spalding. And ſhortly after was ſir Peter Spalding ſent vnto Berwike, with a crew of ſouldiers to defende the towne agaynſt the ſayde Bruce, who entended ſhortly to lay ſiege to that towne, as the king had certaine vnderſtanding.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the Scottiſh men aduaunced highly in their mindes for the late gotten victorie,


The Scottes in Irelande.

paſſed o|uer into Ireland, vnder the conduct of Edwarde Bruce, the brother of Robert Bruce, ſore afflic|ting that Countrey, by ſpoyle, ſworde, and fire: the villages were robbed, the townes and caſtels which they wanne were ſacked, and after fyred, [figure appears here on page 853] ſo vtterly to deface them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Iriſhmen being put in great feare here|with, aſſembled togither, and ioyned themſelues with ſuch Engliſhmen as lay there in garniſons, [...]he Lorde [...]mingham. ouer the which the Lorde Iohn Bermingham as deputie had the chiefe charge. Thus being ioy|ned togither, they make earneſt reſiſtance againſt the attempts of their enimies, in defence of the Countrey. And ſo by that meanes they warre & fight one agaynſt another, with great ſlaugh|ter on both ſides, the Scottiſhmen on their part doing their beſt to obteyne the gouernment of the Countrey, hauing alreadie obteyned no ſmall portion therof, and created Edward Bruce king there, and the Iriſhe men on the other part, en|forcing their whole endeuor to beate the enimye backe, and to ridde him out of the Countrey. But at length the inuincible obſtinateneſſe of the I|riſhmen preuayled, through ayde of the Engliſh men (as after it ſhall appeare.) But in the meane while as ſome Engliſhe Chronicles make men|tion, [...]eat ſlaugh| [...] of Scottes Irelande. there died of the Scottes in theſe warres to the number of thirtie thouſand, and aboue fiftene thouſande Iriſhmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scottes not onely thus inuaded Ire|lande,Ri. Southwel. but alſo they continued theyr rage againſt Englande.The Biſhop|rike of Durhã ſpoyled by the Scottes. For the ſame yeare about the feaſt of Peter and Paule, they enter into the Biſhopryke of Durham, and ſpoyle the Countrey vnto Har|tilpoole, which towne they robbed of all the goods which they there founde, the Inhabitants being fled with theyr ſhippes to the ſea.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About Maudelentyde following,

An. reg. 9.

Robert Bruce inuadeth Eng|lande.

Carleil be|ſieged.

the King of Scottes entred Englande with a mightie ar|mie, on the weſt borders, and comming to Cair|leil beſieged the Citie, remayning before it tenne dayes, but they within ſo valiantly defended thẽ|ſelues and theyr walles, that the Scottes loſte more than they wanne, ſauing that during theyr abode at this ſiege, they robbed and waſted the Countreys of Allerdale, Copelande, and Weſt|merlande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The .xj. day after theyr comming thither, when they had aſſayed all their force and pollicie to win the Citie, and ſaw themſelues nothing to preuayle, but to loſe theyr men and trauayle, they EEBO page image 854 rayſed their field, & returned into Scotland with diſhonor,

The ſiege [...]yſed.

Iohn de Mur|rey taken.

leauing behind them al their engines of warre. As they went their wayes, certaine Eng|liſhmen following them, tooke Iohn de Murrey, who in the battail of Striueling had for his part xiij. Engliſhe knights priſoners, beſide Eſquiers and other. They tooke alſo with him one Robert Berdolf a great enimie of the Engliſhmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Great raine.This yeare there fell exceeding greate raine, and abundaunce of wette, in the Monethes of Iuly and Auguſt, that the huſbandmen of the Countrey, could not get nor inne that ſmall crop which then ſtoode on the grounde, and that which they inned, yeelded not the hoped quantitie, as when it came to the threſſhing it well appea|red.Iohn of El|tham borne. On the day of the Aſſumption of our Lady, Iohn the kings ſeconde ſonne was borne at El|tham.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A knight of Lancaſhire called ſir Adam Ba|niſter, rayſed warre in this .ix. yeare of king Ed|wardes raigne, agaynſt his Lorde the Earle of Lancaſter, but about the feaſt of Saint Martyn he was taken and beheaded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo this yeare, Edwarde le Bruce brother to the king of Scottes, entred into the North parts of Vlneſter with a great armie, vpon the day of S. Auguſtine in May, and afterwardes burnt Dundalke,

Hen. Marle.

Dundalk burnt

and a great part of Vrgile. The Iriſh men alſo burnt the Church of Athird.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer in the battaile of Comeran in Vl|neſter,The battaile of Comeran. Richard Erle of Vlneſter fled, and ſir Ri|chard Bourgh, & ſir Iohn Mandeuile, and ſir A|lane Fitz Waren were taken priſoners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Caſtell of Norbourgh was alſo taken, and at Kenlis in Meth the Lorde Roger Morti|mer was diſcomfited by the foreſayde Edwarde Bruce, and many of the ſayde Sir Rogers men were ſlaine and taken.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo in this .ix. yeare of king Edwards raigne, before Chriſtmaſſe a blaſing ſtarre or comet ap|peared in the north part of the Element, by the ſpace of a moneth togither,A blaſing ſtar. Dearth and death. and after followed dearth, and death, (as after ſhall appeare.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1

The deceaſe of Guy Earle of Warwike.


Guy Earle of Warwike, a man of greate counſaile, and ſkilfull prouidence, departed thys life this yeare, and was buryed at the Abbey of Bordiſley.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About Mydſommer the Scottes entred eft|ſoones into Englande,


Rich. South.

doing much miſchief with fire and ſworde, in like ſort as they had vſed to do before time, not ſparing as ſome write) ſo much as thoſe houſes wherein women lay in childbed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At their comming to Richmont, the Gentle|men of the Countrey that were got into the Ca|ſtell to defende it, compounded with the enimies for a great ſumme of money, to ſpare the towne and countrey about it, without doing further do|mage thereto at that iourney.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scottes hauing receiued the money, turned their march towarde the west partes, and iorneying .Lx. miles, came to Fourneys, burning all the Countrey there aboutes, and tooke away with them all the goodes and prisoners, both men and women which they might lay handes on, and so returned, reioycing most of such yron as they got in that iourney, for they had great want in Scotland of that kind of metall in those dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The dearth by reason of the vnseasonable weather in the sommer and haruest last past, A [...] [...] The [...] still encreased, for that which with much adoe was inned, after which it came to the proufe, yeeleded nothing to the value of that which in sheafe it seemed to conteyne, so that wheat and other graine was at a sore price before, now was it enhaunced to a farre higher rate, the scarcitie thereof being so great, that a quarter of wheate was sold for .xL.s. which was a great price, if we shall consider the alley of money then currant.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Also by reason of the murraine that fel among catel, beefes & muttons were vnreasonably priced.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this season, the Lord He(n)rie Beaumont a man of high valiancie and noble corage, hauing gotte(n) togither a power of men, entred into Scotland, and after hee had taken great booties and spoyles in the Countrey,

The l [...] [...]


he being intrapped by sir James Dowglas, lost the most part of his men, togither with the pray which they had gotten.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The displeasure of these mishaps was increased with the naughtie and bold presumption of sir Gilbert Middleton knight, Lewes [...] me [...] [...] by Sir G [...] Midd [...] who being offended ye master Lewes Beamont [sic] was preferred vnto the Bishops sea of Durham, and Henrie Stanforde put from it, that was first elected and after displaced by the kings sute made vnto the Pope, Caxton. tooke the sayd Lewes Beaumont and his brother He(n)rie on Wingledo(n) Moore nere vnto Darington, leading the Bishop to Morpath, and his brother the Lorde Beaumont vnto the Castell of Mitford, and so deteyned them as prisoners, till they had redeemed their libertie with great summes of money. And herewith the saide sir Gilbert being aduaunced in pride, Sir Gil [...] Midd [...] procl [...] himſelf [...] proclaimed himself Duke of Northumberlande, and ioyning friendshippe wiht the Scottishe king Robert Bruce, cruelly destroyed the Countie of Richmont.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 With ſuch trayterous partes William Fel|tõ, and Thomas Heton, being not a little ſtirred, firſt wan by force the Caſtel of Mytford, and af|ter apprehended ſir Gilbert Middleton, with his companion Walter Selbie, and ſent them vp to London, where ſhortly after they were drawne, hanged and quartered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some write that the ſayde ſir Gilbert was put to death for robbing two Cardinals, to wit,Garce [...] and F [...] Cardi [...] and Lucas Gancellino the Popes Chancellour, and Lucas de Fliſco, that were ſent frõ Pope Iohn the .xxij. EEBO page image 855 to conſecrate the foreſayde Lewes Be [...] Biſhop of Durham, [...] VValſ. and to entreate a peace be|twixt the Realmes of Englande and Scot|lande, and alſo to make an agreement betwixt the king and the Earle of Lancaſter. The which being mette with vppon Wigilſdon M [...]ried Yorkeſhire by the ſayde Gylbert, [...]an. [...]n. were robbed of ſuch ſtuffe and treaſure as they brought wyth them, but yet eſcaped themſelues and came to Durham, [...]dor. and from thence ſente Meſſengers vnto Robert Bruce, to perſwade him to ſome agreement. But whereas he woulde not condiſ|cende to any reaſonable conditions of peace at that time, they determined to goe into Scot|lande to talke with him themſelues: but before they came to the Borders, King Robert who iudged it not to ſtande with hys profite to haue any peace in that ſeaſon, ſent certayne of his peo|ple to forbid the Cardinalles the entrie of hys Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] curſe pro+ [...]ced a| [...]ſt the [...]es.The Cardinals being thus iniuriouſly hand|led, pronounced the Scottes by theyr legantine power accurſed, and enterdyted theyr whole Realme. And bycauſe they ſawe nothing leſſe than anye hope to doe good with king Robert touching any compoſition or agreement to bee had, they returned againe to the Pope wythoute any concluſion of that for the which they were ſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]ch. Southw.After that Edwarde Bruce hadde atchieued ſuch enterpriſes in other partes of Irelande, as in the laſt yeare ye haue heard, he went vnto Fe|nath, and [...]o Skeres in Leyniſter, and there the Lorde chiefe Iuſtice Edmonde Butler roſe a|gaynſt hym, with the Lorde Iohn Fitz Tho|mas; that was after Earle of Kildare, Sir Ar|nolde Power, and diuerſe other, with a great ar|mie. But by reaſon of diſcorde that chaunced a|mongſt them, they ſcaled theyr armie, and de|parted out of the fielde on the .xxvi. daye of Fe|bruarie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Edwarde Bruce then burned the Caſtell of Leys & after returned into Vlneſter, he beſieged the Caſtell of Knockfergus, and ſlue Thomas Mandeuile, and his brother Iohn, at a place cal|led Down, as they came thither out of England. After this the foreſayde Edwarde returned into Scotlande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſeaſon vyttayles were ſo ſcant and deare, [...]itifull [...]e. and wheate and other grayne brought to ſo high a price, that the poore people were con|ſtrayned through famine to eate the fleſhe of hor|ſes, [...]. VValſ. [...]bian. dogges, and other vile beaſts, which is won|derfull to belieue, and yet for default there dyed a great multitude of people in diuerſe places of the land. Fourepence in breade of the courſer ſort would not ſuffice one man a day. Wheate was ſold at London for foure Markes the quarter and aboue. Then after this dearth and ſcarcitie of vit|tayles [...] and mortalitie of people, ſo that what by w [...] of the Scottes,A ſore morta|litie of people. and what by this mortalitie and [...]th, the people of the l [...] were wonderfully waſted & conſumed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Edwarde Bruce before the feaſt of Eaſter re|turned againe into Irelande, with the Earle of Murrey and other noble mẽ of Scotland, hauing with them a great armie, and beſieged the Caſtel of Knockfergus, and after they were to another Caſtell where they tooke a Baron priſoner: and there Edwarde Bruce lay for a ſeaſon. Alſo Ri|chard erle of Vlneſter lay in Some Maries Ab|bey by Dublyn, where the Maior and co [...] of the Citie tooke him, & put him in priſon with|in the Caſtel of Dublin. They alſo ſlue his men, and ſpoyled the Abbey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this the foreſayd Edwarde Bruce went to Li [...]erike after the feaſt of Saint Mathew the Apoſtle, and there ſoiourned till Eaſter was paſt, and in the meane while Roger de Mortimer the kings deputie arriued at Waterford with a great armie, by reaſon whereof Edwarde [...] Bruce for feare departed,Iohn Fi [...] Tho|mas Earle of Kildare. & got him into the vttermoſt parts of Vlneſter, and Iohn Fitz Thomas was made Erle of Kildare. Alſo O [...]eoner of Connaigh, and many other Iriſhe men of Connagh and Meth were ſlaine neare to Iury by the Engliſhmen of thoſe parties. There was a great ſlaughter alſo made of the Iriſhmẽ neare vnto Thiſtildermote, by the Lord Edmond Butler, & an other alſo at Baliteham of Omorth by the ſame Edmonde. The Lord deputie deliuered the Erle of Vlneſter out of priſon,1317 & after Whitſuntide baniſhed out of Meth ſir Walter Lacie, & ſir Hugh Lacie, gy|uing their lãds away frõ them vnto his knights, and they went ouer into Scotlãd with Edward Bruce, who returned thither about that time.Crokeſden.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The death ſtill encreaſed as by ſome wryters it ſhould appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .xj. yeare of king Edwarde the ſecond his raigne,

An. reg. 11.

Ri. Southwel.


Berwike be|trayed to the Scottes.

vpon the Saterday night before Mid|lent Sunday, the town of Berwik was betrayed to the Scots through the treaſon of Peter S [...]|ding. The Caſtell helde good a while, tyll for want of vittayles they within were conſtrayned to deliuer it into the Scottiſh mens hands, who wan alſo the ſame time the Caſtell of Har [...]tell, Werke & Medford, ſo that they poſſeſſed the more part of all Northumberland,Caſtels wonne by the Scots. euen vnto Newca|ſtell vpon Tine, ſauing that certaine other caſtels were defẽded againſt them. In May they entred with an army further into the lãd, burning all the country afore thẽ, till they came to Ripon, which towne they ſpoiled, and tarying there three dayes, they receyued a thouſande markes of thoſe that were gotte into the Churche, and defended it a|gainſt them for that they ſhould ſpare the town, EEBO page image 856 and not put it to the fire, as then Lorde [...]readie done the townes of Northalle [...] and Bourgh|bridge as they came forwardes.Northalerton, and Bourgh|bridge burnt. In their going backe they burnt Knareſbourgh, and Skipton in Crauen; which they had firſt ſacked, and ſo paſ|ſing through the middeſt of the Countrey bur|ning and ſpoyling all [...] them, they [...] into Scotlande wyth a marueylo [...] g [...] [...]+titude of Cattell, beſyde pryſoners, [...] women, and no [...]all number of pe [...] [...] which they tooke with them to helpe [...] Catell.

[figure appears here on page 856]

Compare 1587 edition: 1

An. reg. 12.

Additions to Triuet.

The king and the Earle of Lãcaſter made friends.

In the .xij. yeare of Edwarde the ſecondes raigne, in Auguſt the king and the Erle of Lan|caſter came to talk togither in a plain beſide Lei|ceſter, where they were made friends to the out|ward ſhew, ſo that in the yeare next following, the ſayd Erle went with the king to the ſiege of Berwike.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the feaſt of the Natiuitie of our Ladie, the two Cardinals which were yet remaining in England, ſent forth cõmaundements vnto al the prelates & prieſts within the realme, that three ti|mes in euery ſolemne Maſſe,Robert Bruce pronounced accurſed. they ſhould denoũce Robert Bruce that called himſelf king of Scot|land accurſed with all his counſailers & fautors, and on the behalfe of the Pope, they depriued him by denunciation of all honor, and put al his lands vnder interdiction, diſabling all their children to the ſecond degree that held with him, to receiue or take vpõ thẽ any eccleſiaſtical function. They de|denounced alſo all the Prelates of Scotland and men of religion, exempt, and not exempt, excom|municate and accurſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hen. Marl.The Lord Roger Mortimer returned again into England, and Alexander Bicnor was made chiefe Iuſtice of Irelande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo Edward Bruce, wt ſir Walter, & ſir Hugh Lacie, bringing with them a great armie retur|ned out of Scotland, and arriued at Dundalke, on the day of S. Calixt the Pope. But neare to the ſame place, ſir Iohn Brimingham, Richarde Tute, Tho. VValſ. Continuation of Triuet. & Miles of Verdon, with a power of 1324. men encountred them and ſlue the ſaid Edwarde le Bruce, and aboue the number of .8200. men, or as other haue, but .5800. The ſayd [...] Birmingham brought the heade of E [...] Bruce ouer into England, and preſented it to the king. Whervpon the king in recompence of hys ſeruice, gaue vnto him the Erledome of [...]ord [...] to hold to him & his heyres Males, & the Ba [...] of Athied to him and his heyres generall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About this ſeaſon or ſomewhat before, [...] Midſommer (as Southwell hath) a naughtie [...]|low called Iohn Poydras, (or as ſome [...] haue Ponderham) a Tanners ſonne of Ci [...] comming to Oxford, and there thruſting h [...] into the kings hall that ſtood without the [...], gaue forth that he was ſonne and right he [...] of king Edwarde the firſt, and that by meanes of a falſe nurſe he was ſtolen out of his cradle, and this Edward the ſeconde being a Carters ſonne was brought in and layde in his place, ſo that [...] by reaſon thereof was afterwards hardly [...] and brought vp in the north part of Wales.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length being layd for, he fled to the C [...] of ye white Friers in Oxforde, truſting there to be ſafe through ye immunitie of the place, bicauſe K. Edward the firſt was their founder. But whẽ he could not keepe his tongue, but ſtill fondly vtt [...] his folly, and ſtood in his opinion, ſo that great [...]|mor thereof was rayſed, he was at length [...] out of that Church, and caried to Northampton, where he was there arraigned, condemned, and had forth to a place in the Countrey called thẽ copped Oke, where he was drawne, hanged, and as a traytor bowelled,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the houre of his death he cõfeſſed, that in his EEBO page image 857 houſe he had a ſpirite in likeneſſe of a cal, whiche amongſt other things aſſured him that he ſhould be king of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


[...]tid [...] [...].

In this ſeaſon, to witte, in the yeare .1319. a great r [...]yne and death of cattell chaunced through the whole realme, ſpreading from place to place, but ſpecially this yeare it raigned moſte in the [...]orth, where as in the yeares before it be|ga [...] the South partes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 [...]n. reg. 13. The King deſirous to bee reuenged of the Scottes, made preparation to [...]i [...] a mightie ar|mie, and for want of ſufficient numbers of men in other places towardes the North partes, the king cauſed muche people to come vnto him [...]nto of the South and Eaſt partes of the realme, a|mongſt the which the citie of London was con|ſtrayned to finde at their coſtes and charges two hundred men, ſending them to Yorke, where the generall aſſembly of the armie was made. From thence after hee had receyued his menne from ſundrie Countreys and good Townes of hys Realme, [...]e king go| [...] Berwike he went to Berwike, and layde ſiege to the Towne. In which meane tyme the Scots being aſſembled, came to the borders, paſſed by the Engliſh hoſte, and entring into Englande, came in ſecrete wiſe downe into the marches of Yorke [...] and their [...] the people and robbed [...]e [...] in m [...] cruell wife.The Scottes come into the parties of Yorke. Wherefore the Archbi|ſhop of Yorke incoming in time of ſuch neceſſitie to doe his indeuour in defence of hys Countrey, aſſembled [...] he power as he could gette we|ther, of Clearkes, Monkes, Ch [...]ons and other ſpirituall men of the Church, w [...] huſbandmen and ſuch [...]her vnapt people for the war [...] and thus with a great number of menne, and [...] where lyke ordiſ [...] Chu [...],Auesburie. [...] togither with the Biſhop of Eli [...] then Lorde Cha [...]+cellour, came forth agaynſte the S [...]tes, and re|counted with them at a place called Mitton vp|on Suale, the .vij. day of October. Hereas the Engliſhmen paſſed ouer the water of Suale,

The diſcomfi|ture of Mittõ vpon Suale.


the Scottes ſet fire vpon attaine [...]ack [...] of [...] the ſmoke wherof was ſo hug [...] that the Engliſhmen might not ſee where the Scottes lay. And when the Engliſh men were onc [...] got ouer the water, the Scots came vpon them with a wing in g [...] order of battaile, in faſhion like to a [...]lde, & gen|ly aſſayling their enimies, who for locke of good gouernment, were eaſily bea [...]n downe and diſ|com [...]ed, without ſhewing any great reſiſts [...] ſo that three were ſlain a the number of th [...] M. and the reſidue ſhamefully put to flight.Polidor.

[figure appears here on page 857]

Compare 1587 edition: 1


[...] Dirre| [...]as ran| [...]d two [...]code, [...]eth hath [...]as ſhort| [...]er made [...]p of [...]ch.


The Archbiſhop, the Lord Chancellor, and the Abbot of S [...]y with helpe of their ſwift horſes eſcaped with diuerſe other. The Maior of Yorke named Nicholas Fleming was ſlaine, [...] Wil|liam Di [...] prieſt take priſoner. Many were drowned by reaſon that the Scots had gotten be|twixt the Engliſhmen and the bridge, ſo that the Engliſhmẽ fl [...] betwixt the wing of the Scots and theſe main battail, which had compaſſ [...] the Engliſh men about on the one ſide, as the wing did vpon the other. Bicauſe that ſo many ſpiri|tuall men died in this battail [...] was after name [...] of many wryters the white battails.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king of England enformed of this [...]|throw giuen by the Scots to the Northren men, he brake vp his ſiege inc [...] ma [...]y, and returned to Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus a [...] the kings [...] by one meanes or other qua [...]ed and came but to euill the ce [...]e,Polidor. [...]o that the Engliſh nation began to grow in con|tempt by the [...] g [...] [...] of ye prince, the which as one o [...] of thẽ eight way, raſhly and with [...] good a [...] mẽ order his doings, which thing to grieued the no [...]le men of the realme, that they [...] day and night by that [...]ea [...] they might procure him to lo [...] better to his [...] EEBO page image 858 duetie which they iudged might well be brought to paſſe,The enuie of the Lordes to|wardes the Spencers. his nature being not altogither euill, if they might finde ſhift to remoue frõ him the two Spencers, Hugh the father, and Hugh the ſonne, who were gotten into ſuch fauor with him, that they onely did all things, and without them no|thing was done, ſo that they were nowe had in as great hatred and indignation, both of the Lordes and cõmons, as euer in tymes paſt was Peers de Gaueſton the late Earle of Cornwall. But the Lords minded not ſo much the deſtruc|tion of theſe Spencers, but that the king ment as much their aduauncement, ſo that Hugh the ſon was made high Chamberlain of Englande, con|trarie to the mind of all the noble men, by reaſon whereof hee bare himſelfe ſo hautie and proude, that no Lorde wythin the lande myght agayne ſay that which in hys conceyte ſeemed good.

Compare 1587 edition: 1


Additions to Triuet.

In this .xiij. yere of his raigne, in Iune king Edwarde went ouer into Fraunce, where at A|miens he founde the Frenche king, of whome he receyued the Countie of Pontien, which the ſaid French king vpon his comming to the Crowne had ſeaſed into his handes, bycauſe the King of Englande had not done to him his homage due for the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A tenth of the Eccleſiaſtical liuings grãted to the king.Alſo this yeare the Pope graunted to the king of Englande the tenth of Eccleſiaſticall reue|nues for one yeare, as before that time he hadde likewyſe done.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 An. reg. 14. Caxton.About this ſeaſon, Pope Iohn being enfor|med of the great deſtruction and vnmerciful war whiche the Scottes made vppon the Engliſhe men, and namely for that they ſpared neyther Churche nor Chapell, Abbey nor Priorie, hee ſent a general ſentence vnder his Bulles of leade vnto the Archbiſhop of Canterburie and Yorke, appoynting them that if Robert le Bruce the Scottiſhe king would not recompence king Ed|warde for all ſuch harmes as the realme of Eng|lande had by him ſuſteyned, and alſo make reſti|tution of the goodes that had beene taken out of Churches and Monaſteries,Scots eftſones accurſed. they ſhoulde pro|nounce the ſame ſentence agaynſt him and hys complices. Whervpon when the Scots tooke no regard to the Popes admonition, the Archbiſhop proceeded to the pronouncing of the foreſaid ſen|tence, ſo that Robert Bruce, Iames Dowglas, & Thomas Randulf Erle of Murrey, and al other that kept him companie, or thẽ in any wiſe main|teyned, were accurſed throughout England eue|rie day at Maſſe three tymes. But this nothing holpe the matter, but put the king and the realme to great coſt and charge, and in the meane ſeaſon the commons of the Realme were ſore oppreſſed by ſundrie wayes and meanes, dyuerſe of them loſt theyr goodes and poſſeſſions, beeyng taken from them vpon ſurmiſed and foyned quarelles, ſo that many were vtterly vndone, and [...] ſingular and myſordered perſones [...] [...]+naunced.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the Epihanie, [...] when the truce fayled betwixt the two realmes of England and Scotland, R [...] [...] The [...] an army of Scots entred England, & came into the Bishoprike of Durham. The Earle of Murrey stayed at Daringto(n), but Iames Dowglas and the steward of Scotland went forth to waste the country, the one towards Hartlipoole & Cleueland and the other towards Richmont: but they of the Countie of Richmont (as befor they had done) gaue a great summe of money to saue their countrie from inuasion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Scotts that time remayned within Englande by the space of fiftene dayes or more. The Knights and Gentlemen of the North partes, came vnto the Earle of Lancaster that lay the same tyme at Pomfret, offering to goe foorth with him to giue the enimies battaile, if hee would assyst them: But the Earle seemed that he had no lust to fyght in defence of hys Prince, that sought to oppresse hym wrongfully, (as he tooke it) and therefore he dissembled the matter, and so the Scots returned at their pleasure without encounter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 About this season, Th [...] V [...] the L. William de Bruce that in the marches of Wales enioyed diuers fair possessions to him discended from his ancetors, but through want of good gouernment was run behind hand, offred to sel a certaine portion of his lands called Gowers lande lying in the marches there, vnto diuerse noble men that had their lands adioyning to the same, as to the Earle of Hereforde, and to the two Lorde Mortimers, the vncle and nephew, albeit the L. Mowbray that had maried the onely daughter and hayre of the Lord Bruce, thought verily in the ende to haue had it, as due to his wife by right of inheritance. But at length (as vnhap would) Hugh Spencer the yonger Lord Chamberlaine, coueting that land (bycause it lay nere on eche side to other lands that he had in those parties) found such meanes through the kings furtherance and helpe, The [...] cauſe [...] va [...] [...] and [...] that he went away with the purchase, to the great displeasure of the other Lordes that had bene in hande to buie it. Hereby such hartburning rose agaynst the Spencers, that vpon complaint made by the Earle Hereforde vnto the Earle of Lancaster, of theyr presumtuous dealing, by ruling all things about the King as seemed best to theyr lykings, it was thought expedient by the sayde Erles of Lancaster and Hereford, with the Lordes Roger Tuchet, Rog. Clifford, Goselin Deieuille, Rog. Bernsfield, ye .ij. Mortimers, Rog. the vncle and Rog. ye nephew, W. de Sully, W. de Elmbridge, Iohn EEBO page image 859 Iohn Gifford of Brimesfielde, & Henrie Tieys, all Barons, the which with diuerſe other Lords, Knights, and men of name, aſſembling togither at Shierborne in Elmedone, ſware eche of them to ſtande by other, till they had amended the ſtate of the realme. But yet notwythſtanding thys theyr othe, the moſte part of them afterwardes forſaking the enterpriſe, ſubmytted themſelues to the king. Neuertheleſſe, whether for that the King by a Proclamation ſette forth the .xvj. of March, had commaunded (as ſome write) that the Lords Mowbray, Clifford, and Deieuille for diſobeying to make their perſonal appearance be|fore him, ſhould auoyd the land within ten dayes next enſuing, or for that they ment with all ſpeed to put theyr enterpriſe in execution, we finde that the Earle of Hereforde, the Lordes Mortimer, the vncle and nephew, the lord Roger Damorie, the Lorde Iohn Mowbray, the Lorde Hugh Audley, and his ſonne named alſo Hugh, the Lorde Roger Clifforde, the Lorde Iohn Gifford of Brimeſfielde, the Lorde Morice Berkcley, the Lorde Henrie Tieys, the Lorde Iohn Matra|ners, with many other that were allied togither, hauing the conſent alſo of the Erle of Lancaſter, on the Wedneſday next after the feaſt of the in|uention of the Croſſe, [...]e Lordes [...]e armes vp| [...] them a| [...]ſt the [...]cers. hauing with them to the number of .viij.C. men of armes .v.C. hoblers, & ten .M. men on foote, came with the kings Ba|ner ſpred vnto Newport in Wenloks lãd, where they tooke the caſtel that belonged vnto the Lord Chamberlain Hugh Spencer the yonger. [...]ey inuade [...] Spencers [...]des. They alſo toke Kaerdy, Kerſilly, Lantriſſane, Taluan, Lamblethian, Kenefegis, Neoth, Druſſcian, and Diuenor, part of his men which in the foreſayde places they found, they ſlue, as ſir Iohn Iwain, & ſir Mathew de Gorges, knightes, with .xv. other of his men that were Welchmen: part they tooke, & put them in priſon, as ſir Raufe or Randulf de Gorges being ſore wounded, ſir Philip Ioyce, ſir Iohn de Friſſingfielde, ſir Iohn de Dunſtable, William de Dunſtable, and many other, of the which the moſt part were put to their raunſome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They tooke, ſpoyled, and deſtroyed ſo much in value of his goodes as amounted vnto two thou|ſande pounde. They tooke vp in ſuche debts as were owing to him in thoſe parties, to the ſumme of three thouſand pounds, and of his rentes to the value neare handes of a thouſande pounde. They burnt .xxiij. of his Manours which he hadde in thoſe parties of Wales, with his Barnes, and did what hurt they coulde deuiſe burning or ta|king away all his writings and euidences.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After they had remayned .xv. dayes there, they came into England with the like force & diſorder inuading his caſtels, manors, and poſſeſſions, ſo that the domage which they did here vnto the ſaid L. chamberlain, amounted to the value of ten .M. poundes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king aduertiſed of their doings,The king ſen|deth to the Lordes. ſent vnto them the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, & the Lorde Bartholmew de Badeliſmere Lord Steward of his houſe, to requeſt them to deſiſt and leaue of from ſuch their outragious doings, and comming to the Parliament which he had alredy ſummo|ned, they might put in theyr complaynts & grie|uances, and he would ſee that they ſhould haue iuſtice, according as equitie ſhould require.The Lord Ba|deliſmere re|uolteth to the ſide of the Barons. The lord Badeliſmere forſaking the king became one of the cõfederacie with the barons, & ſo the Archb. was glad to returne alone, leauing the ſaide Ba|deliſmere behinde him, who ſent the king worde by the Archb, that til they had expulſed the Spen|cers out of the realme, they woulde not giue ouer their enterpriſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 On S. Barnabies day they came to a manor of Hugh Spencer the father called Faſterne, in the Countie of Wiltſhire, and ſpoyled the ſame with diuerſe and many other Manors, aſwell in Wiltſhire, as elſe where, to witte, in Glouceſter|ſhire, Dorſetſhire, Hamſhire, Barkſhire, Oxford|ſhire, Buckinghamſhire, Surrey, Cãbridgeſhire, Huntingtonſhire, Leyceſterſhire, Lincolnſhire, Cheſſhire, and Warwikeſhire, making ſuch ha|uoke of all ſuch goods or cattel as belonged to the ſaid Hugh Spencer the father, yt he was thought to be endomaged to the value of, xxx.M. pounds, burning his houſes, beating, mayming & raunſo|ming his men, and not contented to ſpoyle thoſe places which belonged to him, but hearing that in the Abbey of Stanley he had layde vp money, and euidence, they brake into that Abbey, & tooke out thereof .M. pounds in ready coine, beſide e|uidences & writings, to the endomaging of him to the value of .vj.M. poundes, and likewiſe en|tring into the kings caſtel of Marleburgh where the ſayde Hugh Spencer the father had layde vp in wooll to the number of .xxxvj. ſackes, they tooke the ſame and other of his goodes, as well in plate as apparell, to the value in all of ſixe thouſande poundes. And they did not onely ſpoyle the poſ|ſeſſions, houſes, goodes, and cattayles of the two Spencers, whereſoeuer they coulde heare that the ſame were to bee founde, but alſo they vſed the like diſorder againſt all ſuch as were knowne to bee friendes or well willers, to eyther the fa|ther or ſonne, ſending Commiſſions vnto ſuch as ſhoulde ſee the ſame executed to the moſt ex|tremitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally, after they had ſatiſfied their deſires in ſuch riotous ſort, they rayſed the people,The Barons rayſe the peo|ple and come in armes to|wardes the Parliament. and conſtrayned them to ſweare to be of their accord, and ſo came forward with the like force towards the Parliament that was ſummoned to be holdẽ at London three weekes after Midſommer. At their comming to Saint Albons, they ſent the EEBO page image 860 Biſhops of London, Saliſburie, Elie, Hereford, and Chicheſter,They ſend to the king. to the King with their humble ſute in outwarde apparance, though in effect and verie deede more preſumptuous than was requi|ſite. Their chiefe requeſte was that it myght pleaſe his highneſſe to put from him the Spen|cers, whoſe counſaile they knew to be greatly a|gaynſt his honour, and hereof not to faile if hee tendered the quiet of his realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Their requeſtsThey alſo required letters patents of him, con|teyning a generall pardon for the indempnitie of themſelues, and all thoſe that had beene in armes with them, ſo as they ſhould not be impeached by the king for any tranſgreſſions paſt or preſent, in time hereafter to come.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king herevnto anſwered, that as con|cerning Hugh Spencer the father, he was abrode on his buſineſſe beyonde the ſeas,The kings anſwere. and that Hugh the ſonne was on the ſea for the ſafe keeping of the cinque portes, as by his office he was bounde, and that they ought not by any right or cuſtome to be baniſhed, before they haue made anſwere to the crymes obiected agaynſt them. He added fur|ther, that their requeſt wanted foundation of law and reaſon. And if it might bee proued that the Spencers had in any wiſe offended agaynſt the ſtatutes and ordinances of the land, they were al|wayes readie to make their anſwere as the lawes of the realme ſhould require. Laſtly he added this with an othe, that he would not be forſworne cõ|trary to that which at his coronation he had takẽ vpon him by othe, through graunting letters of peace and pardon to ſuch notorious offenders in cõtempt of his perſon and to the trouble and diſ|quieting of the whole realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Barons vpon knowledge had what an|ſwere the king had made to their requeſts, forth|with got them to armor, and with a great power of men of armes & other, came to the Parliament which the K. had ſummoned to begin at Weſtm. three weekes after midſõmer.Fabian. Caxton. Their retinue were apparelled in a ſute of Iakets or coates of colors demie, partie yellow and greene, with a bande of white caſt ouerthwart. By reaſon whereof that Parliament long after was called the Parliamẽt of white bands.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The order which the lord Ma [...] of Lon|don tooke.Then to ſee the kings peace kept within the ci|tie, the Maior cauſed a .M. men well armed to watch dayly in diuerſe wardes, & at diuerſe gates of the Citie, which watch began at foure of the clo [...]e in the morning, and ſo continued till ſixe at night, and then as many were appoynted to the night watch, cõtinuing the ſame till the houre of fiue in the morning. And for the more ſuretie that this night watch ſhould be wel & ſufficiently kept two Aldermen were aſſigned nightly to ride about the citie with certaine officers of the town, to ſee the watchmen well and diſcreetly guided. The gates were ſhut at .ix. of the clocke, and [...]|ned againe at .vij. in the morning. Alſo euery Ci|tizen was warned to haue his armor by him, that he might bee readie vpon any occaſion when hee ſhould be called.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 But neuertheleſſe the Barons being come in forcible wiſe (as ye haue heard) vnto this Parlia|ment, they conſtrayned the Earle of Richmont,Mat. VV [...] Arundell, Warren, and Pembroke, to agree vn|to their purpoſe, and likewiſe ſome of the Biſhops they compelled through feare to take an othe to ioine with them in their purpoſe, for the expulſing of the Spencers out of the realme, and ſo cõming al togither before the king, they publiſhed certain articles againſt the ſaid Spencers,The S [...] baniſhed [...] the dece [...] the la [...] both the father and ſonne, wherevpon they made an awarde that they ſhoulde be diſinherited and baniſhed the land during their liues, if by the king and conſent of all the Lordes in Parliament aſſembled, they ſhould not be reſtored. They had day and place appoyn|ted where to paſſe forth of the lande, to witte at Douer, and not elſe where, betwixt the day of his award made, and the feaſt of the decollatiõ of S. Iohn baptiſt, that day to be counted for one. Di|uerſe articles (as before is ſayd) were layde to the charge of thoſe Spencers. Amongſt other things it was alledged,A [...] with the [...] the Sp [...] that Hugh Spẽcer the ſonne be|ing on a time angrie and diſpleaſed with the K. ſought to allie and confederate himſelf with the Lord Gifford of Brimeſfield, & the lord Richard Gray, to haue conſtrayned and forced the King by ſtrong hand to haue followed his will & plea|ſure. Moreouer it was alledged that the ſayde Spencers, as wel the father as the ſonne, had cau|ſed the king to ride into Gloceſterſhire to oppreſſe and deſtroy the good people of his lande, contrarie to the forme of the great Charter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo where the Erle of Hereford, and the Lord Mortimer of Wigmore had gone agaynſt one Thlewillin Bren, that had rayſed a rebellion a|gainſt the king in Glamorgãſhire, whiles ye lãds of the erle of Glouceſter were in the kings hands, the ſame Thlewillin yeelded himſelf to the ſaid Erle, and to the Lord Mortimer, who brought him to the king, vpõ promiſe that he ſhould haue the kings pardon, and ſo the king receyued him. But after that the ſayde Erle & Lord Mort [...]er were out of the lande, the Spencers taking to thẽ royall power, tooke the ſayd Th [...]willin and led him vnto Kardif, where after yt the ſaid Hugh Spẽcer the ſon had his purpartie of ye ſayd erle of Glouceſters lands, he cauſed the ſayd Thlewillin to be drawne, headed and quartered, to the diſcre|dite of the king, and of the ſayde Earle of Here|forde and Lorde Mortimer, yea and contrarie to the lawes and dignitie of the crowne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The ſayd Spencers alſo counſelled the K. to foriudge ſir Hugh Audley, ſon to the Lord Hugh EEBO page image 861 Audley, and to take into his handes his Caſtels and poſſeſſions. They compaſſed alſo to haue at|teynted the Lorde Roger Damorie, that thereby they might haue enioyed the whole Erledome of Glouceſter. Theſe and other Articles of miſde|meanour in the Spencers were exhibited to per|ſwade the king and others, that they were vnpro|fitable members in the common wealth, and not worthie of thoſe places they occupied.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that their diſinheriting and baniſhment was concluded in maner as before is ſayde, the Erle of Hereforde and other the Lordes that had proſecuted the quarell agaynſt them, came before the king and humbly on their knees beſought him of pardon of all things which they had commit|ted agaynſt him or agaynſt his lawes or agaynſt any other perſon in the purſute of the ſayd Spen|cers. The king being brought into a ſtrayte, durſt not but graunt to all that which they requeſted, eſtabliſhing the ſame by ſtatute.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king go| [...]h to Can| [...]erburie.The Parliament being thus ended, the king and Queene went to Canterburie, there to viſite the ſhrine of Thomas Becket ſometyme Archbi|ſhop there.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king from thence went to the Ile of Te|uet, that he might there meete with his deare and welbeloued counſaylour Hugh Spencer the yon|ger, whome he hadde of late ſent in Ambaſſade to the French king, and nowe being returned by Sea into thoſe partyes, [...]e commeth [...] take with [...]e Lord cham [...] [...]erl [...]. he was deſyrous to ſee hym, that hee myght haue conference with him: and ſo comming togither, they ſpent certayne dayes in commoning of ſuch matters as they thought good.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king calling to him the Mariners of the cinque portes, committed to them the cuſtodie of the ſayde Hugh, who for a time kept him with them in their ſhips, and the king ſayling alongſt the coaſt to Porcheſter, conferred with him of many things.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From Porcheſter the king ment to returne vn|to London, there to meete the Queene, who in hir returne from Canterburie woulde haue lodged one night in the Caſtell of Lordes, which the L. Bartholmew de Badeliſmere late Stewarde of the kings houſe had by exchaunge of the king for other landes, and now taking part with the Ba|rons, had left his wife and children with other of his friendes and treaſure in the ſame Caſtell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thoſe that were put in truſt with keeping this Caſtell,The Queene not ſuffred to lodge in the Caſtell of L [...]edes. would neyther permit Queene nor other to enter there without expreſſe commaun|dement from their Lord and maiſter, and ſo they ſignified not onely to the Queenes ſeruants that came before to make prouiſiõ for hir, but alſo, de|clared the ſame to hirſelfe cõming thither in per|ſon. This chaunced verie vnluckily for the Ba|rons: for where the Queene had euer ſought to procure peace, loue and concord betwixt the king and his Lordes, ſhee tooke ſuch diſpleaſure with this deniall made to hir for one nyghtes lod|ging in that Caſtel, that vpon hir grieuous com|playnt ſent to the king, hee forthwith rayſed a mightie armie out of Kent and Eſſex, frõ the fiue portes, and of the Londoners, and hauing with him his brethren, Thomas Earle Marſhall, and Edmond Erle of Kent. Alſo the Erles of Rich|mont, Pembroke, Arondle, & Athol, he haſted thi|ther, & layd ſiege aboute the Caſtel,The king be|ſiegeth the ca|ſtell of Leedes. conſtreyning thẽ within by all meanes that might be deuiſed.

[figure appears here on page 861]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]e Lordes [...] with a [...] raiſe [...] ſiege.In the meane time, at the ſute of the Lorde Badeliſmere, the Earle of Hereforde, and other Lords of the confederacie, came with a greate power vnto Kingſton, about the feaſt of Simon and Iude, and there ſtaying certaine dayes for ſome of their companie that were to come vnto them, they ſent vnto the king the Archb. of Cant. and the B. of London with the Erle of Pẽbroke, EEBO page image 862 requiring him to remoue his ſiege, till by Parlia|liament ſome order might be taken: but the king would not giue eare to their ſute, but continued his ſiege till the caſtell was yelded to him.The caſtell of Leedes yelded For thoſe that were at Kingſton cowardly leauing theyr enterpriſe, came not forwarde but returned backe againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They that were within the caſtel hauing ſim|ply ſubmitted themſelues to the king, cauſed .xij. or .xiij. of them to ſuffer death. Amongſt other was one Walter Culpepper,Walter Cul|pepper exe|cuted. reckened for the chiefe of them that defended the Caſtell agaynſte the king. The wife of the Lorde Badeliſmere, wyth his nephewe Bartholmewe de Burwaſhe was ſent to the Tower of London, but his ſiſter was ſent to Douer Caſtell, there to remaine in ſafe keeping.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Caſtell of Leedes being thus yeelded to the king, hee entred the ſame on Alhallowen day, and ſhortly after the caſtell of Chilham was deliuered, and the caſtell of Tunbridge left voyde by them that had it in keeping.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king thus beſturring him, came into Eſ|ſex, and ſeaſed into his handes the landes of the Lorde Badeliſmere, and likewiſe the landes of ſuch as were his mainteyners, friends, and fauo|uourers, of the which ſuch as he coulde meet with he put in priſon, and herewith ſummoned an ar|mie to meete him at Cirenceſter aboute Saynt Lucies day the Virgin. And then about Saint Andrewes tide he came to London, where the Archbiſhop of Cãterburie had called a prouinciall Councell.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The lord chã|berl [...]ne yeel|deth himſelfe to the lawe.The ſame time Hugh Spencer the ſon being lately come from the ſea, yeelded himſelfe priſoner to the kings warde, beſeeching the king that hee might haue right miniſtred to him, concerning the wrongs and iniuries to him done by the Ba|rons in maner as before ye haue heard, ſpecially for the award which in Parliamẽt they had pro|cured to be enacted agaynſt him, the errors com|mitted in the proceſſe wherof he beſought the king that he might bee admytted to ſhewe: as firſt in that they made themſelues Iudges: ſecondly in that he was not called to anſwere: thirdly, for that the ſame awarde was made without the aſ|ſent of the Prelates, who are Peeres of the Par|liament as well as the temporall Lordes: fourth|ly, in that the ſayde Barons had no recorde in theyr purſuyte, vpon the cauſes conteyned in that awarde: fifthly, in that the awarde was made agaynſt the fourme of the greate Charter of Franchiſes, wherein is conteyned that none ſhal be foreiudged nor deſtroyed but by lawfull iudge|ment of his Peeres, according to the lawe of the lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Further he alledged that it was to bee conſi|dered, howe the ſayde Barons and great menne beeing ſummoned to come in due maner vnto that Parliament, they came in forcible wyſe with all theyr powers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A like petition was likewiſe exhibited on the behalfe of Hugh Spencer the father, for redreſſe to be had of the wrongs and loſſes, which in like caſe he had ſuſteyned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king fauouring ynough the cauſes and petitions of the Spencers,An. reg. [...] graunted theyr re|queſts, and deliuered the petitions vnto the Arch|biſhop of Canterburie and his ſuffraganes,The king [...]+keth the [...]+nious of [...] Pa [...] the which the ſame time were there aſſembled in their prouincial Councell aforeſayd, requiring to haue their aduiſe and opinions therein.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He likewiſe requeſted of the Earles and Ba|rons that were then with him, and of the coun|ſaylours in lawe, what they thought of thys matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Prelates vpon deliberation had, decla|red, that in their opinion, the ſayde awarde as touching the diſinheriting and baniſhing of the Spencers, the father and ſonne, was erroneous,The d [...] of the pre [...] and not rightly decreed, and for themſelues they denyed that they eyther dyd or coulde thinke it reaſon to conſent therevnto, and therefore they required that it might be repealed, and the kings brother Edmonde Earle of Kente,The [...]+tion of the E [...]s. Iohn de Brytayne Earle of Richemonte, Aymer de Valence Earle of Pembrooke, and Edmonde Earle of Arundell, then being in preſence of the king, and likewiſe of the foreſayde Prelates, af|firmed that the ſayd awarde pronounced againſt the Spencers was made contrarie to lawe and right, and therefore as the Prelates requeſted, that the ſame might be repealed. And further the ſayde Earles alledged, that the aſſent which they gaue in the ſayde awarde, was for doubte of the vnlawfull force which the Barons brought vn|to the ſayde Parliament when they made that a|warde, and for that the ſayde Earles that nowe were with the king, had counſayled him to ſuffer the ſayd award to paſſe, for feare of the ſayd force, they confeſſed they had done euill, and beſought him of pardon for their offences in ſo doing. The king thus hauing cauſed ye Prelates, Erles, Ba|rõs, and lawiers there preſent to vtter their iudge|ments in maner aforeſayd, he iudicially reuoked and quite diſanulled the proceſſe of the ſayde award, made as wel touching the baniſhment, as the diſinheriting of the Spencers, and reſtored them to his peace and alleageaunce, and to theyr former eſtates in all conditions, as they enioyed the ſame before the making of the ſayde awarde, notwithſtanding certaine letters to the contrarie of the Erle of Lancaſter, and other Lordes of hys faction, which for the approuing & ratifying of the ſaid proceſſe they directed vnder their ſeales to the king as yet remayning at London.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 863They wrote alſo to the Prelates, Iuſtices, and Barõs of the Exchequer, to induce the king to giue his aſſent to that whiche in the tenor of their letters was conteyned. The Erle of Here|ford,The Barons a|gain get to [...]mor. the Lord Roger Mortimer of Chirk, and the Lord Roger Mortimer of Wigmore, entring the marches of Wales, came to Glouceſter, and tooke that Citie. The Caſtell was alſo deliuered vnto them by the Coneſtable thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king hauing his people comming dayly vnto him, whereby his armie was hugely intrea|ſed, aboute the feaſt of Saint Nicholas hee ſette forth from London, and with him there wente his brother Edmonde Earle of Kent, Iohn Erle of Richmont, Edmonde Earle of Arundell, and many other great Lordes, and Barons. The Queene with hir children he left in the Tower of London,

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde [...]aint Iohn.The Lorde Iohn de Saint Iohn comming to ſubmit himſelfe vnto the king, at the interceſ|ſion of diuerſe noble men, with much ado had his pardon at length graunted him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king paſſing forward ſeaſed into his hãds the townes, caſtels, manors, & goods of them that were agaynſt him. But in the meane time the L. Henrie de Thies,The Lorde [...]ys. with certaine other that were entred into Glouceſterſhire (hearing that a great multitude of people was aſſembled oute of the Country at Cirenceſter by the kings commaun|dement) came thither and chaſed them home to their houſes, [...]ceſte [...]. putting them in feare of their liues, if they ſhould offer to reſiſt him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The K. wri| [...]th to the erle [...] Lancaſter.The king comming to Crikelade after the feaſt of S. Lucie the virgin, wrote to the Erle of Lancaſter an anſwere of his letters which he had receyued from him at London, modeſtly repro|uing [figure appears here on page 863] him, for that hee had ſo grieuouſly and vn|dutifully reproched him, without reſpecte had to his royall eſtate, and alſo preſumed to aſſigne him day within the which he ſhould reform thoſe things which he miſliked in him, as if he were his ſubiect and vnderling: and beſide this was nowe ioined with his aduerſaries againſt him, where on his behalf ther had bin no let nor ſtay at any time, but that they might be friends & remaine in quiet togither.The king kee|peth his Chriſt+maſſe at Crike+lade. From Crikelade the king went to Ci| [...]enceſter, where he helde the feaſt of Chriſtmaſſe, the erles of Norffolk, Pembroke, Surrey, and o|ther great Lordes cõming thither to ioyne theyr powers with his.Earles that came to the king to Crike|lade. Thither came alſo a greate ſtrength of footmen, part of the which vnder the leading of one Robert Aquarij, a right famous captain tooke the caſtell of Bromfield, thoſe that had the keeping of it fleeing forth of it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king comming to Worceſter about New yeares tyde,1322 cauſed the walles of the Citie to be repayred, committing the cuſtodie thereof vnto William de Longchampe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After ye Epiphanie he paſſed on ye South ſide of Seuerne towards Shrewſburie, where at his cõ|ming thither he was honourably receyued by the burgeſſes that came forth is meet him in armor, & ſo cõueyed him into their towne being ſtrongly fenced.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane time the Scottes now that the truce was ended,The Scots in|uade Northã|berlande. entring with a ſtrong power in|to England, deſtroyed all the countrey to New|caſtell vpon Tine with fire and ſworde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Welchmen with their captaine Griffin Loitis toke ye caſtels in Wales which were kept by the people of the L. Mortimer the elder.Caſtels taken by the Welch|men. They tooke alſo the caſtels of Mole, Chirk, and Olono, the kepers wherof cõming vnto ye K. to Shrewſ|burie ſubmitted themſelues to him, who ſhortly after ſẽt thẽ to the tower of Lõdon. The L. Hugh Audley the elder, ye L. Iohn de Haſtings & diuerſe other cõming in, & ſubmitting thẽſelues to the K. were likewiſe cõmitted toward, The L. Roger Damorie entring into the citie of Worceſter de|ſtroied al yt which the K. had appointed to be done about the fortificatiõ therof. The erle of Lãcaſter lying at Pomfret, & hearing of al this buſineſſe,The Earle of Lancaſter wri|teth to the Earle of Here|ford. wrote to the erle of Hereford, & other lords yt were with him, that they ſhould make haſt to come to him at Pomfret, promiſing frõ thenceforth to bee their generall & leader. The Erle of Hereford re|ioyſing at theſe newes, togither with al thoſe that were about him, leauing Glouceſter and all other ſtrẽgthes which they held in thoſe parties, ſet for|ward to paſſe through the middeſt of the realme,The Earle of Hereford cõ|meth to ioyne with the Earle of Lancaſter. ſpoiling by the way mens cattel & goods very diſ|orderly, & ſo came through to the erle of Lãcaſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king getting into his handes al the Ca|ſtels of his aduerſaries in thoſe parties, went to Hereford, where he was honorably receyued of the Cleargie and Citizens. His army encreaſed dayly, many comming in vnto him, that before durſt not for feare of his aduerſaries.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The B. of Hereford was ſharply checked by|cauſe he had taken part with the kings enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 864The king ſent from hence the Lorde Iohn Haſtings into Southwales, to take in his name the ſeyſme of the Caſtels belonging to the Erle of Hereforde, the Lord Roger Dammorie, and the Lorde Hugh Spencer the yonger, which the Barõs had the laſt yere got into theyr hands: all which being now taken to the kings vſe, were furniſhed with faythfull garniſons. The K. after this comming to Gloceſter, condemned the She|rife of Hereforde to be hanged, for that he had ta|ken part againſt him with the Barons. The L. Maurice Berkley came to the king to Gloceſter,The lord Berk+ [...]ley ſubmit|teth himſelf to the king ſubmitting himſelfe to the kings pleaſure. After this the king came by Weſton vnder edge to|wards Couentree, where he had appointed aſwel ſuch as he had lately licenced to depart to theyr homes to refreſh themſelues for a tyme,T [...] [...] as alſo diuerſe other, to aſſemble with their powers to g [...] with him from thence agaynſt his aduerſaries. The day of this aſſemble was the Frydey next after the firſt Sunday in Lent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king from Couentree went to Merinol, and there lodged in the Abbey for his more caſe,Williã S [...] writing to William Sutton vnder Coneſtable of Warwike Caſtle, commaunding him to her attendãt on the Sherife of Warwikeſhire, in hel|ping him to watche the entryes and iſſues,Ken [...] holden ag [...] the king. to and from the Caſtell of Kenilworth that was h [...] agaynſt him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme certaine of the Lords that were gone to the erle of Lãcaſter beſieged Ti [...]|hill caſtel .xv. dayes togither, but preuayled not.Ti [...]l ca [...] beſieged.

[figure appears here on page 864]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Letters inter|cepted.There were letters intercepted about the ſame time, which a meſſenger brought forth of Scot|lande, three cloſed and three open, for there were ſixe in all. The king ſent them to the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, who by his cõmaundement pub|liſhed thẽ in open audience at London. The firſt was cloſed with the ſeale of the Lorde Thomas Randulf Erle of Murrey, Lord of Annandale & of Man, Lieutenant to Robert le Bruce king of Scotland, which conteyned a ſafeconduct for ſir Thomas Topeliue chaplaine, & one to be aſſoci|ate with him to come into Scotland, & to returne frõ thence in ſafetie. The ſecond was ſealed with the ſeale of ſir Iames Dowglas for a like ſafecõ|duct for the ſame perſons. The third was cloſed with the ſeale of the ſayd Erle of Murrey for the ſafeconduct of the Lord Iohn de Mowbray, & the Lord Iohn de Clifford, and .xl. horſes with their pages for their ſafe comming vnto the ſaid Earle into Scotlande, and for their abiding there & re|turning backe.King Arthure a name [...]fe [...]ed of purpoſe. The fourth was cloſed with the ſeal of Iames Dowglas, directed to king Ar|thure. The fifth was cloſed with the ſeale of Ia|mes Dowglas directed to the lord Rauf Neuill. The ſixt had no direction, but ye tenor therof was this: You ſhall vnderſtand my Lord,The [...] [...]e of the l [...]. that the cõ|munication before hãd had is now brought to ef|fect: for the Earle of Hereford, the Lordes Roger Damorie, Hugh de Audley the yonger, Barthol|mew de Badeliſmer, Roger de Clifforde, Iohn Gifford, Henry Teys, Thomas Manduit, Iohn de Willington, & all other are come to Pomfret, and are readie to make you good aſſurance, ſo that you will performe couenant with them, to wit for your cõming to ayde vs, & go wt vs into Eng|land & Wales, to liue and die with vs in our qua|rel. We therfore beſech you to aſſigne vs day and place, where we may meet, & we will be readie to accompliſh fully our buſineſſe: and we beſeeche you to make vs a ſafeconduct for .xxx. horſes, that we may in ſafetie come to your parties.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king when ſuch Erles and Lordes as he had licenced for a time were returned (his brother the Earle of Norffolke excepted) & that the moſt part of thoſe mẽ of war were aſſẽbled yt had ſum|monce,Record. T [...] although diuerſe came not at all, about ye EEBO page image 865 firſt Sundaye in Lent, he ſet forwarde towardes his enemies, hauing with hym to the number of ſixtene hundred men of armes on horſe backe,The K. ſetteth forward to|wards his enimies. and footemen innumerable, wyth this power paſſing [figure appears here on page 865] forthe towardes his aduerſaries, [...]de a [...]lamation. he cauſed procla|mation to bee made, that he was readie to receiue all men to his peace, that woulde come and ſub|mit themſelues, thoſe excepted whiche had bene at the ſiege of Tickhill Caſtell, or at the taking of the citie of Glouceſter, or at the inuaſion made vppon his men at Bridgenorthe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 At his comming to a litle village called Cald|well, [...]on vpon [...]. he ſent afore him certaine handes to Bur|ton vpon Trent, where he ment to haue lodged: but the Earles of Lancaſter and Herford, the Lordes Roger Damorie, Hughe Audeley the yonger, Iohn de Moubraye, Barthlomewe de Badeliſmere, Roger de Clifforde, Iohn Gifford de Bremeſfielde, Henry Tyes, and many other, being gotten thither before, kept the Bridge, and aſſailing the Kynges people whiche hee had thus ſent before, ſome of them they ſlewe, and ſome they wounded, ſo defending the bridge, that none coulde paſſe, and by reaſon that the waters, and ſpecially the riuer of Trent through abundaunce of raine that was lately fallen, were reyſed, there was no meane to paſſe by the fourdes, whervpon the Kyng was conſtreyned to ſtaye the ſpace of three dayes, in whiche meane time, the Earles and theyr complices fortified the bridge at Bur|ton, wyth barriers and ſuche like defences, after the maner of warre, but the kyng at length vpon deliberate aduiſe taken bow to paſſe the riuer, or|deyned,Earle of [...]y. [...]ue [...]ture [...]ichmore. that the Earle of Surrey wyth certaine armed men, ſhulde goe ouer by a bridge that was a three miles diſtant from Burton, that he might come vppon the backes of the enemies, as they were fighting with thoſe that ſhulde aſſaile them a frounte.Earles of [...]mont and [...]broke. The Erles of Richemonde and Pen|broke were appoynted to paſſe by a fourde, which they had got knowledge of, wyth three hundreth horſemen in complete armour, and the Kyng wyth his brother the Earle of Kent ſhoulde fol|lowe them, wyth the reſidue of the army,Robert Aqua|rie. ſauing that Robert Aquarie or Waters, wyth certayne bandes of footemen was commaunded to aſſaile the bridge, whiche hee did very manfully, cau|ſing the archers and croſſebowes to annoy them that kept it, ſo as hee might drawe the whole power of the enemies that wayes, till the Kyng and the Earles were paſſed by the fourde:The K. paſ|ſeth by a fourde. But after that the Earles of Lancaſter and Hereforde wyth theyr complices, hearde that the King was paſſed with his army,The Earles of Lancaſter and Hereford flee, and ſet fire in the Towne. they came forth with theyr people into the fieldes, and put them in order of battaile: but perceyuing the great puiſſaunce whiche the Kyng had there readie to encounter them, wythout more a doe they fledde, ſetting fyre in the towne, and leauing all theyr victuales and other thynges behinde them. The Kynges people comming ſpeedely forwarde, and entring the towne, quenched the fyre, and fell to the ſpoyle of ſuche thynges as the enimies for haſt had lefte behinde them. The Kyng kept nothing to hym|ſelfe, but onely a fayre cup that belonged to the Earle of Lancaſter, a peece eſtemed to be of ſome greate valewe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame night beeyng Wedneſday,The K. com|meth to Tur|burie. the K. came to Tutbury, and lodged in the Caſtel, ſen|ding forth the next day with all ſpeede, letters to the Sherif of Derbiſhire and Nottinghamſhire, aduertiſing him, both of the ſucceſſe hee hadde a|gainſt his enimies, and withall, pronouncing thẽ and all their adherents, Rebels and Traitors to hym and hys Realme, and that for ſuche they ſhould be reputed, taken, and vſed. And therefore hee commanded in the ſame letters or writtes, vpon forfeiture of all that the ſaid Sherife might EEBO page image 866 forfeit, he ſhoulde purſue the ſaid Rebels, that is, the Earles of Lancaſter and Hereford, the Lords Roger Damorie, Hugh Audeley ye yonger, Iohn de Mowbray, Bartholmewe de Badeliſmere, Roger de Clifforde, Iohn Gifforde de Brimeſ|field, Henry Tieys, and all and euery other per|ſon or perſons that were of their confederacie, or in their companies,Hue and crie. cauſing hue and crie to bee reiſed vpon them, in what part ſoeuer they might be heard of, and in all places where the ſaid She|rife ſhould thinke it expedient, and to enioyne and ſtraightly commaund all and ſingular perſons, the ſaide Rebels and enimies to purſue, take and arreſt, and them to deliuer vnto the ſaid Sherife, and that ſuche as were not able to purſue them, yet with hand or horne, they ſhould leuie hue and crie againſt them, in payne that being found ne|gligent herein, to be accompted for fauourers and adherentes to the ſaide Rebels and traitors, and that the ſaid Sherife ſhould therevpon apprehend them, and put them in priſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The writte was dated at Tutburie the ele|uenth of March, and the like writtes were direc|ted, and ſente forth to all other Sherifes through the Realme, and likewiſe to the Biſhop of Dur|ham, and to the Iuſtice of Cheſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Beſide this, hee directed alſo other writtes to ye ſaid Sherifes and others, that although he hadde bin conſtreyned to paſſe in forcible wiſe through diuers parties of his Realme, and the marches of Wales, to ſuppreſſe the malitious Rebellion of diuers his ſubiects, and that as yet, hee was con|ſtreyned to continue his iourney in ſuche forcible wiſe, neuertheleſſe, his pleaſure was, that ye peace ſhould be maynteyned, and kept throughout hys Realme, with the ſtatutes, lawes, and cuſtomes inuiolated, and therfore he commaunded the ſayd Sherifes, that they ſhoulde cauſe the ſame to bee proclaymed in places where was thoughte moſt expedient,Proclamati [...]s ma [...]le for the peace to bee kepte. as wel within liberties as without, in|hibiting that any maner of perſon, of what ſtate or condition ſoeuer he was, vpon pain that might fall thereon, to attẽpt any thing to the breache of peace but that euery mã ſhuld ſeeke to mainteine & preſerue ye peace and tranquilitie of the people, with the ſtatutes, lawes & good cuſtomes of the land, to the vttermoſt of his power: this alwayes obſerued, that ye Rebels whereſoeuer they myght be found, ſhoulde be arreſted, and cõmitted to ſafe cuſtody. The date of this writte was at Tutbu|rie aforeſaid ye twelfth of March.The Lorde Damorie de|parted this life. The L. Roger Damorie lay ſicke in his bed ye ſame time in the priorie of Tutburie, who after he had heard what iudgement ye K. had pronounced againſt him, de|parted this life within two dayes after. But the Erles of Lancaſter and Hereforde, with other in their cõpany that fled frõ ye diſcomfiture at Bur|ton, loſt many men and horſes in their fleeing a|way, by reaſon of ſuch purſute as was ma [...]+ter them. Diuers of them that had take [...] with the Lordes againſt the King, came [...] ſubmitted themſelues vnto him, among [...] which, were ſir Gilbert de Elleſfield,The [...] ſir R [...] [...] king. and [...]+bert Holland Knightes. The K. yet had [...] Holland in ſome ſuſpition, bycauſe hee ha [...] [...]|miſed to haue come to him before. The [...] Lancaſter had ſent him at this time to ra [...] hys tenauntes in Lancaſter, and to bring them vnto him, but hee deceyued him, and came [...] to him at all, wherevpon, the Earles of Lancaſter and Hereford, with the other Barõs,The [...] Lan [...] He [...] to P [...] being come vnto Pomfret, they fell to counſell in the Friers there, and finally after much debating of ye mat|ter, and conſidering, how by the vntrue [...]ng of the ſaid Robert Holland, their ſide was muche weakened, it was concluded, that they ſhoulde goe to the Caſtel of Dunſtanbortough, and the [...] to remaine, till they might purchaſe the Kinges pardon, ſith their enterpriſe thus quailed vnder their hands: R. S [...] Sir A [...] H [...] and heerewith ſetting forwarde th [...] way forth, they came to Borrough bridge, whe [...] Sir Andrewe de Hercley with the power of the Counties of Cumberlande and Weſtw [...] had forelayde the paſſage, and there on a Tewſ|day being the ſixtenth of March, hee ſetting vpon the Barons, in the ende diſcomfited them, and chaſed their people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this ſight was ſlayne, the Earle of Here|ford, the Lord William de Sulley,The [...] He [...] The [...] La [...] with ſir Ro|ger de Bourghfield, and diuers others. And t [...] were taken, Thomas Earle of Lancaſter, the Lorde Roger Clifford, ſonne to that Lord Ro|ger which dyed in ye battell of Bannockeſborne in Scotland, the Lord Gilbert Talbot, the Lord Iohn Moubray, the Lorde Hugh de Wi [...]|tõ, the Lord Thomas Manduit, [...] the Lord Wa|rine de Liſle, the Lorde Phillippe Dar [...], the Lorde Thomas Wither, the Lorde Henry de Willington, the Lorde Hugh de Knouill, the Lorde Phillippe de Beche, the Lorde Henry de Leiborne, the Lorde Henry de Bradborne,The b [...] of Bo [...] bridge. the Lord Iohn de Beckes, the Lorde Thomas Lo|uell, the Lorde William Fitz William, Robert de Wateuille, Iohn de Strikelande, Oduel He|ron, Walter Paueley of Stretton, and a greate number of other Eſquires, and Gentlemen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This battell was foughte the fifteenth daye of Marche, in the yeare 1322. after the accompt of them that beginne the yeare at the circumciſion, whiche was in the ſayde fifteenth yeare of thys Kings raigne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The body of the Earle of Hereforde was ſente to Yorke, two Friers of the order of Preachers, being appoynted to looke to it, till the King tooke order for the burying of it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lorde Clifforde alſo, bycauſe hee was EEBO page image 867 wounded with an arrowe, was ſente vnto Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame time, the Lorde Henry Percy tooke the Lorde Henry Tyeis, and Iohn de Golding|ton Knighte, with two Eſquires, and within a fewe dayes after, Donald de Mar tooke the Lord Bartholmewe de Badeliſmere, the Lorde Hugh Audeley the yonger, the Lorde Iohn Gifford, the Lord William Tuchet, and in manner, al thoſe which eſcaped by flighte from this battell, were taken in one place or other, by ſuche of the Kynges ſeruauntes and friendes as purſued them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The one and twentith of Marche, came Sir Andrew de Harkley vnto Põfret, bringing with him the Earle of Lancaſter and other priſoners. The Kyng was come thither a fewe dayes be|fore, [...]e Caſtell of [...]et is [...]dred to [...] King. and hadde the Caſtell yeelded to him by the Conneſtable, that not many dayes paſt was ap|pointed to the keeping thereof by the Earle, whi|che Earle nowe beeing brought thither captiue, was mocked, ſcorned, and in deriſion called king Arthur.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On the morrowe after beeing Monday, the two and twentith of March, he was brought be|fore theſe noble men, Edmonde Earle of Kente, Iohn Earle of Richmond, Aymer Erle of Pem|broke, Iohn Earle of Surrey, Edmond Earle of Arundell, Dauid Earle of Atholl, Roberte Earle of Anegos, the Lorde Hugh Spencer the father, the Lord Robert de Malmeſthorp Iuſtice,The Earle of Lancaſter arreigned. and others with them aſſociate, before whom he was arreigned of high treaſon, for that he hadde reyſed warre againſt the king, and defended the paſſage of Burton bridge, for the ſpace of three dayes to|gither againſte him, and after when it was per|ceiued that the King had paſſed the riuer, he with Humfrey de Bohun Erle of Hereford, and other their complices like Traitors, ſet fire in the ſayde Towne, and cruelly brent part of the houſes, and men of the ſame Towne, and after, the ſaid Erle of Lancaſter with his complices, arraunged him ſelfe in fielde with his army and banners diſplaid ready to fight againſt the King, till that percey|uing the Kings power to be ouerſtrong for hym and his partakers to reſiſt, hee togither with thẽ fled, committing by the way diuers felonies and robberies, till they came to Burrough bridge, where finding certaine of the kings faithfull ſub|iects ready to reſiſt them, they aſſayled the ſayde faythfull ſubiectes with force of armes and ban|ners diſplayed, ſlaying diuers of them, till final|ly, [figure appears here on page 867] the ſaide Earle of Lancaſter was taken, and other of his complices, ſome taken, ſome ſlayne, and the reſidue put to flighte, ſo that there wan|ted no good will in the ſayde Earle of Lancaſter and others, why the Kyng ſhoulde not haue bin vanquiſhed, whiche treaſons, murthers, bren|ning of houſes, deſtroying of the Kings people, beeing playnely and manifeſtly knowen to the Earles, [...]e is found [...]ne. [...]th. Barons, Lords, and other people of the lande, the ſayde Earle of Lancaſter was there|vpon adiudged to die, according to the lawe in ſuche caſes prouided, that is, to bee drawen, han|ged, and headed: but bycauſe hee was the Queenes vncle, and ſonne to the Kinges v [...]cle, hee was pardoned of all but the heading,He is behea|ded. and ſo accordingly therevnto, hee ſuffered at Pountfret the two and twentith of Marche.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus the King ſeemed to be reuenged of the diſpleaſure done to hym by the Earle of Lanca|ſter, for the beheading of Peeres de Gauaſton Earle of Cornewall, whome hee ſo deerely lo|ued, and bycauſe the Earle of Lancaſter was the Chiefe occaſioner of his deathe, the King ne|uer loued hym entierly after.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 868And ſo this mighty Earle of Lancaſter came to his end, being the greateſt Pere in the Realm, and one of the mightieſt Erles in Chriſtendome: for when he began to leuie warre againſt the K. he was poſſeſſed of fiue Earledomes, Lancaſter, Lincolne, Saliſburie, Leiceſter, and Derby, be|ſide other ſiegniories, lands, and poſſeſſiõs, great to his aduauncement in honor and puiſſance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame day, the Lorde William Tuchet, the Lord William Fitz Willi. the Lord Ware de Liſle, the Lord Henry Bradborne, and the L. William Chenie Barons, with Iohn Page [...] Eſquire, were drawen and hanged at Pomfret aforeſaide, and then ſhortly after, Roger Lorde Clifford, Iohn Lord Moubray,Lordes exe|cuted. and Sir Goſe|in d' Eeuill Barons, were drawen and han|ged [figure appears here on page 868] at Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And at Briſtowe in like manner were execu|ted, Henry de Wilington, and ſir Henry Mont|ford Baronets, and at Glouceſter, ye Lorde Iohn Gifford, and ſir William Elmebridge Knighte: and at London, the Lord Henry Tyes Baron, at Winchelſie, ſir Thomas Culpepper Knight, at Windſor, the Lord Francis de Aldham Ba|ron, and at Canterbury, the Lord Bartholmewe de Bad [...]hſmere, and the Lorde Bartholmewe de Aſhbornham Baros. Alſo at Cardeif in Wales, ſir William Fleming Knight was executed: di|uers wer executed in their countreys, as ſir Tho|mas Mandit and others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Auesburie. [...].But nowe touching the foreſayde Earle of Lancaſter, great ſtrife r [...]ſe afterwards amongſt the people, whether hee oughte to be reputed for a S [...]t or no. Some held, that he ought to be no leſſe eſteemed, for that he did many almes dedes in his life time, honored men of Religion, and maynteyned a true quarrell til his liues ende. Al|ſo, his enimies continued not long after, but came to euill ende.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Others conceyued an other opinion of hym, alledging, that hee fauoured not his wife, but ly|ued in ſpouſe breache,S [...] S [...]t|like partes. defiling a greate number of damoſels & Gentlewomen. If any offended him, he ſlew him ſhortly after in his wrathfull moode. Apoſtataes and other euill doers he mainteyned, and would not ſuffer them to be puniſhed by due order of lawe. All his doings hee vſed to cõmitte vnto one of his Secretaries, and tooke no heede himſelfe thereof: and as for the manner of his death, he fledde ſhamefully in the fight, and was taken and put to death againſt his will, bycauſe he could not auoide it: yet by reaſon of certayne miracles whiche were ſaid to be done, neere to the place, both where he ſuffered, and where hee was buried, cauſed many to thinke he was a Sainct, howbeit, at length, by the Kings commaunde|ment, the Church dores of the Priory where hee was buried, were ſhut and cloſed, ſo that no man might be ſuffered to come to the tombe to bryng any offerings, or to do any other kinde of deuoti|on to the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, the hill where hee ſuffered,Caxt [...]. was kept by certaine Gaſcoignes, appoynted by the L. Hugh Spencer the ſonne, as then lying at Pounfret, to the ende that no people ſhoulde come and make their prayers there in worſhip of the ſaid Earle, whome they tooke verily for a Martir.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the King had ſubdued the Barons, ſhortly after,A Parliament at Yorke. aboute the feaſt of the Aſcention of our Lord, he held a Parliamẽt at Yorke, in whi|che Parliament, the record and whole proceſſe of the decree or iudgement concerning the diſinheri|ting of the Spencers, ordeined by the Lordes in Parliament aſſembled at London,The r [...] touch [...] a [...] baniſhi [...] [...] the Spence [...] reuerſed. the laſt ſom|mer, was now throughly examined, and for their errors therein found, the ſame recorde and pro|ceſſe EEBO page image 869 was cleerely adnihillated and reuerſed, and the ſayd Spencers were reſtored to al their lands and offices, [...]eation of [...]rles. as before. And in the ſame Parliamẽt the Lorde Hugh Spencer the father was made Earle of Wincheſter, and the Lorde Andrew de Herkley Earle of Careleill.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, in the ſame Parliamente, all ſuche were diſinherited as had taken part with ye Erles of Lancaſter & Hereford, [...]he Lorde [...]deley [...]doned. except the Lorde Hugh Audeley the yonger, and a few other, the whyche Lord Hugh was pardoned, bycauſe he had mar|ried the Kings neece, that was ſiſter to Gilberte de Clare Earle of Glouceſter, which was ſlayne in Scotlande, at the battell of Bannockeſborne as before is mentioned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Robert Bal|docke is ma [...]e [...] Chancellor. Polidor. Alſo, maſter Robert Baldocke, a man euil be|loued in the Realme, is made Lord Chancellour of England. This Robert Baldocke, and one Simon Reding were great fauourers of ye Spẽ|cers, and ſo likewiſe was the Earle of Arundell, and thereby it may be thought, that the Spencers did help to aduance them into the Kings fauour, ſo that they bare no ſmall rule in the Realme, during the time that the ſame Spencers continu|ed in proſperitie, which for ye tearme of fiue yeres after that the foreſaide Barons (as before is ex|preſſed) were brought to confuſion, did wonder|fully encreaſe,The Queene [...]iueth good [...]ouncell. and the Queene for that ſhe gaue good and faithfull counſaile, was nothing regar|ded, but by the Spencers meanes, cleerely worne out of the Kings fauour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The kings [...]deſt ſonne [...]eated prince [...] Wales.Moreouer, we finde, that in this Parliament holden at Yorke, the Kings eldeſt ſonne Edward was made Prince of Wales, and Duke of A|quitaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo, the King cauſed the ordinances made by the Earles and Barons to be examined by men of great knowledge and ſkill, and ſuche as were thought neceſſary to be eſtabliſhed, he commaun|ded that the ſame ſhoulde be called ſtatutes,Statutes. and not ordinances. Beſide a great ſubſedie graunted to the King by the Temporaltie,A ſubſedie. the Cleargie of the prouince of Caunterburie graunted fiue pẽce of euery marke, and they of ye prouince of Yorke four pence.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aymer Earle of Pembroke, beeing returned home from this Parliamente holden at Yorke,

Addition to Triuet.

The Earle of Pembroke arreſted.

was arreſted by certaine Knightes, ſent with au|thoritie thereto from the King, who brought him backe to Yorke, where at length, through ſute of certayne noble men, hee was vpon his oth taken to be a faithfull ſubiect, and in conſideration of a fine whiche hee payed to the King, ſet at libertie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The occaſion of his empriſonmente came, for that he was accuſed and detected to bee a ſecrete fauourer of the Barons cauſe againſt the Spen|cers in time of the late troubles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, ſhortly after,Fabian. the King gathered the ſixth peny of the temporall mens goodes tho|rough Englande, Irelande and Wales, whyche had bin graunted to him at the foreſaide Parlia|ment holden at Yorke, towards the defending of the Realme againſt the Scottes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This taxe was not gathered withoute greate murmure and grudge, the Realme beeing in ſuch euill and miſerable ſtate as it then was.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare alſo, the ſunne appeared to mans ſighte in coulour like to bloud, and ſo continu|ed ſixe houres, that is to witte, from ſeuen of the clocke in ye morning of ye laſt day of October, vn|to one of ye clocke in the after none of ye ſame day.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heere is to bee noted,Polidor. that during the tyme whileſt the ciuill warre was in hande betwixt K. Edward and his Barons, the Scottes & French|men were not idle,The Scottes inuade the Biſhopricks of Durham. for the Scottes waſted and deſtroyed the countrey of ye Biſhopricke of Dur|hã (as before ye haue partly heard) and ye Frẽch|mẽ made roades and incurſions into the borders [figure appears here on page 869] EEBO page image 870 of Guyenne, alledging, that they did it vpon good and ſufficiente occaſion, for that King Ed|warde had not done his homage vnto the Kyng of Fraunce, as he ought to haue done, for ye Du|chie of Aquitaine, and ye countie of Pontieu. But the true occaſiõ that moued them to attempt the warres at that preſent, was, for that they were in hope to recouer all the lands which the Kyng of Englande helde within Fraunce, cleerely out of his hands, for ſo much as they vnderſtood the diſ|cord betwixt him and his Barons, and how [...] fortunately hee had ſpedde againſt the Scottes, by reaſon whereof, they iudged the time to ſ [...] moſt fitly now for their purpoſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the octaues of the natiuitie of Saint Iohn Baptiſt, R. S [...] Rob [...] [...] Englande Roberte Bruce entring into Englande by Careleill, kept on his way through Cumber|land, Coupeland, Kendall, and ſo into Lance|ſhire till he came to Preſtõ in Andernes, whych Towne hee brente, as hee had done others in the [figure appears here on page 870] countreys through whiche he had paſſed.See more hereof in Scotlande page 323. and 324. There were ſome of the Scottes that forreyd the coun|trey fyue miles on this ſide Preſton South|wardes, and thus beeing foureſcore long myles within Englande, they returned homewardes, and entred againe into Scotlande without en|counter, after they had bin at this time within Englande the ſpace of three weekes and three dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kyng Edwarde being thus beſette with two miſchiefes both at one time, thought good firſt to prouide remedie againſte the neerer daunger, whiche by the Scottes was ſtill at hande, and therefore he meant to goe againſt them hymſelfe, and to ſend his brother Edmond Earle of Kent into Guyenne, to defende that countrey from the Frenchmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg. 16. Heerevppon nowe in the ſixteenth yeare of hys raigne, after that ye Scottes were returned home with a great bootie and rich ſpoyle,

The King goeth into Scotlande with an army.

Rich. South. Merimouth.

he gote togy|ther a wonderfull greate army of men, and en|tring into Scotland, paſſed far within the Coũ|trey, not finding any reſiſtance at all as the moſt parte of oure writers doe agree, but at length, through famine and diſeaſes of the flixe and o|ther maladies that fell amongſt the Engliſhmen in the army, hee was conſtreyned to come backe, and in his way, beſieged the Caſtell of Norham, whiche fortreſſe hee wanne within tenne dayes after he had begun to aſſault it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Robert Bruce immediately after the Eng|liſh army was retired home, reyſed a power, and entring into England by Sulway ſands, lay at a place called Beaumond, not paſt three myles from Careleill, by the ſpace of fiue dayes, ſending in the meane time the moſt parte of his army a|broade to ſpoyle and harrie the countrey on euery ſide, and afterwardes remouing from thence, hee paſſeth towardes Blackamore, hauing know|ledge by diligente eſpials, that King Edwarde was in thoſe parties, giuing hymſelfe more to paſtime in hunting there within the woddes a|bout Blackamore, than to the good ordering of his people which he had then about him. Where|vppon, the Scottiſhe King Bruce, entring into that wilde and mooriſh countrey, where he hadde not bin afore, conueyed his enterprice ſo warely, and with ſuche diligente induſtrie, that on Saint Lukes day, comming vppon the Engliſh army at vnwares, he put the ſame to flight, ſo that the King himſelfe was in great daunger to haue bin taken priſoner. For as ſome authors write, the Scottes had almoſt taken him at dynner in the Abbey of Beighland.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Sir Iohn Britaigne Earle of Richmonde was taidn at this battell, and the Kinges trea|ſor was ſpoyled and carried away, with the pro|uiſion and ordinance that belonged to the hoſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 871The King eſcaping away; goe to Yorke, and the Scottes hauing thus the vpper hande,R. S [...]. after they had ſpoyled the Monaſterie of Riuale, and taken their pleaſure there,

Yorkeſwold [...]poiled by the Scottes.

[...]uerley ran| [...]med.

they paſſed for the into Yorkeſwolde; deſtroying that countrey euen al|moſt vnto Beuerley, whiche Towne they raun|ſoned, receyuing a ſumme of money for ſp [...]ing it, leaſt they ſhoulde haue brent it, as they did o|ther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Carleil rey| [...]eth an army.The Earle of Cartleill beeing commaunded by the King to raiſe the powers of Camberland, Weſtmerland, & Lancaſhire, did ſo, & according to that hee hadde in commaundement, brin|ging them belowe the countreys vnto Yorke, found the Kyng there in no plighte to giue bat|tell to his enimies, all things beeing broughte a|bout him into great confuſion: wherevpon, he l [...]|cenſed his people to depart to their homes again, and ye Scottes ſo returned without battell home into their countreys, entring into Scotlande the morrow after Alhallowen day, after they hadde remayned in Englande at this time, one whole moneth and four dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]abian.Some write, that in their returne, they ſpoy|led Northallerton, and dyuers other Townes and places as they paſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] conſpiracie [...] ſet priſo+ [...] [...]end [...] liber| [...].The ſame yeare, there was a great conſpira|cie practiſed by certayne perſons that had taken part with the Barons in the late warre, purpo|ſing to ſet at libertie in one ſelfe nighte all thoſe noble men and other, that were by the King kept in priſon for that quarrell. Certayne therefore of thoſe conſpirators, came to the Caſtell of Wa|lingford, within the whiche, the Lorde Maurice Berkeley and the Lord Hugh Audeley remained as priſoners. The conſpirators found ſhift to en|ter the Caſtell by a poſterne gate inwardes the Tha [...]mes ſide, but yet, not ſo ſecretely, but that ye towneſmẽ hauing knowledge thereof, aſſembled togither, and beſieged them that were ſo entred the Caſtell, the Earles of Kent and Winche|ſter came with a great power to reenforſe ye ſiege; ſo that in the ende, they that had made this attẽpt fled into the Chappel of the Caſtel, in hope to bee ſaued through ſanctuarie of the place, but they were (againſt ye willes of ye Deane & Prieſts of ye colledge there that ſought to defende there) taken forthe by force, [...]ir Iohn Gol| [...]ngton. ſo that Sir Iohn de Goldington knight ſir Edmond of the Bech Chaplayne, and an Eſquire called Roger Walton, were ſent to Pomfret, & there put in priſon, the Eſquire was after ſent to Yorke, and there drawen and hãg [...] This enterpriſe cauſed all other priſoners to [...]e more ſtraightly loked to.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This yeare, was begun a wicked procti [...] treaſon vpon this occaſion. Where K. Edwarde hauing aſſ [...]ed fortune ſo, froward towardes him in chance of war againſt the Scottes at ſundry times, was thereby taught to doubt the trial ther|of any further, and rather to ſeeke for peace, he ap|pointed Andrewe Herkley Earle of Cartleill, to ſeeke ſo [...]e meanes,Polidor. whereby a peace myghte bee concluded betwixt him and King Robert.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The E [...] by the Kings cõmandement, going into Scotlãd, & cõming vnto K. Robert,R. Southwell. Polidor. whome he found at Loghmaban, entreated with hym of warre, and not of peace, for whether it were ſo that he deſpaired of ye ſtate of K. Edwards buſi|neſſe, the which proſpered neither at home nor a|broade, chiefly, by reaſon of his owne wilfull ne|gligence (as ſome write:) or whether of his owne nature, this Earle delited in nothing ſo muche, as in deceipt, craft, and treaſon: he concluded vp|pon pointes with the Scottiſh King, how, whẽ, and where Kyng Edwarde ſhoulde be betrayed, and to the ende that couenaunted faith on eyther ſide might be the more ſurely kept and obſerued, the ſiſter of King Robert was ſtaunced vnto the ſaid Earle of Careleill, a righte beautifull Lady and a comely as was any where to be founde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This practiſe beeyng thus contriued, ſhortly after the Kyng got knowledge thereof, though by whom it was not certainely knowne, ſo [...] a thyng it is for manne to conceale and keepe ſe|cret that thing whyche hee goeth about, though hee ſt [...]die neuer ſo muche ſo to doe,Treaſon will euer come to light by one meane or o|ther. namely in matters of treaſon, whyche hathe a t [...]dofa [...]e feete to [...]pe, abroade, and whyche way ſoeuer it g [...]th, it leaueth a thouſand priuites of the fote|ſteppes behynde it, by the which it may be diſco|uered to the worlde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When therefore the Earle came backe a|gaynſte to Careleill, hee was arreſted by com|maundeaunte from the Kyng,


The Earle of Carleile put to death.

and ſtraight|wayes beeyng arreigned of the treaſon, hee was thereof condemned and put to execution. Hys [figure appears here on page 871] ha [...]d [...] ſent vnto London, and there ſet vpon the bridge, or [...]her vppon ſome to cort of the To [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 872This was the ende of ſir Andrewe Herkeley, worthily ſuffering for his wickes offen [...]s, (as ſome haue recorded) but there vs that write other|wiſe (as it may well be) thus, That this Earle of Careleill, perceyuing the miſerie of his countrey, without conſent of the King of Englande, made peace with the king of Scottes, vnder this forme as by Richard Southwell we finde recorded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 R. Southwell.Firſte, the Earle promiſed faithfully for hym and his heires, that they ſhuld with all their force and meanes poſſible, ſeeke to mainteyne the ſayde King of Scottes, his heires and ſucceſſors, in the peaceable poſſeſſion of the Kingdome of Scot|land, and that to their powers, they ſhould fighte againſt all thoſe that woulde not agree vnto that couenaunt, as againſt them that ſhould ſeeme to be enimies vnto the common wealth of both the Realmes of Englande and Scotlande. The King of Scottes promiſed faithfully for hys part, to defende the ſayde Earle, his heires, and adherents in the ſaid couenant or pactiõ, and not onely to keepe peace with Englande, but alſo to buyld a Monaſterie within Scotland, aſſigning reuenewes thereto, to the valewe of fiue hundred markes, to celebrate deuine ſeruice, and to pray cõtinually for the ſoules of them that were deade, by occaſion of the paſſed warres betwixte. Eng|land and Scotland, and further, that he ſhoulde giue to the Kyng of England within ten yeares, fortie thouſande poundes of ſiluer, and that the King of Englande ſhoulde haue the Kyng of Scottes eldeſt ſonne to marrie hym vnto ſome Lady of his bloud as he ſhould thinke expediente: To the performance of all whiche couenauntes well and truely to bee obſerued, Thomas Ran|dulfe Earle of Murrey ſware on the behalfe of the King of Scottes, and the Earle of Careleill ſware for himſelfe, and heerewith, certaine wri|tings indented were drawen and engroſſed, to the which interchangeably they ſet their ſeales.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that the Earle of Careleill was retur|ned home, he called to Careleill all the chiefe per|ſons of the countrey, as well ſpirituall as tem|porall, and there rather through feare than other|wiſe, he conſtreyned them to receyue an othe, that they ſhoulde ayde and aſſiſt him to their powers, to ſee all the couenauntes aboueſayde performed and kept. After that theſe things were knowen to the King and Realm, although ſome of the com|m [...]altie liked wel inough of the matter, bycauſe they hoped thereby to remayne in peace, ſpecial|ly thoſe of the North partes, the King yet & hys con [...]ll and not without cauſe were ſore offen|ded for that he whom the King had ſo lately ad|uaunced, ſhoulde confederate hymſelfe with the Scottes: to the pri [...]r of the King and hys Crowne concluding any couenauntes of peace without his conſente, wherevpon, reputing hym for a ranke Traytor the K. [...] vnto the [...] Antony Lucy, to apprehende the ſayde V [...] ſome meanes if he might, and for his pa [...] ſhould not faile to be well rewarded. [...]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Lord Lucy watching his time when the Earles men were gone some whither abroade, and but few left about him, the morrow after the feast of S. Mathew the Apostle, he entred ye Castell of Careleil, as it were, to talke with the Erle of some busines, as his maner was at other times to doe. He had with him sir Hugh Lowther, Sir Richard De(n)ton, & sir Hugh Moriceby knights, and four Esquires, beside other priuily armed, so that leauing some at euery gate and dore as hee entred, hee came into the hall, and there finding ye Earle enditing letters, arrested him. Herewith, when certayn of the Earles seruauntes made a noise, and cried treason, treason, the porter of the inner gate would haue shut it vppon them that were thus entred, but sir Richard Denton slewe that porter with his owne handes, and there was not one more slaine by them in ye apprehension of the Earle, for all other his seruaunts yelded themselues and the house vnto the saide Lorde Lucy, withoute more resistance: one of his seruauntes yet that sawe these doings, got away, and with all speede, ranne to the peele of Heyheade, and shewed vnto the Earles brother Mighell Herkeley what was chanced to the Earle, [...] wherevpon, the sayd Mighell forthwith fledde into Scotla(n)d, and with him sir William Blount Knighte, a Scottishman, and diuers other that were of the Earles priuie counsell. The Lord Lucy straightwayes sent a messenger to ye King vnto Yorke, aduertising him how he had taken the Earle, and therefore required to vnderstande further of the Kings pleasure. The King forthwith sense the Lorde Geffrey Scroobe Iustice, with a number of armed men vnto Careleill, the whiche came thither on Saint Chaddes day, and the morrow after, being the thirde of Marche, hee set in iudgement vpon the said Earle, in ye Castell of Careleill, and there (as out of the Kings mouth) hee pronounced sentence againste him in this wise, first, that he should be disgraded of his Erledome, by the taking away from him the sworde whiche the King had gird him with, and likewise of hys heeles, and that after this, hee should bee drawen from the Castell through the Cittie vnto ye place of execution, where felons were accustomed to suffer, and there to bee hanged, The E [...] Ca [...] [...] an after headed, and his head to be sent vnto London, there to bee set aloft vppon one of the turrets of the Tower, and his quarters to be deuided, one to be set vp at Careleill, an other at New castell vpon Tyne, the third at Bristow, and the fourth at Douer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When he had heard this iudgement, he [...] EEBO page image 873 you haue deuided my body at your pleaſure, and I committe my ſoule to God, and being accor|ding to the iudgement drawen to the place where hee ſuffered, [...]conſtancie [...] death. hee neuer ſhranke at the matter, but boldly behaued himſelfe, declaring at the very houre of his deathe, that his intention in conclu|ding the agreement with the Scottes was good and proceeding not of any euill meaning, but tẽ|ding onely to the wealthe and quietneſſe of the Realme. Neyther coulde ſuch Friers as were permitted to come to him before his arreignemẽt to heare his confeſſiõ, get any thing more of him, but that his meaning was good, and that whych he had concluded with the K. of Scots was not, done vpon any euill purpoſe, whereby any hurte, mighte enſue, eyther to the K. or to the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus haue wee thoughte good, to ſhewe the cauſe of this Earles death, as by ſome writers it hath bin regiſtred, [...]ian. [...]ton. although there bee that write, that the ouerthrowe at Beighland chaunced tho|rough his fault, by miſleading a great part of the Kings hoſt, and ther therefore the King beeyng, offended with him, cauſed him to be put to death, albeit as I thinke, no ſuche matter was alledged againſt him at the time of his arreignement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]dor.About this ſeaſon, was ye fundation begun of S. Michaels colledge in Cambridge, by one ſir Henry Stanton knight, Chãcellor of ye Eſcheker.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

[...]e [...]thwel.

[...]ſsio| [...] meere to [...]e of peace

About the feaſt of the Aſcention, there came as commiſſioners from the King of England, vnto Newcaſtell, Aymerie Earle of Pembroke, and the Lord Chamberlain, Hugh Spenſer the yon|ger, and other four perſonages of good accompte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And from the King of Scottes, there came ye B. of S. Andrewes, Thomas Randolfe Earle of Murrey, & other four of good credite to treate of peace, or at the leaſtwiſe of ſome long truce, & through ye good wil and pleſure of God, ye author of al peace and quietneſſe, they concluded vpon a truce, [...]uce con| [...]ded. to endure for thirtene yeres, and ſo about ye feaſt of S. Barnabe the Apoſtle, it was proclay|med in both Realmes, but ſo yet, that they might not traffike togither, bycauſe of the excommuni|cation, wherewith the Scottes were as yet en|tangled, although as ſome write, about the ſame time, the interdict wherein the Realme of Scot|lande ſtoode bounde, [...]idor. [...]c. Boetius. was by Pope Iohn releſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Frenche King beeing lately come to the crowne,

[...]n. reg. 7.

[...]ſſengers [...]n the fren| [...] king.

ſent certaine Ambaſſadors vnto K. Ed|ward, to wit, ye L. Beouille, and one Andreas de Florentia a notarie, to giue ſummonance to him frõ ye french K. to come & do homage for ye landes which he held in France, as for the Duchie of A|quitaine, [...]e Frenche [...]g taketh [...]wnes in A [...]ayn. & the countie of Pontieu, and although ye L. Chamberlaine, Hugh Spenſer the ſon, and the L. Chancellor, Roberte Baldocke, did what they coulde, to procure theſe Ambaſſadors not to declare the cauſe of their cõming to the king, yet whẽ they ſhould depart, they admoniſhed ye K. to come & do his homage vnto the Frẽch K. & vpon [figure appears here on page 873] this [...]nitio the ſayde Andreas framed a pu [...] like Inſtrumẽt, by vertue wherof, ye frẽch K. made proceſſe againſt the K. of England, & ſeaſed into his hands diuers townes & Caſtels in Aquitaine, alledging, yt he did it for ye con [...]umacie ſhewed by ye K. of Englãd in refuſing to come to do his ho|mage, being lawfully ſummoned, although ye K. was throughly informed, yt the ſummonãce was neither lawful nor touched him any thing at all.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time,The Lorde Mortimer bre|keth of out of the towes. the L. Roger Morti [...]er of Wignor giuing his kepers a drink ye brought thẽ into a ſound and heauie ſleepe, eſcaped out of the Tower of London where he was priſoner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This eſcape of the L. Mortimer, greatly trou|bled ye K. ſo ye immediately vpon the firſt newes, he wrote to all the Sherifes of the Realm, that if hee chanced to come within their roomthes, they ſhuld cauſe hue & crie to be reiſed, ſo as hee mighte be ſtaied and arreſted, but he made ſuch ſhift, that he gote ouer into France, where he was receyued by a L. of Picardie, named Mounſier Iohn de Fieules, who had faire lands in England, & ther|fore the K. wrote to him, reprouing him of vn|thankfulneſſe, cõſidering he had bin euer ready to pleaſure him, and to aduance his profites & com|modities, & yet notwithſtanding, he did ſuccoure the ſaid Lord Mortimer, and other Rebels that were fled out of his Realme. In Lent this yere,


A parliament. The bishop of Hereforde ar|reſted.

a Parliament was holdẽ at Londõ, in yt which di|uers things were entreated, amõgſt other, ye chie|feſt was, to determine for ye ſending of ſome ho|norable Ambaſſage vnto ye french K. to excuſe ye K. for not cõming to him to do his homage, ac|cording to ye pretẽded ſommonance.Tho. de la More. In the ſame Parliamẽt, Adam B. of Hereford was arreſted, & examined vpon points of treaſon, for aiding ſuc|couring & mainteining ye Mortimers, & other of the rebels. This B. was rekoned to be wiſe, ſub|till, and learned, but otherwiſe, wilfull, preſump|tuous, & giuen to mainteine factiõs. At ye firſt, he diſdeined to make any aunſwere at all, & finally, when he was in maner forced thereto, hee flatly EEBO page image 874 tolde the king,Tho. VValſ. that he mighte not make any aun|ſwere to ſuche matters as hee was charged with, except by the licence and conſent of his Metropo|litane ye Archb. of Canterbury, & other his peeres. Herevpõ, the ſaid Archb. and other Biſhops made ſuch ſute, that hee was committed to the keeping of the ſaid Archb. with him to remaine, till the K. had taken order for his further aunſwere

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Within fewe dayes after, when the K. called him againe before his preſence to make aunſwere to the matters layde againſt him, the Archbiſhops of Cãterbury,The preſump|tuous demea|nor of Pre|lates. York, Dublin, and x. other biſhops came with their Croſſes afore them, and vnder a colour of the priuiledge & liberties of the Churche, tooke him away before he had made any anſwere, forbidding al men [...] p [...]e of excommunication, to lay any hands vpon him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The K. greatly offended with this bolde pro|ceeding of the Prelates, cauſed yet an inqueſt to be empanelled, to enquire of the B. of Herefordes treaſons, and vpon ye finding of him giltie, he ſea|ſed into his hands al the temporalties that belon|ged to his Biſhopricke, and ſpoyled his manors and houſes moſt violently, in reuenge of his diſ|loyall dealings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Record. Tur: Landes belon|ging to the Templers.Moreouer, in this Parliament, the landes and poſſeſſions that belonged ſometime to the Tem|plers, (and had bin deliuered vnto the Knightes Hoſpitalers, otherwiſe called knightes of ye Rodes by ye K. in the ſeuenth yeare of his raigne (accor|ding to the decree of the counſell of Vienna) were by authoritie of this Parliament, aſſured vnto the ſaide knightes, to enioy to them and their ſucceſ|ſors for euer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo it was concluded, that the Earle of Kẽt, and the Archb. of Dublin ſhould goe ouer as Am|baſſadors into Fraunce, to excuſe the King for his not cõming in perſon to the French K. to do hys homage for the lands he held in Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1

Licence to bu|rie the bodyes of the rebels.

Rec. Tur.

Moreouer in the ſame Parliament, the Kyng graunted, that all the dead bodies of his enimes & Rebels that had ſuffered and hanged ſtill on the gallowes, ſhould be taken downe, and buried in ye Churchyards nexte to the places where the ſame bodies were hanging, and not elſe where, by ſuche as would take paine to bury thẽ, as by his writtes directed to the Sherifes of London, and of the counties of Middleſex, Kẽt, Glouceſter, Yorke, & Buckingham it appeared. And not only this liber|tie was graunted at ye time for the taking down of thoſe bodies,Polidor. but as ſome write, it was decreed by authoritie in ye ſame Parliament, that the bodies of all thoſe that from thenceforth ſhould be hãged for felonies, ſhould incontinently be buried, which ordinance hath bin euer ſithence obſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ambaſſadors ſent into Fraunce.The Earle of Kente, and the Archb. of Dublin going ouer into France, could not light vpon any good concluſion for the matter about the whyche they were ſente, bycauſe the ſame time or rather ſomewhat before,The [...] the L. Raufe Baſſet of D [...] being the [...]ings Seneſhall in Guic [...]e, [...] throwen a certayne Towne, newly fortified [...] Frenchmen on the frontiers, for that the in [...]+tants, truſting on the Frenche kings fauour [...] maintenance, refuſed to obey the lawes and ordi|nances of the coũtrey of Aquitaiue, and ſee [...] [...] deſpiſe and ſet naught the authoritie of ye [...] L. Baſſet in that countrey, contrary to all right, good order or reaſon. Neuertheleſſe, the Frenche K. tooke the matter ſo greeuouſly, that except the L. Baſſet might de cõſtreyned to come vnto Pa|ris, & there make aunſwer to his offence, he would not hearken to any other ſatiſfactiõ. And thervpõ,

An. reg.

The E [...] Anie [...] [...] into G [...]

whẽ the Ambaſſadors were returned, he ſente hys vncle the Lord Charles de Valoys Erle of Aniou with a mighty army againſt the Engliſh Inbiects into Guyenne, where entring into Agenois, hee tooke and ſeyfed all that countrey into the French kings hands.The Erle Kent. The Erle of Kent being now got|ten into thoſe parties, with a greate number of o|ther captaines and men of war, ſent thither by the K. of England, reſiſted the enimies very manful|ly, in ſo much, yt vpon their approch to ye Ryolle, a ſtrõg towne in thoſe parties, the Erle of Kẽt as then being within it, did iſſue forth, & giuing them battell, ſlew as ſome write, 14. C. of their men,


The King of Engl [...] which [...] Duke of [...].

ſo that they wer gladde to lodge at the firſt, ſome|what further off the Towne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Whileſt this ſiege remayned before ye Towne of the Ryoll, the K. of England wrote his letters [figure appears here on page 874] to the Duke of Britaine,Record. T [...] as one of the Peeres of France, declaring ye iniurious dealing of ye Frẽche K. who hadde ſente his vncle the Earle of Aniou with an army againſte his people in Agenois, where he had taken many Townes, deſtroyed his people, and now had beſieged his nephew Edmõd Erle of Kent, within the town of the Ryolle, en|forſing his whole puiſſance wrongfully to beene him of all the Duchie of Guyenne, and agaynſte all reaſon, and the prerogatiue of the peeres of EEBO page image 875 France, to an euill preſidẽt or enſample in time to come, of ye perpetuall ſeruitude of the ſaid Peeres, and although ſaith the K. of Englande, that the Frẽch alledge that we haue bin lawfully ſummo|ned to come & do homage, & haue refuſed ſo to doe, that is not ſo, for wee were neuer in due order re|quired as was cõuenient, neither could we do ho|mage, by reaſon of ye great iniuries and hard dea|lings practiſed againſt vs, frõ the feaſt of Eaſter laſt, till ye date of thoſe his preſent letters (whyche was the ſixth of October, in this 18. yeare of hys raigne,) and yet ſaith he, ther was neuer any law|full proceſſe had againſt vs before our peeres, in ye great chamber at Paris, as had bin requiſit. Here|vpõ doth he requeſt ye Duke of Britaine, that for ye preſeruation & maintenance of the honorable e|ſtate of ye Peeres of France, & for iuſtice ſake, hee wil help to aide him, either by way of requeſt, or other cõuenient meanes ſo as the ſaid ſtraite dea|lings & iniurious wrongs, may ceaſſe, & the eſtate of ye peereſhip may be mainteined as was requi|ſite.The lorde of Biskey. Hee wrote likewiſe to ye L. Iohn the infante, ye L. of Biſkey, and to ye Lady Mary of Biſkey, gouernereſſe of ye K. of Caſtile and Leon, and to Iames K. of Aragon, requeſting them to aid him with men of warre, as well horſemẽ as footemen againſt his aduerſarie ye Frẽch K. that moſt vn|iuſtly went about to depriue him of his inheritãce. But howſoeuer ye matter went, no aide came to ye Erle of Kente from any parte, till at length, the Frenchmen ſo reenforced ye ſiege, that the Towne was deliuered to ye Erle of Aniou, and a truce ta|ken vppon certaine conditions,

[...]ho VValſ.

[...] truce taken.

that further talke might be had, for the concluſion of ſome peace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Lord de [...]lly ſent in| [...] Fraunce in [...]mbaſſade.Then were ſent ouer other Ambaſſadors, as ye Lorde Iohn de Sully a Frenchman borne, & one maſter Iohn de Shordich, but the L. Sully had ſo ſtrange entertainemente for ſome diſpleaſure which ye French K. conceiued againſt him, that if ye French Q. had not the better intreated for him, he had loſt his head, and as for the other, he had al|ſo returned home, withoute bringing any thyng to paſſe, of that for the which he was ſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Pope ſen| [...]th ambaſſa| [...]rs to the [...]ngs of Engl. [...] Fraunce.After this, the Pope ſent the Archb. of Vienne, and the B. of Orange, to the Princes of eyther Realme, to exhorte them to ſome agreement, but they could do no good, and ſo taking money of the Cleargie for their expenſes, they returned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 1325After this, about the twentith day after Chriſt|mas, there was a Parliament called at London, in the which, the K. required to haue the aduice of ye Lords, how he might worke for the ſauing of ye Duchie of Guienne, ſore moleſted by the French|men.Other ambaſ| [...]ors ſent o| [...] into Frãce. Herevppon it was concluded, that the By|ſhops of Wincheſter and Norwich, and Iohn de Britaine Earle of Richmonde, ſhoulde goe ouer as Ambaſſadors to ye French K. who cõming in|to France, after many argumentatiõs, allegatiõs, and excuſes, made on both parties, at length, re|ceyued a certaine forme of pacification at ye Frẽch kings hands, with the which, the B. of Winche|ſter was ſent backe into Englãd, the B. of Nor|wich, and the Erle of Richmond remaining there til it might be knowen, how the King of Englãd would like thereof. Finally it was thought good, that the Quene ſhould goe ouer to hir brother the Frẽch K. to confirme ye treatie of peace vpõ ſome reaſonable conditiõs.The Queene is ſent ouer into France to talke with hir brother the Frenche King. She willingly tooke vppon hir the charge, and ſo with ye L. Iohn Crumwell and other four knightes, without any other greate traine, taking the ſea, landed in France, where of ye K. hir brother ſhe was ioyfully receiued, and fi|nally, ſhee being the mediatrix, it was finally ac|corded,A peace and concorde a|greed vpon. that ye K. of England ſhuld giue to his el|deſt ſon ye Duchie of Aquitaine, and the Countie of Pontieu, & that ye Frẽch K. receyuing homage of him for the ſame, he ſhuld reſtore into his hands the ſayd Countie, and the lands in Guyenne, for the whiche they were at variance, and for thoſe countreys which had bin forrayed, and ſpoyled, the Earle of Aniou ſhoulde fully ſee him ſatiſfied, as right did require. Vpon all which couenauntes the French King wrote his letters patentes into Englande, and other letters alſo of ſafe conduite,An. reg. 19. as well for the ſonne, as for the Kyng hymſelfe, if it ſhoulde pleaſe hym to come ouer hymſelfe in perſon. Vpon whiche choiſe, greate deliberation was hadde, as well at Langdon, as at Douer, dy|uers thinkyng it beſt, that the Kyng ſhoulde goe ouer hymſelfe: but the Earle of Wincheſter and hys ſonne the Lord Chamberlayne, that neyther durſt goe ouer themſelues with the Kyng, nor abyde at home in his abſence, gaue contrary coũ|ſell, and at length, preuayled ſo, that it was ful|ly determined that the Kyngs eldeſt ſonne Ed|warde ſhoulde goe ouer, whiche turned to theyr deſtruction as it appeared afterward.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heerevpon, the Kyng made a charter of grant vnto his ſonne, of the Duchie of Guyenne, and Countie of Pontieu, to haue and hold to him and hys heires Kyngs of Englande, with condition, that if hee chaunced to depart this life whyleſt hys father lyued, thoſe landes ſhoulde returne vnto hys father agayne, ſo as the Frenche Kyng myghte not marrie the Kings ſonne at his plea|ſure, nor appoynte to him any gardians or go|uernoures.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys ordinance was made at Douer by the Kyngs Charter,The Prince of Wales is ſent into France. with conſente of the Prelates and other noble men of the Realme there preſent, the morrowe after the Natiuitie of our Lady, and on the Thurſdaye following, the Kinges ſonne tooke the Sea, and with hym Walter Byſhoppe of Exceſter and others in competent number, and aboute the feaſt of Saint Ma|thewe the Apoſtle, hee did homage to hys Vncle EEBO page image 876 the French King, at Bois de Vincennes, vnder cer|taine proteſtations made, as well on the one part as the other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A drye Som|mer.The ſommer this yeare prooued exceeding hote and drie, ſo that ſprings and riuers failed to yeeld their accuſtomed courſe of waters, by reaſon whereof,Cattel dyed. greate number of cattell and beaſtes, both wilde and tame dyed through lacke of conue|nient licor to aſwage theyr vehemente thirſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king ſen|deth for his wyfe and ſon to retourne home.In the beginning of the nexte ſpring. Kyng Edwarde ſente into Fraunce vnto his wife and ſonne, commaunding them, now that they hadde made an ende of their buſineſſe, to returne home with all conuenient ſpeede.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene receyuing the meſſage from hir huſband, whether it was ſo that ſhe was ſtaied by hir brother, vnto whome belike ſhee had complay|ned after what in anner ſhee was vſed at hir huſ|bandes handes, being had in no regard with him: or for that ſhe had no minde to returne home, by|cauſe ſhee was loth to ſee all things ordred out of frame by the counſell of the Spencers, whereof to heare ſhe was weery: or whether as the manner of women is, ſhee was long about to prepare hir ſelfe forwarde, ſhee ſlacked all the Sommer, and ſente letters euer to excuſe hir tarriance. But yet bycauſe ſhee woulde not runne in any ſuſpition with hir huſbande,The womans diſsimulation ſhee ſente dyuers of hir folkes before hir into Englande by ſoft iorneys.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Edwarde not alittle offended with king Charles, by whoſe meanes hee knewe that the woman thus lingered abroade, he procured Pope Iohn to write hys letters vnto the French king, admoniſhing him to ſende home his ſiſter, and hir ſonne vnto hir huſbande. But when this nothyng auayled,

A proclama|tion.


a proclamation was made in the mo|neth of December, this nineteenth yeare of thys Kyngs raigne, that if the Queene and hir ſonne entred not the lande by the octaues of the Epi|phany next enſuing in peaceable wiſe, they ſhould be taken for enimies to the Realme and Crowne of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Polidore.Heere authors varie, for ſome write, that vpon knowledged had of this proclamation, the Queene determined to returne into Englande forthwith, that ſhe myghte bee reconciled to hir huſbande a|gayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Other write, and that more truely, how ſhee being highly diſpleaſed, both with the Spencers, and the Kyng hir huſbande, that ſuffered himſelfe to be miſled by their counſels, did appoynt indeede to returne into Englande, not to be reconciled, but to ſtirre the people to ſome Rebellion, where|by ſhe might reuenge hir manifolde iniuries: whi|che as the proofe of the thing ſhewed, ſeemeth to bee moſt true, for ſhee being a wiſe woman, con|ſidering that ſith the Spencers had excluded, put out, and remoued all good men, from and beſide the Kyngs counſell, and placed in their roomthes ſuche of their clientes, ſeruauntes and friendes as pleaſed them, ſhee mighte well thinke, that there was ſmall hope to bee had in hir huſbande, who hearde no man but the ſayde Spencers, whyche ſhe knewe hated hir deadly. Wherevppon,1326 after that the tearme prefixed in the proclamation was expired, the King cauſed to bee ſeaſed into hys handes, all ſuche landes, as belonged eyther to his ſonne, or to his wife.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time,Sir Robert VValkfare. one Sir Robert Walke|fare Knight, a right hardy man of his handes, but craftie and ſubtill (who being taken in the warres whyche the Lords reyſed agaynſt the Kyng, had bin committed to priſon in the Caſtel of Corfe,) founde meanes nowe to kill the Conneſtable of that Caſtell moſt cruelly, and eſcaping away, gote ouer to the Queene into Fraunce, and ſo the number of them that ranne out of the Realm vn|to hir dayly encreaſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Sir Robert Walkfare was a great pro|curer of the diſcord betwixt ye King and ye Lords, and a chiefe leader, or rather ſeducer of that noble man Humfrey de Boun Earle of Hereford: and whileſt other gaue themſelues to ſeeke a reforma|tion in the decayed ſtate of the common wealthe, he ſet his minde vpon murders and robberies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Diuers other aboute the ſame time fledde out of the Realme vnto the Queene, and vnto hir ſonne the Earle of Cheſter.The bishop of E [...]ce [...] [...]+meth fr [...] the Queen. But in the meane tyme, Walter Stapleton Byſhoppe of Exceſter, whiche hitherto had remayned with the Queene in Fraunce, ſtale nowe from hir, and gote ouer into England, opening to the Kyng, all the coun|ſayle and whole mynde of the Queene: whyche thyng turned firſt of all vnto his owne deſtruction as ſhall after appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame time,Sir Oliuer [...] Ingham [...]+tenant of [...]+cong [...]. one Sir Oliuer de Ing|ham, a yong, luſty, and valiant Knighte, was by the Kinges ſonne the Duke of Aquitayne (not withoute his fathers conſente) eſtabliſhed Lorde Warden of the marches of Guyenne, the whiche ſir Oliuer gathering an army of hired Souldi|ers, Spanyardes, Aragonoys, and Gaſcoignes, inuaded the countrey of Agenoys (whyche the Frenche Kyng helde yet in his handes contrary to couenaunte) and recouering it from the Frẽch,Age [...] [...]+uered [...] of the French|mens [...] cleerely reduced it to the Engliſhe dominion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, Sir Iohn Oturum, Sir Nicho|las Kiriell, and ſir Iohn Felton, Admirals by the Kyngs appoyntmente, with the fleetes of the Eaſt, South, and Weſt partes,Ships of N [...]+mandy ta [...] went to the Sea to apprehende ſuche Frenchmenne as they might meete with. They according to their commiſſi|on beſtirred themſelues ſo, that within few dayes they tooke ſixe ſcore ſaile of Normans, and broughte them into Englande, wherevppon, the diſpleaſure ſore encreſed betwixt ye two Realmes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 877The King of Englande ſtoode not onely in doubt of the Frenchmen, but more of his [...]ne people that remayned in Fraunce, leaſt they tho|rough help of the French ſhould inuade the lande, and therefore hee commaunded the hauens and portes to be ſurely watched, leaſt ſome ſuddayne inuaſion might happely be, attempted, for it was will vnderſtoode, that the Queene meant not to [...]turne, till ſhee mighte bring with hir the Lorde Mortimer, and the other baniſhed men, who in no wiſe could obteyne any fauour at the Kynges handes, ſo long as the Spencers [...]ore rule.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Pope lamenting this matter, ſente two Byſhoppes into England, to reconcile the Kyng and Queene, and alſo to agree the two Kynges, Theſe Byſhoppes were reuerently receyued, but more than reuerence here they obteyned not, and ſo departed as they came.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 An. reg 20. King Edward vnderſtanding all the Quenes drift, at length ſought the French Kings fauour, and did ſo much by letters and promiſe of bribes with him and his counſaile, that Queene Iſabell was deſtitute in manner of all helpe there, ſo that ſhe was glad to withdraw into Haynault, by the comfort of Iohn the Lord Beaumont, the Earle of Heynault his brother,The Lorde [...]mont [...] Hennault. who beeing then in the Court of Fraunce, and lamenting Queene Iſa|bels caſe, imagined with himſelfe of ſome marri|age that mighte be had betwixt the yong Prince of Wales, and ſome of the daughters of his bro|ther the Earle of Heynault, and therevpon requi|red hir to goe into Heynault, and hee would bee glad to attende hir.

The Queene [...] Englande [...] hir ſonne [...]th into [...] [...]te.


She gladly conſenting here|to wẽt thither with him, wher ſhe was moſt ioy|fully receyued wt hir ſon, & all other of hir trayne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Spencer (ſome write) procured hir ba|niſhment out of Fraunce, and that ſhee was ad|uiſed by the Earle of Arthoys, chiefly to repaire into Heynault.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]axt [...].Alſo I finde, that the Spencers deliuered f [...] barrels of ſiluer, the ſumme amounting vnto fiue thouſande markes, vnto one Arnold of Spaine a broker, appoynting him to conuey it ouer into Fraunce, to beſtowe it vpon ſuch friendes as they had there of the French Kings counſaile, by whoſe meanes, the King of Fraunce did baniſhe his ſi|ſter out of his Realme. But this money was met with vpon the Sea by certaine Zelanders, and taken, togither with the ſayd Arnold, and preſen|ted to the Earle of Heynaulte vnder whoſe do|minion, the Zelanders in thoſe dayes remayned, of which good happe, the Earle and Queene Iſa|bell greatly reioyced.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2


[...]rriage [...]cluded.

In the time that the Queene and hir ſonne laye in the Courte of the Earle of Heynaulte, a marriage was concluded betwixte the Prince of Wales, and the Lady Philippe, daughter to the ſaid Earle, vppon certayne conditions, whereof one was, that the ſaid Earle, ſhould at his proper coſtes ſet ouer into England the ſaide Prince of Wales, with a [...]e of four C. men of armed, but whether there was any ſuch marriage as thẽ con|cluded, and that in conſideratiõ therof, the Earle of Heynaulte aided Quene Iſabel and hir ſonne, it may be doubted, bycauſe other writers make no ſuch report. Neuertheleſſe, certayne it is, that the Earles brother, ſir Iohn de Heynault L. Beau|mond, was appointed with certain hands of men of armes to the numbers of four C. or fiue hũdred, to paſſe ouer with the ſaid Queene and hir ſonne into Englande, and ſo therevpon began to make his purueyance for ye iourney, which thing whẽ it came to the knowledge of king Edward and the Spẽcers,


Prouiſion made in Eng|land to reſiſ [...] the Queene.

they cauſed muſters to be taken through the Realme, and ordeyned beacons to be ſet vp, kept and watched, as wel in the valleys by the ſea ſide, as within the countreys vpõ hilles and hygh groundes, yt the ſame vpon occaſiõ of the enimies arriuall, mighte be ſet on [...], to warne the coun|treis adioyuing to aſſemble to reſiſt them. But O. Iſabell and hir ſon, with ſuch others as were with hir in Heynault, ſtayed not their iourney for doubt of all their aduerſaries prouiſiõ, but im|mediately after yt they had once made their pur|ueyances, & wer ready to depart, they tooke the ſea, as ye foreſaid O. hir ſon, Edmond of Wodſtocke Erle of Kent, ſir Iohn de Heynault aforeſaid, & the L. Roger Mortimer of Wigmore, a man of good experiẽce in ye warres, and diuers other, ha|uing with thẽ a ſmall cõpany of Engliſhmẽ, with a crue of Heynewyers & Almains,

Tho. VValſ.

The Quene with hir ſonne land in Suf|folke.

to ye number of 2757. armed mẽ, the which ſailing forth towards England, lãded at lẽgth in Suffolk, at an Hauen called Orwell beſides Harwiche, the .15. daye of September.

[figure appears here on page 877]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Immediately after that the O. and hir [...]e wer come to land, it was wonder to [...] faſt ye people reſorted vnto thẽ,Tho. VValſ. and firſt of al [...] [...]he Erle Marſhall, in whoſe lands ſhe firſt came on ſhore, repared to hir, ſo did the Erle of Leiceſter, & d [...]lers EEBO page image 878 Barons and Knightes of thoſe parties,

The Earles Marſhall and of Leyceſter with others come to the Queene.

The redineſſe of the Prelates to aſſiſt the Queene.

with all the Prelates in manner of the lande, as the By|ſhops of Lincolne, Hereforde, Dublin, and Elie, the which being ioyned with the Queene, made a great army. The Archbyſhop of Caunterburie and other, ayded hir with money.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that ſhe had refreſhed hir people a little ſpace at Sainte Edmondes bury, ſhe marched forthe to ſecke the aduerſaries of hir and of the Realme as ſhe bruted it, but they ſtill keepyng themſelues neere to the Kings perſon, that vnder the ſhadowe of the wings of his protection, they might remayne in more ſafegarde, durſt not de|part from his preſence. At the time of ye Queenes landing he was at London, and being [...]ore ama|ſed with the newes he required ayde of the Lon|doners.The aunſwere of the Londo|ners to the Kyng. They aunſwered, that they would do all the honor they might vnto the Kyng, ye Queene, and to their ſonne the lawfull heire of the lande: but as for Straungers and traitors to ye Realm, they woulde keepe them out of their gates, and reſiſt them with all their forces but to got foorthe of the Citie further than that they myghte re|turne before Sunne ſetting, they refuſed preten|ding certayne liberties in that behalfe to them graunted in times paſt as they alledged.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king for|ſaketh Lon|don, and goeth towardes the marches of Wales.The King not greatly liking of this aun|ſwere, fortified the Tower, and leauing within it his yonger ſonne Iohn of Eltham, and the wife of the Lorde Chamberlayne Hugh Spencer the yonger that was his neece, he departed towardes the marches of Wales, there to reyſe an army a|gainſt the Queene. Before his departure from London,A proclamati|on ſette forth by the Kyng. he ſet forth a Proclamation, that euery man vnder payne of forfeyting life and goodes, ſhould reſiſt them that were thus landed, aſſayle, and kill them, the Queene, his ſonne Edwarde, and his brother the Earle of Kent only excepted, and whoſoeuer could bring ye head or dead corps of the Lord Mortimer of Wigmore, ſhuld haue for his labor a thouſand markes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queenes proclamation.The Queenes proclamations on the other part, willed all men to hope for peace, the Spen|cers publike enimies of the Realme, and ye Lorde Chancellour Roberte Baldocke, with their aſſi|ſters onely excepted, through whoſe meanes, the preſent trouble was happened to the Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And it was forbidden, that no man ſhoulde take ought frõ any perſon, and who ſoeuer coulde bring to the Queene the head of Hugh Spencer the yonger, ſhould haue two thouſand pounds of the Queenes gift.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Byſhop of Exeter left in charge with the Citie of London.The K. at his departure from London, lefte maſter Walter Stapleton the B. of Greter be|hinde him to haue the rule of the Citie of Londõ. Then ſhortly after, the Q. with hir ſon, making towardes London, wrote a letter to the Maior, & to the Citizens, requiring to haue aſſiſtance for the putting downe of the Spencers, [...] knowen enimies of theirs, but alſo [...] to all the Realme of England.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To this letter, Caxton. no aunswere at the firste was made, wherfore an other was sent, dated at Baldocke the sixth day of October, vnder the names of Isabell by the grace of God Queene of England, Lady of Ireland, and Countesse of Pontiew and of Muttrell. This letter beeyng directed to the Mayor and communalitie of Lo(n)don, conteyning in effect, that the cause of theyr landing and entring into the Realme at that time, was onely for the honor of the Kyng and wealth of the Realme, meaning hurt to no manner of person, but to the Spencers, was fastned vpon the Crosse in Cheape, then called the newe Crosse in Cheape, on the nighte before the ninth day of October. Dyuers copies of the same letter were set vppe, and fastned vppon windowes and dores in other places of the Citie, and one of the same copies was tacked vpon the Lord Mayors gates.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After which letter thus published in the Citie, a greate number of artificers, and other that loued not to sit in rest vppon suche occasion of discord offered, nowe that things were in broyle in other partes of the Realme, assembled togyther in greate numbers, and with weapon in hande, came to the Lorde Maior of the Citie, whome they knew to fauour the Kinges parte, and therefore they forced him through feare of some iniurious violence, The [...] to take [...] to receyue an oth to stand to their ordinance, which was to put to deathe all those that were aduersaries to the Queene, or had by any meanes procured the hinderance of the Cities liberties, vnder pretext of whiche othe, Iohn Ma [...] taken a [...] healed. they ranne, and tooke one of the Citizens, called Iohn Marshall, & bycause hee was very familiar with the Earle of Gloucester, and therefore suspected to have accused the Citizens, they stroke off hys head, and spoyled all his goodes. The same daye, being the fourtenth of October, continuing their rage, they ranne to the house of the Byshoppe of Exeter, Walter de Stapleton, and setting fire on the gates, they entred and spoyled him of all hys plate, iewels, money and goodes. And as it chanced in an infortunate houre for him, the Bishoppe beeing the same time returning from the fieldes, woulde not seeme to shrinke, although hee was admonished of these outrageous attempts of the people, but sitting on horsebacke, came to the North dore of Saint Paule, where forthwith the furious people layde violente handes on him, threw him downe, and drew him most outrageously into Cheeape side, where they proclaymed him an open traytor, a seducer of the Kyng and EEBO page image 879 and a destroyer of their liberties. The Byshoppe had vpon him a certayne coate of defence, whiche was called an Aketon, the same therefore beeing plucked beside his backe as all other his garments, The Byſhopp: [...] Exeter be| [...]aded. they shore his head from his shoulders, and to the lyke deathe they put two of his seruauntes, the one an Esquire and the other a yeoman.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Byſhoppes head was ſet on a pole for a ſpectacle, that the remembraunce of his deathe, and the cauſe thereof might continue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His body was buryed in an old Churchyarde of the pied Friers, withoute any manner of exe|quies or funerall ſeruice done for him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The chiefeſt cauſe of the enimitie whiche the Londoners bare toward this Biſhop, roſe hereof. He being Lord Treaſorer, procured that the Iu|ſtices itenerante, did ſit in the Citie of London, and where many of the Citizens were found [...]|fendors, and iuſtly puniſhed, as well, by loſing their freedomes, as paying their fines, and ſuffe|ring corporall puniſhmentes, they conceyued a great diſpleaſure towardes him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer it was ſayde, that hee had rayſed a greate multitude of armed menne againſte the Queene, and hir ſonne the Duke of Aquitayne, and therefore did the Londoners as they a [...]| [...]ed, ſeeke to preuent his proceedings.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The morowe after that they had thus beheaded the Bishop of Exeter, they tooke vp by chaunce Sir John Weston, Connestable of the Tower, and from him they tooke the keyes of the same Tower, and so entring the Tower, they set all the prisoners at libertie, and in like case, all those that were imprisoned in manner through ye land, were permitted to goe at large, and all the banished men and outlawes were likewise restored home.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Londoners hauing the Tower thus at [...]here commaundemente, remoued all the officers herein placed by the King, and put other in their [...]thes, in the name of the Lorde Iohn de El|tham the Kings ſonne, whom they named war|den of ye Citie and land. And yet they [...]eaſſed not to committe many robberies, and other outragi|ous and moſt inſolent partes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time, the King being come [...] Briſtow, left that Citie in the keeping of ye Erle of Wincheſter. And with the Earles of Glouce|ſter and Arundell, and the Lord Chancellor, Sir Roberte Baldocke, [...]e king [...]i| [...] into [...]ales. hee ſailed ouer into Wales there to rayſe a power of Welchmen in defence of himſelfe againſt the Queene and hir adherẽts, whiche hee had good hope to finde amongeſt the Welchmen, [...]lidor. [...] fauour [...]wardes the Welchmen. bycauſe he had euer vſed them gent|ly, and ſhewed no rigor towards them for their riottous miſgouernance.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Againe, he drew the rather into that part, that if there were no remedie, hee mighte eaſily eſcape ouer into Ireland, and get into ſome mountaine countrey, mariſhe ground, or other ſtreit, where his enimies ſhould not come at him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to ſpeake of the Queene, yet muſt vnderſtand, that after ſhee hadde receyued know|ledge from the Londoners, that they were whol|lye at hir deuotion, ſhee beeing glad thereof,The Queene following the King cõmeth to Oxforde. Tho. de la More. tur|ned hir iorney towarde Wales to followe the Kyng, and comming to Oxforde, ſtayed there a whyle, and ſtill came people to hir from all ſides.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Heare Adam de Torſeton the Byſhoppe of Hereforde whych lately before had bin ſore fined by the King, [...] that he was accuſed to ſtirre the people to Rebellion,The Byſhoppe of Hereforde maketh an Oration to the Queenes army. and to ayde the Barons (as yee haue hearde,) made a pithie Oration to the army, declaring that the Queene and hir ſonne were returned only into England, to the intente to perſecute the Spencers, to reforme the ſtate of the Realme: and ſith then that they nowe were come in dinner to an ende of the titannie of moſt naughty men, and of the daunger that myghte growe dayly thereof, hee exhorted them with pa|t [...]ent mindes to beare the ſmall trauaile that re|mained in purfuſe of the enimies, and as for re|ward, they might looke for all things by the vic|tory, and the Queenes liberalitie, whoſe loue was ſuch towardes the common wealth, as ſhee onely applyed all hir endeuoures and doyngs to the aduauncement thereof.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe wordes ſpoken,The Queene goeth to Glouceſter. the Queene accompa|nyed with a greate power, departed from Ox|forde, and wente ſtraight vnto Glouceſter, and ſent before hir vnto Briſtow the Erle of Kent, the Kings brother, ſir Iohn of Hennegew, with other, to take the Earle of Wincheſter. They did theyr endeuour with ſuche diligence, that the Towneſmen compoundyng to be ſaued harme|leſſe in body and goodes, deliuered, the Towne and Caſtell vnto the Queene, and to hir ſonne the Prince.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In [...] tyme, there came to the Quene and [...] [...]eſter, the Lorde Perey, the Lorde [...]ke, and dyuers other, as well from the North [...] forth of the marches of Wales, [...] his army hug [...]y encreaſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From Glouceſter ſhee paſſed by Berkley, and reſtores the Caſtell of Berkeley (whyche the Earle of Glouceſter,The Lorde Berkeley. Hugh Spencer the yonger hadde helde) vnto the Lorde Thomas Berkeley, heyre to the Lorde Maurice Berke|ley lately before deceaſſed in priſon, within the Caſtell of Walingforde, togither with all the appertenances to the honor of Berkeley be|longing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 880 The Queene commeth to Briſtow.From thence ſhe wente to Briſtowe, and the morrowe after hir thither comming, beeing the euen of the Apoſtles Simon and Iude, through the inſtant calling vppon of the people, the Earle of Wincheſter was drawen foorthe in his coate armoure vnto the common gallowes,The Earle of Wincheſter executed. and there hanged. His head was after cutte off, and ſent to Wincheſter, whereof he was Earle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King in this meane time kept not in one place, but ſhifting hither and thither, remay|ned in great care.Sir Thomas Blunt, Lorde Steward to the Kyng, [...]u [...]t [...]th to the Queen. Wherevppon, Sir Thomas Blunt an auntient Knight, and Lord Steward of the Kinges houſe, tooke his ſeruauntes, with victuals, horſes, and armoure in greate plentie, and came to the Queene, of whome, and lyke|wiſe of hir ſonne hee was ioyfully receyued, and diuers of them which hee brought with him were reteyned, and the other had letters of protection, and were ſent away in louing manner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King with the Earle of Glouceſter, and the Lord Chauncellor, taking the Sea, meante to haue gone eyther into the Ile of Lunday, or elſe into Irelande, but beyng toſſed with contra|ry windes for the ſpace of a weeks togither, [...] length, he landed in Glamorgan ſhire, and g [...]e him to the Abbey and Caſtell of N [...]th, there ſe|cretely remaining vppon truſt of the Welch [...] promiſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hugoline Spencer the ſonne of the Earle of Glouceſter, defended the Caſtell of K [...]ly a|gaynſt the power of the Queene and of hir ſonne till Eaſter following, and then compoundyng for the ſafetie of hys owne lyfe, and all they [...] within that Caſtell, and lykewiſe for the enioy|ing of their goodes, hee yeelded it to the handes of the menne of warre that helde ſiege aforeſt, in the Queenes name, and of hir ſonne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe touching the Kyng, whyleſt hee was thus abroade, and no manne wife where hee was become, proclamations were made in the Queenes army dayly, in the why|che, he was ſummoned to returne, and to take the rule of the Realme into his handes, if hee woulde bee conformable to the myndes of hys tene liege men, but when hee appeared not,A [...] H [...] the Lordes of the lande aſſembled in counſell at He|reforde, [figure appears here on page 880] whether the Queene was come from Briſtowe,The Prince [...] Wa [...] [...]e Lorde [...]n of the Realme. and there was the Lorde Edwarde Prince of Wales and Duke of Aquitaine, made warden of Englande, by common [...], vnto whome, all men, as to the Lorde warden of the Realme, made fealtie, in receyuing an othe of allegiance, to bee faithfull and loyall to him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A newe chan|cellor and Treaſorer.After this, they made the Byſhoppe of Nor|wiche Lorde Chancellor, and the Biſhoppe of Wincheſter Lord Treaſorer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene remayned aboute a monethes ſpace at Hereforde, and in the meane while, ſente the Lorde Henry Earle of Leyceſter, and the Lorde William la Zouche, and one Rice ap Howell, that was lately deliuered out of the Tower where hee was priſoner, into W [...] to ſee if they myghte finde meanes to apprehende the Kyng by helpe of their acquaintance in thoſe parties, all three of them hauing landes t [...] boutes where it was knowen the Kyng for the more parte kepte. They vſed ſuche diligence it that charge, that finally with large giftes beſto|wed on the Welchmenne, they came to vnder|ſtande where the King was, and ſo on the daye of Saint Edmonde the Archbyſhoppe, beeyng the ſixteenth of Nouember, they tooke hym in the Monaſterie of Neith, neere to the Caſtell of Laturſſan, togyther with Hugh Spencer the ſonne called Earle of Glouce|ſter, the Lorde Chauncellour Robert de Bal|docke, EEBO page image 881 and Simon de Reding the kings Mar|ſhall, not caring for other of the kings ſeruants, whom they ſuffred to eſcape.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king was deliuered to the Earle of Ley|ceſter, who conueyed him by Monmouth and Ledeburie,The king is brought to Kentworth. vnto Kentworth caſtell, where he re|mayned the whole winter. The Earle of Glou|ceſter, the Lorde Chauncellour, and Simon de Reding, were brought to Hereforde, and there preſented to the Queene, where on the .xxiiij. of Nouember, the ſayde Earle was drawne and hanged on a payre of Gallowes of fiftie foote in heigth.Hugh Spencer the yonger executed. Then was his heade ſtriken off, his bo|wels taken out of his bodie and burnt, and hys bodie deuided in quarters. His head was ſent to London, and ſet vpon the bridge with other, and his quarters were ſent to foure ſeuerall partes of the Realme. and there pight vpon polles, to bee ſeene of the people. He was drawne in his owne coate armour, about the which there were letters embrodered plaine to bee read, conteyning a par|cell of the Pſalme, Pſal. 52. Quid gloriaris in ma [...], vnto the verſe, [...]go autem vt [...]liua. &c.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Simon de Re|ding executed.The ſame day was Simõ de Reding drawne and hanged on the ſame Gallowes, but ten foote lower them the other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Reding being Marſhall of the kings houſe, had vſed the Queene verie vncurteouſly, giuing hir many reprothfull wordes, which now were remembred, and therefore may ſerue for an example, how daungerous a thing it is to ſpeake euill of the higher powers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Caxton.The cõmon fame went that after this Hugh Spencer the ſonne was taken, he woulde receyue no ſ [...]ſnance, wherefore he was the ſente put to death, or elſe had he beene conueyed to London, there to haue ſuffred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Armdell takẽIohn Earle of Armdell was taken on Saint Hughes day, in the parties about S [...]reweſ [...]e, and the ſame day ſ [...]oun [...]ght before the execution of the Earle of Glouceſter Hugh Spencer the yonger, as well the ſayde Earle, who had beene euer a great friend to both the Spencers;

Tho. VValſ.


as alſo Iohn Daniell, and Thomas de Micheldeure, were put to death at Hereforde, by procurement of the Lorde Mortimer of Wigmore, that ha [...]ed them extremely, [...]ofiuour in which the lord Mortimer was [...]ith the Queene. by reaſon whereof they were not like to ſpeede much better, for what he willed the ſame was done, and without him the Queene in all theſe matters did nothing.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Chancellor Robert de Baldocke being committed to the cuſtodie of Adam de Torleton Biſhop of Hereforde, remayned at Hereforde in ſafe keeping till Candlemaſſe next, and then the Biſhop being at London, appoynted him to bee brought vp, where not without the Biſhops con|ſent (as was thought) he was taken out of hys houſe by violence, and layde in Newgate, where ſhortly after through inward ſorow and extreme griefe of minde he ended his life.Robert Baldoe ended his life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus the Queene and hir companie hauing compaſſed their buſineſſe, in to happie maner as they could wiſh, ſhe with hir ſonne and a greate companie of Lordes and Gentlemen, repayred to Wallingford, where they kept Chriſtmaſſe togi|ther with great ioy and triumph, the king in the meane while remayning (as ye haue hearde) at Kenilwoorth, in a kinde of honourable eſtate, al|though he was priſoner.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After Chriſtmaſſe,1327 the Queene with hir ſonne and ſuch Lordes as were then with them, remo|ued to London, where at their comming thither, which was before the feaſt of the Epiphanie, they were receyued with great ioy, triumph, and large giftes, and ſo brought to Weſtminſter, where the morrow after the ſame feaſt, the Parliament which before hand had bene ſumm [...]ned began, in which it was concluded and fully agreed by at the eſtates (for none durſt ſpeake to the contrarie) that for diuerſe artreſes which were put vp agaynſt the king, he was not worthie longer to raigne,A Parliament. and therefore ſhould be depoſed, and withall they wil|led to haue his ſonne Edwarde duke of Aquitan to raigne in his place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This ordinance was openly pronounces in the great hall at Weſtminſter by one of the lords,The king is depoſed by act of Parliament. on the feaſt day of S. Hillarie being Tueſday, to the which all the people conſented.The Archbi|ſhop of Can|terburie prea|cheth. The Archbi|ſhop of Canterburie taking his theme, Vox po|puli, vti [...]tes; made a Sermon, exhorting the peo|ple to pray to God to beſtow of his grace vppon the new king.

[figure appears here on page 881]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And ſo when the Sermon was ended euery man departed to his lodging. But the Duke of Aquitaine when hee perceyued that his mother tooke the matter heauily in appearance, for that hir huſband ſhould be thus depriued of the crown, he proteſted that he would neuer take it vpõ him, EEBO page image 882 without his fathers conſent, and ſo therevpon it was concluded, that certaine ſolemne Meſſen|gers ſhould goe to Kenilworth to moue the king to make reſignation of his Crowne and tytle to the kingdome vnto his ſonne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thom. de la More. Tho. VValſ.There were ſent on this meſſage (as ſome write) three, (or as other haue) but two Biſhops, two Erles, two Abbots, two (or as de la More, & Walſingham haue) four Barons, and for euerie Countie, Citie, & Burrough, and likewiſe for the cinque portes, certain knights and burgeſſes. The Biſhops that were ſent were theſe, as de la More noteth, Iohn de Stratford Biſhop of Winche|ſter, Adam de Torleton Biſhop of Hereford, and Henrie Biſhop of Lyncolne. The two Earles (as Southwell hath) were Lancaſter and War|wike: the two Barons, Roſe and Courtney: be|ſide theſe as he ſayth there were two Abbots, two Priors, two Iuſtices, two Friers of the order of Preachers, two of the Carmelites, two knights, for the Commons on the North ſyde of Trent, and two for the other on the South ſyde of the ſame Ryuer: two Citizens for London, two Burgeſſes for the cinque Portes, ſo as in all there were that went of this meſſage (as South|well hath) xxiij. or rather .xxiiij. perſones of one degree and other. None of the Frier Minors went, bycauſe they woulde not, bee the bringers of ſo heauie tydings, ſithe he had euer borne them great good will.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhoppes Wincheſter, and Lyncolne, went before, and comming to Kenilworth, aſſo|ciated with them the Earle of Leyceſter, of ſome called the Earle of Lancaſter, that had the King in keeping. And hauing ſecrete conference with the king, they ſought to frame his minde, ſo as be might be contented to reſigne the crowne to his ſonne, bearing hym in hande, that if he refuſed ſo to doe, the people in reſpect of the euil will whiche they had conceyued agaynſte hym, woulde not fayle but proceede to the election of ſome other that ſhoulde happely not touche hym in lynage. And ſithe this was the onely meane to bring the lande in quiet, they wylled hym to conſider how muche he was bounde in conſcience to take that way, that ſhoulde bee ſo beneficiall to the whole Realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The King being ſore troubled to heare ſuche diſpleaſant newes, was brought into a maruey|lous agonie: but in the ende, for the quyet of the Realme and doubt of further daunger to hym|ſelfe, he determyned to follow theyr aduice, and ſo when the other Commiſſioners were come, and that the Biſhop of Hereford had declared the cauſe wherefore they were ſent, the King in pre|ſence of them all, (notwithſtanding his outward countenaunce diſcouered howe muche it inward|ly grieued him) yet after he was come to himſelf, he anſwered that he knew that he was [...] to this miſerie through hys owne offences,R. S [...] [...] therefore he was contented paciently to [...], but yet it coulde not (hee ſayde) but gri [...] hym, that he had in ſuch wife [...]ne into the hatred of all his people: notwithſtanding he gaue the [...]|moſte heartie thankes, that they had ſo [...]|ten theyr receyued iniuryes,The king anſwere. and ceaſſed [...] beare ſo muche good wyll towardes hys ſo [...] Edwarde, as to wiſhe that hee myght [...] ouer them. Therefore to ſatiſfie them, ſithe other|wiſe it might not be, hee vtterly renounced hys right to the Kingdome, and to the whole admi|niſtration thereof. And laſtlye beſought [...] Lordes nowe in his miſerie to forgiue [...] offences as he had committed agaynſt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Ambaſſadours wyth this anſwere re|turning to London,Polidor. declared the ſame vnto all the eſtates, in order as they had receyued [...] vpon great ioy was made of all men, to [...] that they myght nowe by courſe of lawe proce [...] to the chooſing of a newe King. And ſo therevp|pon the .xxix. day of Ianuarie in Seſſion of Par|liament then at Weſtminſter aſſembled, was the thirde king Edward, ſonne to king Ed [...] the ſeconde choſen and elected king of Eng [...], by the authoritie of the ſame Parliament [...] as before is ſayde, confyrmed by hys fathers, [...] nation: and the firſt day of his raigne they [...] to be the .xxv. of Ianuarie, in the yeare .1 [...]. [...] the account of the Church of Englande, [...]|ning the yeare the .xxv. day of Marche, but [...] the common account of wryters,M [...] it was in the yeare, 13 [...]7.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame day Sir William Tru [...] Pro|curator for the whole Parliament did tru [...] the old king in name of the whole Parlia [...], [...] all homages and fealties due to him, ſo that the ſame .xxv. daye of Ianuarie hath beene [...] and taken for the fyrſt daye of the begyning of King Edwarde the thirde hys raigne, ſo [...] whatſoeuer chaunced before that daye to the crybed to bee done duryng the raygne of hys father.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 But now to make an ende of the life, aswel as of the raigne of K. Edward the seco(n)d. I find that after he was deposed of his kingly honour and title, hee remayned for a tyme at Kenilworth, [...] M [...] in custodye of the Earle of Leycester. But within a while the Queene was informed by the bishop of Hereforde, (whose hatred towardes hym had no ende) that the Earle of Leycester fauoured hir husband too much, and more than stood with the suretie of hir sonnes estate, whervpon he was appointed to the keping of two other lords, Tho. Berkeley, and Iohn Matreuers, who receyuing his of the Earle of Leycester the third of Aprill conueyed him from Kenilworth vnt the castell of EEBO page image 883 of Berkley, situate not farre from the Seuerne, almost in the mid way betwixt Gloucester and Bristow. But forsomuch as the Lord Berkeley vsed him more curteouslye than his aduersaries wished him to doe, see was discharged of that office, and sir Thomas Gourney appoynted in his stead, Thomas [...]ey. who togither with the Lorde Matreuers conueyed him secretly (for feare least he should be taken fro(m) them by force,) from one strong place to another, as to the castell of Corfe, and such like, still remouing with him in the night season, till at length they thought it should not be known wither they had co(n)ueyed him. And so at length they brought him backe againe in secrete maner vnto the Castell of Berkley, where whilest he remayned (as some write) the Queene would send vnto him courteous and louing letters with apparell and other such things, but she would not once come near to visite him, bearing him in hande that shee durst not, for feare of the peoples displeasure, who hated him so extremely. But as he this co(n)tinued in prison, closely kept, so that none of hys friends might haue accesse vnto him, as in such cases it often happeneth, when men be in miserie, some will euer pitie their state, [...] Earle of [...] conſpi| [...] to deliuer [...]to her. there were diuerse of the nobilitie (of whom the Earle of Kent was chiefe) began to deuise meanes by some secrete conference to had togithers, how they might restore hym to libertie, discommending greatly both Queene Isabell, and such other as were appointed gouernours to the yong king, for his fathers strayte imprisonment. The Queene & other the gouernours vnderstandi(n)g this co(n)spiracie of the erle of Kent, & of his brother, durst not yet in that new & greene world go about to punishe it, but rather thought good to take away fro(m) the(m) the occasion of accomplishing their purpose. And here vpon the Queene and the Biſhop of Hereforde, wrote ſharpe let|ters vnto his keepers, blaming [...]hem greatly, for that they bealt ſo gently with him, and kept him no ſtrayther, but ſuffred [...] haue ſuch libertie, that he aduertiſed ſome of his friends abrode how and in what maner he was vſed, and withall the Biſhop of Hereforde vnder a ſophiſticall forme of wordes ſignified to them by his letters, that they ſhoulde diſpatch him out of the way, as thus: Ed|wardum occidere nolite cimere bonum eſt: To kill Edwarde will not to feare it is good. Whiche riddle or doubtfull kinde of ſpeech, as it might bee taken in two contrarie ſenſes, onely by placing the poynt in Ortographie called comma, they in|terpreted it in ye worſe ſenſe, putting ye cõma after [...]mere, and ſo preſuming of this cõmaundement as they tooke it, frõ the B. they lodge the miſerable priſoner in a chãber ouer a foule filthie dũgeon, ful of deade carion, truſting ſo to make an ende of him, wyth the abhominable ſtinche thereof: but he bearing it out ſtrongly, as a man of a tough nature, cõtinued ſtill in life, ſo as it ſeemed he was verie like to ſcape that daunger, as he had by pur|ging eyther vp or downe, auoyded the force of ſuch poyſon as had beene miniſtred to him ſun|drie tymes before, of purpoſe ſo to ridde him. Wherevpon when they ſawe that ſilth practiſes woulde not ſerue their turne, they came ſodenly one night into the chamber where hee lay in bed faſt aſleepe, and with heauie feather beddes, (or a table as ſome write) being caſt vpon him, they kept him downe,Tho. VValſ. and withall put into his funda|ment an horne, and through the ſame they thruſt vp into his bodie a [...]te ſpirit, (or as other haue through the pype of a Trumpet,Tho. de la More. a Plumbers in|ſtrument of yron made bene [...]ote) the which paſ|ſing vp into his intrayles,King Edwarde the ſeconde murthered. and being rolled to and f [...]o, [...] the ſaint, but ſo as [...] appearãce of any wounde or hurt outwardly might bee once per|ceyued. His [...]e did moue many within the ca|ſtell and towne of Berkley to compaſſion, plainly hearing him vtter a whilefull noyſe, as the tor|mentors were about to murther him, ſo that dy|uerſe being awakened therwith (as they themſel|ues confiſted) prayed heartily to God to receyue his ſoule, when they vnderſtoode by his er [...]e what the matter ment.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Queene, the Biſhop, and other, that then tyrannie might be hid, outlawed and bani|ſhed the Lorde Matreners, and Thomas Gour|ney, who [...]ing [...] Marcels, three yeares after [...]g known, [...] and brought toward Eng|lande, was deheaded on the ſea, leaſt hee ſhoulde [...]ſe the [...], as the Biſhop and other. Iohn Muttinees, repenting himſelfe, lay long hidden [...] manie, and in the ende died peni|tently.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus was king Edwarde [...]thered, in the yeare 13 [...]7. on the .xxij. of September.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 The [...]e [...] that by this Edwarde the ſeconde,The fond opi|nion of the ignorãt people after his death manye my [...]ſes were wrought. So that the like opinion of him was [...]ery [...]s as before had beene of Earle Thomas of Lancaſter namely amongſt the common peo|ple. He was knowne to bee of a good and [...]te|ons nature, though not of moſte pregnant [...].The nature & diſpoſition of king Edwarde the ſeconde. And al [...]e [...] [...] youth [...] into certaine light [...]rymes [...] by the companie and counſa [...]e of euill [...]on, was [...]nd [...]ed vnto more hey [...] [...] thought that he purged the [...] by repentance, and paciently ſuffered many re|pro [...]s, and finally death it ſelfe (as before yee haue hearde) after a moſt cruell maner. Hee had ſurely good cauſe to repent his former trade of ſy|uing, for by his indiſcreete and wanton [...]|uernance, there were headed and put to death du|ring his raigne (by iudgement of law) to the nũ|ber of .xxviij. barons and knights, ouer and beſide ſuch as were ſlaine in Scotlande by hys infor|tunate EEBO page image 884 conduct. And all theſe miſchiefes and ma|ny mor happened not only to him, but alſo to the whole ſtate of the realm, in that he wanted iudge|ment and prudent diſcretion to make choyſe of ſage and diſcrete counſaylers, receyuing thoſe in|to his fauour, that abuſed the ſame to their pry|uate gaine and aduantage, not reſpecting the ad|uancement of the common wealth ſo they them|ſelues might attaine to riches and honour, for which they onely ſought, inſomuch that by theyr couetous rapine, ſpoyle and immoderate ambiti|on, the heartes of the common people and nobili|tie were quite eſtraunged from the dutifull loue and obedience which they ought to haue ſhewed to their ſoueraigne going about by force to wraſ [...] him to follow theyr willes, and to ſeeke the de|ſtruction of them whom he commonly fauoured, wherein ſurely they were worthie of blame, and to taſte (as manye of them did) the deſerued pu|niſhment for theyr diſobedient and diſloyall de|meanors. For it was not the way whiche they tooke to helpe the diſfigured ſtate of the common wealth, but rather the readie meane to ouerthrow all, as if Gods goodneſſe had not beene the greater it muſt needs haue come to paſſe, as to thoſe that ſhall well conſider the pitifull tragedie, of this kings tyme it may well appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to proceed with that which remai|neth touching this infortunate Prince Hee had iſſue by his wife Queene Iſabell,His iſſue. two ſonnes, Edward which was made king whileſt he was yet aliue, and Iohn whiche dyed yong alſo two daughters, Eleanore, which died before ſhe came to yeares able for mariage, and Ioan which was after giuẽ in mariage vnto Dauid king of Scot|lande. He was indifferently tall of ſtature, ſtrong of bodie, and healthfull, neither wanted there in him ſtoutneſſe of ſtomake, if his euill counſaylers had bene remoued, that he might haue ſhewed it in honourable exploytes, which being kept backe by them he coulde not doe: ſo that thereby it ap|peareth of what importance it is to be trayned vp in youth with good and honeſt companie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It is ſayd that he was learned, inſomuch that there remaine verſes, which (as ſome haue writ|ten) he made whileſt he was in priſon. Certaine it is he fauoured learning, as by the erection of O|riall Colledge in Oxford,Oryall and S. Marie hall in Oxford. and S. Maries Hall, which were of his foundation, it may well bee gathered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ex centuria 4. Bale. Learned men we finde recorded by Bale, to liue in this kings time these as follow. Iohn Duns, that subtill Logitian, borne (as Lelande hath gathered) in a village in Northumberlande called Emyldun, three myles distant from Alnwike, although other hold the co(n)trarie, the Scots clayming him for theyr countreyman, and the Irishe men for their: Robert Walsingham, a Carmelite Frier that writ diuerse treatises: Iohn Wilton an Augustine Frier: Walter Winterborne: Raufe Locksley: Nicholas Stanforde: William Whitley: Thomas Ioyce: Walter Ioyce: William Gaynesburg: Robert Baston borne not farre from Notingham, a Carmelite Frier of Scarbourgh, the same whome king Edwarde tooke with him into Scotlande to write some reme(m)brances of his victories, although being taken by the Scottes, So [...] in S [...]+lande. P [...] he was constrayned by Robert Bruce to frame a dittie to a contrarye tune: Iohn Horminger a Suffolke man borne: William Rishanger a Monke of S. Albons, an Historiographer: Raufe Baldocke Bishoppe of London wrote also an Historie, which was intituled Historia Anglica: Richard Bliton a Lincolnshire man borne, a Carmelite Frier: Iohn Walsingham, borne either in Walsingham, or Brunham (as Bale supposeth) a Carmelite frier also, and wrote seueral diuerse treatises. Thomas Chabham a Canon of Salisburie, and a doctor of diuinitie: Robert Plimpton, borne in Deuonshire a regular Chanon: Thomas Castleford a Monk of Pontfret: William Mansfield: Iohn Cano(n): Robert Grime: William Askettle of Beuerly: Geffrey of Cornwal: Iohn Gatisdene: Theobald Anglicus: Stephe(n) Eyton or Edon: Iohn Goldstone borne in Yorkeshire: Iohn Winchelsey: Nicholas de Lira, a Iewe by byrth of those that had their habitatio(n)s in England, who wrote verie many treatises, to his great comme(n)dation for his singuler knowlege and zeale, which he shewed in disprouing the Rabines that styll sought to keepe the Iewish nation in blindnesse and vaine hope, in looking for another Messias: Rauf Acton an excellent diuine: Iohn Dumbleton a Logittan: Thomas Langford borne in Malden in Essex: Osbert Pyckenam a Carmelite Fryer of Lyn in Norffolke: Nicholas Okeham a gray Frier: William Ockham a Frier Minor, that wrote diuerse treatises, & namely against Iohn Duns, and likewise against Iohn the .23. Pope of that name, in fauour of the Emperour Lewes of Bauier: Richard Walingford: Thomas Haselwood a Cano(n) of Leedes in Kent, wrote a Chronicle called Chronicon Compendiariu(m). Robert Karew: Robert Perscrutator borne in Yorkeshire, a black Frier, & a Philosopher or rather a Magitia(n): Richarde Belgraue a Carmelite: Brinkley a minorite, and others.