Item the said Senena dooth further vndertake for the said Griffin hir husband and his heires, that in case anie Welshman hereafter shall happen to re|bell against the king, they at their owne costs and charges shall compell the said offendor to make sa|tisfaction to the king for his disobedience.
Item for the performance of the premisses, the said Senena will deliuer vnto the lord the king, Da|uid and Roderike hir sonnes for pledges, with pro|uiso that if the said Griffin and Owen or either of them shall happen to die before their deliuerie out of the said prison, it shall be lawfull for the said Senena to haue one of hir sonnes released, the other remain|ing with the king for pledge.
Item the said Senena hath sworne vpon the ho|lie Euangelist, that the said Griffin hir husband and his heires, and euerie of them shall accomplish and performe all the premisses on their behalfe, and fur|ther vndertaketh that the said Griffin hir husband, vpon his deliuerie out of prison, shall take the same oth.