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Item the said Senena in the name of the said Griffin hir husband, submitteth hir selfe concerning the obseruation of the premisses vnto the iurisdiction of the reuerend fathers the bishops of Hereford and Lichfield, so that the said bishops or either of them at the kings request shall compell the said Griffin and his heires to obserue all and singular the premisses on their behalfe, by sentence of excommunicati|on vpon their persons, and interdiction vpon their lands.

Lastlie, the said Senena dooth vndertake and pro|mise (Bona fide) to see and procure the full perfor|mance of all the premisses, and that the said Griffin hir husband and his heires shall allow and performe the same, and thereof shall deliuer his instrument in writing to the king in forme aforesaid. To this char|ter both parties put their seales, Griffin and Senena to that part which remained with the king, and the K. to that part which remained with Senena.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Finallie, for the performance of the articles in this instrument or writing conteinedī€­ the [...]aid ladie in name of hir husband, procured diuerse Noble men to become suerties or pledges, that is to saie, Ralfe de Mortimer, Walter de Clifford, Roger de Monthualt seneshall of Chester, Mailgun ap Mail|gun, Meredoc ap Robert, Griffin ap Maddoc of Bromefield, Houwell and Meredoc brethren, Griffin ap Wenuwen: which persons vndertooke for the said ladie, that the couenants on hir part should be per|formed, and thervpon they also bound themselues by their writings obligatorie vnto the said king, in forme following.

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