Item the said Griffin and his heires will stand to the iudgement of the kings court, for and concerning that portion of the inheritance of the said Leolin his father, which of right ought to apperteine vnto him.
Item the said Senena vndertaketh for the said Griffin and his heires, that the said Griffin and his heires shall yéeld and paie yearelie to the king for the same lands, the summe of thrée hundred markes. Whereof the first third part to be paid in monie, the second in kine, and the third in horsses, by the estima|tion of indifferent men, and the same to be paid year|lie at Michaelmas and Easter by euen portions, by the hands of the shiriffe of the countie of Salop for the time being.
Item the said Senena vndertaketh further for the said Griffin and his heires, that they and euerie of them shall obserue the peace against the said Dauid, and suffer him quietlie to inioy such portion of his fa|thers inheritance as to him shall be found to be due.