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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Flanders (as some write) was so wounded in this battell, that he died thereof. Matth. Paris. Ia. M [...]ir. But o|thers affirme, that cõming into Normandie in the yeare last past, to make warre against king Henrie in fauour of king Lewes, he wan the towne of An|delie, and an other which they name Aquae Nicasij. But as he was come before the towne of Augen in the moneth of September, and assailed the same, he receiued his deaths wound in the head,

The earle of Flanders wounded. He departed this life.

Foulke earle of Aniou be|came the king of Englands man.

wherevpon returning home in the ninth moneth after, when he could not be cured of his hurt, he departed this life at Rosilare the 17. daie of Iune.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Shortlie after Foulke earle of Aniou (who before had aided the French king against king Henrie) be|came now kings Henries freend by aliance, mari|eng his daughter to William king Henries eldest sonne. But the French king (as their histories make mention) minding still to be reuenged of the earle Theobald, inuaded his countrie againe with a puis|sant armie, and had destroied the citie of Chartres, which belonged vnto the same earle, had not the citi|zens humbled themselues to his mercie: and so like|wise did the earle, as may be thought. For in the warres which immediatlie followed betwixt Lewes and the emperour Henrie, the erle aided the French king against the same emperour to the vttermost of his power. Soone after this, the king came to an enteruiew with pope Calixtus at Gisors,The king and the pope come to an enter| [...]ew at Gisors where ma|nie matters were talked of betwixt them: and a|mongst other, the king required of the pope a grant of all such liberties as his father enioied within the limits of England and Normandie, and chéefeli [...], that no legat should haue any thing to doo within England, except he required to haue one sent him for some vrgent cause.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 All which matters being determined (as the state of the time present required) the pope besought the king to be good vnto archbishop Thurstane,The pope is a sui [...]er for Thurstan [...]. and to restore him to his sée: but the king protested that he had vowed neuer so to doo whilest he liued. Where vn|to the pope answered, that he was pope, and by his a|postolike power he would discharge him of that vow, if he would satisfie his request.The pope of| [...]ereth to dis|charge the K. of his vow. The king to shift the matter off, promised the pope that he would take aduice of his councell, and giue him further knowledge, as the cause required, wherevpon depar|ting from thense, Eadmerus. The kings answer sent to the pope. he did afterwards (vpon farther de|liberation) send him this message, in effect as fol|loweth.

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