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Compare 1577 edition: 1

Whereas he saith he is pope, and will (as he said) assoile me of the vow which I haue made, if contra|rie thereto I will restore Thurstane to the sée of Yorke: I thinke it not to stand with the honor of a king, to consent in any wise vnto such an absolution. For who shall beléeue an others promise hereafter, if by mine example he sée the same so easilie by an abso|lution to be made void But sith he hath so great a desire to haue. Thurstane restored, I shall be conten|ted at his request, to receiue him to his sée, Simon Du [...] Eadmerus with this condition, that he shall acknowledge his church to be subiect vnto the sée of Canturburie, as his predeces|sours haue doone before him; although in [...] this offer would not seru [...] the turue.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now to returne againe to the two princes. Not long after the departure of the pope from G [...]i|sors, Simon Dun. Anno Reg. [...]1. Foulke earle of Anio [...] found meanes to make an agréement betwixt king Henrie & king Lewes, EEBO page image 41 so that William sonne to king Henrie did homage vnto king Lewes for the duchie of Normandie.The kings of England and France are accorded. Wil. Malm. And further it was accorded betwéene them, that all those that had borne a [...]mour either on the one side or the o|ther, should be pardoned, whose subiects soeuer they were. Eadmerus. In like maner, Rafe archbishop of Cantur|burie returned into England, after he had remai|ned long in Normandie, bicause of the controuersie betwixt him and Thurstan archbishop of Yorke, as is aforesaid.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now shortlie after his returne to Canturburie, messengers came with letters from Alexander king of Scotland vnto him, signifieng, that where the sée of S. Andrews was void,Alexander K. of Scots. the same king did in|stantlie require him to send ouer Eadmer a moonke of Canturburie (of whome he had heard great com|mendation for his sufficiencie of vertue and lear|ning) to be seated there. ¶ This Eadmer is the same which wrote the historie intituled Historia nouo|rum in Anglia, out of which (as may appeare) we haue gathered the most part of our matters concerning Anselme and Rafe archbishops of Canturburie,Eadmer An|selmes disci|ple. in whose daies he liued, and was Anselmes disciple.

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