Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malcolme be|ing offended therewith, ga|thered an ar|mie.Malcolme ſore offended therewith, by coun|ſel of his friends, aſſembled an army to go agianſt them, that contrary to the law of all nations (as he ſeemed to take the matter) had empriſoned his purſeuants and meſſengers: but marching as he was forwarde on his purpoſed iourney, hee heard by the way,Grime is of great [...] force thã Malcolm. howe his aduerſarie king Grime had gathered a farre greater power than he had wyth him, not onely of all ſuch of the Scottiſh nation inhabiting beyonde the riuers of Forth & Clyde, but of them alſo of the weſtern Iles.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malcolme doubting leaſt if the certaintie hereof were once bruted amongeſt his people,Malcolm wold not haue his people to vn|derſtande the truth thereof. the fame would encreaſe the terrour more than nee|ded: he gaue cõmaundement therfore that no ma|ner of wight ſhould be ſuffred to come into his ar|my without he were firſt brought to his preſence. But this deuiſe nothing auayled him:His aduice a|uayled not. for thereby that which he deſired to be concealed & kept moſt ſecret, became the more manifeſt, by reaſon that ſuch as had ſome ynkling of the matter, tolde it from one to another, making it much more than it was in deed. For there roſe a murmuring a|mongeſt them, that there was ſuch treaſon con|triued,A brute ſpred in Malcolmes armie of trea|ſon. that if Malcolme with his army went for|ward to ioyne with his aduerſaries, he ſhould not be in daunger onely of them, which he knewe to come againſt him in Grimes hoſt, but alſo of no ſmall nũber of thẽ which were in his own armie, who vpon the ioyning had determined to turne their ſpeare points againſt him in Grimes quarel.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This rumor paſſing from one to another, put the whole number in great feare.Marchant men authours of the rumor. It was firſt rai|ſed by certain marchant men, of whom there was a great nũber in Malcolmes armie, hauing more ſkill in buying and ſelling, than in any warlyke feates or enterpryſes.