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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe at the firſt ſuing for licence to depart home, and could haue no graunt, beganne to la|ment their miſeries, in ſuch dolefull wiſe, that all the campe was troubled with the noyſe, inſomuch that euen the olde men of warre, and diuerſe of the Captaines were not a little diſcomforted and a|mazed with ſuch wailefull clamors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malcolme being aduertiſed hereof, thought not good to match in battaile agaynſt his fierce e|nimies with his people thus aſtonied through dread and terror,Malcolme ly|cenceth the moſt parte of his armie to depart home. and therefore gaue licence to the moſt part of his hoſt to depart for that time, and abode onely with certain bandes of his moſt faith|full friends neare vnto the water of Forth,Malcolme in|tẽdeth to ſtop his enimie frõ paſsing ouer the Forth. to ſtop his enimies from paſſing ouer that ryuer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Whileſt the realme of Scotlande was thus diſquieted and troubled with ciuill diſcorde, Fo|thadus the greate Biſhop of Scotland, a man of right approued vertue and clemencie,The great Bi|ſhop of Scot|lande. ſore lamen|ting to ſee his countrey thus deuided & rent, as it were in peeces, got him into his pontificall ve|ſtures with a multitude of other reuerend prieſts and eccleſiaſticall miniſters, in humble wiſe com|ming and preſenting themſelues before King Grime, who with great reuerence receiuing them,Fothadus ſee|keth to take vp the matter. [figure appears here on page 224] willed to vnderſtand the cauſe of their comming. Then Fothadus anſwered, that he was come as the ſeruant of Chriſt, the authour of all peace and concorde, beſeeching him by way of humble ſup|plication to take ruth and pitie of the great trou|ble and miſerie fallen to the realme, ſith the tyme EEBO page image 225 he had taken the gouernance vpon him, the ſtate of things being ſuch, as if ſome redreſſe were not founde in all ſpeedie wiſe, the vtter ruyne of the common wealth muſt needes enſue, by reaſon of the ſundrie debates and factions dayly ryſing a|mongeſt the people of all ſortes and degrees, ſo that murthers,The fruites of [...]ail warre. robberies, reife, with al other kinds of iniuries and miſchiefe were ſtill put in prac|tiſe without reſtraynt or puniſhment in ſuch ly|centions ſort that no man coulde aſſure himſelfe of his owne: for whether it were within doores, or without, the Robber was as readie to lay handes on it as the owner. Neyther was there hope of any reformation ſo long as the ciuill warres la|ſted. Therfore if it might ſtande with the pleaſure of king Gryme in reliefe of the poore commons of Scotlande, to condiſcende vnto ſome neceſſa|rie agreement with Malcolme, Fothadus of|fered to vndertake to conclude a peace betwixt them in ſuche wyſe as ſhoulde in no maner of behalfe be preiudiciall to his honour and royall Maieſtie.Fothadus vn|dertaketh to conclude a peace betwixt the parties.

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