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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malcolme Prince of Cumberland ſore mo|ued in his minde that Grime had thus taken vp|on him the crowne,Malcolme prince of Cũ|berland is ſore moued againſt Grime. called his friends togither, re|quiring to haue their aduice, whiche way he were beſt to worke in this ſo great a matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They counſailed him that in no wiſe he ſhould deſpiſe the force of his enimies,A good coũſel but rather to aſſay by all meanes to drawe thoſe Nobles vnto hys purpoſe, which were aſſiſtant vnto Grime.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wherevpon Malcolme following the coun|ſaile of his friendes,Malcolm ſen|deth priuily to the Lordes of Scotlande. ſent forth ſecrete meſſengers vnto thoſe Lordes that tooke part with Grime, re|quiring them to remember their promiſed fayth, giuen vnto his father king Kenneth, concerning the obſeruaunce of the lawe eſtabliſhed by their conſente for the ſucceſſion of theyr Kinges: whiche if they woulde doe in renouncyng EEBO page image 224 their obeyſance vnto the vſurper Gryme, he pro|miſed ſo to gouerne the Realme with equall iu|ſtice,Malcolme his promiſe vnto the Scottes. that no eſtate ſhould in reaſon find cauſe to miſlike with his doings. Many of the nobles by meanes of this meſſage reuolted from the ſayde Grime, ſoliciting their friends by earneſt trauaile to do the like.Malcolme hys meſſengers are cõmitted to priſon. But other and the greater number tooke thoſe that brought the meſſage, and ſent them as priſoners vnto Grime, who incontinent|ly committed them to priſon.

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