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¶Faultes eſcaped.

4.1. In the Firſt Booke.

In the Firſt Booke.

  • IN the firſt leafe columpne .1. & 23. lin, reade thorow the trade.
  • In the 3. leafe col. and 20. line, reade ſo a comeling.
  • In the 3. leafe col. 4. and 43. lin, reade Gyants were.
  • In the 4. leafe co. 1. lin 1. read S. Auguſtine therfore.
  • fol. 5. col. 3. lin 32. reade liue in theſe dayes.
  • fol. 6 lin 1. col. reade or Gwinhead.
  • ibid lin 23. col 1. reade limites of this.
  • ibid lin 25. reade conſiſted.
  • ibid lin 36. for Shropſhire reade Shreweſbyry.
  • ibid col. 2. lin 25. and 53. read extended themſelues.
  • ibid col. 3. lin 45. read Suſſex in the ſouth.
  • ibid col. 4. lin 25. put out yeares after 35.
  • fol 7. col 4. lin 26. reade eaſily.
  • fol 8. col 1. lin 29. reade put out alſo ſaying.
  • ibid col 4. line 49. for will I begin, reade woulde I begin.
  • fol 9. col 3. lin 33. for infinity reade infinite.
  • fol 10. col 2. lin 51. reade holde this opinion.
  • Ibid lin 54. reade they ſhall ſée.
  • ibid col 4. lin 49. reade thoſe 45. for thoſe fewe.
  • fol 11. col 1. lin. reade 25. errour of their founder.
  • ibid col 2. lin 19. reade pittes of errour.
  • ibid lin 20. put out (as) and reade welles in déede that holde no water.
  • Ibid col 3. lin 50. reade withſtande him there.
  • fol 13. col 1. lin 10. for Chicheſter reade Wincheſter.
  • fol 13. col 1. lin 38. reade and thereby gathered.
  • fol 16. col 1. lin 10. reade themſelues lying néere hand, or within this Iſle alſo.
  • fol 17. col 2. lin, 46. reade S. Ninians.
  • ibid lin 59. reade it ſéemeth hereby.
  • ibid col 3. lin 2. reade vnto Mona onely.
  • fol 18. col 1. lin 33. reade northeaſt and other alſo be|yond them in like ſort ſubiect to Scotland.
  • fol 20. col 2. in the margent reade as I heare néere Cantorbury for about Gaunt.
  • ibid col 3. lin. 1. read Stoure whereof.
  • ibid. put out parentheſis in the margine.
  • ibid lin 39. reade diuided it ſelfe.
  • fol 24. col 1. lin 52. reade alſo to the point.
  • fol 26. col 1. lin 49. reade another great ſtreame.
  • ibid col 2. lin 16. for to a village, read and a village.
  • fol 27 where you reade Towz reade Towy.
  • ibid col 4. lin 26. reade into the mayne ſea.
  • fol 30. col 1. lin 40. for Dunrith reade Drurith.
  • ibid. col 2. lin 55. read Harleſwell.
  • ibid. lin 58. reade by north of Beltingham.
  • ibid. col 4. lin 6. for Tine reade were.
  • fol 31. co 2. li 18. for Cockingham read Cottingham.
  • ibid col 3. lin 9. reade lyke in the next booke.
  • fol 32. col 3. lin 24. put in (to) in the ende of the line.
  • ibid lin 42. for Magey reade Maxey.
  • fol 33. col 3. lin 10. for Mores reade Meres.
  • ibid lin 18. for his place, reade this place.
  • fol 36. col 4. lin 28. reade forth by weſt of Marton.
  • fol 37. col 2. lin 52. read ſing of cattel, and put out the.
  • fol 39. col. 1. lin. 33. read hiſtory, & after him Bodinus.
  • fol 45. col 1. lin. 11. reade in theſe dayes.
  • fol 47. co 4. li 32. read touching it, for touching by it.
  • ibid. lin 41. read wall was of ſtone.

4.2. In the ſeconde Booke.

In the ſeconde Booke.

  • FOl 74. col 3. lin 1. reade Leirceſter for Lewceſter.
  • fol 75. col. 1. lin. 18. reade quantitie thereof.
  • ibid. col 2. lin 22. reade gayles within.
  • fol 76. col 3. in the margine, reade howe thoſe men ſhoulde haue done, in the name note col 4. lin 1. tayler he.
  • fol. 77. col 2. lin 32. and 33. put out (and the wight) for I miſtooke it.
  • ibid lin 43. for (in olde time) read alſo the weight.
  • fol 84. col 3. lin 26. for hope of recouery, reade hope of realeſe.
  • fol 85. col 3. lin. 53. reade before the olde be expyred.
  • fol. 85. col 1. lin 1. put out therefore, and reade I finde therefore.
  • ibid col 4. lin 49. for riuerets reade riuettes.
  • fol 87. col 1. li 19. for their ordinaunce reade the ſtore of ordinaunce.
  • ibid lin 27. reade that in ſome one barons houſe I haue.
  • ibid lin 33. reade done then trow you.
  • ibid. col 4. lin 9.10. reade we had ſome alſo, for (a few.)
  • ibid lin 15. put out and betwéene Alfrede (&) E|theldred.
  • fol 88. col 3. lin 17. reade being the more plenteous.
  • ibid lin 22. reade if place did ſerue therefore.
  • ibid col 4. lin 46. reade for theſe cauſes therefore.
  • fol 89. col 4. lin 58. for ſunt duo reade ſint duo.
  • fol 90. col 1. Canone 13. beſide the miſplacing of the point, lin 52. there is (n) to much in ye laſt word of the 56. line.
  • ibid col 2. lin 9. the whole line is peruerted for Siquis autem cum primario pugnauerit.
  • ibid lin 39. for aliquot reade aliquam.
  • ibid col 3. li 34. for Gemiſciſione read Genuſciſione.
  • fol 91. col 3. lin 19. for whereas reade thus.
  • ibid li 21. for behauiour whereby, read behauiour: and hereby.
  • ibid lin 22. reade defrauded and the.
  • ibid lin. 33. reade euery man which.
  • ibid col 4. reade of Salop. Some 10.11
  • fol 92. col 1. lin 34. reade Cymbelline.
  • fol 93. col 1. lin 34. reade out of the hilles.
  • ibid lin 35. reade that at certaine times.
  • ibid lin 47. reade ſtraunge for ſtrong.
  • ibid lin 58. reade vertigerne.
  • ibid col 2. lin [...]8. for ſeconde Aye, read ſecond Axe.
  • ibid lin 44. reade doth it ſwell.
  • ibid col 3. line 37. reade into the earth, for into the grounde.
  • ibid 47 reade as one néere to S. Aſaphes.
  • fol 94. col. 1. the 10.11. and 12. lines are to much almoſt by euery worde, by meanes of an odde pamphlet of Tideſwell latewarde inſerted into the booke.
  • fol 96. col 2. lin 39. for goddeſſe reade gods.
  • fol 96. col 3. line 10. for harde Cantus reade hardie Canutus.
  • ibid col 4. verſ. 21. reade tantum & agendis.
  • fol 107. col 3. line 1. for drawne reade drawing.
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THE HISTORIE of Englande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 _WHAT manner of people did firſt inha|bite this our coũtrey which hath moſt ge|nerally & of longeſt continuaunce bene knowne among all nations by ye name of Britaine, as yet it is not certainly knowne: neither can it be de|cided from whence the firſt inhabitantes thereof came, by reaſon of ſuch diuerſitie in iudgements as haue riſen amongſt the learned in this behalfe. But ſith the originall in maner of all nations is doubtful,The originall [...] nations [...]r the moſte [...] vncertain. and euen the ſame for the more parte fabulous (that always excepted which we fynde in the holy ſcriptures) I wiſhe not any man to leane to that whiche ſhall be heere ſet downe, as to an infallible truth, ſith I do but only ſhewe o|ther mennes coniectures, grounded neuertheleſſe vppon likely reaſons (concernyng that matter wherof there is now left but little other certayn|ti [...], [...]hether Bri+ [...] vvere an [...]de at the [...]ſt. or rather none at all. To fetche therfore [...] matter from the furtheſt, and ſo to ſtretch it for|ward, it ſe [...]eth by the report of Dominicus Ma+rius Niger, [...]ogr. com| [...]ent. lib. 2. yt in the beginning whẽ God framed the worlde and diuided the waters aparte from the earth, this Iſle was then a partel of the con|tinent, [...]o ylande at [...] fyrſte, as [...] cõiecture. & ioyned without any ſeparation of ſea to the mayne lande. But this opinion as al other the lyke vncertaynties, I leaue to be decided of the learned: Howbeit for the firſt inhabitation of this Iſle with people, I haue thought good to ſet down in part what may be gathered out of ſuch writers as haue touched that mater, & may ſeene to giue ſome light vnto the knowledge thereof.

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