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Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] the firſt part [...] the actes of [...]e Englishe [...]taries.Fyrſt therfore Iohn Bale our countreyman, who in his tyme greatly trauayled in the ſearche of ſuche antiquities, [...]itayn inha| [...]ed before [...]oud. dothe probably coniectu [...]e, that this lande was inhabited and repleniſhed with people long before the floud at that tyme in the which the generation of mankinde (as Moy|ſes writeth) began to multiplie vpon the vniuer|ſall face of the earth: [...]en. [...] and therefore it followeth, that as well this land was inhabited with people long before the dayes of Noe, as any the other countreys and partes of the worlde beſide.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] But when they had once forſakẽ the ordinan|ces appointed them by God, and betaken them to new ways inuented of themſelues, ſuch looſeneſſe of lyfe enſued euerywhere, as brought vpon them the great deluge & vniuerſall floud, in the whiche periſhed as well the inhabitants of theſe quarters as the reſidus of the race of mankinde generally diſperſed in euery other part of the whole world, [...]uing only Noe & his familie, who by the pro|uidence and pleaſure of almightie God, was pre|ſerued from the rage of thoſe waters, to reconti|nue and repaire the newe generation of manne vpon the earth.

5.1. Noe.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 1] After the floud (as Annius of Viter|bo recordeth) & reaſon alſo enforceth,In commen [...]. ſuper. 4. lib. Beroſ. de an|tiquit. li. 2. Noe was the only Monark of al the world, and as the ſame Annius ga|thereth by the accounte of Moyſes in the .100,Annius vt ſupra. yeare after the [...]oud Noe deuided the earth among his three ſen [...]e aſſigning to the poſſeſſi|on of his eldeſt ſonne, all that portion of la [...]de, which [...]owe is knowne by the name of ASIA, and to his ſecond ſonne Ch [...], he appointed all that part of the world which now is called Af|frica. Vnto his thirde ſonne I [...]phet, was allotted all. [...]ur [...]pa, with all the Ale [...] thereto belongyng, wherin among other was conteined this our Ile of Britayn, with the other yles therto belonging.

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