Compare 1577 edition: 1 7 That the protector slandered the councell to the king, and did what in him laie to cause variance be|twéene the king and his nobles.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 8 That he was a great traitor, and therefore the lords desired the citie and commons to aid them to take him from the king.Witnesses to the contents of the said pro|clamation. And in witnesse and testi|monie of the contents of the said proclamation the lords subscribed their names and titles as followeth.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The lord Rich lord chancellor, the lord S. Iohn lord great maister and president of the councell, the lord [...] of Northampton, the earle of War|wike [...] great chamberleine, the earle of Arundell lord chamberleine, the earle of Shrewesburie, the earle of Southampton Wriothesleie, sir Thomas Cheinie knight treasuror of the kings house and lord warden of the cinque ports, sir Iohn Gage knight conestable of the tower, sir William Peter knight secretarie, sir Edward North knight, sir Ed|ward Montague chéefe iustice of the common plees, sir Rafe Sadler, sir Iohn Baker, sir Edward Woot|ton, doctor Wootton deane of Canturburie, sir Ri|chard Southwell.