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Body Text: Section 21 of
24: Edward the sixt, sonne and successor to Henrie the eight.
Snippet: 256 of 359 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1058) Compare 1577 edition: 1 4 That he estéemed nothing the graue councell of the councellors.
You are here: 1587 > Volume 6 >
Body Text: Section 21 of
24: Edward the sixt, sonne and successor to Henrie the eight.
Snippet: 257 of 359 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1058) Compare 1577 edition: 1 5 That he sowed sedition betweene the nobles, the gentlemen, and commons.
You are here: 1587 > Volume 6 >
Body Text: Section 21 of
24: Edward the sixt, sonne and successor to Henrie the eight.
Snippet: 258 of 359 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1058) Compare 1577 edition: 1 6 That the nobles assembled themselues togi|ther at London, for none other purpose, but to haue caused the protector to haue liued within his limits, and to haue put such order for the kings maiestie as apperteined, whatsoeuer the protectors dooings were, which (as they said) were vnnaturall, ingrate, and traitorous.