Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the meane time, the proceedings for the Sco|tish wars was not forgotten, whervpon in the deepe of the winter, there were conueied certeine bands of the English lancequenets, and some number of Englishmen, both horssemen and footmen by sea vn|to Bronghticrag; and passing from thence vnto Dundée, a two miles from thence, entred the towne, and began to fortifie it:Dundeé spoi|led. but shortlie after by the com|ming of the French armie with monsieur de Desse, they left it, first spoiling the houses, and after set them on fire at their departure. The Reinsgraue coronell of the Almans, and monsieur de Etauges, being sent by monsieur de Desse before, entered Dundee, and lodged within it. Within two daies after their comming thither, they tooke certeine of their bands, and going foorth did view and surueie the new fort, which the Englishmen had begun to make on the hill, a small distance from the castell. But the Eng|lishmen and their Almans issuing foorth against them, were at their elbowes yer they were halfe well aduised that they were got so neare them, whereby being driuen hastilie to retire, they hardlie escaped out of danger,The Reins|graue con|streined to retire. being so hotlie pursued, that if the Reinsgraue had not shewed his approoued valiancie, guided with no lesse policie than manhood, the whole troope had béene (as was thought) vtterlie distres|sed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In Christmasse this yéere the castell of Hume was recouered out of the Englishmens hands, through treson of certeine assured Scots, that vsing to bring vittels of the Englishmen that kept it, had marked all the manner of the scouts and watches, with the places of the wall where the clime was most easie. Whervpon in the night season, certeine of the Scots secretlie comming into the ditches, got vp to the heigth of the wals, and entring the place, slue and tooke vpon the sudden all that were within it. The sixtéenth of Ianuarie, sir Thomas Seimer baron of Sudleie, lord admerall, and brother to the duke of Summerset lord protector,Sir Thomas Seimer sent to the tower. was arrested and sent to the tower, and after by authoritie of parlement he was attainted, and the twentith of March next insu|ing, Anno Reg. 3. in the third yeare of this kings reigne be headed at tower hill. Moreouer in this parlement,The masse abolished. the vse of the masse was clearlie prohibited, and a booke for the vniformitie of diuine seruice, and right admini|stration of the sacraments, was set foorth and esta|blished.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Yee haue heard how the Frenchmen fortified the towne of Dundee, where monsieur de Etauges,Monsieur de Etauges ta|ken prisoner. with his companie of horssemen lieng in garrison chanced in a skirmish to be taken by the English|men that laie in Broughticrag, to the great reioi|sing of them that tooke him, and no lesse gréefe of the French and Scots, for the tried valiancie that was throughlie knowne to rest in him. Moreouer, the Englishmen that kept the towne of Hadington all this while against the enimies, could not come by a|nie vittels, but onelie by a conuoie of some conueni|ent power to gard the cariages that brought the same from the borders. And as it fortuned at one time when the conuoie came and passed by Dunbar, a skirmish was proffered by the French which laie within that castell in garrison. And as sir Iames Wilford that was there amongst other vpon this occasion (according to his woonted valiancie) shew|ed himselfe verie forward and egre against the eni|mie, he was inclosed by an ambush, which the French|men had laid on ech side the stréete within the towne, that he could by no means escape out of their hands, but hauing his horsse there slaine vnder him, was taken prisoner euen by a Gascoigne of the countrie of Basque named Pellieque,Sir Iames Wilford taken prisoner. that woone no small commendation for that his good hap, in taking such a prisoner, whose name for his often approoued prow|esse was verie famous euen among the enimies, who saw well inough a resolutenesse in the man ra|ther by perillous aduentures to purchase the perpe|tuitie of renowme, than by defect of courage or neg|ligent seruice to loose both life and same. Which per|suasion should enter into the hart of euerie seruitor in the field, if they will be counted right valiant in|deed, considering that he which in his life time dooth performe nothing worthie memorie, is like a plaier entring vpon the stage, but shewing nothing either in spéech or in action, as the poet verie fitlie saith:
Qui nullum facinus tota memorabile vitaEdiderint, obscuri homines migrare videnturHinc, vt qui structa nil dixerit histrio scena.