Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 In the meane time, whilest these things were thus in dooing,The armie of the Scots come to ioine with the Frenchmen. there came to the aid of the Frenchmen fouretéene or fiftéene thousand Scots, accounting herewith the Irish Scots which came with the earle of Argile. These Scots were scarse lodged, when suddenlie the earle of Shrewesburie & the lord Greie came with their armie diuided into three battels of footmen, garded with two troops of horssemen,The earle of Shrewesbu|rie profereth the enimies battell. pre|senting themselues before the faces of their enimies in the same place, where their anant currors the daie before had shewed themselues to draw foorth the Frenchmen. Here the armie thus ranged in arraie of battell, staied aboue the space of an houre, looking if the enimies durst haue come foorth to haue giuen battell:The French|men durst not come foorth of their campe. but when they perceiued that by no meanes the Frenchmen meant to forsake their strength, they returned backe to their campe. The English nauie being entered now into the Forth, was not idle: for comming to Brent Iland they set fire on foure ships, which they found there,Ships bur|ned. and after passing by Lieth saluted them within the towne with cannon shot, and after intending to burne saint Minets, were re|pelled from thense by the lord of Dune, and after re|turned to attend on the armie. The earle of Shrewes|burie, and my lord Greie hauing executed so much as their commission would beare, and refreshed Ha|dington with all things néedfull, departed home|wards; and comming to Dunglas,A fortresse built at Dun|glas. began there to build a fortresse. The English Almans as the armie passed by Dunbar, burned the towne. These Almans also, and certeine bands of Englishmen, as well horssemen as footmen, were left at Dunglas, vntill the Forth there begun was in some strength. The earle of Shrewesburie with the rest of the armie came backe into England.The lord Greie ente|reth againe into Scot|land. My lord Greie remaining on the borders lieutenant of the north parts, after the earle of Shrewesburie was returned home, assem|bled all the horssemen then lieng on the borders, and being backed with the Almane footmen, entered a|gaine with the same horssemen into Scotland, bur|ning and wasting in the countries of Tiuidall, and Liddesdall, for the space of twentie miles, both house, corne, haie, and all other things that came within their reach, and after returned without in|counter.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The ninth of October being tuesdaie, monsieur de Desse, with his Frenchmen and Almans, came in the morning long before daie to Hadington, mean|ing to haue woone the towne by stealth. And verelie the enterprise was gouerned in such secret maner, that the Frenchmen had killed the English scouts, and were entered the base court, yer anie alarum was raised: and hauing slaine the watch, some of them ran to a place behind a church, where the Eng|lishmen had their vittels and munitions, and some thrust vp to the towne gate,A camisado giuen to Ha|dington. inforsing with great vio|lence to breake it open, crieng with noise and shouts, Uictorie, victorie, whereof in déed they accounted themselues then assured. And questionles the Eng|lishmen being thus wakened out of their sléeps on the sudden, were in some great disorder; so that ma|nie of them came running foorth without either ar|mour or apparell, their shirts excepted; & others ran they wist not well whither, nor where to take héed. But yet as the Frenchmen were thronged togither at the gate to breake it open, a Frenchman (as their EEBO page image 996 writers doo report) that serued within the towne, but as other saie Tiberio capteine of the Italians, with his match light gaue fier to a double canon, that laie readie bent against the gate, so that the same shooting off,The French|men repelled. made such a lane among the Frenchmen, that they were glad to giue place, and with such a fearefull crie, that those which were behind, not vnderstanding what losse their fellowes before had susteined, brake their arraie and fled amaine.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Englishmen herewith passed through a priuie posterne into the base court, and comming vpon them with their halberds, and blacke bils, slue of them great plentie, and droue the rest that escaped ouer the wall in such hast, that happie was he that could tumble ouer first. Monsieur de Desse yet ga|thering them togither againe, gaue that morning thrée sharpe assaults to the towne, but was repelled with great losse, for they caried awaie with them six|téene carts and wagons laden with hurt persons and dead carcasses, besides thrée hundred that were found in the base court, which they could not come to, after they were beaten out, to take awaie with them. And thus was monsieur de Desse constreined to re|turne, repenting himselfe of that his bold attempted enterprise, hauing lost no small number of his Frenchmen and Almans, being slaine in the place. In this meane time, the kings maiestie summoned his high court of parlement,A parlement. to be holden vpon pro|rogation at Westminster the fourth of Nouember, where it continued till the fourteenth of March next insuing.