Compare 1577 edition: 1 I. Stow. pag. 1019.The third daie after were arreigned sir Edward Neuill, sir Geffreie Poole, two priests called Crofts and Collins, & one Holland a mariner, & all attein|ted.Frieries suppressed. ¶The sixteenth of Nouember, was the blacke friers in London suppressed, the next daie the white friers, the graie friers, and the moonks of the Char|terhouse, and so all the other immediatlie. The foure and twentith of Nouember, the bishop of Rochester preached at Paules crosse,Bloud of Hales shewed at Pauls crosse. & there shewed the bloud of Hales, and affirmed the same to be no bloud, but honie clarified, and coloured with saffron, as it had beene euidentlie prooued before the king and his councell. Also foure anabaptists, thrée men, and one woman,Anabaptists. all Dutch, bare fagots at Paules crosse the same daie. The nintéenth of Nouember, a man and a woman Dutch anabaptists, were burnt in Smith|field.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The ninth of Ianuarie, the lord marques, and the lord Montacute, with sir Edward Neuill lost their heads on the Tower hill.The lord marques executed. The two priests and Holland were drawne to Tiburne, and there han|ged and quartered. Sir Geffreie Poole had his par|don. ¶On Ashwednesdaie, Iohn Ihons, Iohn Pot|ter, & William Manering, were hanged in the prin|ces liueries (bicause they were the princes seruants) on the southside of Paules chuchyard, for killing Roger Cholmeleie esquier in that place, of malice prepensed. The third of March, sir Nicholas Carew of Bedington in the countie of Surrie knight of the garter,Sir Nicho|las Carew executed. and maister of the kings horsse, condem|ned before of treason, was beheaded on the Tower hill, where he made a godlie confession, both of his fault, and superstitious faith, giuing God thanks, for that his hap was to be prisoner in the Tower, where he first sauored the pleasant tast of Gods holie word, meaning the bible in English, which there he read by the exhortation of one Thomas Philips then kéeper of that prison, and sometime a citizen and point-ma|ker of London, who had béene in some trouble for religion, and examined before doctor Stokeslie bi|shop of London, and sir Thomas More, but through his wise demeanor and mild answers, he escaped their hands.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The ninth of March,Creation of new officers. the king created sir Willi|am Paulet knight treasuror of his house, lord saint Iohn, and sir Iohn Russell comptrollor of his house|hold, lord Russell. Also either then or shortlie after, was sir William Par created lord Par. The new abbeie of white moonks at the Tower hill, and the Minories, nuns without Algate, were suppressed on the last of March. The same time the king caused all the hauens to be fensed with bulworks, and blocke|houses, and riding to Douer,Bulworks & blockhouses builded. he tooke order to haue bulworks made alongst the sea coasts, and sent com|mission to haue generall musters made through the realme. Moreouer on Easter daie there were thrée|score saile discouered that laie in the Downes, and for that it was neither knowne what they were, nor what they intended to doo, all the able men in Kent rose and mustered in armour the same daie. The eight and twentith of Aprill began a parlement at Westminster, Anno Reg. 31 A parlement. Attaindors. in the which Margaret countesse of Salisburie, Gertrude wife to the marques of Exce|ster, Reginald Poole cardinall, brother vnto the lord Montacute, sir Adrian Foskew, & Thomas Ding|leie knight of saint Iohns, and diuerse other were atteinted of high treason,Execution. which Foskew and Ding|leie the tenth of Iulie were beheaded.