Saint Augustines abbeie at Canturburie was suppressed, and the shrine & goods taken to the kings treasurie, as also the shrine of Thomas Becket in the priorie of Christs church was likewise taken to the kings vse, and his bones, scull and all,Thomas Becket burnt. which was there found, with a peece broken out by the wound of his death, were all burnt in the same church by the lord Cromwell. The moonks there were commanded to change their habits, &c. The one and twentith of October, the church of Thomas Becket in London called the hospitall of saint Thomas of Acres was suppressed. Nicholas Gibson groser, for this yeare shiriffe of London, builded a free schoole at Ratcliffe, néere vnto London, appointing to the same,Frée schoole and almes houses at Ratcliffe. for the instruction of thréescore poore mens children, a schoole|master and vsher, with a stipend of ten pounds by the yere to the master, and six pounds thirteene shillings foure pence to the vsher. He also builded there cer|teine almes houses for fouretéene poore and aged per|sons, who quarterlie receiue six shillings eight pence a peece for euer.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this season sute was made to the king by the emperour, to take to wife the duchesse of Millan: but shortlie after that sute brake off, bicause (as was thought) the emperours councell ment by a cautell to haue brought the king in mind to sue for a licence of the pope. Then the duke of Cleue began to sue to the king, that it would please him to match with his sister the ladie Anne, which after tooke effect. In No|uember, one Iohn Nicholson, otherwise called Lam|bert, EEBO page image 946 a priest,Iohn Nichol|son aliàs Lambert. was accused of heresie, for holding opi|nion against the bodilie presence in the sacrament of the altar. He appealed to the kings maiestie, who fa|uourablie consented to heare him at a daie appoin|ted, against which daie, in the kings palace at West|minster, within the kings hall, there was set vp a throne or seat roiall for the king, with scaffolds for all the lords, and a stage for Nicholson to stand vpon.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This Nicholson was esteemed to be a man well learned, but that daie he vttered no such knowledge (saith Hall) as was thought to be in a man of that estimation. Diuerse arguments were ministred to him by the bishops, but namelie the king pressed him sore, and in the end offered him pardon if he would renounce his opinion: but he would not consent thereto, and therefore he was there condemned, and had iudgement, and so shortlie after he was drawne into Smithfield, and there burnt to ashes. The third of Nouember,The marques of Excester condemned. Henrie Courtnie marques of Exce|ster and earle of Deuonshire, Henrie Poole lord Montacute, and sir Edward Neuill brother to the lord Aburgauennie, were sent to the tower, being accused by sir Geffrie Poole, brother to the lord Mon|tacute, of high treason. They were indicted for deui|sing to mainteine, promote, & aduance one Reginald Poole, late deane of Excester, enimie to the king beyond the sea, & to depriue the king. The marques, and the lord Montacute were arreigned the last of December at Westminster before the lord Audleie that was chancellor, and for that present time high steward of England, and there they found him giltie.