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Body Text: Section 20 of
24: Henrie the eight, sonne and successor to Henrie the seuenth.
Snippet: 737 of 1201 (1587, Volume 6, p. 910) 4 Item, that Flanders and diuerse other coun|tries, should not behold in chiefe, nor haue resort to the crowne of France.
You are here: 1587 > Volume 6 >
Body Text: Section 20 of
24: Henrie the eight, sonne and successor to Henrie the seuenth.
Snippet: 738 of 1201 (1587, Volume 6, p. 910) 5 Item, that the realme of Naples, the duchie of Millan, and the countie of Ast, should for euer re|maine to the emperour.