1 Item, it was agréed, that the French king should haue his children againe,Read more hereof in Guic. pag. 1145. & deinceps. paieng to the empe|rour two millians of crownes of gold, whereof hée should paie at the deliuering of the children, twelue hundred thousand crownes.
2 Item, that the French king should acquit the emperour against the king of England, of fourescore and ten thousand crowns, which the emperour owght to the king of England, and the king of England to deliuer all such bonds and gages as he had of the emperours.
3 Item, as touching the remnant, which was fiue hundred and ten thousand crownes, the emperour should haue fiue and twentie thousand crownes rent yearelie, for which he should haue the lands of the du|chesse of Uandosme, lieng in Flanders and Brabant bound.