Compare 1577 edition: 1 Further he said, that in matter of combat there was the assailant,The field, that is, a place where they may safelie come to fight in [...] be|fore indiffe|rent iudges. which ought to giue suertie of the field, and the defendant the weapons. Herewith al|so he caused a letter to be read, which the emperour had written to maister Iohn de Caluimont presi|dent of Burdeaux, the said kings ambassadour in the court of the said emperour: the tenor of which letter imported, that the emperour put the said ambassa|dour in remembrance of spéech which he had vttered to the said ambassadour in Granado, Guic. pag. 1091. repeating the same in substance as followeth. That the king his maister had doone naughtilie in not keeping his faith which he had of him, acording to the treatie of Ma|drill: and if the king would saie the contrarie, I will (said the emperour) mainteine the quarrell with my bodie against his. And these be the same words that I spake to the king your maister in Madrill, that I would hold him for a lewd and naughtie man, if he brake the faith which I had of him, &c.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Then after the said letter had béene read, he caused also his answer made by way of a cartell to be read, the tenor whereof ye haue heard before. That doone, he continued his tale, in declaring what order he had obserued to procure the emperour to the combat, without all shifting delaies: so as if the herald now come from the emperour would vse anie talke, other than to deliuer him an authentike writing for suer|tie of the field, and not obserue the contents of his safe conduct, he meant not to giue him audience. And herevpon was the herald called to come in, and de|clare his message. Who apparelled in his cote of armes, made his appéerance before the king there sit|ting, accompanied (as ye haue heard.) Unto whome the king said.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herald, dooest thou bring the suertie of the field,The French kings talke and commu|nication to the emperors am|bassador vtte|red with in|dignation. such one as thy maister, being the assailant, ought to deliuer vnto the defendant, being such a personage as I am? The herald herevnto said: Sir, maie it please you to giue me licence to doo mine office? Then said the king; Giue me the pattent of the field, and saie what thou wilt. The herald beginning his tale, The sacred. Tush (said the king) shew me the pattent of the field, for I hold thy master for so noble a prince, that he hath not sent thée without the suertie of the field, sith I haue demanded it; and thou knowest that thy safe conduct conteineth no lesse but that thou shouldest bring it. The herald answered, that he trusted he had brought that which might content his maiestie.