Compare 1577 edition: 1 I haue also caused this assemblie to be made,Further caus [...] whie the said assemblie was procured. to shew that I haue not without great cause enterpri|sed such an act; for the right is on my side: and if I should otherwise haue doone, mine honor had béene greatlie blemished. A thing which my lords that are of my bloud, and other my subiects would haue ta|ken in euill part. And knowing the cause of the combat, and my right, they will beare with it, as good and loiall subiects ought to doo, trusting by Gods helpe to procéed in such sort therein, that it shall plainelie appéere if the right be on my side or not: and how, against truth, I haue béene accused for a breaker of my faith, which I would be loth to doo, nor at anie time haue meant so to doo. The kings my predecessors and ancestors, whose pictures are ingrauen and set héere in order within this hall, which in their daies haue successiuelie atchiued glo|rious acts, and greatlie augmented the realme of France, would thinke me vnworthie, and not ca|pable to be their successor, if against mine honor I should suffer my selfe to be charged with such a EEBO page image 905 no [...]e by the emperour, and should not defend my person and honor in the manner and forme accusto|med.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The French king in [...] of all his [...] that he [...] gaue his faith to [...] of his [...], ergo not to the empe|rour.And herewith he declared the whole case as it stood. First, how being taken at Pauia by fortune of war, he neuer gaue his faith to anie of his enimies, & con|senting to be led into Spaine, caused his owne gal|lies to be made readie to conueie him thither. Where at his arriuall, he was committed to ward within the castell of Madrill, garded with a great number of harquebuziers & others. Which vncourteous dea|ling found in the emperor, so much gréeued him, that he fell sicke, and laie in danger of death. Wherevpon the emperour comming to visit him after his reco|uerie of health, an accord was made betwixt the de|puties of the emperour and the ambassadours of the ladie his moother then regent of France: which ac|cord was so vnreasonable, that no prince being in li|bertie would haue consented thereto, nor for his de|liuerance haue promised so great a ransome. Which tretie yet they constrained him (as he said) to sweare to performe, being prisoner, against the protestation which he diuerse times had made, yea as yet being sicke, and in danger of recidiuation; and so conse|quentlie of death.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, he was conueied foorth on his iournie homewards,The king [...]rosecuteth the discourte|s [...]e of the em|perour in his [...]eclaration. still garded & not set at libertie. And it was told him, that after he came into France, it was conuenient that he should giue his faith, for that it was knowne well enough, that what he did or promised in Spaine, it nothing auailed. And fur|ther he remembred not that the emperour had told him at anie time, that if he performed not the con|tents of the treatie, he would hold him for a breaker of his faith, & though he had, he was not in his liber|tie to make anie answer. Two things therefore said he, in this case are to be considered. One, that the tre|tie was violentlie wroong out from them that could not bind his person, and the which (as to the residue) had béene accomplished by his moother, deliuering his sonnes in hostage. The other thing was his pre|tended faith, on which they can make [...]o ground, sith he was not set at libertie. And herevnto he shewed manie reasons, to prooue that his enimies could not pretend in right that they had his faith.