Ouer it, and within round about by the sides, were made thrée scaffolds or lofts one aboue ano|ther for men and women to stand vpon. And in the midst of the same banketting house, was set vp a great piller of timber made of eight great masts, bound togither with iron bands, for to hold them to|gither: for it was an hundred and foure and thirtie foot of length,Goodlie work|manship with|in the banket|ting house. and cost six pounds thirteene shillings and fourepence to set it vpright. The banketing house was couered ouer with canuas, fastened with ropes and iron as fast as might be deuised. And within the said house was painted the heauens, with starres, sunne, mooue, and clouds, with diuerse other things made aboue ouer mens heads: and there were great images of wickers couered, and made like great men of diuerse strange nations: and diuerse reasons were written by them of the countries that they likened to be of, with the armes of those countries hanging by them.
Also there was made as it were manie ships vn|der saile, and windmils going, and about the high pil|ler of timber that flood vpright in the middest, was made stages of timber for organs and other instru|ments to stand vpon, and men to plaie on them, & for other musicians & pageants to be plaied, when the K. of England & the emperor should be at their banket. But in the morning of the same day, the wind began to rise, & at night blew off the canuas,Banketting house defaced by tempest. and all the ele|ments, with the starres, sunne, moone, and clouds, and the wind blew out aboue a thousand torches, and other lights of wax, that were prepared to giue light to the banket, & all the kings seats that were made with great riches, besides all other things, were all dashed and lost.]
The same daie at night that the states were in|terteined,A statelie mask to solace the emperor & his companie. the king and fiftéen persons were ap|parelled all in blacke veluet couered with cloth of gold, cut on the veluet, fastened with knots of gold, on the which knots hoong spangles of gold like tufts, and bonnets of the same, & clothes of crimsin sattin and cloth of gold wrapped trauerse, and their buskins of the same cloth of gold. All these lustie maskers went to the emperours lodging, and were receiued, EEBO page image 862 and in the chamber of presence dansed and reuelled, the which at the emperours request, the king and o|ther disuisarded themselues, whereby the king was knowne: then the king tooke his leaue, and depar|ted for that night. On tuesdaie the twelfe of Iulie, bicause the banketting house could not be finished, the emperour and the ladie Margaret supped with the king & the queene at the checker, where the same night after supper reuelled ninetie and six maskers: after the reuels was a banket, after which banket the king brought the emperour and the ladie Mar|garet to the staple, and after withdrew him.