[...] ¶ During this triumph, much people of Picar|die and west Flanders drew to Guisnes, to sée the king of England & his honor, to whom vittels of the court were giuenin plentie, the conduit of the gate did run wine alwaies. There were vagabonds, plowmen, labourers, and of the bragerie, wagoners and beggers, that for drunkennesse laie in routs and heapes. [...] So great resort came thither, that knights and ladies, who were come to sée the noblenesse, were faine to lie in haie and straw, and held them thereof highlie pleased. From the court of the emperour, nor of the ladie Margarets court, nor of Flanders, Bra|bant, nor Burgognie came neuer a person to an|swer to the chalenge. By that it séemed that there was small loue betwene the emperour & the French king. Moreouer, monsieur Faiot capteine of Bul|longne with monsieur Chattelon, did their deuoir to haue taken the towne of saint Omer, of which dooing was thought no goodnesse to the emperour.]
Compare 1577 edition:
1 On mondaie
the fiue and twentith of Iune, the king with the quéene remooued from Guisnes to Ca|lis where he remained
till the tenth of Iulie,
King Henrie departed from Guisnes to Calis, a from thence to Graueling to visi [...] the em|perour.
[...] Hall in H. S. fol. [...].
Compare 1577 edition:
1 On Wednesdaie
the eleuenth of Iulie,The emperor commeth to Calis to king Henrie. the empe|rour
and his aunt the ladie Margaret duchesse of Sauoy came with the king of England to the towne of Calis, and
there continued in great ioy and so|lace, with feasting, banketting, dansing and masking vntill the
fouretéenth of Iulie.
Abr. Fl. ex I. S. pag. 927. Banketting house within the towne of Calis.
R [...]. Turpin.