Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Now like as diuerse of the French nobilitie had visited the king of England whilest he laie in Calis, so likewise the lord cardinall, as ambassadour to the king, rode with a noble repaire of lords, gentle|men, and prelates, to the towne of Ard, where he was of the French king highlie interteined, with great thanks, for that by his meanes hée had ioined in friendship with the king of England, to his high con|tentation and pleasure, as hauing obteined the thing which he had long desired. The noble port, sumptuous shew,The great pompe of car|dinall Wooisie. and great traine of gentlemen, knights, lords, and number of seruants, in rich apparell & sutes of li|ueries attendant on the cardinall, made the French men greatlie to woonder at his triumphant dooings.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 The king of
England had giuen vnto the said cardinall full authoritie, power, and libertie, to af|firme and confirme,
bind and vnbind, whatsoeuer should be in question betwéene him and the French king: and the like authoritie,
power, and libertie, did the French king by his sufficient letters patents,
Great credit committed to the cardinall by both the kings. The inter|uiew of the two kings in the vale of Andren.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The two kings méeting in the field, either saluted other in most louing wife, first on horsebacke, and after alighting on foot estsoones imbraced with cour|teous words, to the great reioising of the beholders: and after they had thus saluted ech other, they went both togither into a rich tent of cloath of gold, there set vp for the purpose, in the which they passed the time in pleasant talke, banketting, and louing deuises, till it drew toward the euening, and then departed for that night, the one to Guisnes, the other to Ard. At this meeting of the two kings in open sight, I then well perceiued (saith Hall) the habillements roiall of the French king. Edw. Hall. in H. 8. fol. lxxvij. The French kings roiall ornaments. His garment was a chemew, of cloath of siluer, culponed with cloath of gold, of da|maske, cantell wise, and garded on the borders with the Burgon bands.