All the copes and vestments were so rich as might be prepared or bought in the citie of Florens, for they were all but of one péece, so wouen for the purpose, cloth of tissue and powdered with red roses purpled with fine gold. The Orfris set with pearles and pre|cious stones. And all the walles and deskes of this chappell were hanged with right cloth of gold,Great cost vpõ popish trum|perie & super|sticious trash. & thrée rich great crosses were there readie to be borne at festiuall times, and basens and censers, gospellers, paxes, crewets, holie water vessels, and other orna|ments all of gold. Also in the first closet was a tra|uerse for the kings person of cloth of gold, & in it his place & chaire, with cushins of cloth of gold:The kings closet. before the trauerse was an altar of presence, which altar was adorned with cloth of broderie, and rich pearles and precious stones, set in goldsmiths worke of fine gold. On the altar was a deske or halpas, whereon stood a patible of the crucifix of fine gold, with an image of the Trinitie, an image of the virgine Marie, and twelue other images, all fine gold & precious stones, two paire of candlesticks of fine gold, with the ba|sens, crewets, paxes, and other ornaments.
The said closet was hanged with tapets embro|dered with rich worke fret with pearles and stones, the roofe of the same closet was sieled with worke of inmouled, gilt with fine gold, and senoper, and bise. The second closet was for the queens person, in which was a trauerse of rich cloth of gold,The quéenes closet. the altar so richlie apparelled, that there lacked neither pearles nor stones of riches. On the altar were twelue great i|mages of gold, the closet hanged with cloth of gold, all other iewels missall I suppose neuer such like were séene, and the roofe of the same closet was sieled with like worke that the kings closet was,A priuie gallerie. as is be|fore rehearsed. And from this palace or place into the mightie & strong fortresse & castell roiall of Guisnes, was a gallerie for the secret passage of the kings person into a secret lodging within the same castell,Houses of of|fices both ho|nourable and otherwise necessarie. the more for the king ease. Also to this palace was all houses of offices, that to such an honourable court should apperteine, that is to wit, the lord chamberlein, lord steward, lord treasuror of the houshold, for the comptrollor, the office of gréene cloth, wardrobes, iewell house, and office of houshold seruice, as ewrie, pantrie, cellar, butterie, spicerie, pitcher house, larder and poultrie, and all other offices so large and faire, that the officers might & did maruell, as in the craft of viands, by ouens, harthes, reredorses, chimnies, ranges, & such instrumens as there were ordeined.
In this palace (as ye haue heard) was the kings grace lodged, and all the nobles after their degrées. And for that the towne of Guisnes was little, and that all the noble men might not there belodged,Tents erected. they set vp tents in the field, to the number of twen|tie and eight hundred sundrie lodgings, which was a goodlie sight. Thus was the king in his palace roiall at Guisnes. Francis the French king was with all his nobles of the realme of France come to the towne of Ard, which was prepared for his comming, manie tents, halles, and pauilions were set and pit|ched in the field. On the French partie also there was at the same towne of Ard builded the French kings lodging full well, but not finished. Much was the prouision in Picardie on euerie part thorough all. The French king commanded his lodging to bée made a little out of the towne of Ard, in the territo|rie of an old castell, which by the warre of old time had béene beaten. On the same place was edified a house of solace and sport,A banketting house for so|lace and dis|port. of large and mightie com|passe, which was chieflie susteined by a great mightie mast, whereby the great ropes and tackle streined, the same mast was staied. All the roofe of the same house hoóng on the same mast, and with tackle was streined & borne by the supporters of the same mast EEBO page image 858 or trée, the colours of the same was all blew, set with starres of gold foile, and the orbs of the heauens by the craft of colours in the roofe, were curtouslie wrought in maner like the skie or firmament, and a cressant strained somedeale towards the towne of Ard, this cressant was couered with frets and knots made of iuie bushes, and box branches, and other things that longest would be gréene for pleasure.