[...]. Flem. [This was the end of sir William Stanleie the chiefest helper of king Henrie to the crowne at Bos|worth field against king Richard the third, and who set the same crowne first vpon the kings head,See pag. 760. when it was found in the field trampled vnder féet. He was a man (while he liued) of great power in his coun|trie, and also of great wealth; in somuch as the com|mon same ran, that there was in his castell of Holt found in readie coine, plate, and iewels, to the value of fortie thousand markes or more, and his land and fees extended to three thousand pounds by yeare. Ne|uerthelesse all helped not; neither his good seruice in Bosworth field, neither his forwardnesse (euen with the hazard of life) to prefer K. Henrie to the crowne, neither his faithfulnesse in cleauing to him at all brunts, neither the bond of aliance betwixt them, neither the power that he was able to make, neither the riches which he was worth, neither intercession of fréends, which he wanted not; none of these, nor all these could procure the redemption of his lost life:
O [...]luxum decus hominum, ô variabile tempus.]
¶On the sixtéenth of Nouember was holden the sergeants feast at the bishops place of Elie in Hol|borne, I [...]hn. Stow. pag. [...]69. The king and queene dine at sergeants feast kept at Elie place. A wonder to be noted in a c [...]pse that [...] the ground. where dined the king, queene, and all the chiefe lords of England. The new sergeants names were maister Mordant, Higham, Kingsmill, Conisbie, Butler, Yakesleie, Frowicke, Oxenbridge, & Con|stable. In digging for to laie a new foundation in the church of saint Marie hill in London, the bodie of [...] Hackneie, which had béene buried in the church [...] of 175 yeares, was found whole of skinne, & the ioints of hir armes pliable: which corpse was kept aboue ground foure daies without annoiance, and then buried againe. ¶Also this yeare (as maister Grafton saith) at the charges of maister Iohn Tate alderman of London was the church of saint Antho|nies founded, Rich. Grafton. & annexed vnto the college of Wind|sore, wherein was erected one notable and frée schoole to the furtherance of learning, and a number of poore people (by the name of almesmen, which were poore, aged, and decaied housholders) releeued, to the great commendation of that worthie man, who so liued in worship, that his death by his worthie dooings ma|keth him still aliue; for he was not forgetfull to beau|tifie the good state of this citie, in which by wealth he had tasted of Gods blessings.]
Compare 1577 edition:
2 About this
same time, diuerse men were punished that had vpon a presumptuous boldnesse
spoken ma|nie slanderous words against the kings maiestie, hoping still for the arriuall of the feigned
Richard duke of Yorke. After the death of sir William Stan|leie,
Anno Reg. 11. Lord Daube|nie the kings c [...]efe cham|berleine. Sir Edward P [...]inings s [...]nt into Ire|l [...]d with an [...]mie.