Compare 1577 edition: 1 But this is true, vpon his comming to the kings presence, he besought him of pardon, and obteined it; and therewith opened all the maner of the conspira|cie; so far as he knew, and who were aiders, fautors, and chiefe beginners of it;Sir William Stanleie a fauourer of Perkin. amongst whome he accu|sed sir William Stanleie, whome the king had made his chiefe chamberleine, and one of his priuie coun|cell. The king was sorie to heare this, and could not be induced to beleeue that there was so much vn|truth in him, till by euident proofes it was tried a|gainst him. Then the king caused him to be restrei|ned from his libertie in his owne chamber within the quadrat tower, and there appointed him by his pri|uie councell to be examined, in which examination he nothing denied, but wiselie and sagelie agréed to all things laid to his charge, if he were faultie therein.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The report is, that this was his offense.The offense of sir William Stanleie. When communication was had betwixt him, and the aboue mentioned sir Robert Clifford, as concerning Per|kin, which falselie vsurped the name of K. Edwards sonne; sir William Stanleie said, that if he knew certeinlie that the yoong man was the indubitate heire of king Edward the fourth, he would neuer fight or beare armour against him. This point argu|ed, that he bare no hartie good will toward king Hen|rie as then. But what was the cause that he had con|ceiued some inward grudge towards the king; or how it chanced that the king had withdrawen his speciall fauor from him, manie haue doubted.Coniectures of sir William Stanleies a|lienated from king Henrie. Some indéed haue gessed, that sir William Stanlie, for the seruice which he shewed at Bosworth field, thought that all the benefits which he receiued of the king to be farre vnder that which he had deserued, in preser|uing not onelie the kings life; but also in obteining for him the victorie of his enimies, so that his aduer|sarie was slaine in the field.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Wherfore desiring to be created earle of Chester, and therof denied, he began to disdeine the king. And one thing incouraged him much, which was the ri|ches and treasure of king Richard, which he onlie pos|sessed at the battell of Bosworth; by reason of which EEBO page image 779 riches and great power of men, he set naught by the king his souereigne lord and maister. The king ha|uing thus an hole in his coat, doubted first what he should doo with him; for loth he was to lose the fauour of his brother the earle of Derbie:King Henrie in a quanda [...]e. and againe to par|don him, he feared least it should be an euill example to other, that should go about to attempt the like of|fense. And so at length, seueritie got the vpper hand, & mercie was put backe, in so much that he was ar|reigned at Westminster and adiudged to die, and (according to that iudgement) was brought to the Tower hill the sixtéenth daie of Februarie, Sir William Stanleie be|headed. and there had his head striken off.