Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The English ambassadors mooued their message and request to Peter Landoise,Peter Lan|doise is moo|ued by the am|bassadors of king Richard in their sute. and to him declared their maisters commandement, instantlie requiring and humblie desiring him (in whose power it laie to doo all things in Britaine) that he would freendlie as|sent to the request of king Richard: offering to him the same rewards and lands, that they should haue of|fered to the duke. This Peter (which was no lesse dis|deined than hated almost of all the people of Bri|taine) thought that if he did assent & satisfie king Ri|chards petition and desire, he should be of power and abilitie sufficient to withstand and refell the mali|cious attempts and disdeinfull inuentions of his en|uious aduersaries. Wherefore he faithfullie promised to accomplish king Richards request & desire:Note what loue of lucre or gréedie ga|ping after re|wards dooth. so that he kept promise with him, that he might be able to withstand the cankered malice of his secret enimies.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This act that he promised to doo, was not for anie grudge or malice that he bare vnto the erle of Rich|mond: for (as you haue heard before) he deliuered him from the perill of death at saint Malos, when he was in great doubt of life, and ieopardie.Sée page. 701. But as cause ariseth we euer offend, and that curssed hun|ger of gold, and execrable thirst of lucre, and inward feare of losse of authoritie, driueth the blind minds of couetous men, & ambitious persons to euils and mis|chéefs innumerable, not remembring losse of good name, obloquie of the people, nor in conclusion the punishment of God for their merits and deserts. [Which vengeance of God for such falshood was more to be feared, Abr. Fl. than the gaie offers of the king to be desired; for the one was sure to fall, the other was likelie to faile. Wherefore it is wisedome to make choise of a fréend, by the rule of the wiseman to be ob|serued in wine, which is drunke with pleasure when it is old. Neither dooth it stand with a mans safetie to trust a freend too farre: for occasions maie fall out wherby he shall become an enimie, as the poet saith:
Hostis erit forsan qui tuns hospes erat.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But fortune was so fauourable to the publike wealth of the realme of England, that this deadlie and dolorous compact tooke none effect or place. For while posts ran, and letters were sent to and fro for the finishing of this great enterprise betwéene king Richard and Peter Landoise,Bishop Mor|ton preuen|teth & defea|teth the prac|tises of king Richard and Peter Lan|doise. Iohn Morton bishop of Elie (soiourning then in Flanders) was of all this craftie conueiance certified by his secret and sure fréends. Wherefore he sent Christopher Urswike (which at that verie season was come out of Britaine EEBO page image 748 into Flanders) to declare to the earle of Richmond how all the deceit and craftie working was conueied and compassed, giuing him charge to counsell and aduise the earle in all hast possible with all his com|panie to retire out of Britaine into France.